Analysis of In-Plane 1:1:1 Internal Resonance of A Double Cable-Stayed Shallow Arch Model With Cables' External Excitations
Analysis of In-Plane 1:1:1 Internal Resonance of A Double Cable-Stayed Shallow Arch Model With Cables' External Excitations
Analysis of In-Plane 1:1:1 Internal Resonance of A Double Cable-Stayed Shallow Arch Model With Cables' External Excitations
1 Introduction
Nowadays, cable-stayed bridges are generally the first choice to cross roads, rivers and valleys
because of their good ratio of economy to span and the mature construction techniques. They
often undergo various complex environmental loads during their service period. Hence, un-
derstanding their mechanical properties under different working conditions has been attracting
many researchers.
∗ Citation: CONG, Y. Y., KANG, H. J., and GUO, T. D. Analysis of in-plane 1:1:1 internal resonance
of a double cable-stayed shallow arch model with cables’ external excitations. Applied Mathematics
and Mechanics (English Edition), 40(7), 977–1000 (2019)
† Corresponding author, E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 11572117, 11502076,
and 11872176)
c Shanghai University and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019
978 Yunyue CONG, Houjun KANG, and Tieding GUO
Many scholars have been putting their interests on dynamics of the shallow arch structures,
which are used to model the bridge deck. Generally, a pre-arch in the planar configuration of
long-span bridges is designed to match the demand of drainage. Hence, the shallow arch rather
than the straight beam is used to model the bridge deck, where its geometric nonlinearity caused
by the initial configuration is considered. However, the shallow arch may lose its stability by
“snap buckling”, in which the structure suddenly jumps from one stable equilibrium configura-
tion to another one[1] . As early as in 1979, Plaut[2] investigated the influence of load position on
stability of the shallow arches. Levitas et al.[3] studied the global dynamic stability of a shallow
elastic arch subject to a distributed constant load by Poincaré-like simple cell mapping. Then,
Breslavsky et al.[4] analyzed the nonlinear modes of snap-through motions of a shallow arch.
Cai et al.[5] studied the in-plane elastic buckling of fixed shallow parabolic arches subject to a
vertical uniform load based on the virtual work formulation to delineate the relation between
arch slenderness and buckling modes. They further provided accurate solutions for the sym-
metric and antisymmetric buckling of fixed shallow parabolic arches and approximate solutions
for symmetric buckling loads of the shallow parabolic arches. Pi and Bradford[6] investigated
the nonlinear dynamic buckling of shallow circular arches under a sudden uniform radial load.
Chen and Lin[7] studied the dynamic snap-through of a shallow arch under a moving point load
in order to explore the effect of the load speed on the snap-through. Then, they investigated
the effects of the elastic foundation on the snap-through buckling of the shallow arch under a
moving point load[8] and the stability of the shallow arch with one end moving at the constant
speed[9] . Abdelgawad et al.[10] investigated the static and dynamic snap-through of the shallow
arch resting on a two-parameter elastic foundation under a point load moving at a constant
speed. Moreover, Ha et al.[11] investigated the stability of a shallow arch under the constant
load. Plaut[12] analyzed snap-through of arches and buckled beams under unilateral displace-
ment control. In addition, many other scholars had studied the nonlinear dynamic behaviors
of the shallow arch. Blair et al.[13] investigated the dynamic response of a shallow arch to the
harmonic force with the method of harmonic balance coupled with a continuation scheme and
Floquet analysis. Lakrad and Schiehlen[14] investigated the effects of slowly varying periodic
parametric excitation on a hinged shallow arch. Furthermore, due to the initial static configu-
ration of the shallow arch, the internal resonance may be activated. Under this circumstance,
the energy transfer between the involved resonant modes may occur, which results in the rich
and complex dynamic behaviors[15]. Tien et al.[16–17] investigated the weakly nonlinear one-to-
one and one-to-two internal resonances of a two-degree-of-freedom shallow arch subject to the
simple harmonic excitation. Malhotra and Namachchivaya[18–19] studied the global bifurcations
of the shallow arch structure subject to a spatially and temporally varying load under the con-
ditions of principal sub-harmonic resonance and one-to-one and one-to-two internal resonance
near single-mode periodic motions. Deng et al.[20] studied dynamic impact factors for simply-
supported bridges due to vehicle braking, where a three-dimensional vehicle-bridge coupled
model was established. Then, Deng et al.[21] developed a new multi-point tire model for study-
ing the bridge-vehicle coupled vibration compared with the existing single-point tire model and
disk model using the numerical simulation. Bi and Dai[22] analyzed the nonlinear dynamics and
bifurcations of the shallow arch subject to the periodic excitation with the internal resonance.
Chen and Liao[23] investigated the motion of the shallow arch with one end pinned in space
while the other end was attached to a mass and simultaneously supported by a spring at the
attached mass through experimental and theoretical analyses. Using Galerkin’s method and
the numerical integration, Yi et al.[24] studied the nonlinear dynamic behaviors of a viscoelastic
shallow arch. Moreover, Yi et al.[25] investigated the modal interaction activations and the two-
to-one internal resonance of the shallow arch with both ends vertically elastically constrained.
In addition, Ding et al.[26] studied the steady-state periodic response of the forced vibration of
a traveling viscoelastic beam under the 3:1 internal resonance. The direct multi-scale method
was used to determine the steady-state response amplitudes, and Galerkin’s method was used
Analysis of in-plane 1:1:1 internal resonance of a double cable-stayed shallow arch model 979
to verify the approximate solutions. They held that the effect of the internal resonance cannot
be ignored.
Meanwhile, cable dynamics has also attracted much attention in the past decades. A de-
tailed review of cables’ dynamic study history can be found in the related paper by Rega[27] .
Here, some studies on cable’s resonant dynamics are reviewed. Pakdemirli et al.[28] analyzed
the one-to-one internal resonance between the in-plane and out-of-plane modes and the pri-
mary resonance of the in-plane mode of cables. Zhao et al.[29] examined cable’s one-to-one
resonant interaction dynamics subject to a harmonic excitation using Galerkin’s method and
the multi-scale method. Srinil et al.[30] and Srinil and Rega[31] investigated the two-to-one inter-
nal resonance, multi-modal and free dynamics of horizontal/inclined cables and presented the
approximate closed form solutions for small sagged cables. Using the exterior matrix method,
Paulsen and Manning[32] established a theory to compute the eigenfrequencies of the structure
composed of a series of inclined cables. Zhao and Wang[33] conducted further studies on the
suspended cable’s three-to-one internal resonance by using the multi-scale method to directly
attack the nonlinear partial differential equation and boundary conditions. Based upon the
boundary resonant modulation concept, cable’s triad and two-to-one mode interactions un-
der support motions are solved in a unified way, through attacking the continuous dynamic
equations directly with the multi-scale method by Guo et al.[34] . Next, Guo et al.[35] investi-
gated cable’s nonlinear coupled dynamics excited by out-of-plane support motions, established
a boundary modulation formulation using multi-scale expansions, and analyzed the cable’s
two-to-one nonlinear resonant responses based on the boundary modulation formulation tech-
nique. Moreover, Guo et al.[36] studied cable dynamics under non-ideal longitudinal support
motions/excitations. By introducing a large support/cable mass ratio, the cable-support dy-
namic interaction was properly modeled, and a cable-support coupled model was established
using multi-scale expansions and asymptotic approximations. It is observed that only the single
member, such as cables or a shallow arch, is concerned in the above works.
In addition, some composite structures have also been investigated, such as the cable-stayed
beam systems. Fujino et al.[37] and Fujino and Xia[38] studied the dynamics of a three-degree-of-
freedom model of a cable-stayed beam. Gattulli et al.[39] investigated the parametric influence
on linear and nonlinear behaviors of a cable-stayed beam model. Lenci and Ruzziconi[40] inves-
tigated the nonlinear vibrations in the single-mode dynamics of a cable-supported beam. The
cable-stayed beam structure, consisting of a single cable and a beam, was concerned in these
works, but it could not reveal the interaction among those different cables and the beam.
Actually, the stayed cables are susceptible to the external load, especially the wind and
traffic loads, due to their large flexibility, relatively small mass and very low inherent damping.
Hence, the weak external interference may cause large vibrations of cables or the overall system.
It is necessary to build a more complex model to explore the dynamic interactions among
different cables and the deck. In our previous work[41] , a double cable-stayed shallow arch
model of the cable-stayed bridge was proposed, and its nonlinear dynamic behaviors were
investigated when the boundary excitation is applied to the right end of the shallow arch.
In this paper, the nonlinear dynamic behaviors of the double cable-stayed shallow arch model
when cables are subject to external harmonic excitations will be investigated, with the condition
of simultaneously one-to-one-to-one internal resonance among the lowest modes of cables and
the shallow arch and external primary resonance of cables. This work is organized as follows.
Firstly, the geometric configuration of the double cable-stayed shallow arch model is given, and
the planar dynamic equations governing the motion of cables and the shallow arch are presented.
Then, Galerkin’s method is used to deduce the ordinary differential equations (ODEs) of the
system, and the multi-scale method is used to deduce its modulation equations. Thirdly, the
numerical analysis of the double cable-stayed shallow arch system is conducted. Frequency-
and force-response curves under different conditions are presented to explore the rich dynamic
behaviors. Finally, some interesting phenomena are obtained, and conclusions are given.
980 Yunyue CONG, Houjun KANG, and Tieding GUO
2 Mathematical model
The double cable-stayed shallow arch model is described in Fig. 1. Here, both ends of the
shallow arch are hinged. The upper ends of two cables are also hinged, and the lower ends
are jointed with the shallow arch at the points s1 and s2 , respectively. Some assumptions are
given as follows: (i) the lateral vibration of the shallow arch is not considered; (ii) the effect of
motion of towers on the oscillation of the system is neglected, due to the fact that experiment
measurements and the finite element analysis of a real cable-stayed bridge demonstrate that
motion of towers is minimal vibration[42–43] ; (iii) the flexural, torsional, shear strain, and the
longitudinal inertia force of cables are ignorable; (iv) the axial extensions of cables are described
by Lagrangian strain of the centerline[39] .
7B T 7K'
T 6 MB K 7K'
For the two Cartesian coordinates: Oys and Oj yj xj (j = 1, 2) as shown in Fig. 1, Uj and
Vj denote the axial and transverse displacements of the jth cable, respectively. mj is its mass
per unit length. Ej Aj is its axial stiffness. Hj is its static cable tension. lj is its length of
span. µj is its damping ratio. Va denotes the transverse displacement of the shallow arch with
respect to the static equilibrium configuration. ma is its mass per unit length. Ea Ia is its
bending stiffness. la is its length of span. µa is its damping ratio. θj denotes the angle between
the overall vertical direction and the axial coordinate of cables. Ya and Yj denote the initial
equilibrium configurations of cables and the shallow arch, respectively. In order to obtain a
non-dimensional form, the following non-dimensional quantities are defined:
Xj Yj Vj Aa la2
xj = , τ = ω 0 t, y j = , vj = , η = ,
lj lj lj Ia
Va la S Ya
va = la , γcj = lcj , s = la , ya = la ,
ξj ξa ma ω02 la4 Ej Aj
µj = , µa = , βa4 = , λj = ,
mj ω 0 ma ω 0 Ea Ia Hj
2 2
2 m ω l
j 0 j Ej Aj
βj =
, κj = , ω0 = 1.0 rad/s,
Hj ma ω02 la2
where ω0 is a given frequency, such as 1 or the first structural modal frequency. According
to the classical extended Hamilton’s principle, the planar transverse vibration equations of the
shallow arch[19] and cables[39] are obtained as follows:
1 ′′′′ η 1 1 ′2
′ ′ ′′ ′′
v − v + y a a ds (va + ya ) + µa va,τ + va,τ τ = Pa (s, τ ),
v (2)
βa4 a βa4 0 2 a
vj,τ τ + µj vj,τ − 2 (vj′′ + λj (yj′′ + vj′′ )ej (τ )) = Pj (x) cos(Ωτ ), (3)
Analysis of in-plane 1:1:1 internal resonance of a double cable-stayed shallow arch model 981
where va,τ = ∂v∂τ , and vj,τ = ∂τ . Pa (s, τ ) is the dynamic tension of the cable acting on the
a j
shallow arch, which is caused by the interconnection between cables and the shallow arch at the
joint points. Pj and Ω are the amplitudes and frequency of the external harmonic excitation,
respectively. The prime indicates differentiation with respect to the coordinates s and x.
For the reduced double cable-stayed shallow arch model, it should satisfy the following
boundary and continuation conditions:
va (0) = va (1) = 0, va′′ (0) = va′′ (1, t) = 0,
va (sj ) sin θj + uj (1) = 0, va (sj ) cos θj + vj (1) = 0.
In addition, the relevant mechanical equilibrium condition at the joint points should also be
satisfied. The excitation mechanism induced by the angle-variation of the cable tension during
vibration is considered. In the vibration process, the shear difference of the shallow arch at the
joint points sj will be balanced with the dynamic forces of cables, which can be assumed as
the external excitation to the shallow arch, namely, the term Pa (s, τ ) in Eq. (2), which has the
following expression:
Pa (s, τ ) = δ(s − sj )κj ej (τ ) sin(θj + vj′ (1)), (5)
where δ is the Dirac delta function. vj′ (1) is the angle-variation of cables between the actual
vibration location and their reference configuration as shown in Fig. 1(b). Under the assumption
of the small value of vj′ (1), the approximation that sin(vj′ (1)) ≈ vj′ (1) can be adopted. ej (τ ) is
the uniform dynamic elongation of cables given as follows:
ej (τ ) = −γj va (sj , τ ) sin θj + yj′ vj′ + vj′2 dxj . (6)
0 2
Based on these previous assumptions, the displacement expressions of cables and the shallow
arch can be written in the following form:
where qj (τ ) and g(τ ) are the generalized coordinates, and φa (s) and ϕj (xj ) are the first-order
eigen-functions or trial functions. The linearized governing equations and the influence of key
parameters on the eigenvalue problem were investigated by Cong et al.[44] . In that work,
the piecewise modal function formulas of the shallow arch that satisfy both the displacement
and mechanical conditions were derived. Inserting φa (s) and ϕj (xj ) into Eqs. (2) and (3) and
imposing Galerkin’s integral, the following nonlinear ODEs of the double cable-stayed shallow
arch model can be obtained as follows:
gτ τ + µa gτ + b11 g + b12 q1 + b13 g 2 + b14 gq1 + b15 q12 + b16 q2 + b17 gq2 + b18 q22 + b19 g 3
+ b110 g 2 q1 + b111 gq12 + b112 g 2 q2 + b113 gq22 + b114 q13 + b115 q23 = 0, (9)
qj,τ τ + µcj qj,τ + b(j+1)1 gτ + b(j+1)2 gτ τ + b(j+1)3 g + b(j+1)4 qj + b(j+1)5 g + b(j+1)6 gqj
+ b(j+1)7 qj2 + b(j+1)8 g 2 qj + b(j+1)9 gqj2 + b(j+1)10 qj3 + b(j+1)11 cos(Ωτ ) = 0, (10)
dg dq
where gτ = dτ , and qj,τ = dτj . b1n (n = 1, 2, · · · , 15) and b(j+1)m (m = 1, 2, · · · , 11) are the
relevant coefficients of corresponding polynomials of the above ODEs, given in Appendix A.
Compared with our previous work[41] , the new cubic terms, namely, the last six terms in the
982 Yunyue CONG, Houjun KANG, and Tieding GUO
governing equation of the shallow arch shown in Eq. (9), appear but the forced and parametric
excitation terms vanish, and in cables’ equations, the forced excitation is applied as shown in
Eq. (10). Moreover, it should be noted that, compared with the cable-beam system, the initial
geometrical configuration of the shallow arch generates the quadratic nonlinearity of the system,
which can be seen in the expression of b13 in Eq. (9).
3 Perturbation analysis
In order to obtain a uniformly valid approximate solution of this problem, the excitation
term should be regarded as the same order with the damping and the nonlinearity. According
to the multi-scale method[45] , a small bookkeeping parameter ε is artificially introduced into
Eqs. (9) and (10). Then, the following equations are achieved:
gτ τ + ε2 µa gτ + ωa2 g + εb12 q1 + εb13 g 2 + εb14 gq1 + εb15 q12 + εb16 q2 + εb17 gq2 + εb18 q22
+ ε2 b19 g 3 + ε2 b110 g 2 q1 + ε2 b111 gq12 + ε2 b112 g 2 q2 + ε2 b113 gq22 + ε2 b114 q13 + ε2 b115 q23 = 0, (11)
qj,τ τ + ε2 µcj qj,τ + ε2 b(j+1)1 gτ + ε2 b(j+1)2 gτ τ + εb(j+1)3 g + ωj2 qj + εb(j+1)5 g 2 + εb(j+1)6 gqj
+ εb(j+1)7 qj2 + ε2 b(j+1)8 g 2 q1 + ε2 b(j+1)9 gqj2 + ε2 b(j+1)10 qj3 + ε2 b(j+1)11 cos(Ωτ ) = 0, (12)
where ωa2 = b11 , ωb2 = b24 , and ωc2 = b34 .
The uniform expansions of g and qj can be expressed in the following forms:
g= εi−1 gi (T0 , T2 ), (13)
qj = εi−1 qji (T0 , T2 ), (14)
where T0 = τ is the fast time scale, and T2 = ε2 τ is the slow time scale. Substituting Eqs. (13)
and (14) into Eqs. (11) and (12) and equating the coefficients of the same order of ε, the following
differential equations can be obtained:
ε0 : (D02 + ωa2 )g1 = 0, (15)
(D02 + ωj2 )qj1 = 0, (16)
ε : (D02 + ωa2 )g2 = −b12 q11 − b13 g12 − b14 g1 q11 − b15 q11
2 2
− b16 q21 − b17 g1 q21 − b18 q21 , (17)
2 2 2 2
(D0 + ωj )qj2 = −b(j+1)3 g1 − b(j+1)5 g1 − b(j+1)6 g1 qj1 − b(j+1)7 qj1 , (18)
ε : (D02 + ωa2 )g3 = −µa D0 g1 − 2D0 D2 g1 − 2b12 g1 g2 − b13 g13 − b14 q12 − b15 g2 q11
− b15 g1 q12 − 2b16 q11 q12 − b17 q22 − b18 g2 q21 − b18 g1 q22 − 2b19 q21 q22 , (19)
(D02 + ωj2 )qj3 = −b(j+1)11 cos(ΩT0 ) − b(j+1)3 g2 − 2b(j+1)5 g1 g2 − b(j+1)8 g12 qj1
2 3
− b(j+1)6 g2 qj1 − b(j+1)9 g1 qj1 − b(j+1)10 qj1 − b(j+1)6 g1 qj2
− 2b(j+1)7 qj1 qj2 − b(j+1)1 D0 g1 − µcj D0 qj1
− 2D0 D2 qj1 − b(j+1)2 D02 g1 , (20)
where c.c. denotes the complex conjugate of the preceding terms. An (n = 1, 2, 3) are the
unknown complex functions of the slow time scale, which are assumed to be the polar form as
An (T2 ) = an (T2 )eiψn (T2 ) , (23)
where an and ψn are the amplitude and the phase angle of An , respectively. By substituting the
solutions at the orders ε0 and ε1 into Eqs. (19) and (20), the solutions including the secular terms
at the order ε2 can be obtained, which are given in Appendix B. Furthermore, the detuning
parameters σ, σ1 , and σ2 are introduced to describe the nearness of the external primary and
internal resonances, defined as
Ω = ωb + ε2 σ, ωa = ωb + ε2 σ1 , ωc = ωb + ε2 σ2 . (24)
By eliminating the secular terms and separating the real and imaginary parts, the coupled
modulation equations in the polar form of the system can be obtained as follows:
8ωa a1,T2 = −4µa ωa a1 − Γ9a a1 a32 sin(2α1 ) + ((Γ5a − Γ6a )a21 a2 − Γ7a a32 − Γ8a a2 a23 − 4b21 ωa2 a21 ) sin α1
− Γ12 2 10 2 18 19
a a2 a3 sin(α1 − 2α3 ) − Γa a1 a3 sin(2α1 − 2α3 ) + (Γa − Γa )a1 a2 a3 sin α3
− Γ13 2 11 14 2 15 2 16 3
a a2 a3 sin(α1 + α3 ) + ((Γa − Γa )a1 a3 − Γa a2 a3 − Γa a3 ) sin(α1 − α3 )
− Γ17
a a1 a2 a3 sin(2α1 − α3 ), (25)
8ωa ωb a1 a2 α1,T2 = 8ωa ωb a1 a2 σ1 − (4ωb Γ1a − 4ωa Γ5b )a1 a2 − (ωb Γ2a − ωa Γ6b )a31 a2 − (ωb Γ3a
− ωa Γ7b )a1 a32 − (ωb Γ4a − ωa Γ8b )a1 a2 a23 + (4Γ1b ωa3 + Γ2b ωa a21 + (Γ3b + Γ10 2
b )ωa a2
+ Γ4b ωa a23 − (Γ5a + Γ6a )ωb a22 )a21 cos α1 − (Γ7a a32 + Γ8a a22 a23 )ωb cos α1 − (ωb Γ9a a22
− ωa Γ9b a21 )a1 a2 cos(2α1 ) − (ωb Γ12 2 13 2 2
a a2 − ωa Γb a1 )a3 cos(α1 − 2α3 )
− ωb Γ10 2 11 14 16 18 2
a a1 a2 a3 cos(2α1 − 2α3 ) − ((Γa ωb + Γa ωb − Γb ωa − Γb ωa )a1
+Γ15 2 16 2 17 2 14 3
a a +Γa a3 )a2 a3 cos(α1 −α3 )−(Γa ωb a1 a2 a3 −ωa Γb a1 a3 ) cos(2α1 −α3 )
− (ωb Γ13 2 17 2 18
a a2 − ωa Γb a1 )a2 a3 cos(α1 + α3 ) − 4ωa b211 a1 cos α2 − ((Γa
+ Γ19 2 11 12 2 15 2
a )ωb a1 a2 a3 − ωa (Γb + Γb a1 )a1 a3 ) cos α3 + ωa Γb a1 a2 a3 cos(2α3 )
+ 4b21 ωa2 a21 sin α1 , (26)
8ωb a2,T2 = −4µc1ωb a2 − 4b21 ωa a1 cos α1 + (4Γ1b ωa2
+ Γ2b a21 + (Γ3b − Γ10 2 4 2
b )a2 + Γb a3 )a1 sin α1
− 4b211 sin α2 − Γ13 2 16 18
b a1 a3 sin(α1 − 2α3 ) − (Γb − Γb )a1 a2 a3 sin(α1 − α3 )
+ Γ14 2 9 2 11 12 2
b a1 a3 sin(2α1 − α3 ) + Γb a1 a2 sin(2α1 ) + (4Γb + Γb a1 )a3 sin α3
+ Γ15 2 17
b a2 a3 sin(2α3 ) + Γb a1 a2 a3 sin(α1 + α3 ), (27)
5 6 2 7 3 8 2
8ωb a2 α2,T2 = 8ωb a2 σ + 4Γb a2 + Γb a1 a2 + Γb a2 + Γb a2 a3 + 4b21 ωa a1 sin α1 − 4b211 cos α2
+ Γ9b a21 a2 cos(2α1 )+(4Γ1b +Γ2ba21 +(Γ3b +Γ10 2 4 2
b )a2 + Γb a3 )a1 cos α1
+ Γ13 2 17 16 18
b a1 a3 cos(α1 −2α3 )+Γb a1 a2 a3 cos(α1 +α3 )+(Γb +Γb )a1 a2 a3 cos(α1
− α3 )+Γ14 2 11 12 2 15 2
b a1 a3 cos(2α1 − α3 )+(4Γb +Γb a1 )a3 cos α3 +Γb a2 a3 cos(2α3 ), (28)
8ωc a3,T2 = −4µc2 ωc a3 − (Γ16 17 18
c − Γc )a1 a2 a3 sin α1 + Γc a1 a2 a3 sin(α1 − 2α3 )
− 4b31 ωa a1 cos(α1 − α3 ) − 4b311 sin(α2 − α3 ) + Γ14 2
c a1 a3 sin(2α1 − 2α3 )
+ (4Γ1c a1 + Γ2c a31 + Γ3c a1 a22 + (Γ4c − Γ13 2 7 2
c )a1 a3 ) sin(α1 − α3 ) + Γc a1 a2 sin(2α1 − α3 )
− (4Γ5c a2 + Γ6c a21 a2 )sin α3 − Γ15 2 8 2
c a2 a3 sin(2α3 ) − Γc a1 a2 sin(α1 + α3 ), (29)
984 Yunyue CONG, Houjun KANG, and Tieding GUO
The stable equilibrium solutions of the modulation equations (25)–(30) corresponding to the
steady periodic motion of cables and the shallow arch can be determined by setting az,T2 =
αz,T2 = 0. Then, the Newton-Raphson method is used to solve the modulation equations.
Stability of motion can be determined by eigenvalues of Jacobian matrix of the linearized
equilibrium equations in Eqs. (25)–(30).
4 Discussion
In this section, the following parameters are used for the reduced double cable-stayed shallow
arch model to explore its nonlinear dynamic behaviors under the one-to-one-to-one internal and
external primary resonances. For cables: Young’s modulus Ej = 2.1 × 1011 Pa, cross-section
area Aj = 7.8 × 10−3 m2 , mass per unit length mj = 48.59 kg/m, their initial cable tension
Hj = 4 × 106 N, their incline degree θj = π/6, the length of cable lj = 200 m; for the shallow
arch: Young’s modulus Ea = 2 × 1011 Pa, second moment of area Ia = 1.2 m4 , cross-section
area Aa = 2.158 m2 , mass per unit length ma = 1.694 × 104 kg/m, length of span la = 300 m.
The initial equilibrium configuration of the shallow arch can be given in the form of function
ya = (ha /2)(1 − cos(2πs))[15] , where ha is the non-dimensional rise of arch, which can be
used to adjust the frequency of the shallow arch in order to obtain different internal resonance
combinations between cables and the shallow arch. The relational figure of frequencies of cables
and the shallow arch is given in Fig. 2.
Additionally, some typical non-dimensional parameters of cables and the shallow arch are
calculated and presented in Table 1.
Table 1 Frequencies and non-dimensional parameters of cables and the shallow arch
Cable Shallow arch
ωb (ωc ) κj λj βj ωa η βa
4.537 63 1.611 57 409.5 0.697 28 4.580 96 161 850 4.889 86
Note that ωa , ωb , and ωc are the circular frequencies
Hopf bifurcation (HB4), and they all increase with the decreasing of the detuning parameter σ.
Form the above discussion, it can be seen that because of the internal resonance among cables
and the shallow arch, the vibration of one cable subject to excitation can induce vibrations and
jump phenomena of other cables and the shallow arch (deck), which can be used to interpret
the vibration of multi-cable of cable-stayed bridge in practice.
Furthermore, the comparison of choosing the common sine function and the exact piecewise
function (given again in Eq. (32)) as the trial functions of the shallow arch in Galerkin’s in-
tegration is firstly investigated for the purpose to explore validity and consistency of the two
results. The modal shape of the exact piecewise function of the shallow arch was given in
Ref. [46], where it had been proved that the exact piecewise function can satisfy boundary and
continuous conditions of the system. Figures 3(b)–5(b) show the frequency-response curves of
response amplitudes of two cables and the shallow arch by choosing sine functions as the trial
functions in Galerkin’s integration. It is seen that there is just a slight difference between these
two results. The frequencies of excitation inducing bifurcation only drift to the right side a
little. Besides, frequency-responses of the system obtained by these two methods have almost
identical behaviors. Based on the comparison, the following conclusion can be made. The
two different trial functions have a good consistency at the displacement response level of the
system, and all of them can be used to deduce the ODEs of the double cable-stayed shallow
arch model with Galerkin’s method. Choosing the piecewise function as the trial function of
the shallow arch might have a better accuracy because both the displacement and mechanical
continuous conditions, especially at the joint points s1 and s2 , are satisfied simultaneously.
However, due to the simple expression and the highly computational efficiency, the common
sine function is regarded as the trial function in the following analysis:
ai1 cos(βa xi ) + ai2 sin(βa xi ) + ai3 cosh(βa xi ) + ai4 sinh(βa xi ) + ai5 R,
φa (x) = (32)
si−1 < xi < si , i = 1, 2, 3, s0 = 0, s3 = 1,
where ℜ is the term that depends on the initial static configuration of the shallow arch, and
the other coefficients can be seen in our previous work[44].
3VOHF-,VUUB Stable
Fig. 3 The frequency-response curves of the shallow arch
Figures 6–8 show the force-response curves of two cables and the shallow arch by fixing the
external detuning parameter σ to be a constant, respectively. From the following figures, it
is apparently found that the dynamic behaviors of the present system when σ > 0 are more
complex than that as σ < 0. Only one stable branch of the solution is obtained when σ < 0
as shown in Fig. 8 while the multi-solutions and bifurcations are observed when σ > 0 as
shown in Figs. 6 and 7. The major reason may be that the initial deflection given in the system
is small when σ < 0, which confirms the importance of initial deflection in the nonlinear system.
Analysis of in-plane 1:1:1 internal resonance of a double cable-stayed shallow arch model 987
3VOHF-,VUUB Stable
)# Unstable
Actually, the other solution may be found when the other initial conditions are given. Fur-
thermore, the force-response curves of Cable 2 and the shallow arch are similar but different
from those of Cable 1. From a view of energy transfer, it might be that two cables are identical
but the energy sources sustaining the vibration of Cable 1 and the other two members, namely
Cable 2 and the shallow arch, are different. The energy inducing vibration of Cable 1 is coming
from the external resonance, which leads to a relatively large response. However, the energy
sustaining the motion of Cable 2 is coming from the excitation of the shallow arch, and the
energy sustaining the vibration of the shallow arch is coming from Cable 1, indirectly. The
response amplitude of the shallow arch is very small (almost close to zero) because the total
energy coming from Cable 1 is not enough to support its large vibration, and some of them are
transferred to Cable 2. It is interesting that, why can the small energy coming from the shallow
arch support the large vibration of Cable 2 as shown Figs. 6(b)–8(b)? The main reason may
be that Cable 2 is excited by the parametric and forced load at its lower end. The parametric
and forced excitation can induce the large vibration even the excitation force is very small[47] .
This implies that it is almost invalid to control the vibration of the deck in order to control the
vibration of the cable.
The bifurcation and jump in the force-response curves of the system are also observed in
Figs. 6 and 7. There are two changing routes of solutions when the excitation force increases
from zero as described in Fig. 6. One way is that, with the increasing of the excitation force, a
jump induced by a saddle node bifurcation (SN1) appears, and then the response amplitude of
988 Yunyue CONG, Houjun KANG, and Tieding GUO
B 4/
1 1
)# )#
1 1
Cable 1 decreases, but the response amplitudes of the other two members increase in a small
force range; then all response amplitudes increase with the increasing of the excitation force till
another saddle node bifurcation (SN2) occurs, which triggers another jump phenomenon; all the
response amplitudes increase with the further increasing of the excitation force. The other way
is that the saddle bifurcation (SN3) makes the solutions jump to the upper stable branch and
then increase with the further increasing of the excitation force. On the contrary, there are also
two changing routes of solutions when the excitation force decreases from 0.5. Additionally, the
saddle node bifurcations (SN1 and SN2) and Hopf bifurcations (HB1, HB2, HB3, and HB4) are
also identified in the force-response curves in Fig. 7, which should be given more attention. It
is seen that, from the amplitude-response curves when σ < 0 as shown in Fig. 8, increasing the
frequencies of members of cable-stayed bridge can effectively reduce the generation of complex
dynamic behaviors, which can be used to compress the vibration of cables in design.
4.2 Both cables subject to harmonic excitation
In this section, nonlinear dynamic behaviors of the double cable-stayed shallow arch system
with both two cables subject to the external harmonic excitations are investigated. Similarly,
the frequency-response and force-response curves are used to explore dynamic behaviors of the
system. Figure 9 presents frequency-response curves of cables and the shallow arch with the
same parameters mentioned above and the identical external excitation force as P1 = P2 = 0.1.
Analysis of in-plane 1:1:1 internal resonance of a double cable-stayed shallow arch model 989
)# )#
4/ )# )# 4UBCMF
1 1
It should be noted that a new triple-peak is firstly observed in frequency-response curves of the
shallow arch, and the triple-peak bends to the lower direction of the horizontal axis of detuning
the parameter σ for the softening property in Fig. 9(a). In Fig. 9(b), it can be seen that there
are four stable branches of solutions since there are almost four peaks of the frequency-response
curves, where two of them arise from the TB. Hence, although only three stable branches of
solutions of the shallow arch are observed, there are actually four stable branches as σ < 0 in
Fig. 9(a), where two branches arising from the TB are overlapped. Additionally, it is also seen
that, for σ > 0, the jump phenomena of cables disappear since there is just one stable branch
of the solution. By comparing curves in Fig. 9 with those in Figs. 3–5, it is seen that the Hopf
bifurcation in the lower stable branch of solutions also disappears since another excitation is
applied on Cable 2. Therefore, the dynamic behaviors of the system depend on not only the
dynamic model but also its applied excitation. The excitation applied on Cable 2 not only
increases the stable branches of solutions but also controls some of the bifurcations.
Accordingly, the force-response curves of the system in this case are presented. Figure 10
shows the force-response curves of two cables and the shallow arch as σ = 0.3. The Hopf
bifurcation and jump phenomenon in the force-response curves of the system are observed
again. With the increasing of the excitation force, the response amplitudes of cables and the
shallow arch increase sharply and slightly in a small range, respectively, and then lose stability
through the Hopf bifurcation (HB), after a jump phenomenon can be observed with the further
increasing of the excitation force. On the other hand, with the decreasing of the excitation
force from 0.5, the response amplitudes of cables and the shallow arch decrease till a small
value where they jump to zero.
990 Yunyue CONG, Houjun KANG, and Tieding GUO
1 1
)# )#
)# 5#
)# )#
Figures 11 and 12 present force-response curves of cables and the shallow arch as σ = −0.5,
respectively. It should be noted again that there are four stable branches for cables, but only
three stable branches for the shallow arch are observed as shown in these figures. The force-
response curves are relatively simple. With the increasing of the excitation force, the response
amplitude of the shallow arch increases, but those of two cables might increase or decrease,
which depends on the initial deflection of cables.
Analysis of in-plane 1:1:1 internal resonance of a double cable-stayed shallow arch model 991
1 1
Fig. 10 The force-response curves of the shallow arch and both cables as σ = 0.3
1 1
Generally, the applied load on each cable might be different since the environmental load
is very complex in engineering. In the following, the case of two external excitations with
different amplitudes by fixing P2 = 0.1 is considered, and their force-response curves are given.
Figures 13 and 14 show the force-response curves of cables and the shallow arch on the conditions
of σ = 0.3 and σ = −0.5, respectively. These curves are relatively simple. The jump phenomena
992 Yunyue CONG, Houjun KANG, and Tieding GUO
1 1
1 1
of cables and the shallow arch disappear in Fig. 13 compared with the former case in Fig. 10.
The Hopf bifurcations of them appear in Fig. 14 compared with the former cases in Figs. 11 and
12. Moreover, it can be seen that the responses of the shallow arch and Cable 2 always increase
monotonically but that of Cable 1 might increase or decrease as shown in Figs. 14(e) and 14(h)
when the excitation frequency is less than the natural frequency of cables. The asymmetric
excitation and the complex intercoupling might cause different energy transfer between the
shallow arch and different cables. The downtrends of force response curve should be taken
seriously, which tell us that the dynamic response and the excitation amplitude may not be
necessarily proportional.
5 Conclusions
The partial differential equations governing in-plane motion of a double cable-stayed shallow
arch model are derived when harmonic excitations are applied to cables, and the nonlinear
dynamic behaviors of the system with one-to-one-to-one internal resonance and the external
primary resonance of cables are investigated. Galerkin’s integral method is used to obtain ODEs,
and the multi-scale method is used to derive modulation equations governing the amplitude
and phase of the system. Furthermore, the frequency- and force-response curves are given to
investigate in-plane nonlinear dynamic behaviors of the system.
Moreover, in order to consider the effect of a trial function on a nonlinear system, the
common sine function and the exact piecewise function are chosen as the trial functions in
Galerkin’s integration, respectively. The validity and accuracy are further verified by analyzing
Analysis of in-plane 1:1:1 internal resonance of a double cable-stayed shallow arch model 993
1 1 1
)# )#
)# )#
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
nonlinear dynamic responses of the system. Additionally, the influence of asymmetry caused by
the external excitation on the dynamic behaviors of the system is considered. Some interesting
and meaningful conclusions can be drawn as follows:
(i) There only exists a slight difference between the results obtained by two different trial
functions, i.e., sine and piecewise functions. The exact piecewise function as the trial function of
the shallow arch has a better accuracy because both the geometrical and mechanical conditions
are considered.
(ii) The multi-peaks of the frequency-responses of both the shallow arch and two cables are
firstly and simultaneously observed in the double cable-stayed shallow arch system.
(iii) The behaviors of two identical cables are different under the condition of the external
excitation applied to one of cables, because one is excited by a forced excitation, and the other
one is excited by the parametric and forced excitation coming from the motion of the shallow
arch. Due to the internal resonance and the complex intercoupling between cables and the
shallow arch, the cable that does not bear the load directly can behave larger responses, which
only has the double jump phenomenon in the frequency-response curves.
(iv) Under different loading conditions, the frequency-responses of cables may behave a
softening or hardening property while those of the shallow arch always behave a softening
property. When cables are subject to the symmetry excitation, dynamic behaviors of the
system are relatively simple, and some Hopf bifurcations vanish.
(v) Different initial deflections of two cables can lead to different variation trends (the
downtrend or uptrend) of their response amplitudes and generate different jump phenomena.
In addition, the overlapping solution can make the jump phenomenon disappear.
From the above discussion and conclusions, it is seen that the one-to-one-to-one internal
resonance among cables and the shallow arch induces energy transfer among them and si-
multaneously causes complex dynamic behaviors, such as jump phenomena and bifurcations.
Moreover, different initial disturbance and the symmetry of external excitations can also affect
the dynamic behaviors of the system. Hence, the nonlinear dynamic analysis should be paid
more attention in engineering design of the cable-stayed bridge.
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996 Yunyue CONG, Houjun KANG, and Tieding GUO
Appendix A
In order to simplify the expression of Galerkin’s integral coefficients of Eqs. (9) and (10), the fol-
Analysis of in-plane 1:1:1 internal resonance of a double cable-stayed shallow arch model 997
where m = 0 denotes that the term does not exist, ϕm and ym represent the mode shapes and initial
configurations of cables and shallow-arch, respectively, and ϕ3 = φa , y3 = ya .
2 2
Γ33 (r33 − ηd33 f33 ) 1 X X
b11 = ωa2 = 4
− Γ33 dj0 κj φ2a (sj ) sin(2θj ) + Γ33 γj κj φ2a (sj ) sin2 θj ,
βa 2 j=1 j=1
b23 = (γ1 sin θ1 − λ1 d10 cos θ1 )Γ22 φa (s1 )f11 /β12 , b24 = −Γ22 (λ1 d11 f11 + h11 )/β12 ,
b25 = − λ1 Γ22 φ2a (s1 )f11 cos2 θ1 /β12 ,
b26 = −λ1 Γ22 cos θ1 φa (s1 )(d10 f11 + d01 h11 ) + λ1 γ1 Γ22 φa (s1 )h11 sin θ1 ,
“1 ” 1
b27 = −λ1 Γ22 l11 f11 + d11 h11 /β12 , b28 = − λ1 Γ22 φ2a (s1 )h11 cos2 θ1 /β12 ,
2 2
b29 = −λ1 Γ22 φa (s1 )d01 h11 cos θ1 /β12 , b210 = − λ1 Γ22 l11 h11 /β12 , b211 = −P1 Γ22 f01 ,
b31 = µ2 φa (s2 )Γ33 s22 cos θ2 , b32 = Γ33 φa (s2 )s22 cos θ2 , b33 = λ2 Γ33 φa (s2 )f22 (sin θ2 − d20 cos θ2 )/β22 ,
998 Yunyue CONG, Houjun KANG, and Tieding GUO
λ2 Γ33 d22 f22 Γ33 h22 1
b34 = − − , b35 = − λ2 Γ33 φ2a (s2 )f22 cos2 θ2 /β22 ,
β22 β22 2
λ2 Γ33 cos θ2 φa (s2 )(d02 f22 + d20 h22 ) γ2 λ2 Γ33 φa (s2 )h22 sin θ2
b36 =− + ,
β22 β22
1 λ2 Γ33 l22 f22 λ2 Γ33 d22 h22 1
b37 =− − , b38 = − λ2 Γ33 φ2a (s2 )h22 cos2 θ2 /β22 ,
2 β22 β22 2
b39 = −λ2 Γ33 φa (s2 )d01 h22 cos θ2 /β2 , b310 = − λ2 Γ33 l22 h22 /β22 , b311 = −P2 Γ33 f02 .
Appendix B
Substituting the solutions at the orders ε0 and ε1 into Eqs. (19) and (20), through a series of
standard processes, the following equations including the relevant secular terms can be obtained:
(D02 + ωa2 )g3 = −ieiT0 ωa ωa (µa A1 + 2A′1 ) + eiT0 ωa (Γ1a A1 + Γ2a A21 B1 + Γ3a A1 A2 B2 + Γ4a A1 A3 B3 )
+ Γ5a eiT0 (2ωa −ωb ) A21 B2 + eiT0 ωb (Γ6a A1 A2 B1 + Γ7a A22 B2 + Γ8a A2 A3 B3 )
+ Γ9a e−iT0 (ωa −2ωb ) A22 B1 + Γ10
a e
−iT0 (ωa −2ωc ) 2
A3 B1 + Γ11
a e
iT0 (2ωa −ωc ) 2
A1 B3
+ Γ12
a e
−iT0 (ωb −2ωc ) 2
A3 B2 + Γ13
a e
iT0 (2ωb −ωc ) 2
A2 B3 + eiT0 ωc (Γ14
a A1 A3 B1
+ Γ13
b e
iT0 (2ωc −ωa ) 2
A3 B1 + Γ14
b e
iT0 (2ωa −ωc ) 2
A1 B3 + Γ15
b e
iT0 (2ωc −ωb ) 2
A3 B2
+ Γ16
b e
iT0 (ωb +ωc −ωa )
A2 A3 B1 + Γ17
b e
iT0 (ωa −ωb +ωc )
A1 A3 B2
+ Γ18
b e
iT0 (ωa +ωb −ωc )
A1 A2 B3 + T2ns + c.c., (B2)
(D02 + ωc2 )q23 = − b311 eiT0 Ω − iωc eiT0 ωc (µc2 A3 + 2A′3 ) − iωa A1 b31 eiT0 ωa + eiT0 ωa (Γ1c A1 + Γ4c A1 A3 B3
+ Γ2c A21 B1 + Γ3c A1 A2 B2 ) + eiT0 ωc (Γ10 12 2 9 11
c A1 A3 B1 + Γc A3 B3 + Γc A3 + Γc A2 A3 B2 )
where Tnns (n = 1, 2, 3) denote the non-secular terms, Bm (m = 1, 2, 3) are the complex conjugates of
the relevant terms Am . Γn m (m = a, b, c; n = 1, 2, · · ·, 19) are the relevant coefficients, which are given
in Appendix C.
Appendix C
b12 b23 b16 b33 10b213 2b14 b25 b14 b25 2b17 b35 b17 b35
Γ1a = − − 2 , Γ2a = −3b19 + + − + − ,
ωa2 − ωb2 ωa − ωc2 3ωa2 ωb2 4ωa2 − ωb2 ωc2 4ωa2 − ωc2
Analysis of in-plane 1:1:1 internal resonance of a double cable-stayed shallow arch model 999