Semifinals Lesson Coverage 1
Semifinals Lesson Coverage 1
Semifinals Lesson Coverage 1
BELIEFS- Hinduism covers a wide range of traditional beliefs and religious groups; thus, there is no
SPIRITUAL SELF- the most intimate, inner subjective, part of the self. It is the most intimate part of the single founder or leader. They believe that existence is a cycle of birth, death rebirth which governed
self because of the satisfaction experienced when thinking of one’s ability to argue and discriminate by karma.
of one’s moral sensibility and conscience and our unconquerable will. KARMA- a concept where reincarnated life will depend on how the past life was spent.
RELIGION-a set of cultural belief and practices that usually includes some or all of basic Vedas- are sacred scriptures of Hindu
characteristics. Mahabharata and Ramayana- two major important text in Hindu
QURAN- holy book of Islam
BELIEFS- believes that life is not a bed of roses. For them, life is full of suffering, pain and frustration.
Mediation is their way to break the reactive cycle of suffering and disappointment and acquire
wisdom and deeper understanding, and acceptance of things as they are.
1. Shahadah- statement of faith:” there is no god but the one true GOD and Mohammed is his
Samatha- practiced as mindfulness of breathing and development of loving-kindness
Vipassana- practices aim at developing insight into reality.
2. Salat- prayer practiced 5 times a day
Dharma- Buddha’s teaching in acquiring wisdom. They believe in a non-violence principle.
3. Zakat- monetary offering for charity purposes (2.5%)
4. Hajj- yearly pilgrimage to Mecca.
5. Sawm- fasting during the celebration of Ramadan. The fast is from dawn to sunset.
BELIEFS- other christians believes in trinitarian god. One god in three persona. There is also other
class of christians who believed that god is only one. One faith, one baptism.
Eidul-Fitr – celebration at the end of Ramadan
Eidul-Adha- celebrated within the completion of pilgrimage, the Hajj.
HOLY BAPTISM – symbolizes the birth in Christian world
SACRAMENT OF COMMUNION- remembrance of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial love.