Geology of Minna
Geology of Minna
Geology of Minna
4 2011
Nigeria basement complex has shown that the older granites are high level intrusions emplaced by
stoping and diapiric process and include spectrum of rocks varying in composition from tonalite through
granodiorite to granite. The intense regional deformation which accompanied and preceded the
emplacement of the older granite result in it pronounced and wide spread northeast trend. The granites
termed older granites in Nigeria have been dated severally at 500-750 million years. Minna is situated in
the central part of the Nigeria basement complex surrounded by rugged terrain of granitic rocks, this
necessitates the geological and impact assessment of the granitic rock in Minna. Field study reveals eight
granitic masses which occur as Paiko and Minna batholiths and as continuous ridge in north-south
direction of about 18 kms and average height of 350 meters above sea level. In hand specimen, the
granitic rocks vary from medium, porphyritic to coarse variety from light colored to medium dark
Key Words: Geology, Environmental impact, Assessment, Benefit and Granitic Rocks.
The Older Granite of Nigeria includes a wide Minna is situated in the central part of Nigeria
spectrum of rocks varying in composition from basement complex, surrounded by rugged terrain of
tonalite through granodiorite to granite, syenite granitic rocks. There is need to examine the origin,
and charnockite rocks (Trustwell et. al, 1963). The attributes and benefits of these rocks in the area.
granitoids have been emplaced into both the Methodology
migmatite-gneiss complex and the schist belts, and Study Area
they occur in all parts of Nigeria (Ajibade, 1982). Minna is located between longitude 6025′E and
Recent work in different parts of the Nigerian 6 45′E and latitude 9024′N and 9048′N, it occupy
basement complex has shown that the older the central portion of the Nigerian basement
granites are high level intrusions emplaced by complex. The Minna area comprises of
stoping and diapiric process (Fitches et. al, 1985). metasedimentary and meta-igneous rocks which
The marked generally north-south linear have undergone polyphase deformation and
aggregation of many of the large batholiths of the metamorphism. These rocks have been intruded by
basement suggests that they may be related to granitic rocks of Pan-African age.
deep-seated pre-existing plutonic episode Five lithostratigraphic units have been
controlled by major deep mantle structure (Ogezi, recognized in Minna area (Fig. 1). The schist which
1977a).The intense regional deformation which occur as a flat laying narrow southwest-northeast
accompanied and preceded the emplacement of the belt at the central part of Minna with small quartzite
older granite resulted in the pronounced and wide ridge parallel to it, the gneiss occur as a small suites
spread of N-S trend.The granites termed the older at the northern and southern part of the area
granites in Nigeria have been dated severally at forming a contact with the granite. Feldspathic rich
500-750 ma (Van Breem et. al 1977, Rahaman et. pegmatite is bounded to the east, with average
al, 1983 and Kroner 1998). width of 65meters and 100 meters long, the
Granitic magma is commonly associated with pegmatite host tourmaline. Granitic rocks dominate
several tectonic stages during evolution, and their the rock types in the area and vary in texture and
structure, texture, and mineralogy composition can composition. Detailed geological mapping of the
be of benefit and environmental impact (Pearce area was carried out on a map scale 1: 25,000 using 1984, Pitcher 1983, 1989, Whalen et al 1987, geological compass clinometers, hammer and GPS.
Frost et. al, 1999). The mapping exercise involved description,
Department of geology, Federal University of
Technology Minna, Nigeria. 39
measurement and sampling of the outcrops. Fresh granitic batholiths occur as Paiko and Minna
samples of outcrops were collected from different batholiths. The Paiko batholith is almost circular
locations and were studied in hand specimen. with a maximum diameter of 2000m and 430m
Meso-structures and the attributes of the outcrops high. Other outcrops are flat lying. In the field,
were measured and described in the field. meso-structures of non-penetrating cross joints and
The rock thin sections were prepared in the faults of which most are quartz filled was examined
Geology Department Federal University of in most of the outcrops, the quartz vein is usually
Technology, Minna. Four fresh rock samples were between 1cm – 35cm wide.
cut into thin section using rock cutting and lapping Foliation is present near the top of the north
machine. The thin sections were studied under granitic ridge. Exfoliation is common on the
plane and cross polarized light microscope and outcrops. In hand specimen, the granitic rocks vary
photomicrographs of the samples were produced. from medium, porphyritic to coarse variety and
The optical properties of the minerals present in the ranges from light colored to medium dark colored.
thin section of each sample were used to determine The porphyritic granite contains phenocryst of
the relative abundance of major, minor and plagioclase in ground mass of quartz, muscovite,
accessory minerals. orthoclase and minor hornblend. Muscovite
Results acquired elongated structure probably as a result of
In the field eight large granitic masses occur as shearing. Plagioclase granular structure is as a
batholiths and continuous uninterrupted ridge in result of slow cooling during the formation of the
north-east direction of about 18km long, average rock. Under plane polarize light, quartz,
width of 1.5km and an average height of 35 meters plagioclase, orthoclase and muscovite are colorless,
above sea level. Five striking features of the older while under cross polar quartz color vary from grey
granite occur as batholiths, that is prominent rising to cream, plagioclase yellow, hornblend blue,
sharply above their surrounding plains, such orthoclase white and muscovite green. These colors
Geology and Environmental Impact Assessment.......................Alabi,A.A. EJESMVol. 4 No.4 2011
are at extinct at rotation angles of 450, 300, 150 and northeast which is the source of rock aggregates
900 respectively (Figure 1a,1b. 2a,2b.3a,3b). The and powder for constructions.
microcline and biotite composition in granodiorite The dominant rock types in the area are of
is responsible for the dark color. In all the granites, monotonous pattern of medium to coarse grained
twining axis is normal to the compositional plane in granodiorite and granite. Their orogenic evolution
plagioclase and inversion twining in plagioclase. is of two generations, the early formed granodiorite
Visual relative proportions of the minerals and late formed high level granite. The striking
present in the thin section show considerable features of the Minna granitic rocks and its
variation (plate 1, 2 & 3). Thus quartz varies geological structure is of less benefit but rather of
between 23 and 30 percent, orthoclase between 17 great impact to the inhabitant of the area.
and 24 percent, plagioclase between 37-52 percent,
biotite between 04-13 percent, muscovite and References
hornblende are about 2 percent. Accessory minerals Ajibade, A.C., (1982), The Origin of the Older
are present in small amount (Table 1, 2 & 3) Granite of Nigeria: Some evidence from the
Zungeru region. Nigeria Jour. Of Min. and Geol.,
Discussion 19, 223-230.
Mineralogical composition of analyzed granitic Fitches, W. R., Ajibade, A. C. , Egbuniwe, I. G.,
rock samples, indicate variation grading from Holt, R. W. , and Wright, J. B.( 1985), Late
granodiorite to granite which represents separate Proterozoic Schist belts and Plutonism in NW
intrusions. It seems that the granite was intruded as Nigeria. Jour. Of Geol. Soc. London, 142, pp. 319-
a granodiorite and latter metasomatism of which the 337.
bulk composition of the rock was transformed to Frost, C.D, Frost, B.R., Chamberlian, K.R. and
granite. The diapiric nature of the magma that Edwards, B.R (1999), Petro genesis of the 1.43 Ga
crystallized to form granite, results in the high level Shermanbatholith, S.E. Wyoming: A reduced
rugged batholiths and ridges in the study area. rapakivi-rype anorogenic granite. J. Petrol, 40, pp.
Mineralogy composition comparison of Minna 1771-1802.
granite and granodiorite with adjacent Madaka Kroner, A. (1984), Fold Belt and plate Tectonics in
granite and Tegina granodiorite show similarity in the Precambrian. Proceedings of the 27th
mineralogical composition( Table 4 and 5). This International Geological Congress, Precambrian
indicates similarity in their mode of formation. Geology. 5, 247- 280.
The granitic ridge is elongated parallel to the Ogezi, A. E. O., (1977), Geochemistry and
regional structural trend, the ridge and the Geochronology of Basement Rocks from NW
batholiths are poorly vegetated and hence expose Nigeria. 19th Annual Report. Res. Inst. Africa.
their area surface. The inhabitant of Minna area Geology, Uni. Leads, pp. 52-53.
take advantage of the thin overburden which ranges Pitcher , W.S. (1983), Granite type and tectonic
from few meters to about 3 meters (Unuevho, 2009) environment. In :Hsu, K. (ed) Mountain Building
for foundation construction, most of the houses are Processes, Academic Press, London. Pp. 19-40.
built on and along the ridge and the heat radiation Pearce, J.A., Harris, N.B.W., Tindle, A.G. (1984),
from the ridge and batholiths are responsible for the Trace element discrimination diagram for the
local increase in temperature of the area, the steep tectonic interpretation of granitic rocks. J. Petrol.,
nature of the ridge and batholiths promote run-off 25, 956-983.
that causes flooding during the rainy season. The Rahaman, M. A., Emofureta, W. O. and Cean
striking features of these outcrops occupy about 35 Vacheta, M.,( 198), The Potassic of the granites of
percent of the northeast, therefore restricts land use the Igbeti area: Futher Evidence of the Polycyclic
and urban development to the southwest. The non- Evolution of the pan-Africa Belt in Southwestern
penetrating cross joints and fairly weathered nature Nigeria, Proc. Res. 22, pp. 25-92.
of the flat lying outcrop make it a poor aquifer and Truswell , J.F., Cope, R.N. (1963). The geology of
hence there is 85 percent failed boreholes in the parts of Niger and Zaria provinces, Northern
area. Due to the availability and properties of the Nigeria. Bulletin No. 29. Published by Geological
granitic outcrops, there are quarries in north and Survey of Nigeria. pp.17-22.
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Unuevho, C. I., (2009):- Graphic determination of Africa granite from central Nigeria. Res., 4, 307-
depth to fresh crystalline basement from 319.
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Van Breemar, O., Pigeon, R.T. and Bowden, P.,
(1977):- Age and Isotopic studies of some Pan-
Plate 1 Photomicrograph of granite (a) under crossed polar and (b) under plane polar (Mg.10X)
(a) (b)
Table 1: Mineral optical properties and visual estimation in percentage of Plates 1a and 1b
Mineral Colour in PPL Colour in XP Extinction Diagnostic Twinning % in Thin Rock name
angle feature Section
Quartz (SiO2) Colourless grey to cream Parallel Irregular with no Absent 30%
Plagioclase Colourless yellow About 450 Granulose Multiple 15%
(NaAlSi3O8 – structure
CaAl2Si2O8) Porphyritic
Hornblende Brown Blue 300 Show Simple 5% Granite
Orthoclase Colourless White About 150 Interlocking Cross – 40%
(KNaAlSi3O8) Hatch
Muscovite Colourless Green Parallel Elongated Absent 10%
structure with
wavy colour
Geology and Environmental Impact Assessment.......................Alabi,A.A. EJESMVol. 4 No.4 2011
Plate 2 Photomicrograph of granodiorite (a) under crossed polar and (b) under plane polar (Mg.10X)
(a) (b)
Table 2: Mineral optical properties and visual estimation in percentage of Plate 2 a and 2b
Mineral Colour in PPL Colour in XP Extinction Diagnostic Twinning % in Thin Rock name
angle feature Section
Quartz (SiO2) Colourless First order Parallel Lack of None 25%
white to grey cleavage and
to cream alteration,
irregular grains
Plagioclase Colourless light yellow 400 – 450 Multiple Multiple 35%
(NaAlSi3O8 – twinning twins Granodiorite.
Hornblende Green – blue Ink blue – 300 to long Poikilitic plates Simple 20%
black cleavage rather than
euhedral crystals
K – Feldspar Colourless Light blue Oblique Cross-Hatch Cross - 10%
(Microcline) twinning Hatch
Muscovite Colourless High second Parallel Perfect cleavage None 5%
order bright high
pink & green polarization
Biotite Brown High second Straight to 0 Perfect cleavage None 5%
order bright (parallel) high
pink polarization
Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management Vol. 4 No.4 2011
Plate 3Photomicrograph of granite (a) under crossed polar and (b) under plane polar (Mg.10X)
Table 3 : Mineral optical properties and visual estimation in percentage of Plate 3a and 3b
Mineral Colour in PPL Colour in XP Extinction Diagnostic Twinning % in Thin Rock name
angle feature Section
Quartz (SiO2) Colourless grey to cream Parallel Irregular with no Absent 30%
Plagioclase Colourless yellow About 450 Granulose Multiple 15%
(NaAlSi3O8 – structure
CaAl2Si2O8) Medium
Hornblende Brown Blue 300 Show Simple 5% Grained
pleochroism Granite
Microcline Colourless White About 150 Interlocking Cross - 40%
Biotite Brown Red Parallel Elongated Absent 10%
structure with
wavy colour
Table 4: Mineralogical comparison of the Tegina granite with Minna granite