MEP - NCR 03 - Done
MEP - NCR 03 - Done
MEP - NCR 03 - Done
1) 90˚ Tee in Rainwater Pipe at 3rd Floor High Level is prohibited - High Risk (Picture Enclosed)
2) Offset Fitting in FCU’s is not accepted due Pressure Drop issue. Technical Not Accepted (Picture Enclosed)
3) Sanitary Ware Installation without MIR Approval
4) Sanitary Ware Installed without completing H/L Plumbing Works
5) Plaster done Over G.I Ducts & there is no Wooden Boxes for this G.I Duct (Picture Enclosed)
1) A waterproof test was conducted by the civil team, and the surface was filled with water, which was
drained through the rainwater system without any issues. A test for rainwater was also conducted.
Completion Status: Work completed
2) This issue is not within our scope of work
Completion Status: N/A
3) Sanitary supply and installation are not within our scope of work
Completion Status: N/A
4) Due to the project's fast paced nature, we carried out all the activities in parallel. We shall provide
the necessary protection for the installed sanitary ware while completing the high-level works.
Completion Status: Completed
5) This issue is not within our scope of work
Completion Status: N/A
NCR – Non-Conformance Report Form –Rev 0 Page 1 of 7
For Contractor: Received by Consultant:
Status: Open/Closed