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MineCraft Builders Biomes Co-Op

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Minecraft: Builders & Biomes Co-op

In this version, players will work together to try and outscore the Hacker, who infiltrated
their world and is definitely cheating!

General Description:
Gameplay for the players is very similar to the normal game, with the main difference
being they share a board, points, and land tiles. (Note, they maintain separate
character standees, resources, and weapon decks). After each player's turn, the
Hacker will take a turn, slowly making their way through the world, picking up resources,
weapons, and land tiles along the way and racking up points in the process.

Set Up:
Set up the exploration tiles, resource block tower, and weapon tiles like a normal
game. Designate a corner of the exploration tile layout to be the top-left for orientation
(see diagram).

Each Player receives a standee and their corresponding weapon deck. Players will
share a single player board and a single point marker. Player standees start at the
center of the unexplored lands (as normal). Additionally, assign 1 standee and the
associated point marker to the Hacker . Place both point markers at 0 on the Player
board, and place the Hacker standee in the upper left spot that is surrounded by all
exploration tiles (see diagram).

Additional components: Set aside one d20 for the Hacker, along with several counters
to use as +50 point tokens for when the Players or Hacker loop the point track.

Gameplay Rules:
Player turns are taken per the normal rules (take two different actions), with any gained
weapons or resources going to their personal collections. However, any lands gained,
points earned, and enemies defeated are shared between players. Turns alternate
starting with the first Player, the Hacker, the next player, the Hacker, and on until the
End Game is triggered.

After the Active Player's turn, the Hacker takes a turn. The Hacker performs the
following on each turn (details below): 1) Move, 2) Take a Weapon, 3) Take a
Resource. Every other turn, the Hacker performs two additional actions: 4) Take and
score a Tile, 5) Score for Mobs.

1. Move: Move 1 space clockwise around the board along the outer enclose land track
(see diagram). Reveal any unrevealed exploration tiles next to their new location.
2. Take a Weapon: Roll the d20 and find the associated weapon tile location (see
diagram; 17-20 do nothing). If a weapon tile is present, the Hacker takes it (removes it
from the game). If a weapon is not present, nothing happens.
3. Take a Resource: Roll the d20 and find the associated resource block location (see
diagram; 17-20 do nothing). The Hacker removes the corresponding resource block if
at least one side is exposed (unlike two for a Player).

Starting from the Hacker's 2nd turn, and every even turn afterwards (at each corner of
their route), the Hacker gets a scoring turn, performing the following additional steps:
4. Take and score a Tile: Take the highest scoring Tile next to the Hacker based on
the phase of the game (A/B/C), icons on the Tile, and instant points (lightning bolt).
Consider Mobs when evaluating which is the highest scoring. Remove that Tile from
the game and score it using the Hacker's point marker. Example – If the Hacker was
next to a Forest, Desert with +2 instant points, Mountain, and a 4 point Mob in Phase A,
the Hacker would take the Desert for 4+2=6 points.
5. Score for Mobs: Score 1 additional point for the Hacker for each exposed Mob
anywhere in the play area.

Game End and Scoring:

The end game is triggered the same as the normal game, after the third layer (from the
top) of resources is depleted. The game always ends after the Hacker's turn - if the
Hacker triggers the end game, proceed to scoring at the end of their turn. However, if a
Player triggers the end game, the Hacker takes one last turn.
The Hacker scores no additional points outside their normal turn scoring described
above. The Player team calculates their end Phace C scoring like normal, then
proceeds to score Mob bonus points like normal. If the Player team ties or has the
highest score, they've taught the Hacker that cheating never wins! If the Hacker wins,
they tell the Players to "git gud" and destroys their Minecraft world!

Easy - Player land tiles do not need to be adjacent in order to score.
Difficult - The Hacker gets 2 points for every exposed Mob instead of 1 on their scoring
turns. When evaluating and scoring Tiles on the Hacker’s turn, double the point value
of Mobs.

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