The Nervous System Notes Part 1
The Nervous System Notes Part 1
The Nervous System Notes Part 1
It communicates with body cells using the , which are rapid and specific and cause
almost immediate responses.
- gather information
- monitor changes, called ,
occurring inside and outside the body
- Nerve fibers that carry information to the - nerve fibers that carry impulses away from the
central nervous canal central nervous system organs to effector organs
- afferent literally means to go toward ( muscles and glands)
Two Subdivisions:
- soma = body 1. = voluntary
- carry information from the skin, skeletal - allow us to consciously (voluntarily) control
muscles, and joints our skeletal muscles
2. = involuntary
- carry information from visceral organs - regulates events that are involuntary (no
concious control)
- automatically controls smooth and cardiac
muscles and glands
- further divided into the and
nervous systems
Serve as communication lines among sensory
organs, the brain and spinal cord, and glands or
Spider-like phagocytes
Monitor the health of nearby neurons
Dispose of debris (dead brain cells and bacteria)
Wrap their flat extensions (processes) around the CNS nerve fibers
Cells specialized to transmit messages ( nerve impulses) from one part of the body to another
Major regions of all neurons:
1. - nucleus and metabolic center of the cell
2. - fibers that extend from the cell body
-neurons are grouped according to the direction the nerve impulse travels relative to the CNS
Carry impulses from the central nervous system to viscera and/or muscles and glands
Cell bodies of motor neurons are usually located in the CNS
1. If enough sodium enters the cell, the action potential (nerve impulse) starts and is propagated over the
entire axon
2. means the nerve impulse either propagated (conducted, or sent) or is not
3. Fibers with myelin sheaths conduct nerve impulses more quickly
2. Potassium ions rapidly diffuse out of the neuron, repolarizing the membrane
3. involves restoring the inside of the membrane to a negative charge and the outer surface
to a positive charge
Initial conditions of sodium and potassium ions are restores using the
2. This pump, using ATP, restores the original configuration
3. from the cell while to the cell
4. Until repolarization is complete, a neuron cannot conduct another nerve impulse
When the action potential reaches the axon
terminal, the electrical charge opens calcium
Reflexes that stimulate the skeletal muscles Regulate the activity of smooth muscles, the
Involuntary, although skeletal muscel is heart, and glands
normally under voluntary control Example: regulation of smooth muscles, heart
Example: pulling your hand away from a hot and blood pressure, glands, digestive system
Simplest type
Example: patellar (knee-jerk) reflex