Applsci 11 07722 v2
Applsci 11 07722 v2
Applsci 11 07722 v2
Analysis of the Dynamic Stiffness, Hysteresis Resonances and
Complex Responses for Nonlinear Spring Systems in
Power-Form Order
Qingtao Wang 1,2 , Zhiyong Zhang 1,2, * , Yongheng Ying 1,3 and Zhaojun Pang 2,4
1 School of Science, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China; (Q.W.); (Y.Y.)
2 Institute of Launch Dynamics, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China;
3 Zhejiang Sany Equipment Co., Ltd., Huzhou 200120, China
4 School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China
* Correspondence:
Abstract: Power-form nonlinear contact force models are widely adopted in relatively moving
parts of macro (e.g., rolling bearings considering Hertzian contact restoring force between rolling
elements and bearing raceways) or micro (e.g., the micro cantilever probe system of atomic force
microscopy) scale mechanical systems, and contact resonance could cause serious problems of wear,
contact fatigue, vibration, and noise, which has attracted widespread attention. In the present paper,
the softening/hardening stiffness characteristics of continuous and one-sided contact power-form
nonlinear spring models are addressed, respectively, by the analysis of the monotone features of
resonant frequency-response skeleton lines. Herein, the period-n solution branch and its stability
Citation: Wang, Q.; Zhang, Z.;
characteristics are obtained by the harmonic balance and alternating frequency/time domain (HB–
Ying, Y.; Pang, Z. Analysis of the
AFT) method and Floquet theory. Compared with previous studies, this paper will furtherly clarify
Dynamic Stiffness, Hysteresis
Resonances and Complex Responses
the influences of externally normal load, the power form exponent term, and excitation amplitude on
for Nonlinear Spring Systems in the softening/hardening stiffness characteristics of general power-form spring systems. In addition,
Power-Form Order. Appl. Sci. 2021, for a power-form system with a one-sided contact, the phenomena of primary and super/sub-
11, 7722. harmonic hysteretic resonances inducing period-doubling, folding bifurcation, the coexistence of
app11167722 multiple solutions are demonstrated. Besides, it gives the evolution mechanism of two types of
intermittency chaos in a one-sided contact system. The overall results may have certain basic
Academic Editors: Roman Starosta theoretical significance and engineering values for the control of vibration and noise in contact
and Jan Awrejcewicz mechanical systems.
Contact interfaces are indispensable in machine systems including bolted joints, hinges,
rolling bearings, and so on, which can transmit coupling forces between structures [6].
Many publications have focused on the contact stiffness modelings and their static or
quasi-static stiffness characteristics for contact systems [7,8]. On the other hand, it should
be noted that in the fundamental mechanisms with relative motions (e.g., hinges, meshing
gears, rolling bearings, and probe detection system), the contact vibrations between relative
moving components are often inevitable, due to the external excitation or roughness and
waviness between contact surfaces [9]. Herein, the dynamic contact dynamic stiffness
has a significant effect on the dynamic behavior of the contact machine system, and the
static stiffness model is unable to describe the dynamic characteristics in contact vibra-
tions. For example, it is traditionally considered that the rolling bearings have hardening
stiffness characteristics due to the Hertzian contact force–deformation relationship [7,10],
but gradually researchers find that the dynamic supporting characteristics of the system
can soften [11,12]. In addition, recently contact resonances have been widely used in the
design of sensors [13] and atomic force microscopy [14], and obviously, contact dynamic
stiffness is closely correlative to the contact resonance, but this correlation needs to be
further clarified. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a systematic study on the nonlinear
dynamic stiffness and resonance behaviors of a nonlinear power-form mass-spring system
especially considering contact factors.
Based on the works of Mickens [15] and Hu et al. [16], Cveticanin [17] and Kovacic
et al. [18] gave the approximate analytical solution of the general power-form continuous
system with the aid of special function method. Then, Kovacic [19], Rakaric et al. [20] and
Huang et al. [21] carried out many studies on the hysteretic characteristics of the primary
resonances for such a general power-form system. However, the above research has not
considered the effect of externally normal load on the dynamic stiffness and resonances. On
the other hand, most of the studies of contact vibrations are concentrated on the Hertzian
point contact case with the ideal 3/2 power-form exponent term. Carson and Johnson [22]
proposed the concepts of contact spring and contact resonance earlier, considering the
rolling contact between two disks. Through experiment, it is found that this Hertzian
point contact system has dynamic softening stiffness in small contact resonance, whose
characteristics are very different from the static hardening stiffness. It is also pointed out
that the case of loss contact can increase the softening spring characteristics. Soon afterward,
Nayak [23] verified the results of Carson and Johnson [22] by the analysis of a nonlinear
one-sided Hertzian point contact spring model under harmonic excitations, in which the
author provided an analytical study on the softening hysteresis characteristics of the system
in primary resonances. For Nayak’s contact spring model, Hess and Soom [9] found that
the dynamic load components can lead to a reduction in the mean area of contact and the
friction force. Rigaud and Perret-Liaudet [24] pointed out that loss of contact non-linearity
can bring a wide frequency range of softening resonance. Furtherly, Ma [25] discussed
the criterion for contact loss to occur. In a word, the Hertzian point contact system has
softening contact resonance characteristics in the case of small vibration, and the normal
constant load has a significant influence on the dynamic stiffness of the system, but the
influence law needs to be further developed. In addition, there are few studies on the
characteristics of contact resonances for a general power-form contact spring system.
The contact resonance and its hysteresis behaviors can aggravate the wear, contact
fatigue, vibration, and noise of a mechanical system, and as a consequence, affect the
working accuracy of the system. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and engineering value
to study contact resonance in depth. In this paper, the harmonic balance and alternating
frequency/time domain (HB–AFT) method [25,26] and Floquet theory are used to fur-
ther study the primary, super-harmonic and sub-harmonic resonances and their dynamic
stiffness (i.e., the resonant skeleton) characteristics in continuous and one-sided contact
power-form nonlinear spring models. For doing these, firstly, the influence of the normal
constant load on the dynamic softening/hardening stiffness characteristics will be dis-
cussed. Secondly, the inherent mechanism of hysteretic resonances will be studied. Finally,
tact system will be clarified.
d2x dx α
+ 2ζ H ( x) + H ( x)sgn( x) x = A cos ωt + W
the evolution of complex responses even the intermittency chaos in a one-sided contact
system will be clarified. 2
dt dt
2. Power-Form Nonlinear System Model
where ζ is the damping coefficient; A and ω are the amplitude and frequency
For a power-form nonlinear spring-mass system with an externally normal load W
excitation, respectively;
and a harmonic sgn(x) is
excitation, its equation of the sign
motion function
is given as as,
3. Methodology
The AFT technique can avoid the analytical treatment of nonlinear te
time-domain discretization [26], and this makes the HB-AFT method ver
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7722 4 of 12
3. Methodology
The AFT technique can avoid the analytical treatment of nonlinear terms through time-
domain discretization [26], and this makes the HB-AFT method very effective in solving
the strong nonlinear contact problem, which is different from the traditional harmonic
balance method. In this paper, the periodic solution is called the period-n solution if the
period of the response is n times the excited period. The solution process of the period-1
motion of Equation (1) is given below.
Let τ = ω ·t, then Equation (1) can be expressed as
d2 x ( τ )
ω2 + F ( x (τ )) = A cos τ + W. (4)
dτ 2
where the nonlinear restoring force is
dx (τ )
F ( x (τ )) = 2ζωH ( x (τ )) + H ( x (τ ))sgn( x (τ ))| x (τ )|α . (5)
To find the periodic solution of Equation (4) with period 2π, x(τ) and F(τ) can be
expressed as
x ( τ ) = P(1) + ∑ [P(2k) cos(kτ ) − P(2k + 1) sin(kτ )] (6)
k =1
F ( τ ) = Q(1) + ∑ [Q(2k) cos(kτ ) − Q(2k + 1) sin(kτ )] (7)
k =1
According to the process of harmonic balance, insert Equations (6) and (7) into
Equation (4) and obtain the following 2K + 1 algebraic relationships:
g(P, Q, ω ) = 0 (8)
F ( n ) = F (X ( n ), X0 ( n ), ω ) (10)
φ N −1
N n∑
Qk = F(n) ei(−2πkn/N ) (11)
Herein, φk = φ (2k)+ i φ (2k + 1); φ0 = φ (1), where φ takes P or Q in Equations (9) and
(11); N is the number of sampling points in a time domain period, and n = 0, . . . , N − 1;
φ = 1 when n = 0, otherwise φ = 2.
Taking P as an unknown variable and ω as a control parameter, the arc-length contin-
uation can be introduced to Equation (8) for automatically tracking P and the frequency-
response curve of system (4).
Finally, the stability characteristics of the frequency-response curve can be obtained
by Floquet theory [26].
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7722 5 of 12
Figure 2.
Figure 2. For
For W W == 0, stable (solid) and unstable (dashed)
(dashed) periodic
periodic frequency-response
frequency-response peak-to-peak
peak-to-peak curves
curves of
of continuous
system, (a)
system, (a) αα == 1.5
1.5 and
and (b)
(b) α
α == 0.6.
Figure 3.
Figure 3. For W ==0,0,influence
For W influenceofofααon
peak-to-peakcurves of of
curves continuous system,
continuous (a) (a)
system, α >α1>and (b)
1 and
0 < 0α << α1.< 1.
As shown in Figure 4, when a constant load is applied (i.e., W > 0), an inflection point
appears and the skeleton line of the primary resonant frequency-response curve bends
from left to right (for α > 1) or right to left (for 0 < α < 1), which changes the dynamic
stiffness characteristics of the continuous system. For example, when α= 1.5 and W = 5, the
response amplitude is lower than the inflection point of the skeleton line, which makes
the system have a softening spring (i.e., softening dynamic stiffness) characteristics (see
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7722 6 of 12
As shown in Figure 4, when a constant load is applied (i.e., W > 0), an inflection point
appears and the skeleton line of the primary resonant frequency-response curve bends from
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7722 6 of 12
left to right (for α > 1) or right to left (for 0 < α < 1), which changes the dynamic stiffness
characteristics of the continuous system. For example, when α= 1.5 and W = 5, the response
amplitude is lower than the inflection point of the skeleton line, which makes the system
have a 4a). However,
softening spring if the
softening amplitude
dynamic isstiffness)
higher than the inflection
characteristics (seepoint
Figureof 4a).
skeleton if the response
(when amplitude
α = 1.5and W is higher
= 1), than thehas
the system inflection point of the skeleton
a softening-to-hardening line
(when α = 1.5 and W = 1), thedynamic
(i.e., softening-to-hardening system has a softening-to-hardening
stiffness) characteristics (seespring
Figure (i.e.,
and in this
case, cyclicdynamic stiffness) characteristics
folding bifurcations occur at four (seeturning
Figure points
4a), andofinthe
case, cyclic folding
response occur
curve. Onatthe
four turning
other hand,points
when of0the
< αresonant frequency-response
< 1, as shown in Figure 4b, the curve. On the
other hand, when 0 < < 1, as shown in Figure 4b, the frequency-response
response skeleton lines of the primary resonances have the hardening-to-softening char-
α skeleton lines of
the primary resonances have the hardening-to-softening characteristics,
acteristics, which makes the system have a hardening dynamic stiffness characteristic which makes the
when have a hardening
response amplitudedynamic stiffness
is lower thancharacteristic
the inflectionwhenpointthe response
of the skeleton amplitude
line (suchis
as than the
B3 point wheninflection
W = 1).point of thefor
Besides, skeleton
α > 1 (or < α <as1),B3the
line0(such point when W
locations of=the
1). primary
for α > 1 (ormove
resonances 0<α< to1),
locations of (orthe
lowprimary resonances
frequency) as the move to high
externally frequency
normal (or
low frequency)
load W increases. as the externally normal constant load W increases.
4. Influence of normal
Figure 4. load W
normal load W on α the
on α the frequency-response
frequency-response peak-to-peak
peak-to-peak curves of continuous
continuous system, (a) αα == 1.5
and (b) αα == 0.6.
Figure frequency-responsepeak-to-peak
one-sided contact system, (a) α = 1, (b) α = 1.5, and (c) α = 0.6, where the magenta dash line denotes
one-sided contact system, (a) α = 1, (b) α = 1.5, and (c) α = 0.6, where the magenta dash line denotes
As shownin inFigures
increasein inthe
W, the
W, the location ofofthe
resonance moves
moves to atohigh frequency
a high frequency (α > (α
1) or low
> 1) orfrequency
low fre-
(0 < α <(01),< which
quency α < 1), agrees
which with thewith
agrees rulethe
of the
rulecontinuous system in
of the continuous Section
system in4.1. In addition,
Section 4.1. In
for the one-sided
addition, contact system,
for the one-sided contactit system,
is obvious it isthat the amplitude
obvious boundary of
that the amplitude loss contact
boundary of
loss contactas increases
normal load W increases,
as normal load which means that
W increases, whichthere is lessthat
means chance
thereofislosing contact.
less chance
ofMoreover, the damping
losing contact. Moreover,coefficient ζ has a coefficient
the damping significant ζeffecthas aon the response
significant effectamplitude
on the re- of
a one-sided contact system in the case of loss contact (see Figures 6a
sponse amplitude of a one-sided contact system in the case of loss contact (see Figures 6a and 7a). Therefore,
the 7a).
and identification
Therefore,and thecontrol of the damping
identification and control coefficient are very important
of the damping coefficientfor arethe quality
very im-
control of the practical one-sided contact system with high accuracy requirement,
portant for the quality control of the practical one-sided contact system with high accuracy such as
the micro-cantilever
requirement, such as probe system in the atomic
the micro-cantilever probeforcesystem microscope [28]. force microscope
in the atomic
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Figure 6.
Figure 6. For αα == 1.5, influence of ζζ on the
the frequency-response
frequency-response peak-to-peak
peak-to-peak curves
curves of
of one-sided
one-sided contact
contact system,
system, (a)
(a) W
W == 1
Figure 6. For α = 1.5, influence of ζ on the frequency-response peak-to-peak curves of one-sided contact system, (a) W = 1
and (b) W = 2.
and (b) W
and (b) W == 2.
Figure 7. For α = 0.6, influence of ζ on the frequency-response peak-to-peak curves of one-sided contact system, (a) W = 1
Figure 7.
Figure 7. For
For αα == 0.6,
0.6, influence
influence of
of ζζ on
on the
the frequency-response
frequency-response peak-to-peak
peak-to-peak curves
curves of
W == 11
and (b) W = 2.
and (b)
and (b) W
W == 2.
4.3. Excitation
4.3. Characteristics ofof One-Sided ContactContact System (ζ (ζ = 0.032,
0.032, α α == 1,
1, WW === 1)
4.3. Excitation
Excitation Characteristics
Characteristics of One-Sided
One-Sided Contact System System (ζ = = 0.032, α = 1, W 1)
Next, the
Next, the excitation characteristics
characteristics of the the one-sided contact
contact system will will be considered
Next, the excitation
excitation characteristics of of the one-sided
one-sided contact system system will be be considered
in detail.
in detail. As
As shown
shown in Figure
in Figure 8a,8a, for
for ωω == 1,1, with
with the
the increase
increase in
in the
the excitation
excitation amplitude
amplitude A,
in detail. As shown in Figure 8a, for ω = 1, with the increase in the excitation amplitude A,
the stable response of period-1 solution branch undergoes period-doubling bifurcation bifurcation at at
the stable response of period-1 solution branch undergoes period-doubling bifurcation at
A11, and the coming
hysteresis andand jumping
jumping at
at the the cy-
A1, and the coming period-2 solution branch undergoes hysteresis and jumping at the cy-
clic folding
folding bifurcation
bifurcation points
points A 2 A 2 and
and A 3A, 3, which
which agreeswell
agrees wellwith
numerical bifurcation
clic folding bifurcation points A2 and A3, which agrees well with the numerical bifurcation
diagrams 8b. The period-doubling
period-doubling coexistence of the the
diagrams shownshown in in Figure
Figure 8b. 8b. The period-doubling bifurcation bifurcation leadsleads coexistence
coexistence of the
stable period-1 solution and period-2 solution in the system.
the system. For example, the period-1 period-1
stable period-1 solution and period-2 solution in the system. For example, the period-1
solution P11 and period-2 solution
solution PP2 coexist when when A A == 1. On the otherother hand,
hand, for for ω ω == 1 and
solution P1 and period-2 solution P22 coexist when A = 1. On the other hand, for ω = 1 and
A = 1, the corresponding period-1 solution solution PP11 and period-2 solution solution PP22 are located on the the
A = 1, the corresponding period-1 solution P1 and period-2 solution P2 are located on the
primary resonance
resonance andand 1/2-order sub-harmonic resonance (see Figure 9a), respectively.
1/2-order sub-harmonic respectively. It It
primary resonance and 1/2-order sub-harmonic resonance (see Figure 9a), respectively. It
is indicated
indicated thatthatthe
period-doubling bifurcation
bifurcation at A is1
at1 A
is indicated that the intrinsic triggering mechanism of period-doubling bifurcation at A1
the softening
is the softeningdynamic
dynamic stiffness characteristics
stiffness characteristics of the one-sided
of the one-sided contact
system, where the
is the softening dynamic stiffness characteristics of the one-sided contact system, where
loss of contact
the loss nonlinearity
of contact nonlinearityleadsleads
to thetosoftening 1/2-order
the softening sub-harmonic
1/2-order sub-harmonic resonance
resonance and
the loss of contact nonlinearity leads to the softening 1/2-order sub-harmonic resonance
the corresponding period-2 motions
period-2 excited.
motions In addition,
excited. the system
In addition, also has
the system alsohigher-order
has higher-
and the corresponding period-2 motions excited. In addition, the system also has higher-
stable solutions such as period-3, period-4, and period-5
order stable solutions such as period-3, period-4, and period-5 solution branches solution branches coexisting
order stable solutions such as period-3, period-4, and period-5 solution branches coexist-
ing (see Figure 9b), and they are excited by softening 1/3-order, 1/4-order, and1/5-order
Figure 9b), and they are excited by softening 1/3-order, 1/4-order, and 1/5-order
ing (see Figure 9b), and they are excited by softening 1/3-order, 1/4-order, and 1/5-order
sub-harmonic resonances,
that the
coexisting solution
solution characteristics
sub-harmonic resonances, respectively. It is clear that the coexisting solution characteris-
ticsa of
one-sided contact
a one-sided system
contact are complex
system are complex due due
to the toloss
the of contact
loss nonlinearity.
of contact nonlinearity. Besides,
as of a one-sided
in Figure contact system
9a, unlike are complex
primary due tothe
resonance, the 1/2-order
loss of contact nonlinearity. Be-
sides, as shown in Figure 9a, unlike primary resonance, the 1/2-ordersubharmonic
subharmonic and and 2-2-
order as shown in
super-harmonic Figure 9a, unlike
resonances primary
of the resonance,
system can the
only 1/2-order
be excited subharmonic
in the case of and
losing 2-
order super-harmonic resonances of the system can only be excited in the case of losing
contact, super-harmonic resonances of the system can only be excited in the case of losing
contact, because
because thethe system
system belongs
belongs to to aa linear
linear continuous
continuous systemsystem (α (α== 1)1) below
below the the loss
loss of
contact because the system belongs to a linear continuous system (α = 1) below the loss of
contact boundary.
contact boundary.
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Figure 8. One-sidedcontact
8. One-sided
One-sided contactsystem
contact systemfor
system for
for ω
ω =ω 1,=(a)
= 1, 1, the
(a) (a) periodic
the the periodic
periodic solution
solution branch
branch as theas
as the the excitation
excitation amplitude
amplitude A A and
A varies,
varies, varies,
and (b)
and bifurcation
(b) numerical diagrams
bifurcation of
of x(τ)
x(τ) when
diagrams x(τ)A
of sweeps
sweeps up
up (black
A sweeps up dots)
(black (blackand
dots) and down
dots) (red
(red dots).
Figure 9. One-sided
Figure9. contact
One-sidedcontact system
contactsystem for
(a) the frequency-response
the frequency-response peak-to-peak
frequency-responsepeak-to-peak curves,
peak-to-peakcurves, and
curves,and (b)
and(b) phase
(b)phase portraits
phaseportraits their
Poincare mapping
Poincaremapping dots
mappingdots of
dotsof co-existing
ofco-existing period-n
co-existingperiod-n solutions
period-nsolutions (i.e.,
solutions(i.e., nn)
n)) when
when ω
= 1.
Moreover, as shown
as shown in Figure 8,
in Figure theperiod-doubling
8, the
the period-doublingbifurcations
period-doubling bifurcationsat
bifurcations atatpoints
points A4A
A 4 and
4 and
and A
6 to to
the the period-4
period-4 solution
solution branches
branches excited
excited from from
the the stable
to the period-4 solution branches excited from the stable period-2 branch, and then period-2
period-2 branch,
branch, and and
then period-8
period-8 response
response also also emerges
also emerges
emerges through
through through period-doubling
period-doubling of
of the of the period-4
the period-4
period-4 solution
solution solution
The leading The leading
leading Floquet Floquet
Floquet multiplier
multiplier ofmultiplier
of the
the comingof the
coming period-8coming period-8
period-8 solution solution
solution branch
branch passes branch
passes outoutpasses
of the
unit the from
circle unit
the +1from
the +1 axis
axis atthe
at AA7+1 axisof
7 point
point atA
of AA==7 1.77983603
point of Aas
1.77983603 =A
as 1.77983603
A changes
changes (seeas A
(see changes
Table 1), (see
1), where
the 1), where
the typical
typical reversethe tangent
reverse typical
bifurcationtangent bifurcation
[26,29] is
is clear [26,29]
clear (see
(see is clear
Figure 8b), (see
8b), and Figure
and then
then the
the8b), and
of the motion of type-I intermittency chaos is induced (see
of type-I intermittency chaos is induced (see Figure 10a). As the excitation amplitude A
type-I intermittency chaos is induced (see Figure 10a). AsFigure
the 10a). As
excitation the excitation
amplitude A
increases, theA
loses the loses
loses contact
contact contact characteristics
characteristics of
of the
the system
system of become
the system
become becomeand
stronger, stronger,
and the and
the typical
the typical crisis-induced
crisis-induced [30] [30] intermittency
[30] intermittency
intermittency chaos
chaos (see(seechaos
Figure 10b)
10b) Figure
the in the
the interval
interval a-a
of Fig-
ure of
ure 8b. Figure
8b. At
At this8b. At
this time, this
time, the time,
the type-I the type-I
type-I intermittency intermittency
intermittency chaos chaos
chaos attractor attractor
attractor merges
merges with merges with
with another another
another periodic
orbit, and
and orbit,
Figureand11 Figure
11 shows
shows 11the
the process
processthe ofprocess
of the
the above of theinvolution.
above above involution.
Figure 11. Phase portraits and their Poincare mappings of one-sided contact system for ω = 1,
(a) A = 1.7798, (b) A = 1.78, (c) A = 1.785, and (d) the enlargement of (c), where the red dots denote
the Poincare mapping of unstable period-8 motion at A7 point (see Figure 8).
5. Conclusions
Figure Contact vibrations
11. Phase between
portraits and relativemappings
their Poincare moving components in contact
of one-sided contact systems,
system such
for ω = 1, as=
(a) A
hinges, meshing
1.7798, (b) gears,
A = 1.78, (c) Arolling
= 1.785,bearings, and
and (d) the probe detection
enlargement system,
of (c), where theare often
red dotsinevitable
denote the
due mapping
to the externalofexcitations
unstable period-8 motion at
or roughness and point (see Figure
A7 waviness between 8). contact surfaces, where
the power-form nonlinear load-deformation relationship FC (x) = KC ·xα is commonly satis-
1. Period-8 motion interfaces.
in the contact Floquet multipliers
With the λmaid
around theHB–AFT
of the turning point
methodA8. and Floquet theory, we
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Z.Z.; investigation, Z.Z., Q.W. and Y.Y.; methodology,
Z.Z.; validation, Q.W., Z.Z. and Z.P.; supervision, Z.Z.; writing—original draft preparation, Q.W.,
Z.Z. and Y.Y. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2019M661849),
Jiangsu Planned Projects for Postdoctoral Research Funds (Grant No. 2018K164C), Fundamental Re-
search Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 30920021155), Open-end Research Fund of State
Key Laboratory of Mechanical Behavior and System Safety of Traffic Engineering Structures (Grant
No. KF2020-30), and National Natural Science Foundation of China under (Grant No. 11802130).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: Z.Z. gratefully acknowledges Thomas Sattel (Technische Universität Ilmenau),
Yushu Chen and Qingjie Cao (Harbin Institute of Technology) for considerable help and valuable
suggestions for the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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