BOC MIG 320R 420R Manual
BOC MIG 320R 420R Manual
BOC MIG 320R 420R Manual
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Details given in this document are believed to be correct at the time of printing. Whilst proper care has been taken in the preparation, no liability for injury or damage resulting from its improper use can be accepted.
BOC is a trading name of BOC Limited, which is an operating company within The BOC Group, the parent company of which is The BOC Group plc.The stripe symbol and the word BOC are a registered trademark of The BOC Group plc and used under licence by BOC Limited. BOC Industrial is a trademark of BOC Limited. BOC Limited 2003. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.
1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 4. 5. 6. Safety Precautions Health Hazard Information Personal Protection Electric Shock Use of Gas Cylinders User Responsibility The MIG Welding Process MIG Welding How the Process Works MIG Welding Equipment The Modes of Metal Transfer Power Source Voltage Selection Wire Feed Roll Tension Duty Cycle Shielding Gases Overview General Instructions for Pressure Regulators GMAW Shielding Gas Selection Chart Plant Specications Plant Contents Operating Controls Diagram A BOC MIG 320R & MIG 420R Wire Speed Control Thermal Overload Indicator Power On/Off Switch 2T & 4T Trigger Function Polarity Selection Positive Cable Socket & Negative Cable Socket 6.6 Control Fuse Inductance Setting Operation of Cooling Fan Burn Back Control/Inch Control 6.7 6.8 6.9 15 15 16 16 16 16 14. Glossary 31 11.Trouble Shooting How to Rectify GMAW & Machine Faults 12.Terms of Warranty 28-29 30 14 15 15 15 15 10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Periodic Maintenance Wire Feed Cables Power Source Consumable Parts 27 27 27 27 10 10 11 12 13 6 6 7 7 9 9 9 9 4 4 5 5 5 7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 9. 9.0 BOC Wire Feeder Diagram B WF2 & WF4 Wire Feeder Controls 18 Diagram C WF2 & WF4 Internal Diagram Diagram D WF2 Wire Feeder Spare Parts Diagram E WF4 Wire Feeder Spare Parts BOC MG42i Gun Features Specications Diagram F MG42i BOC MG42i Gun Spare Parts BOC MIG Machine Optional Extras 22 22 22 23 23 19 20 21
Installation of Power Source Transport & Lifting of the BOC 320/420R MIG Machines 9.1 Machine Work Site 9.2 Welding & Return Cables 9.3 Connection to Mains Power 9.4 Mounting & Locking of Wire Spool 9.5 Automatic Wire Feed to MIG Gun 9.6 Fitting the Spool 9.7 Adjustment of Feed Roll Tension 9.8 Adjusting Wire Hub Brake 9.9 Regulator 9.10 Shielding Gas 9.11 Gas Cylinder
24 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 26
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1. Safety Precautions
1.0 Health Hazard Information
The actual process of GMAW (MIG) is the one that can cause a variety of hazards. All appropriate safety equipment should be worn at all times, i.e. headwear, hand and body protection. Electrical equipment should be used in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations as electric shock can kill. Eyes The MIG process produces rays that can injure and cause permanent damage. Fumes can cause irritation. Skin Arc rays are dangerous to uncovered skin. Inhalation Welding fumes and gases are dangerous to the health of the operator and to those in close proximity.The aggravation of pre-existing respiratory or allergic conditions may occur in some workers. Excessive exposure may cause conditions such as nausea, dizziness, dryness and irritation of eyes, nose and throat. Shielding Gases (Carbon Dioxide or inert gases) in high concentrations when working in conned spaces may lead to dangerous low levels of oxygen, resulting in asphyxiation. Ventilation and fume extraction should be used to minimise exposure levels in accordance with Australian Standards.The operator should be trained to work in a manner that minimises the exposure.
Never touch live electrical parts. Always repair or replace worn or damaged parts. Disconnect power source before performing any maintenance or service. Earth all work materials. Never work in moist or damp areas.
PLEASE NOTE that under no circumstances should any equipment or parts be altered or changed in any way from the Standard specication without written permission given by BOC.To do so, will void the Equipment Warranty.
Clothing Suitable clothing must be worn to prevent excessive exposure to UV radiation and sparks. Protective gloves, spats, apron and welding shield are recommended.
Further information can be obtained from the Welding Technology Institute of Australia (WTIA). Health and Safety in Welding TN7. Published by WTIA, PO Box 6165 Silverwater NSW 2128 Phone (02) 9748 4443. Fume Minimisation Guidelines
end of the electrode. A high short-circuiting frequency gives low heat input. Dip transfer occurs between 70-220A, 14 23 arc volts. It is achieved using CO2 and argon based gases. ii. Spray transfer In spray transfer, metal is projected by an electromagnetic force from the wire tip in the form of a continuous stream of discrete droplets about the same size as the wire diameter. High deposition rates are possible and weld appearance and reliability are good. Most metals can be welded, but the technique is limited generally to plate thickness greater than 6mm. Spray transfer, due to the tendency of the large weld pool to spill over cannot normally carry out Positional welding.The main exception is aluminium and its alloys where, primarily because of its low density and high thermal conductivity, spray transfer in position can be carried out. The current ows continuously because of the high voltage maintaining a long arc and shortcircuiting cannot take place. It occurs best with argon based gases. iii. Globular transfer Metal transfer is controlled by slow ejection resulting in large, irregularly shaped globs falling into the weld pool under the action of gravity. CO2 gas drops are ung about haphazardly, while with argon based gases the drops are not quite as large and are transferred in a more axial direction.There is a lot of spatter, especially in CO2, resulting in greater wire consumption, poor penetration and poor appearance. Globular transfer occurs between the dip and spray ranges.This mode of transfer is undesirable for normal welding applications and may be corrected when encountered by either decreasing the arc voltage or increasing the amperage. Globular transfer can take place with any electrode diameter.
+ power source
iv. Pulsed transfer Pulsed arc welding is a controlled method of spray transfer, using currents lower than those possible with the spray transfer technique, thereby extending the applications of MIG welding into the range of material thickness where dip transfer is not entirely suitable. The pulsed arc equipment effectively combines two power sources into one integrated unit. One side of the power source supplies a background current which keeps the tip of the wire molten, the other side producing pulses of a higher current which detach and accelerate the droplets of metal into the weld pool.The frequency of transfer of these droplets is regulated primarily by the relationship between the two currents. Pulsed arc welding occurs between 50-220A, 23 35 arc volts. It occurs only with argon and argon based gases and enables welding to be done in all positions.
13 to 23 20 to 26 24 to 40
Light gauge material Between dip and spray Material over 5mm
3. Shielding Gases
3.0 Overview
Shielding gases for MIG welding are important for keeping the arc stable and protecting the molten weld metal from contamination during welding. The major function of a shielding gas is to surround the weld zone with a protective shroud of non-reactive shielding medium. This removes harmful elements from the atmosphere (oxygen, nitrogen gas) which would give a poor quality weld deposit if they contacted the molten metal. Different shielding gases or gas mixtures are used when welding various metals; for example, pure argon is commonly used for the welding of aluminium and copper. Stainless steel requires an argon or argon oxygen (O2) and helium mixture with a maximum of 3.6% carbon dioxide (CO2) content and carbon and low alloy steels can be welded with carbon dioxide or argon-oxygen-CO2 mixtures. There are, however, certain points, which must be explained to show the effects of mixing of gases on the type of bead and penetration. Argon gives a smooth wide spread whilst CO2 adds to penetration.The addition of small percentages of oxygen provides better wetting action reducing the surface tension of the weld. Careful consideration of various mixtures has led to a range of gases to suit many applications, and the choice of shielding gas requires due care. Typical shielding gases used for this process include: argon/oxygen/carbon dioxide carbon dioxide argon/carbon dioxide mixtures argon helium mixtures
Spray/DIP Spray/DIP
Clean and fast low bead prole Economical and fast for general light work
High quality
Argoshield 54
Heavy Steel
Argoshield Universal
Argoshield 52
High speed
Argoshield 61
Sheet aluminium (up to 6mm) Braze welding bronze to other metals Light gauge Heavy gauge (over 10mm)
Increased performance High speed clean nish Deep, wide fusion. High deposition rates
4. Plant Specications
5. Plant Contents
MIG 320R WF2: B621532001 WF4: B621532002 380-415 50/60 3 14 20 5 40-320 50% @ 320A 15.7-41.1 40 2 8 MG42i/4 0-18 MIG 420R B621542001 380-415 50/60 3 23 25 5 40-420 50% @ 420A 16.5-48.9 56 2 8 MG42i/4 0-18 or 25 0.6-1.6 0.8-1.6 0.8-1.6 108 77x42x98 The packages include:
Part number Supply Voltage (V) Frequency (Hz) Phase Rated primary current (A) Supply Fuse (recommended A) Primary cable length (m) Welding Current (Amps) Duty Cycle Output Voltage OCV (V) Voltage Steps Inductance Settings Remote interconnection cable length (m) BOC gun/length (m) Wire Feed Speed (m/min) Wire Diameter (mm) Solid Soft Flux cored Weight Power Source (Kg) Dimensions HxWxL (cm)
6. Operating Controls
6.0 Diagram A BOC MIG 320R and MIG 420R (MIG 420R shown)
3 1 2
1 2 3 4 5 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Weld mode 2T/4T/spot time Spot/stitch timer Wire speed control Main power on/off switch Thermal overload indicator Voltage switch course Voltage switch ne Negative cable socketinductance setting Positive cable socket Euro Gun connection Gun holder Control cable socket Control fuse
4-sequence (4T) Gas ow starts, when the gun switch is pressed. When the switch is released, wire feed starts and welding begins.When the gun switch is pressed again, wire feed stops and when the switch is released, gas ow stops.The duration of wire feed can be preset with the Timer control. Spot welding Gas ow and wire feed starts, when the gun switch is pressed and stops automatically according to Timer setting or when the gun switch is released. Note: The procedure does not start if Timer selection is set on 0-area. Timer potentiometer The duration of welding can be adjusted with Timer potentiometer.Wire feed and gas ow will stop automatically after a preset time, if they are not stopped before that manually from gun switch.
4 5
6 7
6.5 Polarity Selection Positive Cable Socket and Negative Cable Socket
For welding with Steel, Stainless Steel (SS), or Aluminium (Al) solid wires (gun positive), place the dinse plug in the positive (+) socket and lock by twisting clockwise.The work lead is then connected to the negative (-) and locked. For gasless ux cored wires, reverse polarity (Gun negative) connect the dinse plug to the negative plug & lock.The work lead is then connected and locked to the positive (+) plug (see page 14).
13 8
12 9
1 LOW 15-28V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HIGH 28-48V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 29.5 29.8 30.3 30.7 31.2 31.7 32.2 16.5 16.9 17.1 17.3 17.6 18.0 18.2
WARNING Do not adjust the voltage setting while welding. 3 23.6 24.1 24.6 25.1 25.7 26.2 26.8 27.8 28.4 29.2 4 31.5 32.4 33.3 34.2 35.0 36.1 37.2 38.4 39.7 41.1
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15.7 16.0 16.2 16.5 16.7 16.9 17.2 17.5 17.8 18.0
2 18.9 19.2 19.5 19.9 20.2 20.6 21.0 21.4 21.8 22.2
1 2 3
1 2
3 4 5
4 5
1 2
1 2 3 4 5 6
Wire Speed Control Weld Mode 2T/4T/Spot time Spot/stitch timer Euro Gun Connection Pull/Push Control Optional Gun holder
1 2 3 4 5 6
Wire Inch Burnback Control Feed Roll Tensioner Wire Inlet Guide Feed Roll Securing Knob Spool hub
3 4 5
0.6 0.8mm B3134140 white 0.9 1.6mm B3133700 orange 0.8 1.6mm B3134290 silver
B4285900 brass
B4267220 plastic
B4102283 plastic
Feed Roll
8.3 BOC MG42i Gun Spare Parts (refer to Diagram F, page 22)
B4255530 B4255530E B4273510 B4248710 B9580122 B9580121 B9580123 B9580124 B9580125 B9580126 B426964001 B4270290 B4270750 B4270780 B4286450 B4188577 B4188587 B4188590 B4300850 B4302690 B4302710 B4290120 B4305240 B4302780 B3133490 B9580159
2 3
Insulating bush Contact tip 0.8mm/M8 Contact tip 0.9mm/M8 Contact tip 1.0mm/M8 Contact tip 1.2mm/M8 Contact tip 1.4mm/M8 Contact tip 1.6mm/M8
4 5 6
Contact tip adapter M8 Insulating ring Gooseneck 45 degree standard Gooseneck 60 degree long Gooseneck 45 degree short
8.1 Specications
CO2 420A/60% 7
Liner steel 0.6 0.8mm/4m (white) Liner steel 0.9 1.2mm/4m (red) Liner steel 1.4 1.6mm/4m (yellow) Liner DL Teon 0.8 1.6mm/4m AL (silver) Liner DL Teon 0.8 1.0mm/4m SS (silver) Liner DL Teon 1.2 1.6mm/4m SS (silver)
8 9 10 11 12
Trigger switch Handle Retaining ring Cable support Euro connection block
Push/Pull Gun KMW Sync. Unit Remote Wire Feeder Hanging Bracket
7. Straighten about 10cm of the free end. 8. With the Feed Roll tensioner released, gently feed the wire through the inlet guide and the feed roll. 9. Hand feed 30cm of wire into the MIG gun cable. 10. Ensure the wire is located in the Feed Roll groove and then close the Feed Roll tension mechanism. 11. Adjust Feed Roll tension. 12. Remove the gun nozzle and contact tip when feeding the wire to avoid jamming.
9.9 Regulator
Refer to Operating Instructions supplied with the BOC Regulator and connect the hose to the Regulator hose nipple.The regulator supplied with the 320/420R machines is the BOC 6000 Argon Regulator (Part No. 105206).
Worn wire feed rolls and guide tubes should be replaced. The wire guide tube should be set as near as possible to the feed rolls but without touching them. Check spool brake adjustment. Check electrical connections. Loose connections must be tightened. Clean dirt and dust from unit. If using compressed air wear eye protection.
11.Trouble Shooting
How to Rectify GMAW and Machine Faults
Voltage too low Incorrect voltage setting Incorrect shielding gas Insufcient inductance Blocked gas nozzle
Increase voltage Readjust voltage setting Check selection Increase inductance if possible Clean nozzle regularly and spray with an anti-spatter
Replace fuse contact BOC for service Check Gun control plugged in, repair switch in Gun handle Close switch Replace fuse Reset breaker Repair connection Replace fuse contact BOC for service Clean or replace if necessary Weld cracking Irregular weld shape
Current too high for selected voltage Reduce wire feed speed Excessive stick out Wire wander Incorrect shielding gas Travel speed too slow Excessive gas ow Dirty work piece, i.e. grease, paint scale, rust Weld beads too small Weld too deep Contact tip closer to work Replace contact tip Check selection Increase speed Set to 15-20 L/min Clean and degrease prior to welding Slow wire speed down Reduce voltage and wire feed speed Revise setting procedure Decrease voltage Fans starts 30 sec after start of weld and continues for 5 min after end of weld Set to 15-20 L/min (Argoshield) more if windy position Clean work thoroughly Reduce voltage Check gas connections Set to 15-20 L/min Clean nozzle and regularly spray with an anti-spatter Check selection
Power supply switch open Primary fuse blown Open circuit breaker Disconnection in primary circuit
Mains power on, no wire feed but contractor operates when trigger is actuated (clacking sound in power source)
Control fuse blown Wire stuck in liner guide or contact tip Poor or no contact between work piece and earth clamp Worn or dirty contact tip Worn wire guides Wire spool runs stify Worn, dirty, kinked conduit
Wire feeds but arc wont strike Erratic stop start wire feeding causing uneven welding conditions
Inspect clamp and work area ensure good contact Replace contact tip Replace and align Reduce tension on spool Clean or replace Increase heat input Replace gas Check and tighten connection Contact BOC for service Increase speed Raise Gun angle Reduce voltage Increase wire feed speed Renew contact tip Shorten stick-out Widen preparation Porosity Fan not working
Incorrect machine settings Incorrect shielding gas Bad connection Faulty diode
Insufcient shielding gas Dirty work piece Arc voltage too high Air entering into gas shielding system Excessive gas ow rates Spatter on gas nozzle
Speed too slow for current Gun angle too low Voltage too high
Lack of penetration
Current too low Inconsistent current pick up Stick-out too great Joint preparation too narrow
12.Terms of Warranty
BOC will provide a warranty to the initial end user of BOC welding equipment as covered by the terms and conditions below. BOC will repair or replace at its option any parts or components that fail due to defects in material or manufacture within the warranty period. All warranty work must be carried out by an authorised BOC service provider, using genuine parts and approved procedures.The warranty is affected on the date of sale to the initial end user. Verbal promises that do not comply with terms of the warranty are not binding on the warrantor. Limitations on Warranty The following conditions are not covered under this warranty: problems due to natural wear and tear; non-compliance with operating and maintenance instructions; connection to incorrect or faulty voltage supply (including voltage surges outside equipment specications); incorrect gas supply or pressure; transport or storage damage; damage due to re and other natural causes i.e. lightning or ood.This warranty does not cover freight, travel and insurance costs these costs are the responsibility of the end user. This does not restrict or modify any warranties that are imposed by any statute including the Trade Practices Act and which by Statute cannot be excluded, restricted or modied. Note: Under the terms of warranty, wear parts such as drive rollers and guide tubes are not covered. Direct or indirect damage due to a defective product is not covered under this warranty.The warranty is void if changes are made to the product without approval from BOC, or if repairs are carried out using nonapproved spare parts.The warranty is void if a non-authorised person carries out repairs. Warranty Period The warranty is valid for the period shown below from the date of purchase to the initial end user and provided the equipment is used within the published specication limits. 5 years 2 years 3 months No Warranty Main transformer, Inductor and Rectier. All other parts including control circuit board. Mig guns. Wear parts and consumables e.g. feed rollers, guide tubes.
13. Glossary
ASEA Australian Standard Equal Angle Burn back Fusing the wire electrode to the contact tip CO2 Carbon dioxide Contact tip A short tube tted to a MIG gun to pass electrical current onto the wire Current density The current for a given ller wire diameter Deposition rate The weight of metal deposited in a unit of time, expressed as kg/hr Duty cycle Percentage of time, for a test period during which power supply can be operated at its rated output without overloading Dwell time The period of time the nozzle remains on the job after welding to protect the cooling weld Flow meter A gas ow measuring device connected to the regulator to adjust operating ow rates Globular transfer Metal transfer which takes places as globules of a diameter larger than that of the electrode GMAW Gas metal arc welding Inert gas Shielding gas consisting of argon or helium or a mixture of the two Liner Supply conduit that the wire electrode feeds through Rectier A power source developed to supply direct current (DC) for welding from an alternating (AC) mains power supply Short arc transfer Metal transfer in which fused particles of wire electrode are detached in rapid succession during the repeated short circuiting contacts the weld pool Spatter The metal particles which are expelled during welding on to the surface of the parent metal or a weld and which do not form a part of the weld Spray transfer Metal transfer which takes place as a rapidly projected stream of droplets of a diameter no larger than that of the wire electrode Stickout The length the wire electrode projecting past the contact tip during the welding Variables Operating conditions such as volts, wire speed, travel speed and gas ow rate that are adjustable before and during welding Weld time Total time involved between the start and nish of welding current during the make of one weld
Undertaking Warranty Repairs BOC or their authorised service provider must be informed of warranty defects within the warranty period. Before any warranty work is undertaken, the initial end user must provide proof of purchase and serial number of the equipment in order to validate the warranty. Any parts replaced under the terms of the warranty remain the property of BOC.