Arnis Rubric
Arnis Rubric
Arnis Rubric
MASTERY (30%) Participants demonstrate a high level of mastery in Arnis techniques. Movements
are executed with precision and control, reflecting a deep understanding of the
martial art. The performance should exhibit fluidity and accuracy throughout.
Choreography The choreography showcases innovative and creative use of Arnis movements.
and Creativity The routine should feature originality, with seamless transitions between
(25%) movements that enhance the overall aesthetic and narrative.
Execution (20%) The execution of movements is assessed for technical accuracy and consistency.
Participants should perform the choreography with attention to posture, technique,
and synchronization with the music and fellow dancers.
Degree of The complexity of the movements and choreography is evaluated, with an
Difficulty (25%) emphasis on the use of advanced techniques. Performances should demonstrate
a higher level of difficulty, maintaining execution and mastery throughout.
Costume (P.E. Costumes should be appropriate and well-thought-out, reflecting the theme of the
Uniform) (10%) routine. The P.E. uniforms must complement the performance, enhancing the
overall visual appeal without distracting from the choreography.
Overall Impact The overall impact of the performance should resonate with the audience,
(10%) creating a memorable experience. This includes the emotional and aesthetic
impression left by the routine, considering how well all elements come together.
TOTAL: 100%