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Readers Theatre Exercise

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Readers Theatre Exercise

After reading the article about Readers Theatre, develop a unit plan for implementing Readers Theatre in your classroom. Respond to the following.

What is the unit of study? Provide the title of the unit and the benchmark being addressed. The unit of study is literature fiction readers theatre. The title of the story is "The Robodogs of Greenville" This is set in the future; two friends learn the difference between real dogs and "robodogs. The Sunshine State Standards are LA., The student will listen to, read, and discuss familiar and conceptually challenging text; LA., The student will adjust reading rate based on purpose, text difficulty, form and style; LA., The student will apply letter sound knowledge to decode unknown words quickly and accurately in context; LA. The student will plan, organize, and give an oral presentation and use appropriate voice, eye, and body movements for topic, audience, and occasion. List the learning targets for the unit. The learning targets for this unit that we will cover are reading, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary words that will go with the story. In the reading portion, we will cover rereading and answering questions. Fluency will cover reading rate, and expression. Comprehension will cover sequence, cause and effect. The vocabulary words will be introduced and discussed in the beginning of the story and continued to be reviewed as the students read their parts. What piece of literature will you use for your students to script? " The Robodogs of Greenville " Write the instructions for your students for writing the script, rehearsing the script, and performing. Since the script has been written, we as a class will select the students who will take part in the play. We must also discuss who will take care of drawing the scenery and/or props needed for the play. We will also discuss the ability of changing some of the script if we as group think it is for the best of the

story. Each student will be responsible for studying his/her part. Each day, we will come together to practice the play and discuss short comings or issues that might arise during the presentation. We also discuss the possibility of presenting this to our grade level or other grade levels within our school. Everyone must be on the same sheet of music and understand that practice makes perfect. We must also ensure that everyone in the classroom has some part or opinion to make this a success. Explain how you will assess students performance.

I find that the best way to assess their work would be through their peers reviews. As we practice, everyone has to give input on what is working and what needs to be changed. We can also be assessed by the other classes that come to view the play and their opinion of the performance. Of course I must also make sure that they understand that participation will be an important grade in the endeavor.

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