Dual-Band Dual-Polarized Planar Antenna For 5G Millimeter-Wave Antenna-In-Package Applications
Dual-Band Dual-Polarized Planar Antenna For 5G Millimeter-Wave Antenna-In-Package Applications
Dual-Band Dual-Polarized Planar Antenna For 5G Millimeter-Wave Antenna-In-Package Applications
4, APRIL 2023
Abstract— This article presents a dual-band, dual-polarized wideband or multiband antennas are designed to cover the
antenna operating from 24 up to 40 GHz at 5G new radio (NR) multiple-frequency band allocations. The multiband antenna
millimeter-wave (mm-Wave) Frequency Range 2 (FR2) bands. design needs a balance between form factor, manufacturability,
A novel stacking arrangement of ring patches is proposed to
achieve wide dual-band operation with stable gain. Two pairs of and cost structure of the antenna. Due to high path loss
stacked ring patches operating at lower (24.25–29.5 GHz) and and signal attenuation at these frequencies, highly directional
upper (37–40 GHz) FR2 bands are alternately integrated at four antennas or phased arrays are needed to meet the link budget
metal layers. The antenna offers a sharp roll-off and a filter-like requirements [2], [3]. The antenna design also has to meet the
response with radiation nulls between the operating bands due array requirements, such as maximum element dimensions,
to the stacking configuration. The antenna is aperture-coupled
and stripline-fed, and it conforms to the antenna-in-package mutual coupling, and beamwidth. For highly integrated wire-
(AiP) requirements. The proposed single antenna element and a less systems, antenna-in-package (AiP) technology is generally
2×2 array are fabricated utilizing a standard commercial printed adopted. It is proven to be economical and reliable at mm-
circuit board (PCB) fabrication facility. The measurement results wave frequencies; the antenna design also needs to follow
show a decent agreement with the simulations in terms of the buildup design rules of the used AiP technology [4].
impedance matching, isolation, radiation patterns, and realized
gain. The proposed design is a promising candidate for 5G mm- In addition, dual-polarized antennas are preferred as they offer
Wave base station antenna arrays. better performance against multipath fading and an improve-
ment in communication channel capacity [5]. However, it is
Index Terms— Aperture-coupled, base station antenna, stacked
patch, stripline-fed antenna. challenging to achieve high isolation and good cross-polar
discrimination (XPD) in a dual-polarized antenna as the input
I. I NTRODUCTION ports are close to each other [6].
Planar antennas have the advantage of being low profile,
T HE research and commercial activities related to
next-generation wireless communication systems are
gaining momentum in parallel with the 5G network deploy-
easy to integrate with the mm-Wavefront end, and cost-
effective. Recently, different planar antenna solutions have
been proposed to meet the mm-Wave AiP requirements. For
ments. Millimeter-wave (mm-Wave) communications is a key
AiP applications, low-temperature cofired ceramics (LTCC)
enabling technology in 5G networks as it offers wide band-
technology is generally preferred when performance, repeata-
width for high data rate applications [1]. From the antenna
bility, and reliability are essential [7], while a multilayer
electrical performance perspective, there are different design
organic buildup substrate is a cost-effective solution [8]. For
challenges at mm-Wave frequencies, such as the requirement
LTCC technology, a dual-polarized planar aperture antenna
of wide operating bandwidth, stable gain, and symmetric radia-
with differential feed, operating at 60 GHz is presented in [9].
tion pattern suitable for beam scanning applications. Generally,
The antenna offers wide bandwidth and high gain with a
Manuscript received 16 May 2022; revised 18 August 2022; simple geometry. Recently, a dual-polarized antenna array
accepted 31 August 2022. Date of publication 31 January 2023; date with filtering response based on patch antennas has been
of current version 7 April 2023. This work was supported in part by Nokia
Corporation Ltd., in part by Business Finland RF Sampo project under Grant demonstrated for 5G mm-Wave applications [10].
2993/31/2021, in part by the NGmining project under Grant 44049/31/2020, Likewise, a Ka-band AiP using a probe-fed stacked patch is
and in part by the Academy of Finland 6G Flagship Program under Grant presented for multilayer printed circuit board (PCB) technol-
346208. (Corresponding author: Zeeshan Siddiqui.)
Zeeshan Siddiqui, Kimmo Rasilainen, Jiangcheng Chen, Markus Berg, ogy in [4]. The demonstrated bandwidth was 0.8 GHz with
Marko E. Leinonen, and Aarno Pärssinen are with the Centre for Wireless a 3.8 dBi peak gain at 30.8 GHz. Similarly, for wideband
Communications (CWC), University of Oulu, 90570 Oulu, Finland (e-mail: mm-Wave applications, a magnetoelectric (ME) dipole is an
Marko Sonkki was with the Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC), attractive choice. It provides wide bandwidth and a stable radi-
University of Oulu, 90570 Oulu, Finland. He is now with Ericsson Antenna ation pattern with low cross polarization. A linearly polarized
Technology Germany GmbH, Rosenheim 83022, Germany. ME dipole covering wide bandwidth from 22 to 33 GHz and
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at
https://doi.org/10.1109/TAP.2023.3240032. flat gain response is presented with a low profile in [11].
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2023.3240032 Recently, a low-profile, vertically polarized ME monopole
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
antenna covering even wider bandwidth from 23.5 to 44 GHz Fig. 2. Stackup of the proposed antenna. All the prepreg layers are 0.1 mm
and a peak gain of 7 dBi has been demonstrated in [12].
For antenna applications with filtering capability, a differ-
entially fed, dual-polarized stacked patch with controllable bands with 19.5% of fractional bandwidth, while the higher
nulls has been demonstrated for 5G communications [13]. band from 37 to 40 GHz covers the n260 band with 8%
Deckmyn et al. [14] presented a dual-band array based on of fractional bandwidth. Earlier, the preliminary simulated
quarter mode substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) cavities results of the proposed design have been presented in [19].
operating at 28 and 38 GHz frequency bands. The demon- In Section II, the antenna configuration is presented, followed
strated antenna is simple to fabricate but only offers linear by the feed design and explanation of the antenna operation.
polarization; also, the available spectrum is only partially Its matching, gain, and filtering characteristics, as well as a
utilized. It is observed that many prospective antenna solutions parametric study to determine how key parameters impact the
with wide operating bandwidths are being demonstrated in antenna performance, are also discussed. The simulated and
various technologies for the mm-Wave frequency spectrum. measured results of the single element and the 2 × 2 array
However, only a few structures with dual-band or multiband are presented in Section III. Finally, Section IV concludes the
performance are reported at these frequencies in the literature. work.
Their ability to suppress the radiation at other than the required
frequency bands can help to ease the load on the filtering
circuitry of a transceiver. A. Antenna Configuration
For AiP applications, microstrip patch antennas are For a microstrip patch antenna design, a low dielectric
preferred due to their low profile and ease of integration. constant and a low-loss material are usually preferred to obtain
However, there are associated challenges such as narrow better bandwidth and efficiency. Furthermore, in an AiP, the
bandwidth, surface waves, and losses due to the inherent nature multilayer fabrication of the selected material needs to be
of the microstrip antennas [15]. Placing a parasitic patch over considered. Here, the Panasonic Megtron 7 [20] family of
the driven patch or antenna stacking is a well-known technique laminates and prepregs is selected for their ultralow loss and
to enhance the bandwidth of patch antennas. Generally, either multilayer properties. The laminate and prepreg have model
wideband [16] or dual-band [17] operation is demonstrated numbers R-5785(N) and R-5680(N), respectively, and cloth
by the patch stacking technique. However, the proposed novel style 3313. These are selected so that all the used materials
antenna configuration combines two pairs of stacked ring have the same dielectric constant of 3.34 and a dissipation
patches, as shown in Fig. 1. Four ring patch resonators factor of 0.003 at the operating frequencies. As the dielectric
are merged in an alternating order to achieve a wide dual- constant depends on the ply thickness of the selected laminate,
band operation. Besides, the patch stacking also offers finely multiple plies of the same thickness are stacked to achieve
tunable radiation nulls, which can be useful for achieving a uniform dielectric constant, as shown in Fig. 2. This also
stringent filtering requirements at the band edges that are simplifies the simulation model and minimizes the variation
relatively challenging to attain by the dedicated filters. Increase during the manufacturing process.
in complexity and cost due to additional metal layers is a There are nine metal, seven substrate, and six prepreg
reasonable tradeoff to achieve better performance. Moreover, layers in the PCB stack-up (Fig. 2) of the proposed antenna.
in the case of an AiP, generally, the interconnection of RF Metal layers M1–M4 are etched with the stacked ring patches,
circuitry requires multiple metal layers. To keep the combined and M5 and M8 are the connected ground planes, while the
stack symmetric and to avoid the violation of the PCB build- orthogonal feed lines are on M6 and M7 for dual-polarization.
up rules, additional metal layers are usually required at the Layer M9 with microstrip feeds and via-pads is required for
antenna stack [4]. standalone antenna characterization, and it can be excluded for
In this article, a dual-band, dual-polarized antenna covering AiP.
n257, n258, n260, and n261 bands of 5G new radio (NR) Laser vias connect layer M9 to M8, while M9 is connected
Frequency Range 2 (FR2) [18] is presented. The lower band, to M5 with blind vias. Generally, in the PCB fabrication
from 24.25 to 29.5 GHz, covers the n257, n258, and n261 process, a blind via diameter should be at least equal to the
B. Feed Design
Probe feeding and aperture coupling techniques are suc-
cessfully adopted to excite the patch antennas for AiP appli-
cations [7], [8]. Here, aperture coupling is utilized to feed the
antenna as it restricts the spurious feed radiation from dis-
torting the antenna radiation pattern due to a common ground Fig. 4. Metallic layers and via M5–9 coordinates of the proposed model.
plane [21]. The 3-D simulation model of the proposed antenna
is presented in Fig. 3, and a 2-D view of each metal layer
(M1–M8) is shown in Fig. 4. Layer M9 only contains a 50 around the cross-slot aperture, and their positions are tweaked
microstrip feed and pads, and there are no tunable dimensions in iterative simulations to suppress the unwanted modes.
over it. All the optimized dimensions are presented in Table I. The antenna is fed by 50 microstrip lines on layer M9
Layer M5 is the first (common) ground, while a second ground for vertical and horizontal polarizations. The microstrip feed
plane (Layer M8) is placed to isolate the antenna feed from lines are connected to the striplines through feed (center)
the transceiver circuitry to avoid possible feedback or ringing vias. A vertical microstrip to stripline quasi-coaxial transition
problems [22]. The second ground plane causes parallel-plate is designed to minimize the reflections. The feed via is
modes to appear in the antenna stripline feed layers. The surrounded by a ground-via fence as increasing the number
presence of these modes may reduce the antenna matching of ground vias can improve the bandwidth [24]. Here, four
and efficiency. Placing shorting vias around the slot aperture ground vias are placed around the feed via. To optimize the
is a practical solution to suppress these modes. However, they matching, the diameter of the ground cut-outs on layers M8
significantly influence the antenna impedance and must be and M9 as well as the distance between the ground-via fence
judiciously positioned. Though it is recommended to have a and the feed via are tuned. The coupling aperture on layer
via spacing around one-tenth of the guided wavelength [23], M5 is similar to an H-shaped slot with all the edges being
the minimum spacing cannot go below what is allowed by chamfered to enhance the coupling [25]. The cross slots are fed
the PCB fabrication rules. Here, eight shorting vias are placed by orthogonal dual-offset feed lines, etched on layers M6 and
TABLE I for the height of the patch from the ground plane, H 1 , based
O PTIMIZED PARAMETERS OF THE P ROPOSED D ESIGN . on available literature and parametric study can be selected
at this stage. It can be optimized later in the presence of
the remaining patches for optimum performance. Its effect on
the antenna coupling to slot and impedance bandwidth will
be discussed in parametric studies. The input resistance (real
part) shows the four peaks in Fig. 6(a). The peaks at 21.7 and
43.6 GHz are due to the resonant stripline feed, while peaks
at 26.8 and 35.3 GHz show the resonance of the ring patch
and slot, respectively. The impedance locus of the first stage
[Fig. 7(a)] shows a single loop at the center of the Smith
chart. The loop over the Smith chart is due to the coupling of
feed and the patch resonance.
2) Stage 2: An aperture-coupled stacked ring patch antenna
(P1 + P3 ) to cover the lower operating band is designed at
the second stage, as shown in Fig. 5(b). The upper patch P3
is proximity coupled to the lower patch, P1 . The spacing (H 2
+ H 3 ) between the patches and their dimensions are tuned in
M7 for vertical and horizontal polarizations. These asymmetric a manner to yield the maximum bandwidth. The gap basically
stripline structures are sandwiched between the two ground controls the coupling between the patches. Generally, for any
planes, with 0.6 mm of substrate thickness. In order to achieve stacked patch design, the lower patch alone is designed to be
wide bandwidth, a linearly tapered T-junction is optimized for overcoupled, and the input impedance is compensated by the
the reactive power divider of the feed lines. These feed lines addition of the top patch [15]. In Fig. 6(b), five resonance
are terminated with radial stubs. peaks can be observed on the input resistance plot. The fifth
peak appeared due to the addition of P3 . It is observed that
C. Antenna Design due to stacking, the resonance of the lower patch is shifted to
To understand the operation of the proposed design, antenna a lower frequency. The peaks at 25.8 and 30.5 GHz are due to
evolution, starting with a single aperture coupled patch P1 and P3 , respectively. Fig. 7(b) shows two tight loops near
(Stage 1) and progressing to four stacked patches (Stage 4), the center of the Smith chart. The second loop is due to the
is presented here. Adding one ring patch at a time shows interaction of two coupled patches.
how multiple patches are providing the broadband operation 3) Stage 3: To achieve dual-/high-band operation, a third
at two separate frequency bands. A single-polarized antenna patch, P2 , is introduced between the two lower band patches,
is studied for the sake of simplicity. Fig. 5 shows the simu- as shown in Fig. 5(c). The resonance frequency of P2 is
lation models of the studied stages 1–4, and the correspond- strongly dependent on its spacing from P1 , as it acts as a
ing input impedance (rectangular plot of the real part) and ground for P2 . The effect of dimensions of P2 and its position
impedance loci (Smith charts) are presented in Figs. 6 and 7, between P1 and P3 on its operating frequency is observed by
respectively. The appearance of the resonance peaks with the parametric study. On the input resistance plot in Fig. 6(c),
the addition of ring patches and their mutual coupling is the sixth resonance around 37 GHz is due to P2 . It is observed
explained with the presented plots. Finally, all the studied that P2 has no influence on the resonance frequency and the
stages are compared based on their matching and radiation input impedance of P1 and P3 as the input impedance curves
performance. All the simulations and optimization of the of Stages 2 and 3 completely overlap at the lower operating
proposed design are carried out by utilizing CST Microwave band. The impedance locus of the configuration in Fig 7(c)
Studio (MWS). shows a third loop, which is due to the coupling of P2 and
1) Stage 1: At the first stage, an aperture coupled the slot resonance.
square-ring patch P1 embedded in the dielectric material is 4) Stage 4: Finally, a fourth patch P4 is added on top
designed, as shown in Fig. 5(a). For the fundamental TM11 of P3 to achieve a wide, dual-band operation, as shown in
mode operation, the mean parameter of the ring should be Fig. 5(d). Here, P3 acts as a ground for P4 and its operating
one guided wavelength of the microstrip width. The initial frequency is dependent on its spacing from P3 . It is observed
ring dimension can be calculated by [26] in Fig. 6(d) that the addition of P4 has a minor influence
on the lower operating band: the resonance frequency of P3
f = √ (1) is slightly shifted to the lower side with an increase in its
4 (L o + L i )/2 εeff input impedance. At the higher frequency band, P4 has slightly
where c0 is the speed of light in free space, f is the funda- shifted the resonance frequency of P2 to the lower side and
mental frequency of the square-ring antenna, Lo and Li are its also compensated its high input impedance. In Fig. 7(d), three
outer and inner lengths, respectively, and εeff is the effective coupling loops can be observed over the impedance locus. The
dielectric constant. The initial difference between Lo and Li introduction of P4 has broadened the second coupling loop at
can be set to the minimum manufacturable trace width, and the lower frequency band. At the higher frequency band, P2
the value can then be increased as required. A practical value is now coupled to P4 .
Fig. 5. Simulation models of the antenna evolution. (a) Stage 1, with single patch, P1. (b) Stage 2, with two stacked patches, P1 + P3. (c) Stage 3, with
three stacked patches, P1 + P2 + P3. (d) Stage 4, with four stacked patches, P1 + P2 + P3 + 4.
Fig. 6. Input impedance (real part, rectangular plots) of the antenna evolution: (a) Stage 1, (b) Stage 2, (c) Stage 3, and (d) Stage 4.
Fig. 7. Input impedance (Smith charts) of the antenna evolution: (a) Stage 1, (b) Stage 2, (c) Stage 3, and (d) Stage 4.
Fig. 8. Reflection coefficient of the antenna at all the simulated stages. Fig. 9. Gain of the antenna at all the simulated stages.
D. Antenna Matching and Gain Performance lower band in terms of impedance bandwidth. The required
The performance of all the presented stages of the antenna bandwidth, from 24.25 to 29.5 GHz at the lower band,
design in terms of impedance bandwidth is shown in Fig. 8. is achieved with two stacked patches, P1 and P3 , at the second
The first stage with one resonant patch can partially cover the stage. By the addition of P2 , around 1 GHz of impedance
Fig. 10. Comparison of electric field plots to explain the generation of three radiation nulls at 31.5, 34.5, and 41.5 GHz. Black arrows show the coupled
patches. (a) f = 29.0 GHz. (b) f = 33.0 GHz. (c) f = 39.0 GHz. (d) f = 31.5 GHz. (e) f = 34.5 GHz. (f) f = 41.5 GHz.
bandwidth is achieved at the higher band in the third stage of coupled at 29.0 GHz to operate at the lower frequency band,
the design. The desired bandwidth at the two operating bands as shown in Fig. 10(a). The first radiation null, at 31.5 GHz,
is achieved with the four patches in the final stage with the appears due to the reversing phase of these fields between the
addition of P4 . A minor reduction in impedance bandwidth at lower band pairs [Fig. 10(d)]. Fig. 10(b) shows the coupling
the lower band is observed due to the inclusion of P4 . between P2 and P3 to cause the unwanted radiation around
The antenna gain at different design stages is compared in 33 GHz. The second null around 34.5 GHz occurs as the
Fig. 9. In the first stage, the antenna is mainly radiating at phase of this coupling field is reversed by 180◦ , as shown in
the lower frequencies due to P1 . The stacking of P3 at the Fig. 10(e). Similarly, at the higher band, P2 and P4 are coupled
second stage further improves the antenna gain at the lower at 39.0 GHz as visible in Fig. 10(c). The third null around
frequency band. A radiation null (first null) can be observed 41.5 GHz is achieved as the phase of the field is reversed,
here at 33 GHz due to the addition of P3 . At the third stage, as marked in Fig. 10(f).
the antenna gain at the higher operating band is improved due The surface current distribution over the ring patches at
to P2 . It does not affect the lower band radiation performance. different frequencies is presented in Fig. 11 to further clarify
In addition, a second null appears around 36 GHz. P4 in the the radiation nulls. Figs. 11(a) and (b) show the surface
final stage further improves the radiation performance at the currents over the patches at 29.0 and 31.5 GHz, respectively.
upper band. The third null around 41.5 GHz is also achieved, It can be seen that P1 and P3 are in even mode at 29 GHz
although it is not very deep due to unwanted radiation at higher while changing to odd mode at 31.5 GHz, which causes the
frequencies caused by the diffraction of surface waves from the first null. Surface currents on P2 and P4 remain out of phase
antenna ground edges. In addition, the radiation bandwidth at at these frequencies. Similarly, Fig. 11(c) and (d) present the
the lower band is slightly reduced due to the last added patch. surface currents for 33.0 and 34.5 GHz, respectively, to explain
In the following, the three nulls or the filtering characteristics the second null at 34.5 GHz. It can be observed that P2 and P3
of the proposed design are explained in detail. have the same current direction, which reverses at 34.5 GHz
and causes the second null. P1 and P4 remain out of phase
at both frequencies. Finally, the surface currents at 39.0 and
E. Filtering Characteristics 41.5 GHz are presented in Fig. 11(e) and (f), respectively,
A stacked patch configuration approaches the upper limit to study the third null. The P2 and P4 patches are coupled
of the bandwidth as the phase difference between the surface to operate at the higher band, and the null appears as the
currents over the patches becomes 180◦ [16]. The proposed surface currents over P4 reverse the phase. Similarly, P1 and
design offers three radiation nulls at 31.5, 34.5, and 41.5 GHz P3 remain out of phase at both frequencies. It is pertinent to
(Fig. 9, Stage 4). To explain these nulls, first, the electric field note that with increasing operating frequencies, the proposed
distribution between the patch resonators at operating and null antenna becomes electrically thicker. Consequently, the phase
frequencies is compared in Fig. 10. Patches P1 and P3 are difference between the surface currents of the coupled patches
Fig. 11. Comparison of surface currents over the patches to explain the generation of three radiation nulls at (a) f = 29.0 GHz, (b) f = 31.5 GHz,
(c) f = 33.0 GHz, (d) f = 34.5 GHz, (e) f = 39.0 GHz, and (f) f = 41.5 GHz.
increases with frequency. Nevertheless, the phase reversal It can also be observed that the inner and outer dimensions of
condition remains valid for a null frequency. P2 have no impact on the resonances of the lower operating
band. Similarly, for P3 , increasing Lop3 will decrease its
resonance frequency and increase its input resistance without
F. Parametric Study affecting the upper band, as shown in Fig. 12(e). At the same
A parametric study is presented to study the influence time, decreasing Lip3 will increase its resonant frequency and
of different parameters on the performance of the proposed decrease its input resistance. It is important to note the effect
antenna. In the following, all the parameters except for the of Lip3 on the upper band, as its decreasing length will affect
one being studied are kept constant, as presented in Table I. the coupling between patches P2 and P4 . It means that tuning
1) Effect of the Patch Dimensions: A ring patch geom- Lip3 will affect both the operating bands. For P4 dimensions,
etry offers two parameters, Li and Lo (inner and outer increasing Lop4 follows the same trend of decreasing resonance
length), to tune its resonance frequency, impedance, and frequency with an increase in input impedance, as shown
bandwidth [27]. Each of the dimensions of the four resonators in Fig. 12(g). This also causes a shift in the resonance
is varied to observe its influence on the input resistance of frequency of P2 toward the lower frequencies. Patch P2 will
the proposed design in Fig. 12. The resonance frequency eventually decouple from P4 due to this frequency shift of
of P1 decreases and its input resistance increases with the P2 . It also affects the lower frequency band by reducing the
increase in Lop1 , as shown in Fig. 12(a). Due to the frequency resonance frequency and increasing the input resistance of P3 .
shift, it starts to decouple from P3 . The increase in Lop1 also Finally, in Fig. 12(h), it is shown that Lip4 has no significant
decreases the slot resonance frequency. Similarly, decreasing effect on the lower frequency band. At higher bands, a slight
Lip1 causes an insignificant increase in the resonance frequency shift toward the upper frequencies and a reduction in input
of P1 and a decrease of its input resistance. On the other hand, resistance are observed with the increase of Lip4 .
Lip1 has a considerable impact on the resonance frequency From the parametric study, it is observed that the individual
and input impedance of P3 . Decreasing Lip1 increases the response of all the patches to outer and inner length variation
resonance frequency and input resistance of P3 . This is due is the same, apart from their influence on other resonances.
to the nature of coupling between P1 and P3 , as it changes In other words, increasing the outer length results in a
the effective dimensions of P3 [28]. Moreover, Lip1 has a lower resonance frequency and higher input impedance, while
pronounced effect on the slot resonance frequency, it increases reducing the inner length increases the resonance frequency
rapidly with a decrease of Lip1 . It can be concluded here and decreases the input impedance. However, there is an
that the dimensions of P1 are critical for both the operating interdependence between the individual resonance frequencies,
bands. Likewise, as shown in Fig. 12(c) and (d), in the higher the input impedance of the stacked patches, and the dimensions
frequency band, an increase of Lop2 reduces the resonance of the surrounding patches due to the coupling mechanism.
frequency of P2 and it decouples from P4 . Similar to the In the presented antenna design, optimization tools are utilized
effect of Lip1 on the P3 resonance, decreasing Lip2 significantly to achieve the optimum parameters after the initial tuning of
increases the resonance frequency and input impedance of P4 . the resonance frequencies.
Fig. 12. Parametric study to observe the influence of patch dimensions on the input resistance. (a) Outer length of P1 . (b) Inner length of P1 . (c) Outer
length of P2 . (d) Inner length of P2 . (e) Outer length of P3 . (f) Inner length of P3 . (g) Outer length of P4 . (h) Inner length of P4 .
Fig. 13. Parametric study to observe the influence of antenna substrate height on the input resistance. (a) Height of first substrate H 1 . (b) Height of second
substrate H 2 . (c) Height of third substrate H 3 . (d) Height of fourth substrate H 4 .
2) Effect of the Thickness of Antenna Substrate: To observe that increasing H 4 above the designed value will not yield any
the influence of the substrate thickness on patch resonance significant reward in terms of improvements in the operating
and coupling between the patches, input resistance plots for bandwidth.
varying thickness of antenna substrate are presented in Fig. 13. For the proposed antenna design, it is observed that the total
The obvious effect of decreasing the thickness (H 1 ) of the antenna substrate thickness is mainly dictated by the band-
first substrate is an increased coupling to slot (higher input width requirement at the lower frequency band. To achieve
resistance) and lowered resonance frequency of P1 , as shown the desired 19.5% of fractional bandwidth at lower band,
in Fig. 13(a). The coupling between P1 and P3 and the initially, H 1 and the substrate between P1 and P3 (H 2 +H 3 ) are
resonance frequency and input resistance of P3 are also selected. The thickness of substrates for the upper frequency
affected by H 1 . The resonance frequency of the slot shifts band (H 2 and H 4 ) offers more flexibility in antenna design.
toward higher frequencies as H 1 decreases. It is also noted that 3) Effect of the Slot Dimensions: In the proposed aperture
the resonance frequency of P2 depends on H 1 as it changes the coupled design, the slot is mainly coupling the feed line to the
substrate thickness between P1 and P2 . The thickness of the stacked patches. For the sake of brevity, only the conclusions
second substrate, H 2 , only influences the higher operating band drawn from the parametric simulations are presented here. The
response, as presented in Fig. 13(b). Reducing H 2 will result slot length controls the coupling level along with its resonance
in stronger coupling between P2 and P4 , while increasing it frequency. Decreasing it affects both the operating bands as the
will eventually decouple the slot and higher band patches. coupling between the patch resonators reduces significantly.
The appropriate choice of the third substrate, H 3 , is required Furthermore, it changes not only the slot resonance frequency
to meet bandwidth criteria at the lower band, as shown in but also influences the resonance frequencies of the stripline
Fig. 13(c). Decreasing H 3 will reduce the coupling between and patch resonators [29]. It is preferred to keep the slot length
P1 and P3 . Moreover, the resonance behavior of P4 also as small as possible to avoid back lobe radiation. Compared
depends on its spacing from P3 . The thickness of the last to its length, the width of the H-slot has a minor effect on
substrate (H 4 ) has a minor influence on the lower operating coupling and the resonance frequencies, and it is generally
band performance, as shown in Fig. 13(d). It is also noted designed to be around 10% of the slot length [30].
Fig. 16. Simulated and measured normalized radiation patterns of the single
Fig. 14. Simulation model and fabricated prototype of the proposed element in the xz plane at (a) 24.5, (b) 29.5, (c) 37.0, and (d) 40.0 GHz.
single-element design: (a) 3-D simulation model, (b) top view, and (c) bottom
view of the prototype.
Fig. 22. Simulated and measured mutual coupling between the antenna
elements in the 2 × 2 array.
Fig. 23. Simulated and measured combined (Port no. 1, 2, 3, and 4) and
normalized radiation patterns of the proposed 2 × 2 array in the xz plane at
(a) 24.5, (b) 29.5, (c) 37.0, and (d) 40.0 GHz.
Fig. 21. Simulated and measured S-parameters of the 2 × 2 array.
In this article, a single-ended, dual-band dual-polarized
antenna for 5G mm-Wave applications has been demonstrated.
A novel stacking configuration based on two pairs of stacked
ring patches operating at two distant frequency bands is
proposed. The patches have been printed in an alternating
arrangement on four metal layers. Each pair of ring patches
offers broad bandwidth in the respective band along with a
sharp roll-off and filtering behavior in between the operating
bands due to the stacking configuration. The stripline-based
aperture coupling feeding technique is utilized to have better
isolation and minimal spurious radiation as well as to conform
with the AiP requirement of a ground plane in between the
antenna and RF circuitry. In addition to a single element,
a 2 × 2 array is also demonstrated to show the application
Fig. 24. Simulated and measured combined (Port no. 1, 2, 3, and 4) and of the proposed design in an antenna array. The measured
normalized radiation patterns of the proposed 2 × 2 array in the yz plane at S-parameters show that the antenna is meeting the −10 dB
(a) 24.5, (b) 29.5, (c) 37.0, and (d) 40.0 GHz.
matching criterion at both the lower (24.25–29.5 GHz) and
higher (37–40 GHz) operating bands with isolation better
than 20 dB. The demonstrated radiation performance shows
a stable gain and symmetric radiation pattern also when con-
sidering the degradation due to the larger ground required for
the connectors. Moreover, the measured frequency response
shows a very sharp filtering response, especially at the edges
of the stopband. This will significantly relax the filtering
requirement at the stopband, which is known to be critical
from the perspective of spectrum regulation. The proposed
multilayer antenna design is suitable for AiP applications
and a prospective candidate for 5G mm-Wave base station
Fig. 25. Comparison of simulated and measured gain of the 2 × 2 array. The authors would like to thank Aspocomp for the fab-
rication of the printed circuit board (PCB), and Markku
Accordingly, it can be observed that the proposed design is Jokinen and Rehman Akbar for their technical support in
characterized by the salient features of multiple demonstrated antenna measurements. They would like to thank Keysight
designs, such as wide bandwidth, dual bands, and radiation Technologies for the donation of laboratory equipment.
Marko Sonkki (Senior Member, IEEE) received Markus Berg received the M.Sc. (Tech.) and D.Sc.
the master’s (M.Sc.) degree in electrical engineering degrees in electrical engineering from the Univer-
from the Department of Electrical and Information sity of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, in 2005 and 2011,
Engineering, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, respectively.
in 2004, and the Doctoral of Science (D.Sc.) degree From 2005 to 2017, he was a Research Scientist
in radio telecommunications engineering from the and a Project Manager with the Centre for Wire-
University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, in 2013. The mas- less Communications, University of Oulu. In 2015,
ter’s thesis was related to measurement transmitter he was a Design Engineer with Elektrobit, Oulu, and
for adaptive antennas. The topic of the dissertation Bittium Corporation, Oulu. Since 2017, he has been
was wideband and multielement antennas for wire- a Senior Research Fellow and an Adjunct Professor
less applications, which was focusing on antenna with the Faculty of Information Technology and
design based on spherical and characteristic modes theories. Electrical Engineering, University of Oulu. In 2018, he founded ExcellAnt
He is currently working in industry and doing cooperation as a Post-Doctoral Ltd., where he is currently working as a Senior Antenna Advisor. He has
Researcher with the Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC), Faculty authored or coauthored more than 90 international journals and conference
of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE), University of articles. He holds one U.S. patent. His current research interests include
Oulu. His current research interests are the design and analysis of wideband antennas and propagation for wireless communication, sub-THz integrated
antennas, wideband multimode and full-duplex antennas, and antenna arrays, antennas, and GNSS reflectometry.
including millimeter waves.