Federal Judge Letter
Federal Judge Letter
Federal Judge Letter
Name of Parties:
I, Janae’-E.: Walton, a flesh and blood, soul possessing human being and Executor/Beneficiary of the
JANAE’ E. WALTON, Cestui Que Vie Trust, actively rebuke and object to any contrary presumptions of
Incompetence. I, Janae-’E.: Walton, the private natural biological parent of Jaivyn-Erik: Walton have
established a security interest/beneficial ownership for said flesh and blood, soul possessing child who is
currently being kidnapped by the above-named parties.
The Kanawha County Family Court of West Virginia and all parties, including JULIE A. PENCE, LERA K.
failing to uphold their oath to the U.S. Constitution by disregarding the law, showing bias and by
allowing personal beliefs (hearsay) to influence their decision making.
Beginning on October 14, 2022, I Janae’-E.: Walton, clearly and conspicuously placed JULIE A. PENCE and
CATHY S. GATSON on NOTICE of my Political Status, as well as several other Notices (see exhibits), and
each Notice were mailed Certified USPS, received and accepted by acquiescence. An unrebutted affidavit
stands as ‘truth in commerce’ and by failing to challenge my affidavits, the opposing party have waived
their right to contest my statements currently.
I, Janae’-E.: Walton, the EXECUTOR of the JANAE’ E. WALTON TRUST, am writing today to settle the
matter by accepting compensation for FEE SCHEDULE violations made against me (per my recorded
NOTICE OF INTENT-FEE SCHEDULE) and the return of my private flesh and blood, soul possessing human
child; Jaivyn-Erik: Walton.
• NOTICE OF CLAIM of “sole relief and remedy” under Title 50, Section 7(c) and (e) of 2012- The
relief and remedy for a person who has been designated as an enemy and whose property has
been seized is to be compensated for the value of the property. The government has a duty to
compensate people for their property when it takes that property without their consent. This
duty is based on the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which protects against the
taking of private property without just compensation. Notices of Private Property establishment
have been dishonored several times and compensation for violation is due.
• Notice of violation of The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Title 28, Section 1602-1611- a
federal law that governs the immunity of foreign states from the jurisdiction of the U.S. courts.
The Family Court of Kanawha County, West Virginia and above stated parties, continue to
proceed with recording orders in reference to Janae’-E.: Walton and Jaivyn-E.: Walton, whom
are not in the jurisdiction of the U.S.
• Simulating Legal Process by intimidating and harassing me with legal action the above stated
parties do not have authority to take.
• Use of Trade Name and copyright protected material under Threat, Duress, and/or Coercion:
Name written by the informant- After clearly and conspicuously placing the above stated
Parties on NOTICE of my ‘Certificate of Assumed Name’, I continued to receive mail from the
above stated parties.
• Produce Any Personal Information for Any kind of Business Interaction: Any documents
produced by me- per document- For every document produced by me that was dishonored,
another document was sent.
• Trespass and/or Failure to Act- Trespass by public official(s), police officer(s), judge(s),
attorney(s), corporation(s) and other fictional entities as well as all others who desire to
• Silence/Dishonor/Default- by Acquiescence
• Failure to Present a Living Injured Party- the said lawfully living, flesh and blood, soul
possessing human child is NOT an injured party (Corpus Delicti).
• Default by non-response or Incomplete Response; per occurrence and includes any Third-Party
• Forcing psychiatric evaluations; per day- Affidavit of Truth written September 26, 2022, by
Janae’-E.: Walton, stated that AHMARI N. SMITH is advised to take a psychiatric evaluation, and
in response JULIE A. PENCE ordered JANAE’ E. WALTON to take a psychiatric evaluation to allow
visitation of said child.
• Failure to honor the Constitutional Oath, by acting in dishonor- Janae'-E.: Walton is being
deprived of inalienable rights.
• Confiscation/Kidnapping of a body not a U.S. Citizen; per day- I, Janae’-E.: Walton, are the
private natural biological parent of Jaivyn-E.: Walton and every day the living, breathing, flesh
and blood human is not returned, he is being kidnapped.
• CPS/Child Support/DCS- Under Threat, Duress, Coercion; per hour- West Virgnia Bureau of
Child Support has attempted to Contract with the ALL-CAPS name; JANAE’ WALTON by mail and
Contract was returned to sender as ‘NO CONTRACT’.
• Services to others and/or Corporation(s): Under Threat, Duress, Coercion; per hour- Studying,
Analyzing, Research, Preparing Documents, Answering and Providing Information.
• Title 18, USC, Section 241- Conspiracy Against Rights, makes it a crime for two or more people
to agree to deprive any person or class of persons of equal protection of the laws, or to deprive
any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law.
• Title 18, USC, 242- Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law- JULIE A. PENCE deprived me,
Janae’-E.: Walton, of my rights by dishonoring my NOTICES stating that I was NOT a citizen in the
U.S. jurisdiction and by recusing herself from the case.
• Title 18, USC, Section 2071- Concealment- a Federal law that makes it a crime to willfully and
unlawfully conceal, remove, mutilate, obliterate, falsify, or destroy any record, proceeding, map,
book, paper, document, or other thing filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of
the U.S., or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the U.S.- Several Publicly
recorded Notices have been addressed to CATHY S. GATSON, Clerk of the Court and were
dishonored. CATHY S. GATSON was appointed as Fiduciary and failed to object as well as honor
my request.
• Title 42, USC, Section 1983- Civil Action for Deprivation of Rights- a Civil Rights law that allows
individuals to sue state and local government officials for violating their Constitutional rights. I,
Janae’-E.: Walton have been deprived of my inalienable rights, as well as suffered from financial
losses and many years of pain and suffering due to my private property being kidnapped under
duress and intimidation.
• Title 42, USC, Section 1986- Action For Neglect to Prevent- allows for Civil lawsuits to be filed
against individuals who have knowledge of a wrongful act that is about to be committed and
who have the power to prevent the commission of the wrong, but neglect or refuse to do so.
Everyone in the above stated party received and accepted Notice of my Political Status, Baby
Deed of Land Recording, Certificate of Assumed Name, Invoice for violations and Claim of Lien,
and all proceeded to conspire against me, wrongfully and knowingly.
• Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn. 2d 260 (1960)- The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the
Land, the code, rules, regulations, policies and statutes are “not the law.” Legislated statutes
enforced upon the people in the name of law are fraud.
• Marbury v. Madison, 5th U.S. (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 175, (1803)- “All laws, rules, and practices
which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void”, American courts have the power to
strike down laws and statutes that they find to violate the Constitution of the U.S.
I, Janae’-E.: Walton, am requesting that you take immediate action to stop the above stated party from
engaging in the violations stated above and to hold said parties accountable for dishonoring the law.
In resolution, I would like to request the IMMEDIATE return of my private property; Jaivyn-E.: Walton,
psychiatric evaluations for everyone in the above stated parties, this Claim be placed unto Public record,
invoice for violations to be payed (wire transferred to Fidelity Investments Account # Z24480764), a
restraining order placed on AHMARI N. SMITH and the rest of the Paternal family members for 12
months, along with a ‘Motion to Dismiss’ with extreme Prejudice placed onto public record.
Funds from Violations Invoice are being requested from each judge and lawyers’ ‘Surety Bonds and/or
Cestui Que Vie Trust, the clerks’ “Official Bonds and/or Cestui Que Vie Trust, and the Cestui Que Vie Trust
of AHMARI N. SMITH, so that recorded UCC 3 filing can be satisfied and released.
Please address all future correspondence on the matter to a direct Human Self, namely Janae’ of the
Walton family, as commonly called.
By: _____________________________________
Janae’-Elizabeth: Walton, Sui Juris
Natural Inalienable Rights Reserved 1-308
NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the
STATE of _____________ residing in ___________.
My commission expires: