Application of Ethernet Networking Devices Used For Protection and Control Applications in Electric Power Substations
Application of Ethernet Networking Devices Used For Protection and Control Applications in Electric Power Substations
Application of Ethernet Networking Devices Used For Protection and Control Applications in Electric Power Substations
IEEE PES Power System Communications and Cybersecurity Committee (PSCCC) Working
Group P6, Configuring Ethernet Communications Equipment for Substation Protection
and Control Applications, has existed during the course of report development as
Working Group H12 of the IEEE PES Power System Relaying Committee (PSRC). The WG
designation changed as a result of a recent IEEE PES Technical Committee
The membership of H12 and P6 at time of approval voting is as follows:
IEEE PES PSCCC P6 Report, September 2017
1. Introduction ...................................................................................... 10
4.6 Multiport relays with bumpless network redundancy – PRP and HSR .............. 22
6. Interconnection options – fibers and wires ....................................... 29
10. Ethernet network security................................................................. 46
10.2 Cybersecurity...................................................................................................... 47
10.4 Using VLANs as an isolation tool for IEC 61850 applications ............................. 47
11.11 Use of VLANs ...................................................................................................... 60
13.1 IEC 60834‐1 requirements for security and dependability of protection .......... 66
13.2 Security requirements of protection schemes, from CIGRÉ and IEC ................. 66
13.3 Dependability requirements of protection schemes, from CIGRÉ and IEC ....... 66
15.4 Developing concerns .......................................................................................... 71
References .............................................................................................. 73
Figures and Tables
Figure 2 ‐ OSI 7‐layer model application for IEC 61850 services ...................................... 14
Table A‐1 ‐ Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) header – MAC Frame .................................................. 77
Table A‐2 ‐ Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) header with VLAN (IEEE 802.1Q)................................. 78
IEEE PES PSCCC P6 Report, September 2017
conventional wiring dedicated to individual points. Analog measurement values can also be
transmitted by GOOSE. More recently, IEC Technical Report 61850‐90‐1 [11] describes methods
of tunneling or transferring GOOSE messages between substations for applications like transfer
tripping, pilot or unit teleprotection of transmission lines, and wide‐area special protection
schemes. A new IEC Technical Report 61850‐90‐5 [14] specifies a transport method for
multicast Layer 3 GOOSE (explained later) over wide area networks by utilizing services that are
supported by commercially available Ethernet routers; and with encryption and authentication
specifications for cyber security in a wide‐area network environment.
The Ethernet networks in substations comprise wired connections or, more commonly, optical
links connecting relays and other IEDs in a LAN using Ethernet switches whose nature is explored
in the present report. The Ethernet switch is in fact an elaborate message‐processing computer
with a list of settings that impacts how messages are sent from one relay to another or from
relays to other substation information hosting devices. As such, Ethernet switches and LANs
become the new replacements for auxiliary relays in protection schemes. The network design
and the configuration of these messaging computers impact the speed and reliability of relaying.
For the non‐critical‐application data exchanges with other substations, control centers, or the
utility enterprise, these substation LANs are usually connected to the utility’s control wide area
network (WAN) or business enterprise WAN via Ethernet routers. Routers are sophisticated
message formatting and forwarding computers operating on OSI Layer 3 as described in Sections
3.1 and 8. As inter‐substation Ethernet messaging is increasingly used for control and
protection, the routers and the WAN also become protective relaying auxiliary devices and
For data exchanges with other substations supporting critical applications like relaying, as
described in Sections 8 and 11, the typical choice today is a TDM technology such as SONET or
SDH. However, there are practical installations in which SONET or SDH paths emulate Ethernet
connections to extend the LAN as Section 11 describes. All‐Ethernet wide‐area packet
communications using Layer 3 is, however, a recognized rising application supported by the
direction of IT product development towards MPLS Ethernet as Section 8 describes..
Within the switches and routers are functions and services for managing and directing message
traffic. The complexity of settings and application for these functions can equal that of the
protective relays themselves. These devices also include communications services to support
local or remote network management and monitoring. Sprinkled among the switches and
routers may be cyber security functions that restrict access including firewalls, encryption
functions, and virtual private network (VPN) secure interface access functions.
The major concern which has held back the use of Ethernet networks, particularly WANs, for
time‐critical applications is the inherent lack of determinism through these networks, Ethernet
being a best‐effort transport technology. The generally uncontrolled latency results from the
bursting nature of the Ethernet packets, causing indeterminate queuing latencies (see Section
11.6 for examples). However, with proper engineering of the Ethernet network capacity itself,
its worst‐case traffic loading, and the prioritization scheme for packets carrying various critical
or non‐critical traffic types, the latency and latency variation (jitter) can be contained within
boundaries that are suitable for high‐speed protective relaying and power system control
applications. Each of these topics is addressed in this report.
Preamble – sequence showing the start of the message for framing the rest.
SA ‐ the source or sending device address, also a MAC address or unique physical device
identifier specifically assigned to the physical electronic hardware device sending the
Type – identifier for the protocol used for the bytes following. See further below.
Payload – the desired data to be transferred. This includes higher protocol layers of
level 3 and above. If the packet carries the Internet Protocol (IP) network layer 3 there
is an IP address also included in the payload that is used by routers to route the
message. The switch deals mainly with layers 1 and 2, and does not pay attention to IP
addresses for its message passing work. On the other hand some switches do allow the
user to provide a mapping table to allow an IP messages’ layer 3 6‐bit “DiffServ” field to
over‐ride its layer‐2 3‐bit priority field.
FCS – Frame check sequence ‐ an error check calculated at the sending end from the
frame bit sequence, and compared at the receiving end with a duplicate calculation
there to detect if bits have been corrupted in transmission.
3.1 The OSI 7‐Layer Model
Data transmitted in an Ethernet network is organized following the OSI (Open System
Interconnection) 7‐Layer Model. Table 1 describes the functions of the 7 layers:
7 Application Meaning of the data (utility user Application Programs HTTP, FTP, NTP, PTP,
specifics) SNMP, MMS
6 Presentation Building blocks of data and O/S Ethernet Stack JPEG, ASCII, HTML,
encryption for security Encryption
5 Session Opening and closing specific O/S Ethernet Stack RPC, NETBIOS
communications paths
2 Data Link Data transmission, source & Switch Ethernet, ATM, PPP,
destination, checksum Token Ring
the payload in Figure 1, the high‐speed application programs manage the repetition of the
GOOSE packets (used to reduce risk of loss of information). The sampled value messages are
used to transfer signal values and states from a switchyard merging unit to a relay. The use of
fiber from the switchyard to the control house networking connections for protective relaying
information avoids the loss of information during electrical transients. The use by GOOSE or SV
services of direct mapping from the application into the Ethernet packet eliminates the time
delays associated with the use of the standard implementations of the bypassed layers. These
added layers are not generally suitable for real‐time use in applications with speed demands like
those of fault protection.
The second (right arrow) category shows the non‐real‐time client‐server communications
services, where we can find the IEC 61850 metering and status reports for SCADA and local HMI,
operator control commands, logs, etc. These types of messages use TCP/IP and other OSI layers
to improve the transmission of the information – they use the TCP/IP layer mechanism to
resend automatically if receipt of the message is not acknowledged.
UDP may be used for measurement or status information to be sent using IP when latency is
critical to performance.
Sometimes the user has a choice of using either TCP or UDP, a common example being for
Terminal Servers (a common moniker for devices transporting RS232/422/485 asynchronous
data over Ethernet communication paths). In synchrophasor transmission applications across a
utility wide area Ethernet network (WAN), the user may choose UDP or TCP depending on
whether the focus is control, or on error‐free archiving of measurements.
UDP is the only choice for multicast traffic, but for point‐to‐point links either can be used. A user
may at first think that the “guaranteed” (not really) nature of TCP makes it preferable, but the
downside is that its accompanying acknowledgement and re‐transmission of extra messages can
result in a significant increase in traffic and degradation of the service (and collateral damage to
other traffic) in a bandlimited network. In particular, Terminal Server users have often found
that UDP provides better performance. Do not use TCP when the application handles the
requests for repetition of missed data through a separate mechanism – the TCP then becomes
redundant and may hurt performance.
C – Security processing function (VPN, encryption, etc.)
E – Ethernet device
F – Firewall or message filter function
H – Hub (obsolescent)
M – Network managed function (e.g., configured via SNMP)
R – Router
S – Switch (Examples: Port switch on a dial up connection is 16TS, and an Ethernet
switch is 16ES)
T – Telephone component (Example: Auto‐answer modem)
Figure 3 shows an example of how a group of relays might be integrated with an
Ethernet LAN. Additional benefit of using Ethernet is achieved when the network
connection from the relays extends outside the substation to the utility enterprise
shown as a wide‐area network (WAN). Many utilities have a separate WAN for critical
system control as opposed to enterprise business functions, and a firewall interface at a
remote server location allows data to pass between the control WAN and the enterprise
This figure also shows that for better dependability, each of the protective relay and
high‐speed control connections in the substation could comprise a pair of surge and
noise‐immune optical fibers for conveying Ethernet message packets in each direction.
Using nomenclature taken from IEEE C37.2‐2008, the Ethernet communications
components in Figure 3 are:
Operations on Information Users
Control WAN on Enterprise WAN
16ERFCM = Ethernet
16ESM = Ethernet managed Router
managed Switch with security &
P1 B1
P2 B2
11T1P 11T1B
87TP 87TB
11L1P 11L1B
21P 21B
11BF1P 11BF1B
62BF 62BF
RTU – the substation‐level central information processor or data concentrator,
performing the functions of a SCADA remote terminal unit. This processor polls all the
relays and other IEDs via the Ethernet LAN for metered values, status, information
records, and all other available data. It translates protocols as needed, and responds to
control center polls and commands. It stores information in data bases that may be
accessed later. Relay engineers, maintenance personnel, and managers can retrieve this
data via the control WAN, tied via the enterprise WAN interface to their computers. For
a secure and backed up archive, the utility can upload the data and save it on a
protected and backed up server in a remote office location. A maintenance person on
the road can dial into the utility remote secure server, rather than directly accessing the
HST ‐ A separate PC runs a substation historian program and other fault and disturbance
recording programs. The historian continuously gathers states and values from the data
concentrator and/or directly from relays and IEDs. New designs may include a phasor
data concentrator (PDC) function that gathers synchrophasors from relays over the
Ethernet network for disturbance recording, and to resample phasor streams at a lower
rate to send to a phasor client system at the control center over the WAN. Historian
records can be used for asset condition monitoring or post‐mortem events analysis. The
substation historian communicates over the same LAN to the control WAN, and on to a
remote central enterprise historian, which gathers the records from all the substations
and creates a single managed data base to serve utility asset managers and operational
WAN – The substation LAN connects to an array of control and separate enterprise wide
area networks (WANs) and work locations. The communications connection could be
via utility‐owned T1 or SONET (optical fiber ring data network), utility owned microwave
system, or via a common carrier data communications service. Two popular forms of
the latter are Frame Relay protocol, and Ethernet Multi‐Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)
network, connected to the substation via an optical fiber or twisted metallic pair from a
nearby service center of the communications provider. Note that despite the
telecommunications world abandoning SONET/SDH for WANs (moving to Ethernet
transport), most protective relaying users prefer widely‐used and stable TDM (SONET or
SDH) technologies for the protection applications requiring deterministic low‐latency
message transport. Another benefit of TDM communications paths is that they can be
used to support Ethernet connections, using separate TDM channels for separate
Ethernet applications isolates critical Ethernet traffic from unknown and untrusted
Ethernet traffic.
Ethernet WANs based on MPLS or other technologies are being developed for
implementation of predictable low latency and protected bandwidth that approaches
that offered by SONET/SDH today. Movement of the IT world away from TDM and
towards Ethernet WAN technologies will exert pressure on mission‐critical low latency
applications to adapt, but performance of the WAN technologies must be
within System B – even if an optical transceiver, interface, fiber, or connected switch fails, the
network continues to function normally within each redundant system. Thus, this network is
robust against multiple failures of Ethernet components, even though these components are
The operation of the failover scheme is as follows:
Normally, each relay communicates through its primary fiber pair to its primary switch, such as
16ESM‐P1 in Figure 3.
The backup fiber pair connects to a separate switch 16ESM‐P2 as shown, which in turn ties back
to 16ESM‐P1. It has its own backup connection to System B, explained later.
If the relay detects a failure of its incoming data traffic flow or message carrier signal, it fails all
of its Ethernet communications over to the backup fibers. The failure could have been at the
relay port, in a fiber, or in the primary switch. All of these components have their function taken
over by the failover components, including the second Ethernet switch. Note that there remains
some message path from each of the relays to every station level device and to relays in the
redundant protection network.
In order for a relay to detect a failure of its outgoing message transceiver or fiber path, it must
either monitor the Remote Defect Indication (RDI) or Far End Fault Indication (FEFI) signal from
the connected switch. Alternatively, it can be connected to a switch that has the ability to mute
its output when it loses its received signal from the IED (if the particular switch has this
capability included – check with the manufacturer); the switch shutdown of outgoing data on
the port will be detected by the relay as an incoming data failure, and the relay will then switch
all communications to the failover paths.
In this way, no single failure of a networking or communications component in System A by itself
will impact communications within System A, except for a failover time of tens or hundreds of
The existence of this transparent failover mechanism must be considered whenever technicians
are performing maintenance on the network or the relays and switches connected to it – if a
complete shutdown is required, make sure it is really fully achieved and not circumvented by an
automatic recovery mechanism like those described.
A more recent standard for using dual Ethernet ports on an IED to maintain functioning in the
case of network or port failures are the IEC PRP and HSR protocols described in Section 4.6.
Figure 4 – IED with switched ports
In this scheme, both ports are connected to the network at all times. One is deactivated by the
switch service called Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) explained below and is standing by,
with occasional test messages as the only traffic on that extra path. However, if the main port
or path fails, RSTP will cause communications to transfer to the working alternate path. RSTP
requires some time to detect the failure and transfer (e.g. 50 ms) – ask the vendor what the
failover time actually is, and consider its impact for relaying situations.
Note here that there are several ways of communicating through two ports on one relay or IED
– this is just one of them. The example network of Figure 3 included dual redundant fibers, of
which the second is a hot standby, and failure of the primary is detected by loss of the carrier
light signal. Section 4.6 below gives a brief overview of the Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP)
and High‐availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR) network designs, each of which requires two
ports on a relay or IED, and each of which requires a specialized electronic and communications
implementation inside each IED on the network.
The RSTP service sends surveying messages out on the network and detects loops. It will open
the loop by disabling some redundant path – for example, the dotted path between 16ESM‐P2
and 16ESM‐B2 in Figure 3. The designer can set or configure the switches so that they normally
disable a chosen link like the one shown as dotted in Figure 3 when everything is working as it
should. The only working connection between System A and System B is then the solid path
from 16ESM‐P1 to 16ESM‐P2.
The RSTP service in the switches then periodically sends out test messages in the background, so
that the switches always know what alternative paths are available in case of a failure, even if
the network is modified by personnel on the fly.
If any path suddenly fails, the switch quickly detects the failure. It has maintained its
background information on available alternate paths, and switches over to such an alternate
path. Switches made for substation use can execute such a change of path in 5 to 50 ms. The
switch produces an alarm for maintenance attention. Since System A and System B are not
both impacted by any such failure, this is an acceptable and transparent event. Users should ask
switch vendors to explain RSTP failover times for their products in applications where failover
time is important. Users should also request switch vendor advice on network configurations
and switch settings to optimize RSTP performance.
Interoperability tests conducted in 2011 by the UCA International Users’ Group in support of IEC
61850 applications identified some compatibility issues among implementations of RSTP in
certain Ethernet switch products for high‐speed failover operation. Users should ask vendors
about their experience in substation applications and, if vendors’ products are mixed, about
confirmation or testing of interoperability. Alternatively, configure a lab test with protection‐
like traffic to confirm that failover delay is compatible with protective relaying times in the worst
combination of fault and network failure contingencies.
4.6 Multiport relays with bumpless network redundancy – PRP and HSR
RSTP provides, in case of link or bridge failure, recovery times that are acceptable for many
applications at the station bus level, provided that the RTSP implementation (topology,
configuration parameters) be done based on the calculation of the worst case recovery time.
However, that recovery time is a 5 to 50 ms bump in network operation. Moreover, it does not
handle link failures of devices connected on edge ports (without loop connection or failover
capability). There may be circumstances where such a bump presents an operating problem. An
example could be transmission of IEC 61850‐9‐2[26] sampled values (e.g. CT and VT
measurements) in a system where isolated fully redundant System A and System B devices have
not been provided. Network redundancy can be achieved by having devices attached to two
separate physical networks using redundancy protocols based on the duplication of the LAN
and/or the duplication of the transmitted information. Such protocols, like the Parallel
Redundancy Protocol (PRP) and High availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR) ring are specified
in IEC 62439‐3 [16] and in IEC Technical Report 61850‐90‐4 [12]. They are briefly described in
the following.
4.6.1 Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP)
Each PRP‐compliant relay or IED has two separate Ethernet ports, each operating at all times
and conveying the same information over two redundant networks as shown in Figure 5. The
two ports use the same MAC (physical device) address and combine information at the link layer
interface. The receiving devices process the first frame received and discards the duplicate. This
is done through a link redundancy entity (LRE) or service which acts between the link layer and
the Ethernet controllers. Aside from LRE drivers, PRP uses conventional Ethernet hardware.
Both ports of PRP devices operate with the same Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for traffic that
uses IP (GOOSE messages do not use IP). Management protocols such as Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP) operate correctly.
The two switched LANs in Figure 5 can have any topology, e.g. tree, ring or meshed. PRP more
or less doubles the network infrastructure.
Single port devices can be either attached directly to one LAN only, or to both LANs through
what is called in IEC 62439‐3 a redundancy box (RedBox). Single port devices do not need to be
aware of PRP.
The potential user can attach value to PRP based on savings of redundant IEDs or relays when
those devices and their installation cost are high compared to the networking infrastructure.
Where the cost of the redundant networking is significant, it may be equally effective to use
redundant single relays or IEDs without PRP.
Be careful with applications sending large packets over PRP networks ‐ for identifying the
duplicate received packets, PRP adds a 4 octet RCT (Redundancy Control Trailer) to each packet,
reducing the TCP’s largest allowed MTU from 1500 to 1496 octets.
IED RedBox
In return for the benefit of inherent messaging redundancy in a simple configuration, HSR tends
to double the traffic on a given network link, halving the capacity of the network.
IED RedBox
speed redundancy requirements (e.g. for connections from the substation/bay level to control
center (e.g. what IEC 61850 refers to as Station Bus). The following advice results from the UCA
International Users’ Group Interoperability test of 2015.
Red Box
Figure 7 shows the typical interconnection between HSR/PRP networks and a RSTP network.
The interconnection requires the use of what is known as a “Red Box”. It is the purpose of the
Red Box to take traffic from the RSTP network and add the appropriate information required to
transmit it on the HSR/PRP network and to remove the same information when packets are
transferred from HSR/PRP to RSTP.
In several situations, network designers consider the Red Box as a single point of failure and
require a second Red Box be added (see Figure 8).
Figure 8 – Dual Connection of HSR/PRP with RSTP
The topology in Figure 8 causes multicast storms and packets to circulate both networks until
network bandwidth capacities are reached. Therefore, this dual interconnection methodology
SHOULD NOT BE USED unless the Red Boxes have a proprietary mechanism to prevent the
problem. The problem is caused by two factors:
1. The RSTP Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) is not exchanged/known by the Red Boxes.
There is therefore no ability of the Red Boxes to decide which is to transmit information
from the HSR/PRP network to the RSTP network (e.g. to act as an extension of the RSTP
2. The information regarding the origination of the packet on the HSR/PRP network has
been removed when the packet is transmitted onto the RSTP network.
The result of these factors is that a packet transmitted onto the RSTP network by Red Box 1 will
be re‐transmitted on the HSR/PRP network by Red Box 2. Likewise, packets transmitted by Red
Box 2 will be retransmitted onto the HSR/PRP network by Red Box 1.
During the IEC 61850 Interoperability test, the dually interconnected RSTP and HSR/PRP
network was tested. The result was as expected, a multicast storm was created that consumed
all of the available usable bandwidth of the 100 Mbps network HSR (see Figure 9).
Figure 9 clearly shows when the second Red Box was connected between the HSR/PRP
networks. Additionally, traces of the HSR network activity were taken and GOOSE packets that
were five (5) minutes old were still observed.
Upon close investigation, this behavior needs to be corrected through the IEEE 802 standard.
IEC TC57 WG10 is attempting to forward this problem appropriately for standard resolution.
Until such a resolution is reached, there are only two options:
1. Use a Red Box that has a proprietary mechanism to stop the problem. However, testing
needs to be performed to make sure that such mechanisms actually work appropriately
with the other network devices in use.
2. Only use a single Red Box between the HSR/PRP network and RSTP network.
5. Functional data flows
One of the most important features to grasp in considering a networked connection of devices
as shown in Figure 3 is that the figure is only showing the physical connections of network paths
– bidirectional optical fibers in our example – over which Ethernet message packets can flow.
The physical configuration is influenced by need for reliability or redundancy of data flow paths
as discussed in the previous section. The information can flow in circuitous paths among the
devices depending on hierarchical processing functions within the devices. This information flow
does not follow directly from the physical connections.
The remote control center SCADA master polls the data concentrator through the station router
16ERFCM connected to the backup switch 1 by path 7. Its polls pass to the data concentrator by
paths 9 and 2. The data concentrator responds with information it already gathered from the
relays and organized in its data base, over paths 1, 10, 8, and the router through the remote
path to the control center.
This scenario assumes all equipment is working normally. If any communications paths or
switches fail, the messages pass over backup paths show as dotted lines in Figure 3, and through
primary switch 2 and/or backup switch 2 – all different paths than shown above. An RSTP
failover in the central loop will also alter the traffic paths.
On top of this, GOOSE messages published by relays are propagating over all the paths of the
LAN. So it is clear that any physical path carries a variety of important monitoring, protection,
and control traffic in both directions. This is not like the linear, sequential flow of information
among devices with dedicated wired connections.
This example shows why design documentation for a project must include tabulation or charting
of specific information elements exchanged among the relays and IEDs of the installation. The
physical block diagram will not furnish adequate data for many troubleshooting or testing
Multi‐mode fiber cannot support long distances or extremely high data rates ‐single‐mode fiber
is best for these requirements. On the other hand, multi‐mode fiber can use LEDs or lasers as
light sources ‐ less expensive than the lasers needed with single‐mode fibers. Connector
interfacing is also less critical, so multi‐mode fiber tends to be cheaper and easier than single
mode for shorter distances. It is generally preferred for fiber runs within substation buildings.
Some users who are familiar with single mode fibers for long distance applications may choose
to use those within substations as well. Common connector types are LC, ST, MTRJ, FC, and SC.
ST has been popular for several years, but is being overtaken by LC for use with Ethernet over
both fiber types at time of writing. Investigate manufacturer offerings, since technology and
preferences are likely to change.
battery supply. Utility grade switches offer enhanced reliability, EMI immunity, extended
operating temperature range, high MTBF, and elimination of fan cooling. Ethernet switches
used in substation automation applications should comply with IEC 61850‐3 [27] and IEEE 1613
[16] standards for EMI immunity and environmental requirements to ensure reliable operation
in substation environments.
The switch handles its many functional connections in parallel by inspecting each incoming
Ethernet message frame. The switch checks each frame for errors and rebroadcasts the good
frames through the correct ports to the desired target device(s). It typically performs this
processing in a few microseconds per message, making it well suited to perform high speed
protection tasks. It may forward to all other ports, or may use the physical addressing data
included in the frame. It may associate only selected subsets of the ports for message
forwarding, based on switch settings.
Unlike the specifically arranged and dedicated wiring of a non‐Ethernet protection and control
design, the switch is capable of interconnecting many intelligent devices thus allowing for many
different control or measurement paths over a single physical path. Managed switches offer
advanced Layer 2 and Layer 3 features that are useful for combining real‐time protection and
substation automation traffic with traditional operational and non‐operational data sharing
among LAN devices. These features increase performance by providing traffic prioritization,
basic and advanced security capabilities, multicast traffic control, diagnostic capabilities, and a
number of other features that are important for substation LANs. Some of these features are
described in the following subsections.
When Ethernet was created, a single (coaxial cable) was used to connect all devices, resulting in
a half‐duplex communication network; the introduction of switches (“bridges” in the IEEE
language at the time of creation) eliminated message packet collisions, allowed full‐duplex
communications, and is now the dominant technology.
In addition, queuing and management of all transmitted messages on a link from one switch or
IED port improves the probability that each packet is sent and received.
same attributes as a physical LAN, but it allows for end stations to be grouped together even if
they are located across multiple Ethernet network switches. Network reconfiguration can be
done through software instead of physically relocating devices. In substation applications,
assigning devices and functions to specific VLANs allows the switch to filter out irrelevant traffic
that might clog a switch port or connected IED that doesn’t need access to that traffic. There can
be up to 4095 different VLANs in each LAN (value 4095 is not allowed).
This allows for the segregation and grouping of IEDs or switch ports into virtual LANs with
isolation of message traffic in different VLANs. This can isolate real‐time IEDs or mission critical
GOOSE traffic from data collection or less critical traffic. The managed switch ensures that
traffic from one VLAN does not cross the boundary to another VLAN. VLANs can be defined
either by assigning specific ports to a desired VLAN, or the VLAN can be defined by a list of MAC
addresses (physical addresses of devices on the LAN, described in the Ethernet packet discussion
of Section 3). If a message packet has an embedded VLAN tag, located as shown in Figure 1
above, it is passed only to the ports or to the MAC addresses assigned to that VLAN. User
configuration of the managed switch is required to specify which VLANs are allowed to ingress
and egress each port (separate lists should be provided), and whether these are for the VLANs
to be allowed or to be blocked; how they are assigned to the physical Ethernet ports; and
whether the traffic is tagged or untagged.
An important, but under‐appreciated, feature of VLANs is their use for security purposes; the
fact that traffic cannot pass from one VLAN to another allows the protection of critical services
from rogue attacks (assuming the associated Ethernet ports have been configured correctly).
IEEE 802.1Q tagging performs explicit tagging ‐ the frame itself is tagged with VLAN information.
The IEEE 802.1Q header contains a 4‐byte tag header containing a 2‐byte tag protocol identifier
(TPID) and 2‐byte tag control information (TCI). The TPID has a fixed value of 0x8100 that
indicates that the frame carries the 802.1Q tag information. As shown in Figure 1, the TCI
contains the following elements:
Three‐bit user priority
One‐bit canonical format indicator (CFI)
Twelve‐bit VLAN identifier (VID) ‐ Uniquely identifies the VLAN to which the frame
belongs – numbers from 0‐4094 (4095 or hexadecimal FFF is not allowed)
A VLAN ID of 0 indicates that no VLAN assignment is intended for this packet – a tagged frame
conveying only priority. However, not all switches handle VLAN ID of 0 in the same way. Check
specifications or test the actual configuration if using VLANs and an ID of 0 (important if GOOSE
messages are used). Also see VLAN section of PICS in Annex B of this report.
In the context of VLANs, the term "trunk" denotes a network link carrying multiple VLANs. Such
trunks must run between "tagged ports" of VLAN‐aware devices, so they are often switch‐to‐
switch or switch‐to‐router links rather than links to end devices.
See Section 10.4 for more on isolating traffic with VLANs.
7.6 IEEE 802.1D GMRP
An alternate technology that constrains flooding of a network segment by multicast messages is
the Generic Attribute Registration Protocol (GARP). GARP Multicast Registration Protocol
(GMRP) is an implementation that allows for multicast data frames, such as IEC 61850 GOOSE
frames, to be filtered and assigned only to those IEDs which request to listen to them. This
feature reduces the load of traffic crossing the network and relieves many networked devices
from processing and discarding frames they never needed. It is important to note that the
above features are based on standards thereby ensuring interoperability among different
At time of writing, GMRP has not been required nor reported as used for applications with
substation GOOSE messaging. Traffic has been managed with VLAN and priority tags, which are
both explicitly supported in the IEC 61850 standard. The preference for VLANs derives from the
static nature of substation IED traffic paths (compared to the dynamic nature of paths for
applications such as video surveillance).
4. Speed (10, 100, 1000 Mbps)
5. Duplex mode – half or full.
6. Enable/disable auto‐negotiation with the connected device of speed and duplex mode
7. Enable/disable flow control – output port sends pause messages back to source ports that
are sending too much data, to regulate flow of packets.
8. Enable/disable link failure indication (LFI) to the connected device (also known as Remote
Defect Indication (RDI) or Far End Fault Indication (FEFI)).
9. Link alarms on/off.
10. Ingress rate limit – the maximum frame rate that will be accepted before excess incoming
data is discarded. Excess message packets are discarded by the switch. (though
unfortunately the measurement period is almost always never provided, or configurable)
11. Types of ingressing messages to limit and discard (all types including addressed messages,
broadcast messages without destination address, multicast messages without destination
address including IEC 61850 GOOSE relaying messages).
12. Egress rate limit – the maximum frame rate to be transmitted to the connected device.
Excess message packets are discarded by the switch. (though unfortunately the
measurement period is almost always never provided, or configurable)
13. Types of egressing messages to limit and discard (all types including addressed messages,
broadcast messages without destination address, multicast messages without destination
address including IEC 61850 GOOSE relaying messages).
14. Ingress VLAN filtering – a list of VLANs that will be blocked, or allowed to ingress the port.
15. Egress VLAN filtering – a list of VLANs that will be blocked, or allowed, to egress the port.
16. Settings to handle ingressing tagged messages with a VID‐ 0 (e.g. set a default VID)
17. Settings to handle ingressing untagged messages (e.g. set a default priority, and VID)
18. Settings to handle egressing messages which were tagged at ingress (keep or discard tag)
19. Populating a 64x8 table to map the DiffServ field of layer 3 IP frames to the desired priority
queue (at egress).
20. Port mirroring enabling and selection – when enabled, the port carries the same output data
as another chosen port, for diagnostic use. An application precaution: if separate ports for
ingress and egress monitoring are not provided, the monitoring port may be overloaded.
21. Power‐over‐Ethernet settings – an additional list of settings for powering devices over wired
link connections with set current limits, if enabled.
In addition to 20 lists for the 20 ports, there are overall settings for the operation of the switch,
including operating parameters of the already‐described switch services like RSTP. On top of
this, the switch allows tables that configure VLANs and grouping parameters to use. Some of
these settings lists may grow as functions and features are enabled. The switch, like a modern
relay, can have thousands of settings. As with a relay, a single incorrect switch setting can cause
incorrect protective relaying behavior of the system. Using the switch manufacturer’s default
settings may lead to undesired behavior. Therefore, the list of settings for each switch must be
developed and controlled as would be done for the settings of an important microprocessor
transmission line relay. A settings management process also supports rapid and accurate
recovery when a switch handling relaying traffic fails and is replaced in an emergency fields
repair operation.
For substation protection and control applications with standardized Ethernet network designs,
many users will prefer to disable automatic port configuration features and set fixed port
parameters that are correct for this specific use. Fixing these settings can eliminate a potential
source of tough‐to‐troubleshoot misbehaviors of switches.
Higher bandwidth
Load sharing across the member links to balance bandwidth across the member links
Fault tolerance provided by offloading data to working member links when a member link
LACP is a method of providing needed extra bandwidth between Ethernet switches that have
extra non‐utilized ports without buying a switch or switches with higher bandwidth ports. For
example, moving from 100Mbps switching to Gigabit Ethernet switches.
It is currently almost impossible for an individual or company to be allocated IP address blocks.
In most cases, they are allocated by either the Internet Service Provider (ISP) or the enterprise
network administrator. The reason for this is the ever‐growing size of the internet routing table.
Just 10 years ago, there were less than 5000 network routes in the entire Internet. As of 2015,
there are over 100,000. Using a mechanism called classless inter‐domain routing (CIDR), the
biggest ISPs are allocated large chunks of address space; the ISP's customers (often other,
smaller ISPs) are then allocated networks from the big ISP's pool. That way, all the big ISP's
customers (and their customers, and so on) are accessible via 1 network route on the Internet.
Routers are used to interchange traffic between sub networks and constitute logical or physical
borders between the subnets. They manage traffic between subnets based on the routing prefix
of the IP addresses.
A router can be defined as a device which provides a path from a node on one network or
subnet to a node on another network. Routing is the process of determining the end‐to‐end
path between the sender and the receiver of a packet. There are 2 types of routing:
1. Source routing ‐ the source node determines the route and includes it in special fields in
the data frame. Source route bridging in Token Ring uses source.
2. Hop‐by‐hop ‐ The route between source and destination is determined along the way,
hop‐by‐hop. Most routing protocols are hop‐by‐hop based.
Routers can provide data movement in 2 ways: Statically via routes that are mapped by hand
(Static Routing) or dynamically via designated routing protocols (Dynamic Routing).
Static routing can be useful for small routing areas, but does not provide fast failover because it
requires user interaction to program an alternate route manually. Dynamic routing is required
where a hand off failover is required or the routing environment is large. Routing protocols are
inherently slower on failover than layer 2 protocols.
The routing protocols most used are Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Routing Information
Protocol Version 2 (RIPII) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for standard protocols.
In a substation network, an Ethernet router serves as an interface between a local area network
in a substation and the utility control or enterprise WAN. Since the WAN comprises far‐flung
segments accessed through long‐distance data communications, which may be utility‐owned or
common carrier (purchased service from a communications company). To communicate with
remote parts of the WAN, the router must handle message reformatting to utilize the available
data communications path, which may or may not be an Ethernet link to other routers. It may
also need to provide cyber security protection so that messages sent across unprotected
networks cannot be monitored, disturbed, or corrupted by unknown persons.
Physically, the router is another microprocessor based communications device like a switch,
typically in a 19 inch rack mount assembly of 1 to 3 rack units. It has fewer ports, since its role is
to interface one or two LANs with one or a couple of external communications circuits. While
switches tested to IEEE 1613‐2003/9 environmental standards [16, 17] have been available for
years, IEEE 1613 routers have become available recently. This is explained in Section 14 below.
The router processor handles a larger array of functions and algorithms than what is required
for a switch. It carries out sophisticated manipulation of layer 3 (network layer) routing
information (such as IP address) in the message payload, which switches generally ignore. It
may also manipulate the contents of the message packet as shown above and defined in layer 2.
There are potentially thousands of user settings, configuring a database that describes how the
WAN and the networked world outside the substation are accessed. With this, the router can
direct messages through the WAN or even the Internet to remote locations requested by
devices or users in the substation; and can recognize the origin of incoming messages from far
The functions in an example router include:
1. Ability to learn about remote servers on the WAN, including those that provide
translation of domain names to numerical internet protocol addresses.
2. Manual entry of static WAN configuration.
3. Ability to translate addresses on the LAN to different addresses on the WAN or Internet
for proper routing and for cyber security protection of LAN devices.
4. Firewall to protect substation LAN traffic and devices from unauthorized access.
5. Virtual Private Networking (VPN) using any of several standard protocols – establishing
an isolated communications tunnel through an insecure public communications network
to a secure remote utility server, with strong encryption of messages that protects
against disruption or monitoring of message flow.
6. Processing all the messages on the LAN side and recognizing the packets intended for
external communications to remote places; routing and prioritization of this external
message traffic in both directions.
7. Routing of multicast messages to LANs or VLANs at remote sites ‐ generic routing
encapsulation, GRE. Recall that multicast messages have group destination addresses,
and must be recognized by looking at what device sent them (if filtering is desired).
8. Ability to assign and manage IP addresses of devices on the LAN that request them ‐
dynamic host control protocol, DHCP. In substations the IP addresses of relays and IEDs
are usually fixed as settings in those units.
9. Recognition of external path failures and rerouting of traffic via alternate paths ‐ virtual
router redundancy protocol, VRRP.
10. Reformatting of messages for compatibility with a variety of external communications
channel types, for example:
a. T1/E1 (e.g. utility owned fiber ring or microwave)
b. T3/E3/DS3 (e.g. utility owned SONET)
c. Frame Relay (common carrier)
d. Multi‐protocol layer switching (MPLS) (common carrier or utility)
e. Ethernet connection to WAN
f. DSL to common carrier
g. Serial RS‐232 and RS‐485 (e.g. to old SCADA master)
h. Modem over telephone circuit or voice channel
11. Monitoring, alarming, and logging of traffic behavior and diagnostics.
12. Network management protocol (SNMP) communications for router and network
configuration management.
13. Secure shell (SSH) network web server communications with a remote management
computer/server – another way of remotely managing the setting and configuration of
the router.
14. Receiving and serving date/time information to the LAN ‐ network time protocol, NTP;
and simple NTP or SNTP.
15. Facilities for backing up and restoring the full configuration or setting data base.
On this last point – as discussed above for switches – the saved database should be handled and
managed like settings of an important relay. Many of the settings and values impact the
coordination of the router performance with remote routers and computers on the utility
network, and network communications may fail if the data base restoration is not accurate and
precise. It is critical to have a setting archive and a setting restoration work plan if the router
fails and is replaced in the field, just as for a complex relay.
Routers support several types of protocols to communication like OSPF (Open Shortest Path
First) and RIP (Routing Information Protocol) that have a communications redundancy built in as
long as the physical network architecture remains in place.
For teleprotection or other applications with critical timing, most users choose not to let the
router find its own available paths to the remote terminal. Specific fixed primary and failover
paths are configured in the router so that latency and asymmetry can be tested and assured. A
tertiary path may be defined; more than that are difficult to control and are generally
considered unnecessary. Routers should not be allowed to fall back to choosing any available
path unless the traffic is for an application known to have low sensitivity to latency or
The number of routing protocols, with new ones emerging on a regular basis, reflects their
inability to provide the guaranteed deterministic reliability and dependability desired for many
applications. They have been considered suitable for SCADA traffic, but had been considered
unacceptable for most protection applications (which had been kept on layer‐2 networks).
In recent years, Multi‐protocol layer switching (MPLS) Ethernet routers are being applied for
teleprotection channels and other high‐speed, timing‐critical applications over Ethernet WANs.
MPLS uses a routing label on each Layer 2 packet, sometimes called Layer 2.5. Modern MPLS
networks with preconfigured paths can have low latencies and asymmetries that may be
suitable for teleprotection, including line current differential protection. However, in this early
phase of application, extensive user performance testing is needed before commissioning to
assure secure relay performance.
Layer 3 wide area protocols have been recently defined for control functions with slightly longer
but critical time frames of 20 to 100 ms – see description of IEC 61850‐90‐5 in Section 12.
communicate over logically greater distances (wide area networks, WAN). Layer 3 defines so‐
called ‘routable protocols,’ using translation of fixed MAC addresses to (for example) IP
addresses. While it is possible to build a physically‐large layer‐2 Ethernet network, in most cases
messages transmitted outside the LAN are carried on another physical medium – telephone line
(modem), SONET optical fiber, or radio link, for example. Routable protocols enable transparent
interworking between the LAN and the outside world, making them the standard for the non‐
critical communications originating in Ethernet LANs. Ethernet routers described in Section 8
interface a LAN to the WAN.
network. This method soon proved inadequate as additional networks developed that were
independent from the existing networks already designated by a network number. In 1981, the
Internet addressing specification was revised with the introduction of classful network
Classful network design allowed for a larger number of individual network assignments. The first
three bits of the most significant octet of an IP address was defined as the class of the address.
Three classes (A, B, and C) were defined for universal unicast addressing. Depending on the class
derived, the network identification was based on octet boundary segments of the entire
address. Each class used successively additional octets in the network identifier, thus reducing
the possible number of hosts in the higher order classes (B and C). The following table gives an
overview of this now obsolete system. This is how the IP Address classes were divided up:
Class Range
A to
B to
C to
D to
E to
Today, remnants of classful network concepts function only in a limited scope as the default
configuration parameters of some network software and hardware components (e.g. netmask),
and in the technical jargon used in network administrators' discussions.
Start End No. of addresses
Any user may use any of the reserved blocks. Typically, a network administrator will divide a
block into subnets; for example, many home routers automatically use a default address range
of through ( Utility LANs often use the 10.x.x.x range
for more flexibility in choosing the IED addresses.
Does the utility intranet require the address space offered by IPv6?
Does the intranet use public IPv4 addresses (e.g. not
Has the user purchased training and network analysis tools that make diagnosing IPv6
issues easy?
Security threats are mitigated using a combination of user‐authentication, cybersecurity and
circuit isolation technologies.
10.2 Cybersecurity
If the network design allows messages from untrusted sources to reach critical IEDs, then the
use of encryption and authentication technologies is needed to mitigate such threats.
Some issues include the management (creation, updates, and invalidation) of the keys used, the
technical challenges encrypting low‐latency messages (e.g. GOOSE, 1588) and the limited
lifetime of acceptable algorithms (since math experts with hacking intent are constantly
stepping up to the challenge of breaking security algorithms).
How switches are configured for VLANs varies widely between vendors, so it is important to
understand the relevant nuances encountered. As an example, originally VLANs were only
supported by the inter‐switch ports called trunk ports, whereas it is now common for the edge
ports (those connected to the IEDs) to also support multiple VLANS. This allows the IEDs to use
different VLANs for different services ‐ a useful tool for isolating specific services in each IED.
VLANs can be used to isolate IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol [28] traffic for protection of this
critical service.
1. Is the network isolated or integrated? Isolated networks have no external access to the
outside world; integrated networks do.
2. If it is an integrated network, do you own all of the network, or do you use the network
of another provider, even if it is part of the same company?
3. Are you worried about data integrity, network access, or both? Data integrity is making
sure that the data is what is actually generated and sent from producer to consumer.
Network access defines what and who should be allowed to access a network segment. This can
be as small as a single IP Address to whole other networks that may be part of a corporate
network environment.
Figure 16 ‐ Defining the network perimeter
One of the best ways to look at a network is to determine who needs access to whom in a
logical way. Forget the physical design and look at the groups of devices and users and the way
they are to interact. There are control system groups with all the associated HMIs, I/O, relays,
control IEDs, RTUs, historians, etc. Administrative groups use monitoring video, voice services,
physical security, fire response, and safety systems. The existing enterprise network may have
to connect to provide business or operating information. Remote access may be needed by
offsite engineers or technicians to monitor or diagnose systems and events.
2. Device Authentication‐
a. Radius authentication is a function found on managed Ethernet switches
and Routers. It interrogates the attached PC or Laptop and asks for a key
and Password.
b. Note that passive devices such as most of today’s relays, controllers, I/O,
sensors, etc. cannot participate in network authentication as they are not
interactive with the network.
3. Remote Access‐
a. These access points can be protected with a multilayer strategy, using a VPN
(Virtual Private Network) to protect the data and a firewall to protect the
access to the protected domain. To enhance the monitoring, Intrusion
Detection Services (IDS) are useful for monitoring the data movement in
and out of the protected network.
4. Connections to existing corporate networks‐
a. Very similar to protected remote site access accept you do not need the
VPN support, but firewalls and IDS support serve to close the holes.
b. Also, the judicious use of VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) and routers
creates logical networks within the physical environment that can also
control access through the use of IP Access Lists on the Routers that can be
used to connect these two networks together, even if both networks can be
considered “protected”.
5. Connections between protection and control networks across a network that is not
under utility control‐
a. Back to remote site access protection, but the decision to use a VPN
connection depends on level of trust the connecting network. Latency and
robustness for mission critical functions should be investigated, and are
often addressed with an Ethernet‐over‐ TDM connection until speed,
reliability, and security of Ethernet are demonstrated for wide area
6. Devices like USB memory drives and PCs that may be infected with viruses that
come into a secure area and inadvertently (or even on purpose) infect the control
system architecture‐
a. Deny access of non‐company machines to the protected network.
b. Utilize an up‐to‐date virus scan system which can scan memory drives and
PCs externally before they are connected.
7. Outright hacking either internal or external to the protected network‐
a. Use the remote access protection strategy, and optionally add an IPS
(Intrusion Protection Service) which not only detects unexpected and
dangerous data, but also can act to stop the interference.
b. Define a Demarcation Point. If there is an issue coming from outside that
cannot be resolved or stopped, physically disconnect the demarcation point.
This will allow you to then fix what may have been damaged during the
8. Disaster recovery‐
a. Have a disaster recovery plan in place addressing major natural and man‐
made events which may disrupt centralized network services and
automated access control mechanisms normally in place.
Figure 17 shows the same perimeter picture, but with the added tools to secure the holes and
make the network secure.
utilities. However, this LAN as well as other LANs had limitations that were ultimately surpassed
by Ethernet.
substation LAN in order to adequately limit the cyber vulnerabilities that lead to cyber‐attack of
the IEDs and network itself.
19,200 bps. This limits the amount of data and the frequency that data is updated. Serial
network loading due to data and polling cycles is such a concern that IEEE C37.1 includes an
annex showing how to perform bandwidth calculations.
With Ethernet, bandwidth is less of a concern because it is normally 10 Mbps or higher and is
full duplex, allowing simultaneous transmit and receive. The design limitation typically turns
from bandwidth limiting the number of points and polling frequency to the processing power of
the master to handle thousands of points coming back from each IED.
Substation Ethernet networks have significantly different requirements than typical enterprise
networks. An enterprise network is used for email, printer services, file transfer and other
applications that are not Real Time. In contrast, a substation network has critical data that is
often Real Time. Data for SCADA systems is typically delay sensitive and GOOSE messages are
also delay sensitive. What does this mean to the actual substation network? This means that
the data flowing through a substation network is more critical than data in an enterprise
network. Networks that run critical data must have a requirement for high availability and no
single point of failure. For protective relaying of critical bulk electric system components, NERC
may eventually require at least dual redundant designs with no single point of failure that could
disable both the primary and backup protection functions shown in Figure 3.
To do this we must design a network with redundancy at many levels. Power supplies, power
sources, equipment redundancy and diverse paths for cabling are all important considerations
for a high availability network. Network equipment with redundant power supplies that can be
connected to separate power sources are an important step to building a fault tolerant
redundant network. A single point of failure analysis is a good way to analyze a network design.
For example if you have a switch with dual ac power supplies and you plug them into outlets
that feed back to the same breaker that breaker becomes a single point of failure that can bring
down a network that requires high availability.
Ring topology provides two paths across the network, clockwise and counter clockwise. If a
cable is cut then there is an alternate path available in the opposite direction. Rapid Spanning
Tree Protocol (RSTP) explained in Section 4 allows the use of ring network topology while
preventing packet traffic that circulates in the ring forever. Section 4.6 also describes new PRP
and HSR methods to control circulating traffic while avoiding a bump in traffic flow during
detection and failover, although the RSTP bump time can be in tens of milliseconds and not a
real concern when redundant systems are in service during the bump time. Another important
step is path diversity. Path diversity requires that cabling between switches is not run in the
same conduit or cable raceway. When all of these considerations are taken into account the
result is a resilient network that has been optimized for high availability.
availability with minimum impact on response time. Depending on the degree of importance,
the designer must consider various levels of redundancy as follows:
Equipment power supplies – Network equipment with dual power supplies able to
connect to AC and DC sources simultaneously
Network topology – Ring topology with path‐failure protection (e.g. using RSTP)
Network equipment with dual power supplies fed from two separate dc (or
uninterruptable ac) distribution systems.
redundancy as indicated above and possibly the use of VLANs for an efficient and secure
Once the network components and network topology have been selected, one must then
analyze how it will affect the performance of protection and control system under several
scenarios, deciding what will be the course of actions that will take place under each condition
and calculating, if possible, the potential additional response time imposed by the new network.
A total network failure should also be considered since critical signals will probably be lost under
extreme system failure including a possible total shut down produced by auxiliary digital outputs
at Ethernet switches and / or Routers. The outputs are used in a hardwired emergency
shutdown sequence.
A protection and control engineer should not be surprised by the complexity and the number of
possible scenarios that should be analyzed. If engineers spend time and money doing real time
simulation studies for important and complex protection systems, they should also allocate
resources to perform network failure analysis to determine the implications that the network
will have in the performance of the protection and control system. The following is a possible
list of network simulations that must be performed:
Path‐recovery response time (e.g. RSTP) under link failures ‐ this may involve several
scenarios depending on the network topology
GOOSE message response time under link failures – this may involve several
scenarios depending on the network topology
the destination address arrives and it introduces a frame delay of 4.8 µs for a 100 Mbps link.
Store and forward (the more common choice) receives the entire frame before it switches and
verifies the Frame Check Sequence (FCS), if the FCS is corrupt the frame is discarded. Because it
receives the entire frame before switching and frame sizes can vary from 64 to 1516 bytes on a
100 Mbps link the frame delay can vary between 5 µs and 120 µs. Queuing latency is the time
for which the frames are stored in a device’s egress port queue (how long it takes to egress the
existing queue’s frames).
The requirements for message latency are application dependent, the most critical being
typically less than 5 to 8 ms for teleprotection circuits. The latency impacts tripping time, and
the maximum acceptable value depends on the criticality of tripping speed in a particular
application. In addition, 87L also requires that the asymmetry of latency between the two
directions always be less than 3 ms (unless external time synchronization of compared current
values is used). Note that 3 ms asymmetry may be the worst tolerable value in an 87L
application with no other error sources; allowance for CT and other measurement errors
suggests a lower asymmetry limit of 1 ms or less [25].
Bandwidth is a choice that must be made when designing the network. Common Ethernet
bandwidths are 10 Mbps for the 10 base (TX/FL) standard, 100 Mbps for the 100 Base (TX/FX) or
1000 Mbps for the 1000 Base (TX/LX). The best way to determine the required bandwidth is to
understand all of the traffic types on the network and add up the bandwidth that is required and
add extra for future requirements. Then match the bandwidth required with the available
choices. A typical design limit is 80% duty cycle maximum on a link. However, aiming for a
much lower value like 10% to 20% in a LAN environment allows for future function additions
that come rapidly in networking technology.
The minimum latency for GOOSE messages between IEDs for a store and forward switch.
Processing latency + frame latency = total latency. For maximum, add the queuing latencies.
5 µs x 3 (switches) + 120 µs x 3 (switches) = 375 µs best case from any IED to any IED.
11.6 Examples of packet delays
At each egress switch port, a high‐priority packet may have to wait for a maximum‐length lower‐
priority packet to egress; a 1518 byte packet takes 122 μs at 100 Mbps and 12 μs at 1 Gbps.
A potential 2 ms extra delay could therefore be incurred for a network path comprising 16 hops
if at 100 Mbps or for 160 hops if at 1 Gbps.
At each egress switch port, a high‐priority packet may also have to wait for many other high‐
priority packets to egress; a 600 byte packet (typical for GOOSE) requires 48 μs at 100 Mbps, 4.8
μs at 1 Gbps.
A potential 2 ms extra delay could therefore be incurred for an event‐triggered burst of 40
GOOSE packets if at 100 Mbps, 400 packets if at 1 Gbps.
configured for the appropriate VLAN if VLANs are used. If there are no spare switch ports
available a new switch will be required to meet the new requirements. The switch should be
preconfigured to minimize downtime during the installation. Physically install the switch and
power up the device. Then disconnect the cables on the existing switch where the new switch
will be connected and insert the switch into the network. Now any new devices can be
connected and downtime has been limited to the time necessary to connect the switch.
priority field they can be prioritized by either using their MAC address or configuring the switch
to prioritize all traffic coming in on a specific port to be set to a specific queue. For example the
traffic arriving on switch port 1 is en‐queued to the high priority queue and the traffic arriving
on port 2 to the medium priority queue. This mechanism allows the important time sensitive
traffic to have priority throughout the network. Since not all switches support all of the 8
priority settings provided by 802.1Q tags, the user should ensure that the switches chosen
provide the quantity desired.
WAN links, IEC 61850‐90‐5 provides a service that naturally and easily transports such
information across the WAN in an IEC 61850 format using standard router services. Among the
features of IEC‐61850‐90‐5 transport are:
Layer 3 UDP/IP multicast passes readily through routers and across WANs.
Using the IT‐standard router service Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)
Version 3, subscribing IEDs and their routers can automatically locate the publishers
they seek even when separated by an arbitrary WAN having multiple hops.
R‐GOOSE and R‐SV message packets are enhanced with a key‐based high security
(Secure Hash Algorithm or SHA‐256, also called SHA‐2) authentication signature to foil
spoofing or substitution disruptions.
Management of the ongoing distribution of security keys to approved publishers for use
in creating authentication signatures employs the IT‐standard Group Domain of
Interpretation (GDOI) key distribution center process.
With convenient auto‐configure routing using standard IT equipment, leading‐edge security
features, and compatibility with the IEC 61850‐6 configuration process, IEC Technical Report
61850‐90‐5 is an excellent solution for phasor streaming and wide‐area GOOSE control.
However, the technical report was published in 2012, and corresponding normative or standard
requirements for R‐GOOSE and R‐SV are just now being added in Amendment 1 of IEC 61850‐8‐
1, resulting in Edition 2.1. These requirements will have to be implemented in products.
Furthermore, IED manufacturers are just introducing new communications processing platforms
that can handle the complex authentication hash code calculations at high speed. Trial products
are emerging, and fully compliant products will become available over time. Thus, TDM
solutions cannot yet be widely replaced with those using IEC 61850‐90‐5 Ethernet WAN
transport. One temporary workaround in use for now is to use the methods of 61850‐90‐5 with
the authentication fields populated with dummy data (and without the security benefits of
is to provide an efficient bandwidth pipe that is transparent for Ethernet traffic. There are
several technologies used in EoS to encapsulate the packetized data and efficiently transport it
over SONET. These technologies include Virtual Concatenation, Link Capacity Adjustment
Scheme and Generic Framing Procedure.
The plurality of Ethernet pipes within a SONET payload allows the assignment of separate pipes
for the different classes of inter‐substation traffic applications, allowing not only the optimum
pipe bandwidths, but more importantly the complete isolation of critical traffic (e.g. protection)
from the typically‐unknown traffic of the other applications. This assured determinism for
mission‐critical applications explains why the SONET/SDH transport technology has a healthy
survival despite the major inroads of Ethernet (typically using MPLS transport) for
telecommunications industry transport.
12.1.4 Generic Framing Procedure (GFP)
GFP is the protocol for mapping packet data into an octet‐synchronous transport such as SONET.
GFP uses a cell delineation protocol to encapsulate variable length packets. A fixed amount of
overhead is required by the GFP encapsulation that is independent of the contents of the
packets which allows deterministic matching of bandwidth between the Ethernet stream and
the virtually concatenated SONET stream. Within GFP, there are two different mapping modes,
one uses frame based (GFP‐F) mapping and the other uses transparent (GFP‐T) mapping. Each
mode has different characteristics
GFP‐F supports variable‐sized packet lengths of framed data, where one frame maps directly
into one GFP‐F frame. In order to support the frame delineation mode utilized within GFP, the
frame length must be known and pre‐pended to the head of the packet. In many protocols, this
forces a store‐and‐forward encapsulation architecture in order to buffer the entire frame and
determine its length. GFP‐F incurs higher latency through the system, because complete frames
must be buffered before transmission.
GFP‐T supports fixed‐sized packet lengths and transports block‐coded constant rate bit streams.
This generates a GFP frame that encapsulates block coded data, which contains the client
protocol 8B/10B data and control (symbols) that are mapped to 64B/65B block codes. The
transparent‐mapped protocol does not require that application buffers complete frames before
transmission. Instead, both data and control symbols are accumulated. Eight 8B/10B symbols
(plus a flag bit) are combined to create a 64B/65B block code. This block code will include both
data words and control characters.
The selection of GFP‐F versus GFP‐T depends on the application and system requirements. GFP‐F
provides bandwidth efficiency by ensuring that only actual data is transmitted, whereas GFP‐T
transmits all information including data, framing codes, preamble, and idles.
GFP‐F incurs higher latency through the system, because complete frames must be buffered
before transmission. GFP‐T does not require complete frame transmission, and therefore can
achieve lower system latencies.
control information. In this manner protection and control devices can communicate with each
other via the extended LAN at the Layer 2 level.
If it is desired to make data from devices on the multi‐station LAN available to some corporate
offices then a multi‐station LAN could also have a single point of entry into the LAN. Any one of
the substations on the multi‐station LAN can be used to place a secure router/firewall to be
connected either to the corporate network or to an ISP for internet access. This would provide
access without compromising the security of communications between devices communicating
on a layer two level.
13. Standards for communications performance
13.1 IEC 60834‐1 requirements for security and dependability of
For the various protection schemes, the CIGRÉ brochure TB192 “Protection using
Telecommunications” (2001) addresses the requirements from protection on the teleprotection
interfaces and the communication channels.
The term “teleprotection” refers to the equipment needed to interface the protection
equipment to the telecommunication equipment; for IEC 61850 systems this would comprise
the equipment generating and processing the Ethernet packets for the protection functions (e.g.
(Non‐protection IEC 61850 functions are far less critical, e.g. delivery times of an order of 1
second for SCADA functions may be tolerable.)
The IEC 60834‐1 Figure 21 also shows that the “maximum actual transmission time” (called
transfer time in IEC61850) should be less than 10 ms for all the protection schemes.
Therefore the telecommunication network is required to have a greater than 10 ms message
latency probability of lower than 10‐4 (for intertripping protection schemes).
For dependability against fiber failures causing an excessive delay of protection messages, the
network must be engineered for this requirement (e.g. by using a failure‐recovery technology
with less than 10 ms interruption, or by using a dual‐path topology).
For dependability against network traffic causing an excessive delay of protection messages, the
network must be engineered for this requirement (e.g. by assuring that the highest‐priority
queues are reserved for protection messages); more quantitative description of these delays are
given in subsections of Section 11.
1613 is – 20 degrees C to + 55 degrees C. Other more severe temperature ranges may also be
specified. Operational temperature is defined as “the temperature of still air (i.e. no fans or
forced‐air movement) measured 30 cm from the surface of the unit (communications
networking device) enclosure while in operation”. For a specified temperature range (for
example, ‐20˚ C to +55˚ C), a unit shall be able to start up and continue its operation at the
specified minimum temperature (i.e. –20 ˚C) within five minutes after having been de‐
energized for a sufficient time such that its internal components have cooled to that
temperature without condensation. A unit shall also be able to start up and continue its
operation within five minutes at the specified maximum temperature (i.e. +55 ˚C) after having
been deenergized for a sufficient time such that its internal components have heated to that
5. Data Integrity: Data Integrity has to be ensured in a congested network and noisy
substation environment. The standard requires users and manufacturer to agree upon
integrity classes (I1, I2, or I3) as described in IEC 60870‐4 which is based on MTBF of the
6. General network requirements: The communication network should have enough
bandwidth to serve typical substation configurations, and it should be able to expand up
to 2 km in order to cover the entire substation area.
For environmental requirements, the standard refers to IEC 60721‐3‐3, IEC 60721‐3‐4 and IEC
60870‐2 and lists number of performance classes and severity levels of environmental climate
Weather protected locations:
The manufacturer is required to specify the equipment conformance to the performance class
and severity levels as specified in IEC 60870‐2‐2:
1. Temperature: Performance classes for air temperatures range from ‐50°C to 70°C.
Separate performance classes are specified while transporting and storing the
equipment. These air temperatures range from ‐65°C to 85°C and depend on whether
ventilated enclosure is provided.
2. Humidity: Performance classes for relative humidity levels range from 5% to 100%.
3. Barometric Pressure: Performance classes for air pressure ranging from 70kPa to
106kPa. Requirements specified in IEC 60694 need to be followed when the
communication equipment forms an integral part of high voltage switchgear and control
4. Mechanical and Seismic: Due to diverse mechanical and seismic conditions, national and
international standards according to the needs of the location/application have to be
followed. When applicable, performance class as specified in IEC 608702‐2 can be
followed. These list the severity levels for stationary & sinusoidal vibration, shock and
free fall conditions. IEC 60255‐21‐3 is referred for performance classes in seismic
5. Pollution and Corrosion: This standard refers to guidelines in IEC 60654‐4 for pollution,
corrosion, and erosion influences on communications equipment.
6. Electromagnetic Compatibility: Communication equipment in a substation are exposed
to various types of electromagnetic inference from electrostatic discharges from
personnel to equipment, magnetic interference due to nearby current carrying
conductors, radio frequency inference from hand‐held devices and inference from
lightning & switching surges. The standard requires tests to be performed on a
communication equipment as per IEC 61000 standard subparts ‐ voltage levels of
electrostatic discharge, fast transient/burst signals, surges, common mode immunity,
ripple, oscillatory wave amplitude and ac/dc power supply variations/interruptions, and
electromagnetic radio frequency fields of steady state and damped oscillatory signals.
7. Dielectric Strength: Power supply voltages in a substation environment vary during
operation due to motor start‐up, switching, and disturbance conditions. Since the
communications equipment has to withstand over or undervoltages from its auxiliary
supply, the standard requires that communications equipment be tested for a range of
voltages and tolerances as described in IEC 60870‐2‐1.
expert to examine the different communications technologies and identify the one that meets
the functional requirements. The communications expert would then document the functional
and system specification and testing required to support the defined system. This information
would then be passed to the Information Technology expert.
strictly managed process for developing and tracking setting or configuration files, as
well as associated hardware and firmware versions. Maintenance personnel must have
access to a reliable, protected, and controlled archive of the latest configuration and
setting files for rapid updating or recovery of the P&C system.
Within regulatory authority of NERC, the retention and recovery of these files have been
codified in the NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) regulations. While it is
understood that these requirements are not international, they do provide good
guidance in the development of disaster recovery documentation.
1. IEEE (ANSI) Device Number 16 – Ethernet Switches and Routers, Eric A. Udren,
KEMA Consulting, Pittsburgh, PA (Georgia Tech Protective Relay Conference,
Atlanta, GA, May 2008; Texas A&M Conference for Protective Relay Engineers,
April 2008).
2. IEEE Standard C37.2‐2008, IEEE Standard for Electrical Power System Device
Function Numbers, Acronyms, and Contact Designations.
3. Extending the Substation LAN Beyond Substation Boundaries: Current
Capabilities and Potential New Protection Applications of Wide‐Area Ethernet,
Veselin Skendzic, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. and Roger Moore,
RuggedCom, Inc.; 8th Annual Western Power Delivery Automation Conference,
Spokane, WA, April 11–13, 2006.
4. Selecting, Designing, and Installing Modern Data Networks in Electrical
Substations, Gary W. Scheer and David J. Dolezilek, Schweitzer Engineering
Laboratories, Inc.; 9th Annual Western Power Delivery Automation Conference,
Spokane, WA, April 2007
5. Cisco Internetworking Technology Handbook ‐ Chapter 4 ‐ Bridging and
Switching Basics, Cisco Press,
6. IEEE PSRC H6 Special Report, Application Considerations of IEC 61850/UCA 2 for
Substation Ethernet Local Area Network Communication for Protection and
Control, http://www.pes‐‐
7. Industrial Ethernet: A Control Engineer’s Guide, Cisco White Paper,‐
8. Ethernet in the Substation, M. P. Pozzuoli and Roger Moore, RuggedCom, Inc.;
IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2006; IEEE Xplore.
9. LAN Congestion Scenario and Performance Evaluation by Mark S. Simon, Charles
R. Sufana, and John T. Tengdin; IEEE Winter Power Meeting, Volume 2,
99CB36233, page 919, IEEE Xplore.
10. IEC 61850‐8‐1:2011, Communication networks and systems for power utility
automation ‐ Part 8‐1: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) ‐
Mappings to MMS (ISO 9506‐1 and ISO 9506‐2) and to ISO/IEC 8802‐3, IEC
11. IEC TR 61850‐90‐1:2010, Communication networks and systems for power utility
automation ‐ Part 90‐1: Use of IEC 61850 for the communication between
12. IEC TR 61850‐90‐4:2013, Communication networks and systems for power utility
automation ‐ Part 90‐4: Network engineering guidelines,
13. IEC TR 61850‐90‐12:2015, Communication networks and systems for power
utility automation ‐ Part 90‐12: Wide area network engineering guidelines,
14. IEC TR 61850‐90‐5:2012, Communication networks and systems for power utility
automation ‐ Part 90‐5: Use of IEC 61850 to transmit synchrophasor information
according to IEEE C37.118,
15. IEC 62439‐3 Ed 3.0: 2016, Industrial communication networks ‐ High availability
automation networks ‐ Part 3: Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) and High‐
availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR),
16. IEEE 1613‐2009, IEEE standard environmental and testing requirements for
communications networking devices installed in electric power substations, IEEE
17. IEEE 1613.1‐2013, IEEE Standard Environmental and Testing Requirements for
Communications Networking Devices Installed in Transmission and Distribution
Facilities (extension of IEEE 1613‐2009), IEEE Xplore.
18. IEEE STD 1615‐2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Network Communication in
Electric Power Substations, IEEE Xplore.
19. PSRC WG C3 Report, Processes, Issues, Trends and Quality Control of Relay
Settings, http://www.pes‐
20. IEEE P2030.100, IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Implementing IEC 61850
Based Substation Communications, Protection, Monitoring and Control Systems.
21. North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), Critical Infrastructure
Protection (CIP) standards series,
22. IEEE C37.1‐2007, IEEE Standard for SCADA & Automation Systems.
23. IEC/IEEE 61850‐9‐3 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 9‐3: Precision time protocol profile for power utility automation. (The base profile).
24. IEEE C37.238‐2017 Standard Profile for use of IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol in
Power System Applications. (This extends the base profile).
25. IEEE PSRC H32 Special Report, Performance Requirements for Ethernet Circuits Applied
to Teleprotection (Expected publication in 2017).
26. IEC 61850‐9‐2 Edition 2, 2011, Communication networks and systems for power utility
automation – Part 9‐2: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) – Sampled
Values over ISO/IEC 8802‐3.
27. IEC 61850‐3 Edition 2, 2013: Communication networks and systems for power utility
automation – Part 3: General requirements.
28. IEEE 1588‐2008, IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for
Networked Measurement and Control Systems, .
Annex A ‐ Ethernet Data Transmission and OSI Layers
An application program sending or receiving data over Ethernet, in a computer or substation
IED, generally uses the services of its operating system (O/S) Ethernet stack. This is a collection
of software modules and memory structures which formats and decodes data sent via the
Ethernet, according to the requirements of the 7‐layer model and the applications programs.
Data is physically sent and received using a device called a Media Access Controller (MAC),
which interfaces to the communications medium (e.g. copper wire or optical fiber). The MAC
device may include the actual connection to the medium, or this may be provided using a
separate device called a physical‐layer interface, often referred to as a ‘PHY.’
Data sent using Ethernet and the 7‐layer model is formatted in frames. The lower layers (2‐4) of
the OSI model each add a ‘header’ to the frame. Using the information in the headers, the frame
may be properly routed to, and decoded at, its destination. This is true for devices connected
directly to the same local area network (LAN); and using routable (IP) protocols, even when the
destination is far away. Most familiar applications use Internet protocols (IP), which operate at
layers 3 and 4 of the 7‐layer stack; but applications may also communicate directly at layer 2.
These protocols are limited to LAN scope; without a routable (IP or equivalent) header, they
cannot be sent over layer‐3 wide‐area networks.
At the physical layer (layer 1), the header consists of synchronization and framing‐control bits
or symbols, used by the receiving device to locate the beginning and end of each data frame.
These bits or symbols are not normally visible to the higher levels of the model (i.e., software),
but they may be examined using a protocol analyzer.
At the data link layer (layer 2), as defined by IEEE Standard 802.3, this 14‐octet header includes
the source and destination Media Access Controller (MAC) addresses (SA and DA), and a
length/type field. Data and a Frame Check Sequence (FCS) follow; for Ethernet, the FCS is a 32‐
bit (4‐octet) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). The CRC is calculated on the entire message,
including the SA, DA, length/type and data. This frame is sometimes called a ‘MAC frame’ or
‘MAC data frame’ (Table A‐1).
Each line in the following tables describes 32 bits (4 octets or 8 hex digits) in the frame.
Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4
Length/Type Data
The source and destination MAC addresses (SA and DA) are 48‐bit (6‐octet or 12 hex digit)
numbers. They are unique for each MAC, which is normally a physical device (integrated circuit)
or in some cases a part of one (a system‐on‐chip microcontroller, for instance). The
manufacturer gives MAC addresses to a computer or IED when the device is made. The IEEE
Registration Authority assigns the high‐order 3 octets (6 hex digits) to each manufacturer; the
manufacturer assigns the lower 3 octets. The high‐order octets are sometimes known as the
Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI).
The DA address may also be modified, by setting the lowest bit of the first octet in the OUI to
create a multicast address. Several addresses are reserved for special purposes, such as
broadcast messages. Tables of these assignments, and of OUIs, are updated frequently and may
be found elsewhere; for example at the website (IANA, the Internet Assigned
Number Authority).
The two‐octet length/type field has two possible meanings. Values of 1500 decimal (0x05DC) or
less denote message length, used with layer‐2 protocols. Values greater than 1536 (0x0600) are
‘Ethertypes’ which identify the protocol used for the bytes following, e.g. an 802.1Q tag or a
higher‐level (layer 3) protocol such as IPv4 (Ethertype 0x0800).
An extension of the layer 2 header, a 4 octet ‘VLAN header,’ may be inserted between the DA
and length/type field (Table A‐2). With VLAN, or ‘Virtual LAN,’ individual physical connections
may be grouped together logically as members of independent ‘virtual local area networks.’
Using VLANs, a switch may control which ports can ‘see’ each other and communicate, and also
may prioritize traffic between them.
Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4
Length/Type Data
Table A-2 - Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) header with VLAN (IEEE 802.1Q)
At the network layer (layer 3), the Internet Protocol (IP) header consists of 20 octets (Table A.‐
3). This header includes network‐layer management data, including protocol ID and information
to re‐construct messages broken into fragments. Important for our purposes, it also identifies
the layer‐4 protocol (e.g., TCP: protocol 6 and UDP: protocol 17 or 0x11) and the source and
destination IP addresses.
Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4
Source IP Address
Destination IP Address
IP addresses are not the same as physical MAC addresses. They are only 32 bits (4 octets) long,
and are assigned under the control of the network. Assignments may be manual (fixed,
requested by the client device); ‘automatic,’ assigned once and thereafter unchanged; or
dynamic, assigned as requested. DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol) manages IP address
Dynamic addresses are assigned for a period of time (called a ‘lease’), and must be renewed.
Dynamic address allocation simplifies network management, for example in ISP or enterprise
networking applications. Manual or automatic (fixed) address assignment can enhance security
in a network with a known topology, reducing opportunities for adversaries to access a network.
Note that some IP addresses are fixed by IANA, and some blocks are available for assignment
(see IANA).
To know where to physically send a frame, a router must be able to match IP addresses with
MAC addresses. For IPv4, this is done using Address Resolution Protocol (ARP); for IPv6 the
corresponding protocol is NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol). Switches operate at layer 2, based
on MAC addresses, which they ‘learn’ by monitoring the SA in each received frame. Switches,
particularly managed switches, may also prioritize and/or route traffic based on the contents of
the L3 or L4 headers.
At the transport layer (layer 4), the header format is defined by the protocol (TCP or UDP, or
one of many other protocols, identified in the IP header). The UDP header (Table A‐4) is simpler
(than TCP), since UDP is a connection‐less protocol, and does not provide assured message
delivery. It includes source and destination Port Numbers, message length and checksum. The
TCP header (Table A.5) also includes fields for re‐assembly of data segments, acknowledgement,
and other information needed to maintain a connection, verify valid data, and request re‐
transmission of corrupted frames.
Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4
Length Checksum
Acknowledgement Number
Data Offset, ECN, Control Bits Window
IP port numbers (Table A‐6) identify the higher‐level protocol used by the frame. The O/S
Ethernet stack uses the port number to send each frame to the correct application. Message
priority may be set using port numbers.
Port Number Application
0 Maintenance
21 FTP Control
23 Telnet
37 TIME Protocol
366 SMTP (ref. Port 25) on‐demand mail relay (ODMR) extension
502 Modbus
4712‐13 PMU
Higher‐level layers are specific to each application and/or protocol. Layer 7, the application
layer, includes familiar services such as HTTP, NTP, SNMP, and MMS used by IEC 61850 client‐
server services. Layer 6 describes methods for encoding data, including encryption and
compression. Layer 5 handles sessions, which means that it deals with frames going to and from
different applications, much like a ‘traffic cop’ deciding who can proceed and who must wait.
These layers do not add headers, as the lower‐level layers handle this.
To configure substation Ethernet hardware (switches, routers, IEDs), the most useful data fields
are generally (but not always) found in the layer 2‐4 headers. Based on the contents of these
headers, the user can set priorities, reserve port bandwidth, control access, enable or disable
multicast and broadcast traffic, and set other configuration parameters to optimize your
network for reliable, timely transmission of critical messages; while allowing other traffic to co‐
exist on the same network.
IP Ethertype = 0x0800
Source IP Address
Destination IP Address
Length Checksum
Layer 7 NTP Message
Layer 4 UDP
Layer 3 IP Header
Layer 2 802.3 V C
Layer 1
Annex B ‐ Ethernet Switch Protocol Implementation
Conformance Statement (PICS)
In order to assist in the selection of Ethernet switches, the following table proposes a Product
Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) in a format like that used by IEC TC 57 WG 10
(developers of IEC 61850). Its purpose is not to tell the user exactly what to specify, but rather
to prompt user interaction with switch vendors in determining how a particular Ethernet switch
product fits the application requirements. The IEEE Power System Relaying Committee working
group that compiled this report has updated and added to the original UCA IUG table PICS draft.
The table below originated with work done by leaders in the UCA International Users’ Group
(UCA IUG). They observed, after the 2011 interoperability testing event (IOP), that questions
arose regarding how to verify Ethernet switch data sheets. The IOP demonstrated how
misconceptions on the datasheets can impact system configuration.
As an example, there are 8 priority levels (0‐7) in IEEE 802.1P (See Sections 3 and 7.4 above).
However, many switches do not have queues for each priority. In some cases, there are only
three priorities supported. Thus if a substation protection and control designer inadvertently
chooses two priorities that map into the same queue, the priority differentiation of those
messages will be lost.
Some entries in the right Value/Comments column give expansion of acronyms appearing to the
Value/ Comments
Non-blocking, store and forward Number of ports
I2 ST (Note 1) # Optical fiber connection type
(Note 1)
I3 SC # Optical fiber connection type
(Note 1)
I4 LC # Optical fiber connection type
(Note 1)
I5 MTRJ # Optical fiber connection type
(Note 1)
I6 SFP # Optical fiber connection type
I7 Critical alarm relay Y/N Contacts; fail‐safe dropout?
I8 Modular port configuration Y/N
I9 Local management port Y/N
I10 Accessible memory Y/N
Note 1 Light level incompatibility or overload is a known Test or validate interoperation
issue with all optical interface types. In particular, of switches with these
there are known interoperability issues between interfaces.
different vendors SFP transceivers.
Substation Ethernet switch conformance statement
For the use of the Ethernet switch in a substation environment the following aspects need to be
Value/ Comments
Redundancy protocols
V1 Is the full range of IEEE 802.1Q VLAN IDs (VIDs) Y/N How many?
supported? See Sections 7.5 and 11.11.
V2 Specify the range of VLAN IDs that can be
supported by the switch simultaneously:
a) All (0‐4095) Y/N
b) A range of values Y/N Specify how the range is
c) A specific number Y/N How many?
V3 Specify the maximum number of VLAN IDs Number of VIDs?
supported per port:
a) A range of values Y/N Specify how the range is
b) A specific number Y/N How many?
V4 Support for priority levels Y/N How many levels?
V5 How many priority levels per queue Amount
V6 Specify which priorities map into the same queue Specify priorities vs queue
V7 Do the trunk port(s) discard packets with VLAN ID Y/N IEC 61850 & IEEE 1588 both
=0 specify use of VLAN = 0, but
some switches do not pass these
V8 Do the egress trunk port(s) remove VLAN ID = 0? Y/N
V9 Do ingress trunk port(s) remove VLAN ID = 0? Y/N
V10 Can ingress port(s) add VLANs? Y/N
V10 VLANs per trunk port Number
a) A range of values Y/N Specify how the range is
b) A specific number Y/N How many?
V11 VLANs per edge port Number
a) A range of values Y/N Specify how the range is
b) A specific number Y/N How many?
V12 Methods available for VLAN registration VTP, legacy GVRP, 802.1AK,
MVRP, manual?
Time synchronization
Management Security
Switch Properties
EMI and Environmental
Power Supplies
PS1 Dual redundant, load sharing power supplies Y/N Do they have separated and
isolated feeds?
PS2 24 Vdc Y/N
PS3 48 Vdc Y/N
PS4 88‐300 Vdc Y/N
PS5 85‐264 Vac Y/N
PS6 Is Power‐Over‐Ethernet (PoE) supported? Y/N
If Yes, what is the maximum aggregate load? Specify capacity in watts and/or
amperes at defined voltage