Using Maneuvers Knife Which Sails Through The Air: Martial Maneuver Save DC
Using Maneuvers Knife Which Sails Through The Air: Martial Maneuver Save DC
Using Maneuvers Knife Which Sails Through The Air: Martial Maneuver Save DC
You can use one maneuver during each turn. Some maneu- Your innate magic lifts you and your weapon into the air
vers require concentration, as if concentrating on a spell, or so your feet barely brush the ground as you soar across
certain conditions to use. Some maneuvers will require your the battlefield, and the hilt of your weapon floats just
target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver’s effects. beyond your fingertips. While in this stance, your speed
is increased by 10 feet, you ignore difficult terrain, and
Martial Maneuver save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus +
you gain an additional 5 feet of reach when wielding a
your Charisma modifier
melee weapon
Living Blade Crossed Blades of the Defender
Sorcerer Maneuver Maneuvers You and your blade act as one, prowling defensively like a
Level Points Known wolf defending her den.
1st 1 2 While in this stance, your speed is reduced by 10 feet,
2nd 2 2 you cannot be disarmed, and you gain a bonus to your AC
3rd 3 3 equal to your Charisma modifier.
4th 4 3
5th 5 4 Extra Attack
6th 5 4 6th-level Living Blade feature
7th 6 4
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take
8th 6 4 the Attack action on your turn. Additionally, you can cast
9th 7 5 one of your cantrips in place of one of those attacks.
10th 7 5
11th 8 5 Resonant Edge
12th 8 5
14th-level Living Blade feature
13th 9 6
14th 9 6 When you cast a spell while holding a sword, the blade be-
15th 10 6 comes charged with arcane magic. Each spell you cast charges
16th 10 6
the blade with force damage equal to twice the level of the
spell. The total amount of force damage you can store in your
17th 11 7
blade is equal to ten times your proficiency bonus. The next
18th 11 7
time you hit a creature with a charged weapon, the weapon
19th 12 7 deals additional damage equal to the stored force damage and
20th 12 7 the charged damage resets to 0.
You can also spend a sorcery point to release all charged
energy from your blade, making a ranged spell attack as
Sharpened Soul a bonus action. This attack fires a magical projectile from
1st-level Living Blade feature your weapon with a range of 60 feet. On a hit, it deals force
damage equal to the total energy you released.
You gain proficiency with shortswords, longswords, and
scimitars, and you can use any of these weapons as an
arcane focus for your spells. Spirit of the Living Blade
Additionally, as a bonus action, you can spend one of your 18th-level Living Blade feature
sorcery points to summon any sword you can see within 30
feet to your hand. If another creature is holding the weapon, You gain the ability to call upon the enduring essence of
you can attempt to magically disarm them by forcing them your ancestor to aid you in battle. As a bonus action, you
to make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. can transform one blade in your hand into the legendary
On a failed save, the sword flies into your hand. weapon. For 1 minute, it becomes a magical longsword with
a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to your Charisma
modifier, and it sheds silvery light that emanates as bright
Stance of Spell and Steel light from you in a 30-foot radius, and dim light for 30 feet
1st-level Living Blade feature beyond that.
You and any allied creatures within 60 feet cannot be
Your magical birthright allows you to learn the two battle frightened, and gain temporary hit points equal to 1d4 +
stances below. When you roll initiative, you can choose to your Charisma modifier at the start of each of your turns.
enter a stance that you know. You can also change between Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
stances you know as a bonus action. finish a long rest.
You can only enter a stance as long as you’re not wearing
armor or wielding a shield.