Special Power of Attorney
Special Power of Attorney
Special Power of Attorney
1. To execute, sign, and/or deliver all contracts, papers, and documents in connection with the fullpayment
of the house located at _______________________________________________________________________,
covered by TCT No. T- _________ of the Register of Deeds of ________________;
2. To act as my representative with full authority to sign, sell, assign, transfer and convey, negotiate,
contract, execute and deliver contracts, agreements and other writings of whatever nature or kind with all third person
and concerns pursuant to the abovementioned purpose, and to file application for restructuring with the National
Home Mortgage Finance Corporation;
3. To settle any account or reckoning of whatever nature in connection with the above described property or
anytime hereafter with any interested person or entity whatsoever, and to pay or receive the balance thereof as the
case may require;
4. To receive and withdraw the Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) or duplicate copies of said property from
the National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation (NHMFC) or other office and other documents in relation to the
loan mortgage of said property for the purpose of annotation and/or inscription with Registry of Deeds of
____________, including the cancellation thereof;
5. To receive, withdraw, endorse and encash any check that maybe released in my name corresponding to the
Mortgage and Redemption Insurance or any insurance scheme and any excess payment made that shall be released by
the NHMFC by reason of payment or as a result of condonation of penalties;
6. To transfer, follow-up and execute any document with any government or private office in pursuance of
the aforementioned;
HEREBY GIVING AND GRANTING unto said attorney-in-fact powers of authority to do and perform any
and every act requisite and necessary to carry into effect the foregoing authority, as fully to all intents and purposes as
I might or could lawfully do and HEREBY RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING if personally present, with full
power of substitution and revocation; all said attorney-in-fact or his/her substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done
under and by virtue of these presents.
IN WITNESS HEREOF, we hereby set our hands this _______ day of ___________, 20___ at
________________________________ ________________________________
Attorney-in-Fact Principal
______________________________ __________________________________
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of _____________________, this ___________ day of
_____________, 20___, personally appeared ___________________, with Community Tax Certificate No.
___________________, issued on ________________ at ______________, who executed this foregoing instrument
consisting of 1 page(s) including the acknowledgement thereof and he/she acknowledged that the acknowledgement to
me that same is his/her free act and deed.
WITNESS MY HAND SEAL AND NOTARIAL SEAL, on the date, year and place above written.