Tomato Production Guide Leaflet
Tomato Production Guide Leaflet
Tomato Production Guide Leaflet
popularly grown in most parts of the country. It’s Prepare a potting medium by mixing 1 part seedling growth dissolve 1 tbsp. of
a good source of Vitamins A and C. It also garden soil, 1 part carbonized rice hull and 1 urea in 1 gal. of water and drench this
contains dietary fiber, beta carotene, iron, part compost or organic fertilizer. to the seedlings 1 week before
lycopene, magnesium, niacin, potassium, Use potting medium measuring 8 inches in transplanting. During transplanting add
phosphorous, riboflavin and thiamine. It is also diameter with 10 inches in height. The bigger 1 tbsp. of complete fertilizer (14-14-14)
rich in anti-oxidant, good for the heart, helps the pot the better. in the hole then cover it with a handful
prevent premature aging and reduces the risks of compost prior to planting. Two
of chronic diseases. Raising Seedlings and Planting weeks after planting, apply 1 tbsp. of
Before sowing, soak seeds overnight, sow
urea (46-0-0) and 1 tbsp. of muriate of
Climatic and Soil Requirement immediately or air-dry the seeds before potash (0-0-60) by burying them in a 1-
Tomatoes require a cool and dry climate sowing. inch deep hole 3-4 inches away from
with temperature ranging from 21 to 24 °C. the stem. Repeat application of urea
Fill the seeds tray with mixed media then sow
For colder areas, plant from September to and potash at 30DAT.
one seed per hole at a depth of 0.5cm, cover
January and November to February in the seeds with fine soil then water.
lowland areas. Transplant the seedlings 25 days to one Trellising
Tomatoes grow well in sandy-loam to clay- month after emergence. Tomatoes grown in containers usually
loam soils with rich organic matter, good require support to hold them upright.
drainage and a pH ranging from 5.5 to 8.0. Support the seedlings with trellis at 15
Water and Nutrient Management
A well-pulverized soil promoted good days after transplanting using locally
Tomato is sensitive to excessive moisture
aeration and enhances root formation. available materials.
because it triggers disease development like
blight. That is why the occurrence of blight in
rainy season is prevalent. Make sure the pot Water Management
should have enough holes for good drainage. Water the plants as the need arises.
Water the plants regularly every after 1-2 Tomato is very sensitive to flooding,
days and every time you apply fertilizer. hence, watering must be done just to
moisten the root zone especially during
the start of flowering up to the last
Before transplanting, add a handful of
compost/vermicast/manure to the hole as
basal fertilizer. To boost plant vigor, apply
weekly (spray or drench) organic probiotics
preparations like IMO, Vermitea, FAA, OHN
and FPJ during vegetative stage. During
reproductive stage, apply FFJ, CalPhos or
OHN to support flower & fruit development.
Pruning Aside from spraying botanical pesticides,
Pruning is done to attain better plant growth. growing aromatic crops like basil, allium, Department of Agriculture`
It can be done 10 to 20 DAT or when the ginger, lemon grass and marigold can help AGRICULTURAL TRAINING INSTITUTE
side shoot or suckers start to elongate. repel insects. Likewise, growing cosmos, Cordillera Administrative Region
Pinch or cut suckers using pruners while BSU Compd., La Trinidad, Benguet
sunflower and zinnia attracts beneficial insects.
Telefax No.: (074) 422-7460
these are small. Prune in the morning to Sanitation or removing diseased or damaged E-mail:
hasten healing of plant wounds. plant or its parts and burying them also helps.
The key to harvesting the most flavorful tomato
is to wait for the fruits to fully ripen on the
The fruits are ready to harvest when it starts to (For Urban and Home Gardening)
change color from green to pinkish red or
yellow, depending on the variety.
Tomato Production, DA-RFO 2
Pest Management
Whiteflies, thrips and fruit borer are the
common insect pests of tomatoes, while Developed and Produced by:
bacterial wilt, blights caused by fungi and
mosaic virus are its common diseases. For
insects, you can use OHN and other
botanical pesticide preparations such as hot
pepper and lemon grass extracts, ginger
extract, tomato extract and others. For
diseases, you can use OHN and other
botanical fungicides such as extracts of
Department of Agriculture`
onion , ipil-ipil, kamantigi and takip kuhol.
There’s no remedy for the mosaic virus but Cordillera Administrative Region
to uproot the plant to lessen sources of BSU Compd., La Trinidad, Benguet
inoculum (causal agent). Telefax No.: (074) 422-7460