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In The Name of ALLAH

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In the name of ALLAH, The Most Merciful, The Most Beneficent

A religious practice which is not based on Quran or Sunnah, regardless of how beneficial it is, will only result in the deprivation of ALLAHs blessings







I have read this research work and feel like to share my thoughts with any next reader (may be u can disagree) but still I would recommend these practices to all my Muslim brothers and sisters in a larger interest of affectees religion and beliefs:-


I never believed any supernatural forces (jinns-spirits) or the magicians, who could so easily disturb our life

cycle. Unless a stage came in my life where I went through an endless cycle of sufferings and disturbances caused by these forces. Its effects could be so easily observed in my whole family by people living around us in our social circle. During this period I very closely observed these phenomena and tried to dig out the facts and establish the truthiness of this heinous crime done by theses ruthless magical forces. What is so devastatingly bad in it and how it plays havoc in our dear ones life? After getting targeted by these forces we (family as whole) have been looking for its cure and treatment for long time for almost 12 years. My beloved younger brother who was a student of BCS at virtual university, was worst victim of black magic, later one of my very sweet cousin (haffze quarn) who took over as a challenge to fight it back, died in a bid to cure him. And to my assessment the prime reason behind his death was the revenge of these supernatural forces. 2. I have been to these so called amils, peers, many times. Even I visited many institutions like jame-e-usmania,

jame-e- rehmania , minhajul quraan, in Lahore Pakistan and other etc like naqashbundia, quadries ,sunnies, braylwaies, wahabies, sulfies, shia,ehlae hadeeth, deo bundies and many others even dont know their sect and faith but found relief with none. Except it was cured by Mowahid (the one who very truly believe in ALLAH as only and the supreme power and follows his command as taught by Muhammad peace be upon him). 3. He was cured a little good by only two persons, while I had been taking him to them in different spans of time

during these worst years of our life but still he didnt recovered fully with their spiritual treatment unless he followed the ways as are told in this research. We lately felt in family that almost every member of our family started getting affected by the black magic because despite our prayers and recitation of Quranic surahs (pre-determined numbering or wazeefa style) in home the problem so badly persisted for very long.

2 4. My brother and my family is now fine, though brother not yet fully recovered (may be due to prolonged

influence of magic his mind is weak) but the key to our success to win this war against these supernatural forces and the magic influences is given in this research work below. I wish I could have found this guidance much earlier and it would have saved me lot of time, efforts and money. 5. I have made an effort to compile and edit the informations (as it was given on the web sites) and tried to gather

it in a small booklet format so it can be easily distributed and accessed by all our Muslim brothers and sisters who are real needy and may not have access to cyber world. But still I would try to ensure maximum circulation on web in pdf or ms word format too. 6. I once again appreciate the efforts done by our Muslim brothers (though the researchers beliefs seems to be

closer to Ahle hadith sect but its good that they do not label themselves with none). Research was direly needed but this aspect like many others was badly neglected in our Muslim society.

I pray that may ALLAH shower HIS countless blessing upon all those who took part in the research work and May whole our Muslim society stay safe from this evil, which is deviating a vast majority of innocent Muslims towards shirk, bidah and kuffar.



3 PART -1










Masnoon Healing



Muslim Sisters/Brothers

And in whatsoever you differ, the decision thereof is with Allah (He is the ruling Judge). (And say O Muhammad PBUH to these polytheists :) Such is Allah, my Lord in Whom I put my trust, and to Him I turn in all of my affairs and in repentance.

In a decade we have visited many spiritual healers and cure houses only to experience temporary cure and spend alot of money. I would find myself running to the healer with a yet new problem. My final cure came from repenting to ALLAH

4 for all my sins turning to ALLAH for all my affairs and turning my back to all spiritual healers. I have repented for going to these cure houses that have no basis in our religion.

Healers are increasing day by day. You can almost find a healer at almost every corner. Newspapers are bombarded with numerous advertisements of spiritual healers who claim to have a cure for all disease including magic. Most of the healers were very obvious in their fake techniques but then we came across one of the most cunning and malicious healers ever. Everything they say and do is superficially according to the Sunnah. The moment you arrive at their healing place you will hear them (healers and teams) lecturing people about Islam and Sunnah. The first impression is so intense that when the healing session starts, we become blind to the occultic techniques they are practicing right under our nose. We are hypnotized by their Islamic persona and brainwashed by their lectures to such an extent that after that we tend to follow them with full faith that they are sent by ALLAH to heal the world.

Humans are not perfect. This fact has been emphasized by The Prophets for centuries. Even the most religious and learned scholars and pious people can make mistakes. A good teacher would always remind his students that he too is capable of making mistakes; after all he is just a human. Students of Quran and Islam hold a great responsibility in uncovering stones and digging into these traps /fraud which their teachers were not able to. It is our responsibility to investigate such things instead of indulging in these newly invented healing techniques ourselves only because we saw the people we are inspired by promoting it. Islam does not teach us to judge any matter superficially! Everything that glitters is not gold.

It is very easy to fall into their traps because they all have one thing in common. No matter what they are regular in reminding you to establish your prayers, but what they won't tell you is that once you are in the circle of these healers/peers/magicians your prayers become invalid. You can't pray and Practice Kufr (occultic healing techniques) at the same time.

We have no justification in following any religious practice or human blindly. We need to get to the bottom of these things. We students have failed this responsibility. Our teachers and scholars cannot investigate each and every corner of this world but they have prepared their students with enough knowledge to judge right from wrong and have armed us with enough ammunition to go into the darkness and uncover the hidden evil.

5 When the students of Islam themselves are seen indulging in these healing techniques, the rest of the Ummah is bound to follow thinking that this practice must be right. We have paid a big price for seeking such healers and we still are paying the price. The moment we were about to be initiated into their team ALLAH opened our eyes. With the help of ALLAH, I have tried my best to fulfill this responsibility and provide you with enough information to expose these healers. Now it is your turn to play your part!

And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. And He pardons much. [42:30]


We worship YOU alone and only YOUR aid we seek [Al-Fatiha, 5]

Types of Spiritual Healers

In Muslims the trend of going to spiritual healers for solving physical or spiritual problems is increasing day by day. This trend is more popular among women than in men. Annually people are losing a lot of money on their quest to spiritual healing. Healers prey upon victims during their most venerable times or when they are most desperate. The aim here is not to disrespect anyone but only for the audience to see the trap they have so innocently or intentionally fallen into in the name of Islam.

Bad is bad, no matter how pure the intentions are. When the moral practice is evil, neither a good intention, nor dire circumstances, can cause the act to be moral.

These spiritual healers (amils, peers, sheikhs etc) are generally of two types in our society.

Not-So-Pious Healers

This category constitutes 95% of the healers present today. Their fraud healing sessions and innovated techniques are very obvious. Their practices are not in accordance with the Quran or Sunnah and they charge money for their services. They are very easy to identify. They claim to control jinns and other unseen entities which bring them information of the

6 unknown. The gullible would rather give their life savings to such healers to gain temporary relief instead of spending it in the name of ALLAH.

A saudi team exposed a magician. See it to believe it!

Sorcerer's Plot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf6lVgW6RkA ( click)

Such healers are known to distribute talismans (A talisman is a symbol or an object marked with magic signs and believed to give the wearer protection or supernatural powers taweez, threads etc) among their clients for healing purposes. For a detailed explanation of Talismans check AMULETS/ TAWEEZ

THE OTHERS (The Most Dangerous!!)

This category constitutes the remaining spiritual healers (roohani doctors). Their healing techniques are an amalgamation of both Sunnah and Bidah. They preach their clients to adhere to the Sunnah while at the same time they distribute wazeefas and practice techniques that have no basis in Quran or Sunnah.

The people used to ask The Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) about good, but I used to ask him about evil for fear that it might overtake me. Once I said, "O Allah's Apostle! We were in ignorance and in evil and Allah has bestowed upon us the present good; will there be any evil after this good?" He said, "Yes." I asked, "Will there be good after that evil?" He said, "Yes, but it would be tainted with Dakhan (i.e. little evil)."I asked, "What will its Dakhan be?" He said, "There will be some people who will lead (people) according to principles other than my tradition. You will see their actions and disapprove of them."

They too charge money for their healing sessions. In the garment of Islam they have turned this into blatant trade by methods of treatment that they have invented. Numerous books are being published by the healers which are simply quotations from here and there, only to glorify themselves. They base their books on their own alleged experiences, claiming that it is tried and tested, and make great claims on this basis. Then you see ordinary folk deceived by what has been written in the books, thinking that they are reading a book, full of knowledge.

7 Lengthy conversations between the jinn and the healer have been published. What is the point of publishing such conversations, unless it is simply propaganda to publicize the healer and his supposed ability to converse with the jinn? Some of them announce that the jinn has become Muslim or has repented and left the body of the afflicted. How often have we heard of huge numbers of jinn, who were possessing the body of a single woman, becoming Muslim and departing at the hands of a healer practitioner, and how interesting and exciting the conversation between them was. How can these events be verified when the jinns cant be seen or heard. Do these healers claim to keep a track on these jinns when they become Muslims? If the answer is Yes, then the healer is transgressing the limit and boundaries set by ALLAH between human and jinn. If the answer is No, then there are chances that the jinn lied and he never converted in the first place.

It is extremely dangerous to be fond of weird stories and to seek them out, especially stories on these matters. People of knowledge have always warned against a statement that the Shaytaan may make on the lips of a virtuous scholar.

These healers are of the most dangerous type. They gain our confidence through their religious speeches. While we are heavily brainwashed and blinded with such speeches, they practice magic and biddah right under our noses.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him)said ; Those who hear about DAJJAL should stay far from him. By ALLAH! A person will approach him thinking him to be a believer, but on seeing his amazing feats, will become his follower.

There are many categories of jinns. The Not-So-Pious healers usually ask for jinns for help but the so called "pious" healers ask maukals for help. Maukals are more powerful than jinns. They only appear when a surah or verse of Quran is recited over and over again for a specified amount and time. They are the most dangerous. Jinns cannot compete with them. A healer has to be very punctual in prayers, fasts and these unauthenticated wazeefas, only then the maukal will remain with him and help him. Just because a healer seems very pious does not mean he is not taking help from other entities.

These healers have not stopped here but have gone a step further and have started to misinterpret the quranic verses for healing purposes. The aim of this misinterpretation is to fool the client into believing that quranic ayats have hidden

8 meanings and mystical that is known only to the healers. This is certainly an outrageous claim. To read on further about these so called hidden interpretations click Source http://spiritualhealinginislam.webs.com/misinterpretingquran.htm

It was narrated that Ziyaad ibn Jadeer said: Umar said to me: Do you know what will undermine Islam? I said: No. He said: It will be undermined by the mistake of a scholar, the argument of a hypocrite that is falsely based on the Quran, and the rule of misleading rulers.

Muslims should stay away from spiritual healers because at the end of the day it all just comes down to spending money. This fitna (trial) is robbing us of our emaan (faith) and assets. It is high time that people of knowledge started to campaign against these people. There is no such thing as spiritual healers in Islam.

Our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) and The Companions were striving in ALLAH's path, participating in Jihad, teaching Quran, spreading Islam. They too had their fair share of spiritual attacks and problems. But they relied only and only on ALLAH. Their spiritual healer was ALLAH.

Seek Allahs help through perseverance and prayer. (2:45)

All other ways lead us astray.

The Truth About Spiritual Healers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OpOcoAPfIU (click) by Dr. Zakir Naik


Source http://youth-in-trance.webs.com/doctorvsspiritualhealers.htm

"Is ALLAH not sufficient for his men?" [24:36]

The aim of exposing these techniques it to make the reader realize that no matter how religious minded you are, if you are indulged in these activities you are a part of magic i.e. occult and witchcraft. These techniques if used for healing are also a sin because you used magic to ward off magic. Magic is disbelief (kufr). Belief and disbelief cannot go hand in hand. Ignorance is not an excuse.

9 Perhaps one of the most deadly and persistent roadblock in the way of finding out the Truth is blind following of ancestors. It cripples the mind, soul and comprehension of an individual and is a fierce barrier in the way of free-will and independent thought.

"Were you to follow the majority of the people on earth, they will lead you away from the way of Allah. They follow nothing but conjecture, they do nothing but lie!" (6.116).

Today we have numerous parties who claim to convey the truth. We need a standard against which we could judge the veracity of their claims. This standard is the life of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him)and his companions. We can evaluate their claims on the basis of this standard, whether these are righteous or based upon their own perceptions and thoughts?

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) also stated that during the period of decline only that party will be in the right direction which will be following his ideology and that of his companions.

Narrated by Ibn Abbas ALLAH's Apostle (

) said, "Seventy thousand people of my followers will enter

Paradise without accounts, and they are those who do not seek Ar-Ruqya (daam) and do not see an evil omen in things, and put their trust in their LORD". [Sahih Bukhari Volume 8]

Explanation of the hadith given above http://youth-in-ance.webs.com/doctorvsspiritualhealers.htm ( click)

The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) used to seek refuge from the jinn as well as from the evil eye until Surah al Falaq and An Naas were revealed. When they were sent down, he utilised them and left other things.

[at-Tirmidhi , Riyad as-Salihin by Imam an-Nawawi ]

WATER http://spiritualhealinginislam.webs.com/water.htm





10 EVIL EYE http://spiritualhealinginislam.webs.com/evileye.htm















REIKI (Occult Healing)





Some of our saints and teachers have played a leading role in great deceptions. They mislead their community from the noble path of believing in the one and only ALLAH. These scholars and leaders improve their own economic worth by fabricating new fads and rituals while padding their own pockets. Of exactly such persons that ALLAH has said in the Holy Quran:

O you who believe! Verily, there are many of the (Jewish) rabbis and the (Christian) monks who devour the wealth of mankind in falsehood, and hinder (them) from the Way of Allah. [At-Taubah: 34]

Water has played a very important role in summoning spirits/jinns. Muslim knows that the devil's / iblis' throne is on water. Magicians invoke these jinn by chanting words on uncovered water.

11 Jabir reported: I heard ALLAH's Messenger The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) as saying: The throne of Iblis is upon the ocean.

There are many types of jinn. One of them is water jinns /water spirits. They are connected to all liquids, but their presences can be felt in a much more powerful way by streams, rivers, lakes, oceans and the sea. They travel freely in water bodies.

And also the Shayatin (devils) from the jinns (including) every kind of builder and diver. [38:37]

Abu Hurayrah narrates that, 'Once the Messenger of ALLAH The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) saw a person drinking whilst standing, The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) asked him to vomit it back out', the person ask 'Why shall I vomit it out!' The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him)said 'Surely who drank with you is worse than a cat, that is the devil'.

Here is an excerpt from the book, Creatures in the Mist:

"In Mongolia shamans often invoke water spirits, called lus, for the purpose of removing bad fortune and unseen dangers. According to shaman Sarangeral, during rituals to cure an ill person, water is mixed with milk, tea, and liquor. The lus (water spirit) dissolves the evil forces that surround the individual in this concoction and it is then thrown outside in a direction dictated by the spirit. Because many streams, rivers, lakes and other bodies of water contain these spirits, it is forbidden to throw anything into the water. The worst offense, of course, is to urinate in water. "

The Messenger of ALLAH The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) forbade to urinate in stagnant water. [Muslim]

Shaman: A person who uses magic for the purpose of curing the sick, divining the hidden and controlling events. A shaman is also known as a member of certain tribal societies who acts as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world (world of jinns and demons) and who practices magic.

Water is one of the many gateways for the water jinns. It is amazing to see how these techniques crawled their way into Islam. Water does not hurt the jinns. They travel in it. Through it they enter our physical world.

12 Hence when you begin to recite verses continuously in water, water spirits (jinns) are invoked. When this water is sprayed onto the patients, the water spirit (jinn) dissolves the other jinns (attached to victim) or captures it. This is the reason why many healers while spraying "holy" water on patients ask the patients to hold a bowl in their hand and the water drips off of the patient into the bowl. Afterward this water is thrown out. Using jinns to heal people is magic. Magic is destined to steer towards hell! People usually end up saying "but we are using quranic verses". The miracle of Quran is that if you will use it for guidance it will guide you and if you use it for misguidance it will misguide you. Using Quran in a way we were taught by The Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) will invite good. The same Quran used in ways that were not prescribed by ALLAH and The Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) will invite evil. It is the same quran that magicians use to invoke jinns by degrading it! Quranic verses are powerful! Reading a verse 3 times is different than reading a verse 1000 times. Over dose of power will ultimately ruin.

The seven heavens and the earth and all that is therein, glorify HIM and there is not a thing but glorifies HIS praise. But you understand not their glorification. Truly, He is ever Forbearing, Oft-Forgiving. (17:44)

All things glorify ALLAH. Water also glorifies ALLAH. Once a scholar was asked what was the wisdom behind keeping the water's glorification hidden from us. Why can't we hear water glorify ALLAH? The scholar answered, "If you would be able to hear water glorify ALLAH, you would stop washing yourself with it." Since its (water) creation it has engaged in the glorification of ALLAH, even then the jinns would easily dive through, magicians would still invoke spirits through it and Iblis (Satan) would still hold its meetings on it. Then how can the healers claim that once we recite verses on it, jinns would not be able to withstand it. We have been fooled by the master of deceits into adopting ways of the magicians and neglecting the Sunnah.

During exorcisms there have been cases where a victim was told that he was about to be sprinkled with holy water. The moment the water would touch the victim's body, he would start screaming violently. The fact is, the water was not holy, it was normal water from the tap!!


During healing sessions, spiritual doctors are seen spraying/sprinkling water on victims. They claim that is it holy water (verses have been read on it). Some have found an alternative to the restriction of blowing on water. They resort to placing a finger in water and reciting. Would you like to know who they are imitating? Few examples are given below (chanting words have been omitted intentionally)


HINDU PUJA Dip your right index and middle fingers into the bowl of water and chant the following as you swirl the water, Om amritam ....... . Sprinkle yourself with the water and chant, Om pavitram .....

Example 2

PSYCHIC SPELL Dip the index finger of your right hand into the water and with your moistened finger, trace a circle, three times, one over the other, on your forehead.

Example 3

PAGAN WICCA RITUAL Dip your finger of your right hand into the wine/water and anoint your eyes (and say) Blessed be my eyes..............Dip your finger of your right hand into the wine/water and anoint your nose (and say) Blessed be my nose that........

Example 4

CONTROLLING SPELL Open your eyes and dip the fingers of your right hand into the water. Sprinkle the water onto the empty fabric while still holding the object in your left hand and repeat these words aloud..............

The above examples are sufficient for opening a believer's eyes. There is a dire need to acknowledge what is being practiced in the name of religion. Now we know why such practices are not found in the lives of The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) and The Companions. Our Prophet's The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) Sunnah does not resemble idolaters and magicians!!

14 Say: Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger: but if you turn away, he is only responsible for the duty placed on him and you for that placed on you. If you obey him, you shall be on right guidance.[24: 54]

BLOWING ON WATER (Dumm) This practice has also been caught on just like the talisman, threads, etc. You often see people lined up outside the mosques after the regular prayers with containers of water awaiting the namazees to blow on it. This is most evident on the last night of Tarawih in Ramadaan when large number of bottles are placed before the huffaz to blow on. All this is done in the name of religion! It is a pity that there is no one to explain to them that it is futile to expect any good from a thing which has been forbidden by the Holy Prophet !

Abu Said Kudri reports that The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) has forbidden us to blow on anything that is to be drunk. [Tirmizi]

Ibn Abbas reports that The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) has forbidden breathing or blowing on utensils. [Tirmizi]

These two traditions prove that what is now being practiced under the veil of religion is against the precepts and teaching of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him).

Other Practices

Besides the blowing (Dum), there are many other similar things being done. Some write Quranic Ayats with saffron on plates and ask people to wash it with water and drink it to ease their pains and put away any troubles. To some talismans are given with varied instructions to burn them with certain prayers to purify their house of evil effects. Some open certain books to foresee the future; some make use of astrology to forecast the future; (some also use birds). To some, stones of different colors are given to cast off evil influences. If no one wakes up now to guide the misled, then the future looks very bleak indeed.


The trend of going to healers and asking for interpretations of dreams is becoming very popular especially among women. Your dreams are one of the greatest weapons that a healer/ magician can use against you. Our ignorance

15 regarding this subject and our rejection towards Sunnah regarding dreams have aided these healers in finding out about our weaknesses. They have manipulated these weaknesses to full extent. There are three types of dreams.

Good dreams from ALLAH

Bad dreams from shaitan (satan)

Dreams from nafs/ sub-conscious : The third type (dreams from nafs) are the ones that are mostly manipulated. Healers love to enquire about these dreams even though they might not show their interest but deep down they are interested.

Example: - A woman dreams that someone is continuously doing magic on her.

Now on hearing this dream the healer will either say this dream is true and if you don't do something about it your husband will leave you or you will die. Now she will start spending a lot of money to ward off this magic (which never existed in the first place).

On the other hand if this dream was true, even the healer would not be able to permanently break off the magic and will rob her assets because the healer knows that his techniques can only give temporary cure.

Behind the Scene

When a magician really curses someone with black magic, he sends his jinn helpers. Their first duty is to deprive you of dreams. Their next duty is to take form of people you suspect (they already found that out through your dream) and show you in your dreams that they are doing magic on you. It is a RULE that they never take form of the real person that has gone to the magician to curse you with a spell. They protect the person!

That is why women end up suspecting the wrong people. This is a well planned trap laid out for women to rob them of all the hard earned halal money their husbands are earning. They end up spending this halal money on acts of kufr. Then they expect blessings to be showered on them by ALLAH. They are not only deceiving their husbands but are inviting the wrath of ALLAH. No wonder women end up addicted to these healers and go to them for life time.

16 Dreams hold an important position in Islam. ALLAH communes with us through good dreams whereas shaitan (satan) misguides us through bad dreams. Dreams are a personal matter between us and ALLAH.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him)said, "A true good dream is from Allah, and a bad dream is from Satan." [Bukhari] Unfortunately Muslims, due to ignorance, have not been able to take full advantage of this blessing. Here are some facts about dreams:

It Warn about the future

It Guide us (ALLAH)

It may give glad tidings

It Expose sins

It may misguide us (satan)

It may expose our enemies

A dream can expose a person's personal sins. Sins no one knows about. The moment such a dream is narrated to another person; he can come to know about your sins even if he has a little understanding of dream interpretation. Your dreams can be used as a weapon against you when narrated to the wrong person.

Narrating Good Dreams

Islamic dreams are from ALLAH. Good dreams that give a pleasant feeling to the dreamer are from ALLAH. Such dreams also bring good tidings, blessings and good news from ALLAH. A person should be very cautious in narrating his good dreams to people because his good dreams can become an object of envy and jealousy.

This lesson can also be learned from the story of Hazrat Yousaf (AS).

17 (Remember) when Yusuf (Joseph) said to his father: "O my father! Verily, I saw (in a dream) eleven stars and the sun and the moon, I saw them prostrating themselves to me."

This dream was a glad tiding to Hazrat Yousaf (AS) from ALLAH. He narrated it to his father whom he trusted. On hearing this dream, his father's response was:

He (the father) said: "O my son! Relate not your vision to your brothers, lestthey arrange a plot against you. Verily! Shaitan (Satan) is to man an open enemy!

Our Prophets were bestowed with wisdom by ALLAH. We can clearly see this wisdom from Hazrat Yaqub's (AS) response. There are two major lessons to be learnt from the above response.

Enemies or jealous people can cause hindrance in glad tidings and create plots to deprive us from what ALLAH has in store for us.

Shaitan (satan) can also manipulate events to deprive us of the glad tidings through dreams or his minions among (humans and jinn).

Prophet The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said: "A good dream is from ALLAH, so if anyone of you saw a dream which he liked, he should not tell to anybody except to the one whom he loves,

Many people are heard complaining that they used to see beautiful Islamic dreams but now they have deprived of those dreams. It is also because they did not take into account or focus on the advice given to Hazrat Yousaf (AS) by his father. There are two things that can deprive a person of good dreams from ALLAH i.e Sins and Evil eye. Confusions Regarding Good Dreams

Dreamers need to exercise great caution when analyzing good dreams. Satan and his helpers can take many forms. They can also imitate angels and Prophets except Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him). If in a dream he is told to practice something that is against Shariah, then no matter how good the dream may seem to him, he should ignore it and ask refuge from shaitan (satan) and his tricks.

18 Example 1:- If a dreamer sees in his dreams that he is being approached by angels who are saying that now his deeds are enough and he does not need to offer salah anymore. Then this dream will be not considered a good and islamic dream. Any dream that conveys a message in discordance with the Shariah is a dream from shaitan (satan).

Example 2:- If a dreamer sees that he has won a lottery and is going to Hajj with that money, then this again is a trap from shaitan (satan). This way he can spoil your good deed through haram money. Hajj performed with haram money is not acceptable.

Example 3:- If a dreamer sees a saint who is asking him to go to his grave and light candles or diya, then this dream is surely a trap from shaitan.

If the dreamer was a women then the consequences will far more dangerous if she responds to this order. Jinns cannot gain power over humans until they commit a grave sin. Hence this act will result in allowing the jinn who took the form of a saint to enter the person's life to create problems.

"ALLAH has cursed women who visit graves and those who build mosques and place lights upon them."

[ Abu Dawood, al-Tirmidhi, al-Nisaa'i and al-Haakim]

Abu Hurairah narrated: "The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him)said: May ALLAH curse Jews and Christians for they turned the graves of their Prophets into places of worship. [Bukhari and Muslim]

They enjoy creating misunderstandings between husband and wife and like to play around with the young girls of the house. Hence a simple act of shirk on the mother's side can create problems in her children's lives too. They end up being very disobedient to their parents. This is where the parents should blame themselves.

Dreams of the Prophets

Boasting about seeing a Prophet in a dream is a very common sight among the Muslims. Ignorance regarding the subject is resulting in severe misguidance of Muslims.

Example 1:- One of the most common dreams among women is marrying Hazrat Eesa (as).

19 Women truly begin to think that they have been chosen to marry Hazrat Eesa (as). ALLAH guide us. On the contrary, this dream has many meanings: It is a severe warning to the dreamer to mend their ways before its too late. They are indulging into acts of kufr and shirk or will indulging in them in the future. It is an indication that the dreamer will be marrying a person who is involved in activities full of shirks. The dreamer is working on a project that involves shirk.

Example 2:- Once there were two friends, one of them belonged to the Qadiyani sect and the other belonged to the sunni sect. They both had long discussions about their sects. Suspicion started to rise in the sunni friend. He slept one day and saw a dream.

In a dream there is an old man dressed in white sitting in a ship. He says to the dreamer you are on the wrong path. Come board our ship (belonging to qadiyanis).

The dreamer thought it to be a sign from ALLAH to become a qadiyani! This was a beautiful trap set up by satan to misguide the dreamer. Once a person becomes suspicious of something he becomes vulnerable to attacks from Satan. Hence instead of just relying on dreams a person should research properly on his suspicions.

Example 3:- Seeing The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) advising to do an act that is against Sunnah.

This a trap of satan. Satan cannot take the ACTUAL FORM of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him). The Companions knew the actual form only. Hence Satan can take the form of any normal person and portray it as Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) and we would not be able to identify as we are not aware of the true appearance of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him).

Narrating Bad Dreams

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said: And if he who saw a dream which he disliked then he should seek refuge with ALLAH from its evil and from the evil of satan, and spit three times on his left and should not tell it to anybody, for it will not harm him".[Bukhari]

20 The hadith stated above is very clear. Do not share bad dreams with ANYONE.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said: When any one of you sees a hulm (dream from satan) he should not inform anyone, for it is a sort of vain sport of devil in the state of sleep". [Muslim]

Further Reading: Understanding Your Dreams http://youth-in-trance.webs.com/understanding.htm


Wazeefa is the repetition of sacred words and phrases like quranic verses or names of ALLAH or zikar of ALLAH for spiritual help or various personal and worldly needs or problems. In other words wazeefa is to read a particular dua in a prearranged manner constantly for a specific period of time.

Wazeefa is a very special part of any healing technique. Any quranic wazeefa that is not in accordance with the sunnah is not acceptable. It shows your doubt in the completion of ISLAM and implies disrespect towards ALLAH and The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him). The person who is practicing it is suggesting that ALLAH and His Prophets have forgotten to address some issues and hence he is seeking help from spiritual healers which in turn are trying to prove that they are capable of doing what our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) wasn't. These wazeefas are given in various counts e.g 11, 19, 70, 200, 313, 363, 786, 1000 etc.

Muslim mystics believe that one can summon demons and jinns by reciting a certain passage of the Quran one hundred or thousand times. The jinn sometime shows himself and sometimes keeps himself hidden. The jinns silently begin to create destruction in the lives of those who summon them intentionally/innocently by these wazeefas. The jinns are attracted to continuous repetition of a specefic wazeefa over and over again. On the termination of that specific wazeefa, the jinns create such havoc in the life of that person, that they are forced to continue the wazeefa.

There are times, when a person becomes addicted to a specefic wazeefa and gradually begins to leave obligatory duties. He would rather recite the wazeefa instead of saying his prayers. Wazeefas are known to create physical problems too. Pains in joints, drying up of eyes, feeling lethargic are some of the problems caused by this unauthenticated act. The

21 only reason is that jinns possesses a human body through these wazeefas. The body is not able to withstand the presence of this new entity and begins to deteriorate.











Have you ever been curious about the origin of these numbers? And what the implications of this practice can be?

"Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their deeds!" [18:104]

For instance repeating a wazeefa 363 or 313 times is most popularly given to youth (especially women) by spiritual healers. People are unaware of the consequences of these practices and they end up with various physical and spiritual problems and by doing so they create more problems for themselves instead of getting a solution. These could be the ways to call upon magic or invoke jinns that are associated with this number as well.

Facts about 19

Many people have been seen reciting a verse 19 times. The number 19 has been used in Quran but not on a positive note.

And what will make you know exactly what Hell-fire is? It spares not (any sinner), nor does it leave (anything unburnt)! Burning the skins! Over it are nineteen (keepers of Hell).[Surah Mudassir: 27-30]

Now is it clear where these number are really coming from. Reciting a verse or any zikr for a calculated quantity is not a part of our religion and its teachings.

Facts about 70

Another common wazeefa being practiced is reciting anything 70 times.

You can ask forgiveness for them, or not ask forgiveness for them. Even if you asked forgiveness for them seventy times, ALLAH still would not forgive them. That is because they have rejected Allah and His Messenger The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) Allah does not guide deviant people.

22 Healers justify preaching these repetitions for a specific number of times because the numbers are found in Quran. This justification is invalid and illogical. Seventy is used as a metaphor for a large number in the verse given above. Why would healers choose numbers that are used in a negative context in Quran?

Facts about 363

Here is a number that is not found in Quran. Why would healers ask youngster to recite a verse 363 times?

363 is the numerical presentation of Thoth, an ancient Egyptian diety associated with magic, science and the law. He holds the balance of the scales of justice between good and evil. Thoth is concerned with NOT ALLOWING EITHER GOOD OR BAD TO TRUIMPH- only maintaining the equilibrium between the two (ever wondered why your problems are not being permanently solved).

Thoth was also the god of wisdom, inventor of writing, patron of scribes and the divine mediator. Myths concerning Thoth show him as a divinity whose counsel is always sought. Just like we are running behind our healers for the pitiest of issues.

363 is the numerical representation for the divine name of Yesod.






Kabbalah. In









Spirit' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Spirit (click)




about Yesod

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yesod_%28Kabbalah%29 (click)

Healers use these numbers in wazeefas for paying respect to the so called god associated with that number and in some cases they use it to invoke that god for help.

Kabbalah is not Islam = 363 IS NOT Islam.

LIKEWISE other counts given are somehow related to something supernatural and evil too. One should be very careful while reciting any wazeefa. You never know what does it invoke, You never know the consequences, maybe they are

23 good for the time being, but they could seriously affect your life too. To be on safer and ALLAH`s side, follow the sunnah strictly as it is the only right path.

Abdullah bin Amar (RA) relates that The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said "Surely things will happen to my people as happened earlier to Israelites, they will resemble each other like one shoe in a pair resembles the other to the extent that if anyone among the Israelites has openly committed adultery to his mother there will be some who will do this in my Ummah as well, verily the Israelites were divided into 72 sections but my people will be divided into 73 sections, all of them will be in the fire except one." The companions asked, 'Who are they Messenger of Allah,' The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said, "They are those who will be like me and my companions."

Vain repetitions are forbidden by ALLAH, and are the tools and practices of heathens (pagans) and these repeated chants or prayers will NOT be heard by ALLAH. But they will certainly be heard by the satan and his jinns.

"A lady went to a healer due to her marital problems. He gave her a wazeefa consisting of ALLAH's names and a quranic verse. The day she practiced the wazeefa (recited it at a specific time for a specific amount) something happened to her husband and he started yelling at her and kicked her out of the house. After a month he brought her back. She went back to the healer and complained on which the healer told her that is the part of her husband's healing. She should continue. She continued the wazeefa and now its been a year since her separation. Practices against the Sunnah will invite ALLAH's wrath not his blessings! "

You will ask what does the healer gets out of this. The truth is these healers have jinns/satanic forces working for them. The more destruction they create in Muslim families the more power they get and more wishes are fulfilled.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said: Iblees (Satan) has his throne above the water (at sea) and sends forth his detachments. The closest of them to him (at days end) are those who cause the greatest trial. One of them comes back to him and says: I did such and such. Satan replies: Youve done nothing. Then another comes to him and says: I did not leave him along until I caused division between him and his wife So Satan draws him close and says: Well done!

24 Please beware of these wazeefas and stay away from those who issue such wazeefas. The only solution to our problems is to recite, understand and ponder over Quran and implement its teaching, not in repeating its verses thousands of times vainly! Come back to the Quran and Sunnah!

Some people practice Wazeefas when done with their obligatory prayer. They do not get up from that place and initiate their wazeefa by sitting there for a long time and reciting the same thing over and over again. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) did not allow a person to continue units of an obligatory prayer without talking in the middle. Then how can this practice be valid.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) ordered us not to join one prayer with another prayer without leaving or speaking (in between)." [Muslim and Abu Dawood]

So the scholars have understood from this that a gap must be made between the obligatory and the Sunnah - either by speaking or by changing one's place. A person is encouraged to break the continuous cycle in prayers then how can a person be allowed to continue the practice of wazeefa without talking or moving at all. The truth is these wazeefas have been introduced into our religion to misguide people and portray Islam as a tough religion where ALLAH does not listen to prayers but only responds to vain repetitions.

Quantity does not matter. Quality matters. Those who have been told to recite a particular verse a 1000 times begin to make mistakes in the pronunciation of the verse because their aim is to finish the

wazeefa. Hence they speed up the process by ignoring the rules of tajweed or even the rules of recitation and without knowing it completely change the meaning of the verses or zikr.

Abu Huraira reported ALLAH's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: When any one of you gets up at night (for prayer) and his tongue falters in (the recitation) of the Qar'an, and he does not know what he is reciting, he should go to sleep.

25 Innovated Duroods

He who revived a Sunnah out of my Sunan, which has died after me, for him, is the reward like the reward of those who acted upon it, without any decrease in that reward. He who introduced some innovation which Allah and His Messenger did not approve has (a burden of sin upon himself and the sins of one who acted according to it, without their sins being mitigated thereby in the least. SOURCE Transmitted by Tirmidhi.

The trend of distributing innovated duroods is rapidly picking speed day by day. Innocent Muslims who are a little ignorant regarding the knowledge of Islam are easily adopting ways that have no basis in our religion. Innovation in Islam is the invention, creation or addition of any religious matter which was not (originally) found in Islam. Therefore, Islam warns against it and invalidates any religious deed which does not originate from the Qur'aan and the Sunnah.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him), says in this respect: "He who innovates something that is not in agreement with our matter (religion), will have it rejected." [Al-Bukharee and Muslim]

This is because innovation in religion is an opposition to Islam; it implies that our religion is incomplete and imperfect with regards to the matters of worship. Shaikh Ibn 'Uthaimeen says: Innovation entails the adoption of dangerous ways"

In Quran ALLAH says:

"This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion."

Therefore, any innovation introduced into the religion implies that Islam is imperfect and incomplete. When The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) was asked how we should send blessings, instead of saying, you can send durood and salutations the way you desire, he gave a CLEAR and DEFINITE answer (seen in the hadith given below). Unfortunately Muslims have put behind the practices and teachings of The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) to follow others. All the innovated duroods have no standing in our religion. They were not taught by The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) or practiced by The Companions. Not a single hadith narrates them.

26 Narrated Ka'b bin Ujra (Radi Allah Anhu): It was said, "O Allah's Apostle The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him)! We know how to greet you, but how to invoke Allah for you?" The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said, "Say: Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa'ala Ali Muhammaddin, kama sallaita 'ala all Ibrahim, innaka Hamidun Majid. Allahumma barik 'ala Muhammaddin, kama barakata 'ala ali Ibrahim, innaka Hamidun Majid" [Sahih Bukhari]

Facts about Durood Tanjaina: Durood Tanjaina is one of the most popular innovated duroods practiced by Muslims today. The story behind the durood is:

"I was in a ship which was sinking. I lapsed into semi consciousness. Rasoolullah (S.A.W.) appeared to me in this state and taught me the following Durood which the Prophet(P.B.U.H) said should be recited 1000 times by the passengers of the ship. The passengers had barely recited the Durood 300 times and the ship was saved (miraculously)."

Following three points should be analyzed:

1. Imagine yourself in a ship that is sinking, can you go to sleep at a time of severe panic? 2. Can you memorize the durood in an instance? If he was a gifted person then how were all the passengers able to memorize it in seconds? It took that long for the ship to sink? 3. Why would the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) teach durood e ibraheem to The Companions and teach a secret new durood to someone else OR did the Prophet (peace be upon ) forget to tell the Ummah that there are way better duroods out there that will save you compared to durood ibraheemi. Did the Prophet (peace upon him)

27 not carry out his full task and now has taken to coming in people's dreams to teach the rest of the worship techniques?

4. Namaz is the best and valid act of worship. We were taught to recite Durood Ibraheemi in salat. Why not recite these innovated duroods in salat? They seem to have much more rewards!

Exaggeration of Durood Ghausia

The translation of another innovated durood is:

"O Allah! Send thy blessings on our Master, Muhammad, whose light was created before anything else in this world and whose appearance became mercy and signal boon for all the creatures, equivalent to all those created previously and hereafter equal in number with the lucky and unlucky ones; and send thy blessing and bounties on him in the number which is impossible to be counted even, and which may be spread all over, and also that kindness and mercy which has neither beginning nor end, and which is always fresh and fine with your kindness, and the same blessings on his Family and Companions permanently".

Narrated Sa'd ibn AbuWaqqas: Ibn Sa'd said: My father (Sa'd ibn AbuWaqqas) heard me say: O Allah, I ask Thee for Paradise, its blessings, its pleasure and such-and-such, and such-and-such; I seek refuge in Thee from Hell, from its chains, from its collars, and from such-and-such, and from such-and-such. He said: I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) say: There will be people who will exaggerate in supplication. You should not be one of them. If you are granted Paradise, you will be granted all what is good therein; if you are protected from Hell, you will be protected from what is evil therein. (Sunan Abu Dawud)

The words (durood ibraheemi) taught by Our Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) are free from exaggeration too.

Durood-e-Radawiyya The New duroods are encouraged to be recited by exaggerating their reward. It is said that reciter of Durood-eRadawiyya will be blessed with 300 Mercies of Almighty Allah and 5,000 good deeds are written in his Naama-e-

28 Amaal.Where did this calculation come from? Is it a hadith? Did the innovator take a glance at the nama e amal of the reciters of this durood?

Narrated Abdullah (ra): The Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) said, The best people are those of my generation, then those who come after them, then those who come after them. And then after them will come people whose witness will precede their oaths, and whose oaths will precede their witness (i.e. they are treacherous). [Sahih Bukhari, Book 76,#437]

Any act of worship that was not found in these three generations will be rejected and labeled as innovations. The Holy Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) was alive at that time to correct any of the Companions if they made a mistake or introduced anything that was not allowed. After the death of The Prophet of ALLAH (Peace Be upon Him), the Companions did not invent new ways of worship and were very strict regarding the Sunnah because now, The Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) was not present anymore to validate such acts.

Hudhayfah bin al-Yaman said, "Every act of worship that the Companions did not do, do not do it" [Abu Dawood]

These new duroods have not been practiced by The Companions and neither have they been validated by The Prophet (peace upon him). Why indulge in something that is clearly doubtful. An-Nu`man bin Bashir (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: Messenger of ALLAH (Peace Be upon Him) said, "What is lawful is clear and what is unlawful is clear, but between them are certain doubtful things which many people do not know. So he who guards against doubtful things keeps his religion and his honor blameless. But he who falls into doubtful things falls into that which is unlawful, just as a shepherd who grazes his cattle in the vicinity of a pasture declared prohibited (by the king); he is likely to stray into the pasture. Mind you, every king has a protected pasture and Allah's involved limits are that which He has declared unlawful. Verily, there is a piece of flesh in the body, if it is healthy, the whole body is healthy, and if it is corrupt, the whole body is corrupt. Verily, it is the heart.[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

If man abstains from them, it means that he is keeping his duty to Allah. Yet, if he is involved in them without caring for what is allowable or unallowable, he may be supposed to have out stepped the Divine limits. Verily, the best words are

29 those of ALLAH; the best guidance is that of Muhammad; the worst matters {of creed or worship} are those innovated {by people}; for, every such innovated matter is a bidah; and every bidah is a misguidance that shall reside in the fire.

Evil Eye

A look or stare believed to cause injury or misfortune to others is known as evil eye. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said, "The effect of an evil eye is a fact."[Bukhari]

Al-Haafiz ibn Hajar said: What is meant by the evil eye is looking at something with admiration contaminated with envy from one who is evil in nature so it results in harm.[Fath Al-Baari by Ibn Hajar]

Jaabir ibn Abdullah said: The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said: "Most of those who die of my Ummah, after the will and decree of ALLAH, will die because of the evil eye." [Bukhari]

Nowadays, other practices are being widely used to ward off evil eye, which were not introduced by The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) as part of our religion. We refer to them as "DESI TOTKA. Do you think its alright to give priority to these myths over Islamic practices? While doing these practices, we often ignore the real musnoon ways. These practices are as follows and are nothing but a trap to keep you away from the musnoon cures:-

Rotating egg upon the affected in certain manner and then throwing it away.

Burning chillies and determining by their smell whether the person is affected by evil eye or not.

Rotating meat upon the affected and then throwing it as SADKA on roofs for birds. Burning phatkarhi () Marking black moles behind the ear. Wearing black threads. Wearing evil eye locket (are you provoking it or taking refuge from it?

30 Some people believe that children are quickly affected by the evil eye. As prevention, every house should have a steel knife, blade or scissors. If the child leaves the house, the steel object must be with the child. This is once again a legacy of the pre-Islamic days of ignorance. Let us see what The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) wife; Ayesha had to say about this very common practice.

The mother of the faithful, Ayesha used to receive newly born children brought by their parents for her to pray to ALLAH for HIS blessings on them. On one occasion, she noticed a child wearing a blade and enquired what it was for, and was told it was prevention against jinns.

Hazrat Ayesha (ra) removed the blade and threw it away and forbade the parents from doing anything of that sort. She said that the The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) was strongly against such actions and that is why she is forbidding them also. [Bukhari]

The knife and razor amulets are very common in other religions i.e Buddhism. It is also a part of fashion. We are strictly forbidden to follow or resemble any religion other than Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) asked to color the beards with Henna so that Muslim men should not resemble the Jews who leave beards white.


Jew Rabbi

When physical resemblance is not allowed, how could we follow their superstitions?

The Quran and Musnoon duas are of great help to ward off evil eye and evil spirits. We should recite them instead of falling prey to the traps of Iblees.

May ALLAH protect us all. Ameen.

The Mirror

A common technique used during healing sessions is through the use of mirrors. In Chinese Traditions the mirror is used for capturing and banishing spiritual entities. Magicians use this technique mostly known as mirror gazing. Mirror gazing' is a meditative technique wherein the client holds a direct focus on his or her reflection in a mirrored surface. In simple words spiritual healers ask their clients to stare into a mirror (stare into the eyes of your reflection). If this is happening in your case RUN OUT OF THERE AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!

Bad is bad, no matter how pure the intentions are.

No matter how trust worthy or pious the healer may seem, if you are required to stare into a mirror (or anything), Refuse and leave at once. This "image" may be used to cast a curse or spell. These newly introduced techniques have been introduced into Islam by people whose real aim is only to practice occult/magic under the disguise of Islam.

What is allowed is clear and what is forbidden also is clear. But, between them, there are a few things that are doubtful, and many people do not know about them. Thus, whoever keeps away from doubtful things as well will protect his faith and honor and (his record will) remain unblemished, and whoever will indulge in doubtful things will land in himself within the borders of the forbidden. [Bukhari and Muslim]

Gazing (staring) onto a reflective surface is used as a focus tool for occult purposes. The reflective surface's ability to allow a person to quickly enter an altered state has made it a necessary tool for many occult practitioners. The reflective

32 surface used for occult purposes may enable results that would otherwise have either have taken a longer time or been unattainable. In Ancient times, mirrors or any reflecting surface was used for both magic and repelling evil. They were used by all classes of society, but especially by magicians, witches, sorcerers, and cunning men and women. Students of the occults use mirrors to look into the world of spirits (jinns). Communication with Spirits by Mirror Gazing, also called scurrying, is a form of communication with spirits that has been around for hundreds of years. It is reputed to be the method engaged Nostradamus himself.

Cartoons (Snow White, Harry Potter etc.) have been promoting magic among youngsters for a long time. We are all aware of the Magic Mirror "in Snow White. The same method is used in magic.

Our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) has forbidden us to imitate the kuffar in any way. How can healing techniques that are similar to witchcraft / occult techniques be allowed in Islam. Such techniques un-doubtly have beneficial/healing effects. This is Shaitan's trap to strengthen your belief in such healers and their practices, so the moment you indulge in these sessions the shayateen leave you at once because their aim has

been achieved (tempting/deceiving us into defeating magic through magic/ healing through magic).

ALLAH says: "Those whos all efforts in this worldly life had gone astray from the Right Way, but all along they were under the delusion that they were doing good deeds..." (18:104)

Amulets / Taweez

Verily, the best words are those of ALLAH; the best guidance is that of Muhammad; the worst matters {of creed or worship} are those innovated {by people}; for, every such innovated matter is a bidah; and every bidah is a misguidance that shall reside in the fire.

Conduct a random search of the necks of most present day Muslims, the majority will be wearing a paper talisman, miniature Quran, rosary, thread or small razor, etc. They apparently believe these charms will avert bad luck evil spirits, illness, etc. These talismans, threads, potions and their likes have not been sanctioned by The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him).

33 Abdullah bin Masood reports that I have heard The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) saying that blowing (dum), taweez (talismans), threads and potions are all shirk. [Mishkaat Sharif]

Esa Bin Hamza (Rahimahullah) says, I visited Abdullah Bin Akeem (Rahimahullah) during his sickness; he was suffering from a sickness called "Hamra". I asked him why he was not wearing the talisman that was meant for the sickness specifically. He replied, "May ALLAH save me from the talisman. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) has said: whoever hangs anything he will be entrusted to that thing only. [Abu Dawood, Mishkat, Tirmizi]

TALISMAN: The word talisman comes from the Arabic word, tilsam which itself comes from the Greek word telos which means to consecrate or to initiate into the mysteries. A talisman can be defined as,

"An object that has apparently magical or miraculous effects and that can avert misfortune and bring good fortune when acquired".

AMULET: According to Dr. J. Knap pert, the word amulet was originally derived from the Greek word amyl on meaning food, which were offered at places where spirits were thought to pass, in order to please them and avoid their harm. [An Encyclopaedia of Myth and Legend African Mythology].

The word amulet in the English language has been defined as: An object, either natural or man-made, believed to be endowed with special powers to protect or bring good fortune... amulets are thought to derive power from their connection with natural forces, from religious associations, or from being made in a ritual manner at a favorable time. [The New Encyclopedia Britannica (15th Edition 1991)]

TAWEEZ: The word taweez is an Urdu rendering of the Arabic word taweedh which is another word used for tameemah. A tameemah can be defined as an object which is hung on someone or something with the belief that it has the power to repel harm or bring about good fortune. Therefore the words taweez and tameemah are often translated as amulet, charm or talisman.

The reality today is that most taweez which are sold to unaware victims contain things which no layman can decipher! These taweez contain numbers, grids, letters, diagrams, symbols, etc. which are all based on the practices of magicians

34 and Cabbalists. In some cases, taweez have been found to contain supplications to other than ALLAH, such as Angels, Prophets and even Jinns! Not only is this ascribing partners to ALLAH - as none can answer supplications except HIM but it also bears likeness to the taweez used by the Pre-Islamic Arabs and people of other religions who call upon spirits to achieve their goals!

Cabbala vs. Islamic Taweez: As mentioned, the taweez is used by people of various faiths, and the resemblances between the taweez of different cultures and creeds can be striking at times; it also points to the common source of this practise (i.e. shaytaan).

A Celebrity Wearing a Taweez

The concept of Numbers having powers came back from ancient Egyptian magicians. They used to believe every number has its power. Today WICCA is also based on it. But in our religion ISLAM, we dont have space for all this


Kaballah Amulet

Muslim Taweez

Note: The Muslim amulet (right) contains the first ayah from Surah an-Nasr (110), mentions salah upon The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) and is then followed by letters and symbols. The numbers in the grid match the numbers in the cabbala amulet (left) exactly.

Kaballah Amulet

Muslim Taweez

Note: The similarity between both the amulets is clear.

Taweez Containing Quranic Verses

Many put forth the argument that the Quran itself proclaimed itself as a cure and healer. The answer to this is that the cure is not in hanging it around the neck but by using it as shown to us by ALLAH and His Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him). The Quran would be a healer and cure if it is read with understanding, benefiting from its contents and decorating the actions sincerely with the noble characteristics as shown in it. Honey has been called a cure in the Quran

36 itself, but surely no one goes around carrying a bottle of honey around one's neck all the time. Similarly, the doctor's pharmacopeia contains all the cures but a sick person would not dare carry it around his neck for cure purposes. It is for such persons that the Holy Quran has said:

And most of them believe not in Allah without associating (others as partners) with Him. (12:106)

Then along with the devilish mumbo-jumbo, Quran is also written in the taweez and he hangs it up when he maybe in a state of impurity, in a state of minor or major impurity, and he never shows any respect towards it or keeps it away from other things.


Here are few points which will expose the reality behind these taweez (either numeral or quranic verses):

Every taweez has entities / jinn attached to it. They serve as slaves to that taweez. And in this way they possess you and can play with your psyche too.

These entities relieve you from a certain illness or problem for a while. For example, if you get scared at night, these jinns will deal with other jinns around you so that they should not bother you but they are allowed to live with you. You are also like a magnet for other entities if you are wearing any taweez. They are attached with you protecting you from smaller problems but in the longer run creating a bigger problem. Or may be putting you in a life time of SHIRK.

After an appointed time they start troubling you themselves so that you would go back to the peer / healer (considering the fact that your previous problem was solved by the taweez given by the healer).

The most dangerous part is that there are cases in which a healer sends his jinns with the client to his house to make a truce, pact or deal with the jinns already residing there. The deal is to ask the previous jinns to leave the client alone for some time, hence creating an illusion that the client is healed. Jinns from both parties (i.e jinns sent by a magician and jinns sent by a healer) reside with the client together. The client's faith in the healer increases and he bestows the healer with gifts and money. After sometime the jinns are allowed to bother the client again, making the client run back to the healer. This process continues for a lifetime. This deal is only possible if the jinns possessed by the healer are stronger

37 than the ones already present with the client in his house. Alternatively, if the healer's jinns are not stronger than the ones already present, a fatal war begins. The war is so intense that the client can go into coma or in extreme situations die. Many people have been victims to this phenomenon. May ALLAH forgive us!

People do argue that they took their family to a certain peer/ healer and he got healed or they took their infertile wife and after receiving the taweez they were blessed with a child. What they fail to realize is that cures are not possible without the will of ALLAH. It was already written that the wife would have a child one day, but the real test was which path the couple will adopt to seek the cure, the right path or the wrong path.

No misfortune can happen on Earth or in your souls but is recorded in a decree before WE bring it into existence: That is truly easy for ALLAH" [57:22]

"Your destiny is defined, but the path has yet to be chosen. It could be ALLAH's path or Satan's path."

Say: Who can guard and protect you in the night or in the day from the (punishment of the) Most Gracious (ALLAH)? Nay, but they turn away from the remembrance of their Lord.(Al-Anbiya: 42)

Finally, ALLAH has not left us without alternatives to the taweez, there are in-fact many types of permissible and even recommended means of seeking protection, treating illnesses and attaining good fortune mentioned in the Quran and authentic Sunnah, such as: Ruqyah, good deeds and prophetic medicines.


Would you ever dare take the Quran to the bathroom? Would you ever like to hold it while watching tv, engaging in gossip, telling lies? Or do you claim to be clean from all filth and sins 24 hours a day. If the whole Quran cant be taken into the bathroom then a single verse, or a single word, or a single letter of Quran cant be taken. Every big or small part of Quran holds the same value and respect and no human, scholar or healer can ever justify such degradation and insult of the Quran.

If wearing an ayat of Quran can save a person from all harm, then why cant a whole Quran just lying there in our closets protect our whole house from harm? If a thief with a gun in his hand was to enter your house would you just stand there

38 with your eyes closed because the Taweez will protect you or would you take action. Most certainly you will take action even if it is just to hide. Why entrust your trust into something that cant even protect itself. Why not entrust your faith and trust in ALLAH who is awake even when you are asleep, who is watching when your eyes are closed.

Families are being murdered, girls are being raped, women are being robbed and burnt etc. What were their threads and Taweez doing when all this was happening? Nothing!! Just went in the grave with them. Wake up Muslims..

The answer lies not in hanging verses around your necks but in understanding, pondering over and exhibiting the orders mentioned in the verses.

The Quran was revealed to be recited and followed; its commandments to be obeyed and its prohibitions heeded, its information to be believed and its limits to be adhered to, its parables and stories to serve as lessons and not to be hanged on walls or around necks.

Threads / Strings

" Say: "Tell me then, the things that you invoke besides Allah - if Allah intended some harm to me, could they remove His harm, or if He intended some mercy for me, could they withhold His Mercy?" Say: "Sufficient for me is ALLAH; in Him those who trust [the true Believers] must put their trust.""[39:38]

The tying of threads and strings has become very common. Some use it for curing fever, some for averting fevers, some for getting rid of evil spirits etc. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) forbids these practices of associating partners to ALLAH (shirk) even on animals, and had them removed.

Abu Bashir Al Anasari says: "I was with the The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) on a journey when he sent a proclamation with the message that under no circumstances any threads to be tied around the animals." (These things were relics of days before Islam when it was thought to protect the animals).

Urwah (Rahimahullah) relates that Huzaifa Bin Alyam (Rahimahullah) once went to visit an ailing person. He saw a thread around the sick person's arm. Huzaifan cut the thread off and read the Quranic Ayats from Surah Yusuf:

And most of them believe not in Allah without associating (others as partners) with HIM. (12:106)

39 Imraan Bin Hussain (Rahimahullah) reports that The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) saw a copper ring on a person's hand. He asked him the reason for the copper bangle and was told that it was for the treatment of the weakness and sickness in his arm. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) replied that on the contrary it will increase the weakness of the arm and if he were to die with it on, then he will not be successful in the hereafter (i.e. he will not enter paradise) [Ahmed]

These Ahadith clearly shows that wearing black threads around wrist and ankle is forbidden and is considered Shirk. It is a part of Hinduism that infiltrated into Islam. It also a part of the Kabbalah teachings. They use red instead of black thread (Red Kabbalah String http://www2.kabbalah.com/13.php click) but no matter what the color is, purpose

behind is the same: i.e. seeking refuge from other than ALLAH.

We should all abstain from these acts in order to seek ALLAH`s Protection and help.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) Whoever hangs/wears anything he will be entrusted to that thing only!!

Creative Visualization

This is the most basic and yet advanced technique called for in magic and Wicca http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wicca . The art of using our brains to see what is not physically present is a powerful magical tool used in many Wiccan rituals. Nearly all of us possess this ability. It may not be fine tuned, but practice makes perfect. Can you picture your house in your mind or your mothers face? Thats visualization. Visualization is the act of seeing with the mind, not the eyes? [Book: Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner]

Nearly all magic spells contain a step known as visualization (also known as "positive thinking," "positive imagery," "dynamic imaging," "creating imaging," "imaging"). This is the use of mental imagery in order to utilize your own energy and power to obtain a desired objective.

There are two types of visualization: Normal Visualization

40 Creative Visualization

Normal Visualization

Visualization that we do in normal life is normal visualization. e.g. visualizing your wedding day, how to present a speech, how to talk to a client etc.

Creative visualization

Creative Visualization, this technique of guided imagery or guided visualization occurs when someone is leading a person or group through steps of visualization with suggestions or directions on what the person(s) should be visualizing. In simple words your spiritual healer is telling you to make a picture in your mind and is guiding you what pictures to make and what to do with those pictures (almost like a TV screen in your mind).

Creative visualization, hereafter abbreviated as C.V., is based on the occultic principle that what exists in thought can be manifested in reality. This is actually a form of sorcery. As said by ritual magician Donald Tyson, "The underlying premise of a magical ritual is that if you represent a circumstance, or act out an event in your mind, it will come to pass in the world."

This belief is found in the New Age idea of creating your own reality, as well as in witchcraft and occultic magic. This technique is as old as the occult, and is the basis of positive thinking techniques, which differ from a positive outlook.

Magical visualization is seeing something that is presently nonexistent. It may be a magic circle or simply healing yourself. In magic the client is told to visualize a desire e.g. visualize that a client is getting healed or visualize that you are setting a spirit on fire. The aim of this is to direct energy to empower this visualization-to bring it into manifestation. This is magic! Again, this is not Islam. Healers have mixed portions of Sunnah and portion of magic rituals to fool the society. Muslims please wake up, look around before it is too late.

Instead of creating a physical image, the client creates pictures in his head. According to wiccans harnessing the awesome power of the imagination is key to working magic.

41 In this article http://www.christiananswersforthenewage.org/Articles_Meditation.html ( click) Christians are being warned not to adopt such techniques. Unfortunately Muslims have gone far astray and have easily fallen into the trap of these occult/magic techniques due to our own ignorance and our blind love for our scholars/teachers who are just humans and can make mistakes in judging these techniques.

The Day that their faces will be turned upside down in the Fire, they will say: Woe to us! Would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger. And they would say:"Our Lord! We obeyed our chiefs and our great ones, and they misled us as to the (right) Path. Our Lord! Give them double Penalty and curse them with a very great Curse!"[33:6668]

Jinn Communication / Burning

Directly seeking communication with the jinns or any activity that leads to this communication is a very dangerous sin. The moment the communication barrier between the humans and jinns are trespassed, the doors to sin and temptation are opened. This is referred to as "Opening-Doorways".

These days jinns are trying to communicate with humans more than ever. These traps are set by these evil entities to misguide humans into opening doorways of evil entities to our physical world/body. The moment a human responds to this trap, he sets foot on their territory, and then they respond by setting foot on the communicator's territory. Once this exchange has taken place then these demons freely enter the human's world and cause havoc and destruction. ALLAH has mercy on those who tread these evil paths. Once they (jinn / demons) are in they never go out!! It becomes impossible to seal these portals.

Our so called pious spiritual healers are playing a very important role in opening these portals/doorways. Asking the clients to talk to their own demon/jinn is their first trap. Through personal experience we have seen healers command their clients (especially young girls) during healing sessions to ask the jinn why he is bothering him/her or where did he

42 come from. The client innocently follows order not knowing that they themselves have opened the door to destruction, damnation and wrath. In other cases, the healer justifies conversing with the jinn to know which sin of the client allowed the jinn to possess their body. These entities (demons/jinns) are masters of deception and lies. Would they be stupid enough to expose the sin and close their doors to that human forever? Unfortunately these healers have been deceived too and now are bent on dragging others into this trap.

They have misinterpreted the following hadith to justify communication:

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said, "There are jinns in Madina who have become Muslim. When you see one of them (domestic snake), call out to it for three days. If it appears after that, then kill it, for it is a shaytan."

It is important to mention here that when a jinn takes a physical form, it is vulnerable to death, as all rules of the physical world apply to them. They take physical form only to perform actions on the Earthly plane, or when called forth by a magic spell. Hence a jinn killed in its physical form dies in reality. In physical form they are a threat to both humans and themselves. Islam being a religion of peace allows us to warn them before taking any harsh step. This conversation is allowed only for warning the physical form of jinn. Not for asking it where it came from and why it came.

Brothers and sisters if you have been innocently, ignorantly or intentionally pushed into this trap, then repent as soon as possible. No human has the right to break down any barrier put up by ALLAH and tread on restricted territory. This barrier is a test for humans and jinns.

"And entice whoever you can of them with your voice, and mobilize all your forces and men against them, and you may share with them in their money and children, and promise them.

But the devil promises nothing but deceit. As for My servants, you will have no power over them.' And your Lord suffices as a Caretaker." (17:64-65)

The above verse proves that jinns cannot carry out any sort of communication without a human's permission. It is advised not to invite such communication.


43 One of the most dangerous techniques adopted by healers is burning jinns. In some cases, clients also co-operate in carrying out this task in the name of Jihad. Educated women and men justify their healers and their weird healing techniques by labeling them as a part of jihad against evil jinns. They have been fooled into thinking that they are the "chosen ones" and were sent to kill the jinns.

If this was true why do we not hear any account of the Prophets fighting a full fledge battle against this unseen creation of ALLAH. Why have we not heard of stories where the prophets captured them in a bottle or put them on fire? On contrary, the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) on catching and freed (jinn) let him go.

Narrated Abu Hurairah: The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said, "Last night a demon from the Jinns came to me to disturb my prayer, but ALLAH gave me the power to overcome him. I intended to tie him to one of the pillars of the mosque till the morning so that all of you could see him, but then I remembered the Statement of my brother Solomon: 'My Lord! Forgive me and bestow on me a kingdom such as shall not belong to any other after me.'"(38.35) (Bukhari & Muslim)

The above hadith teaches us the following lessons: The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) did not hold a long communication with him. Did not make a dialogue requesting the demon to enter Islam. Did not slaughter the demon. Did not burn the demon.

Only those who are weak in faith and lack the simple knowledge of Islam have blindly fallen victim to such pathetic traps of the healers and their satanic minions.

There are healers who boast about killing / burning millions of jinns. Their clients also indulge in psychically burning jinns. They are told to recite verses and spit on the jinns hence putting them on fire. These techniques have nothing to do with Islam. These are bogus claims! If they insist on the validity of these claims, then again they are going against ALLAH's commands.

44 Abu Hurayra said, "The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) sent us out on an expedition and said, 'If you meet so-and-so and so-and-so - two men of Quraysh whom he named - then burn them with fire.' We came to him to say good-bye and when we wanted to leave, The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said, 'I ordered you to burn so-and-so and so-and-so with fire. Only ALLAH punishes by fire. If you come across them, then kill them." [Bukhari]

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said do not punish anybody with Allah's punishment (fire).' [Bukhari]

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) noticed a burnt ant hill. On inquiring who set the ant hill on fire, he said: No one is entitled to punish any creature by fire except its Lord. [Abu Dawood]

This hadiths given above imply an absolute prohibition on burning any living creature.

The Circle and Cross

These days spiritual healers are introducing new techniques, which most of us are unaware of. Such techniques are not found in the lives of The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) or The Companions (Allah be pleased with them).

One very unique technique requires the client to draw an imaginary circle around him while glorifying ALLAH. In some cases one imaginary circle is not enough and the client is asked to make four imaginary circles. One around himself, one on his left, one on his right and the last one in front of him. These circles form a pyramid like the one shown below:

These circles are the main foundation for a ritual. No matter how pious the healer may seem to be if his healing sessions require you to draw even single physical or imaginary circle/circles in any way. LEAVE AT ONCE.

45 The Magic Circle can be defined as one of the most basic of devices in Magical Art. The central aspect of many Wiccan rituals is the magic circle. It can be created physically or psychically (invisible/ in the mind). The Magic Circle in theory serves as a container for magical energies as well as helping to switch from the mundane consciousness of everyday life to that of a more magically minded one. In certain types of magical rituals the circle is used to keep out hostile forces and entities (jinn). According to some magicians/witches the circle is neither entirely in the world of human, nor in the world of spirit. Instead, it is intermediate between the two, acting as a bridge connecting the planes of being. It acts as common ground where those of human form may meet with those of spirit directly.

In traditional Western spirit evocation, the circle was used to guard the magician from the malicious actions of evil spirits, who were excluded from the circle while the magician remained safe within its boundary. In modern Wicca the belief is that the circle retains and concentrates magical energy raised by ritual work, making it easier for the leader of the ritual to direct and release that energy for a specific desired use.

The Circle has always been a very powerful symbol of witchcraft. Once you intentionally enter a circle or make the circle yourself (even for the intention of healing), you are actually using magic to heal yourself. The moment you have indulged yourself in this technique then angels bound by ALLAH to you for your protection will leave at once. That is the perfect time for the evil entities (jinn) to surround you. Now you can sit and recite the whole quran, it will do you no good, because you will be deprived of ALLAH's protection. Now you are in their (jinn, magic, evil) world. Islam has no space for any technique that is similar to a magician's technique.


The Circle & Cross

When laying tricks or casting magic spells, many practitioners make use of what can be called a "portable crossroads" or circle with a cross inside known as an "X" or cross- mark", generally. The cross-mark can be drawn on the ground or on a personal altar or it may be created quite subtly or just in your mind-- to trick you!


This cross inside a circle creates a gateway for entities to enter into the physical world. This is referred to as the sacred circle filled with a cross. In Native American traditions, it forms the basic pattern of the medicine wheel and plays a vital role in major spiritual rituals. Many contemporary pagans consider it their main symbol for transmitting the energy of goddess. Churches have used variations of the same popular shape, usually calling it the Celtic Cross.

Usually while the client is busy making these circles and crosses (physically/ invisibly), the healer that is handling the client is busy in reciting things that would invoke spirits (jinns) for the session. The first point that would come to your mind is that "I didn't know, and when I was drawing circles and crosses I didn't do it with the intention of doing magic." Seriously, do you really think this justification is enough for your actions. Is it not our responsibility as Muslims to thoroughly investigate any practice no matter where it is coming from?

47 Faith is a precious jewel. The more precious your jewel is to you, the more you will protect it from being robbed.

Leave that which puts you in doubt for that which does not put you in doubt. [Tirmizi]

Misinterpreting Quran

It is HE Who has sent down to you the Book. In it are verses that are entirely clear, they are the foundations of the Book; and others not entirely clear.

So as for those in whose hearts there is a deviation (from the truth) they follow that which is not entirely clear thereof, seeking Al-Fitnah, and seeking its Ta'wil, but none knows its Ta'wil except ALLAH. [3:7]

Spiritual healers have gone a step further and have started misinterpreting quranic verses for healing purposes. They claim to know the mystical effects of verses which are only known to them. Again there is no basis for such interpretations in our religion. Our Prophet (Peace Be upon Him)would have surely told his Ummah of such mystical effects of Quran, if it was such an important part of healing. Examples are given below:

Example 1:

And we place a barrier in front of them, and a barrier behind them, and thus, we veil them; they cannot see. (36:9)

The healer/practitioner asks the client to recite this before the session. The client thinks he is spiritually creating a barrier between himself and the jinns while reading this.

The fact is that the client is creating a barrier for himself in the front and behind so he cannot see what really is going on during the sessions.

Example 2:

48 And WE shall turn to whatever deeds they did (in this life), and we shall make such deeds as floating dust scattered about. (25:23)

Here is another example. Clients are told they are reading the above verse for a specific number of times so that a spiritual wall is created around them to counter any magic attacks. From where do they get such ideas? The Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) never associated any mystical effect regarding this verse. It can be that when you recite a wazeefa consisting of this verse, you are erasing your good deeds. Every bidah erases a sunnah. Any practice that arouses doubts should be avoided.

Some healers when questioned why a specific verse is given to recite for a specific amount, refuse to answer saying the client should mind his own business.


Example 3: Some healers require their client to immerse themselves in water while reciting

"This is (a spring of) water to wash in, cool and a drink".

Example 4: Healers have been seen striking patients while reciting

"Taste you (this)! Verily, you were (pretending to be) the mighty, the generous.''

49 Reiki

Reiki originated in Japan in the early 1900s by a Japanese Buddhist. It is considered a form of palm healing using certain energies and channeling them throughout the body. This is a spiritual process with no scientific basis to explain the healings that people experience through Reiki. Today such practitioners are fooling the masses by substituting the words jinns and demons by "energy" and "force".

There are 3 levels or degrees of Reiki, each becoming more entangled in Occultic practices.

The first degree is the typical Reiki practioner who is able to heal others and him/her.

Second level practitioners are able to heal others from a distance, not even having to be in the same room, building or even city/state as the ill person. These experts are able to heal people from great distances and even over the phone. How is this possible? The healer sends the demons working with him to the client. The demons carry out their task. It is as easy as that.

Third degree practitioners have the privilege of being able to train others as students of Reiki. Each level brings a deeper bondage to the practitioner to demonic forces.

There are two types of healings. One is by ALLAH and is done by abstaining from sins and reciting the Book of ALLAH (Quran). The other type of healing is brought on by unseen forces and unconventional methods that have never been practiced by any Prophet or The Companions. However, Satan and his demons are also able to perform miracles (illusions).

The healings that do take place through the practice of Reiki are actually false healings of demonic/jinn activity. First the jinns cause the illness which cannot be diagnosed / treated by normal doctors. It is not difficult to cause the sickness and then to reverse it only to trick the healer and the client into believing that the demonic method (reiki/spiritual healing methods) they have adopted is effective and correct. The sad part is that often the illness later returns with a vengeance. Or, if the person remains healed of their illness, the demonic influence sparked by involvement with Reiki will inevitably cause even more serious problems in the persons life. The devil can heal. If you don't agree watch this:

50 I Sold My Soul To The Devil! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGG5q25ezqI

These days the Reiki practitioner explains to the masses that when he lays his hands on a person, he is transferring or channeling "good" energy to the patient's body. This force, or energy, moves up the body from the spine and affects each Chakra of the individuals being. THE REAL STORY is that jinns/demons from the Reiki Master are being transferred unwittingly into the unsuspecting patient. This force/energy is none other than the satan and his minions readily taking over the persons body and spirit. Don't let any healer (be it a Reiki Master or a so called peer) place his hands on you. The careless laying on of hands, in any situation is an open invitation to demonic activity. Further danger in the involvement of Reiki is the fact that Reiki also often encourages meditation. They all use Creative Visualization in their healing. Beware of these predators!!

Meditation dictates us to clear our minds so that we can commune with jinns/demons or energies that will supposedly speak to us and guide us into the so called truth. This truth is nothing other than the lies of Satan. Many healers adopt this activity in their sessions. They ask you to visualize something and then inquire about the FIRST THOUGHT that comes into your mind. This first thought is always from Satan. This is telepathic communication with the jinns/demons. This communication takes place by jinns/demons whispering into your mind.

In some reiki classes different symbols are shown to the patients for different reasons. Do not look into or concentrate into these symbols. These are occult symbols. The jinn/ demon behind the initiating reiki symbol of reiki masters is called "DIA KO MIO" and is held secret and holy by a reiki master. This jinn is summoned to open and connect you to reiki as a channel (meaning demons/jinns will carry out their tasks through you). This task also includes illusionary healing.

If you have been exposed to this deception/fitna, repent immediately and ask ALLAH to cleanse you of the demonic forces you have invited into your life. Turn away from Reiki and those who are involved with it, and seal the spiritual doors of this practice before it is too late.

This is an interview with Lynne Dickie about the dangers of Reiki energy healing. While she was involved in this, she never knew what was really going on. She thought she was doing good for people i.e. spiritually healing others. The day

51 she repented and stopped practicing is the day these Reiki practitioners unleashed the demons on her. Please do watch this:

Reiki Exposed - The Truth About Reiki (full video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCUP7hdCUX4&feature=related

Note: The experiences that Lynne describes are true because as a Muslim we are going through the same experiences since we have truly repented and turned our backs to the spiritual healers we were going to.

Hadith Regarding 70,000 People that will enter Heaven without Account.

Question: We want to understand the hadeeth of Ibn Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with them both) in which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) says of the seventy thousand who will enter Paradise without being called to account that they do not ask for ruqyah (seek healing through spiritual healers) (Reported by al-Bukhaari, no. 6472 and 6541; Muslim, no. 220). Does this hadeeth include all kinds of treatment? If this is not the case, what is the difference between (medical) treatment and ruqyah, because both of them may affect a cure? How are we to understand the Prophets command to Aaishah and others to seek healing from al-ayn (the evil eye) through ruqyah? If we know that a person has been afflicted by the evil eye, should we tell him to seek healing through ruqyah or should we tell him to bear it with patience and hope for reward from ALLAH?

Answer: Praise be to ALLAH. The phrase in the hadeeth is about the seventy thousand, who will enter Paradise without being called to account that they do not ask for ruqyah means that they do not seek it from others. But the Prophet (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him) commanded us and taught us to seek treatment, as he said: ALLAH has not created any disease without also creating the cure."(Bukhari).

Ruqyah and seeking medical treatment differ in two ways: The first difference is that a person will feel a greater attachment to the one who does ruqyah than to the one who offers medical treatment, because if ALLAH decrees that he should be healed through ruqyah, the bond between the person who did the ruqyah and the person who was sick is a spiritual bond, as the cure did not come about through physical means. The fact that it is a spiritual bond may be a source of fitnah (temptation or trial), as he may say, he is one of the awliya(close friends) of ALLAH and so on, which

52 may lead him to shirk (associating partners with ALLAH). Hence it was followed by the words and who put their trust in their Lord.

The second difference is that a sick person may ask for ruqyah from someone who is not qualified to do it, because the latter is not using something tangible that can be identified. So the person who has been asked to do ruqyah may do it, and the sick person may be healed coincidentally, not as a result of the ruqyah which was not done according to shareeah, but at the same time as the ruqyah is done, so people may suffer fitnah because of this, and think that this is a person whose duaas are answered and whose ruqyah is blessed, when this is not the case. For this reason the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, those who do not ask for ruqyah.. and did not say those who do not seek treatment. Seeking treatment is essential, but it is better not to seek ruqyah. However, if a person comes forward and recites something over you and you do not stop him, this does not mean that you are not counted among the people mentioned in the hadeeth, because you did not ask for ruqyah. By the same token, if you do ruqyah for your brother, you are doing him a favour, and this does not rule you out from being one of the seventy thousand. Thus we say that the extra phrase reported in Saheeh Muslim, and they did not do ruqyah is a dubious addition that is not saheeh. The correct wording is only Those who did not ask for ruqyah. With regard to the question of whether we should treat the person who is afflicted by the evil eye with ruqyah or tell him to bear it with patience, the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) taught us the way to seek healing from the evil eye, when he told the one who had put the evil eye on one of his companions to do ghusl and wudoo, then to take some of the water and pour it over the one who was afflicted until he recovered.

Please stick to masnoon ways taught by The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him). All others will only lead us astray! Liqa al-Baab al-Maftooh by Ibn Uthaymeen, 55/121

Doctors vs. Spiritual Healers

Nowadays many people argue on the difference between healers and doctors as they serve the same purpose. They justify spiritual healers by comparing them to medical doctors. If you ignore logic then there is no use debating, but a person of logic would like to consider the following effective differences between both the healers.

53 1. The doctor's diagnosis usually occurs through blood tests, x-rays and ultrasounds. A patient is asked about his

symptoms etc. The doctor does not claim to have super powers and depends on physical tests to treat a patient. Whereas the spiritual powers are born with super powers. They do not need any briefing from the patient and claim to have powers that allow them to diagnose the patient's past and present and the diseases he is suffering from, just by looking at the person's face or eyes. His diagnosis is based on his so called powers. Muslims believe that only ALLAH has knowledge of the unseen. How can they claim to have this knowledge? At times their diagnosis is 90% right. This is not because they possess special powers but because they are getting help from the unseen world. Every human has a jinn attached to him by ALLAH. A person who wants to indulge in occultic healing techniques has to first gain power over this attached jinn. To do this he carries out various tasks. When he succeeds in empowering his jinn he uses it to communicate with the attached jinn of the victim. I am sure now this makes sense to all of you.

And they ask you (O Muhammad PBUH) concerning the Ruh (the Spirit); Say: "The Ruh (the Spirit): it is one of the things, the knowledge of which is only with my Lord. And of knowledge, you (mankind) have been given only a little." [17:85]

spiritual Healing means healing the spirit (soul, ruh). In the above verse ALLAH has clearly stated that HE has given very little knowledge about the soul to humans. Then how do these peers/sheikhs/healers claim to heal the soul through their techniques?


The prescription given by doctors contains medicines, they can be researched and their side effects can be

investigated whereas the medicines and the so called "holy water" provided by peers/sheikhs are untested. There is no alternative and you really have no choice but to blindly go ahead with whatever the healer gives you. Patients can find out whether a medicine is banned or is he allergic to them. If he ever does come across side effects they will be visible and he can take action as soon as possible.

Have you ever asked your healer that what does he blow on water and why cant you do this for yourself. And even if this is blowing allowed in Islam or not?

Click Water http://spiritualhealinginislam.webs.com/water.htm

54 3. When you are healed by a doctor, you give credit to the medicines he prescribed (a physical thing) and you don`t

get emotionally dependent on them. Whereas in the healers case, people give credit to him and get highly dependent on them. They give credit to his spiritual powers to the extent of SHIRK.


You are never hiding or people generally never get suspicious about you when you are going to a doctor. Why

do you have to keep the healers trip a secret at times if you know you are doing right?


Due to the dependency of going to healers/peer, many people ignore their real physical problems considering

them to be spiritual and thus suffer the lethal consequences. Thousands of children die of diarrhea each year because of no timely cure and the reason for this delay is their trip to the peer first.

Abbas narrated to us from the Apostle of Allah The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) that he said: There were brought before me the peoples and I saw an apostle and a small group (of his followers) along with him, another (apostle) and one or two persons (along with him) and (still another) apostle having no one with him. When a very large group was brought to me I conceived as if it were my Ummah. Then it was said to me: It is Moses and his people. You should look at the horizon, and I saw a very huge group. It was again said to me: See the other side of the horizon, and there was (also) a very huge group. It was said to me: This is your Ummah, and amongst them there were seventy thousand persons who would be made to enter Paradise without rendering any account and without (suffering) any torment. He then stood up and went to his house. Then the people began to talk about the people who would be admitted to Paradise without rendering any account and without (suffering) any torment. Some of them said: They may be those who (have had the good fortune of living) in the company of the Messenger of Allah The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) and some of them said: They be those who were born in Islam and did not associate anything with Allah. Some people mentioned other things. Thereupon came forth the Messenger of Allah The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) before them and he said: What was that which you were talking about? They informed him. He said: They are those persons who do not ask others to practice charms, nor do they take omens, and repose their trust in their Lord. Upon this 'Ukkasha b. Mihsan stood up and said: Supplicate for me that He should make me one among them. Upon this he (Messenger of Allah) said: Thou are one among them. Then another man stood up and said:

55 Supplicate before Allah that He should make me one among them. Upon this he said: 'Ukkasha has preceded you. [Sahih Muslim, Volume: The Book of Faith]

The above hadith should be sufficient for those who have made a business or have gained popularity through practicing ruqyah, damm or any spiritual healing technique. All the techniques mentioned in the hadith above were related to spirituality and not medical treatments. ALLAH knows best.

The Numbers Game (786)

The numerals 786 or any other numerals in no way represent 'Bismillaah al-Rahmaan al-Raheem' or other Surahs of the noble Qur'n and is not the Sunnah either.

ALLAH says in Qur'n

"Verily, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'n in order that you may understand" (12:2). We are instructed to recite the Qur'an Majeed, as can be seen from the following verses:

"....So RECITE as much of the Qur'n as may be easy (for you)..." (73:20).

Now would one recite the Qur'an if it is reduced to numbers? As an example, we shall reduce the Surah Fatihah to numerical figures for the benefit of the reader.

Bismillaahir Al-humdolillaahir


Raheem............................................... rubbuaalamin...............................................

786 632 618 242 836 1073

Ar-Rahmaan-ur-Raheem....................................................... Malikay Eeyya ka Na' yawm-midhdeen...................................................... bo-du thal Wa eeyya ka nastha'een...........................



56 Sirat-ul Ghayril Total a magh th(z)eena dhubay numerical unamtha alayhim waludh alay-him. aleen 1807 4194 10188


Does this mean that merely reading 10188 we have read the whole of Soorah al-Fatiha? Then why to recite verses, call numbers instead.

This old game of numbers was practiced by the ancient Egyptians, as did many other civilizations. Islam came to ELIMINATE ALL such superstitions, mysteries and numerological mambo-jumbo. However, Muslims are still enslaved to the number game.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) in his letters to different heads of states and governments, used the holy words at the top. Therefore, whosoever uses 786 with the intention to obtain ALLAH's blessings, is a misguided person and any attempt to justify it, is ignorance. More astonishing is that fact that '786' is an aggregation of the numbers of Hindu 'Lord Hari Krishna'.

H(a)iri Kr(i)shna. h-5, r-200, r-10, k-20, r-200, sh-300, n-50, a-1 = Aggregate of 786, Thus, the aggregate number of these letters (Hari Krishna) equals 786. This is also the case of 'Bismillaah al-Rahmaan al-Raheem'.

How can the numerical value of a quranic verse (basis for monotheism) be similar to a god of polytheism? Therefore, it is necessary to avoid using this number to avoid the danger of being indulged in innovations.

Islam's foundation is laid on the belief in Tawheed (oneness of ALLAH). If we associate anyone with ALLAH's exalted names orally or practically, we would be committing infidelity which is an unpardonable sin. The Qur'n warns us, one who finds a rival against ALLAH, ALLAH will never allow him to enter paradise, and his abode is the hell.

The letters by The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) to non-Muslim Kings and chiefs bear the holy words 'Bismillaah al-Rahmaan al-Raheem'. This was also the case of his noble companions. But nowadays we write 786 instead with the justification that papers are thrown, or disgraced. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) and his noble companions respected every verse more than anyone else in this world.

57 Was the verse, 'Today I completed your religion for you', revealed by ALLAH to The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) or to the so called scholars of our age who are all bent to CHANGE the Divine principles.

Now, when it became known that '786' is written in place of Hindu, 'Lord Krishna', and has no significance in the Holy Qur'n and Sunnah, it is obviously an innovation and goes against the Divine doctrine of 'Obey Allaah and The Prophet Muhammad(Peace Be upon Him). 'Bismillaah al-Rahmaan al-Raheem' holds great significance in the Qur'n and Muslims are ordered to begin any work but in the names ALLAH, not in the number of '786' or any other substitution.


Jinn possession is a topic which is gaining much more popularity than it should. Movies have glamorized it and the public has blamed it. Jinn possession is something that Muslims should have been least bothered about, but unfortunately now it has become one of the most important issues in many Muslim homes. Sadly, due to our ignorance the so called healers have fully manipulated this issue to their own advantage to earn money and fame. Innocent people are further ruining their lives at the hands of these cunning and malicious deceivers. The most affected are young unmarried girls.

The aim here is to expose what is happening behind the scenes. Our fear of the unseen has given these entities more power than they have. They feed off of our fears. It is they (jinns) who are fearful of humans but movies and stories have infested an intense fear in us due to which they (jinns) have exercised undue power over us.

Evil Jinns are like flies that are found in the filthiest places. Can you claim to kill all the flies in the world? NO! The same goes for jinn. Compared to humans they are much more in number. What would your first impression be when you see a man playing with millions of flies. Dirty!! Same goes for healers claiming to have so many jinns under their command. They have to be very filthy (spiritually) to keep these jinns close to them.


There is a misconception among Muslim brothers and sisters that Muslim jinns are free from error and they do only good. The reality is very different. We need to understand that jinns too, like us, will be held accountable for their

58 deeds. There are good Muslims and bad Muslims among humans. The same is with jinns. There are good Muslim jinns who strive in the path of ALLAH and then there are bad Muslim jinns who are attracted to evil. A Muslim jinn can transgress his limits and possess a person. They are not free of temptation and error.

All of these spirits (demons/jinns) share one common agenda and that is evil. Their opportunity to enter comes through sin whether it is national sin, familial sin or personal sin. Where they enter into the lives of human beings, they wreak havoc and destruction on a world-wide scale all the way down to a single body and spirit.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said, "Shaitan flows in the children of Adam like the flowing of the blood." [Sahih Bukhari].

Although demons/jinns delight in causing human suffering and make it their particular goal to do just that, normally they do so behind the scenes. The primary battle is for the mind. If they can gain control of a person's mind, they cannot only cause temporal suffering but they can also cause their ultimate particular goal. Namely, through the mind, they gain the soul. In this realm of spiritual warfare (Jihad of Nafs) we find poor souls who are addicted to sex, drugs and pornography. We find hearts filled with hatred, un-forgiveness and thoughts of malice towards their fellow man. We find rapists, murderers, adulterers and fornicators. The list goes on.

Human Possession and House Haunting. http://spiritualhealinginislam.webs.com/types.htm ( click for details)


Trance is a state where hypnosis takes place. There are light trances, deep trances, short-term trances and life-long trances. Being in a trance is different than being possessed. It is about interfering with your natural thought process and changing the way you react to the real world.

When you are in trance, your memory might not work so well, you may not be able to make a judgment, you may not be aware of your body, you may not be aware of your surroundings so much because of fixed attention. You might even hallucinate. Some psychologists call this trance logic.

59 You are in a trance when your attention is limited and there is a certain repetition of thoughts. In an extreme case, your attention is so limited that it feels like "tunnel vision." The repetition of thoughts might be mantras, songs, repeating fantasies. That song you can't get out of your head indicates a trance too.

The most serious social side effect of trance is the reduced awareness and disabled communication. Communication of information is critical for any system to function. Human systems as well as computer systems, ecological, biological, political and social systems and more all require clear, accurate, timely communication of information in order to function. The lack of clear, accurate, or timely communication between individuals is the basis for misunderstandings, disappointments, hurt feelings, resentment, and violence. The human, economic, agricultural, industrial and social systems that rely on people who are in trance have disastrous consequences.While trances are not at all desirable, most people nearly all of the time are either in a trance or are engaged in trying to get others into trance.

Once we can identify these trances on a personal level we can take steps to avoid them. This site will help you to recognize the Trances, which induce spiritual problems in our life and guide us away from the right path. Before blaming anyone for your problems/illnesses, you should observe your own activities in daily life, Be assured you will be surprised at your findings! Do your own research!

And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. And He pardons much." [42:30] for further reading:

Television Trance http://youth-in-trance.webs.com/televisiontrance.htm

Cartoon Trance http://youth-in-trance.webs.com/cartoontrance.htm

Music Trance http://youth-in-trance.webs.com/musictrance.htm


Keeping / Ringing Bells in the House

ALLAH's Messenger The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said: The bell is the musical instrument of the Satan.

In Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism the bell plays an important role.

The bell, known in Sanskrit as the Ghanta/Ghanti is used in all poojas [Hindu worship] for invoking the gods. The ringing of the bell produces what is regarded as an auspicious sound. It produces the sound 'Om'.

The hadith of The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) shows tells us what really is invoked by the bells!

Ibn az-Zubayr told that a woman client of theirs took az-Zubayr's daughter to Umar ibn al-Khattab wearing bells on her legs. Uma ( ) cut them off and said that he had heard the Apostle of ALLAH The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) say: There is a devil along with each bell. [Abu-Dawood]

Visiting Popular Graves and I'tikaaf

One of the many reasons for possession among women is their frequent visitations to graves. These days women are seen dressed up going to graves like Bari Imam or graves of scholars for purposes other than reminding oneself of the Hereafter or the Punishments of the Grave. At the same time we see group of men sitting by these graves smoking, dancing etc. How can such places not be infested with jinns? Women and men are seeing crying loudly (wailing) by graves of saints

The Prophet said, "The deceased is tortured in his grave for the wailing done over him." [Bukhari]


Spectator at Bari Imam Shrine

Bari Imam has also become a place for entertainment. People are seen talking, singing and beating dholkis near the grave which is against etiquette of visiting graves.

'You cannot make those who are in their Graves, hear you.' [Surah Fatir:22]

Diyaas (earthen lamps) at Bari Imam

"ALLAH has cursed women who visit graves and those who build mosques and place lights upon them." [ Abu Dawood, al-Tirmidhi, al-Nisaa'i and al-Haakim]

Bari Imam Shrine

The Messenger of ALLAH The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said: When a pious person amongst them dies they build a place of worship on his grave, and then decorate it with such pictures. They would be the worst of creatures on the Day of Judgment in the sight of ALLAH.

62 Unfortunately Muslims are not behind in the race of adopting prohibited actions of Jews and Christians. Muslims hold the honor of leaving all other nations behind in acts of Shirk and Kufr (disbelief). Graves of pious people have become places for worship. A person who cannot even speak for himself in the grave is believed to perform miracles while he is dead. Though he was not able to perform any such miracles, while being alive. Their miraculous stories have surpassed the stories of the Prophets. It is a shame. Muslims were chosen to remove all traces of kufr from the world and become an example for other nations. Whereas now Muslims have become an example for every form of shirk possible.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said: "You will surely follow in the ways of those before you, span by span and cubit by cubit, so much so that if they were to enter an iguana's hole, you would follow after them." We said, "O Messenger of ALLAH The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him), do you mean the Jews and the Christians?" He replied, "Then, who else?"

Numerous people have reported incidents and dreams in which the pious person came from the grave to help them or grant them their wish. Some people have also claimed to see the dead pious person performing hajj or umra. Such dreams and incidents have led millions of people astray and have thrown them into the darkness of the gravest sin (shirk) which will never be forgiven if not repented for in time. They easily fall into traps of Satan because they never really tried to find out what Satan and his companions are capable of. The jinns can portray themselves to be anyone in dream and reality except The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him). It is this very fact that lies behind all such incidents and dreams.

There are many categories of jinns. Jinns that are maukals are very strong. They are more powerful than normal jinns due to their age and can perform very convincing and powerful stunts. It is these maukals that are summoned through non-masnoon quranic wazeefas. They usually come in dreams in form of old pious people wearing white clothes (sometimes surrounded by light). They usually take this form to trick a person into performing an activity or wazeefa that is against the shariat. Once the person carries out this order, the maukal can gain access to them and their family. Please be cautious of such dreams and incidents! They can take form of Prophets too. Therefore taking form of a normal pious person is not much of a problem for them. Many families have been literally destroyed due to the apparitions of "pious people" especially young girls.

63 For further details on the wazeefas http://spiritualhealinginislam.webs.com/wazeefa.htm (click).


One of the most dangerous activities practiced by Muslim women these days is the I'tikaaf. Thousands of women seclude themselves to their rooms and indulge in wazeefas and prayers that are not according to the sunnah. Then finally they tell stories about their room being filled up with noor (light). Unfortunately they have no idea what they have just invited to their life. These are one of the most powerful maukals (jinns) that exist and are summoned due to the continuous repetition of wazeefas and verses in the room. This is the first step to destruction. There is no such thing as I'tikaaf in a room. Magicians adopt the same technique to summon maukals i.e. secluding themselves to a room and practicing vain and non-masnoon wazeefas. I'tikaaf is only in the mosque. There is no evidence concerning I'tikaaf in the room for men or women!

Types of Magicians: The first type of magician summons normal jinns. To do this he does not have to be religious at all. They perform immoral acts and then confine themselves into a room where they do not speak to anyone and recite mantars and chants to summon jinns. 90% of magicians fall into this category.

The second type is most dangerous. They are regular in all religious activities but here is the catch. They cannot summon a jinn without an act against the Shariah. This is where the role of wazeefas come in. With all their religious activities this single act of Bid'ah helps them summon jinns. The jinns that are summoned through these wazeefas are maukals. Maukals are attracted to continuous repetition of any quranic verse. Once they are summoned the magician dare not miss a single prayer or the wazeefa through which it was summoned. Such magicians are seen not missing a single prayer or wazeefa because if they do the maukal will hurt them or their family.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) Those who hear about Dajjal should stay away from him. By ALLAH! A person will approach him thinking him to be a believer. But on seeing his amazing feat he will become his follower.

The concept of the thirty small dajjal lies mainly on spiritual healing. A person does not have to call himself Hazrat Eesa ( ) to be considered a dajjal. If he performs feats and miracles that were only identified with the Prophets then he is a dajjal.

64 Hazrat Eesa ( ) performed the following miracles: Raise the dead (will only be performed by The Final Dajjal) Cure blindness (performed by spiritual healers) Cure illnesses (performed by spiritual healers)

Now these feats are being performed by spiritual healers. For those who say medical doctors perform the same feats. Please click Doctors vs Spiritual Healers http://youth-in-trance.webs.com/doctorvsspiritualhealers.htm

There is no mistake greater than underestimating the enemy. That is sure to lead to losing the war. Those who underestimate their enemies are unprepared for them. The Quran tells us that Satan is our open enemy and we should exercise more caution while dealing with him and his helpers because we can not see them.

Basant / Vasant Panchami

These days Muslims are bent on adopting each and every aspect of the non-Muslims ignorantly. Basant is celebrated with full spirit by Muslims. Women go out of the way to wear yellow colored clothes and now men are also seen donning yellow colored dupattas on the occasion. They have no idea behind the significance of the yellow color in Basant.

According to a hindu: "On this day we offer special worship to the sun god and to Mother Ganga .On this day everyone wears a yellow cloth.It is because of the worship of the sun god that they dress up in yellow. Sadly Muslims due to their ignorance regarding the subject dress up in yellow and unknowingly pay tribute to the sun-god. There is nothing wrong with wearing yellow colored clothes but to wear them on the exact day and occasion when Non-Muslims wear them is a sin and ignorance is not a worthy justification.

65 Remarkable Similarity with Non-Muslims!

Hindu Girls Celebrating Basant

Muslim Girls Celebrating Basant

Women Wearing Perfume

Many women and girls have been possessed by jinns due to their wearing perfume in the presence of Non-Mahrams. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said: "Every eye is lustful, and when a woman applies perfume and then goes about in an assembly, she is like such and such, i.e. an adulterous."[Tirmidhi]

Celebrating Valentine's Day

Another occasion celebrated ignorantly by Muslims is the Valentine's Day, having no knowledge about what they really are celebrating.

Saint Valentine's Day, commonly shortened to Valentine's Day, is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. The day is named after one or more early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine, and was established by Pope Gelasius I in 496 AD.

66 Numerous early Christian martyrs were named Valentine. The Valentines honored on February 14 are Valentine of Rome and Valentine of Terni. Valentine of Rome was a priest in Rome who was martyred about AD 269.

Muslims are celebrating the martyrdom of a Roman Priest with great vigor! Will Non-Muslims ever celebrate the martyrdom of any of the Companions? I DON'T THINK SO!!

Muslims have been fooled as usual into celebrating the martyrdom of Christians. That's why they wear the color Red on that day. RED IS FOR BLOOD NOT FOR LOVE on Valentine's Day!

Saint Valentine's Day Party in China

Valentine's Day Shopping In India

67 Valentine's Day Shopping in Pakistan


In old times (in our parents time) there were not lots many facilities. Life was not very luxurious. Pampers, surfs, washing machines, ready-made garments and other accessories like battery operated swings were rarely available. Television was not even an option for children. Still, mothers of that time used to manage all house chores, kids training and socialization. Hats off to them!!

Nowadays, we, besides having all the facilities or even luxuries, deny the fact that we can discipline our kids with much ease. We are too busy indulged in activities we can do without. This has led to putting our children on low priority. Our kids are ruthlessly dumped to an ELECTRONIC, UN-CONTROLLED BABY SITTER i.e Television OR Cartoons. Knowing all the facts and realities about how they are manipulating with our kids minds and behaviors. We are not ready to invest our time and effort to their healthy upbringing and instead find an easy way out by channelizing their innocent minds and creative energies to satanic tools. Outdoor games are almost extinct now. Toys are just for "BUY AND BREAK" purpose. We are not helping our children to become a good human being and a good Muslim. And by the end of the day, we start complaining that our youth is selfish and self-centered, left with no values. So who is responsible for it?


Someone has to start trimming this tree before it gets too wild and free."

Here are few tips to start with:

1. Limit your kids hours on television.

2. Monitor and control the content they are watching by using educational DVDs and Cds. "Time to switch on your players!!"

3. Discourage any form of violence by emphasizing it as an unhealthy and un appreciated act.

68 4. Violence/Fighting is not the only way to solve a problem/argument.

5. Any super natural act like batman flying, ben ten turning into an alien, Tom falling from height but still remaining intact and unhurt is ALL fiction. (Trust me your kids are great imitators)

6. Invest in good toys and let them play with it no matter how messy it gets. Cleaning this mess is much easier than cleansing the dirt of the soul.

7. Invest in story books. Once they get fond of the books, you will be considered the best mom of this world.

8. When your child gets hurt by falling OR hits his head at table, don`t ask him/her to hit the table or floor, Rather ask him/her to forgive that object that cause hurt. That way you will make them learn that Revenge is not the only choice when you get hurt (as shown in cartoons).

9. Scare them with ALLAH`s anger at their bad deeds, but remember to encourage them also with ALLAHs love at their good deeds. Fear tactics dont always work.


No doubt, you will face difficulty in deviate your children away from TV. Take it as a challenge. Parents are willing to invest sleepless nights to rid their children of pacifier, milk bottles and pampers. Same effort should be applied for TV. Our parents excelled in their education and morality when there was no TV. There is no justification for endless hours on TV. We owe our children an apology. You will be amazed at the results.




Masnoon Healing


In The Name Of ALLAH, The Most Merciful, The Most Beneficent

The first and most important step in healing of any problem whether it is Jinn Possession

http://spiritualhealinginislam.webs.com/jinnpossession.htm ( click for details) or a physical ailment is true and sincere repentance.

And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. And He pardons much. [42:30]

ALLAH has explained three aspects of a human life in the simple verse above:

1. 2. 3.

Problem (Misfortunes) Reason (Your Own Doing) Cure (Repentance)

Therefore if you are under stress or problems then you need to identify where you went wrong. The best way to find out is to ask you. Deep down inside we always know when and where we sinned.

Nay, but man is a witness against himself, even though he may veil himself in excuses. [75:14, 15]

Our conscience keeps reminding us of our wrong doings no matter how strong we justify them with our excuses. The constant indulgence and persistency in sinful acts results in the death of conscience. If this is the case, then only ALLAH can identify your problem for you. You don't need to ask a healer, peer, aamil, jinn etc. ALLAH gave you this problem, only HE can solve it.

And if ALLAH touches you with harm, none can remove it but HE, and if HE touches you with good, the HE is able to do all things. (6:17)

71 If we would not be subjected to misfortunes now or then we would cease to remember Our Creator and completely forget our true purpose of life (worship and obey ALLAH). Every affliction has a reward, if patience is exhibited. The greater the affliction, the greater is reward. When we exercise patience during bad times ALLAH cleanse our sins.

Verily, the magnitude of the reward is proportionate to the magnitude of the affliction. And indeed when ALLAH loves people HE afflicts them, and those who accept it gladly receive ALLAH's pleasure, but those who are displeased receive ALLAH's displeasure. [Tirmidhi, Ibn'majah]

This life is just a test. When we declare our faith in ALLAH, we are tested according to our faith. Mostly during tribulations, people tend to become ungrateful and say the most degrading things ever heard e.g. what has our prayers given us but problems, those who do not pray are more blessed than us etc. When everything is going according to their desires they are foremost in giving lectures on faith (tawakkul) and religious practices. The very moment they are tested with an affliction they don't waste a second in abandoning all their principles of faith and patience. "Do people think that they will be left (at ease) only on their saying, We believe and will not be put to any test?"

True spiritual healing starts with the establishment of the obligatory prayers.

Many problems and difficulties in life can be avoided by praying to ALLAH. ALLAH writes the decree of man and only HE can change it. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said, Nothing can avert the decree of Allah except supplication, and nothing increases life except virtuous deeds. [Tirmidhi]

Dua should be made with full faith that ALLAH is RULER of the world. Everything is in HIS control. No difficulty or trial can come to us without HIS will. ALLAH hears and sees us when we cry with pain during our difficult times. HE sees us when we make dua to HIM. We can ask him for anything. Make dua to ALLAH for every little matter. When a two year begs and cries to his mom for the knife placed in the kitchen drawer, she refuses. It is not because the child was not convincing enough or that she does not want to grant his wishes, but because she loves her child and knows very well that if she grants the wish the child will hurt himself. ALLAH knows which prayers to answer and which should be kept for later. Sometimes the very thing that we are asking for is not right for us but we can't understand just like the child could not understand why he wasn't given the knife to play with.

72 When MY servants ask you concerning ME, I am indeed close (to them); I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls on ME. [2:186]

ALLAH is how you expect HIM to be. A lady once was told after her ultrasound to abort her child as he had a very big hole in his heart. Instead she went home and fell down into prostration. She used to pray with full faith that if ALLAH can make a hole HE can also fill the hole. After a few months of ultrasound the doctor was astonished to see there was not a hole in the child's heart! In the other case, there are times when you ask ALLAH for something so badly and still your wish is not granted. From personal experience, there were some wishes in life I wanted so badly to be granted. I would pray for them sitting, standing and while prostrating. I would wake up at nights and pray Tahajjud and ask ALLAH to grant my wish but to no avail. After sometime I was prostrating and thanking ALLAH for not granting my wish when I was begging like a child. ALLAH showed what consequences I would be facing if HE would have granted my wish. Next time when your dua is not heard, convince yourself that there must be a very good reason that ALLAH did not grant you your wish. HE will surely show you what a big favour HE has done to you by not granting your wish or dua. Another reason why a prayer/dua is not granted is the consumption of Haram (illicit) wealth and a life full of sins.

The Dua of a believer is never wasted. If our dua is not granted and we are patient then ALLAH either turns away some evil that was going to inflict us, or ALLAH reserves its rewards for the hereafter. On the day of judgement when we see the huge rewards we get for the unanswered duas, we will wish none of our Duas got granted on earth!

Abu Hurayrah (R.A) said that the The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said: O people, ALLAH is good and only accepts that which is good. ALLAH commanded the pious to follow the same commandments as HE gave to the Messengers. Then he mentioned a man who has travelled on a long journey and is disheveled and covered with dust; he stretches forth his hands to the heaven, (saying) O Lord, O Lord, but his food is haraam, his drink is haraam, all his nourishment is haraam, so how can his dua be accepted? [Muslim]

It was said to Ibraaheem ibn Adham: Why is it that we supplicate and receive no response?

He said because you know ALLAH but you do not obey HIM, and you know the Messenger but you do not follow his Sunnah, and you know the Quran but you do not act in accordance with it, and you eat from the blessings of ALLAH but

73 you do not give thanks for them, and you know Paradise but you do not seek it, and you know Hell but you do not flee from it, and you know the Satan but you do not fight him rather you agree with him, and you know death but you do not prepare for it, and you have buried the dead but you do not learn a lesson from that, and you ignore your own faults and are preoccupied with other peoples faults.

"Ask ALLAH for forgiveness and good health for , verily, after certainty of faith, no one has been given anything better than good health." Tafseer al-Qurtubi (2/312).

Dua is a very important aspect of worship. This aspect is common to all religions. The importance of supplicating to ALLAH during times of ease and difficulty should never be forgotten. Dua is the ultimate weapon of a believer!


When any one of you has finished praying (and makes Dua), let him start by praising ALLAH, then let him send blessings upon The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him)then after that let him ask for whatever he wants.

Evil Eye Body Pain Depression Jinn Possession & Moon Magic Sadaqa (Charity)
CURE FOR EVIL EYE It was narrated from Aisha ( ) that The Prophet said: "Seek refuge with ALLAH from the evil eye, for the evil eye is real."

1. Pray to ALLAH with full faith that only HE can remove the effects of the evil eye.

74 2. BATH FOR THE EVIL EYE ''Amir ibn Rabia ( ) saw Sahl ibn Hunayf ( ) doing a ghusl and said, 'I have not seen the like of what I see today, not even the skin of a maiden who has never been out of doors.' Sahl fell to the ground. The Prophet, The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him), was approached and it was said, 'Messenger of ALLAH The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him), can you do anything about Sahl ibn Hunayf? By ALLAH, he can not raise his head.' He said, 'Do you suspect anyone of it?' They said, 'We suspect Amir ibn Rabia.' "

He continued, The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) summoned Amir and was furious with him and said, 'Why does one of you kill his brother? Why did you not say, "May ALLAH bless you?" ( ) Do ghusl for it.' Amir washed his face, hands, elbows, knees, the end of his feet, and inside his lower garment in a vessel. Then he poured it over him, and Sahl went off with the people, and there was nothing wrong with him."[Muwatta Maalik]

The Shariah allows us to request the evil eye caster to do wudu for us. Hence if anyone is asked to wudu to ward off the effects of evil eye, he should cooperate at once without any delay. Aisha ( ) said: "The one who had put the evil eye on another would be ordered to do Wudoo, the one who had been struck by the evil eye would wash with it (that water)."[Sunan Abi Dawood]

STEPS A vessel of water should be brought to the evil eye caster. The evil eye caster should put his hands in the vessel of water and wash them. Then he should rinse out his mouth into the vessel. (He should spit out the water in the vessel). Then he should wash his face over the vessel. Then he should pour water from the vessel on his right forearm over the vessel. Then he should pour water from the vessel on his left forearm over the vessel. Then he should pour water on his right foot, while keeping the foot right above the vessel. Then he should pour water on his left foot, while keeping the foot right above the vessel.

75 Then he should put his left hand in the water and pour water over his right knee and let the water drip in the vessel. Then he should put his right hand in the water and pour water over his left knee and let the water drip in the vessel. All the above steps should be done above the vessel. It is advised to keep the vessel of water on a high place e.g table. Then he should put the top of his Izaar (or the waistband of his trousers) into the vessel. The vessel should not be placed on the ground, and it should be poured over the head of the person who was struck by the evil eye, from the behind (the person's back should be facing the evil eye caster) in one go.


Recite the following invocation for protecting your children from the evil eye:

I commend you two to the protection of ALLAH's perfect words from every devil, vermin and every evil eye."

Recite the following invocations for yourself and the family:

"In the name of ALLAH I perform Ruqyah for you, from everything that is harming you, from the evil of every soul or envious eye. May ALLAH heal you, In the name of ALLAH I perform Ruqyah for you."

"In the name of ALLAH, may HE heal you, and from the evil of every envier when he envies and from everyone with the evil eye."

76 If a person is fearful of casting an evil eye on himself or someone else he should recite the following ayat when looking at the desired object/person:

"That which ALLAH wills (will come to pass)! There is no power but with ALLAH." Ibn Hajar ( ) said: The one who likes something must hasten to pray for blessing for the thing that he likes, and that will be a Ruqyah on his part. This can be done by saying:

Narrated Um Salama( :) That the Prophet ( ) saw in her house a girl whose face had a black spot. He ( )said. "She is under the effect of an evil eye; so treat her with a Ruqya."


1. 2.

Recite invocations for body pain http://masnoonhealing.webs.com/bodypain.htm#725723403


Allah's Messenger The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said, "Make use of the two

remedies: honey and the Qur'an." [Tirmidhi] A man came to The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) and said, "My brother has some abdominal trouble." The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said to him "Let him drink honey." The man came for the second time and The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said to him, "Let him drink honey." He came for the third time and the Prophet said The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him), "Let him drink honey." He returned again and said, "I have done that." The Prophet The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) then said, "ALLAH has said the truth, but your brother's abdomen has told a lie. Let him drink honey." So he made him drink honey and he was cured. [Bukhari].Recite Surah Fatiha]. 3. Recite Surah Fatiha, Recite Surah Falaq and Surah Naas.


The following hadith indicates the curing of pain from any part of the body: Uthman made a complaint of pain to ALLAH's Messenger The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) which he felt in his body at the time he had become Muslim. There upon ALLAH's Messenger The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) said:


Place your hand at the place where you feel pain in your body and say three times

"In the name of ALLAH" And recite seven times

I seek refuge with Allah and with His Power from the evil that I find and that I fear." 2. After every prayer recite three times:

"ALLAH grant my body health, ALLAH grant my hearing health, ALLAH grant my sight health, there is no ilah but YOU."

CURE FOR DEPRESSION One of the most popular reasons why women run to spiritual healers is depression. Depression is a strong mood involving sadness, discouragement, despair, or hopelessness that lasts for weeks, months, or even longer. Depression can be due to many reasons: Side effect of a medicine/drug Hypothyroidism Postpartum Depression (occurs in women after giving birth to child) Premenstrual Dysphonic Disorder (women usually feeling depressed and irritable a week or two before monthly periods) Demonic Attack Life of sins There are many more types of depression which have not been stated above, but these are the most common. Depression is an illness and if not taken care of in time can lead to disastrous consequences, e.g. suicide. Instead of digging out the root cause of depression people tend to turn to spiritual healers or stack up on expensive medicines (anti-depressants). Healers will provide dozens of wazeefas which will only make things worse. To fight off this illness it is important to remember that the ONLY HEALER is ALLAH. Any act that angers ALLAH will not cure but further destroy.


ANTI-DEPRESSANTS Those who are using anti-depressants (e.g. Prozac) to fight their depression need to think again. These medicines have dangerous side effects. Prozac has been linked to many suicides in depression patients. Over 100,000 Americans die every year from medicines prescribed to them by their doctors. Some side effects of anti-depressants are: Dry mouth, Urinary retention, Blurred vision, Constipation, Sedation, Sleep disruption, Weight gain, Headache, Nausea, Gastrointestinal disturbance/diarrhea, Abdominal pain, Agitation, Anxiety, Suicide (Suicide is one of the most dangerous side effects antidepressants have shown. People using these drugs are always cautioned by the physician that there might be drastic change in the behavior and also they may have to face suicidal tendencies!)

For further astonishing facts about suicidal effects of antidepressants, view the links given below: Anti-Depressants Exposed! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sstoa406Oa0 Dangers of Anti-Depressants Suppressed(Fox News) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Bzwx5HcurM&feature=related ....Until The Side Effects Kill You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HDGlpk0Fy8&feature=related Anti-depressants are addictive and require a lot of effort to withdraw from. Sudden withdrawal from anti-depressants can be very dangerous. If you start taking anti-depressants than getting off them can be tough. Many people experience withdrawal symptoms which make it more difficult to quit the medication. A patient can experience various unpleasant withdrawal symptoms such as crying spells, extreme restlessness, dizziness, fatigue, electric shock sensations and aches and pains. These withdrawal symptoms are known as antidepressant discontinuation syndrome." In order to avoid antidepressant withdrawal symptoms, never stop your medication abruptly. Instead, gradually lower your dose, allowing for at least 1-2 weeks between each dosage reduction. This process may take up to several months, and should only be attempted under a doctor's supervision. TIPS FOR FIGHTING DEPRESSION 1. Repent to ALLAH for your sins. A life full of sins spiritually strips a person of happiness and contentment. Work on your connection with ALLAH. It is almost like our relationship with our parents. When we ignore them or don't see them for a while, we fell depressed and low, and we long for their presence. Same goes for the relationship with ALLAH. When we disconnect ourselves from ALLAH, our souls hungers for the presence and connection with ALLAH. If you will forget ALLAH, ALLAH will forget you! 2. Dig out the root cause of depression. Explore yourself and your life and analyze what it that is depressing you is. One of the root causes of depression among women these days is the lack of luxury. Competition among women for designer clothes, luxurious houses and cars, expensive jewelry has become ruthless. They are willing to sacrifice marital bliss, morality and relationships to remain ahead of the game. The constant struggle to "fit in" is depriving them of enjoying the blessings they already have. In return not do they only lose their present blessings but also invite the wrath of ALLAH for being ungrateful. ALLAH takes back blessings from those who are ungrateful. One, who rushes madly after inordinate desire, runs the risk of encountering destruction and death.

79 3. Sometimes extreme depression is due to the loss of a loved one. This loss can be through death, divorce, arguments etc. Usually death affects us the most. Women due to their sensitive nature find it very difficult to overcome the death of a loved one. Some totally give up on life and get bed ridden. People suffering due to the death of a loved one require special care, love and motivation. Here is a very beautiful and courageous story. How I Deal with Depression by Christy (Pensacola) My son died in November. I have been severely depressed, i can not read myself well, therapy cost too much money for these hard economic times, anti-depressants are a mask for the situation, so every morning when I open my eyes, I say; "THANK YOU GOD FOR GIVING ME CHRIS (husband) FOR 31 YEARS" and then i pull myself out of bed, and face the day with heart full of love, and gratitude for all of the blessings in my life. When ALLAH closes one door, he opens several other doors but we tend to concentrate only on the closed door and ignore the new ones that have been opened for us. When we lose a loved one, we ignore the ones that are present. We deprive them of the part of attention and love that belongs to them. They are affected by the loss too. This is a time when a family should come together, pray for the dead, and be thankful for what they still have before it is too late. Recite the following invocation:

"To ALLAH we belong and unto HIM is our return. ALLAH recompenses me for my affliction and replaces it for me with something better." 4. Depression at times is also brought on upon by evil entities. When you are religiously inclined and there is no apparent cause for suffering, then fight off this evil with the help of ALLAH. Invocations for evil eye and jinn possession should be recited with the following additional invocations.

"O ALLAH I am your servant, son of YOUR servant, son of YOUR maidservant, my forelock is in YOUR hand, YOUR command over me is forever executed and YOUR decree over me is just. I ask YOU by every name belonging to YOU which YOU named YOURSELF with, or revealed in YOUR book, or YOU taught to any of YOUR creation, or YOU have preserved in the knowledge of the unseen with YOU, that YOU make the Quran the life of my heart and the light of my breast, and a departure for my sorrow and a release for my anxiety."

"None has the right to be worshiped except YOU. How perfect YOU are, verily I was among the wrong-doers."


, ,
"None has the right to be worshiped except ALLAH, The Magnificent The Forbearing. None has the right to be worshiped except ALLAH, LORD of the magnificent throne. None has the right to be worshiped except ALLAH, LORD of the heavens, and LORD of the Earth".

"ALLAH, I take refuge in YOU from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts and from being over powered by men."

"ALLAH is sufficient for us, and how fine a trustee (He is)."

CURE / PREVENTION FOR HUMAN POSSESSION 1. Pray 2 nafl (rakat) and pray sincerely to ALLAH for the cure. Repent for all sins including the sins that opened the doors to possession. Ask ALLAH to help you understand which sins caused possession. (If the victim is not sane enough to do this then family members should pray for his repentance.) Pray to ALLAH to help you remove all cursed objects present in the house that are opening doors to the devils. Remove any amulet or taweez worn by the possessed person. Bury them in a far place. Do not burn them! If you had been going to a healer or a magician, then before starting the treatment get rid of anything that has been given to you by him. Papers (even if they have verses written on them), holy water, holy oil, books (islamic or nonislamic). Anything touched by healers are doorways for their jinns to you and your house. Pray to ALLAH to help you in closing all paths that lead them to you. Recite the following whenever you pray:

"To ALLAH we belong and unto HIM is our return. ALLAH recompenses me for my affliction and replaces it for me with something better." 2. Do not fear the jinns. They feed off of our fears. 3. Do not attempt any sort of Communication with the Jinn http://spiritualhealinginislam.webs.com/jinncommunicationburning.htm ( click) 4. Remain in wudu. Shayateen jinns cannot withstand wudu and are forced to leave the body and remain out of it until the wudu remains. The moment your wudu is broken, do it again. In the beginning it will seem tough, but inshALLAH with ALLAH's help and your will power, it will get easier.

81 5. Fasting also cures possession. Try to fast. 6. Recite Ayat-ul-Kursi, Surah Fatiha, Surah Falaq and Surah Naas frequently (not in the form of wazeefa). This is the most important part. Recite these surahs sitting, standing, walking etc. They are the swords against magic, jinn possession and evil eye. Be very persistent in reciting them because if you are able to accomplish this, you WILL feel the difference. Ayat ul kursi is one of the most powerful verses of Quran. Jinns cannot perform any of their activities while the victim is busy reciting ayat ul kursi. There comes a time when the jinns will give up and leave as the client due to his frequent recitation of ayat-ul-kursi, will create a hurdle for their activities. The Prophet ( ) used to seek refuge from the jinn as well as from the evil eye until Surah al Falaq and An Naas were revealed. When they were sent down, he utilized them and left other things. [at-Tirmidhi , Riyad as-Salihin by Imam an-Nawawi ] 7. Listen to the adhan at least five times a day. The Prophet ( ) said, When the Adhan is pronounced Satan takes to his heels and passes wind with noise during his flight in order not to hear the Adhan. [Bukhari] 8. Take baths often! Remain clean. Possessed people are usually reluctant in keeping themselves clean. Clip nails and clean unwanted hair regularly. 9. Do not spend hours in the bathroom. Recite the following before entering the bathroom. Enter by placing left foot first in the bathroom.

"ALLAH I seek refuge with you from male and female devils." When leaving the bathroom place your right foot outside of the bathroom first. When you have left the bathroom recite:

"I ask you (ALLAH) for forgiveness." 10. Remove all those things from the body and house that invites wrath of ALLAH. E.g. taweez, rings and threads worn to ward off evil eye etc 11. Recite invocations for morning and evening regularly. 12. Stop any wazeefa that was not taught by The Prophet (.) 13. Whoever recites this 100 hundred times a day will have the reward of freeing ten slaves. One hundred rewards will be written for him and 100 hundred misdeeds will be washed away. He will be shielded from Satan until the evening. [Bukhari/Muslim]


"There is no ilah but ALLAH alone, with no partner or associate; HIS is the dominion, to HIM be all praise, and HE is able to do all things." 14. Pay Zakat. Impurities which have accumulated in ones wealth are eliminated by Zakat, hence the wealth is purified. Jinns are attracted to filth and impurities. Also give charity (sadaqa). http://masnoonhealing.webs.com/charitysadaqa.htm ( click for details) 15. Possessed people are known to have nightmares. It does not mean that if you have nightmares you are bound to be possessed but possessed victims see nightmares more frequently than a normal person. If you see a nightmare or unpleasant dream!!! The Prophet ( ) said, "A good dream is from Allah, and a bad or evil dream is from Satan; so if anyone of you has a bad dream of which he gets afraid, he should spit on his left side and should seek refuge with Allah from its evil, for then it will not harm him." [Bukhari] You can seek refuge with ALLAH by reciting the following prayer after spitting three times:

"I seek ALLAHs protection from the accursed shaitaan and from the evil of this bad dream." 16. Uninhabited houses or places are the favorites places of jinns. Hence while entering such a place/house recite:

"Peace be upon us and upon the righteous slaves" 17. Anas ( ) narrated that The Prophet ( ) said: While leaving the house whoever says:

"In the Name of ALLAH, I put my trust in ALLAH, and there is no power and no strength except with ALLAH" It is said: You have been taken care of, protected and guided, and the Shayateen turns away from him. Abu Dawood added in his report: "Then the Shaytaan (satan) says to another devil "What can you do with a man who has been guided, taken care of and protected?" 18. Take ALLAH's name ( ) before eating or drinking. 19. Take ALLAH's name ( ) before changing clothes so that a barrier is made between the eyes of the devils and the nakedness of the person,

"All praise belongs to ALLAH who has clothed me without my effort of strength."

83 20. Control your anger! Devils play around with an angry person like children play with a football. Sulaymaan ibn Surad ( ) said: I was sitting with The Prophet ( ) when two men traded insults. One of them turned red in the face and became furious and the Prophet said: "I know a word which, if he said it, what he is experiencing would go away. The words were:

"Seek refuge with ALLAH from the accursed Shaytaan." The Prophet ( ) said: When one of you becomes angry while standing, he should sit down. If the anger leaves him, well and good; otherwise he should lie down. 21. Recite the following verse of Quran to prevent the approaching of devils:

"My LORD,I seek refuge with YOU from the whispering (suggestions) of the devils; and I seek refuge with YOU, my LORD lest they may attend me."[23:97-98] 22. Also recite the following invocations as they are very useful against the mischief created by jinns.

"ALLAH we place YOU before them and we take refuge in YOU from their evil."

"ALLAH, YOU are my supporter and YOU are my helper, by YOU I move and by YOU I attack and by YOU I battle."


Magicians/wiccans/occultists use lunar energy for casting magical spells or curses. The two most powerful moon phases for carrying out black magic spells or curses is the full moon and the new moon. PROTECTION FOR FULL MOON The highest energy occurs at the Full Moon and, therefore, this is the most powerful time for magical workings.ALLAH guide us and protect us from people who indulge in wrath invoking activities.All magic is much more powerful on the night of the full moon, during this phase spells which deal with power and magical energies will be at their strongest. The Full Moon lasts about three days and are known as White days.It is a very intense phase. SubhanALLAH, our religion is already equipped with strong protection techniques to deal with these magical phases. Fasting is one of the strongest masnoon techniques to protect and cure oneself from all sorts of magic. Qatada ibn Milhan ( ) said, "The Messenger of ALLAH ( ,) may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to command us to fast the white days: the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth." [Abu Dawud]

84 'Abbas said ( " ,) The Messenger of ALLAH ( ,) may Allah bless him and grant him peace, did not fail to fast the white days either when at home or on a journey." [an-Nasa'i]

PROTECTION FOR NEW MOON The New Moon is as powerful in its own way as the Full Moon. Our Prophet ( ) taught us a dua (invocation) to recite so that we can be protected against the evil effects of the lunar energy of new moon.

" ALLAH is great! O ALLAH, let this moon pass over us with blessings, Iman, safety, and in the belief of Islam. Grant us the ability to act on the actions that You love and Pleases You. (O moon) Our Lord and Your Lord is ALLAH".

CHARITY Charity is common to all religions. Even those without a religion acknowledge its benefits. After obligatory Islamic duties, charity plays an important role in spiritual healing. Charity is known to close doors to the shayateen (devils). The Prophet ( ) said, "Give (in charity) and do not give reluctantly lest ALLAH should give you in a limited amount; and do not withhold your money lest ALLAH should withhold it from you." Charity is different from zakat. Zakat is obligatory whereas charity is optional. The Prophet ( ) said, "There is a (compulsory) sadaqa (charity) to be given for every joint of the human body (as a sign of gratitude to ALLAH) every day the sun rises. According to the above hadith sadaqa for every joint can be given as:

To judge justly between two persons. [Bukhari] To help a man concerning his riding animal by helping him to ride it or by lifting his luggage on to it. [Bukhari] Saying a good word. [Bukhari] Every step taken on one's way to offer the compulsory prayer. [Bukhari] Remove a harmful thing from the way. [Bukhari] Enjoining all that is good. [Bukhari]

The Prophet ( ) said, "When a Muslim spends something on his family intending to receive Allah's reward it is regarded as Sadaqa for him." [Bukhari] If a person cannot afford to give in the form of money than there are other easier ways to give charity. The Prophet ( ) said: Never a Muslim plants a tree, but he has the reward of charity for him, for what is eaten out of that is charity; what is stolen out of that, what the beast eat out of that, what the birds eat out of that is charity for him. (In short) none incurs a loss to him but it becomes a charity on his part. [Bukhari]

85 Charity can be given on the behalf of dead relatives. A man asked The Prophet (" , ) My mother died, will it benefit her if I give in charity on her behalf?" The Prophet ( ) replied in the affirmative. The man said, "I have a garden and I make you a witness that I give it in charity on her behalf." [Bukhari] It is prohibited to take back your charity. Umar bin Al-Khattab gave a horse to be ridden in ALLAH's cause and then he found it being sold. He intended to purchase it. So, he consulted The Prophet ( ) who said, "Don't buy it and don't take back your gift of charity." The bottom line is that you don't have to be rich to give charity. If you can't afford it, a smile or serving a glass will also be considered charity as long as it is only to please ALLAH and not to receive compliments or recognition. Islam is a religion of ease. ALLAH does not intend to put mankind in inconvenience in matters regarding religion. This can be understood from the following hadith: The Prophet ( ) said, "On every Muslim there is enjoined (a compulsory) Sadaqa (alms)." They (the people) said, "If one has nothing?" He said, "He should work with his hands so that he may benefit himself and give in charity." They said, "If he cannot work or does not work?" He () said, "Then he should help the oppressed unhappy person (by word or action or both)." They said, "If he does not do it?" He ( ) said, "Then he should enjoin what is good." They said, "If he does not do that?" He ( ) said, "Then he should refrain from doing evil, for that will be considered for him as a Sadaqa (charity)." [Bukhari]

Web source http://masnoonhealing.webs.com/

The information on the website has been put together by those who have just been saved from a very dangerous and well planned trap laid by these spiritual healers (hidden under the garment of Islam) to strip Muslims of their assets and faith. They portray themselves to be Islamic scholars and healers, whereas they are nothing but magicians with sound knowledge of Islam. For general information we are not Shias, we do not belong to any further sub-sect of Islam. We are Muslims and that is it. We did not belong to the Sufi, Wahabi, Salafee etc groups.

Please feel free to contact us. If you have any questions, suggestions, information or incidents regarding Spiritual Healing and Healers please email us at spiritualhealers@yahoo.com

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