Tasnee 2023 Sustainability Report
Tasnee 2023 Sustainability Report
Tasnee 2023 Sustainability Report
85% x4 82%
of employees received performance and career reviews The number of volunteers has more than quadrupled of our employees received training on anti-corruption
100% 100%
compared to 2022
26% 3.7
increase in the number of volunteering hours
increase in female employees compared to last year Cybersecurity maturity level, out of 5
50% Zero
increase in female Saudi employees compared to the incidents related to human rights
previous year
rate of local suppliers
work-related fatalities
decrease in GHG emissions intensity compared to 2022
increase in health and safety training to contractors
of generated waste is recycled at Petchem
uptake in health screenings
Percentage of slag waste created in 2023
compared to 17% in 2022
Founded in 1985, the National Industrialization such as titanium sponge, dry and liquid vehicle batteries
Company (Tasnee) was Saudi Arabia’s first fully and lead, all types of plastic products, and acrylic TASNEE IN NUMBERS:
owned, joint stock private-sector industrial sheets. In addition, Tasnee markets plastic products and
company. With its headquarters in Riyadh, Tasnee batteries, provides technical services, conducts technical
was created to promote economic diversification in testing of equipment, and operates industrial, chemical,
the Kingdom. petrochemical, metallurgical, water desalination, and
power generation plants.
Nearly forty years after its creation, Tasnee, together with
its entities and subsidiaries, is today one of the largest
industrial and petrochemical companies in the country,
In all our activities, we are led by our vision and mission.
Through our policies, actions, and values, we aim to 36
as well as a leading investor in the global titanium sector. put into practice our commitment to sustainability,
Our reputation has been built on good business practices demonstrating sound and ethical corporate governance,
and efficient operations, rooted in deep experience, skills,
and a commitment to cutting-edge technologies and
innovative solutions across our products and services.
high standards of health, safety and security, care for
the environment and social responsibility towards our
stakeholders and communities.
SAR 3,567M
SAR 1,051M
Tasnee’s activities span across the chemical and
petrochemical, engineering, and mechanical sectors.
As well as investing in the ownership and management
of industrial projects and the marketing of its products, EBITDA
the company is an important player in the transfer of
advanced industrial technology to Saudi Arabia. It also
owns a number of subsidiaries that manufacture and SAR 0.26
market industrial products. These include petrochemical
Earning Per Share
SAR 175M
products such as ethylene, polyethylene, propylene,
polypropylene, butyl acrylate, acrylic acid, super
absorbent polymers and butanol, and industrial products
Net Profit/Loss
To optimize stakeholders’ returns
and contribute to industrialization by
pursuing ambitious opportunities.
To consistently operate at high
standards of agility, efficiency,
sustainability, and innovation in the
petrochemicals industry.
We believe that good is not good enough; We do what is right as a role model to
we strive to do more with agility and speed. others and treat people with respect, never
We show excellence in our processes. bending the rules.
Tasnee Established
National Inspection and
National Lead Smelting
Rowad National
National Batteries
Technical Testing Co. Company (RASASS) Plastics Co. (Rowad Company (BATTARIAT)
(FAHSS) startup startup Plastics) startup startup
Rowad Global
HDPE and LDPE and
Rowad International
PDH/PP Plant startup
Packaging Co. startup Cracker plant startup Geosynthetics Co. complex formed
BA/SAP plant startup
Butanol plant startup
Taldeen Plastics
Smelter startup formed
Titanium sponge
Dibal Commercial
Solutions Co. startup commissioning Production
Tasnee’s organizational structure comprises three
Strategic Business Units (SBUs) and four Business ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE
Units (BUs). The SBUs and BUs play a critical role in
supporting Tasnee’s sustainability mandate. CEO
60.45% 100% 100% 100% 100% 74.9% 74.9% 34.93% 12.85% 79%
75% 45.34% 52.29% 100% 100% 40% 100% 100% 89.5% 79%
52.29% 39.22% 39.22% 17.43% 100% 90% 6.07% 58.18% 89.5% 19.21%
Tasnee manages, operates, and owns multiple
businesses. These are arranged into four
Petrochemicals is Tasnee’s largest business unit, Metallurgy SBU oversees the production and marketing
main Strategic Business Units (SBUs):
responsible for the production and marketing of a of metallurgy products and services. The SBU is
wide range of polyolefins and chemicals. currently developing the titanium value chain within
Saudi Arabia, in alignment with the Saudi Vision 2030.
• Acrylic acid monomer OUR PRODUCTS
• Butyl acrylate • Metallurgy
• High-density PE Downstream
• Low-density PE • Titanium Metals
• n-Butanol/ Iso-Butanol • Titanium Sponge
• Polypropylene (PP)
Throughout 2023, Metallurgy continued to see market
• Super absorbent Polymer
growth, especially in the aerospace sector. The SBU is
In 2023, the Petrochemical SBU (Petchem) continued well placed to benefit from this by increasing capacity
its strong business performance in terms of safety, to meet demand, especially with ongoing geopolitical
health, environment, operational efficiency and issues restricting global supplies. In 2023, Advanced
excellence, quality, and sales and marketing. This Metal Industries Cluster Company Ltd (AMIC)
performance secured the Occupational Safety and achieved full production as a result of two ramp-ups
Health Pioneers Award for Petchem in 2023. and exported the Kingdom’s first crude iron shipment
to the United States.
Downstream activities are every bit as important as In 2023, Rowad International Geo-synthetics achieved
upstream. Tasnee’s Downstream SBU manages a group its highest performing results on sales volumes and
of affiliates that, by reducing the need for imports, make plant capacity utilization, while Taldeen Pipes expanded
a vital contribution to the growth and development of its market base in the Kingdom’s Northern region
the Saudi economy. and delivered over 80% of the business to the NEOM
infrastructure project. Meanwhile, the Agri film business TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION
OUR PRODUCTS continued to thrive despite the financial challenges in Tasnee’s Technology and Innovation (T&I)
• Agri films the MENA region, delivering the best results compared center is our research and development
• BOPP films to the budget and previous years. hub, providing innovation and technical
• Plastic products support across the company.
Rowad Global Packaging Co. significantly
- Pipes
contributed to Downstream growth with record sales, In 2023, T&I played a crucial role in leading
- Pallets
largely driven by the local market in the food sector Tasnee product stewardship, ensuring the
- Crates
packaging. The company expanded into Central safety and environmental impact of our
- Sheets
America, leveraging its reputation for high-quality petrochemical products. As part of T&I’s
- Pails
Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) products and commitment to achieving carbon net zero
- Battery containers
reliable service. Meanwhile, Rowad National Plastic by 2060, a solar PV installation project
- Core plugs
Co. achieved its highest volume delivery in the injection was initiated at its site.
- Pellets
molding business.
• Geomembranes
• Lead
• Automotive batteries
• Inspection & certification services
• PC Strands
• Steel/Iron Casting
• Axles
• ISO 9001:2015 • ISO 9001:2015 • ISO 14001:2015 • ISO9001:2015
• SASO (PC and PMMA Sheets) • SASO HDPE geo (COC) • ISO 45001:2018 • ISO14001:2015
• SASO LLDPE geo (COC) • ISO 17021-1:2015 • ISO45001:2018
• CE Mark • ISO 17020:2012 • ISO/IEC 17025:2017
• GAI-LAP • ISO 17065:2012 • ISO 50001:2018
• ISO 9001:2015
• ISO 55001:2014
• Polymer products are
registered for European
• BRC • ISO 9001:2015 • ISO 9001:2015
• IMS • IMS • ISO 14001:2015
• Polymer products are
• SASO • ISO 45001:2018
TALDEEN PLASTIC SOLUTION pre-registered for Turkish
• ISO14001:2015 • ISO 17021-1:2015
• ISO 45001:2018 • ISO 17020:2012
• ISO 9001:2015 • Polymer products are
• ISO 17065:2012
• ISO 45001:2018 NATIONAL LEAD SMELTING pre-registered for BIS (India)
• ISO14001:2018 COMPANY (RASASS) certification
• SASO (Smooth Pipes ) • ISO 9001:2015
• SASO (Corrugated Pipes) • ISO 14001:2015
• SASO – (Smooth Pipes Fittings) • ISO 45001:2018
• NSF -14 & 61 for Smooth Pipes • IMS
• NSF -14 & 61 for Smooth
Pipes Fitting
• FM -1813 (Smooth pipe & fittings)
Sustainability is the cornerstone of our operations and embedded
in our business strategy. Across our business, we integrate our
sustainability strategy into our decision-making processes and
product and services development. We take a holistic approach,
encompassing environmental, societal, and governance activities,
with a particular focus on health, safety, and security. We don’t only
thrive as a business but make a positive contribution to the well-
being of our planet, our stakeholders, and the communities we serve.
Tasnee Petrochemical complex’s sustainability
strategy is driven by our sustainability team, Management Review Meeting
under the leadership of the Process Engineering (IMRS Chairman – VP, PetChem Manufacturing)
Department. Our strategy is supported by a robust
management system that monitors, evaluates, and
tracks our sustainability targets and KPIs, which in
TPC Sustainability Champion
turn guides and informs our decision making.
(GM PetChem Technical)
Verification Group
TPC Sustainability Leader (Process
Plants Sustainability GS Sustainability CWS Sustainability EHSS Sustainability Maint. (M) Finance Sustainability
Focal Point / Focal Point / Focal Point/ Focal Point/ Sustainability Focal Focal Point /
Data Owners Data Owners Data Owners Data Owners Point / Data Owners Date Owners
Sustainability is not only an integral part of our HEALTH AND SAFETY RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS
corporate strategy and culture – it also helps to
drive growth, improve efficiency, and reduce risk.
At Tasnee, we have incorporated sustainability
into every part of our business through our
sustainability framework. The framework outlines
our strategy and the ways in which we put it into
practice, and is based on five key pillars:
Being a sustainable business requires us to act
on the risks, opportunities, and issues that matter LOCAL COMMUNITIES BUSINESS PARTNERS
most to our stakeholders. We identify those issues • Sustainability & annual reports • Sustainability & annual reports
through engaging key groups in open, honest, and • Sponsorship events • Website and social media
transparent dialogue. Its important to highlight • Website and social media
that we are following AA1000 Stakeholder • Community investment
Engagement Standard.
Relevant material issues were gathered
through desk-based research, reviewing
industry standards, peer companies,
and conducting employee interviews.
Internal and external stakeholders were
surveyed to assess the importance
of the identified issues.
The sustainability team evaluated the
survey results, made necessary adjustments,
and ensured all stakeholder perspectives
were included. The final list was then
approved by management.
This process identified 48 material issues, which were The matrix maps our material issues and their
ranked based on their significance to our stakeholders importance.
and their impact on our operations. These material
In this report, we focus on 23 material issues:
issues were then aligned with our sustainability
the 14 most important issues and nine other very
framework and the UN SDGs to ensure our efforts
important/important issues.
contribute to broader global objectives.
Environmental Stewardship
Community engagement Energy Economic and business
Product safety and Management performance
consumer wellbeing Product stewardship Health and Safety
Customer feedback
Engagement and satisfaction
Hazardous substances and satisfaction Human Capital Development
New and emerging markets
Waste Benefits to local communities Greenhouse gas emissions
Occupational health and safety Responsible Business
Human rights
• Recruitment and Retention
• Engagement and Satisfaction
• Diversity
• Inclusion and Equality
• A Vibrant Society
• A Thriving Economy
A thriving economy offers
• An Ambitious Nation
opportunities to everyone,
Tasnee’s sustainability strategy is aligned with the generating economic prospects
Saudi Vision 2030 and addresses all three themes. for entrepreneurs, small and
We can provide opportunities for economic growth, medium businesses and large
diversification, and innovation. The vision therefore corporations alike. In particular,
informs all aspects of our sustainability strategy, we support the development of
especially our efforts in relation to human capital an educational system that meets
development, community impact and governance. the needs of the job market and
equips young people with the skills
required for future employment.
An ambitious nation enables
social responsibility and enhances
government effectiveness through
transparency, accountability and
exceptional competence.
At Tasnee, we are dedicated to environmental protection
and responsible operations. We meticulously assess the
environmental and community impacts of all our activities,
ensuring we consistently act with accountability.
• Climate Change (Policy and Strategy)
• Greenhouse Gas Emissions
• Energy Management
• Effluents and Pollutants
• Hazardous Substances
• Water Use
• Product Stewardship
At Tasnee we are highly conscious of Climate
Change impacts, both locally and globally.
Responding to these challenges and building
a sustainable future is now essential for any
businesses seeking long-term success. Only by
placing sustainability at the heart of our activities
can we meet the future needs of our stakeholders.
At Tasnee, we recognize the urgent need to address Moreover, the efforts of GHG intensity reduction in
climate change and we are committed to reducing Petchem was ongoing for years and recognized by
our environmental impact. One of our most impactful enhancing the plants availability, production throughput
initiatives is our comprehensive decarbonization and implementing various energy initiatives, resulting in
roadmap, which aligns with the ambitious goals of the improved GHG intensity Petchem aims to achieve 15%
Saudi Vision 2030 and Saudi Green Initiative. reduction in GHG intensity by the end of 2030.
A detailed baseline emission audit has revealed that In 2023, Tasnee overall GHG emissions intensity reduced
65% of our total annual emissions is direct (Scope 1), by 4% against the previous year. The figure confirms the
while the remaining 35% is indirect (Scope 2). Therefore, effectiveness of our emission efficiency measures.
our decarbonization roadmap outlines a clear path
Emphasizing on our commitment to sustainable
to achieving net zero carbon emissions from our
transformation, we have recently signed a contract
petrochemical complex in Jubail by 2060. Accordingly,
to install solar panels for our T&I facilities, and we are
we have developed a strategic plan exploring new
actively planning to expand this initiative to our Petchem
technologies and energy infrastructure resources with a
office buildings. This solar power project has the
regular evaluation of CO2e reduction. This strategic plan
potential to cover 20% of our Petchem site offices, T&I,
harnesses the power of cutting-edge clean technologies,
and general facilities’ annual power needs which will
including hydrogen refueling and post combustion
reduce the annual CO2 emissions by 4,747 tons.
carbon capture, to significantly reduce our greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions. In parallel, we are working on At Tasnee, we are committed in our dedication
various initiatives which will result in a total reduction of to environmental stewardship and we are driving
117,000 tCO2e in Petchem within 2030. meaningful progress towards a more sustainable
future. Our decarbonization roadmap, coupled with the
impressive results achieved in 2023 and our ongoing
solar energy initiatives, demonstrate our unwavering
commitment to being a leader in the transition to a
low-carbon economy.
Overall GHG emissions intensity
decrease by 4% across Tasnee.
Air emissions are a major factor both in climate
change and public health, and we recognize that
we have a significant responsibility to limit air SO2 emissions Petchem tons 0.08 0.10* 34.75
emissions from our operations. We monitor our Downstream tons 392.11 465.30 466.47
emissions 24/7 to ensure they remain compliant
Tasnee tons 392.19 465.40* 501.22
with the Royal Commission’s (the regulatory
SO2 emissions intensity Petchem t/1000t production 0.00002 0.00002* 0.00810
authority) stack emission limits and within the scope
of operation stated in our environmental permits. We Downstream t/1000t production 2.51* 3.07* 2.69
also carry out annual stack emissions limit tests. Tasnee t/1000t production 0.10* 0.11* 0.11
GHG (CO2, CH4, and Volatile Organic Downstream t/1000t production 8.45* 9.78* 8.53
Compounds (VOC)) emissions are now Tasnee t/1000t production 0.38* 0.37* 0.49
included in our annual stack testing in line
with the Saudi Green Initiative. *Figures are restated as per the annual stack testing reports, and intensity figures are restated due to a more accurate calculation method.
Note: AMIC is not included in this table as Yanbu plant by the nature of its process does not emit monitored amounts of SO2 or NOx.
Fugitive Emission Report which provides
detailed material loss statistics on cost
savings, our sustainability record, improving
compliance and improving health and safety.
We operate an energy management approach, The enhancement of Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
supported by policies and initiatives, designed to reactor reliability has led to notable progress, resulting
in an energy intensity of 7.74 MMBTU/T. Furthermore,
equipment and continually innovate to improve our Petchem achieved an energy intensity of 13.99 GJ per
performance. Having obtained ISO 50001:2018 ton of product, representing an improvement from
the baseline level in 2016 of 15.44 GJ per ton of
approach to energy management across our different product. Petchem aims to achieve a 15% reduction in
production lines. energy intensity by the end of 2030
We also believe in staff engagement as a key element Overall, Tasnee achieved a 3% decrease in energy
in achieving greater energy management and intensity despite increased production, such as the
higher production rate of titanium sponge at AMIC,
process, and we encourage ideas from staff on ways which raised the indirect energy use in 2023 by 72%
we can improve. to 775,845 GJ.
processes, upgrading energy-intensive components,
and incorporating solar panels at selected locations.
*AMIC figures are restated due to misinterpretation between direct and indirect energy, and intensity figures are restated due to a more accurate calculation method.
environmental protection and pollution control. Downstream tons 3,322* 1,177* 1,247
is required to develop a waste reduction plan every AMIC % 9.21* 3.72* 15.23
five years. Tasnee % 13.65 15.34 16.41
Total waste disposal in Petchem in 2023 fell by 18%, Waste intensity Petchem t/1000t production 4.40 2.74* 2.14*
the waste being recycled increased by 24%, and Downstream t/1000t production 290.78* 325.69* 345.09
the proportion of total waste being recycled also
AMIC t/1000t production 115.16* 114.87* 140.94
increased which is a testimony to enhanced waste
Tasnee t/1000t production 15.49* 14.46* 15.80
management procedures within Petchem. There
was also a significant increase in the proportion of *Figures are restated due to a more accurate calculation method, and AMIC figures are restated to exclude freshwater waste as it’s already included in water data.
recycled waste at AMIC, up 12% from 2022, while
the disposed waste quantity in 2023 increased due
to its raised production rate as well as due to a unit
overhaul. Meanwhile, the overall figure for Tasnee
remained steady.
of generated waste is
recycled at Petchem
Sustainable Vision in Action
About Tasnee Sustainability Management Environmental Stewardship Health and Safety Human Capital Development Responsible Business Community Impact
the percentage of slag waste created fell from
17% in 2022 to around 15% in 2023.
Material losses, such as those from flaring, process
venting, fugitive losses and hazardous/non-hazardous
waste, can have a significant environmental impact,
especially if managed incorrectly. To mitigate this, we
carefully monitor all material losses in our operations,
decrease in material loss at Downstream in 2023
and have processes in place to minimize them.
Petchem aims to achieve a 50% reduction in material
loss intensity by the end of 2030.
SPILL PREVENTION Available Techniques (BAT) to ensure compliance NOISE
Spillages, especially those of hazardous materials, with legal emission limits. Additionally, our Fugitive Pollution includes noise, which can be a serious
can have serious impacts on the environment and on Emission Monitoring program, or Leak Detection and problem both for employees and the communities
local communities. Tasnee has established targets Repair initiative, conducted annually, is mandated close to our operations. We continually monitor our
to achieve legal obligations related to pollution to monitor and quantify VOC and Hazardous Air noise emissions to identify potential issues and
prevention, including the prevention of spills. We take Pollutants (HAPs) emanating from piping components reduce our impact on the surrounding environment
this extremely seriously, with strict measures in place such as joints, valves, and fittings, aligning with as much as possible. Moreover, all equipment that
to prevent spills or, should they occur, to ensure their regulatory requirements. For three consecutive years, produces high noise levels is designed to meet
effective management. there have been no fines or penalties imposed for occupational noise limits. We also monitor emissions
environmental violations. across our operations, and these are audited annually
In the event of a spill, we investigate the causes
by an independent third party to ensure compliance
thoroughly to identify any issues and develop new
with the Royal Commission’s noise standards.
procedures to prevent a recurrence. We are pleased Noise levels are covered by our
to report that due to our robust approach, no spills Environmental Policy, which is
occurred in 2023 in any of our SBUs. part of our EHSS Policy.
spills occurred in 2023 in any of our SBUs
Environmental considerations are designed into
the operations at all our plants, including our flaring 65
activities. Polymer plant gases are usually sent to 58
monomer plants, avoiding the need for any process 52
flaring at our plants. However, flaring is required
for the safe disposal of hydrocarbons, which
would otherwise pose a significant risk to our staff,
equipment, and nearby residents during non-routine
situations, such as plant start up or shut down
and emergency outages. We make every effort to
minimize flaring and use it as a key indicator for our
material loss data.
2021 2022 2023
Access to clean, fresh water is a human right. In The company achieved a 9% reduction in 2023.
many parts of the world, however, including our own Compared to the baseline year of 2016, Petchem aims
region, water is increasingly scarce, putting pressure to achieve a 20% reduction in water intensity by the
on people, businesses and the environment. With end of 2030.
the growing impacts of climate change, it is more
In 2023, water use intensity across the company
ensure it is discharged responsibly to avoid pollution. decreased by 2% compared to 2022, despite an
increase in total water consumption to 4,212,443 cubic
Tasnee has a company-wide water management meters. This increase in consumption was driven by
approach, which focuses on limiting freshwater usage, heightened production across Tasnee’s SBUs and the
inclusion of deep well water consumption at one of our
that our wastewater is treated in compliance with downstream plants, a metric that was recorded for the
regulatory authority requirements. first time in 2030. At Tasnee, we are enhancing our
Petchem uses seawater for cooling, which is supplied by water recycling and reuse efforts. In 2023, we
a third party, as part of our approach to utilize alternative achieved a 2% increase in recycled water and are
water sources. This equates to approximately 99% of all striving for even greater improvements in the future.
the water supplied to Petchem.
reduction in water consumption
in 2023 at Petchem
WATER SBU UNITS 2021 2022 2023 PETCHEM UNIT 2021 2022 2023
Fresh water used Petchem m3 3,620,299 3,550,480 3,535,588
Industrial wastewater m3 1,355,998 1,322,359 1,421,719
Downstream m3 234,448 186,667 477,141
Returned seawater used for cooling m 3
291,224,083 250,632,274 257,845,617
AMIC m3 157,425 163,546 199,714
Water effluents/discharge intensity m3/Mt 74.28 61.69 60.46
Tasnee m3 4,012,172 3,900,693 4,212,443 production
Tasnee m /t production
0.98* 0.92* 0.94
AMIC m3 0 0 0
Tasnee m 3
11,785,020 12,069,103 12,359,021
*Figures are restated due to a more accurate calculation method, and intensity figures are restated due to a
more accurate calculation method
Tasnee takes pride in delivering products of the We also provide technical data sheets, safety data
highest quality. All our products must adhere to sheets, specific product regulatory declarations, ASIC EXPORTS ITS FIRST SHIPMENT
relevant international standards and requirements, product labeling information, and guidance on safe OF “PIG IRON” TO THE UNITED STATES
including those of ISO and Responsible Care®. All handling and storage. Our polymer products are The Advanced Smelting Industries Company
Tasnee sites have ISO 9001 (quality management) registered for European REACH and pre-registered for (ASIC), a Tasnee affiliate, exported its first
and ISO 14001 (environmental management system) Turkish KKDIK along with BIS (India) certification. shipment of pig iron to the USA in 2023. More
certification as of 2023 and we aim to renew these than 37,000 tons were delivered in an important
All our products that are intended to come in contact
certifications annually. We also hold Responsible first both for ASIC and for this industrial sector in
with food substances must comply with Good
Care® 14001 accreditation, demonstrating the Kingdom.
Manufacturing Practices as defined in Regulation (EC)
our commitment to high standards for waste No 2023/2006 and its amendments. Our management Tasnee’s EVP Metallurgy, Dr Trabzuni, praised
management, resource use, and health and safety. system defines the processes and procedures for all the company and its employees for this
Tasnee manufactures green products, including stages of raw-material qualification, manufacturing, significant achievement, which strengthens
recyclable plastic pellets such as Polypropylene, LDPE, packaging, and storage of these products. Saudi industry and increases its global
and HDPE. Moreover, we produce a super absorbent competitiveness and the made in Saudi slogan.
During the year, we also hosted a delegation from
polymer (Dibal) utilized in agriculture as a soil Allegheny Technologies Incorporated (ATI), the leading
supplement/additive to enhance water retention with international manufacturer of titanium alloy products.
reduced soil volume. These products, namely PP, LDPE,
HDPE, and Dibal, are sold annually.
Our employees’ health and safety are our number one
priority. We strive to achieve a culture of health and
• Occupational
safety across all our operations, and all employees
Health and Safety
and contractors must comply with our stringent safety
standards and requirements. Our robust EHSS strategy
contains preventative policies, procedures and
emergency preparedness guidelines. In the event of
an H&S-related incident, we have thorough response
processes in place. We conduct detailed investigations
to identify the causes and learning points to ensure
there is no repeat.
The Lost-time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) – the for employees and 3.74 for contractors, and the
number of lost-time injuries occurring for employees company achieved 10.9 million safe working hours.
– was 2 in 2023, with all incidents investigated It is important to note that over the past three years,
and corrective actions taken. The Total Recordable Tasnee has reported no work-related fatalities.
Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) for the year was 2.76 Total Recordable Injury
Frequency Rate (TRIFR) in 2023
Downstream Rate 0 0 4
AMIC Rate 0 0 0
AMIC Rate 2 0 2
AMIC Rate 0 0 0
Downstream Number 87 51 50
safe working hours in 2023
In 2023, Tasnee delivered a total of 5,287 hours of
comprehensive health and safety training to both its
employees and contractors. This figure represents
Tasnee, represented by Petchem, won the
a notable increase of 12% compared to the previous
Ministry of Human Resources and Social
year. Where there was a notable increase of 29% in
Development’s Occupational Safety and Health
the amount of health and safety training specifically hours of comprehensive health and
Pioneers Award in 2023. The award is one of the
provided to contractors during this period. safety training to both employees
Ministry’s initiatives to recognize the efforts of
and contractors in 2023
companies to achieve high standards in health
and safety. Winning the award reflects our work
HEALTH AND SAFETY SBU UNITS 2021 2022 2023 to promote excellence as one of the Tasnee
TRAINING core values and to create a safe and attractive
Employees Health Petchem Hours 1,095 1,087* 1,114 work environment.
and Safety Training
Downstream Hours 1,383 721 782
Health and well-being are inextricably linked
to safety. At Tasnee, our well-being approach
focuses on both short- and long-term preventative
As part of our efforts to promote Heat can be a significant workplace
measures. All employees are encouraged to
well-being, we have initiatives to challenge in Saudi Arabia, especially
attend annual health screening checks, as these
help our staff lead active and healthy in summer. Tasnee is highly
can aid early identification of potential issues
lives. Campaigns raise awareness conscious of the risks this poses, and
and signpost any required support.
around specific issues and help we actively mitigate the dangers to
employees make more informed, ensure a safe working environment.
healthier choices. Heat stress is included in our risk
assessments, and we take various
All employees are eligible for
precautionary measures, which have
annual health screenings. In 2023,
resulted in year-on-year declines
we recorded 1,228 screenings,
in heat-related cases. Additional
representing a 100% uptake.
measures are applied during
the summer months, including
awareness programs and training to
remind workers of the causes, risks,
dangers, and treatment of heat stress.
For three consecutive years, we had
health screenings recorded in 2023 zero heat stress cases.
We operate an integrated risk identification and PROCESS SAFETY EVENTS PROFILE UNITS 2021 2022 2023
mitigation system, which identifies and maps
Total number of Tier 1 process safety events Number 2 2 1
emerging trends. This enables us to limit or eliminate
Total number of Tier 2 process safety events Number 1 0 2
anything that could have a negative impact on our
operations, helping us achieve operational excellence Percentage of incident investigations % 100 100 100
completed based on Tasnee procedures
and improve productivity.
Percentage of Process Risk Revalidation % 100 100 100
We employ a suite of risk management practices, completed based on Tasnee procedures
covering health, fire prevention, security, safety and
environmental procedures for planning, construction,
and safe operations.
Our people are the most valuable asset. We achieve
this by recruiting, retaining, and developing the
• Development and Training
most talented employees and providing them with
• Recruitment and Retention
opportunities to fulfil their potential and achieve
• Engagement and Satisfaction
fulfilling careers – a belief captured in our slogan of
• Diversity
‘One Tasnee, One Team’.
• Inclusion and Equality
Our human capital development approach is
based around providing employees with continual
opportunities to grow and develop. We do so
through offering high-quality training, investing in
digital technology, using best-practice recruitment
techniques, providing career progression and growth,
job enrichment, and empowering individuals. In this
way, we build a workplace culture that celebrates
and promotes diversity, excellence, innovation and an
enduring value for our people.
people. In 2023, 647 Tasnee employees were under Less than 30 years old Number 560 567 647
30, amounting to 19.4% of our total workforce, an
increase from 17.8% the previous year. Moreover, of
the 532 new employees who joined Tasnee in 2023,
51% were under 30, and female hires increased by
69% in the year.
Female Number 23 29 49
Female Number 18 14 32
Our Human Resources Department sought to TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT UNITS 2021 2022 2023
ensure all identified training gaps were filled during
Total number of training hours Hours 74,957 80,025 104,173
the year, through a mixture of online and classroom- for the total workforce
based training. We enhanced our training and
development programs focused on youth
Male Hours 74,263 78,866 103,151
development and increased intake numbers.
Female Hours 693 1,158 1,023
In addition, our E-Curricula Program has been
Executive and senior Hours 202 367 440
successfully introduced. This flexible and
customizable suite of eight online programs is Middle management Hours 10,524 12,998 17,826
designed to ensure a structured career growth Staff and professional Hours 64,231 66,660 85,907
pathway. It promotes self-directed learning and Average hours of training per employee Hours/employee 26 31 35
the concept of “learning on-the-go”.
Total cost of training ‘000 SAR 1,627,626 3,233,297 6,079,782
As a result, the total number of training hours for Total cost of training per employee SAR 557 1,249 2,017
the workforce increased by 30% to more than
104,000, an average of 35 hours per employee.
In 2024, we aim to enhance our robust Learning and Development Framework by introducing and aligning
programs to sustain, upskill, and reskill our workforce effectively. We conducted performance and career reviews
for 85% of our employees in 2023.
Female Number 61 75 76
173 173 169
162 162
In addition to WalaPlus (the Tasnee brand name 147 147 151
We provide employees with a wide range ‘Testahel’), a discount and benefits program tailored for
of benefits to support staff retention and employees and their families, operating across a network
maintain the well-being of our workforce. of over 5,000 retail locations. This scheme features an
Benefits we offer include: online discount portal, routinely updated promotional
offers, and a diverse range of unique vouchers.
Medical insurance for employees We offer a defined contribution plan through
and dependents which eligible employees can save money to
secure their futures, with the company making
Individual development plans 2021 2022 2023
additional contributions.
Employee training schemes We have made it easier for staff to access parental
8 8 8
leave through our HR system. In 2023, we achieved a
Service awards 100% return-to-work from parental leave rate and a
retention rate of over 98% twelve months after
Education assistance for non-Saudi employees return from their leave.
employees and dependents 4 4
Physical well-being programs 1 1 1
increase in female staff in 2023
As a major Saudi employer, we have an important
local talent in line with the Saudi Vision 2030.
Saudization is an integral element in our strategic 2021 50% 2021 1,761
workforce planning, which enables us to
support national priorities for long-term 2022 56% 2022 1,776
strategic economic development.
2023 58% 2023 1,929
Our Saudization program seeks to attract, empower,
and retain talented Saudi nationals, especially young
employees who will develop careers in technical,
carefully targeted training and development programs
that provide the skills they need. 2021 70% 2021 45
Saudization rate in 2023
We continually invest in improving ethics-related
controls, including those related to risk, compliance
• Economic and Business
and auditing. Every one of our employees is required
to uphold the highest standards of ethical and
• Legal Compliance
professional behavior, while a robust governance
• Business Ethics
structure helps us to be accountable for our actions
• Human Rights
and to identify and learn from any errors we make.
• Customer Feedback
Our company culture is founded on sound corporate and Satisfaction
governance. Our governance structure sets out our • Innovation
clearly defined values, complemented by a robust • Procurement and
network of controls and a compliance framework. We Supplier Assessment
expect this culture to extend into our supply chain and
our Responsible Supply Chain Framework includes
a comprehensive Code of Conduct. We require all
our stakeholders to share the same commitment to
the highest standards, thereby embedding ethics,
compliance, and responsibility throughout our
to our stakeholders. In return for consistent returns, EBITDA ‘000 SAR 2,824,469 1,986,904 1,050,617
we make meaningful contributions to support the Net Profit/Loss ‘000 SAR 1,356,388 666,346 174,568
communities where we operate. More than 60%
Earnings Per Share SAR 2.03 1.00 0.26
of our revenue is generated in the Kingdom with a
further 15% in the wider Middle East. Revenues ‘000 SAR 3,673,085 3,882,862 3,566,959
expectations, we continually innovate to implement Total Liabilities ‘000 SAR 13,417,283 12,262,471 13,193,460
operational and cost efficiencies. *The figure is restated as some corresponding figures have been reclassified in conformity with 2023.
net profit in 2023
Sustainable Vision in Action
About Tasnee Sustainability Management Environmental Stewardship Health and Safety Human Capital Development Responsible Business Community Impact
Tasnee’s governance structure sets out and defines the company’s expectations to maintain
the highest standards of corporate integrity, ethics, and compliance across the business.
General Assembly
Board of
Nomination &
Risk & Governance
Executive Committee Remuneration Audit Committee
Tasnee's Board of Directors is the cornerstone of the company's governance framework, comprising 10 distinguished members who bring a wealth of expertise and
experience. The Board is responsible for shaping the company's overall business strategy, and direction, and ensuring the highest standards of compliance and
- Separation of CEO and Chairman roles, with the CEO reporting directly to the Board.
- TASNEE has three main committees: Executive Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, and Risk and Governance Committee.
- An Audit Committee, established by shareholders, reports directly to the General Assembly through the Board.
- Risk and Compliance (ERC) Committee, led by the CFO, focuses on governance, risk management, and compliance oversight across the company and its affiliates.
This robust governance framework empowers Tasnee to navigate complex business landscapes, drive growth, and maintain the highest levels of compliance and
ethical standards.
• Reviews the skills and experience required for • Works with executive management to develop a
Board of Directors and executive management comprehensive framework for risk management,
positions. governance, compliance, and related policies that
• Identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the are compatible with the nature of the company’s
Board of Directors and proposes solutions to be business, activities, and the company’s objectives
• Oversees the daily implementation of board
consistent with the company’s interest. and strategy.
• Helps the Board in overseeing senior remuneration • Determines the acceptable levels of risk associated
• Reviews the company’s strategic plans, projects,
arrangements. with company activities and reviews them
and annual estimated budget and recommends
• Recommends remuneration policies and periodically.
them to the Board of Directors for approval.
framework for all staff. • Reviews the comprehensive compliance policies
• Approves the policies, procedures, debt
periodically to ensure their consistency with
instruments, and loans of subsidiaries, and The Nominations and Remuneration Committee
changes that may occur in the internal or external
exercises all the powers assigned to the committee conducted two meetings during 2023 to implement
by the board. its tasks.
The Risk and Governance Committee conducted three
The Executive Committee conducted three meetings
meetings during 2023 to implement its tasks.
during 2023 to implement its tasks.
Ethics and responsible business practices are and policies, which are regularly updated, to ensure
essential to maintaining the highest standards of compliance with Saudi laws, which provides penalties
compliance and professional integrity. Tasnee has ranging from fines to imprisonment.
a number of structures and policies in place to In 2023, 82% of our employees received online
ensure compliance across the company with all training on anti-corruption. Moreover, 100% of our
applicable legal, regulatory, international standards, of our operations were assessed for
operations were assessed for corruption-related risks.
rules, and best practices. corruption-related risks
No incidents of corruption or fines arose during the
We strive to achieve a culture of transparency, honesty year.
and trust across our workforce and all our stakeholders
and to ensure we operate responsibly at all times.
Tasnee has been facilitating risk assessment
workshops to evaluate various risks within our
business operations. Some commonly identified risks
include conflict of interest, bribery and gifts, and lack
of management oversight. To mitigate these risks,
we have implemented several measures, including
the adoption of an Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy
along with Antitrust and Competition Policy in place.
rationalization programs in 2023 and will continue
these programs in the future. We continually
work on reducing the risk of price fluctuations of
Effective risk management is a prerequisite for
petrochemical and industrial products by lowering
long-term corporate success. Our robust risk
production costs without compromising on quality
regulatory complaints for the past 3 years management program adheres to best practice and
and safety, and increasing the quantities produced,
international standards. As a business operating in
thus increasing sales volumes and revenues.
the petrochemical and chemical industries, we must
anticipate and respond to changes in the business
environment, including geopolitical and economic
changes, inflationary pressures and high interest
rates, resulting in both challenges and opportunities.
Tasnee’s activities result in different financial risks, Our GRIC Function oversees the application of
including market, credit, and liquidity risks. These are enterprise risk management, governance and In 2024, we will maintain the following
managed by constant identification, measurement, compliance methodologies and practices. GRIC actions to strengthen our efforts in risk
and control. We employ various methods to mitigate responsibilities include risk identification, working with management, compliance, and governance:
these risks, such as utilizing the necessary derivative all departments/functions/SBUs to create a suitable
financial instruments for hedging exposure to foreign response plan and strategy, and supervising the Enhancing systems for effective
exchange risks and interest rates on loans, and credit execution of the plan for risk reduction. To accomplish risk management and compliance
risks. We do not use derivative financial instruments Tasnee’s strategic goals, GRIC has developed a
for speculative purposes. To mitigate current and comprehensive corporate governance framework Concentrating on
future risks to our profitability, cash flows and ability that outlines our company-wide approach to strong governance and ethics
to achieve our strategic goals, we have adopted governance principles, effective risk management,
programs for continually identifying, analyzing, and and compliance with all relevant laws and regulatory Conducting workshops, training
evaluating these risks. To ensure compliance with the requirements. We collaborate extensively with sessions, testing of the business
dynamic and evolving regulatory environment in the different stakeholders to gain a wider perspective, continuity plans, and compliance
Kingdom, we actively monitor the actual and potential stay up to date on the most recent regulatory review and gap assessment.
changes in the laws and regulations so that we can developments, and understand best practices. It
address and manage the impact of those changes. is crucial for our suppliers, customers, and other Contributing for the implementation
Tasnee’s Governance, Risk, Insurance and Compliance stakeholders in our business environment to build of ESG framework and
(GRIC) Function has comprehensive guidelines to compliance capacity. disclosure requirements
stay abreast of the regulatory changes and to ensure In 2023, we continued to conduct risk assessments
compliance with national, and to the extent applicable across our operations as part of our strategy to Developing talented young
international, laws, statutes, regulations. improve and enhance our governance structure individuals under Youth
and framework. Development Plan (YDP)
The Board Risk and Governance Committee provides
oversight of risk issues across the company and its
Our key risks are included in our
affiliates, maintains our regulatory framework, and
2023 Annual Report.
identifies, prioritizes and manages compliance issues.
INTERNAL AUDITS The Department carried out all its activities during the
The Internal Audit Department’s mission is to year in accordance with the risk-based Internal Audit NUMBER OF INTERNAL AUDITS CONDUCTED
enhance and protect organizational value by plan, which was approved by the Audit Committee
providing risk-based, independent, and objective before the beginning of the year, with a focus on
assurance, advice, and insight. activities and operations with high risks, to help 16
achieve the goals of the company and protect its
We conduct assurance audits across our SBUs as 12
assets. Further, the Internal Auditing processes are
an essential tool to add value by maintaining and
designed to determine the efficiency and effectiveness
improving sound governance, risk management, and
of the internal control system and procedures. Their
internal controls, as well as providing assurance to our
results have been discussed and sent to the relevant
Board of Directors and shareholders.
departments and SBUs to study and address the
Internal Audit develops a robust audit plan on an observations and recommendations, develop the
2021 2022 2023
annual basis, through which thorough assurance necessary corrective measures, follow up their
audits are carried out regularly. Any significant risks implementation and closure within agreed timeframe
identified are highlighted and shared with Tasnee’s with the relevant departments, and presented to the
Audit Committee and the relevant area’s management. Audit Committee. Periodically, status reports that
In 2023, we planned 16 audits, and all were clarify what has been achieved with the challenges
successfully completed. and risks that may arise from not closing those
observations and recommendations are highlighted.
Our Internal Audit Department, in accordance with
best practices, reports functionally to the Audit In 2023, we have completed the 16 internal audits
Committee and administratively to the company’s we planned to conduct. This shows an increase in
CEO. The Internal Audit Department has full, free, and the number of audits conducted compared to last
unrestricted access to all Tasnee and its affiliates year (12 audits).
relevant records, physical properties, and personnel
pertinent to carrying out any engagement.
In 2023, we completed Phase 1 of the Petchem’s In 2024 we aim to complete Phase 2, which We achieved a number of significant milestones in
Cybersecurity Uplifting Project. This involved involved the segregation of the TPC network to the year, including the completion of Robotic Process
the development of comprehensive operational enhance security and minimize risks and implemented Automation (Phase III) and the successful S4HANA
technology (OT) cybersecurity policies and asset management and visibility tools to improve conversion. S4HANA is a cloud-based enterprise
procedures. This phase also included the oversight and control over our OT environment. resource planning solution that will simplify our
implementation of round-the-clock cybersecurity Additionally, we developed and integrated a digital infrastructure and improve flexibility. We
monitoring to ensure continuous protection. comprehensive OT incident response planning also ensured that our e-invoicing system within SAP
Additionally, we applied essential minimum to ensure swift and effective action in the event S4HANA complies with the requirements set by
cybersecurity controls to fortify our systems of a cybersecurity incident. the Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority (ZATCA) in
against potential threats. Saudi Arabia. Additionally, we developed a System
Utilization Dashboard and launched an Enterprise
Governance, Risk, and Compliance (EGRC) System
Application to enhance our management processes.
We established a three-year strategic plan for
improving our Human Capital Management practices
and maintained our cybersecurity maturity level at
Corporate level is 3.7 out of 5.
Tasnee is committed to protecting, respecting, and
HUMAN RIGHTS UNITS 2021 2022 2023
fulfilling human rights throughout all our activities.
We refer to international standards related to human Total number of hours in the reporting period Number 2,229 6,723 1,425
devoted to training on human rights policies or
rights like the UN and engage experts, clients, and
procedures concerning aspects of human rights
peers to help us identify actual or potential human that are relevant to operations
rights issues within our value chain, and to ensure
Percentage of employees trained during the % 22.6 58.3 14.2
that we adhere to all applicable laws to protect reporting period in human rights policies or
human rights. procedures concerning aspects of human rights
that are relevant to operations.
Our Code of Conduct also includes human rights.
As well as employees, this also extends to our
suppliers, who we expect to maintain the highest
standards through their own operational procedures
and mechanisms. We also reference human rights
in our employment application documents, ensuring
compliance from employees from their first day of
working with us.
Tasnee's Technology and Innovation (T&I) Center Innovation is an important part of our work towards In 2023, T&I developed a high-speed raffia grade.
in Jubail fuels company-wide growth by the Saudi Vision 2030. We have established a group of In raffia tape production trials at customers’ sites,
providing cutting-edge research, development, experts from Petchem and international consultants line speed and output for the new grade increased
testing, training, and technical expertise,
to develop a decarbonization roadmap, utilizing the from 15-30%. T&I also developed Saudi-made matt
empowering innovation and product
advancement across the organization. latest technologies and configurations to decarbonize compounds, used at our BOPP film plant, which will
our petrochemical complex in Jubail. The roadmap enable us to replace imported compounds. The new
T&I’s world-class facilities include laboratories features innovative solutions such as hydrogen compound is now ready for commercial trials at
equipped with cutting-edge analytical equipment, refueling and post-combustion carbon capture. Tasnee customers.
specializing in spectroscopy, microscopy,
chromatography, thermal, rheological, physical,
and plastic product performance characterization.
The labs are ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited by the DECARBONIZATION ROADMAP OF
International Accreditation Service (IAS, US) and PETROCHEMICAL COMPLEX
the Saudi Accreditation Committee (SAC, KSA), T&I is supporting Tasnee’s goal to achieve
and accreditation was renewed in 2023. carbon net zero by 2060. A comprehensive
decarbonization execution plan has been
developed, featuring a number of short to
medium-term initiatives such as solar PV
installations, process optimization, off-gas
recovery/recycling and its effective utilization,
and clean energy options, such as H2
production/enhance material for energy
intensity reduction in reactors.
values and commitments. As one of Saudi Arabia’s
Looking ahead to 2024, we plan to review and
largest companies, we recognize our strategic
enhance our Business Continuity Planning exercise,
position to leverage procurement activities in
identifying potential risks to ensure uninterrupted
advancing the Saudi Vision 2030.
supply and business continuity. Our partnership
Our procurement procedures undergo regular reviews, with Achilles, a global leader in supply chain risk
of our new suppliers were screened
benchmarking, and improvements to align with evolving management solutions, will see the implementation
for environmental and social factors
laws, regulations, and ESG factors. This continuous of a comprehensive global supplier and contractor
enhancement ensures our practices are consistently registration and assurance solution. This collaboration
updated in line with our sustainability strategy. Tasnee’s will enable us to collect and verify critical supplier
suppliers are subjected to a rigorous multi-stage information, mitigating risks and providing reliable,
Our procurement efforts recognized with three
prequalification process, ensuring they meet our up-to-date data to inform our supply chain and
prestigious awards in 2023. At the company
stringent ESG standards and requirements. Additionally, procurement decisions. Additionally, we will work
level, the Tasnee Procurement Department
they must adhere to our Business Ethics Policy and with EBS on SAP Signavio for process insights,
received the Global European Institute for
General Procurement & Contract Terms and Conditions. identifying process gaps and implementing necessary
Purchasing Management (EIPM) Peter Kraljic
improvements. A new Supplier Management
In 2023, we launched a pioneering project to scan Award for Excellence.
Information tool will be launched to monitor trends in
and 3D print overseas spare parts locally, resulting
materials and logistics services, with plans to extend There were also two individual awards. Our
in substantial savings of SAR 150 million and
this monitoring to include more high-risk materials Section Head of Strategic Procurement Shahad
significantly reducing ocean freight costs to the Indian
and logistics in 2024. Al-Dhubaiban won the Women in Supply Chain
subcontinent and Turkey in Q4. The introduction
Award from GPCA, and Turki Al Johani, our
of our new Supply Market Intelligence tool led to In 2023, we ensured that 100% of new suppliers were
Chief Procurement Officer, was honored with
a 13% increase in Ariba adoption and utilization. screened using rigorous social and environmental
the Chartered Institute of Procurement and
Furthermore, the deployment of two Robotic Process criteria. For the second consecutive year, we engaged
Supply (CIPS) Procurement Pioneers Award.
Automations in Q4 enhanced operational efficiency. a third party to conduct due diligence and pre-
One of the important ways Tasnee can support
the Saudi Vision 2030 is through our procurement
processes. By purchasing from Saudi-based vendors,
we can boost the local economy and support the
economic growth and development of both our local
communities and the country as a whole.
local suppliers in 2023
As a major regional company, we have a responsibility
to support the communities where we operate
and to use our influence to drive positive social,
environmental, and economic impact.
One of the keyways we achieve this is through
our CSR activities, by which we aim to benefit
a wide range of people and communities.
• Volunteering and Charities
• Benefits to Local Communities
• Community Engagement
increase in community investment
2021 1,418,990
in 2023 in comparison to 2022
2022 1,770,000
2023 2,442,608
GPCA Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association PV Photovoltaic
AMIC Advanced Metal Industries Cluster Company Ltd
GRI Global Reporting Initiative RASASS National Lead Smelting Company
ASIC Advanced Smelting Industries Company
GRIC Governance, Risk, Insurance and Compliance RC Responsible Care
ATI Allegheny Technologies Incorporated
GS General Service REACH Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction
BAT Best Available Techniques
of Chemicals
GS General Services
BATTARIAT National Batteries Company
RGP Rowad Global Packaging
G-SQAS The Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association
BIS Bureau of Indian Standards
Sustainability & Quality Assessment System RIG Rowad International Geosynthetics
BOPP Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene
HADAF Human Resources Development Fund RNPC Rowad National Plastic Company
CE Conformité Européenne
HAPs Hazardous Air Pollutants SAC Saudi Accreditation Committee
CEO Chief Executive Officer
HDPE High-Density Polyethylene SAP Systems, Applications, and Products
CFO Chief Financial Officer
HQ Head Quarter SAR Saudi Riyal
CIPS Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply
HR Human Resources SASO Saudi Arabian Standards Organization
CSR Corporate social responsibility
HSE&S Health, Safety, Environment, and Security SBUs Strategic Business Units
CWS Central Workshop & Services
IAS International Accreditation Service T&I Technology and Innovation
EBS Enterprise Business Solutions
IIA Institute of Internal Auditors TPC Tasnee Petrochemical
EC Ethylene Cracker
IMRS Integrated Management Rating System TRIFR Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate
EGRC Enterprise Governance, Risk, and Compliance
ISO International Organization for Standardization. TUV ME TUV Middle East
EHSS Environment, Health, Safety, and Security
JAMA’A The Jubail Area Mutual Aid Association UN SDGs United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
KPIs Key Performance Indicators UNFCC UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
EIPM Enterprise and Infrastructure Project Management
LLDPE Linear Low-Density Polyethylene USD United States Dollar
EPC Engineering, Procurement & Construction
LTIFR Lost-time Injury Frequency Rate VFD Variable Frequency Drive
ERC Executive Risk and Compliance
NBC National Batteries Company VOC Volatile Organic Compounds
ESG Environmental, Social, and Governance
OH Occupational Health VP Vice President
FAHSS National Inspection and Technical Testing Co.
OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series ZATCA Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority
GCC Gulf Cooperation Council
OT Operational Technology
GHG greenhouse gas
PP Polypropylene
GM General Manager
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
For the Content Index – Advanced Service, GRI Services reviewed that the GRI content index has been presented in a way consistent with the requirements for reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards, and that the information
in the index is clearly presented and accessible to the stakeholders. The service was performed on the English version of the report.
GRI 2: General Disclosures 2-1 Organizational details 11 - 18 A gray cell indicates that reasons for omission are not permitted for
2021 the disclosure or that a GRI Sector Standard reference number is not
2-4 Restatements of information 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 42, 49, 51, 63
2-7 Employees 54
GRI 2: General Disclosures 2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts 65, 66, 69, 70
2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts 55, 64-66
2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body Please refer to 2023 Annual
Report page 21 - 33
2-21 Annual total compensation ratio Not disclosed Confidentiality Due to concerns about
constraints competitive sensitivity
2-23 Policy commitments 30, 39, 43, 60, 67, 68, 75, 78
2-24 Embedding policy commitments 30, 39, 43, 60, 67, 68, 75, 78
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-1 Process to determine material topics 24, 25 A gray cell indicates that reasons for omission are not permitted for
the disclosure or that a GRI Sector Standard reference number is not
3-2 List of material topics 24, 25
GRI 201: Economic 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed 63 11.14.2
Performance 2016
201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change Not disclosed Information Assessing climate risk 11.2.2
unavailable/ is part of the company’s
incomplete future plans
201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans Not disclosed Confidentiality Due to sensitive
constraints business information
201-4 Financial assistance received from government The government did not
provide any financial
GRI 203: Indirect Economic 203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supported 78, 79 11.14.4
Impacts 2016
203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts 75, 78, 79 11.14.5
GRI 202: Market Presence 202-1 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage Not disclosed Confidentiality We do not conduct
2016 constraints the necessary
assessments but
may plan to do so in
the future.
202-2 Proportion of senior management hired from the local community 61 11.11.2
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees 60 11.11.5
Opportunity 2016
405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration Not disclosed Confidentiality We keep this 11.11.6
constraints information confidential
due to competitiveness,
but it may be disclosed
in the future
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics 67-71 11.20.1
GRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016 205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption 67 11.20.2
205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures 67 11.20.3
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics 34, 35 11.1.1
GRI 302: Energy 2016 302-1 Energy consumption within the organization 35 11.1.2
302-2 Energy consumption outside of the organization Not disclosed Information We have not yet 11.1.3
unavailable/ measured this because
incomplete we have not established
the necessary data
collection mechanisms
but plan to in the future
302-5 Reductions in energy requirements of products and services Not disclosed Information Complexity of
unavailable/ measurement
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics 41, 42 11.6.1
GRI 303: Water and Effluents 303-1 Interactions with water as a shared resource 41 11.6.2
303-2 Management of water discharge-related impacts 41 11.6.3
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics 30-33 11.1.1
GRI 305: Emissions 2016 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions 32 11.1.5
305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions Not disclosed Information We are considering 11.1.7
unavailable/ establishing a data
incomplete collection mechanism
and providing emissions
data in the future.
305-6 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) Not disclosed Information We are currently
unavailable/ exploring the
incomplete establishment of a data
collection mechanism
and plan to track it in
the future.
305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions 33 11.3.2
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics 36-38 11.5.1
GRI 306: Waste 2020 306-1 Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts 36 11.5.2
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics 39, 40 11.8.1
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics 75, 76 11.14.1
GRI 308: Supplier 308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria 75
Environmental Assessment
308-2 Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken Not disclosed Confidentiality Due to internal policies
constraints in place
GRI 414: Supplier Social 414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria 75 11.10.8
Assessment 2016 11.12.3
414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken Not disclosed Confidentiality Due to internal policies 11.10.9
constraints in place
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics 54, 55 11.10.1
GRI 401: Employment 2016 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover 55 11.10.2
401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part- 59 11.10.3
time employees
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics 46, 49, 52 11.9.1
GRI 403: Occupational Health 403-1 Occupational health and safety management system 46 11.9.2
and Safety 2018
403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation 48, 52 11.9.3
403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system 46 11.9.9
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics 56, 57 11.10.1
GRI 404: Training and 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee 57 11.10.6
Education 2016 11.11.4
404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs 56, 57 11.10.7
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics 78, 79 11.15.1
GRI 413: Local Communities 413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and 79 11.15.2
2016 development programs
413-2 Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local Not disclosed Information We currently do not have 11.15.3
communities unavailable/ an impact assessment
incomplete tool in place, but it is
planned for development
in the future.
GRI 416: Customer Health and 416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories 43 11.3.3
Safety 2016
416-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products Not disclosed Confidentiality Due to company
and services constraints policies, it cannot be
GRI 418: Customer Privacy 418-1 Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of 73
2016 customer data
GRI 402: Labor/Management 402-1 Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes Not disclosed Confidentiality Due to concerns about 11.10.5
Relations 2016 constraints sensitive business
decisions that could
impact workforce
stability or competitive
GRI 406: Non-discrimination 406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken Not disclosed Confidentiality Due to internal policies 11.11.7
2016 constraints but it can be disclosed
in the future.
Topic 11.4 Biodiversity Biodiversity impacts relatively minimal in its operations, where activities are primarily confined to industrial sites and do not significantly affect
diverse ecosystems.
Topic 11.7 Closure and rehabilitation Our operations involve continuous production facilities with minimal environmental disruption and no current or planned activities that would
require significant closure or rehabilitation efforts.
Topic 11.12 Forced labor and modern slavery We have rigorous policies and supplier due diligence processes in place to prevent forced labor and modern slavery within our supply chain,
with no identified risks or incidents that would materially impact operations.
Topic 11.13 Freedom of association and collective bargaining Legal constraints within Saudi Arabia restrict the scope of labor union activities and collective bargaining, minimizing significant impacts
on our operations.
Topic 11.16 Land and resource rights Operations primarily involve leased or privately owned land with no disputes or significant conflicts over resource rights. Our activities do not
foresee expansion into areas where land rights issues would be a concern.
Topic 11.17 Rights of indigenous peoples Operations in Saudi Arabia’s oil and gas sector do not impact indigenous communities or their rights. Projects are situated in areas without
indigenous populations.
Topic 11.18 Conflict and security We operate within secure industrial zones and adhere to rigorous security protocols in our oil and gas operations. We implement proactive
measures and mitigate risks related to conflict and security incidents.
Topic 11.19 Anti-competitive behavior We maintain strict adherence to anti-competitive practices and compliance with regulatory frameworks within Saudi Arabia’s oil and gas sector.
There are no identified instances or significant risks of anti-competitive behavior that would necessitate detailed reporting.
Topic 11.21 Payments to governments We follow standard industry practices regulated by local authorities and ensure compliance with all financial obligations, with no material
discrepancies or significant impacts.
Topic 11.22 Public policy Not material to our company’s engagement with public policy issues within Saudi Arabia’s oil and gas sector that is primarily focused on regulatory
compliance and industry standards.
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