JP Morgan 2024
JP Morgan 2024
JP Morgan 2024
The limited capabilities of current quantum hardware significantly constrain the scale of experimental
demonstrations of most quantum algorithmic primitives. This makes it challenging to perform
benchmarking of the current hardware using useful quantum algorithms, i.e., application-oriented
benchmarking. In particular, the Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd (HHL) algorithm is a critical quantum
linear algebra primitive, but the majority of the components of HHL are far out of the reach of noisy
intermediate-scale quantum devices, which has led to the proposal of hybrid classical-quantum
variants. The goal of this work is to further bridge the gap between proposed near-term friendly
implementations of HHL and the kinds of quantum circuits that can be executed on noisy hardware.
Our proposal adds to the existing literature of hybrid quantum algorithms for linear algebra that
are more compatible with the current scale of quantum devices. Specifically, we propose two
modifications to the Hybrid HHL algorithm proposed by Lee et al., leading to our algorithm Hybrid
HHL++: (1) propose a novel algorithm for determining a scaling factor for the linear system matrix that
maximizes the utility of the amount of ancillary qubits allocated to the phase estimation component
of HHL, and (2) introduce a heuristic for compressing the HHL circuit. We demonstrate the efficacy
of our work by running our modified Hybrid HHL on Quantinuum System Model H-series trapped-
ion quantum computers to solve different problem instances of small-scale portfolio optimization
problems, leading to the largest experimental demonstrations of HHL for an application to date.
Recent advances in quantum hardware1–4 open the path for experimentation with quantum algorithms. This
has led to a rise in application-oriented benchmarking of various commercial quantum devices5,6. Due to the
amount of noise present in the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) hardware7, it might be necessary to
introduce modifications to the quantum algorithms being tested to make them amenable to such devices. We
are not currently at the scale where asymptotics play a role, and thus we can swap out some of the components
of these algorithms that provide the promised asymptotic speedup for ones that are easier to use for testing the
current hardware. These optimizations can be removed once the hardware becomes fault-tolerant. The focus
of this work will be on introducing such optimizations to the quantum algorithm for linear systems, HHL, and
executing the modified algorithm on a trapped-ion quantum device.
The HHL algorithm was introduced by Harrow, Hassidim and L loyd8 for solving a quantum version of the
linear systems problem and is a key component in various algorithms and applications. In particular, HHL has
been proposed as a possible solver for a specific portfolio-management p roblem9, known as mean-variance
portfolio optimization10. However, HHL is known to be cumbersome to d eploy11, especially on NISQ hardware.
Recently, hybrid classical-quantum versions of quantum linear systems solvers, such as variational approaches12,13
and a hybrid version of HHL1,14 have been developed to enable near-term experimentation with quantum linear
algebra techniques.
The Hybrid HHL, originally developed by Lee et al.1, was focused solely on reducing the complexity of the
eigenvalue inversion step, at the cost of producing an algorithm that does not have an asymptotic speedup over
classical approaches. This is an example of the types of modifications mentioned earlier. This approach avoids,
currently, infeasible quantum arithmetic and exponentially deep uniformly controlled rotation gates15. How-
ever, we believe that further optimizations of the Hybrid HHL are still possible, especially given newly available
quantum hardware features. The culmination of the techniques we introduce will be the Hybrid HHL++, which
we believe provides a viable near-term application-oriented benchmark, which we show by applying it to small-
scale portfolio optimization problems.
To highlight, our work makes the following novel contributions:
Global Technology Applied Research, JPMorganChase, New York, NY 10017, USA. *email: romina.yalovetzky@
1. Introduction of the Hybrid HHL++ algorithm, which incorporates two new features into the exisiting Hybrid
HHL pipeline:
(a) an efficient and verifiable algorithmic procedure for determining a factor to scale the system matrix
by, which allows for resolving the eigenvalues with significantly higher accuracy and making better
use of the allocated number of qubits,
(b) and a generic procedure for reducing the complexity of Hybrid HHL circuit, in terms of both the
number of qubits and the number of rotations used by the eigenvalue inversion circuit. This protocol
makes use of the semiclassical quantum phase estimation16 and leverages newly available hardware
features, such as conditional logic and mid-circuit measurements.
2. To the best of our knowledge, we demonstrate the largest-to-date e xecution1,6,14,17 of HHL with a two-qubit
gate depth up to 291 on real quantum hardware—the Quantinuum H-series trapped-ion devices—to solve
portfolio-optimization problems with S &P 500 assets.
Paper organization The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section “Review of HHL and hybrid
HHL” reviews both HHL and Hybrid HHL, section “Hybrid HHL++” introduces the novel techniques for enhanc-
ing Hybrid HHL culminating in the Hybrid HHL++ algorithm. Section “Results” presents the results of our
experiments from simulation and the Quantinuum H-series devices and noisy emulators. Section “Scaling up
for future hardware demonstrations” presents an analysis of future hardware demonstrations by simulating dif-
ferent levels of noise on the quantum hardware and increasing the problem size. Finally, section “Discussion”
summarizes the results of this work, and concludes the article.
• Step 1: Perform m-qubit quantum phase estimation (QPE) to the unitary e2πiγ A (obtained via a Hamiltonian
simulation algorithm) and apply it to the state |b� to obtain:
c |ψ �|2m γ �,
where |ψ � is an eigenstate of A with eigenvalue , c = �b|ψ �. For simplicity, we assume that there is a
known γ s.t. ∀ s.t. |c | > 0:
represented using two’s complement (i.e. that phase estimation can be performed exactly).
• Step 2: Perform the following unitary (called eigenvalue inversion) for = 0:
C C2
|0�|2 γ � �→ |0�|2 γ � + 1 − 2 |1�|2m γ �,
m (4)
where C is chosen so that |C/| ≤ 1 for all .
• Step 3: Uncomputing and post-selecting on |0� gives
1 c
|ψ � = |x�. (5)
There can be an exponential quantum speedup in terms of the number of queries to the oracles for A and |b� when
A is sufficiently sparse and well-conditioned. However, this algorithm is still not feasible on near-term devices.
Our work is focused on finding more near-term friendly versions of the original HHL that, at the expense of
losing the HHL speedup, can be implemented on current hardware and used as an application-oriented bench-
mark. The algorithm we will be focused on improving, the Hybrid HHL, is one such approach to making HHL
compatible with small quantum devices. In addition, due to Hamiltonian simulation being generally infeasible
on current devices for an arbitrary Hermitian A and 2n being small enough that a classical computer can solve
the problem, we simply fallback on the following hybrid simulation procedure: compute the unitary matrix
U = e2πiγ A on a classical device and use standard quantum circuit packages, e.g., Q iskit18, to decompose U into
basis gates. Specifically, Qiskit makes use of product formulas to approximate the simulation.
The key step that distinguishes Hybrid HHL, and removes any potential speedup (besides the hybrid Hamilto-
nian simulation procedure), is that we obtain classical access to the eigenvalues of A (via either sampling from the
QPE output distribution or a classical eigensolver). This allows us to implement the eigenvalue inversion (step 2
in the procedure above) by applying a single multi-controlled rotation for each eigenvalue . While utilizing QPE
instead of a classical eigensolver to obtain the eigenvalues provides no computational benefit in the current set-
ting, Hybrid HHL and our approach opt to utilize QPE instead so as to simulate the HHL algorithm more closely.
The benefits of estimating the eigenvalues a priori in HHL for demonstrations on small hardware are two-fold:
(1) it removes the need to use resource-heavy quantum arithmetic and (2) the number of controlled rotations in
the eigenvalue inversion circuit only scales with the number of distinct eigenvalues estimated. One alternative to
the second point is known as the uniformly controlled rotation gate, which performs a multi-controlled rotation
for every basis state that |2m γ � could be, exponentially scaling with the number of ancillary qubits.
The following is a summary of the two main components of Hybrid HHL:
1. Eigenvalue Estimation
(a) Perform step 1 of the standard HHL algorithm using the hybrid Hamiltonian simulation procedure
described earlier.
(b) Measure the register containing |2m γ � to obtain a probability distribution of the eigenvalue estimates
such that |c | > 0 or is above some threshold value.
2. Compute |x�
(a) Perform step 1 of the standard HHL again on a fresh copy of |b�.
(b) For each observed in step 1, apply the following multi-controlled rotation RY :
Lee et al. also proposed an additional optimization that allows the number of controlled rotations in the eigen-
value inversion to be reduced further under additional assumptions. We will address this in a later section and
present a potential improvement. While the hybrid version of HHL is significantly more near-term compatible
than the original version, there are still additional optimizations that can be made. As mentioned in the introduc-
tion, our work presents two additional modifications, which we consolidate into the Hybrid HHL++ algorithm.
Hybrid HHL++
In this section we present our improved Hybrid HHL procedure, which enables larger-scale experimental dem-
onstrations of quantum linear algebra than prior work. As mentioned earlier, Hybrid HHL++ differs from the
proposal of Lee et al. in two ways: the spectral scaling algorithm (section “Spectral acaling algorithm for opti-
mizing γ”) and the heuristic for compressing the HHL circuit (section “Heuristic for compressing HHL circuit”).
The following two subsections will describe these modifications in detail. Figure 1 shows the end-to-end flow
combining all of the techniques introduced.
Figure 1. End-to-End Flow of Hybrid HHL++: highlights the integration of the two proposed modifications,
the spectral scaling algorithm (section “Spectral acaling algorithm for optimizing γ”) in Step 1 and the HHL
circuit compression (section “Heuristic for compressing HHL circuit”) techniques in Step 3 and Step 4, into the
original Hybrid HHL flow.
The spectral scaling procedure is highlighted in Algorithm 1, which shows how to optimize the selection of γ .
Given m-bits, the optimal value of γ returned by the algorithm helps to encode the eigenvalues using all available
bits in the output distribution of phase estimation. As a result, this makes it easier to distinguish the eigenvalues
from each other and estimate the relevant eigenvalues, accurately. Without loss of generality, Algorithm 1 assumes
all the eigenvalues to be positive. We will show shortly how to account for negative eigenvalues.
Algorithm 1 starts by guessing an overapproximation of max . We will discuss later how to make this opera-
tion rigorous. The next step consists of iteratively updating the value of γ until γ converges to the optimal value.
During each iteration, Algorithm 1 runs QPE to compute the m-bit estimates of the eigenvalues of the unitary
U using gamma computed during the previous iteration. Specifically, Algorithm 1 post-processes the output
distribution to get a new m-bit estimation of 2m γ max in order to update γ for the next iteration.
The number of iterations to find the optimal γ using Algorithm 1 is in � 1/m log2 (α/max ) . To ensure we
do not overestimate γ in the process, we could take a conservative approach, which consists of overestimating x
while computing it, thus lowering (2m − 1)/x . In practice, we also want to underestimate γ in order to prevent
amplitudes of basis states near 2m from dispersing and mixing with basis states near 0 and causing overflowing.
Regarding the bit precision, to represent both the largest and smallest eigenvalues, in theory, we need
m ≥ log2 (max /min ) = log2 (κ). In practice, we first run Algorithm 1 with an initial precision of m bits. Then,
if min , estimated via QPE, turns out to be 0, this indicates that we need higher bit precision to prevent the 0
state from having significant probability. This is because A is assumed invertible and consequently, no eigenvalue
can be 0. Thus, we increase m just enough to guarantee that the estimation of min is different from 0, at which
point m ≥ log2 (κ).
The correctness of Algorithm 1 relies on the fact that α is an overapproximation of max . One way to achieve
this resultisto use the Frobenius norm of A, defined as �A�F := Tr(A A) . Indeed, since A is Hermitian,
i=0 i , and so the Frobenius norm of A is a valid overapproximation of max . However, to make
N−1 2
||A||F =
the procedure general, we incorporate a subroutine the finding the overestimate. For this reason, we propose
Algorithm 2, which, using one execution of QPE, tests the validity of any initial guess of α. If the initial guess
of α does not satisfy α ≥ max , we can retry with a, potentially significantly, larger α. In fact, given the logarith-
mic complexity, in terms of number of iterations, of Algorithm 1, even with low bit precision, such as n = 4 ,
overestimating max by a factor of a billion would only require eight iterations before returning the optimal γ .
The idea of Algorithm 2 is the following. If α is a valid guess, there will be no overflow in the output distribu-
tion of QPE applied to e2πiγ A with γ = 1/α. Then, performing m + 1 right bit shifts should reduce all n-bit eigen-
value estimates to 0. To test this, Algorithm 2 executes QPE using e2πiŴA with Ŵ = 1/2m+1 α. On the contrary, if
α is not a valid guess, the m + 1 right bit shifts would not be sufficient to reduce all estimations to 0. Note, γ and
Ŵ have the same role in the definition of U and just help differentiate the two algorithms.
As mentioned before, Algorithm 1 assumes positive eigenvalues. To take into account negative eigenvalues,
one can define the maximum eigenvalue using the absolute value, encode negative eigenvalues using two’s com-
plement and then replace 2m by 2m−1 in the update of γ . Similarly, in Algorithm 2, replacing 1/2m+1 by 1/2m in
the definition of Ŵ suffices to support negative eigenvalues. Accounting for negative eigenvalues is crucial, since
A , in Eq. (14), may be indefinite.
Figure 2. Circuits for estimating the eigenvalues of the unitary operator U to three bits using semiclassical QPE
(a) or QPE (b). S is the register that U is applied to, and j is a classical register. H refers to the Hadamard gate and
Rk , for k = 2, 3, are the phase gates.
The semiclassical QPE is mathematically equivalent to performing the original inverse QFT and measuring
the eigenvalue register. It is also similar to iterative QPE (iQPE)23 to the extent that it only requires one ancillary
qubit to achieve arbitrary bit precision of the eigenvalues. A limitation of iQPE, however, is that it requires the
initial state to be an eigenvector of U in order to estimate its corresponding eigenvalue. Conversely, semiclassical
QPE can estimate eigenvalues without prior information of the eigenvectors. The description of how to imple-
ment the semiclassical QPE is shown below in Algorithm 3.
The semiclassical QPE is used to perform the eigenvalue estimation in Hybrid HHL++, and it has two proper-
ties that make it more suitable for near-term devices than the standard version of phase estimation:
1. the procedure requires only one ancillary qubit for an arbitrary bit precision,
2. and it replaces two-qubit gates with one-qubit gates controlled by classical registers.
However, as observed by Lee et al. , the purpose of QPE in the eigenvalue estimation and inversion steps is quite
different. Specifically, in step (1) of Hybrid HHL the goal is to estimate the rotation angles 2 sin−1 (C/). This is
where the most precision is required. In step (2), the goal is to just be able to just find a bijection between distinct
eigenvalue estimates in step (1) and the values the control register of the rotation can take. More specifically,
we just want
where f is bijection from the set of eigenvalues with |c | > 0 and k-bit integers, where k may be less than m. This
means in some cases, we can actually run a QPE that uses fewer qubits in step (2) of Hybrid HHL than step (1).
The approach of Ref.1 utilized a concept called eigenmeans. This technique can result in k < m when the bit
representations of 2m γ agree on the first k bits but all differ on the last m − k bits. Unfortunately, this appears
to be a strong assumption and the authors also showed it working for a single example. In addition, an important
point to emphasize is that the eigenmean approach does not allow for reducing the number of ancillary qubits
used by the phase estimation circuit. The use of eigenmeans only allows for reducing the number of controlled
rotations and potentially the qubits they control on, not the size of the QPE circuit.
In this section, we present an alternative to the eigenmeans approach that is more generic and allows for
reducing the complexity of the overall HHL circuit, i.e., an eigenvalue inversion circuit sandwiched between two
standard QPEs (see Fig. 1). The first step of our procedure is to utilize the spectral scaling algorithm of section
“Spectral scaling algorithm for optimizing γ” (Algorithm 1 and 2) to determine a scaling factor and a number of
qubits m that is sufficient to resolve the relevant eigenvalues of A. The observed eigenvalues will be used to com-
pute the rotation angles for Eq. (8). As mentioned earlier, the number of ancillary qubits used by the semiclassical
QPE does not increase with the desired precision. Thus, we will make the following simplifying assumption that
there exists a γ ∈ R and integer m such that for all eigenvalues of A : 2m γ ∈ Bm. We will denotes the m-bits
of 2m γ by (1) · · · (m) = (1:m). We will also assume that 2m γ = 2m−1 − 1.
Suppose that instead we use an k-bit QPE for k < m, which performs the following unitary24:
m −1
2 k (2−m (k+1:m) −2−k ℓ)
1 − e2πi2
c |ψ �|0m � �→ c |ψ � ⊗ −m (k+1:m) −2−k ℓ)
|(1:k) + ℓ mod 2k �, (9)
1 − e2πi(2
(1:k) (1:k)
where by assumption, 2m ∈ 2k , 2k +1 . Specifically, we want the smallest k such that only one (1:m) lies
in each of these intervals. This allows us to perfectly distinguish the eigenvalues of A . It is well known25 that the
probability mass that phase estimation assigns to this region is,
k −m (k+1:m) k −m (k+1:m)
−2 ) −k
1 − e2πi2 (2 ) 1 − e2πi2 (2
2−k −m (k+1:m) )
+ 2−k −m (k+1:m) −2−k )
1−e 2πi (2 1−e 2πi (2
≥ ≈ 0.81. (11)
Thus if we were perform the following controlled rotation:
|(1:k) ��(1:k) | + |(1:k) + 1��(1:k) + 1| ⊗ RY 2 sin−1 2m C/(1:m) + | ⊥��⊥ | ⊗ I, (12)
and then invert QPE, we would obtain a state with at most a trace distance of 0.19 from the state obtained
by using an m-qubit (exact) QPE. Note that | ⊥��⊥ | corresponds to the projector onto the complement of
|(1:k) ��(1:k) | + | (1:k) + 1��(1:k) + 1|. In addition, the trace distance can be reduced to ǫ by increasing the QPE
precision by ⌈log 2 + ǫ2 ⌉ additional q ubits24.
If there are two (1:m) that fall into adjacent intervals, then we can either increase k to cause them to be further
separated, or choose the angle of rotation controlled on their common endpoint to be an average of the recipro-
cals. In addition, it may be that we only need to control on (1:k), depending on where in the interval (1:m) falls.
However, such a case could be an indication that we can further reduce the precision k.
One may notice that this procedure appears to work in a regime that is opposite to where the eigenmeans
procedure introduced by Lee et al. worked. Specifically, the above procedure saves when the higher-order bits
of the eigenvalues differ, whereas, the eigenmeans procedure saves when the lower-order bits differ. Thus if ∃
t ≤ m s.t. (1:t) agree for all , i.e., the case of fixed eigenmeans coined by Ref.1, then instead of only controlling
on at most 2m−t values from an m-qubit register, it actually suffices to perform QPE on 2t γ A with only m − t
qubits. The periodicity of the complex exponential with cause phase estimation to ignore the most significant
bits. This reconciles the difference between our approach and the eigenmeans, and shows that our proposal
works generically.
We summarize the overall procedure below.
1. Using semiclassical QPE, optimize the scaling factor γ using the algorithms from the previous subsection.
Determine a number of bits m that is sufficient to resolve eigenvalues of γ A to high precision. These are the
m-bit estimations (1:m). We can also estimate the probability of the estimates and only accept ones above a
certain threshold (for exact estimation this corresponds to thresholding on |c |). This is done in Step 1 and
2 from Fig. 1. (1:m) (1:k) (1:k)
2. Reduce the precision of QPE starting from m to obtain the smallest k ≤ m s.t. 2m ∈ [ 2k , 2k +1 ] is sat-
isfied (i.e., no two m-bit estimates lie between two k-bit estimates). Potentially a different γ can be chosen
as well. If all (1:m) agree on the first t-bits, multiply the matrix by 2t . If the intervals for two (1:m) share an
endpoint, then we can assign the rotation angle to be the average of the reciprocals of the (1:m). This is done
in Step 3 from Fig. 1.
3. Construct the HHL circuit by performing a k-bit QPE. Then for each (1:m) apply the rotation:
(|(1:k) ��(1:k) | + |(1:k) + 1��(1:k) + 1|) ⊗ RY (2 sin−1 (2m C/(1:m) )) + | ⊥��⊥ | ⊗ I, (13)
then invert the k-bit QPE. Depending on where the eigenvalue falls in the interval, controlling on (1:k) only
may suffice. As mentioned earlier, this is an indication that we can potentially reduce the precision to cause
(1:m) to fall between to k-bit estimates. This is done in Step 4 from Fig. 1.
The benefit of this procedure is that when running HHL, both the size of the standard QPE and the eigenvalue
inversion circuit can be significantly reduced. This saves on both depth and ancillary qubits. The use of the
semiclassical QPE allows for high-precision estimates with only one ancillary qubit. Thus, the whole procedure
can be substantially more near-term friendly. However, we emphasize that this approach is more of a heuristic,
yet, we believe it is well motivated by the discussion in this subsection. The main message is that once we have
classical access to the m-bit eigenvalue estimates, the only goal of the phase estimation in the HHL circuit is to
produce a mapping that separates distinct eigenvalues.
In this section, we detail the outcomes from the experiments with Hybrid HHL++ on the Quantinuum H-series
devices. We also include results from a noisy emulator of the machine provided by Quantinuum and noiseless
simulation. These demonstrations are at a larger scale than prior hybridizations of HHL and showcase both the
benefits of our techniques and the advancement of quantum hardware. We believe that this implies that Hybrid
HHL++ is a good application-oriented benchmark for small hardware.
Our application of choice is portfolio optimization formulated as a linear system, hence the emphasis of an
application-oriented benchmark. This is based on the formulation of Rebentrost and Lloyd, which we detail
minimize w T �w : ξ = pT w, µ = rT w
This quadratic program can be reformulated as a linear system by using the method of Lagrange multipliers,
resulting in the following equation:
0 0 �r T
� � � �
η µ
0 0 pT θ = ξ (14)
r p � w 0
where η, θ ∈ R are the Lagrange multipliers. We will denote this linear system by Ax = b� , with A ∈ RN×N and
x, b ∈ RN , where N = Ñ + 2. A quantum state representing the solution, up to a normalization constant, can
be obtained by solving the corresponding QLSP using HHL. This can be done because the covariance matrix,
, is Hermitian, and so A is Hermitian too. The resulting quantum state |x� = |η, θ, w� allows us to recover |w�.
Following this approach, Rebentrost and L loyd9 have shown how to use the quantum state produced by HHL
to make calculations that are of interest to the financial industry. For instance, given the optimal portfolio state,
one can measure the portfolio’s risk, or compare, through a controlled-SWAP test26, the optimal portfolio to
another candidate portfolio (e.g., one offered by a third party) that has been loaded onto a quantum state. The
result of this comparison can then be used to decide which portfolio to invest in.
Figure 3. Probability distributions over the four-bit eigenvalue estimates from the semiclassical QPE executions
using eiA2πŴ for Ŵ = 50 · 2−4 (a) and Ŵ = 200 (b). The blue bars represent the experimental results on the
trapped-ion device with 2000 shots. The theoretical (classically calculated) eigenvalues are represented with the
red dots and the results from the noiseless simulator, Qiskit QASM simulator, are represented with the orange
dots. As shown on (b), as the theoretical eigenvalues exceed the values we can encode, the distribution we
observed shows that values overflowed.
Figure 4. Probability distributions over the four-bit eigenvalue estimates from the semiclassical QPE run using
eiA2πγ for γ = 50 (a) and γ = 100.The blue bars represent the experimental results on the trapped-ion device
- 2000 shots (a), 1000 shots (b). The theoretical (classically calculated) eigenvalues are represented with the red
dots and the results from noiseless simulation with the Qiskit QASM simulator are represented with the orange
We can see in Fig. 4b that using γ = 100 makes the x-axis range smaller than in (a), while keeping the same
number of bins. As a consequence, the bin intervals are smaller, and there is a better agreement between the
theoretical eigenvalues, which are classically calculated, and the experimental probabilities. Moreover, we can
see close concordance between the experimental and the simulation results (orange dots). The ability to better
distinguish eigenvalues in (b) over (a) shows the importance of the scaling factr optimization procedure. For
clarification, the distribution of classically calculated, theoretical, values in the plots are distributed according
to {|ci |2 }N−1
i=0 , using the notation introduced in section“ Review of HHL and hybrid HHL”.
Table 1. Comparison of the number of two-qubit ZZPhase gates and qubits in both QPE implementations
for estimating eigenvalues to different precisions.
gates increases for both implementations. However, the number of two-qubit gates saved using this variant of
QPE, instead of the standard implementation, grows quadratically as n(n − 1), with n being the bit precision.
Moreover, even though the precision in bits increases, the number of qubits in this implementation does not
change. This contrasts with the linear growth in the standard QPE.
In order to quantify the performance of both implementations, we compared the empirical distributions of
measurement results from the circuit execution on quantum hardware to the distribution obtained from noiseless
simulation. One way to compare two probability mass functions, p and q, is to use the fidelity metric24:
F(p, q) = pi qi , (15)
where F(p, q) ∈ [0, 1]. This is a measure of the closeness of the measured quantum state, in the computational
basis, on the quantum hardware to the quantum state measure on the noisy simulator. The higher this number,
the better, as it means that the quantum state prepared on quantum hardware is closer to the one obtained from
noiseless simulation. We approximate the variability we would expect if we were to repeatedly sample from the
two unknown distributions and calculate the fidelity of the sample each time. For this, we use the bootstrap
method that repeatedly resamples values from the original sample with replacement and calculates the fidelity,
which is the statistic, of each resample. By doing this, we obtain the “bootstrap distribution” of the statistic. We
report the median and the standard deviation of these distributions obtained with 9, 999 resamples.
We compare the achieved fidelity in both the standard and semiclassical phase estimation for three different
bit precisions, in Table 2. It can be seen that the computed fidelity metrics for the two implementations are similar
for three-bit estimations. Here the number of saved two-qubit gates using semiclassical QPE is small. In addition,
reducing the number of qubits does not overcome potential errors due to mid-circuit measurements and resets.
When we increase the precision to four and five bits, the circuits in both implementations deepen, and there-
fore, we see a drop in fidelity. Nevertheless, as shown in Table 1, conditional logic, mid-circuit measurement, and
qubit reset and reuse, result in the semiclassical QPE circuit being shallower than the standard implementation.
As a consequence, the achieved fidelity with semiclassical QPE is, in median, still higher than the standard QPE.
In both implementations, the decay of the fidelity for five-bit precision can be explained by the number of gates
approaching the limit supported by current devices.
Another benchmark we perform is the following. Given a fixed bit precision of four bits, we repeat the pro-
cedure for the remaining five problem instances. For this, we followed the steps in Algorithm 1 and 2, and we
performed the semiclassical QPE on the Quantinuum’s emulator. With this, the optimized scaling parameter
γop was obtained for each problem instance. We used the obtained value of γop to perform the semiclassical QPE
applied to the unitary e2πiγop A on hardware. The eigenvalues were estimated up to four bits. We quantify the
performance of this variant of QPE by calculating the fidelity between its output distribution obtained both on
the emulator and on hardware with the one obtained with noiseless simulation. The total number of qubits of
the circuits is three and the median and standard deviation of two-qubit ZZPhase depth across the circuits is
63.00 ± 4.60.
In Fig. 5 we compare the fidelity between the output distribution from both hardware and the emulator with
the distribution obtained in noiseless simulation, respectively. We report the results for five different problem
instances and display the median and the standard deviation of the bootstrap distributions corresponding to the
fidelity. We first observe that the obtained fidelity on the quantum device is very high. This high fidelity allows us
to utilize the output distribution obtained with this variant of quantum phase estimation to accurately estimate
the eigenvalues. Additionally, we observe that the results on hardware are on average at least as good as results
from its emulator, showing that the emulator gives a good lower bound of what can be expected on hardware.
Table 2. Fidelity expressed in % between the probability distributions from the QPE experiments ran on
quantum hardware and noiseless simulation, with 2000 shots each. We report the median and the standard
deviation of the bootstrap distributions. We utilized 2000 shots, since we observed on the noisy emulator that a
higher number does not change the fidelity significantly.
Figure 5. Fidelity between the output distribution of the semiclassical QPE executed on both the hardware
and its emulator with 400 shots and the output distribution obtained in noiseless simulation, respectively, as a
function of the portfolio-optimization problem instances. The semiclassical QPE is performed to the unitary
corresponding to the optimal scaling parameter obtained with the proposed algorithms using the output of
the circuits on the emulator. We utilized this number of shots as it has been seen on the noisy emulator of the
hardware that for a higher number, there are no significant changes. It is displayed the median and standard
deviation, as error bars, of the bootstrap distributions.
calculated with the higher resolution m-bit estimates. Note that the k depends on each problem instance as well
as the size of the set, which also depends on the classical post-processing made over the probability distribution.
The compression heuristic helps when the number of qubits, k, used by the standard QPE in the HHL circuit is
smaller than the bit precision, m, used by the semiclassical QPE to estimate the eigenvalues. In particular for the
problems considered, the set size varied between four and six.
A way of quantifying how good the HHL algorithm is at solving the portfolio optimization problem is by
comparing the estimation of the best portfolio to the classical calculated solution is by using a controlled-SWAP
test26 between the quantum states that represent them. The controlled-SWAP test can be used to compute the
magnitude of the inner product between the quantum state that represents the allocation vector produced by
HHL and the classical solution loaded onto a quantum state30.
We added a new qubit to the HHL circuit called the swap ancillary qubit, and we loaded the normalized
classically calculated solution to the linear system, i.e., xc , onto this qubit. The circuits also have one rotation
ancillary qubit. We ran HHL and the controlled-SWAP test between the HHL output state |x� and the quan-
tum state encoding the classical solution |xc � on quantum hardware for the five problem instances of portfolio
optimization considered.
We measured the rotation and swap ancillary qubits. With the results from the measurements of these two
qubits using 1000 shots, we calculated the inner product between the quantum states as:
2 − 1, (16)
P(|10�) + P(|11�)
where P represents the probability of measuring the respective quantum state. The most-significant qubit cor-
responds to the rotation ancilla, where a post-measurement state of |1� corresponds to success. A uniform dis-
tribution would result in a inner product equal to 0.
We compare the inner product obtained on the Quantinuum H1 hardware to the results obtained on its
emulator with approximated noise and in noiseless simulation. Figure 6 shows the inner products corresponding
to five portfolio-optimization problems considered corresponding to two assets. We first observe that the inner
products obtained on hardware are very high, indicating that the solution obtained (the optimal portfolio) is
very close to the analytical solution. We see that the results obtained on hardware either overlap with the results
obtained in noiseless simulation or they are worse, as it occurs with one problem instance. Note that the error
corresponds to the sampling error ǫ due to the O (1/ǫ 2 ) shots. The overlapping or the closeness of these values
show how good the reduced HHL circuits perform on hardware. Additionally, we note that the results on hard-
ware are on average at least as good as results from its emulator, as expected.
We summarize the results obtained across the instances in Table 3, where we compare the median and the
standard deviation of the inner products obtained across the problem instances, together with the circuits’ char-
acteristics. We note that the results obtained on real hardware are, in median, very close to one and although it
is worse than the ones in noiseless simulator, this difference is only of 4.17% in median.
These high inner product values obtained on hardware show how the proposed Hybrid HHL++ allows for
solving on real quantum hardware, with high accuracy, linear system problems corresponding to portfolio opti-
mization with two assets. Our novel contributions to improve upon the Hybrid HHL algorithm has reduced the
complexity of HHL circuit. By doing this, we have managed to execute the algorithm on hardware and solve,
with high accuracy, a practically-relevant problem.
Figure 6. Inner product between the output quantum state of the HHL circuit and the analytical solution
loaded as a quantum state for each of the portfolio-optimization problem instances with two assets. This metric
quantifies the quality of the solution obtained. It is displayed the inner product corresponding to the execution
of the circuits on hardware, its emulator with approximated noise and in noiseless simulation with 1000 shots.
We utilized this number of shots as it has been seen on the noisy emulator of the hardware that for a higher
number, there are no significant changes. The error bars correspond to the sampling error ǫ corresponding to
O (1/ǫ 2 ) shots.
Inner Product
Qubits ZZPhase Depth H1 Emulator Noiseless
10.00±0.00 262.00 ± 19.36 0.92± 0.04 0.92± 0.06 0.96± 0.05
Table 3. Summary of the results of the execution of the reduced HHL circuits followed by the controlled-
SWAP to obtain the inner product between the output state and the analytical solution loaded as a quantum
state for five portfolio-optimization problem instances. It is displayed the number of qubits, the ZZPhase
depth and the inner product obtained from the execution of the circuits on the trapped-ion device, its emulator
with approximated noise and noiseless simulation. It is reported the median and the standard deviation across
the circuits corresponding to the five problem instances considered.
Table 4. Circuit characteristics of the semiclassical QPE and HHL corresponding to portfolio-optimization
instances with six assets (8 × 8 systems). It is reported both the number of qubits and the ZZPhase depth of
the circuits. Note that the values are the same for all the problem instances because the rotations are controlled
on the set of the distinct analytical eigenvalues whose size is the same for all the instances.
instances considered can be seen in Fig. 7a where we plot the fidelity as a function of the value of the two-qubit
fault probability used to model the noise in the emulator. As expected, we observe that as the fault probability is
reduced, the fidelity increases for the four problem instances considered. We note that this increase is not con-
tinuous but there are some slight ups and downs. However, the trend is clear. Additionally we observe that the
difference in fidelity among the problem instances is mainly due to the eigenvalue distribution of each problem.
We did the same experiment but for the HHL circuit controlling on the bitstrings of the eigenvalues calculated
analytically up to four bits and with the angles calculated using these values. We executed these HHL circuits on
the emulator with 2000 shots using the different values of two-qubit fault probability, and we computed the inner
product between the output quantum state of the HHL circuit and the analytical solution loaded as a quantum
state. In practice one would do the steps in the proposed Hybrid HHL++ algorithm and actually utilize the output
distribution from the semiclassical QPE executed on hardware to get the estimates. However, as discussed before,
for this problem size (8 × 8), we have seen the the fidelity obtained on hardware is not good enough to allow us
to use this output distribution. For this reason, for these experiments we used the real eigenvalues to estimate
the four-bit bitstrings and to calculate the angles to rotate. We found the optimal scaling parameter following
the proposed algorithm by performing the semiclassical QPE in noiseless simulator. In Fig. 7b we plot the inner
product as a function of the level of noise for the problem instances considered. This plot gives us a sense of how
the noise impacts the quality of the solution obtained and it allows us to get an idea of what future experiments
on hardware would look like. We observe that as we reduce the two-qubit fault probability, the inner product
improves for all the instances and for low levels of noise, it actually obtains very high values, demonstrating that
the solution obtained with HHL is very close to the analytical solution. Note that when utilizing Hybrid HHL++
we will not estimate the eigenvalues perfectly as we did for these experiments, and so we expect to see a decrease
in the inner product. However, we believe that the rate at which the quality of the HHL solution improves as we
decrease the noise will still hold and this analysis allows us to gain an understanding of how future demonstra-
tions on hardware for larger problem sizes would look like.
In this work, we leverage newly hardware features with the development of algorithmic tools to make the HHL
algorithm more feasible on NISQ hardware. This results in a new application-oriented benchmark for small
quantum hardware on quantum linear algebra tasks. This work represents a milestone towards the evaluation
of quantum algorithms to tackle relevant use cases in quantum hardware available today. We improved on the
Hybrid HHL introduced by Lee et two ways.
We developed an algorithm that optimizes the scaling parameter γ for the Hamiltonian simulation required
by phase estimation. We showed that the scaling of A by the γ , obtained with the algorithm, enabled resolving
the relevant eigenvalues in the output distribution of phase estimation more accurately. Moreover, we introduce
a heuristic method that reduces the complexity of the HHL circuit.
By levering newly-available hardware features we implemented a variant of the quantum phase estimation,
named semiclassical QPE. This version of QPE is particularly suitable for NISQ devices since it addresses the
scarcity of qubits by using just one ancilla for an arbitrary bit precision. It also tackles the fact that faulty two-qubit
gates are currently the dominant source of error by replacing two-qubit gates with one-qubit gates controlled by
classical bits. We have calculated with experimental results obtained on the Quantinuum H1 machine the fidelity
between experimental and noiselessly simulated measurement distributions. First, for one problem instance we
Figure 7. Benchmark metrics as a function of the value of the two-qubit fault probability (“p2”) utilized
to simulate the noise in the emulator. Each color plots a different portfolio-optimization problem instance
consisting of six assets (8 × 8 linear systems of equations). The metric in (a) is the fidelity between the output
distribution obtained from executing the semiclassical QPE circuit on emulator with the given noise and
the distribution obtained in noiseless simulation. The metric in (b) is the inner product between the output
quantum state of the HHL circuit executed on the emulator with the given level of noise and the analytical
solution loaded as a quantum state.
compared the results obtained with different number of bit precision Then, we experimentally showed that the
semiclassical variant achieves high fidelity for four-bit precision, over five different problem instances. This is
achieved while reducing the number of qubits and the two-qubit gate count required. The main aim of this work
is to allow for hardware demonstrations of quantum algorithms for tackling applications on near-term hardware.
We do not claim any speedup with our method, it is a step forward towards evaluations on real hardware.
Data availability
The data will be shared upon reasonable request. Please contact the corresponding author, Romina Yalovetzky.
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We thank Tony Uttley, Brian Neyenhuis and the rest of the Quantinuum Quantum Solutions team for assisting
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Mosca and his team at University of Waterloo for their insights, and Aram Harrow from Massachusetts Institute
of Technology for his precious feedback.
This paper was prepared for information purposes by the Global Technology Applied Research group of JPMor-
gan Chase Bank, N.A.. This paper is not a product of the Research Department of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
or its affiliates. Neither JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. nor any of its affiliates make any explicit or implied repre-
sentation or warranty and none of them accept any liability in connection with this paper, including, but limited
to, the completeness, accuracy, reliability of information contained herein and the potential legal, compliance,
tax or accounting effects thereof. This document is not intended as investment research or investment advice, or
a recommendation, offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security, financial instrument, financial
product or service, or to be used in any way for evaluating the merits of participating in any transaction.
Author contributions
R.Y. devised the algorithm idea. P.M. developed the algorithmic tools. P.M., R.Y., D.H. implemented the quantum
algorithms and performed the experiments. P.M., R.Y., D.H. analyzed the data. M.P. supervised the project. All
authors contributed to the technical discussions, evaluation of the results, and the writing of the manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to R.Y.
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