United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 4,605,684
Pcolinsky, Jr. 45 Date of Patent: Aug. 12, 1986
(54) ANTISTATIC POLYURETHANE FOAM 57 ABSTRACT 76) Inventor: Michael P. Pcolinsky, Jr., 1009 Flexible polyurethane foams having improved electro Meade Ct., Hazleton, Pa. 18201 static properties are provided by incorporating into the 21 Appl. No.: 793,163 reaction mixture before foaming an antistatic additive composition comprising a blend of a quaternary ammo 22 Filed: Oct. 31, 1985 nium compound selected from the group consisting of 51) Int. Cl." ................................................ C08J 9/00 soya dimethyl ethyl ammonium ethylsulfate, soya di 52 U.S. Cl. ................. ... 521/107; 521/121 methyl ethyl ammonium phosphate, and mixtures 58) Field of Search ................................ 521/107, 121 thereof, and a plasticizer composition selected from the (56) References Cited group consisting of N-ethyl-o- and p-toluene sulfona U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS mide, o- and p-toluene sulfonamide, and tetrakis (2 chlo roethyl) ethylene diphosphate, and mixtures thereof. 4,169,922 10/1979 Brown ................................. 521/107 Primary Examiner-Morton Foelak 9 Claims, No Drawings 1. 4,605,684 2 tics of packaging materials used for a variety of sensitive ANTISTATIC POLYURETHANE FOAM electronic components and devices are set forth in the military specification Mil. No. B 81705B. This invention relates to flexible polyurethane foams It is known that certain quaternary ammonium salts exhibiting enhanced antistatic properties, that is, foams can be added during the manufacture of polyurethane which rapidly dissipate electrostatic charges and exhibit foam to impart improved antistatic properties to the a reduced tendency to accumulate electrostatic charges. cured foam. U.S. Pat. No. 3,933,697 discloses specific The flexible polyurethane foams can be produced by quaternary ammonium salts that can be incorporated as reactions of isocyanates with polyester polyols, poly an ingredient into the composition prior to commence ether polyols, mixtures of polyether and polyester poly 10 ment of the foam-forming reaction; alternatively, it is ols, or with mixtures of polyether polyols and copoly suggested that the same compounds can be applied by mer polyols, such as a grafted polyether containing impregnation to the finished urethane foam. styrene and acrylonitrile. While the advantages of incorporating an additive by BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION the in-situ method which will render the finished prod 15 uct antistatic are obvious, the selection of appropriate Polyurethane foams, like almost all other synthetic materials must be based upon their compatibility in the polymeric materials, tend to acquire and accumulate foam making process, and on their effect on the physical electrostatic charges. For many applications it is desir appearance and characteristics of finished foam prod able, if not essential, to have a foam material which uct. This is so because the foam-forming reaction re either does not acquire an electrostatic charge, or which 20 quires a careful balancing of the polymerization, or dissipates it rapidly. gellation, reaction with the expansion of the foam-form Accumulation of electrostatic changes on all types of ing ingredients to provide a uniform cell structure, the polymeric materials has been a long-standing problem, avoidance of splits, cracks and other defects, and finally and a variety of techniques have been proposed to alle the polymerization which must be completed within a viate the problem. For example, additives which mi 25 critical time period to insure a self-sustaining and stable grate to the surface of the plastic or fiber have been foam structure. The presence of even small quantities of incorporated in the composition to modify its electrical additional compounds can have a markedly adverse properties. Antistatic resins have been copolymerized effect on the reaction mechanism and the finished prod with the base polymer in an effort to provide improved uct. Those familiar with the art will know of the ad properties. Quaternary ammonium salts have been ap 30 verse effects of low levels of contaminants or impurities plied topically, i.e., by impregnation, or incorporated which may be barely detectable. directly into the polymeric materials to provide a fin It is therefore essential in seeking an agent or additive ished, or semi-finished product with improved antistatic which will render the finished foam antistatic, to find a properties. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 3,117,113 with a compound or composition that is totally compatible priority filing date in 1957, discloses the use, in combi 35 with the foam making process. Other factors which nation with PVC, of quaternary, ammonium compounds must be taken into account are (1) the ability to mechan of the general class found useful in this invention. U.S. ically incorporate the antistatic additive into the foam Pat. Nos. 3,335,123 and 3,407,187 disclose the use of forming composition using conventional equipment; quaternary ammonium compounds which are physi and (2) the cost of the additive at its effective level or cally incorporated into polyolefins, PVC and other 40 within its effective range and its impact on the final cost polymers, as by milling. None of these patents suggests of the foam. the introduction of the quaternary ammonium com SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION pounds into the reaction mixture prior to polymer for mation. It has now been found that certain quaternary ammo Polyurethane foam can be provided with antistatic 45 nium compounds, when combined with plasticizers, and properties by one of two methods: (1) the in-situ pro preferably those plasticizers which are liquids, form a duction of an antistatic foam that has uniform properties solution which can be incorporated into the polyure throughout its volume and cross-section; and (2) a post thane foam making composition to provide remarkably treatment method in which an antistatic composition is improved antistatic properties in the finished foam impregnated on the surface and, to the extent possible, 50 product. throughout the interior structure of the foam product. The quaternary ammonium compounds found to The latter technique is the less preferable since it re produce a synergistic result in the practice of this inven quires repeated handling and treatment of material tion are commercial products. thereby increasing its cost; it provides less uniform One of the quaternary ammonium compounds found properties, which properties may indeed be only super 55 to be useful in the practice of the invention is soya di ficial if the thickness of the foam material is substantial; methyl ethyl ammonium ethylsulfate, and specifically and the impregnant is subject to removal by wear and the product sold under the trademark Larostat 264-A tear if the impregnated product is used over again. If by Jordan Chemical Company of Folcroft, Pa. The used for packing sensitive electronic components, such product is a waxy solid which can be converted to a as computer chips, the impregnated composition may 60 pourable liquid by heating to 50° C.-65 C. Jordan attach to, and damage the article. Of course, in some Chemical markets this product in the form of a liquid applications such as laundry softeners or antistatic blend of the quaternary ammonium compound in agents, it is intended that the impregnated foam lose its twenty percent dipropylene glycol (DPG) as Larostat antistatic coating as it is transferred to the damp laundry 377, and it can also be used in the practice of the inven during use in the dryer. However, in most applications 65 tion. Another quaternary ammonium compound found it is desirable for the foam product to exhibit both per to be useful in the practice of the invention is soya di manent and uniform antistatic properties which will methyl ethyl ammonium ethylphosphate, and specifi render the product electrostatic free. The characteris cally the product sold under the trademark Larostat 192 4,605,684 4. 3 by Jordan Chemical. This product is a pourable liquid In a preferred embodiment of the invention the qua which can be mixed with the other components to pro-. ternary ammonium composition of Larostat 264-A, duce the antistatic additive composition which are in which is a waxy solid at room temperature, is heated to corporated into the foam-forming mixture. The pre between about 50 C. and 65 C., and when it melts and ferred quaternary ammonium compound is the soya is flowable, is poured into the liquid plasticizer, which is dimethyl ethyl ammonium ethylsulfate of Larostat 264 preferably the N-ethyl-o- and p-toluene sulfonamide A. mixture of Santicizer 8. This mixture is then drum rolled The plasticizers of this invention found to provide the or mixed with an impeller for a short time to obtain a markedly improved antistatic properties when used in clear homogeneous solution. This mixture is stable and combination with the above quaternary ammonium 10 no phase separation is observed at high or low tempera compounds are also commercially available products. tures. The plasticizer compositions found to be useful in the The quaternary ammonium composition of Larostat practice of this invention are as follows: the mixture of 264-A can also be blended into other plasticizers or into N-ethyl-o- and p-toluene sulfonamide, sold by Mon polyols using the same general procedure. In some in santo Chemicals under the trademark Santicizer 8; the 15 stances, some phase separation may be observed as the mixture of o- and p-toluene sulfonamide, sold by Mon mixture cools. Any phase separation which does occur santo Chemicals under the trademark Santicizer 9; and can be minimized, if not eliminated entirely, by main tetrakis(2 chloroethyl) ethylene diphosphate sold by taining the mixture at a higher than normal temperature. Olin Chemical Company under the trademark Thermo As will be apparent to one skilled in the art, adjustments lin 101. Santicizer 8 is the preferred plasticizer com 20 to the foam formulation can be made to take account of pound and is a light yellow, viscous liquid, which is a the higher temperature of the foam forming composi mixture of the ortho and para isomers. Santicizer 9 is a tion and reaction. white to light-cream granular solid, also a mixture of the As noted above, the antistatic additive composition of ortho and para isomers. The Thermolin 101 product is a this invention is added to the foam-forming reactants at liquid, and has utility as both a plasticizer and a flame 25 the time of mixing. It can be combined in a prepolymer retardant. mix, or added as a separate metered stream in accor In the examples which follow, the various quaternary dance with techniques well-known to those familiar ammonium compounds and plasticizers which were with the art. Noticeable improvements have been ob used are, for convenience, identified by their commer served with the incorporation of from about 5 to about cial names, or abbreviations. 30 25 parts of antistatic additive solution per 100 parts of Most significant is the discovery that quaternary am polyol or resin. The term resin as used here is synony monium compounds, which are solids at ambient tem mous with polyol and includes polyester and polyether perature and pressure, when dissolved with plasticizers polyols, and mixtures thereof. The term "phr” means to provide an antistatic additive composition, exhibit a "parts per hundred of resin.” The preferred level of synergistic effect when added to the foam-forming reac 35 antistatic additive solution is from about 17 to 22 parts tants and provide a finished foam having greatly im per 100 parts of polyol. proved antistatic properties. This synergism is demon The polyurethane foams of this invention can be strated by the fact that when only the quaternary am manufactured by the one-shot or prepolymer methods, monium compounds alone, or the plasticizers of the and can consist of polyester polyols, polyether polyols, invention are added to the foam-forming mixture no 40 or polyurethanes prepared from a blend of polyester significant improvement of antistatic properties in the and polyether polyols, and of blends of polyether and finished foam are observed. Polyurethane foams made copolymer polyols, all of which are described in more with one or the other of the compounds exhibit essen detail below. tially the same antistatic properties as foam containing Polyurethane foams exhibiting improved antistatic no antistatic additives. 45 properties have many applications including use in op The preferred combination of quaternary ammonium erating rooms where sparks can present a serious fire salts and plasticizers of this invention provide a stable hazard; in connection with sound proofing and vibra solution, that is, one which does not separate on stand tion damping materials for computers; and in the pack ing, solidify on cooling or produce a precipitate. The aging and handling of sensitive electronic components stability of the antistatic additive solution is extremely 50 such as computer chips where the presence of static important from the standpoint of commercial produc electricity can modify or damage the article so that it tion. Polyurethane foams are made by continuous cast cannot be used. ing methods which are capable of, and are most efficient In the examples which follow the polyether polyol when they are run for several hours, or throughout an resin used had an average molecular weight of 3500, entire shift. Additive streams must be fed from storage 55 unless otherwise indicated. The copolymer polyol was a vessels to the mixing head throughout this period. Such grafted polyether polyol containing copolymerized additives must be stable over the daily production per styrene and acrylonitrile, which was supplied by Dow iod, and preferably should be stable over periods of at Chemical U.S.A. under the designation XAS-10963.01. least several days. The preferred antistatic additive Other copolymer polyols which can be used in this solutions of this invention meet those criteria. 60 invention are available from Union Carbide Corp. and The antistatic additive solutions of this invention are from BASF Wyandotte. prepared by mixing one part by weight of the quater The polyester resin has an average molecular weight nary ammonium compound in from about 0.4 part to of 2000. three parts of liquid or solid plasticizer. Significantly The isocyanate used was tolylene diisocyanate, (also enhanced antistatic properties have been obtained when 65 referred to as toluene diisocyanate, or simply TDI) the antistatic additive composition is comprised of one which was an isomeric mixture of the 2,4 isomer (67%) part of quaternary ammonium compound and one and and the 2,6 isomer (33%.) In some instances the iso one-half parts of plasticizer. meric mixture of the TDI was 80/20, respectively. Un 5 4,605,684 6 less otherwise indicated, the TDI Index was 105. The TABLE I-continued utility of the invention is not limited to any particular isomeric ratio, or to any specific TDI Index value. Amine Catalyst (33-LV) 0.10-0.125 phr. Other isocyanates conventionally used in the manufac ture of polyurethane foams can be used. These would 5 In the examples, the total quantity of these com include 4,4'-diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI), and pounds is relatively small compared to the other ingre others well-known to those familiar with the art. dients. As is well known to those familiar with the art, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE their selection and the actual quantities employed are INVENTION routinely varied in response to the ambient conditions 10 of temperature and humidity, as well as the mechanical In the comparative the basic foam formulations are conditions relating to foam manufacture. In the interests selected from those known in the art, and the individual of exemplifying the invention, the total quantity of these components are commonly available and widely used. components identified in Table I appears in the Compo Similarly, in those examples which illustrate the nents column adjacent the entry "Catalyst, etc.' claimed invention, apart from the novel combination of TEST METHOD quaternary ammonium compounds and plasticizers which produce the improved electrostatic properties in In determining the antistatic properties of the poly the finished foams, the components and their relative urethane foams described in the examples which follow, proportions are assumed to be well within the skill of 20 the static decay rate method as described in Federal the art. Test Method Standard No. 101C-4046.1 was used. In The following components used in the examples are general, this test method is used to determine the elec identified as follows: trostatic properties of materials in film and sheet form 1. Amine catalysts by measuring the intensity and polarity of an induced A-1, 70% bis(2 dimethylaminoethyl) ether in DPG 25 charge and the time required for dissipation of the sold by Union Carbide Corp. charge. In this test procedure, a static charge of 5000 A-30, silicone amine sold by Union Carbide volts is first applied across the foam sample and then the 33-LV, 33% triethylene diamine in DPG sold by voltage source is removed and the sample is grounded. Air Products Corp. The foam sample and the test chamber are maintained at NCM, N-coco morpholine sold by Lonza Chemi 30 a relative humidity of about 15%. The time of static cal decay to zero volts is determined from a moving paper 16-D, N-hexadecylmethyl amine sold by Lonza chart on which the drop in voltage is recorded. A value Chemical of less than 2 seconds for the decay time is established NEM, N-ethyl morpholine sold by Texaco for the foam product in order to pass this test, and to insure that sensitive electronic components and like M-6682, a mixture of fatty acid amides, sold by 35 which are placed in contact with the foam will not be Witco Chemical damaged. 2. Organotin catalysts A conventional flexible polyether polyurethane foam C-4, 50% stannous octoate in DOP sold by Witco was prepared as a hand batch from a standard formula Chemical tion using a polyol having an average molecular weight 3. Silicone surfactants: 40 of 3000 and tolylene diisocyanate (80/20) with an Index L-530, silicone copolymer sold by Union Carbide of 115. When tested as described in FTMS No. 101C L-560, silicone glycol copolymer sold by Union 4046.1, the cured sample maintained its initial 5 KV Carbide charge and no decay over time was observed. A con L-5750, silicone glycol copolymer sold by Union ventional polyester polyurethane flexible foam was also Carbide 45 prepared as a hand batch from a standard formulation DC-200, dimethyl polysiloxane from Dow Corning using a polyester resin and tolylene diisocyanate 4. Flame Retardant (67/33). When tested as described above, the foam sam DE-60F, pentabromo diphenyl oxide blended with ple maintained the initial impressed charge of 5 KV 15% aromatic phosphate, sold by Great Lakes 50 with no observed decay over time. Chemical In the examples, the quantities of all of the compo PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS nents are expressed in terms of parts by weight of ingre The examples which follow illustrate the invention in dients per 100 parts of resin, (i.e., polyol), or "phr.' various foam formulations. In addition to the major ingredients which are indi 55 EXAMPLE I (349-10-C) cated by their proportions in the following examples, the polyether foam formulations also included minor amounts of catalysts, stabilizers, accelerators, activa Component Parts tors, surfactants, and other functional additives well Polyether 100 known in the art. On average, the total of these other Tolylene diisocyanate (TDI) 46.24 60 Catalyst, etc. 2.7 additives amounted to from about 2 to 3 parts by weight Water 3.5 per 100 parts by weight of the polyol. In the examples Antistatic Additive: which follow, unless otherwise specified, the compo 264-A. 8.0 nents and ranges employed are: Santicizer 8 12.0 TABLE 65 Silicone surfactant (L-5750) 1.0-1.3 phr. The above composition was prepared as a hand batch Organotin Catalyst (C-4) 0.85-1.2 phr. and a sample was cut from the cured foam for static Amine Catalyst (A-1) 0.30-0.375 phr. decay testing in accordance with the method described 4,605,684 7 above. The initial potential after the voltage source was -continued removed was 5.0 KV and decayed to zero volts in 1.39 Parts seconds. (349-43-C) (349-44-A) EXAMPLES II THROUGH V Components Ex. VIII Ex. IX 5 33-LV. -- 50 In each of these examples the polyol was a blend of M-6682% -- 1.2 the polyether resin used in Example I, and a copolymer NCM ----- 1.0 polyol which incorporates styrene and acrylonitrile. Antistatic Additive: 264-A 8.0 8.0 10 Santicizer 8 12.0 12.0 Parts Water 3.6 3.7 (349-9-A) (348-38-D) (349-6-A) (349-6-C) As previously defined Components Ex. II Ex. III Ex. IV Ex. V Polyether Copolymer 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 Cured samples from these polyester foam hand polyol 15 batches were prepared and tested in accordance with TDI 38.6 41.64 38.6 38.6 the method described above. The decay times to zero Catalyst, etc. 2.40 2.6 2.45 2.50 volts were 0.86 seconds for the foam of Example VII Water Antistatic Additive: 3. 3. 3.5 3.5 and 0.56 seconds for the foam of Example VIII. 264-A. 8.0 8.0 10,0 8 20 COMPARATIVE EXAMPLESA-E Santicizer 8 12.0 12.0 15.0 12 In order to determine what effects, if any, each of the antistatic additives would have if used separately, two Cured samples from each of these hand batches were comparative examples were prepared using the poly tested as described above to determine the time for ether resin (3000 M.W.) and essentially the same basic decay to zero volts with the following results: 25 formulation in Example VI with the following excep tions: Example Time (seconds) Comparative Example A contained 17.5 phr of the mixture of N-ethyl-o-and p-toluene sulfonamide, and no II III 1.00 1.20 quaternary ammonium compound; and Comparative V 0.88 30 Example B contained 17.5 phr of soya dimethyl ethyl V 0.94 ammonium ethylsulfate, (Larostat 264-A), and no liquid plasticizer. Cured samples of foam prepared from these two hand batches were tested as described above. The EXAMPLE VI samples carried a significant initial charge, and there 5 In this example, a polyether polyol having an average as was no observed decay of voltage with time from that molecular weight of 3000 was employed. A red color The originally measured on these comparative samples. dispersion was added to impart a pink color to the foam. ativeresults of the tests on the foam samples of Compar Examples A and B establish a synergistic effect of the solution of the specific quaternary ammonium com 40 pound of Larostat 264-A and the Santicizer 8 plasti Components Parts cizer. Polyether 100 A third comparative example, Example C employing Tolylene diisocyanate 44.78 the polyether resin (average MW of 3500), and only Catalyst, etc. Water 2.3 3.4 Larostat 264-A was prepared as follows: Red color .15 Antistatic Additive: Components Parts 264-A. 7.0 Santicizer 8 10.5 Polyether 100 TDI (80/20) 43.6 C-4 45 50 A-1 19 A cured sample from the hand batch tested in accor 33-LV. .06 dance with the method described above decayed to Water 3.5 Zero volts in 1.36 seconds. Larostat 264-A 1.0 *As previously defined EXAMPLES VII AND VIII (349-43-C and 349-44-A) 55 In these examples a polyester polyol was employed A cured sample of this polyether foam of Example C and appropriate changes in the formulation were made. was taken from the hand batch and tested in accordance with the method described above. The initial charge of 2.5 KV was not observed to decay over time. Parts 60 Further comparative foams of Examples D and E (349-43-C) (349-44A) were prepared to determine the effect of the separate Components Ex. VIII Ex, IX addition of plasticizer and quaternary ammonium com Polyester 100 100 position to a polyester polyurethane composition. These TDI (80/20) - Index 102 44.1 were prepared using the same foam formulation used in TDI (67/33) - Index 112 Catalyst (C-4)* - 0.50 50.5 0.30 65 Example IX. In comparative Example D, only the plas L-532% .3 m ticizer Santicizer 8 was used at a level of 20 phr. At this NEM/A-30 (.45/.20)* .75 - relatively high level, which is the maximum compatibil DM16-D* .15 0.10 ity level recommended by the manufacturer for use 4,605,684 10 with non-foam polyurethane polymer compositions, the cured sample exhibited a decay time of 5.34 seconds. Comparative Example E was prepared as a hand batch Components Parts by heating the quaternary ammonium compound Laro Polyether polyol Copolymer polyol 70 30 stat 264-A, adding it to the polyester polyol and then TDI (67/33) 38.6 mixing it with the remaining components. The resin Water 3.5 mixture was cloudy after addition of the quaternary Catalyst, etc. 2.45 ammonium compound and the resulting product col DE-60F Antistatic Additive: 5.0 lapsed, did not produce a foam, and was not tested. 264-A 6.0 10 EXAMPLES IX, X and XI (353-26-A; -B; -C) Santicizer 8 9.0
In these three examples the TDI had an Index of 108
and a red pigment was added to provide the finished The above composition is prepared as a hand-batch foam with a pink color. and produces a satisfactory foam. After curing a sample 15 is tested and found to have a static decay period of less than 2.0 seconds. Parts (353-26-A) (353-26-B) (353-26-C) EXAMPLES XIV and XV (363-11-A and C) Components Ex. IX Ex. X Ex. XI Polyether 100 100 100 In these exmples the urethane foam-forming reaction TDI (67/33) 44.78 44.78 44.78 20 mixture comprises a blend of polyether and polyester Catalyst, etc. 2.45 2.45 2.30 polyols. The diisocyanate has an Index of 112. Water 3.4 3.4 3.4 Antistatic Additive: 264-A 7.0 -- - Parts 92 7.0 8.8 25 (363-11-A) (363-11-C) Santicizer 8 10.5 10.5 3.2 Components Ex. XIV Ex, XV Polyester 15 5 Polyether 85 85 Samples taken from the hand batches prepared from TDI (80/20) 48 48 the above formulations were subjected to the static C-4 30 L-560 3.5 4.3 3.5 4.3 decay testing method previously described (1) on the DC-200 m .1 day of their preparation, and (2) following aging of 20 A-1/33-LV (3/1)* 35 35 minutes in an oven at 70° C., 30 minutes in a dessicator, Red color 20 20 and 24 hours in a temperature and humidity control Antistatic Additive: chamber. 264-A 7.0 7.0 35 Santicizer 8 10.5 10.5 The decay times to zero volts were *As previously defined) Ex. IX Ex. X Ex. XI Samples taken from each of the hand batches were Initial 0.46 0.92 0.42 tested as previously described. The time to decay to Aged 0.61 1.58 0.63 zero volts for the foam of Example XIV is 1.67 seconds and for that of Example XV was 1.33 seconds. EXAMPLE XII (353-10-"O”) EXAMPLES XVI AND XVII In this example the polyether polyol has an Index of 45 In these examples a polyether polyurethane formula 108, and the plasticizer is a blend. tion essentially the same as that of Example VI was employed with the exception that the antistatic additive composition was a mixture of three parts of the liquid Component Parts flame retardant-plasticizer tetrakis (2 chloroethyl) eth Polyether 100 50 ylene diphosphate to two parts of the quaternary ammo TDI (67/33) Catalyst, etc. 44.78 2.30 nium composition of Larostat 264-A. The flame retard Water 3.4 ant-plasticizer is sold by Olin Chemicals under the Antistatic additive: trademark THERMOLIN (R) 101 and is identified as 264-A. 7.0 TM-101. Santicizer-8 110 Santicizer-9 2.0 55 Parts (363-10-B) (363-10-C) A sample taken from the hand batch is tested for Components Ex. XVI Ex. XVII static decay as previously described. The time for decay Polyether 100 100 to zero volts is 1.95 seconds. 60 TDI 44.8 44.8 Catalyst, etc. 1.9 1.9 EXAMPLE XIII (349-6-B) Water Red color 3.4 0.2 3.4 0.2 The following example demonstrates that the antista Antistatic additive: tic additive is compatible with a liquid flame retardant TM-101 13.2 15 compound sold for use with flexible polyurethane 65 264-A. 8.8 10 foams. The flame retardant identified as DE-60F is pentabromo diphenyl oxide blended with 15% of an Cured samples prepared from the hand batches were aromatic phosphate sold by Great Lakes Chemicals. tested as described above. The decay time for Example 4,605,684 12 11 XVI was 2.00 seconds and for Example XVII was 1.61 ment which comprises adding to the foam-forming seconds. . composition from about five to about 25 parts by weight ADDITIONAL COMPARATIVE EXAMPLES per 100 parts by weight of polyol of an antistatic addi tive composition comprising one part by weight of a Additional formulations were prepared using, the 5 quaternary ammonium compound selected from the plasticizer Santicizer 8 with other quaternary ammo group consisting of soya dimethyl ethyl ammonium nium compounds. These included solutions of 1.5 parts ethylsulfate, soya dimethyl ethyl ammonium ethylphos Santicizer 8 to 1 part Arquad RD6080 and Igepal 887. phate, and mixtures thereof and from about 0.4 to about Arquad RD6080 is a proprietary quaternary ammonium 3 parts by weight of a plasticizer composition selected compound sold by Akzo, and Igepal 887 is a 70% nonyl 10 from the group consisting of N-ethyl-o- and p-toluene phenoxy polyethanol in water sold by GAF. Solutions sulfonamide, o- and p-toluene sulfonamide, tetrakis (2 of these additives were incorporated at levels ranging chloroethyl) ethylene diphosphate, and mixtures from 7 phr to 17.5 phr of polyether resin in hand thereof, to provide a foam having a reduced tendency batches. Samples cut from the cured foam and subjected to develop and accumulate electrostatic charges. to static decay testing showed no appreciable loss of 15 2. The method of claim 1 where the antistatic additive accumulated static charge over time. composition is comprised of one part of quaternary Another series of tests were conducted to determine ammonium compound to about one and one-half parts whether other known plasticizers could be used with of plasticizer. the preferred quaternary ammonium compound Laro stat 264-A to produce an effective antistatic additive 20 liquid,Theandmethod 3. the of claim 2 where the plasticizer is a quaternary ammonium compound is composition. Solutions of 1 part Larostat 264-A to one dissolved in the liquid plasticizer. and one-half parts of each of the following compounds 4. The method of claim 1 where the quaternary am were prepared: (1) benzyl phthalate; (2) dioctylphtha monium compound is soya dimethyl ethyl ammonium late, or DOP; and (3) cresyl diphenyl phosphate, or ethylsulfate. CDP. These solutions were added at a level of 17.5 phr 25 5. The method of claim 4 where the plasticizer is a in a formulation similar to that of Example IX. Hand mixture of N-ethyl-o- and p-toluene sulfonamide. batches were prepared and cured. Samples tested 6. The showed no observable decay in static charge for exam from the group method of claim 1 where the polyol is selected ples using benzyl phthalate or DOP; the sample contain consisting of polyester polyol, polyether ing CDP showed a decay rate of approximately 6.7 30 polyol, and mixtures thereof. seconds. 7. The method of claim 1 where the polyol is a blend While certain representative embodiments and details of polyether polyol and a graft copolymer of polyether have been shown for the purpose of illustration, numer polyol and copolymerized styrene and acrylonitrile. ous modifications to the foam formulations previously 8. The method of claim 1 where the antistatic additive described can be made without departing from the in 35 composition is prepared by mixing the quaternary am vention disclosed. monium compound and the plasticizer in the polyol. What is claimed is: 9. Flexible polyurethane foam produced according to 1. In the method of preparing a flexible polyurethane the method of any one ofk claims k 2k 1xk through 8 inclusive. foam from a polyol and a polyisocyanate the improve 40
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