Notification 31-05-2024
Notification 31-05-2024
Notification 31-05-2024
No. HC.XXXVII-L2I}O}4| t44 /R. Cell Dated Guwahati, the 31"t May,2024
1. Online applications are invited till 5.00 PM of 24lOGl2O24 from the practicing
Impoftant Dates:
2. Eligibility Criteria:
(i) A candidate must be a citizen of India as defined in Articles 5 & 6 of the Constitution
of India.
(ii) Must be holder of Degree in Law from a recognized University.
( iii) Must be practicing as an Advocate in Courts of Civil and Criminal jurisdiction on the
last date fixed for receipt of applications and must have so practiced for a period not
less than 7 (seven) years as on such date.
(iv) Must possess knowledge of Mizo Language at least Middle School standard (will have
to be supported by relevant documents at the time of document verification).
3. Age Criteria:
(Maximum age limit will be as on the last date fixed for receipt of apPlications)
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4 Detail scrutiny of the applications will be made after the declaration of the result of
the final written examination. Hence the candldature of the applicants will be subject
to furnishing true & correct information against the fields indicated in the online
application form and fulfillment of the criteria mentioned in the adveftisement.
Suppression of any material facts and submission of any false documents will be
entirely at the peril of the candidate.
5. Selection Criteria:
The selection process for the aforesaid post consists of a Preliminary Examination
(Screening Test), a Main (Written) Examination and a Viva Voce/Interuiew
and details of the same is shown below.
Preliminary Examination
The ratio on the basis of which the candidates will be called for the Main
(Written) Examination shall be 1:10. (for one post 10 candidates will be
All candidates who obtain 600/o or more aggregate marks in the Main
Written Examination subject to securing at least 45olo marks in individual
Stage 2
Paper-I, II & III shall be eligible for Viva-Voce/Interview.
Provided that SC/ST candidates who obtain 50o/o or more marks, subject
to securing minimum 40o/o marks individually in paper I, II and III shall be
called for viva voce.
The ratio in which the candidates shall be called for Viva-voce/ Interuiew is
1:3 (3 candidates against l post) subject to marks obtained as stated
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Interuiew/Viva Voce
5 HOW TO APPLY: Candidates who fulfill the requisite criteria can submit their online
application forms, by following the steps indicated below, through the home page of
the website wherein a scroll under the caption "Click here
to apply" will be available:
Phase 2: In this Phase, a candidate who has created his/her Registration Code in Phase 1,
will have to provide his/her profile details, viz. gender, category, address,
qualification, experience and other candidature specific information and has to save
the data by clickins *'. EMEEEEElbutton.
Phase 3: Here, the applicant can upload his/her Photograph Image and Signature Image. The
image format should be either .jpg, .Png or .gif. No other image format will be
accepted. The image size should be between 5 KB and 3O KB. The dimension of
the Photograph image and Signature image should be as indicated below:
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l.?r' Iri \cl
Full Signature
The image of the Passport Photograph should be such that the face of the candidate
covers at least 80o/o of the space of the photograph image, similarly the signature
should cover at least 7Oolo of space of the Signature image.
For uploading Passport Photo and Signature (both should be in image format as
specified above) the candidate should select the respective file using the Browse
button and after selecting the file, he/she should click the Uptoad
Passpgrt and Upload Signature button respectively to upload the file to seruer.
The fresh registration process for candidature will be closed on the last date of
However, an already registered candidate can keep uploading/modifying his/her
in Phase 2 and Phase 3 till last date of registration.
candidature specific data
However, uploading data in these two Phases does not complete the
is required to be used to finally post the candidature for the Examination. Before
submitting Candidature please ensure that
1) All detailed information in2 has been filled up and in case of non-
availability of data he/she should fill as per instruction provided. No field box
should be left blank.
2) Passport Photo image file as described above has been uploaded.
3) Signature image file as described above has been uploaded.
Only after these verifications, the candidate should proceed for submission of the
candidature/application. Initially the Submit Candidature button will be
displayed in faded color and deactivated. On clicking the Declaration check box
on the pdge, the button Submit Candidature will turn to green color and
activated for submission of candidature. No more modification will be possible
after submission of candidature.
Phase After submission of candidature the candidate should take a print out of the Fee
4: Payment Challan by clicking the Print Fee
ent Challan Form The
candidates can pay the fee amount after two working days from the date of
submission and on or before the last date fixed for payment of fees. The
payment can be made at any branch of State Bank of India. The mode of payment
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is cash only.
For payment, the candidate should approach the bank along with the Challan copy
and the fee amount reflected on the Challan. On payment of the same, the Bank
will provide a Journal Number. Please ensure to have the bank official's signature
and seal on the Challan copy. Please keep the candidate's copy of the Challan
carefully for any future reference.
The fee payment information viz. Journal No., Paid Amount, Payment Date etc. will
be reflected on the candidate's account of this Phase after two working days
from the date of payment at the bank. Then the applicant will be able to take
printout of the Acknowledgement receipt about his/her candidature.
Please print the Acknowledgement Receipt and Application Form generated
by the system on this phase after completion of fee payment process for further
For any technical assistance for submission of online application forms please email to, mentioning the Post Name in the Subject line and related Registration
Code, Applicant's Name, Father's Name alongside the grievance in the body of the e-mail.
7. The details of application fee to be paid by the candidates are indicated below
sc/sr Rs.250/-
PwBD Nil
(Candidates/Applicants who deposits aoplication fees after the due date wil!
not be considered)
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iii. The candidates shall have to appear in the written examinations / interview at their
own expenses as and when called for. No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for
appearing in the written test/interview etc.
iv. Candidates need not submit any testimonial/certificate at the time of submission of
online application.
v. Submission of application does not imply that a candidate has fulfilled all the criteria
given in the advertisement. The admission of candidates at all stages of the selection
process will be purely provisional and subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility
conditions. The application will be subject to scrutiny at every stage and shall be
rejected if any defect/ineligibility condition is detected.
vi. Candidates belonging to PwBD category will be given only benefits of age relaxation
and exemption from payment of fees as per Rules.
vii. The list of the provisional candidates, with allotted Roll Nos. will be published in the
official website of the High Court for candidates' reference.
viii. The High Court may decide not to issue any admit card/call letter etc. to any
candidate and may decide to call candidates to written examination/ interview etc.
by publishing a notification in the official website and notice board of the High Court,
Candidates are advised to visit the official website ( of the
High Court regularly for updates and impoftant information. Unnecessary
correspondence should be avoided.
ix. Application form, which is incomplete in any respect, such as without the photograph
and signature upload, is liable to be rejected summarily, unless othenarise decided by
the High Court.
x, Information submitted by an applicant in his/her application will bind the
candidate personally and if found to be false, his/her candidature will be
cancelled forthwith and he/she shall be liable for criminal prosecution.
xi. The ceftificate for claim of reservation must have been issued by the competent
xii. The appointment and conditions of service of the selected candidates shall be
governed by the Mizoram Judicial Service Rules.
xiii. If any candidate is found canvassing directly or indirectly, his/her
candidature will be rejected.
xiv. The High Court reserues the right to cancel the advertisement, alter any terms and
conditions of the advertisement at any stage.
xv' The examination materials will be destroyed, due to scarcity of space, after
one year
of publication of the final select list, unless othenvise decided by the High
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xvi, All other matters which are not specifically provided in this advertisement shall be as
decided by the High Court.
By order,
Registrar (Vi gi la nce)-cum-
In Charge, Recruitment Cell.
Gauhati High Court, Guwahati-l
Registrar (Vigila nce)-cum-
In Charge, Recruitment Cell,
Gauhati High Court. Guwahati-1
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Preliminary Examination (Screening test) shall consist of objective type questions of 100
marks, out of which 90 marks will cover General Knowledge, Aptitude, English, Constitution of India,
Code of Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure Code, Indian Penal Code, Transfer of Property Act,
Indian Contract Act, Family Law, Specific Relief Act, Motor Vehicle Act, Industrial & Labour Law,
Land Acquisition Act, Law Relating to Trust, Indian Registration Act, Court Fees Act, Limitation Act,
Indian Evidence Act, Legal Theories of Jurisprudence, Arbitration & Conciliation Act, The Right to fair
Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 and
remaining 10 marks to test the proficiency in the Official Language(s) of the State of Mizoram.
ii) PAPER-II: One Paper of 100 marks (duration not less than 2 hours) regardlng objective
questions and problems of law as regards the Transfer of Property Act, Civil Procedure Code,
Code of Criminal Procedure, Indian Evidence Act, Indian Penal Code and Limitation Act.
iii) PAPER-III: One paper of 100 marks (duration not less than 2 hours) - consisting of Judgment
writing (Paper Book to be supplied), Legal theories on Jurisprudence, provisions of Constitution
of India.
NOTE: - The candidates are expected to refer to the relevant decisions of the Apex Court and the
High Court while writing answers in Paper II and III.
Registrar (Vigilance)-cum-
In-Charqe, Rerrujtment rell
Gauhati High Court, Guwahati.
(r ) B'Blind
t i] PB-Purtially Blind