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2020 Amc 10B

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2020 AMC10B

2020 AMC10B

Problem 1
What is the value of


Problem 2
Carl has cubes each having side length , and Kate has cubes each having side length . What is
the total volume of these cubes?
Carl 有 5 个边长为 1 的立方体,Kate 有 5 个边长为 2 的立方体。这 10 个立方体的总体积是

Problem 3
The ratio of to is , the ratio of to is , and the ratio of to is . What is the
ratio of to
w 比 x 的比值为 4:3,y 比 z 的比值为 3:2,z 比 x 的比值为 1:6。则 w 比 y 是多少?

Problem 4
The acute angles of a right triangle are and , where and both and are prime numbers.
What is the least possible value of ?
一个直角三角形的两个锐角的度数分别为 a°和 b°,其中 a>b,且 a 和 b 均为质数。则 b

2020 AMC10B

Problem 5
How many distinguishable arrangements are there of 1 brown tile, 1 purple tile, 2 green tiles, and 3
yellow tiles in a row from left to right? (Tiles of the same color are indistinguishable.)
把 1 块棕色的瓷砖,1 块紫色瓷砖,2 块绿色瓷砖和 3 块黄色瓷砖从左到右排成一排,一共有

Problem 6
Driving along a highway, Megan noticed that her odometer showed (miles). This number is a
palindrome-it reads the same forward and backward. Then hours later, the odometer displayed the
next higher palindrome. What was her average speed, in miles per hour, during this -hour period?
当 Megan 在高速公路上驾驶时,她发现车上的里程表的读数为 15951(英里)。这个数是个
回环数:一个从前往后读和从后往前读,读数都一样的数。2 小时后,里程表读数为下一个
较大的回环数。那么她在这 2 小时驾驶中,平均速度为多少英里每小时?

Problem 7
How many positive even multiples of less than are perfect squares?
小于 2020 的所有 3 的倍数且是偶数的正整数中,有多少个数是完全平方数?

Problem 8
Points and lie in a plane with . How many locations for point in this plane are there
such that the triangle with vertices , , and is a right triangle with area square units?
点 P 和 Q 在一平面内且 PQ=8。在这个平面内有多少个这样的点 R,使得以 P,Q 和 R 为顶
点的三角形是个直角三角形,且面积为 12?

2020 AMC10B

Problem 9

For how many ordered pairs of integers satisfy the equation


Problem 10
A three-quarter sector of a circle of radius inches along with its interior is the 2-D net that forms
the lateral surface area of a right circular cone by taping together along the two radii shown. What is
the volume of the cone in cubic inches?
如下图所示,一个半径为 4 英寸的圆的四分之三部分形成的扇形及其内部,可以通过将它的

Problem 11
Ms. Carr asks her students to select 5 of the 10 books to read on her classroom reading list. Harold
randomly selects 5 books from this list, and Betty does the same. What is the probability that there
are exactly 2 books that they both select?
Carr 女士要求她的学生们从一张列有 10 本书的书单上任选 5 本阅读。Harold 从书单上随机选
择了 5 本,Betty 也是如此。那么,恰好有 2 本书被他俩都选中的概率是多少?

2020 AMC10B

Problem 12

The decimal representation of consists of a string of zeros after the decimal point, followed by
a and then several more digits. How many zeros are in that initial string of zeros after the decimal

的小数表示在小数点后是一连串的 0,紧接着是 1 个 9,再接着是几个其他数字。则在小

数点后遇到第一个 9 之前,一共有多少个初始的 0?

Problem 13

Andy the Ant lives on a coordinate plane and is currently at facing east (that is, in the
positive -direction). Andy moves unit and then turns left. From there, Andy moves units
(north) and then turns left. He then moves units (west) and again turns left. Andy
continues his progress, increasing his distance each time by unit and always turning left. What is
the location of the point at which Andy makes the th left turn?
蚂蚁 Andy 住在坐标平面上,目前位于(-20,20)面朝东(即,面朝 x 轴正半轴方向)。
Andy 首先向前移动一个单位,然后向左转了 90°。从所处的地点开始又移动了 2 个单位
(向北),然后向左转了 90°。之后他又向前移动了 3 个单位(向西),然后再次向左转了
90°。Andy 以此方式不停地移动和转动,每次移动的距离都增加 1,且总是向左转动,当
Andy 第 2020 次向左转时,他所在的点的位置是多少?

2020 AMC10B

Problem 14
As shown in the figure below, six semicircles lie in the interior of a regular hexagon with side length
2 so that the diameters of the semicircles coincide with the sides of the hexagon. What is the area of
the shaded region — inside the hexagon but outside all of the semicircles?
如下图所示,6 个半圆位于一个边长为 2 的正六边形的内部,且半圆的直径和六边形的边重

Problem 15
Steve wrote the digits , , , , and in order repeatedly from left to right, forming a list
of digits, beginning He then erased every third digit from his list (that
is, the rd, th, th, digits from the left), then erased every fourth digit from the resulting list (that
is, the th, th, th, digits from the left in what remained), and then erased every fifth digit from
what remained at that point. What is the sum of the three digits that were then in the
positions ?
Steve 从左往右依次重复地写 1,2,3,4,5,最终形成一个有 10,000 个数字的序列,以
123451234512...开始,然后他把这个序列里的每第 3 个数字擦除(即,从左往右依次擦除第
3,第 6,第 9,…个数字),然后把得到的序列里的每第 4 个数字擦除(即,从第一次擦除
后所得的序列中,从左往右依次擦除第 4,第 8,第 12,…个数字),之后再从剩下的序列
里,擦除每第 5 个数字,操作完之后,位于第 2019,2020 和第 2021 个位置上的 3 个数字之

2020 AMC10B

Problem 16

Bela and Jenn play the following game on the closed interval of the real number line,
where is a fixed integer greater than . They take turns playing, with Bela going first. At his first

turn, Bela chooses any real number in the interval . Thereafter, the player whose turn it is
chooses a real number that is more than one unit away from all numbers previously chosen by either
player. A player unable to choose such a number loses. Using optimal strategy, which player will
win the game?
Bela 和 Jenn 在实数轴上[0,n]这个区间内做游戏,这里 n 是一个大于 4 的固定的整数。他
们轮流做游戏,Bela 先开始。首先,Bela 从[0,n]区间内任意选择一个实数,接下来轮到
某人开始,那个人选择的这个实数必须要和之前两人已经选过的所有实数的距离都大于 1。

(A)Bela will always win|总是 Bela 赢

(B)Jenn will always win|总是 Jenn 赢
(C)Bela will win if and only ifn is odd|当且仅当 n 是奇数时,Bela 会赢
(D)Jenn will win if and only ifn is odd|当且仅当 n 是奇数时,Jenn 会赢
(E)Jenn will win if and only if n>8|当且仅当 n>8 时,Jenn 会赢

Problem 17
There are people standing equally spaced around a circle. Each person knows exactly of the
other people: the people standing next to her or him, as well as the person directly across the
circle. How many ways are there for the people to split up into pairs so that the members of
each pair know each other?
10 个人站成一个圆形,相互之间间距相等。每个人都认识其余 9 个人中的 3 个人,在他两旁
的 2 个人,以及他对面的那个人。若把这 10 个人分成 5 对,要求每对的两个人都相互认识,

2020 AMC10B

Problem 18
An urn contains one red ball and one blue ball. A box of extra red and blue balls lie nearby. George
performs the following operation four times: he draws a ball from the urn at random and then takes a
ball of the same color from the box and returns those two matching balls to the urn. After the four
iterations the urn contains six balls. What is the probability that the urn contains three balls of each
George 做如下操作 4 次:他随机的从罐子里抽取一个球,然后从盒子里拿一个同色的球,最
后把这 2 个匹配的球放回罐子里。经过 4 次这样的重复操作后,罐子里总共有 6 个球,问罐
子里恰好有 3 个红球和 3 个蓝球的概率是多少?

Problem 19
In a certain card game, a player is dealt a hand of cards from a deck of distinct cards. The
number of distinct (unordered) hands that can be dealt to the player can be written
as . What is the digit ?
在某场棋牌游戏中,一个选手从一叠 52 张不同的扑克牌中抽取 10 张牌。这个选手抽取这 10
张牌的不同的(不考虑抽牌顺序)方法数可以被写成 158A00A4AA0,则数字 A 是多少?

2020 AMC10B

Problem 20
Let be a right rectangular prism (box) with edges lengths and , together with its interior. For

real , let be the set of points in -dimensional space that lie within a distance of some

point in . The volume of can be expressed as , where and are

positive real numbers. What is

B 是一个棱长分别为 1,3 和 4 的长方体(盒子)及其内部区域。对于实数 r≥0,定

为三维空间中,到 B 中某些点的距离不超过 r 的所有点组成的集合。 的体积可以表示为

,这里 a,c 和 d 都是正实数, 求

Problem 21
In square , points and lie on and , respectively, so
that Points and lie on and , respectively, and points and lie
on so that and . See the figure below. Triangle ,
quadrilateral , quadrilateral , and pentagon each has area What is ?
在正方形 ABCD 中,点 E 和 H 分别位于线段 和 上,满足 AE=AH。点 F 和 G 分别位
于线段 和 上,且点 I 和 J 位于线段 上,满足 , 。如下图所
示,三角形 AEH,四边形 BFIE,四边形 DHJG 和五边形 FCGJI 面积均为 1。问 是多少?

2020 AMC10B

Problem 22

What is the remainder when is divided by ?

除以 所得的余数是多少?

Problem 23
Square in the coordinate plane has vertices at the

points and Consider the following four

a rotation of counterclockwise around the origin;
a rotation of clockwise around the origin;
a reflection across the -axis; and
a reflection across the -axis.
Each of these transformations maps the squares onto itself, but the positions of the labeled vertices
will change. For example, applying and then would send the

vertex at to and would send the vertex at to itself. How many

sequences of transformations chosen from will send all of the labeled vertices
back to their original positions? (For example, is one sequence of transformations that
will send the vertices back to their original positions.)
在坐标平面内,正方形 ABCD 的 4 个顶点的坐标分别为 A(1,1),B(-1,1),C(-
1,-1),D(1,-1)。考虑如下 4 个变换:L,绕着原点逆时针旋转 90°;R,绕着原点
顺时针旋转 90°;H,关于 x 轴对称;V,关于 y 轴对称。
这 4 个变换中的每一个都将正方形映射回自身,但是顶点的位置会发生改变,例如,依次使
用变换 R 和 V 后,顶点 A 的位置就从(1,1)变到了(-1,-1),同时顶点 B(-1,1)
最终又回到了它原来的位置。从集合{L,R,H,V}中依次选择 20 个变换组成一个序列,
问有多少种这样的序列,在依次经过这个序列中的 20 次变换后,正方形的顶点又回到它们各
自原来的位置?(例如,R,R,V,H 就是这样一组满足条件的 4 次变换的序列,能够把顶

2020 AMC10B

Problem 24

How many positive integers satisfy (Recall that is the greatest integer
not exceeding .)

有多少个正整数 n 满足 ( 表示不超过 x 的最大整数.)

Problem 25

Let denote the number of ways of writing the positive integer as a product

where , the are integers strictly greater than , and the order in which the factors are listed
matters (that is, two representations that differ only in the order of the factors are counted as

distinct). For example, the number can be written as , , and , so . What

is ?

表示把正整数 n 写成以下乘积形式的方法数:

其中 k≥1, 都是严格大于 1 的整数,并且这些因子列出的先后顺序是需要考虑的(即,两


如,数字 6 可以写成 6, 和 ,因此 D(6)=3。问 是多少?

2020 AMC10B

2020 AMC 10B Answer Key

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25



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