The Seed
The Seed
The Seed
long news
Division of Davao del Norte | Region XI | November 2023- January 2024
The Official School Paper Publication of Dujali National High School
collapsed one by one – two in the other the support they needed.
classroom, more in different places, and
many here in my room," said Jessa Mae "I focused on normalizing the
The Davao City Disaster Risk
Alba, a Grade-8 adviser at DNHS. situation, and thankfully, many helped
Reduction and Management
us," She added.
Office(DCDRRMO) reported a
Alba expressed her concern for the
temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, with a
students' health and questioned the Sagayno, facing this situation for the
heat index of 2 or higher, indicating an
reason behind their loss of consciousness. first time, remained calm and provided
extreme level of caution.
Despite the intense shaking,
"It is the most frightening earthquake
that has occurred since the time I started
working here in DNHS. We didn't expect
that, and it is alarming kay daghan na
students ang naa diri sa school ato na
there were no
time. So, as teachers, we always ensure reported
that every student is protected”, Ma'am
Crezel Feller said, GSP teacher. damages to the
DNHS' National Disaster Risk school building.
Reduction Management (NDRRM)
However, some documents fell during the
Coordinator, Sir Marvin Oreta, recounted
earthquake. Sir Oreta emphasized the
his experience during the quake, stating,
importance of prioritizing safety over
"Naa ko sa balay ato na time, narealized
belongings and confirmed that all
nako na naa diay mga bata sa school.
students were safely evacuated before
Since on-going japun ang aftershocks
assessing the building's condition the
kusog gihapon, naka decide nga paulion
following day.
ang mga students."
4 Freedom from
Academic Burnout
Many students experience stress and academic burnout—Academic burnout occurs when a student simply has too much
on their plate, and causes a lack of motivation according to the University of the People. An immense amount of homework,
Fair hair,
extracurricular activities and college on the horizon for upperclassmen is enough to raise students’ stress levels drastically. In
order for the students to keep up with the deadline, this is a must to be implemented throughout every school (public or
private) nationwide.
“Halos mga students nga naka experience og academic burnout kay Too many pending tasks, homeworks, and projects that result to Students have rights to choose
tungod sa mga activities nga gi sabay sabay ug hatag sa mga subject children’s stress and unstable mental health, they lose their focus due to their own style — The Department
teachers ug advisers.” Said Senior-high student from Science, overthinking about finishing the given assignments. Students, especially of Education (DepEd) has a long-
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) strand at Dujali high school students should be enjoying their time and not worrying standing policy that governs good
National High School (DNHS). about the unfinished tasks. grooming. This includes
prescribing a so-called proper
“Dili man malikayan pero na man jud mga teachers nga mag hatag However, time management is really necessary. It is the most haircut for male pupils in both
ug mga buhatunon, which is okay lang man, kaso ang problem is, naay important part of being a student because this is the only thing they can private and public schools “the
time na sabay pati ang deadlines. Idungag pa ang mga upcoming use in order to complete and pass activities, projects and other tasks that prescribed haircut for boys is at
summative tests and quizzes nga need ug todo-review,” said student of are given by the teachers or advisers. least one inch above the ear and
STEM strand from DNHS. three inches above the collar line.”
Therefore, students— Junior and Senior Highs, deserve a proper
It’s just that many students cannot grapple with teachers giving rest and enough sleep for them to succeed more in their academic lives Furthermore, the boys' haircut policy
multiple tasks on different subjects at the same time with the same and performances. They need the reduction of activities and tasks so that in the Philippine government schools is
deadlines, resulting in academic burnout to students caused by stress. In they can focus more; learn more; and thrive harder as students for their probably one of the oldest policies in
addition, there are students who stay up at night finishing and own future. every Students Handbook wherein
multitasking to pass on time which is something that they Haircut Policy applies to a certain
should not imply on themselves—these children need category of people; males only. This
sleep and rest for them to thrive more on education. policy brings about both positive and
negative effects to students especially
their own liking and self - esteem. For the
school, it is beneficial since it promotes
It’s simply should not be done— As of October 2021, about 42.6 thousand public utility jeepneys were operating in the
Philippines. In addition, about 25.5 thousand transport network vehicle services (TNVS) and 21.7 thousand taxis were
operating nationwide, by Statista Research Department. PUJs were already used throughout generations. It’s the easiest
transportation in the country— for less hassle of transportation, PUJs should not be changed or modernized.
According to a report by the Philippines Statistics Authority, there were 12,799 and 8,017 road crash involving public
utility vehicles, including jeepneys (old or new), in 2019 and 2020.
In addition to the Jeepney Modernization Program, the government has also promoted the
adoption of electric vehicles as an alternative to old jeepneys. The Department of Energy (DOE) has
launched the Electric Vehicle Roadmap which aims to increase the adoption of electric vehicles in
the country.
However, given the information, PUJ drivers are the one’s to pay for their new modernized
vehicle. If they were to change it (the jeepneys) that bad, why not give the modernized or electric
vehicles to the driver for free?— fare hikes are not enough for them to afford this new vehicle. Why
not just exchange their PUJ into the electric vehicle and not make this pay for it?
“I was excited and overjoyed because for so long, I was tasked with
different administrative works. However, is it starting to become a reality
because I was already unloaded with some of my tasks,” said Mrs. Rochie B.
Guibone, a teacher at Dujali National High School (DNHS).
However, in that very end of time, there will be As the curriculum is undergoing its process,
new beginnings and seeds sprouting to form new teachers are also busy in seminars with regards to the
life that will made a whole new society. MATATAG response towards the MATATAG curriculum. Last
Agenda is a curriculum that will embark as the January 26, 2024 the DepEd Order no. 002, s. 2024,
breath of new life in the education system in the leaves a remarkable relief among teachers as it was
Philippines; as it aims to produced job ready citizen, announced the Immediate Removal of
take steps to accelerate delivery of basic education Administrative Task of Public School Teachers under
facilities and services; taking good care of learners the issuance of the MATATAG Agenda.
by promoting well being, inclusive education and
positive learning environment, and give support to "Maayu, kay after all nga pinakaanu sa teachers
What’s New:
teachers perform better. is teaching. So more on teaching and paperworks
nalang ang mga teachers ron. Ang mga ancellaries
Last January, Vice President and education kay giwala na. Actually dugay nana sya but karon ra
secretary Sara Z. Duterte led the launching of the ni took an effect or karun ra na aksyonan." ma'am
MATATAG Agenda that will took effect on school Buslon said a teacher of Dujali National High School.
year 2024-2025. "We know that the road will be
bumpy, but our direction is clear. We know that the “Ang DepEd order 002. s. 2024 is good of course
challenges are vast, but we Filipinos are resilient. kay pinaka main gyud sa teacher is teaching so now
We will overcome," Duterte said delivering tje focused nalang mi sa teaching." ma'am Melissa
DepEd 2023 Basic Education Report. " We will rally added. From all the speculation about the education
for an improved learning system in the country" of the Philippines, it is indeed a breath of new life by Life is a long journey of uncertainties, sweats like bullets dripping
Duterte also said. "Together, we will rally for every bringing the education system of the country back on without regrets. Dropped and sailed trough the ground, feeling the
Filipino child. Para sa isang matatag na bayan. Para track, and MATATAG Agenda paved its way by warmth of the scorching bond. Change is constant and inevitable part
sa ating mahal na Pilipinas." she added. helping more and more Filipino children and of existence. What is new for today may different tomorrow.
teachers "Para sa isang MATATAG NA BAYAN.”
Vice President Sara stands firm like As our parents' blood and flesh, we
a tree to give shade to others. Last must understand that the hardships
January 25, 2024, the Vice President of we're facing is just a mere obstacle for
the Philippines and Secretary of the us to grow and prosper. Growth is not
Department of Education (DepEd), Sara just growth, it's a sign of fact that you,
Z. Duterte, is set to deliver her second you have become a better person in
Basic Education Report (BER) gaining your own way without needing the help
different opinions. Republic Act No. of others. "Only if you work the hardest,
10533 stated that an act enhancing the will our children fly, sore, fight, and
Philippine basic education system by win.", Sara added.
strengthening its curriculum and Persistence is a talent, but hard work
increasing the number of years for basic beats talent if talent doesn’t work out.
education, appropriating funds Just like the wind, uncertainties may
success and Julie's perseverance keeps
her motivated to embark the journey of
being an OFW. Regardless the idea that
being an Ofw is only for certain person
that only counts on luck but she sill
believe that she can be like a candle
that continues to burn in spite of
wind blows With tenacity and
perseverance embedded in our
persona, we can be like Julie who in
No one can vanquish a person's tenacity to overcome life challenges amidst being an Overseas Filipino incessantly overcame life challenges
Worker (OFw). Excruciating pain enveloped Julie Hidlao's body as she tried to get free from the strings of being an OFW, not for her own sake but
cruelty and discrimination that shackled her existence while working in Kuwait. However, she did not loses for her family's progress.
hope she knows heaven is near. Julie's life many years ago is quite the contrary of her present denouement.
The candle that stands for her
She can still vividly remember how woke us up early in the morning to visit way towards the treasure. perseverance amidst the challenges that
peaceful and how full of live her life was the farm and dig for crops but he already melted her body and the fire that lighted
when she's still a toddler. cooked rice). Time passed by and Julie After graduating high school, she still her way throughout the struggles she
"Nakahinundom pako a una, nga turned secondary, made her a hard-bitten wants to continue her study but her encountered, it symbolized her as a
pukawon pamig sayo ni papa kay woman with strong desire to success she school card was lost leaving her no choice person that never lost it's power and
muadto ug baul para mangali ug kept striving hard despite the rigors and but to work early to support her family desire to rose from the quagrime of
kamanting pero sign nakalung-ag na severity that block her way. However, Despite the challenges she encountered, poverty and cruelty to sustained
daan (I shill remember how my father stones won't paved your she still had hope that happiness and progress in life.
On the same
Having this society where everyone thinks that equality is the main factor of
living, is the society that covers the truth beyond the perfect living.
Having this society where everyone thinks Discrimination is equal to crime nation.
that equality is the main factor of living, is the Why? We as Asians, Filipinos to be exact often
society that covers the truth beyond the get discriminated by our chocolate brown
perfect living. colours, doe twinkling eyes, full kissable lips,
and extraordinary accent. Numerous of
In a world where love knows no overseas workers and migrants has been
Tunnels of
boundaries, it's disheartening to witness the discriminated by those who have porcelain
persistent discrimination faced by each other. white skin and sometimes by fellow Asian too
Each person, regardless of their sexual that sometimes lead to suicidal thoughts and
orientation or gender identity, deserves attempts.
respect, acceptance, and the freedom to love
authentically. "All human beings deserve Thus, being discriminated does not mean
equal treatment, no matter their gender that you can discriminate others too. No one
identity or sexuality" - Andreja Pejic is born hating one another person because of
Every tunnels of life can be terrifying and it takes a millions of skin colours, backgrounds, or religion.
courage to see the light from the other side that will give us the hope According to American Psychological Everyone has the right to be treated equally.
and confidence to continue. Association, discrimination is the unfair or We all have the right to be treated equally,
prejudicial treatment of people and groups regardless of our race, ethnicity, nationality,
As the tunnels of pressure and based on characteristics such as race, gender, class, caste, religion, belief, sex, gender,
"Actually para nako,
trials, are indeed the battle of every age, sexual orientation, and treating someone language, sexual orientation, gender identity,
kaundangon nagyud ko like dili baya
individual, Elaiza Estorque a 'less favourably' than someone else. sex characteristics, age, health or other status.
lalim magsige ug sulat, I mean, dali
campus journalist had faced the Yet all too often we hear heartbreaking stories
rasya, sa point na kompleto na
same battles as she chased after her Treating someone less favourably means of people who suffer cruelty simply for
imong information ug facts, pero
dream of giving everyone a fair giving inequality. As long as discrimination is belonging to a "different" group from those in
tinud-anay jud like sa school paper
society. As Elaiza, pursue and there, inequality will always middle into our positions of privilege or power.
kay need nimo pa mag interview
traipse the road of journalism, she lives.
para makakalap ug information then
also encountered different taste of Thus, this society may bring us
hasol kaayu kay daghan kaaayu ug
battles that shackled her confidence Office of Equal Employment Opportunity uncertainties and if you think everyone is
process" "Unya, naabot nagyud ko sa
and determination to pursue the way and Workplace Equality (OEEOWE) reveals giving up on you and every little thing doesn’t
point na gusto na nako mu give-up
that she wanted. that there are 7 types of discrimination: age matter anymore, think gain.
then dili na mupadayun kay kapoy
na man." However, despite the discrimination, disability discrimination,
When Elaiza first enter the sexual orientation discrimination, status as a In addition, may you look into the bright
challenges she encountered, Elaiza
world of Journalism, she felt like she parent discrimination, religious side of life where everyone is on the same
still choose to see the bright side of
was groping in the dark and felt discrimination, national origin discrimination, page. May we carve into our heart, mind, and
her journey for she still have the
bewildered into something that she sexual harassment, race, color and sex soul that discriminating someone is also
desired to give the rights to every
doesn't have idea. “Wala gyud koy discrimination, and lastly, reprisal/retaliation discriminating yourself as we all have features
human being.
idea sa unsa akong buhaton at first, discrimination. that is alike from one another but different in
but after undergoing trainings and uniqueness, in the end we are just living in the
"Being a campus journalist is an
workshops including seminars, same horizon.
experience for my future career and
didto nako narealize nga maybe I
it is nice that at a very young age, I
shoud do something to make
have achievements and maybe
difference and experience na pud
without knowing nga maka enter ug
nako as journalist and it felt
makadaog pata in the future; and
satisfying when nahuman nako ang
maybe in the future also I will have
isa ka article."
the desire to pursue law and it is
Time passed by, Elaiza joined
now the right time to exercise my
many contest and won awards but
potential as a campus journalist."
every glory has its own nemesis.
Asa campus journalist, Elaiza
From being a news journalist to
Estorque used all the possibilities
editorial until many categories she
and enter the tunnel of uncertainties
had tried, but still she was back
to realize her goals and dreams in
again for being a news writer
life. Therefore, life give her more
journalist and for her, she
opportunities to taste the bittersweet
experienced setbacks as she was also
result of her efforts throughout her
need to balance and manage her
time as a student and a campus
Faded 8
Have you ever felt like everything has been taken away from you? Or not
been taken but flown away from you. And you can't do anything about it since
it has bubbles of truth and water so slippery that you can't grip onto
something, not even preparation. Preparation for something is the
preparation of everything.
We must build dikes of courage to because the things are messed up because
hold back the flood of fear. But what if the they are stored up so that it can't be
preparation of something was washed reached by the water so it's hard for us to
away by everything. Last January 18, locate the things we're going to use.)", said
2024, around 9 p.m, because of the Hara E. Quinto, a student from Dujali
continuous and unstoppable rain, the National High School who has been
protection dike located at D6, Braulio E. affected by the flood.
Dujali has been reportedly burst by the
harsh water causing it to flow unkindly and Numerous students, families, animals,
an alarming flood was formed that covered and lands have been affected by the said
hectares of hectares. flood. But alongside this disaster, people
still have ear to ear grin put on their faces.
"Katong time nga nag baha, nag lisod Funny how you think, even if a lot of
jud mig adjust labi na kay klase ato na disasters come and go, Filipino's still never
time. Nag lisod mi og tabok² from balay to forget how to be grateful. Hara was one of
kalsada kung asa mi nag tindog og tent the students that proves that not even a
namo. Lisod sya as in kay pag human nimo disaster can stop anyone from learning
og ligo instead nga mag ilis naka dayon og because any disaster is a learning process.
uniform is dili nalang kay mo lusong "We cannot stop natural disasters but we
paman ka og tubig. Nya kung sauna, which can arm ourselves with knowledge: so
is katong wala pay baha kay sa dapog mi many lives wouldn't have to be lost if there
mag luto so dali ra kaayo, pero during sa was enough disaster preparedness." Petra
flood kay sa karsada pa so hasol kaayo kay Nemcova a Czech model. If you felt like
naga apas na sa oras, dali dalion na tanan everything is slipping away, not even
nimo lihok. Lisod sad mag lihok sa balay preparation can fortify a wholesome grasp
kay ang mga gamit nag gubot tungod kay of knowledge.
gipang saka para dili sya maabot sa tubig
maong mag lisod mig pangita sa mga White lies may cover the truth, but
gamit nga among gamitonon. (That time bubbles of time cover it all with different
when there was a flood, it was difficult for hues. After all that has been said and done,
us to adjust since it was class time. We had always try to turn every disaster into
a hard time crossing from house to road another opportunity. Environment does
where we pitched our tent. It's difficult not only gives us vital resources, but also
because when you take a shower, instead sustains our life. Thus, a great grip of
of putting on your uniform right away, you education gives more understanding and
can't because of the flood. Before, where awareness not only to our environment but
there's no flood, it's easy to cook, but also to ourselves. Let every natural disaster
during the flood, it's a hassle knowing pass through your journey, but never let it
you're running out of time, you have to do fade away your dreams in life.
everything quickly. It's hard to move
around the house
aims to improve old jeepneys for safer and greener
vehicles, addressing problems like pollution and
road safety. Jeepney drivers and commuters were
Division of Davao del Norte | Region XI | November 2023- January 2024
college student activist. She was a writer, and her told him last night that the jeeps will be phased out
works included in "The Vietnamization of the and told me, what will happen now? I won’t be able
Philippines” and “Democracy is Dead in the to ask for 5 pesos when we don’t have a jeep
Philippines under Martial Law.” Sadly, in 1973, anymore" and "Because if they proceed, my family
she was arrested when soldiers barged into their will suffer hunger. Of course, sir, I would just cry if
house looking for her brother. Despite her there's no livelihood. We are pitiful, especially our
The Philippines is one of the most beautiful countries in
requesting an arrest warrant, she was assaulted, families. I hope they won't push through with it
Southeast Asia, owing to its cultural heritage, natural resources, and
taken to Camp Crame, tortured, and tragically because many drivers will go hungry."
people. However, despite these attributes, there is a side to the
passed away the next day.
Philippines that leads to the suffering of its people, making them feel
like prisoners in their own country. Will Filipinos be able to achieve These situations from the jeepney drivers are
Those in higher positions were meant to be heartbreaking, if only they could afford the new
the freedom they desire, or will they be the ones hindering their own
protecting the citizens, yet they were terrorizing jeepneys. But whose fault is that? It was the
progress? Let us now embark on the dark side of the Philippines.
the people, especially the youth. Young people Filipinos' fault, especially those who have the
were supposed to be the hope of the nation, but privilege to vote but still choose the wrong people to
In a dark alley somewhere in the Philippines, a body of a boy was found
how would they become the light when these put in the positions. Filipinos should realize that
dead. Policemen were conducting an anti-drug war operation that evening. Later,
people are taking their lives? As you walked down this self-sabotaging trait will lead to their downfall.
they discovered Kian delos Santos, a 17-year-old, at a basketball court in
in the sidewalk of a busy street, looking for a They need to open their eyes and see what really is
Barangay 160, Caloocan. They dragged him into a dark corner and shot him to
jeepney to ride to school, you heard shouting from happening. One day, someone in the higher
death, accusing him of being a drug runner, although it was proven that he was
a distance. A crowd had gathered, people holding positions will actually care and have compassion for
placards, they were shouting, but you could not the needs of every Filipino. We will be free from
hear what it was. So, you decided to come closer, being imprisoned and be not an
and that's when you realized they were shouting, Ahas de Filipino in our
"NO TO JEEPNEY PHASE-OUT." Jeepney phase- own country.
out or jeepney modernization has been a huge
topic in the Philippines recently.
According to the Department of
9 Torrential
Health (DOH), leptospirosis is caused by
the leptospira spirochetes that are
acquired from infected urine or feces of
animals such as rats that contaminate
food, water and soil.
various muscle parts, headache, red eyes.
In severe cases: the liver, kidneys and
brain are severely affected which will
cause yellowing of the skin, dark-colored
and scanty urine production and
excessive headache,” DOH added.
Flash Flood Triggering In accordance with World Health
Surge of Deadly Diseases Organisation (WHO), dengue (break-
bone fever) is a viral infection that
spreads from mosquitoes to people,
thrives in tropical climates.
In the face of natural disasters, Mindanao's “Most people who get dengue won’t
susceptibility to intense flooding, not only have symptoms. But for those that do, the
disrupted daily life but has also raised large health most common symptoms are high fever,
concerns for the affected population. headache, body aches, nausea and rash.
Most will also get better in 1–2 weeks.
Some people develop severe dengue and
Certain areas in Mindanao underwent intense flooding
need care in a hospital”, WHO stated.
caused by a prominent shearline, marking the convergence
of cold northeast winds and warm 'easterlies.' This
“Typhoid fever is a life-threatening
meteorological phenomenon forming thick clouds causing
infection caused by the bacterium
persistent heavy rainfall in various regions.
Salmonella Typhi. It is usually spread
through contaminated food or water.
One of affected by severe flooding is the Municipality of
Once Salmonella Typhi bacteria are
Braulio E. Dujali, along with the flooding are the risks that
ingested, they multiply and spread into
can be obtained due to the
the bloodstream”, according to WHO
BEDAA smasher started strong and streamed points in
the first set leaving the opponent score half of his points (21-
Having a great purpose in his last playing year, Grade 12-
Diamond (STEM) student of Dujali NHS Patrick Cabasan is
more confident and skilled bringing with him his experience
last Davao Regional Athletic Association (DAVRAA) 2023.
LAST YEAR, LAST BLOW game and dili pud siya dalo mo share sa iyang mga expertise
when it comes to badminton”,Mr.Nico Rey Tiempo, Cabasan’s
coach said in an interview.
Dujali National High School smasher triumphed over Now the 18 years old badminton player is preparing for
Tanglaw National High School (2-0) the division meet 2024 hoping that in his last playing year as a
pride of Dujali NHS he will graduate with great legacy.
Girl Power
DNHS Arnis seizes
municipal meet win
Dujali National High School women’s Arnis team nailed a
landslide victory during the Braulio E. Dujali Municipal Meet 2024,
Dujali NHS women’s Arnis team showcased wit and skills to sweep
the Arnis girls division tournament during the Municipal Meet 2024
of Braulio E. Dujali district last January 13, 2024 held at Dujali
Central Elementary Gymnasium. Players- Fatima Hambala, a Grade
10-Rizal student, Mary Christine Rose E. Moreno, Mary Sheryl
Melendez both Grade 10-Del Pilar and Mellisa Jane Mutia are all
from Dujali National High School.
The four of them promised to “I just wanna say, unsa man jud
each other to compete in Davao ka lisod salig lang”, Grade 8 student
Region Athletes Association Mutia answered when asked to give a
(DAVRAA) 2024 together and they message to her teammates.
hold on to this promise as they
embark their journey starting with In a remarkable performance,
the Municipal Meet 2024. Hambala Mary Christine Rose E. Moreno, a
who won in the Bantam category grade 10 student took off a good game
against the Antonio V. Fruto Sr. with 3-0 score to triumph over Antonio
National High School player started V. Fruto Sr. NHS representative. DNHS kicks off catch-up fridays
the domination 3-0 of Dujali NHS.
“Gina alay naku ni na win sa
Division of Davao del Norte | Region XI | November 2023- January 2024
“My motivation at that time was akong family and sa akong team”,
Scorching heat of the sun, sweat all over the body, laughing with your friends while
The Official School Paper Publication of Dujali National High School
advisers themselves. Through this, teachers from passing. It is the best practice for hand-
can employ another way of teaching in a eye coordination and strategic thinking.
resourceful manner where students were most Luksong Baka where all players are to jump
likely to participate. over the baka until all the players have
jumped. Once the first set of jumping over the
“Big help pud siya para sa mga students baka is done, the baka player will slowly rise
kay maka relate sa past kay usually sa mga up after jumping over the baka player. Only
students kay more na sila sa online games at the hands of the jumper may touch the back of
least man lang kahit sa isang araw ma-stop the person who bent over. These are some of
sila sa pag gamit ng gadget and na-enjoy din many fun and exciting Filipino games that
naman ang students but gasto pud siya gamay Philippines can offer to the world but before
sa teachers kay nag hatag sad ko ug prizes”, that students of nowadays should still play
Ma’am Fritzie Corbin said, a teacher who and keep these engaging games alive for these
performed Larong Lahi with her class. With can improve their physical and mental skills
this program Dujali National High School was while keeping the Filipino sports game culture
alive again, students filled the ground playing bejeweling.
various Filipino sports game that brings back
Dujali NHS Spikers crashed
Antonio V. Fruto NHS Spikers(2-1)
Fiery spikes from Dujali National High School women's volleyball team humbled Antonio V. Fruto Sr. National High School spikers in a
thrilling match,2-1 (18-25,25-14,15-11) held at Tanglaw National High School on January 13, 2024.