Final Exam 107-Update
Final Exam 107-Update
Final Exam 107-Update
Based on the previous assessment conducted, the community together with local
government of Bulan.
IV. Rationale
The need to focus on livelihoods arises because livelihoods of the rural poor are
rooted in the productivity of ecosystems that climate change is already altering. For
these vulnerable communities, climate change brings added risks that test adaptive
capacity. As income and food security, among others, are threatened by climate change,
households and communities require the skills, assets and other resources necessary to
adapt to changes. The diversity, amount and balance between assets influence how
Bulan community members view their own well-being and resilience.
Agriculture is the main industry in Sorsogon, producing crops such as coconut, rice,
corn, bananas, sweet potatoes and cassava. The principal crop in Bulan is coconut, which
occupies 95,794 ha of cultivated land. Furthermore, fishing is a major occupation since
the province’s 354 km of coastline sustains a variety of marine resources and is a source
of high value fish, including grouper, milkfish, siganid, mud crab and prawn.
In Bulan, most of survey respondents said that their livelihoods were the most
impacted by climate change. Rural livelihoods are typically agriculture and fisheries
based, where most households live out of the natural resources of the area. Degrading
forest and marine ecosystems, as is currently perceived, result in increasing vulnerability
of households.
V. Project Context
The project intends to build on the resilience capacities of the local communities to
reduce the risks of disasters through preventive measures and preparedness, reduce the
losses from disasters by effective rescue and relief measures and mitigate the impacts of
disasters by increasing the livelihood capacities of the households. Through multi-
stakeholder partnership and integrated approaches of community-based planning and
VI. Objectives
To be well guided in the implementation of the project, the following objects are
1. To open livelihood opportunities that are compatible with upland ecosystem;
2. To strengthen local farmer organizations toward building cooperatives;
3. To strengthen the capacities of the agricultural support units in DRRM.
The provincial government of Sorsogon has exhibited strong political will and great
enthusiasm for climate-friendly development. Because of the province being highly
disaster prone, the local government has taken a proactive role in addressing disaster
and climate risks. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) and CCA are the principal considerations
of the strategy on disaster- and climate-proof development in the province.
With this, the project will be implemented in a community approach that will
participated by the local farmers, LGU, and other government agencies that will help
the capacities of the locals to have a disaster resilient livelihood.
The project aims to seeks and to understand the factors that affect the livelihoods of
the poor by examining the vulnerability context, livelihood assets, and transforming
structures and processes that result in livelihood strategies aimed at achieving certain
The project will be monitored by the leading agency together with the local
government of Bulan for daily basis.
X. Sustainability Measures
After the training, the facilitator will lobby on behalf of the newly trained farmers
with fellow government agencies and convergence (e.g. DTI Sorsogon, LGU’s Negosyo
Center and the Municipal Agricultural Office) and private establishments to support and
promote the quality finished products made by the farmers of the barangays of Bulan.
The following activities will be conducted at the Municipality of Bulan, Sorsogon in addition to those
already proposed for CY 2018.
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Recommending Approval: