Alberts Visualizing Cells2
Alberts Visualizing Cells2
Alberts Visualizing Cells2
Bruce Alberts
Rebecca Heald
Alexander Johnson
David Morgan
Martin Raff
Keith Roberts
Peter Walter
With problems by
John Wilson
Tim Hunt
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Copyright © 2022 by Bruce Alberts, Rebecca Heald, Alexander Johnson, David Morgan,
Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter, the Estate of Julian Lewis, John Wilson, and
Tim Hunt
W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110
W. W. Norton & Company Ltd., 15 Carlisle Street, London W1D 3BS
Brief Contents
Visualizing Cells and Their
Molecules 9
Understanding the structural organization of cells, and the macromolecules
that build and animate them, is essential for learning how they function. In this IN THIS CHAPTER
chapter, we briefly describe some of the principal light and electron microscopy
methods used to study cells and molecules. In the past decade or so, there have Looking at Cells and Molecules
been major technical developments in both methods that allow us to see biolog-
ical structures with increasing resolution and clarity. Optical microscopy will be
in the Light Microscope
our starting point because cell biology began with the light microscope, and it is
Looking at Cells and Molecules
still an indispensable tool. The development of methods for the specific labeling
and imaging of individual cellular constituents and the reconstruction of their in the Electron Microscope
three-dimensional architecture has meant that, far from falling into disuse, opti-
cal microscopy continues to increase in importance. One advantage of optical
microscopy is that light is relatively nondestructive. By tagging specific cell com-
ponents with fluorescent probes, such as intrinsically fluorescent proteins, we
can watch their movement, dynamics, and interactions in living cells.
Although conventional optical microscopy is limited in resolution by the
wavelength of visible light, new methods cleverly bypass this limitation and allow
the exact position of even single molecules to be mapped. By using a beam of
electrons instead of visible light, electron microscopy can image the interior of
cells, and their macromolecular components, at almost atomic resolution and in
three dimensions. But all imaging methods involve trade-offs; in this case, the
higher resolution means only small objects are imaged and only in fixed, dead
cells. There is now a bewildering variety of imaging technologies for the cell biol-
ogist to choose from, and when some of these are described later in the chapter,
it is worth considering why you might use one rather than another. Trade-offs
will always have to be made between thin and thick specimens, living and fixed
cells, high and low resolution, fast and slow imaging, signal and noise, or cells
and molecules.
This chapter is intended as a companion, rather than an introduction, to
the chapters that follow; readers may wish to refer back to it as applications of
microscopy to basic biological problems are encountered in other chapters of
the book.
visible with
0.2 mm
(200 µm) unaided eye
20 µm
20 mm 2 mm 0.2 mm
2 µm
0.2 µm light
(200 nm) microscope
20 nm fluorescence
20 µm 2 µm 0.2 µm
2 nm
0.2 nm
20 nm 2 nm 0.2 nm
(A) (B)
more powerful electron microscope introduced in the early 1940s required the Figure 9–1 A sense of scale between
development of new techniques for preserving and staining cells before the full living cells and atoms. (A) Each diagram
shows an image magnified by a factor
complexities of their internal fine structure could begin to emerge. To this day,
of 10 in an imaginary progression from a
microscopy often relies as much on techniques for preparing the specimen as on thumb, through skin cells, to a ribosome,
the performance of the microscope itself. In the following discussions, we there- to a cluster of atoms forming part of one
fore consider both instruments and specimen preparation, beginning with the of the many protein molecules in the
light microscope. ribosome. Atomic details of biological
macromolecules, as shown in the last
The images in Figure 9–1A illustrate a stepwise progression from a thumb to a two panels, are just within the power of
cluster of atoms. Each successive image represents a tenfold increase in magnifi- the electron microscope. While color has
cation. The naked eye can see features in the first two panels, the light microscope been used here in all the panels, it is not a
allows us to see details corresponding to about the fifth panel, and the electron feature of objects much smaller than the
microscope takes us to about the eighth or ninth panel. Figure 9–1B shows the wavelength of light, so the last five panels
should really be in black and white.
sizes of various cellular and subcellular structures and the ranges of size that (B) Sizes of cells and their components
different types of microscopes can visualize. are shown on a logarithmic scale, indicating
the range of objects that can readily be
resolved by the naked eye and in the
The Conventional Light Microscope Can Resolve light and electron microscopes. Note
Details 0.2 μm Apart that new superresolution microscopy
techniques, discussed in detail later, allow
For well over 100 years, all microscopes were constrained by a fundamental lim- an improvement in resolution by an order
itation: that a given type of radiation cannot be used to probe structural details of magnitude compared with conventional
much smaller than its own wavelength. A limit to the resolution of a light micro- light microscopy.
scope was therefore set by the wavelength of visible light, which ranges from
about 0.4 μm (for violet) to 0.7 μm (for deep red). In practical terms, bacteria and
mitochondria, which are about 500 nm (0.5 μm) wide, are generally the small-
est objects whose shape we can clearly discern in a standard light microscope;
iris diaphragm
details smaller than this are obscured by effects resulting from the wave-like
The following units of length are
nature of light. Let us follow the behavior of a beam of light as it passes through commonly employed in microscopy:
the lenses of a microscope (Figure 9–2).
μm (micrometer) = 10–6 m
Because of its wave nature, light does not follow the idealized straight ray
nm (nanometer) = 10–9 m
paths that geometrical optics predicts. Instead, light waves travel through an
optical system by many slightly different routes, like ripples in water, so that they Å (angstrom) = 10–10 m
interfere with one another and cause optical diffraction effects. If two trains of
waves reaching the same point by different paths are precisely in phase, with crest
matching crest and trough matching trough, they will reinforce each other so as
to increase brightness. In contrast, if the trains of waves are out of phase, they will
interfere with each other in such a way as to cancel each other partly or entirely
(Figure 9–3). The interaction of light with an object changes the phase relation-
ships of the light waves in a way that produces complex interference effects. At
high magnification, for example, the shadow of an edge that is evenly illuminated
with light of uniform wavelength appears as a set of parallel lines (Figure 9–4A),
whereas the smallest focused image of a bright circular aperture appears as a set
of concentric rings (Figure 9–4B). For the same reason, a single point seen
through a microscope appears as a blurred disc, and two point objects close
together give overlapping images and may merge into one. Although no amount
of refinement of the lenses can overcome the diffraction limit imposed by the
wave-like nature of light, other ways of cleverly bypassing this limit have emerged,
creating so-called superresolution imaging techniques that can even detect the (A) (B)
position of single molecules. These are discussed later in the chapter.
The limiting separation at which two objects appear distinct—the so-called Figure 9–4 Images of an edge and of a
limit of resolution—depends on both the wavelength of the light and the point of light. (A) The interference effects,
numerical aperture of the lens system used. The numerical aperture affects the or fringes, seen at high magnification when
light of a specific wavelength passes the
light-gathering ability of the lens and is related both to the angle of the cone of edge of a solid object placed between
light that can enter it and to the refractive index of the medium the lens is operat- the light source and the observer. (B) The
ing in; the wider the microscope opens its eye, so to speak, the more sharply it can image of a point source of light. Diffraction
see (Figure 9–5). The refractive index is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum spreads this out into a complex, circular
pattern, whose width depends on the
to the speed of light in a particular transparent medium. For example, for water numerical aperture of the optical system:
this is 1.33, meaning that light travels 1.33 times slower in water than in a vacuum. the smaller the aperture, the bigger (more
Under the best conditions, with violet light (wavelength = 0.4 μm) and a numer- blurred) the diffracted image. Two point
ical aperture of 1.4, the basic light microscope can theoretically achieve a limit sources can be just resolved when the
of resolution of about 0.2 μm, or 200 nm. Some microscope makers at the end center of the image of one lies within the
first dark ring in the image of the other: this
of the nineteenth century achieved this resolution, but it is routinely matched in is used to define the limit of resolution.
contemporary, factory-produced microscopes. Although it is possible to enlarge
an image as much as we want—for example, by projecting it onto a screen—it is
not possible, in a conventional light microscope, to resolve two objects in the light
microscope that are separated by less than about 0.2 μm; they will always appear
as a single object. It is important, however, to distinguish between resolution and
detection. If a small object, below the resolution limit, itself emits light, then we
may still be able to see or detect it. Thus, we can see a single fluorescently labeled
microtubule even though it is about 10 times thinner than the resolution limit of
the light microscope. Diffraction effects, however, will cause it to appear blurred
and at least 0.2 μm thick (see Figure 9–14). In a similar way, we can see the stars
in the night sky, even though their diameters are far below the angular resolution
of our unaided eyes: they all appear as similar, slightly blurred points of light, dif-
fering only in their color and brightness.
waves in
(A) incident light (B) oblique incident light (C) incident light
(white) (white)
568 Chapter 9: Visualizing Cells and Their Molecules
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
50 µm
If oblique lighting from the condenser is used, which does not directly enter the Figure 9–7 Four types of light
objective, unstained objects in a living cell can scatter the rays, some of which microscopy. Four images are shown
of the same fibroblast cell in culture. All
then enter the objective to create a bright image against a black background
images can be obtained with most modern
(Figure 9–6B). microscopes by interchanging optical
When light passes through a living cell, the phase of the light wave is changed components. (A) Bright-field microscopy,
according to the cell’s refractive index: a relatively thick or dense part of the cell, in which light is transmitted straight
such as a nucleus, slows the light passing through it. The phase of the light, con- through the specimen. (B) Phase-contrast
microscopy, in which phase alterations
sequently, is shifted relative to light that has passed through an adjacent thinner of light transmitted through the specimen
region of the cytoplasm (Figure 9–6C). The phase-contrast microscope and, in a are translated into brightness changes.
more complex way, the differential-interference-contrast microscope increase (C) Differential-interference-contrast
these phase differences to produce amplitude differences, or contrast, when the sets microscopy, which highlights edges where
of waves recombine, thereby creating an image of the cell’s structure. Both types of there is a steep change of refractive index.
(D) Dark-field microscopy, in which the
light microscopy are widely used to look at living cells (see Movie 17.2). Figure 9–7 specimen is lit from the side and only the
compares images of the same cell obtained by four kinds of light microscopy. scattered light is seen.
Phase-contrast, differential-interference-contrast, and dark-field microscopy
make it possible to watch the movements involved in such processes as mitosis
and cell migration. Because many cellular motions are too slow to be seen in real
time, it is often helpful to make time-lapse videos in which the camera records
successive frames separated by a short time delay, so that when the resulting pic-
ture series is played at normal speed, events appear greatly speeded up.
makes it possible to compensate for several aberrations in the lenses of micro- movement of
microtome arm
scopes. Moreover, by digital image processing, contrast can be greatly enhanced
to overcome the eye’s limitations in detecting small differences in light intensity, specimen embedded
in wax or resin
and background irregularities in the optical system can be digitally subtracted.
This procedure reveals small transparent objects that were previously impossible fixed blade
to distinguish from the background.
ribbon of
Intact Tissues Are Usually Fixed and Sectioned Before Microscopy
Looking at individual living cells in culture is relatively easy, but most cells are
found in complex tissues and organs, and this forces another trade-off when we
want to look at them. Because most tissue samples are too thick for their individ- ribbon of sections on
glass slide, stained
ual cells to be examined directly at high resolution, they are often cut into very and mounted under
thin transparent slices, or sections. To preserve the cells within the tissue they a glass cover slip
must first be treated with a fixative. A common fixative is glutaraldehyde, which
Figure 9–8 Making tissue sections.
forms covalent bonds with the free amino groups of proteins, cross-linking them This illustration shows how an embedded
so they are stabilized and locked into position. tissue is sectioned with a microtome in
Because tissues are generally soft and fragile, even after fixation, they need to preparation for examination in the light
be either frozen or embedded in a supporting medium before they can be sec- microscope. Very rapidly frozen samples
can also be sectioned, and these better
tioned. The usual embedding media are waxes or resins. In liquid form, these preserve the structure of cells in their
media both permeate and surround the fixed tissue before being hardened (by native state.
cooling or by polymerization) to form a solid block, which is readily sectioned
with a microtome. This is a machine with a sharp blade, usually of steel or glass,
which operates like a meat slicer (Figure 9–8). The sections (typically 0.5–10 μm
thick) are then laid flat on the surface of a glass microscope slide.
There is little in the contents of most cells (which are 70% water by weight) to
impede the passage of light rays. Thus, most cells in their natural state, particu-
larly if fixed and sectioned, are almost invisible in an ordinary light microscope.
We have seen that cellular components can be made visible by techniques such
as phase-contrast and differential-interference-contrast microscopy, but these
methods tell us almost nothing about the underlying chemistry. There are three
main approaches to working with thin tissue sections that reveal differences in
the types of molecules that are present.
First, and traditionally, sections can be stained with organic dyes that have
some specific affinity for particular subcellular components. The dye hema-
toxylin, for example, has an affinity for negatively charged molecules and
therefore reveals the general distribution of DNA, RNA, and acidic proteins in a
cell (Figure 9–9). The chemical basis for the specificity of many dyes, however, is
not known, although they are used widely in hospital laboratories.
energy of orbital electron
in fluorophore
2 beam-splitting mirror: reflects
light below 510 nm but
transmits light above 510 nm
1 first barrier filter: lets through
only blue light with a wavelength
between 450 and 490 nm objective lens
400 450 500 550 600 650
(B) wavelength (nm) (C) object
Figure 9–10 Fluorescence and the fluorescence microscope. (A) An orbital electron of a fluorochrome molecule can be
raised to an excited state after the absorption of a photon. Fluorescence occurs when the electron returns to its ground
state and emits a photon of light at a longer wavelength. Too much exposure to light or too bright a light can destroy
the fluorochrome molecule in a process called photobleaching. (B) The excitation and emission spectra for the common
fluorescent dye fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). (C) In the fluorescence microscope, a filter set consists of two barrier filters
(1 and 3) and a dichroic (beam-splitting) mirror (2). This example shows the filter set for detection of the fluorescent molecule
fluorescein. High-numerical-aperture objective lenses are especially important in this type of microscopy because, for a given
magnification, the brightness of the fluorescent image is proportional to the fourth power of the numerical aperture (see also
Figure 9–5).
(A) (B)
100 µm 10 µm
Figure 9–11 RNA in situ hybridization. (A) As described in Chapter 8 (see Figure 8–63), it is
possible to visualize the distribution of different RNAs in tissues using in situ hybridization. Here,
the transcription pattern of five different genes involved in patterning the early fruit fly embryo is
revealed in a single embryo. Each RNA probe has been fluorescently labeled, and the resulting
images are displayed each in a different color (“false-colored”) and then combined to give an image
where different color combinations represent different sets of genes expressed. The genes whose
expression pattern is revealed here are wingless (yellow), engrailed (blue), short gastrulation (red),
intermediate neuroblasts defective (green), and muscle specific homeobox (purple). (B) Individual
RNA transcripts can be detected in a single cell. Each of these six yeast cells is expressing less
than 20 transcripts of a particular gene. Using multiple DNA oligonucleotide probes to that particular
gene, each labeled with many fluorescent Cy5 molecules, each individual RNA transcript can be
detected as a red spot. [A, from D. Kosman et al., Science 305:846, 2004. With permission from
AAAS; B, from G.M. Wadsworth, R.Y. Parikh, and H.D. Kim, Single-probe RNA FISH in yeast. Bio
Protoc. 8(11):e2868, 2018, doi 10.21769/BioProtoc.2868.]
Figure 9–12 Fluorescent probes. The maximum excitation and emission wavelengths of several
Alexa 568
commonly used fluorescent probes are shown in relation to the corresponding colors of the
spectrum. The photon emitted by a fluorescent molecule is necessarily of lower energy (longer RFP 580 nm
wavelength) than the absorbed photon, and this accounts for the difference between the excitation
and emission peaks. CFP, GFP, YFP, and RFP are cyan, green, yellow, and red fluorescent proteins,
respectively. DAPI is widely used as a general fluorescent DNA probe, which absorbs ultraviolet
light and fluoresces bright blue. FITC is an abbreviation for fluorescein isothiocyanate—a widely
620 nm
used derivative of fluorescein—which fluoresces bright green. The other probes are all commonly
used to fluorescently label antibodies and other proteins. Note that although the true fluorescence
emission colors are shown here, the actual color seen in the microscope will depend on the second
barrier filter used (see Figure 9–10), and these are usually optimized so as to allow as many different
non-overlapping colored probes to be seen in the same specimen. Thus although YFP emits in the 660 nm
green spectrum, it actually appears as a yellow-green in the microscope because of the filter used.
The use of fluorescent proteins will be discussed later in the chapter. EXCITATION EMISSION
572 Chapter 9: Visualizing Cells and Their Molecules
5 µm
living cells. As with all microscopy methods there are trade-offs to consider. In all
fluorescence microscopes, the only molecules that can be imaged are those that
are fluorescently labeled; all the other molecules in the cell remain hidden.
using an unlabeled primary antibody and then detecting it with a group of labeled
secondary antibodies that bind to it (Figure 9–15). This process is called indirect
(A) (B)
O tyrosine O
protein OH
serine OH
autocatalytic OH mature GFP
O steps fluorophore
574 Chapter 9: Visualizing Cells and Their Molecules
(A) (B)
500 µm 500 µm
Figure 9–17 Fluorescent proteins as reporter molecules. (A) For this experiment, carried out
in the fruit fly, the GFP gene was joined (using recombinant DNA techniques) to a fly promoter
that is active only in a specialized set of neurons. This image of a live fly embryo was captured
by a fluorescence microscope and shows approximately 20 neurons, each with long projections
(axons and dendrites) that communicate with other (nonfluorescent) cells. These neurons are
located just under the surface of the animal and allow it to sense its immediate environment.
(B) In a variation of this method, three different fluorescent proteins, red, yellow, and cyan, can
be expressed at random in neurons of the live fly embryo. The genetic constructs have been
arranged such that a strong pulse of blue light will activate the expression of one or other of the
three fluorescent proteins at random in neuronal cells, where they are then targeted to the plasma
membrane. This noninvasive control of the timing of cell labeling allows the behavior of individual
cells to be followed subsequently over time. The fine detail of all the dendrites of individual sensory
neurons can be clearly seen. The lines of pale dots arise from the autofluorescence of the bands
of denticles in the cuticle that define the segments of the embryo (see Figure 21–24). (A, from W.B.
Grueber et al., Curr. Biol. 13:618–626, 2003. With permission from Elsevier; B, from M. Boulina
et al., Development 140:1605–1613, 2013, doi 10.1242/dev.088930. © 2013. Published by the
Company of Biologists Ltd.)
original gene sequence has resulted in multiple variants that can be used effec-
tively in organisms ranging from animals and plants to fungi and microbes. The
fluorescence efficiency has also been improved, and variants have been gener-
ated with altered absorption and emission spectra from the blue-green, like blue
fluorescent protein (BFP), to the far visible red. Other, related fluorescent proteins
have since been discovered (for example, in corals) that also extend the range into
the red region of the spectrum, like red fluorescent protein (RFP).
One of the simplest uses of GFP is as a reporter molecule, a fluorescent probe
to monitor gene expression. A transgenic organism can be made with the
GFP-coding sequence placed under the transcriptional control of the promoter
belonging to a gene of interest, giving a directly visible readout of the gene’s
expression pattern in the living organism (Figure 9–17). In another applica-
tion, a peptide location signal can be added to the GFP to direct it to a particular 2 µm
cell compartment, such as the endoplasmic reticulum or a mitochondrion (see
Figure 9–18 GFP-tagged proteins. This
Figure 9–25B), lighting up these organelles so they can be observed in the cultured mammalian cell is expressing EB3,
living state. a plus-end tracking protein that is fused
The GFP DNA-coding sequence can also be inserted at the beginning or end of to a GFP-derived blue fluorescent protein
the coding sequence for another protein, yielding a chimeric product consisting (BFP). These proteins associate with
of that protein with a new GFP domain attached. In many cases, this GFP fusion the plus ends of growing microtubules
(see Figure 16–49), and their dynamics
protein behaves in the same way as the original protein, directly revealing its loca- can be followed as they appear to zoom
tion and activities by means of its genetically encoded fluorescence (Figure 9–18). brightly around the cell. (Courtesy of
It is often possible to prove that the GFP fusion protein is functionally equivalent Carl Zeiss Microscopy, GmbH.)
to the untagged protein, for example by using it to rescue a mutant lacking that
protein. GFP tagging is the clearest and most unequivocal way of showing the dis-
tribution and dynamics of a protein in a living organism (see Movie 16.8).
(A) (C)
before photobleach after photobleach 90 sec pre-bleach
fluorescence intensity
area to be bleached plasma fluorescence 0.4 mobile
photobleached membrane recovery fraction
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
time (seconds)
Figure 9–20 Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). A strong focused pulse
of laser light will extinguish, or bleach, fluorescent proteins. By selectively photobleaching a set
of fluorescently tagged protein molecules within a defined region of a cell, the microscopist can
monitor recovery over time, as the remaining fluorescent molecules move into the bleached region
(see Movie 10.6). (A) This cultured mammalian cell is expressing an integral membrane protein
called CD86, which is fused with a fluorescent protein. CD86 is a co-stimulatory protein present
in the plasma membrane of antigen-presenting cells and is required for the activation of T cells
(see Figure 24–34). After a small region of the plasma membrane is selectively photobleached, the
remaining fluorescent molecules diffuse rapidly within the plane of the membrane and populate
the bleached region. This recovery can be followed as a function of time. (B) Schematic diagram of
the experiment shown in A. (C) Measurements of the fluorescence intensity in the bleached area as
a function of time can be plotted as a fluorescence recovery curve. From such graphs quantitative
data can be derived about the rate of recovery and the fraction of fluorescent protein molecules that
are either mobile or immobile. (A, from S. Dorsch et al., Nat. Methods 6:225–230, 2009.)
Fluorescent Biosensors Can Monitor Cell Signaling Figure 9–21 Visualizing intracellular Ca21
concentrations by using a fluorescent
Extracellular signals cause rapid and transient changes in the concentration indicator. The branching tree of dendrites
of intracellular signaling molecules that play an important role in how cells of a Purkinje cell in the cerebellum receives
more than 100,000 synapses from other
respond. But how to see and measure such dynamic and rapid changes remains a neurons. The output from the cell is
challenge. Changes in the concentration of some of these molecules, for exam- conveyed along the single axon seen
ple Ca2+ ions, can be analyzed using simple ion-sensitive indicators, whose light leaving the cell body at the bottom of the
emission reflects the local Ca2+ ion concentration (Figure 9–21, and see also picture. This image of the intracellular
Figure 15–31). However, the most sensitive indicators available are a range of Ca2+ concentration in a single Purkinje
cell (from the brain of a guinea pig) was
genetically encoded biosensors, all based on the growing family of fluorescent taken with a low-light camera and the
proteins described earlier. These sensors can be synthesized by the specific cells Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent indicator
of interest and easily fused with protein tags that target them to specific desti- fura-2. The concentration of free Ca2+
nations within the cell. Here they can act as molecular informants, reporting is represented by different colors, red
back like spies on transient signaling events to the careful observer. To convert being the highest and blue the lowest.
The highest Ca2+ levels are present in the
information about changes in the level of a signaling molecule into changes in thousands of dendritic branches. (Courtesy
observable fluorescence intensity requires two key components: a sensing com- of D.W. Tank, J.A. Connor, M. Sugimori,
ponent that responds to the target signaling event, and a reporting component and R.R. Llinas.)
(A) (B)
10 µm
Figure 9–23 Image deconvolution. (A) A light micrograph of a Caenorhabditis elegans embryo,
fluorescently labeled for microtubules (green), mitochondria (red), and DNA (blue). Detail at any one
level of focus is blurred by light from out-of-focus levels of the specimen. (B) After deconvolution
of the three-dimensional stack of images, an optical section at the same level of focus shows a
much crisper image with more contrast and much reduced blurring. (A and B, from D. Sage et al.,
Methods 115:28–41, 2017, doi 10.1016/j.ymeth.2016.12.015. With permission from Elsevier.)
Two distinct but complementary approaches help to solve this problem: one
is computational, the other optical. These three-dimensional microscopic imag-
ing methods make it possible to focus on a chosen plane in a thick specimen
while rejecting the light that comes from out-of-focus regions above and below
that plane. Thus, one sees a crisp, thin optical section. From a series of such optical
sections taken at different depths and stored in a computer, a three-dimensional
image can be reconstructed (Movie 9.1). The methods do for the microscopist
what the computed tomography (CT) scanner does (by different means) for the
radiologist investigating a human body: both machines give detailed sectional
views of the interior of an intact structure.
The computational approach is often called image deconvolution. To under-
stand how it works, remember that the wave-like nature of light means that the
microscope lens system produces a small blurred disc as the image of a point
source of light (see Figure 9–4), with increased blurring if the point source lies
above or below the focal plane. This blurred image of a point source is called the
point spread function (see Figure 9–29). An image of a complex object can then
be thought of as being built up by replacing each point of the three-dimensional
specimen by a corresponding blurred disc, resulting in an image that is blurred
overall. For deconvolution, a computer program uses the measured point spread
function of a point source of light from that particular microscope to determine
what the effect of the blurring would have been on the image, and then applies an
equivalent “deblurring” (deconvolution), turning the blurred three-dimensional
image into a series of clean optical sections, albeit still constrained by the diffrac-
tion limit (Figure 9–23).
3D specimen
point of
fluorescent specimen is illuminated emitted fluorescent emitted light from out- Figure 9–24 The confocal fluorescence
with a focused point of light from light from in-focus of-focus point is out of
a pinhole point is focused at focus at pinhole and microscope. (A) This simplified diagram
pinhole and reaches is largely excluded shows that the basic arrangement of
detector from detector optical components is similar to that of the
standard fluorescence microscope shown
in Figure 9–10C, except that a laser is used
that is usually supplied by a laser whose light has been passed through a pinhole. to illuminate a small pinhole whose image
The fluorescence emitted from the illuminated material is collected at a suitable is focused at a single point in the three-
light detector and used to generate an image. A pinhole aperture is placed in front dimensional (3D) specimen. (B) Emitted
fluorescence from this focal point in the
of the detector, at a position that is confocal with the illuminating pinhole; that specimen is focused at a second (confocal)
is, precisely where the rays emitted from the illuminated point in the specimen pinhole. (C) Emitted light from elsewhere
come to a focus. Thus, the light from this point in the specimen converges on this in the specimen is not focused at the
aperture and enters the detector. pinhole and therefore does not contribute
By contrast, the light emitted from regions of the specimen that are out of to the final image. By scanning the beam
of light across the specimen, a very sharp
focus is also out of focus at the pinhole aperture and is therefore largely excluded two-dimensional image of the exact plane
from the detector. To build up a two-dimensional image, data from each point of focus is built up that is not significantly
in the plane of focus are collected sequentially by scanning across the field from degraded by light from other regions of
one side to the other in a regular pattern of pixels and are displayed on a com- the specimen. (D) Commercial versions of
laser scanning confocal microscopes can
puter screen. Although not shown in Figure 9–24, the scanning is usually done
be configured for both upright and inverted
by deflecting the beam with an oscillating mirror placed between the dichroic microscopes. Shown here is a standard
(beam-splitting) mirror and the objective lens in such a way that the illuminating upright confocal microscope. (D, courtesy
spot of light and the confocal pinhole at the detector remain strictly in register. of Andrew Davis.)
Variations in design now allow the rapid collection of data at video rates.
The confocal microscope has been used to resolve the structures of numer-
ous complex three-dimensional objects (Figure 9–25), from large multicellular
Figure 9–28 Structured illumination microscopy can be used to create three-dimensional data. These three-
dimensional projections of the meiotic chromosomes at pachytene in a maize cell show the paired lateral elements of the
synaptonemal complexes. (A) The chromosome set has been stained with a fluorescent antibody to cohesin and is viewed
here by conventional fluorescence microscopy. Because the distance between the two lateral elements is about 200 nm,
the diffraction limit, the two lateral elements that make up each complex are not resolved. (B) In the three-dimensional SIM
image, the improved resolution enables each lateral element, about 100 nm across, to be clearly resolved, and the two
chromosomes of each separate pair can be seen to coil around each other. (C) Because the complete three-dimensional data
set for the whole nucleus is available, the path of each separate pair of chromosomes can be traced and artificially assigned a
different color. (Courtesy of C.J. Rachel Wang, Peter Carlton, and Zacheus Cande.)
582 Chapter 9: Visualizing Cells and Their Molecules
200 nm
lens Z
image of the point X X
source 200 nm
Figure 9–29 The point spread function of a lens determines resolution. (A) When a point
source of light is brought to a focus by a lens system, diffraction effects mean that, instead of being
imaged as a point, it is blurred in all dimensions. As shown, the point spread function is elongated,
meaning that the resolution is better in the XY axes than along the Z axis. (B) In the plane of the
image, the distribution of light approximates a Gaussian distribution, whose width at half-maximum
height under ideal conditions is about 200 nm. (C) Two separate point sources that are about
200 nm apart can still just be distinguished as separate objects in the image, but if they are any
nearer than that, their images will overlap and not be resolvable.
height of this distribution will become hard to resolve because their images
overlap too much (Figure 9–29).
In fluorescence microscopy, the excitation light is focused to a spot on the
specimen by the objective lens, which then captures the photons emitted by any
fluorescent molecule that the beam has raised from a ground state to an excited
state. Because the excitation spot is blurred according to the point spread func-
tion, fluorescent molecules that are closer than about 200 nm will be imaged as
a single blurred spot. One approach to increasing the resolution is to switch all
Figure 9–30 Superresolution microscopy
the fluorescent molecules at the periphery of the blurry excitation spot back to can be achieved by reducing the size of
their ground state or to a state where they no longer fluoresce in the normal way, the point spread function. (A) The size of
leaving only those at the very center to be recorded. This can be done in practice a normal focused beam of excitatory light.
by adding a second, very bright laser beam that wraps around the excitation beam (B) An extremely strong superimposed
like a torus. The wavelength and intensity of this second beam are adjusted so as laser beam, at a different wavelength
and in the shape of a torus, or doughnut,
to switch the fluorescent molecules off everywhere except at the very center of the depletes emitted fluorescence everywhere
point spread function, a region that can be as small as 20 nm across (Figure 9–30). in the specimen except right in the center
of the beam, reducing the effective width
effective fluorescence of the point spread function (C). As the
excitation spot depletion beam spot specimen is scanned, this small point
spread function can then build up a crisp
image in a process called STED (stimulated
emission depletion) microscopy. (D) Here,
STED microscopy is used to examine
the structure of the nuclear pore. Fixed
samples of the nuclear envelope have been
stained by indirect immunofluorescence,
using antibodies to different nuclear pore
(A) (B) (C) components. Membrane ring proteins (see
200 nm Figure 12–55) have been stained red while
the FC repeat proteins that form fibrils in
the center of the pore are stained green.
(E) An enlargement of the boxed region
shows the clear eightfold symmetry of the
membrane ring proteins and the central
fibrillar region with a resolution of about
20 nm. [A, B, and C, from G. Donnert
et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103:
11440–11445, 2006. Copyright 2006
National Academy of Sciences. With
permission from National Academy of
Sciences; D and E, from F. Gottfert et al.,
(D) Biophysical Journal 105(1):PL01–L03,
500 nm 150 nm 2013. With permission from Elsevier.]
200 nm
Figure 9–31 Single fluorescent molecules can be located with great accuracy. Determination
of the exact mathematical center of the blurred image of a single fluorescent molecule becomes
more accurate as more photons contribute to the final image. The point spread function described
in the text dictates that the size of the molecular image is about 200 nm across, but in very bright
specimens, the position of its center can be pinpointed to within a nanometer or so. (From A.L.
McEvoy et al., BMC Biol. 8:106, 2010. With permission of the authors.)
584 Chapter 9: Visualizing Cells and Their Molecules
successive cycles of activation and bleaching allow well-separated single fluorescent molecules Figure 9–32 Single-molecule localization
to be detected microscopy (SMLM). (A) In this imaginary
specimen, sparse subsets of fluorescent
molecules are individually switched on
briefly and then bleached. The exact
positions of all these well-spaced molecules
can be gradually added together and built
up into an image at superresolution. (B) In
this portion of a cell, the microtubules have
the exact center of each fluorescent molecule is determined and its position added to the map been fluorescently labeled and imaged (left)
in a TIRF microscope (see Figure 9–38)
and (right) at superresolution in a PALM
microscope. The diameter of each
microtubule on the right now resembles
its true size, about 25 nm, rather than the
250 nm for each microtubule in the blurred
diffraction-limited image on the left.
(B, courtesy of Shinsuke Niwa.)
a superresolution image of the fluorescent structure is built up as the positions of tens of thousands of
successive small groups of molecules are added to the map
1 µm
location of each individual molecule is exactly marked (Figure 9–32). The two
main methods of single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) have been
variously termed photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM) or stochastic
optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM).
By switching the fluorophores off and on sequentially in different regions
of the specimen as a function of time, all the superresolution imaging methods
described above allow the resolution of molecules that are much closer together
than the 200-nm diffraction limit. In STED, the locations of the molecules are
determined by using optical methods to define exactly where their fluorescence
will be on or off. In PALM and STORM, individual fluorescent molecules are
switched on and off at random over a period of time, allowing their positions
to be accurately determined. PALM and STORM techniques have depended on
the development of novel fluorescent probes that exhibit the appropriate switch-
ing behavior. STORM originally relied on photoswitchable dyes, while PALM
used photoswitchable fluorescent proteins, but the general principle is the same
for both. All these methods can incorporate multicolor imaging (Figure 9–33),
Figure 9–33 Multiple structures that are below the diffraction-limited resolution can be
imaged by single-molecule localization microscopy. (A) Two recently divided Escherichia coli
cells imaged in a STORM microscope with a resolution of about 20 nm. The cells are stained (A)
1 µm
with three separate switchable fluorescent labels: the membrane is labeled green, the recently
segregated DNA molecules are blue, and the ends of the two replicated chromosomes are seen
as two bright white dots. (B) In this nerve cell, evenly spaced ring-like structures of actin (red) are
wrapped around the circumference of the axon with a periodicity of about 190 nm, just smaller than
the diffraction limit to resolution. In between are similarly spaced structures of spectrin (blue). This
periodic actin–spectrin cytoskeletal framework helps support the long thin axons of nerve cells.
Such images depend heavily on the development of new, very fast-switching, and extremely bright
fluorescent probes. (A, from C.K. Spahn et al., Sci. Rep. 8:14768, 2018, (B)
018-33052-3; B, from K. Xu et al., Science 339:452–456, 2013, doi 10.1126/science.1232251.) 1 µm
fluorescent labels
gel monomers
Figure 9–34 Expansion microscopy. (A) Although the technique has numerous variations, the
essential features are that the fluorescently labeled sample is embedded in a polymer gel to
which the fluorescent labels are covalently attached. After a proteinase digestion step, the gel is
immersed in water and everything in the sample expands equally in every direction, usually by
between 4 and 10 times, thus allowing details to be seen far more easily. (B) A peroxisome, whose
membrane has been labeled with a fluorescent probe, appears in a confocal microscope as a
blurred, diffraction-limited disc. (C) After expansion by a factor of 10, the image is captured with a
standard epifluorescence microscope and, after deconvolution, shows the peroxisomal membrane
well resolved and with a resolution of 25 nm. (From S. Truckenbrodt et al., EMBO Rep. 19:e45836, (B) (C)
2018, doi 10.15252/embr.201845836.) 200 nm
and to some extent live-cell imaging in real time. Ending the long reign of the
diffraction limit has reinvigorated light microscopy and its place in cell biology
(B) (D)
2 µm 30 µm
100 µm 5 µm
(Figure 9–37 and Movie 9.1). Light-sheet microscopy can also be combined with
other techniques. Coupled with STED imaging, for example, superresolution is
attainable, and higher-resolution images can also be obtained by preparing the
sample for expansion microscopy.
Single Molecules Can Be Visualized by Total Internal Reflection Figure 9–38 TIRF microscopy allows
Fluorescence Microscopy the detection of single fluorescent
molecules near the cell surface.
As we have seen, the strong background fluorescence due to light emitted or scat- (A) TIRF microscopy uses excitatory laser
tered by out-of-focus molecules tends to blot out the fluorescence from any one light to illuminate the cover-slip surface
at the critical angle at which all the light
particular molecule of interest. This problem can be solved by the use of a special
is reflected by the glass–water interface.
optical technique called total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy. Some electromagnetic energy extends a
In a TIRF microscope, laser light shines onto the cover-slip surface at the precise short distance across the interface as an
critical angle at which total internal reflection occurs (Figure 9–38A). Because of evanescent wave that excites just those
total internal reflection, the light does not enter the sample, and the majority of molecules that are attached to the cover
slip or are very close to its surface.
fluorescent molecules are not, therefore, illuminated. However, electromagnetic (B) TIRF microscopy is used to follow the
energy does extend, as an evanescent field, for a very short distance beyond the formation of an individual clathrin-coated
surface of the cover slip and into the specimen, allowing just those molecules in pit and its subsequent endocytosis. In
the layer closest to the surface to become excited. When these molecules fluo- this image of the surface of the plasma
resce, their emitted light is no longer competing with out-of-focus light from the membrane of an Arabidopsis root cell,
a clathrin adaptor protein is tagged with
overlying molecules and can now be detected. TIRF has allowed several dramatic GFP. Individual pits can be followed over
experiments, for instance imaging of single motor proteins moving along micro- time. (C) The pit ringed in B is shown at
tubules or actin filaments. At present, the technique is restricted to a thin layer 1-second intervals, demonstrating that
about 200 nm below the cell surface. Although not strictly TIRF, decreasing the its appearance and its removal at the
angle of the incident light so that it is almost parallel to the cover slip can increase plasma membrane by endocytosis takes
place in about 10 seconds. (B and C,
the depth into the cell that can be examined, albeit not so uniformly, a feature from A. Johnson and G. Vert, Front.
useful in cells with an outer wall, such as those of plants and fungi (Figure 9–38B Plant Sci. 8:612, 2017, doi 10.3389
and C). /fpls.2017.00612.)
~200 nm
cover slip
critical angle α
for total internal immersion oil
Many light-microscope techniques are available for observing cells. Cells that
have been fixed and stained can be studied in a conventional light microscope,
whereas antibodies coupled to fluorescent dyes can be used to locate specific
molecules in cells in a fluorescence microscope. Living cells can be seen with phase-
contrast, differential-interference-contrast, dark-field, or bright-field microscopes.
All forms of light microscopy are facilitated by digital image-processing techniques,
which enhance sensitivity and refine the image. Confocal microscopy and image
deconvolution both provide thin optical sections and can be used to reconstruct
three-dimensional images.
Techniques are now available for detecting, measuring, and following almost
any desired molecule in a living cell. Fluorescent labels can be introduced to mea-
sure the concentrations of specific ions or signaling molecules in individual cells
or in different parts of a cell. Virtually any protein of interest can be genetically
engineered as a fluorescent fusion protein and then imaged in living cells by fluo-
rescence microscopy. The dynamic behavior and interactions of many molecules
can be followed in living cells by variations on the use of fluorescent protein tags, in
some cases at the level of single molecules. Various superresolution techniques can
circumvent the diffraction limit in different ways and resolve molecules separated
by distances as small as 20 nm.
eyepiece lens
viewing or
digital digital
camera camera
inverted transmission
light electron
microscope microscope
100 nm
The steps required to prepare biological material for electron microscopy are
challenging. How can we be sure that the image of the fixed, dehydrated, resin-
embedded specimen bears any relation to the delicate, aqueous biological system
present in the living cell? The best current approaches to this problem depend on
rapid freezing. If an aqueous system is cooled fast enough and to a low enough
temperature, the water and other components in it do not have time to rearrange
themselves or crystallize into ice. Instead, the water is supercooled into a rigid but
noncrystalline state—a “glass”—called vitreous ice. This rapid freezing is usually
performed by plunging the sample into a coolant such as liquid ethane or by cool-
ing it at very high pressure.
Some rapidly frozen specimens can be examined directly in the electron
microscope using a special cooled specimen holder. In other cases, the frozen
block can be fractured to reveal interior cell surfaces or the surrounding ice can
be sublimed away to expose external surfaces. However, we often want to examine
thin sections, and the frozen tissue can be sectioned directly in a cooled micro-
tome. A compromise is to rapidly freeze the tissue, replace the water with organic
solvents, embed the tissue in plastic resin, and finally cut sections. This approach,
called freeze substitution, stabilizes and preserves the tissue in a condition very
close to its original living state (Figure 9–42).
Molecules in all kinds of thin sections can be labeled to identify and local-
ize them. We have seen earlier how antibodies can be used in conjunction with 200 nm
fluorescence microscopy to localize specific macromolecules. An analogous Figure 9–43 Localizing proteins in
method—immunogold electron microscopy—can be used in the electron micro- electron microscopy. Immunogold
scope. The usual procedure is to incubate a thin section first with a specific electron microscopy is used here to find the
primary antibody, and then with a secondary antibody to which a colloidal gold specific location of a protein that is targeted
particle has been attached. The gold particle is electron-dense and can be seen as to the Golgi apparatus. The protein has
been tagged with a genetically encoded
a black dot in the electron microscope (Figure 9–43). Different antibodies can be fluorescent protein and is localized to the
conjugated to different-sized gold particles so multiple proteins can be localized trans-Golgi network. The protein is seen
in a single sample. in this thin section using an antibody to
the fluorescent protein coupled to 10-nm
colloidal gold particles, seen in the electron
Heavy Metals Can Provide Additional Contrast microscope as black dots. The cell has
been frozen under high pressure and
Although phase contrast can make unstained specimens more visible, image freeze substituted before embedding and
clarity in an electron micrograph usually depends on having a range of electron sectioning. (Courtesy of Charlotta Funaya
densities to provide amplitude contrast within the specimen. Electron density in and M. Teresa Alonso.)
(A) (B)
100 nm 100 nm
Figure 9–44 Heavy metals provide contrast in the electron microscope. (A) This transmission
electron micrograph shows RecA protein together with E. coli DNA adsorbed to flakes of mica,
frozen, carefully dried, and then shadowed with evaporated platinum atoms. The RecA protein
clearly forms tight, right-handed helices around the bacterial DNA molecules, some of which can be
seen free at the top of the image (see also Figure 5–48). (B) In this transmission electron micrograph
of actin filaments, negatively stained with uranyl acetate, each filament is about 8 nm in diameter
and is seen, on close inspection, to be composed of a helical chain of globular actin molecules (see
also Figure 16–8). (A, from J. Heuser, J. Electron Microsc. Tech. 13:244–263, 1989; B, courtesy of
Roger Craig.)
turn depends on the atomic number of the atoms that are present: the higher
the atomic number, the more electrons are scattered and the darker that part of
the image. Biological tissues are composed mainly of atoms of very low atomic
number (primarily carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen). To make them more
readily visible, tissues are often impregnated (before or after sectioning) with the
salts of heavy metals such as uranium, lead, and osmium. The degree of impregna-
tion, or “staining,” with these salts will vary for different cell constituents. Lipids,
for example, tend to stain darkly after osmium fixation, revealing the location of
cell membranes (see, for example, Figure 12–2 or Figure 12–15).
Alternatively, if isolated molecules are “shadowed” by platinum or other
heavy metals evaporated from a heated filament, macromolecules such as DNA
or large proteins can be visualized with high contrast in the electron micro-
scope (Figure 9–44A). Negative staining is a similar approach that also allows
fine detail to be seen in isolated molecules or macromolecular machines. In this
technique, the molecules are supported on the thin film of carbon on a grid and
mixed with a solution of a heavy-metal salt such as uranyl formate or acetate.
After the sample has dried, a very thin film of metal salt covers the carbon film
everywhere except where it has been excluded by the presence of an adsorbed
macromolecule. Because the macromolecule allows electrons to pass through
it much more readily than does the surrounding heavy-metal stain, a reverse or
negative image of the molecule is created. Negative staining is especially use-
ful for quickly and cheaply viewing large macromolecular aggregates such as
viruses or ribosomes and for seeing the subunit structure of protein filaments
(Figure 9–44B). Shadowing and negative staining can provide high-contrast
surface views of small macromolecular assemblies, but the size of the smallest
metal particles in the shadow or stain limits the resolution of both techniques to
about 2 nm.
beam deflector
Figure 9–45 The scanning electron microscope. In an SEM, the specimen is scanned by a beam of electrons brought to
a focus on the specimen by the electromagnetic coils that act as lenses. The detector measures the quantity of electrons
scattered or emitted as the beam bombards each successive point on the surface of the specimen and records the intensity
of successive points in an image built up on a screen. The SEM creates striking images of three-dimensional objects with
great depth of focus and a resolution between 0.5 nm and 10 nm depending on the kind of instrument. (Photograph courtesy
of Andy Davis.)
the TEM uses the electrons that have passed through the specimen to form an
image, the SEM uses electrons that are scattered or emitted from the specimen’s
surface. The specimen to be examined is usually either fixed, dried, and coated
with a thin layer of heavy metal or alternatively rapidly frozen and then transferred
to a cooled specimen stage for coating and direct examination in the microscope
(Figure 9–45). The specimen is scanned with a very narrow beam of electrons.
The quantity of electrons scattered or emitted as this primary beam bombards
each successive point of the metallic surface is measured and builds up an image
on a computer screen. Often an entire plant part or small animal can be put into
the microscope with very little preparation (Figure 9–46).
The SEM technique provides great depth of field, thus objects both near and
far in the field of view are imaged sharply. Moreover, because the amount of
electron scattering depends on the angle of the surface relative to the beam, the
image has highlights and shadows that give it a three-dimensional appearance
50 nm
100 nm
Figure 9–47 Higher-resolution SEM. Macromolecular assemblies, shadowed with a very thin
coating of tungsten and imaged in an SEM equipped with a field-emission electron gun. (A) An actin
filament showing the helical arrangement of actin monomers. (B) Clathrin-coated vesicles. [A and
B, from R. Wepf et al., in Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (R. Fleck and B.
Humbel, eds.), pp. 269–298. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2019.]
(see Figure 9–46). Only surface features can be examined, however, and in most
forms of SEM, the resolution attainable is not very high (about 10 nm). As a result,
the technique is usually used to study whole cells and tissues rather than subcel-
lular organelles (see Movie 21.3). However, very-high-resolution SEMs have been
developed with a bright, coherent, field-emission gun as the electron source. As
resolution in the SEM depends not on the wavelength of the electron beam but on
the size of the electron spot that is scanned across the specimen, this type of SEM
can produce images that rival the resolution possible with a negatively stained
specimen in a TEM (Figure 9–47).
beam of electrons
The sample is examined, still frozen, by high-voltage transmission
electron microscopy. To avoid damage, it is important that only a
few electrons pass through each part of the specimen. Sensitive
detectors are therefore deployed to capture every electron that
passes through the specimen. Much EM specimen preparation
and data collection is now fully automated and many thousands
of micrographs are typically captured, each of which will contain
hundreds or thousands of individual molecules all arranged in
random orientations within the ice.
electron detector captures projected image of molecules
CRYOEM STRUCTURE OF 60S large ribosomal subunit at path of an rRNA loop fitted
0.25 nm resolution into the electron-density map
Courtesy of Joachim Frank.
RNA bases
60S ribosomal subunits randomly
oriented in a thin film of ice 100 nm 5 nm 1 nm
Although by no means routine, big improvements in This resolving power now approaches that of x-ray
image-processing algorithms, modeling tools and sheer crystallography, and the two techniques thrive together, each
computing power all mean that structures of bootstrapping the other to obtain ever more useful and dynamic
macromolecular complexes are now becoming attainable structural information. A good example is the structure of the
with resolutions in the 0.2- to 0.3-nm range. ribosome shown here at a resolution of 0.25 nm.
appear as multiple copies in the tomogram can be identified, and with a compu- Figure 9–48 EM tomography. The COP1
tational process called subtomogram averaging to reduce noise and gain structural coat mediates vesicle traffic within the
Golgi apparatus and retrograde traffic
information, molecular structures inside cells can now be obtained at a resolution
to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (see
of better than 2 nm (Figure 9–48). Electron microscopy now provides a robust Figures 13–4 and 13–5). EM tomography
bridge between the scale of the single molecule and that of its cellular environment. has helped visualize the details of COP1
coats in situ on buds and vesicles in rapidly
Cryo-electron Microscopy Can Determine Molecular Structures frozen Chlamydomonas cells. (A) One slice
through a three-dimensional tomogram
at Atomic Resolution of a complete Golgi apparatus. (The
tomogram can be seen in Movie 9.2.)
As we saw earlier (p. 567), noise is important in light microscopy at low light lev- (B) Using the information from several
els, but it is a particularly severe problem for electron microscopy of unstained such tomograms, a portion of the Golgi
macromolecules. A protein molecule can tolerate a dose of only a few hundreds of is shown here, color coded to show ER
electrons per square nanometer without damage, and this dose is orders of mag- dark yellow, the cis vesicles yellow, the
four cis cisternae green, the four medial
nitude below what is needed to define an image at atomic resolution. cisternae red, the trans cisterna blue,
The solution is to obtain images of many identical molecules—perhaps hun- medial vesicles pink, trans vesicles light
dreds of thousands of images of individual particles—and combine them to blue, and the trans Golgi network purple.
produce an averaged image, revealing structural details that are hidden by the Ribosomes can also be seen as small gray
noise in the original images. This procedure is called single-particle reconstruc- blobs. (C) Individual slices through COP1
vesicles in the tomogram; the bottom one
tion (Panel 9–1). Before combining all the individual images, however, they must is partially uncoated. (D) By identifying
be aligned with each other. With the help of a computer, the digital images of ran- and averaging more than 10,000 COP1
domly distributed and unaligned molecules can be processed and combined to subunits on vesicles in the tomograms,
yield high-resolution reconstructions (see Movie 13.1). Although structures that a molecular structure was obtained by
have some intrinsic symmetry, such as dimers or helical repeats, are somewhat subtomogram averaging at a resolution of
2 nm. Structures of the various proteins in
easier to solve (Figure 9–49), this technique has also been used for huge macro- the COP1 coat have been solved, and they
molecular machines, such as ribosomes, that have no symmetry (see Panel 9–1). can be fitted neatly into the electron-density
Cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) depends crucially on very rapidly freez- envelope of the EM structure. A surface
ing the aqueous specimen to form vitreous ice, which does not allow ice crystals view of a triad of COP1 subunits on the
surface of a vesicle is shown here together
to form and therefore does not damage the specimen. A very thin (about 100 nm)
with the molecular structures (in color) of
film of an aqueous suspension of purified macromolecular complex is prepared the individual components that have been
on a microscope grid and is then rapidly frozen by being plunged into a coolant. fitted into the EM structure. (Adapted from
A special sample holder keeps this hydrated specimen at –160°C in the vacuum Y.S. Bykov et al., eLife 6:e32493, 2017,
of the microscope, where it can be viewed directly without fixation, staining, or doi 10.7554/eLife.32493.)
drying. Unlike negative staining, in which what we see is the envelope of stain
exclusion around the particle, cryoEM produces an image from the macromolec-
ular structure itself. The specialized transmission electron microscopes required
operate with much higher electron accelerating voltages than that of a routine
TEM and typically run at 300,000 V. However, as very low electron doses are
used to obtain cryoEM images, the intrinsic contrast in the images produced is
very low, and to extract the maximum amount of structural information, special
image-processing techniques must be used. Huge advances in direct electron
detectors and faster, more efficient image-processing techniques that involve
image alignment routines, motion correction, and contrast transfer function cor-
rections mean that the structures of molecules as small as 100 kilodaltons can
now be solved. The smaller the molecule, the noisier the image, and the main
596 Chapter 9: Visualizing Cells and Their Molecules
Figure 9–49 CryoEM structure of microtubules. This cryoEM reconstruction of the structure of
a microtubule was helped by the intrinsic symmetry of the microtubule itself (see Figure 16–37).
This detailed model of the whole microtubule has allowed an examination of the way in which
the protofilaments interact and the way in which the whole lattice and associated proteins
are assembled. (A) CryoEM image of two intact microtubules embedded in vitreous ice. (B) A
reconstruction of the surface lattice of a single microtubule at a resolution of 0.35 nm (3.5 Å).
(C) The detailed electron-density map of the tubulin dimer extracted from the structure of the intact
microtubule. α-Tubulin is darker green, and β-tubulin is lighter green. (From E. Nogales, Mol. Biol.
Cell 27:3202–3204, 2016, doi 10.1091/mbc.E16-06-0372. With permission from Elsevier.)
advantages of the method are best seen with large and sometimes flexible mac-
romolecular complexes such as viruses, ribosomes, and large integral membrane
proteins that are hard to crystallize (Figure 9–50).
A remarkable resolution of 0.12 nm (1.2 Å) has been achieved in a particularly
stable protein by cryoEM, enough to see clearly the detailed atomic structure and
to rival x-ray crystallography in resolution (Figure 9–51). Electron microscopy,
however, also has some very clear additional advantages over x-ray crystallography
(discussed in Chapter 8) as a method for macromolecular structure determination.
First, it does not require crystalline specimens. Second, it can deal with extremely receptor-binding domains
large complexes—structures that may be too large or too variable to crystallize sat-
isfactorily; for example, membrane proteins. Third, it allows the rapid analysis of
different conformations of protein machines; for example, the different states of the
F1 ATPase proton pump shown in Figure 14–31. Fourth, the glycosylation patterns
and mobile loops on the surface of proteins, which are often impossible to see in
x-ray structures, are more readily resolved in cryoEM structures. And fifth, only a
minute amount of sample is required compared with that needed to make crystals.
The analysis of large and complex macromolecular structures is helped con-
siderably if the atomic structure of one or more of the subunits is known, for
Figure 9–50 The spike protein on the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The SARS-CoV-2 virus was responsible
for the COVID-19 pandemic. Protruding from the viral membrane are many trimeric spike proteins
that mediate binding of the virus to a receptor on cells in our respiratory tract and its subsequent glycan
entry into the cell. The trimeric spike protein is a target both of our immune system and of vaccine side chains
developers. The closed conformation of the trimeric spike protein shown here, both from the top
(A) and from the side (B), was obtained from rapidly frozen intact virus particles. Spike proteins
were identified by computer from multiple tilted images of the viruses and subtomogram averaging
applied to them. The final electron-density map was determined to a resolution of 0.35 nm, good
enough for the molecular model (shown here) to be accurately fitted within its envelope, although
the details of the membrane-spanning portion of the trimeric spike protein are not revealed. The membrane 2 nm
proteins are heavily N-glycosylated, and these surface glycans are shown in green, while the three
spike proteins are shown in dark green, light blue, and light brown. (PDB code: 6ZWV.) (B)
0.2 nm
(C) tyrosine arginine histidine
(A) (B)
50 nm 5 nm
EZH2 nucleosome
Figure 9–52 PRC2, a large
histone core macromolecular machine. Polycomb
repressive complex 2 (PRC2) is a
large protein complex involved in
establishing heterochromatin and the
epigenetic regulation of gene expression
(see Figure 4–40). PRC2 interacts with a
nucleosome through the binding of the
nucleosomal DNA by one of its subunits,
EZH2, which also engages the extended
tail of histone H3 to direct its lysine 27
(K27) to the active site for methylation. The
density map of PRC2 and two essential
cofactors bound to a single nucleosome
was produced by single-particle cryo-
electron microscopy reconstruction at a
resolution of 0.35 nm. The long arm of
H3 histone tail histone H3 is shown in more detail with
the protein backbone modeled into the
density map. (Courtesy of Vignesh Kasinath
PRC2 and Eva Nogales and based on EMDB-
21707. From V. Kasinath et al., Science
371:eabc3393, 2021. With permission
lysine 27 from AAAS.)
598 Chapter 9: Visualizing Cells and Their Molecules
electron microscope, and of these two general approaches are common. The first Figure 9–53 Correlated light and electron
is to freeze the cell or tissue, locate the positions of the target molecule with fluo- microscopy (CLEM). The correct folding
of proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum
rescence light microscopy, and then, after transferring the frozen specimen to an
(ER) is sensed by a major transmembrane
electron microscope, tilting it, using EM tomography to find the exact point in the protein called IRE1 (see Figures 12–36
tomogram that corresponds to the fluorescent signal (Figure 9–53). and 12–37). If IRE1 is activated, it forms
A second approach, and a demanding one too, is again to rapidly freeze the oligomers that are visible in fluorescence
cell and locate fluorescent molecules at high resolution by single-molecule local- microscopy as bright foci. Here, stressed
cells, expressing fluorescent IRE1 and
ization microscopy. The frozen cell is then transferred to a modified SEM that growing on an EM grid, are rapidly
incorporates a separate focused ion beam, usually of gallium ions, that can be frozen and subsequently imaged by EM
scanned across the frozen block face like a miniature milling machine, remov- tomography. The resulting tomograms
ing about 10 nm of the sample at a time. The SEM records a two-dimensional can be directly correlated with the light
image of the scattered electrons from the surface of the block face at each step, micrographs. (A) A fluorescent spot of
labeled IRE1 is shown here precisely
and a three-dimensional image of the cell is gradually built up that can be superimposed on a slice through its
correlated with the original localization data, all with a final resolution of corresponding EM tomogram that contains
about 5 nm (Figure 9–54). The technique is called focused ion beam–scanning a network of ER. (B) Another slice through
electron microscopy, or FIB–SEM for short. The same technique, but without the the tomogram at a different level shows
fluorescent labels, can be used on much larger specimens that have been conven- IRE1 is localized as aggregates in a
complex network of specialized, narrow
tionally fixed, stained with heavy-metal salts, and embedded in plastic. Although ER tubules. (C) The outlines of the ER
the structural preservation may not be so good as with frozen specimens, the membranes in each slice of the tomogram
approach, although very time consuming, is proving useful in analyzing complex are manually defined (in a process called
cellular interactions; for example, in mapping the neural connections in brain segmentation), and the drawing here
shows that the oligomers of IRE1 are
tissue (see Movie 9.1).
concentrated in this convoluted network
of specialized ER tubules. (A, B, and C,
Using Microscopy to Study Cells Always Involves Trade-Offs adapted from S.D. Carter et al., 2021,
doi 10.1101/2021.02.24.432779.)
The history of cell biology has been tightly interlinked with that of microscopy.
What we now know about the structure and function of cells has depended
crucially on being able to image cells, organelles, and the molecules they
contain—seeing is indeed believing. But for the young biologist today, there is,
as we have seen, a bewildering variety of imaging technologies from which to
choose, and knowing which is best suited to solve the problem at hand is not
easy. All imaging approaches have trade-offs to consider. At an obvious level, the
dynamics of cells are only accessible with certain kinds of light microscopies and
with living cells. If higher resolution is required, with either electron microscopes
or light microscopes, then that comes with increasing cost and complexity.
Single-molecule localization microscopy also requires elaborate hardware and
also takes many minutes to acquire each image. The cryoEM-derived structures
of large protein complexes require the use of high-voltage machines that cost
many millions of dollars. Such resources are usually confined to large centralized
microscopy facilities that can be shared by many users. The precise localization of
molecules within the cell requires the use of fluorescent labels, but, because only
the labels themselves can be detected in a fluorescence microscope, the cellular
Discovering the detailed structure of cells and their molecules requires the higher res-
olution attainable in a transmission electron microscope. Three-dimensional views
of the surfaces of cells and tissues are obtained by scanning electron microscopy.
Specific macromolecules can be localized by combining electron microscopy with
fluorescence light microscopy. EM tomography enables three-dimensional informa-
tion about cellular architecture to be obtained. The shapes of isolated molecules can
be roughly determined by electron microscopy techniques involving negative staining
or heavy-metal shadowing, but detailed molecular structures require cryoEM and
single-particle reconstruction using computational manipulations of data obtained
from multiple images and multiple viewing angles to produce detailed reconstruc-
tions of macromolecules and molecular complexes. The resolution obtained with
these methods means that atomic structures of individual macromolecules can be
“fitted” to the images derived by electron microscopy. CryoEM can often determine
the structures of molecules that are inaccessible to x-ray crystallography.
600 Chapter 9: Visualizing Cells and Their Molecules
Which statements are true? Explain why or why not. 9–5 Why do humans see so poorly under water? And
why do goggles help?
9–1 A fluorescent molecule, having absorbed a single
photon of light at one wavelength, always emits it at a lon- 9–6 Explain the difference between resolution and
ger wavelength. magnification.
9–2 Transmission electron microscopy and scanning 9–7 Figure Q9–3 shows a series of modified fluores-
electron microscopy can both be used to examine a struc- cent proteins that emit light in a range of colors. Several
ture in the interior of a thin section: transmission electron of these fluorescent proteins contain the same chromo-
microscopy provides a projection view, while scanning phore, yet they fluoresce at different wavelengths. How do
electron microscopy captures electrons scattered from the you suppose the exact same chromophore can fluoresce at
structure and gives a more three-dimensional view. several different wavelengths?
omit Abl or ATP
phosphotyrosine- 1.0
humor retina
binding domain 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
time (hours)
lens Figure Q9–4 Fluorescent biosensor designed to detect tyrosine phosphorylation (Problem
9–8). (A) Domain structure of the biosensor. Four domains are indicated: CFP, YFP,
tyrosine kinase substrate peptide, and a phosphotyrosine-binding domain. (B) FRET
assay. YFP/CFP is normalized to 1.0 at time zero. The biosensor was incubated in the
presence (or absence) of Abl and ATP for the indicated times. Arrow indicates time of
Figure Q9–2 Diagram of the human eye addition of a tyrosine phosphatase. (From A.Y. Ting et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
(Problem 9–4). 98:15003–15008, 2001. With permission from National Academy of Sciences.)
allows excitation of CFP to stimulate emission by YFP. to the primary antibodies. You then examine it by elec-
FRET shows up experimentally as an increase in the ratio tron microscopy (Figure Q9–5). Are the gold particles
of emission at 526 nm (from YFP) versus 476 nm (from (black dots) consistently associated with any particular
CFP) when CFP is excited by 434-nm light. structure?
Incubation of the biosensor protein with Abl
Figure Q9–5 An
protein tyrosine kinase in the presence of ATP gave an astrocyte membrane
increase in the ratio of YFP/CFP emission (Figure Q9–4B). labeled with primary
In the absence of ATP or the Abl protein, no FRET occurred. antibodies against
FRET was also eliminated by addition of a tyrosine phos- aquaporin and
phatase (Figure Q9–4B). Describe as best you can how this then with secondary
antibodies to
biosensor detects active Abl protein tyrosine kinase. which colloidal
gold particles have
9–9 Under ideal conditions, with the simplest of spec- been attached
imens (a monolayer of carbon atoms, for example) and (Problem 9-10).
careful image processing, the practical resolving power (From J.E. Rash
of modern electron microscopes is about 0.05 nm, some et al., Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA
25-fold above the theoretical limit of 0.002 nm. This is 95:11981–11986,
because only the very center of the electron lens can be 1998. With
used, and the effective numerical aperture (n sin θ) is lim- permission from
ited by θ (half the angular width of rays collected at the National Academy
objective lens). Assuming that the wavelength (λ) of the of Sciences.)
electrons is 0.004 nm and that the refractive index (n) is
1.0, calculate the value for θ, where resolution (0.05 nm) =
0.61 λ/n sin θ. How does this value of θ compare with that
for a conventional light microscope (60°)?
9–10 Aquaporin water channels in the plasma 100 nm
membrane play a major role in water metabolism and
osmoregulation in many cells. To determine their struc- 9–11 The technique of negative staining uses heavy
tural organization in the membrane, you use immunogold metals such as uranium to provide contrast. If these heavy
electron microscopy. You prepare a membrane sample, metals do not actually bind to defined biological struc-
incubate it with primary antibodies against aquaporin tures (which they do not), how is it that they can help to
then with gold-tagged secondary antibodies that bind make such structures visible?
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