Intro To AnaPhy - 1763279319
Intro To AnaPhy - 1763279319
Intro To AnaPhy - 1763279319
© Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology Tenth Edition [Marieb, Elaine N.]
1. Chemical Level
the simplest level of the structural ladder
Atoms, the tiny building blocks of matter,
combine to form molecules such as water,
sugar, and proteins.
Molecules, in turn, associate in specific ways
to form microscopic cells.
2. Cellular Level
Cells are the smallest unit of all living things
All cells have some common functions, but
individual cells vary widely in size and shape,
reflecting their particular roles in the body
© Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology Tenth Edition [Marieb, Elaine N.]
The lymphatic vessels return fluid leaked Their role is to break down food and
from the blood back to the blood vessels so deliver the products to the blood for
that blood can be kept continuously dispersal to the body cells. The
circulating through the body. undigested food that remains in the
The lymph nodes and other lymphoid organs tract leaves the body through the
help to cleanse the blood and house cells anus as feces.
involved in immunity.
10. Urinary System
8. Respiratory System The body produces wastes as
The job of the respiratory system is to keep by-products of its normal functions,
the body constantly supplied with oxygen and and these wastes must be disposed
to remove carbon dioxide. of. One type of waste contains
The respiratory system consists of the nasal nitrogen (examples are urea and uric
passages, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, acid), which results when the body
and lungs. cells break down proteins and nucleic
Within the lungs are tiny air sacs. Gases are acids.
transported to and from the blood through the The urinary system removes the
thin walls of these air sacs. nitrogen-containing wastes from the
blood and flushes them from the body
9. Digestive System in urine.
The digestive system is basically a tube This system, often called the
running through the body from mouth to anus. excretory system, is composed of the
The organs of the digestive system include kidneys, ureters, bladder, and
the oral cavity (mouth), esophagus, stomach, urethra.
small and large intestines, and rectum plus a Other important functions of this
number of accessory organs (liver, salivary system include maintaining the
glands, pancreas, and others). body's water and salt (electrolyte)
balance and regulating the acid-base
balance of the blood.
© Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology Tenth Edition [Marieb, Elaine N.]
Homeostatic Controls
1. Receptor
1st component of homeostatic control
Some type of sensor that monitors and
responds to changes in the environment
It responds to changes, called stimuli, by
sending information (input) to the control
Information flows from the receptor to the
control center along the afferent pathway
© Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology Tenth Edition [Marieb, Elaine N.]
Directional Terms
Directional terms allow medical personnel and
anatomists to explain exactly where one body
structure is in relation to another.
© Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology Tenth Edition [Marieb, Elaine N.]
Regional Terms
Regional terms describe anatomy by dividing the Using these terms helps increase the
body parts into different regions that contain accurate description and identification of
structures involved in contributing similar the particular region of interest or region
functions. affected by the disease.
© Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology Tenth Edition [Marieb, Elaine N.]
Body Planes and Sections B. The frontal plane divides the body or
A plane is an imaginary, two-dimensional surface an organ into an anterior (front)
that passes through the body. It is an imaginary portion and a posterior (rear) portion.
line that divides the body into halves. The frontal plane is often referred to
A body section is a slice of the body taken from a as a coronal plane. (“Corona” is Latin
particular plane. It is a two-dimensional surface of for “crown.”)
a three-dimensional structure that has been cut.
C. The transverse (or horizontal)
plane divides the body or organ
Types of Body Planes horizontally into upper and lower
A. The sagittal plane divides the body or an portions. Transverse planes produce
organ vertically into right and left sides. If this images referred to as cross sections.
vertical plane runs directly down the middle of
the body, it is called the midsagittal or median
plane. If it divides the body into unequal right
and left sides, it is called a parasagittal plane
or less commonly a longitudinal section.
© Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology Tenth Edition [Marieb, Elaine N.]
1. Cells that connect body parts: 3. Cells that move organs and body parts:
Fibroblast. The elongated shape of this cell Skeletal muscle and smooth
lies along the cable-like fibers that it secretes. muscle cells. These cells are
It has an abundant rough ER and a large elongated and filled with abundant
Golgi apparatus to make and secrete the contractile filaments, so they can
protein building blocks of these fibers. shorten forcefully and move the
bones or change the size of internal
Also known as epithelium (epithe =
laid on, covering)
7. Cells of reproduction: It is the lining, covering, and glandular
Oocyte (female). The largest cell in the body, tissue of the body
this egg cell contains several copies of all Glandular epithelium forms
organelles, for distribution to the daughter various glands in the body
cells that arise when the fertilized egg divides Covering and lining epithelium
to become an embryo, covers all free body surfaces
Sperm (male). This cell is long and (outer layer of the skin, body
stream-lined, built for swimming to the egg for cavities)
fer-tilization. Its flagellum acts as a motile Because epithelium forms the
whip to propel the sperm. boundaries that separate us from the
outside world, nearly all substances
that the body gives off or receives
must pass through epithelium
In the kidneys, epithelium both absorbs and A. Simple Epithelia: The simple epithelia
filters. are most concerned with absorption,
Secretion is a specialty of the glands, which secretion, and filtration. Because simple
produce such substances as perspiration, oil, epithelia are usually very thin, protection
digestive enzymes, and mucus. is not one of their specialties
Connective tissue, as its name suggests, B. Cartilage
connects body parts. It is found everywhere in Cartilage is less hard and more
the body. It is the most abundant and widely flexible than bone.
distributed of the tissue types. Its major cell type is chondrocytes
Connective tissues perform many functions (cartilage cells)
but they are primarily involved in protecting, It is found in only a few places in the
supporting, and binding together other body body. Most widespread is hyaline
tissues. cartilage, which has abundant
collagen fibers hidden by a rubbery
Common Characteristics of Connective Tissue matrix with a glassy (hyalin = glass),
Variations in blood supply. Most connective blue-white appearance.
tissues are well vascularized (that is, they It forms the supporting structures
have a good blood supply), but there are of the larynx, or voice box,
exceptions. Tendons and ligaments have a attaches the ribs to the
poor blood supply, and cartilages are breastbone, and covers the ends
avascular. Consequently, all these structures of many bones, where they form
heal very slowly when injured. (This is why joints. The skeleton of a fetus is
some people say that, given a choice, they made largely of hyaline cartilage;
would rather have a broken bone than a torn but by the time the baby is born,
ligament.) most of that cartilage has been
Extracellular matrix. Connective tissues are replaced by bone. The
made up of many different types of cells plus exceptions include the
varying amounts of a nonliving substance epiphyseal (growth) plates in
found outside the cells, called the long bones, which allow the
extracellular matrix. bones to grow in length during
Although hyaline cartilage is the most
A. Bone abundant type of cartilage in the body,
Bone, sometimes called osseous tissue, is there are others. Highly compressible
composed of osteocytes (bone cells) sitting in fibrocartilage forms the cushion-like
cavities called lacunae ("pits") and disks between the vertebrae of the
surrounded by layers of a very hard matrix spinal column. Elastic cartilage is
that contains calcium salts in addition to large found in structures, with elasticity. For
numbers of collagen fibers. example, it supports the external ear.
Because of its rock-like hardness, bone has
an exceptional ability to protect and support
other body organs (for example, the skull
protects the brain).
© Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology Tenth Edition [Marieb, Elaine N.]
Adipose tissue also protects some organs Still, we must recognize that blood is
individually - the kidneys are surrounded by a quite atypical as connective tissues
capsule of fat, and adipose tissue cushions go.
the eyeballs in their sockets. Blood is the transport vehicle for the
There are also fat "depots" in the body, such cardiovascular system, carrying
as the hips and breasts, where fat is stored nutrients, wastes, respiratory gases,
and available for fuel if needed. and many other substances
throughout the body.