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HEA - ICE Machines 1

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Part 1: Course Description and Resources

Lecturer: Mununga SHABIYEMBA

Office: Research
Office Hours: 8.00 - 16.30; Monday-Friday
Office Telephone:
Lecturer’s E-mail: munungashabiyemba21@gmail.com

Course Description
This course teaches the principles and analysis of electromechanical systems.
Students will develop analytical techniques for predicting device and system
interaction characteristics as well as learn to design major classes of electric
machines. Problems used in the course are intended to strengthen
understanding of the phenomena and interactions in electro mechanics, and
include examples from current research.
Explores concepts in electro mechanics, using electric machinery as
examples. It teaches an understanding of principles and analysis of
electromechanical systems. By the end of the course, students are capable of
doing electromechanical design of the major classes of rotating and linear
electric machines and have an understanding of the principles of the energy
conversion parts of Mechatronics. In addition to design, students learn how to
estimate the dynamic parameters of electric machines and understand what
the implications of those parameters are on the performance of systems
incorporating those machines.
The aim of this unit is to provide an understanding of the construction and
operating principles of Electrical Machines and Electrical systems.
Course Objectives:

 Gain deeper understanding of Electricity and Magnetism. Consolidate the

understanding of fundamental concepts in Electricity and Magnetism more
rigorously as needed for further studies in physics, engineering and

 Advance skills and capability for formulating and solving problems. Expand
and exercise the students’ physical intuition and thinking process through the
understanding of the theory and application of this knowledge to the solution
of practical problems.

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 Increase mathematical and computational sophistication. Learn and apply
advanced mathematical techniques and methods of use to physicists in
solving problems. Develop some capabilities for numerical/computational
methods, in order to obtain solutions to problems too difficult or impossible to
solve analytically.


Introduction to Electric Power Systems; or permission of the instructor

Required Texts

Course Notes have been provided as the primary reference. There are also
additional texts that might be of interest and used for future reference:

Fitzgerald, A. E., Charles Kingsley, Jr., and Stephen D. Umans. Electric

Machinery. 6th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2007. ISBN: 9780071230100.

This book is useful for background, has some good explanations and pictures
of machines. It is, however not very analytical. You probably will not need it,
but you might want to own it if you anticipate working in the field.

Kirtley Jr., James L. Electric Power Principles: Sources, Conversion,

Distribution and Use. Wiley, 2010. ISBN: 9780470686362. [Preview with
Google Books]

This is the textbook for 6.061/6.690 Introduction to Electric Power Systems. It

covers three-wire power and has a relatively gentle introduction to electric

Beaty, H. Wayne, and James L. Kirtley, Jr. Electric Motor Handbook. McGraw-
Hill, 1998. ISBN: 9780070359710.

Not really a handbook but not yet a textbook, this shows some of the
analytical techniques we will be using. It is a bit more finished than the
course notes but does not go beyond them.
Online Resources


Course Delivery
Teaching Hours & Methods: Approximately 52 hours class contact time or
equivalent; 160 hours of independent study.

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Directed and undirected reading plus centre based tutor support.

Part 2: Student Learning Outcomes

General Learning Outcomes:

There are two learning outcomes to this unit. The learner will:
1. Explain construction, operating principles and area of use of transformers,
induction motors, and synchronous generators and DC machines
2. Explain the operating principle of main elements involved in power
generation, transmission and distribution

Part 3: Weekly Topics and Assignments


Topic: Energy Conversion, Forces (POVW)

Readings: Electromagnetic Forces
online link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bht9AJ1eNYc
problem set for week 1: section 1 exercise


Topic: Synchronous Machines (Round Rotor), Magnetic Circuits

Readings: Sections 1.3.1-1.3.3.
online link; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gWGlcFy1IQ
Problem sets for week 2: section 1.3 exercise


Topic: Transformers,
Readings: Electrostatic boundary conditions. Section 2.3.5. Conductors
Section 2.5.
online link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eolT3AqXy6E
Problem sets for week 3: section 2 exercise

Topic: Transformers,

Readings: Sections 2.4.1-2.4.4.

online link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eolT3AqXy6E
Problem sets for week 4: section 2 exercise


Topic: Two Reaction Theory: Park's Transform

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Readings: Sections 2.5.1-2.5.4.
online links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyBJ-N1ajng
Problem sets for week 5: section 2.5 exercise


Topic: Windings and Air-Gap Fields

Readings: Multipole expansion. Sections 3.4.1-3.4.2.

Electric dipole. Sections 3.4.3-3.4.4.
online link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4TWJbcDCCw
Problem sets for week 6: section 3 exercise


Topic: Induced Currents: Eddy Currents, Linear Induction Machine


Readings: Dielectrics. Section 4.4.

Electricity and magnetism Purcell. Chapter 4.
online link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daeT9aiAYYM

Problem sets for week 7: section 4 exercise


Topic: Induction Machines: Transformer Model

Readings: Magnetic boundary conditions. Section 5.4.2.
Multipole expansion of vector potential, magnetic
moments. Section 5.4.3.
online link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-6ZYS1lNP4
Problem sets for week 8: section 5 exercise


Topic: Induction Machines: Transformer Model

Readings: Faraday's law of induction Section 7.2.1.
The induced electric field Section 7.2.2
Alternating current circuits Purcell. Chapter 8.
online link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-6ZYS1lNP4
Problem sets for week 9: section 7.2 exercise
WEEK 10:

Topic: DC Machines: Faraday's Law

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Readings: Faraday's law of induction Section 7.2.1.
The induced electric field Section 7.2.2
Alternating current circuits Purcell. Chapter 8.
online link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jz92oOkJFNA
Problem sets for week 10: section 7.2 exercise

*for all week topics, free online videos refer to the link provided on top under
online resources. The link provides a topic by topic play list.

Part 4: Grading Policy

Graded Coursework, assignments and examinations


Continuous Assessment for topics 10%

Assessment (or course 1, 2, 3, 4

Test (or course Test 1will be given for 10%

project) topics 1,2,3,4,5,

Test 2 (or course Test 2 will be given for 10%

project) topics 6,7,8,9,10

Assignment 1 Topics 1 - 5 10%

Assignment 2 Topics 6-10 10%

FINAL EXAM Topics 1-10 60%


Letter Grades

Letter Grade Percentage Performance

A+ 90 - 100% Distinction
A 80 - 89% Distinction
B+ 70 - 79% Merit
B 60 - 69% Merit

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Letter Grade Percentage Performance
C+ 50 - 59% Credit
C 40 - 49% Pass
D Below 40% Fail

Part 5: Course Policies

Class Attendance, Participation and Emergencies

1. Attending classes is mandatory for all students.

2. Participation in group work or teamwork is required whenever such
work is assigned.
3. In case of any emergency that disenables a student from attending
classes or completing work, the student is expected to communicate
with the lecturer or dean as soon as possible.
4. Students with disabilities should inform the dean of the faculty of
any special needs that they may have.

Late Work and Missing Assessments

1. Each student is responsible for making sure that his or her work is
done on time.
2. Any student who misses’ assessments or misses class should talk to
his or her lecturer or professor as soon as possible and seek the
lecturer’s advice on how to make up for work missed or
assessments missed.
3. Students who expect to miss classes or to miss assessments for
health reasons or special family reasons should communicate with
the lecturer or professor for the course as soon as possible.
4. Students should note that there may be a penalty for late work, and
missed assessments. The penalty may include not being allowed to
sit for the final examination.
5. Students who are unable to keep up with class work should consult
with the course lecturer or faculty dean or dean of students, and
seek advice.

Integrity and Zero Tolerance to Plagiarism

1. All students are expected to abide by the university’s policy on

ethical conduct.

2. Any student involved in cheating in tests, coursework or

examinations will be suspended pending investigations, and may be
expelled from the University.

3. Any student involved in buying or selling tests or examinations will

be suspended from the University pending investigations.

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4. Any student involved in using sexual favors in exchange for marks
will be suspended pending investigations, and may be expelled from
the University.

5. Plagiarism means presenting other people’s work from online or

from other sources as your own. Plagiarism is a serious offence and
will not be tolerated, and offenders will fail that particular course.

6. Students are required to read the University’s policy on


Make up of Missed Classes

1. There will be special make up classes for each class that is missed
because the lecturer could not come to class on a particular day

2. Students are required to treat make up classes as part of the regular

learning program

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