Class VII Question Bank
Class VII Question Bank
Class VII Question Bank
বড ়ো প্রশ্ন:
ক) পিড়াপিড কারা তৈপর কররপিরেন? বাাংোরেরের যে যকারনা িুরাকীপৈির সারে এর পিে-অপিে
খ) তবজ্ঞাপনক কল্পকাপিপন বেরৈ কী বুঝ? 'আিড়া ও স্ক্র্যাব যনবুো' গরল্প কী কী কাল্পপনক ঘটনা
গ) প্রার াপগক যেখা কারক বরে? পিঠি যেখার যেরে পবরবিয পবষ গুরো কী কী?
ঘ) পবরেষণ িূেক যেখা কারক বরে? িাাঁিঠট পবরেষণ িূেক যেখার তবপেষ্ট্য যেরখা।
ঙ) কপবৈা কারক বরে? কপবৈার িাাঁিঠট তবপেষ্ট্য যেরখা।
ি) "যনােক" কপবৈার িূেভাব যেরখা।
সংক্ষিপ্ত উত্তর প্রশ্ন:
ক) জগেীেিন্দ্র বসুর ২ ঠট আপবষ্কাররর নাি যেরখা।
খ) কৈ বির আরগ এরেরে রাজা এরসপিে?
গ) "িাঝঝ" ও "ি নািৈীর ির" কপবৈার কপব যক?
ঘ) পিরাপিড তৈপরর উরেেয কী পিে?
ঙ) "বরাি' ও "বাাঁখাপর" েরের অে কী ি ?
ি) "িাঝঝ" কপবৈা কপব িাঝঝ িরৈ যির রিন যকন?
ি) কল্পনা পনভির যেখা কৈ প্রকার ও কী কী?
জ) োাংোর
ি কী? জগেীেিন্দ্র বসু কার অনুরপ্ররণা প্রাকৃপৈক পবজ্ঞারন আগ্রিী ির ওরিন?
ঝ) কাোরখাাঁিা পক? িাঝঝ কপবৈা কাোরখাাঁিা পক করর?
ঞ) "যনােক" কপবৈা যক যখািা এপের এরসপিে?িাৈার ফাাঁরক িুখ বাাঁপকর যক োরক?
ি)কপব আে িািিুরের িারটা কাবযগ্ররের নাি যেখ।
ি)'ি নািপৈর ির' কপবৈাঠট যক পেরখরিন?
এই কপবর েুঠট কাবযগ্ররের নাি যেখ।
জ)রবীন্দ্রনাে িাকুর কৈ সারে যকান গ্ররের জনয যনারবে িুরস্কার িান?
Grammar Part
1. Transform the following sentences from Affirmative to negative. 1×5=5
a. Only Allah can help us.
b. A child likes only sweets.
c. He is only 18.
d. You must obey your parents.
e. He took coffee and ice cream.
f. Every mother loves her child.
g. As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.
h. He is the best boy in the class.
i. This was an extraordinary ship.
j. I always agreed with him.
k. She was too poor to buy a chin.
l. Rashid was as wise as Rakib.
m. The sun sets in the west.
n. My friend sometimes visits me.
o. There are many students in the class.
2. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box. 1×5=5
after had where never or
a. I ---------- my meal an hour ago.
b. Will you tell me ---------- he lives.
c. Man aspires ---------- riches.
d. Eat ---------- go away.
e. ---------- tell a lie.
Short answered question: (any five)
1. If diameter of a circle is 28 cm, then what is the circumference of the circle?
2. If the area of a circle is 254.34 sq cm, then what is the diameter of the circle?
3. What is the radius of a circle if the area is 100.25 sq cm ?
4. A wheel of diameter 20 cm, how many times it rotates if it crosses the path 100 meter?
5. Factorise:
6. If the circumference of a circle is 125.6 cm what is its diameter?
7. Difference between circumference and diameter of a circular park is 80 meters. What is its
8. Factorise:
9. GCD of =?
10. Factorise:
11. L.C.M. of
12. Factorise:
Answer any two questions:
1. A car has front wheel of diameter 30 cm and radius of back wheel 17 cm. How many times
will the front wheel rotate more than the back wheel to cross 90 m path.
2. There is a circle of radius 16 cm. If two circle of diameter 5 cm and a rectangle of length 2.5
cm and width 1.5 cm cut from the previous circle find the area of remaining part.
3. Diameter of a circular park is 30 m. there is a road with 3 m width around the park. Determine
the area of road.
4. Find the L.C.M. of
5. Find g.C.D.:
6. Find G.C.D. and L.C.M.:
Chapter 7: Changes around us
Short Answering Questions:
1. What is reversible change?
2. What is irreversible change?
3. Write a short note on galvanizing, electroplating, combustion.
4. What is chemical reaction?
5. How does stainless steel form?
6. How does rust form?
Broad Answering Questions:
1. Differentiate between physical change and chemical change.
2. Describe carbon cycle with proper figure.
3. Describe water cycle with proper figure.
Social Science
Foreign Friends of Liberation War:
Short questions:
1.Who was Simon Dring?(pg-77)
2.Who were called refugees? Where did the people take shelter during Liberation War?(pg-83)
3.When was the Soviet Union formed and collapsed? What type of role it played for some
countries till 1980?(pg-85)
4.What role did China play during Liberation War?(pg-85)
5.When did Pakistan and India become independent? What did India want under the leadership
of Pandit
Jawharlal Nehru?(pg-85)
Broad questions:
1.Why did Simon Dring decide to stay in Dhaka avoiding the prying eyes of Pakistani Military
Personnel? Write about his contribution in shaping the world opinion in favour of our Liberation
2.Which countries were known as the superpowers? Write about the role of the Soviet
Union as our ally during Liberation War?(pg-85,87)
3.Who was Anthony Mascarenhas? Write about his visiting Dhaka and preparing the report that
influenced powerful leaders and people of the world.(pg-88)
Broad questions:
1.Why do people adhere to conventional social norms? Mention 5 causes.(pg-99)
2.Mention 5 differences between social norms and values.(pg- 104)
Digital Technology
Short questions:
1. What is QR code. Why it is used?
2. What is algorithm and flowchart?
3. What is encryption and decryption?
4. Discuss about satellite communication.
5. Describe about mobile communication.
6. Describe about telephone communication.
7. What is gps? Why it is used?
8. Why use flow chart and algorithm?
9. How our data may be risky?
10. What is pseudocode? Why it is used?
Broad questions:
1. Draw a flowchart and algorithm for coming to school from your home.
2. Write an algorithm and pseudocode for frying an egg.
3. What is network? Explain the types of network with example.
4. Write the use of network.
Short Questions (Answer any 5 out of 8):
1. What is Akhlaque?
2. What did our Great Prophet say about the newborn child?
3. How many types of Akhlaq?
4. Write the examples of some good qualities.
5. Write the examples of some bad qualities.
6. Who is the brightest example of admirable character? Write a reference from the Quran
supporting your answer.
7. What did the Great Prophet (SA) say about his character?
8. Who is the best person among you? Write the answer with referring a hadith.
9. Which thing will be the heaviest in the believer’s balance on the Day of Judgment.
Answer referring the hadith.
10. Whoever won’t be consumed by the fire of hell? Answer referring the hadith.
11. What is modesty?
12. Define the word ‘Humility’.
13. What has Allah the Great said in the Quran about the modesty?
14. What is the meaning of the Arabic word ‘Rafiq’ in English?
15. Whose honor will Allah increase? Answer referring the hadith.
16. Write the meaning of verse 19 of Sura Luqman.
17. What has Rasulullah (SA.) said about the qualities of a believer?
18. Define the Arabic word ‘Al-Afwu’ in English.
19. What is called repentance? Write the meaning of verse 25 of surah Ash-Shura.
20. Did Allah order us to practice forgiveness? Refer a verse supporting your answer.