Operant Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Types of reinforcement
Reinforcement is anything that strengthens a response. Both types of reinforcement increase the
likelihood that the behaviour will be repeated.
The skinner box investigated operant conditioning in rats. When the rat accidentally pressed the
lever a food pellet fell into the cage. If the food pellets stop the rat presses that lever a few more
times than abandons it (extinction).
Strengths of classical conditioning explanations has led to the development of treatments for the
reduction of anxiety associated with phobias e.g. systematic desensitization. This works by
eliminating the learned anxious response and replacing it with another of relaxation. It has
worked for arachnophobia.
Limitations of classical conditioning explanations relationships between the CS and UCS tend
to be more difficult to establish for some species than for others. Seligman (1970) suggested that
animals are prepared to learn associations that are significant for survival rather than those that
are not significant to survival.