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Aec-1 MCQ

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1. The transistor in the circuit shown below is operating in…….. region

(a) cut off (b) saturation (c) active (d) either active or saturation

2. The dc bias voltage of npn transistor made of silicon is 10V and input base resistor is 100KΩ.The
value of base current into the transistor is……………
(a) 9.3µA (b) 0.93µA (c) 930 µA (d)93 µA

3. The output characteristic of a BJT is given below. Find the minimum collector collector required
for output resistance ro = 50 KΩ.

(a) 1mA (b)5mA (c) 10mA (d)100mA

4. If VCE = 10 V and VBE=0.7V, then emitter current in the following circuit is…….

(a) 0.51 mA (b) 0.6mA (c) 0.61mA (d) 0.01 mA

5. From the given circuit, using a silicon BJT, what is the value of VCEQ?

(a) 47.08 mA (b) 47.08 µA (c) 50 µA (d)0 mA

6. Which of the following is the correct relationship between base and emitter current of a BJT?
(a) IB = β IE (b) IB = IE (c) IB = (β + 1) IE (d) IE = (β + 1) IB
7. In BJT biasing circuits, a coupling capacitor is……
(a)DC short (b) AC open(c) DC open and an AC short (d) DC short and an AC open
8. If VCC = 18V, voltage divider resistances R1= 4.7KΩand R2=1500Ω, what is the base bias
(a) 8.7V (b) 4.35V (c) 2.9V (d) 6.7V
9. The transistor uses a voltage divider method of biasing. R1= 50KΩand R2=10KΩ RE=1KΩ. If VCC
= 12V and VBE = 0.1V, then IC is ……………
(a)10mA (b)2mA (c)1.9mA (d) 0.19mA
10. The output signal of a common collector amplifier is always….
(a) Large than the input signal (b) in phase with the input signal
(c) out of phase with the input signal (d) exactly equal with input signal

11. The biasing circuit which gives best stability to the Q point is
(a)Fixed bias (b) Emitter bias (c) voltage divider bias (d) collector feedback bias
12. The operating point of an NPN transistor amplifier should not be selected near the saturated
region as it may
(a) cause output signal to be clipped in positive half
(b) cause output signal to be clipped in negative half
(c) require high dc supply (d)drive transistor to thermal runaway

13. The potential divider biasing is used in amplifiers to

(a) limit input signal going to base (b) reduce dc base current
(c) Reduce cost of circuit (d) make operating point independent of β
14. In BJT the increase in magnitude of collector voltage increases the space charge width at the
output junction diode. This causes the effective base width to decease. This effect is known as……
(a)Hall effect (b) Miller effect (c) Early effect (d) zener effect
15. Using the ideal diode model of a silicon diode and taking V=10 V and R=1k, what is the value of
diode current at operating point?
(a) 9.25mA (b) 10mA (c) 0 mA (d) 9.5mA
16. Using the ideal diode model of a silicon diode and taking V=10 V and R=1k, what is the value of
diode voltage at operating point?
(a) 0.7V (b) 0V (c) 10V (d) 0.3V
17. Ratio of which two currents is represented by β?
a) IC and IE b) IC and IB
c) IB and IE d) IC and ICo
18. Which of the following currents are nearly equal to each other?
A) IC and IE B) IC and IB
C) IB and IE D) IC and ICo
19. In the following bias, approximate analysis is applicable only if βRE ≥ 10R2.
A) Fixed Bias B) Voltage Divider Bias
C) Emitter Bias D) Collector Bias
20. In BJT, if the slope of the slope of output characteristic curves is extended, then will all intersect at a voltage
called _____________
A) Breakdown voltage B) Threshold voltage
C) Pinch off voltage D) Early voltage
21. In Fixed Bias configuration, for the input impedance computation, the following is true.
A) RB ≥ 10βre B) RB < 10βre
C) RB > 10βro D) RE ≥ 10βre
22. In Emitter follower, the value of voltage gain is_________
A) 10 B) 50
C) 1 D) 20
23. In AC Analysis of Amplifiers, all capacitors are replaced by_____________
A) Open circuit B) Short circuit
C) Resistance D) Impedance
24. In AC Analysis of Amplifiers, a transistor is replaced by_____________
A) Open circuit B) Closed circuit
C) re model D) Impedance
25. Q1 and Q2 are perfectly matched BJTs. Assuming beta to be infinite and forward bias voltage
drop in diode to be 0.7 V, find the current Iout.
a) 5.7 mA b) 0 mA c) 3.6 mA d) 4.3 mA
26. Which of the following is the correct relationship between base and emitter current of a BJT?
A) IB = β IE B) IB = IE
C) IB = (β + 1) IE D) IE = (β + 1) IB

27. For the given circuit, using a silicon transistor, what is the value of IBQ? Assume VBE=0.7V.

A) 47.08mA B) 47.08μA
C) 50μA D) 0mA

28. Calculate VTh for the network shown below

A) −12.12 V B) 16.35 V
C) −3.65 V D) 10 V
29. Which of the following is assumed in the approximate analysis of a voltage divider circuit?
A) IB is essentially zero amperes. B) R1 and R2 are considered to be series elements.
C) RE ≥ 10R2 D) All of the above
30. In BJT amplifier with emitter degeneration
A) Bypass Capacitance is connected to the B) Bypass Capacitance is not connected to the
emitter terminal of the amplifier emitter terminal of the amplifier
C) RC is not connected between VCC and D) None of these
Collector terminal
31. Which of the following should be done to obtain the AC equivalent of a network?
A) Set all DC sources to zero B) Replace all capacitors by short circuit equivalent
C) Remove all elements bypassed by the short D) All of the above
circuit equivalent
32. What does the negative sign in the voltage gain of the common emitter fixed bias configuration indicate?
A) Output and input voltages are out of B) Gain is less than 1
phase by 180 degrees
C) Gain is more than 1 D) Output and input voltages are out of phase by 90
33. The value of RE to be considered while performing the ac analysis of the circuit shown below is

A) 0.47KΩ B) 1.2 KΩ
C) 1.67 KΩ D) 0
34. Configuration of Emitter follower is
A) Common Emitter B) Common Base
C) Common Collector D) None of these
35. Which is the incorrect statement about Emitter Follower
A) Has Very high input impedance B) Has very low output impedance
C) Voltage gain is less than or equal to 1 D) Input and Output signals are out of phase by 180
36. In the circuit given below, assume VCC = 4V, VBB = 5V, VBE = 0.7V, RE = 3.3kΩ, RC = 10kΩ,
RB = 40kΩ and β = 100. What is the current IE?

(a) 1.388mA (b) 0.012mA (c) 10.47mA (d) 1.165mA

37. Collector base feedback and emitter feedback combined together provide stability for self –
bias circuits.
a) True b) False
38. Where does degeneration take place in a self – bias circuit?
(a) Across RB (b) Across RE (c) No degeneration occurs (d) Across RC
39. A transistor has hfe=100, hie=2kΩ, hoe=0.005mmhos, hre=0. Find the output impedance if the
load resistance is 5kΩ.
(a) 5 kΩ (b) 4 kΩ (c) 15 kΩ (d) 20 kΩ
40. A CE amplifier when bypassed with a capacitor at the emitter resistance has…..
(a) increased input resistance and increased voltage gain
(b) increased input resistance and decreased voltage gain
(c) decreased input resistance and increased voltage gain
(d) decreased input resistance and decreased voltage gain
Unit II
1. The MOSFET in the following circuit, Fig. Q9, is in which configuration?

A)Common Source B) Common Gate

C)Common Drain D) Common Gate

2. In which of the following region, MOSFET will work as an Amplifier

Saturation B) Cut off
Triode D) Active
3. In NMOS, the expression for Over drive voltage is given by________
VOV ≡ VGS + Vt D) VOV ≡ VGS −Vtp
4. NMOS transistors have __________and _______________ than PMOS devices
A)greater gains, greater speeds of operation B) greater gains, lesser speeds of operation
C)Lesser gains, greater speeds of operation D) None of these
5. The simplest biasing arrangement for n channel FET is___________
A)Voltage divider bias B) Emitter bias
C) Common Drain Bias D) Fixed bias
6. CMOS arrangement have the following advantages
High input impedance, slow switching speeds and B) High input impedance, fast switching speeds and
A)Lower operating power level higher operating power level
C)High output impedance, slow switching speeds D) High input impedance, fast switching speeds
and Lower operating power level and Lower operating power level
7. NMOS transistor will be in saturation region for the following condition
𝑨) 𝒗𝑫𝑺 ≥ 𝒗𝒐𝒗 B) 𝒗𝑫𝑺 = 𝒗𝒐𝒗
𝐶) 𝑣𝐷𝑆 ≤ 𝑣𝑜𝑣 D) 𝑣𝐺𝑆 ≥ 𝑣𝑜𝑣
8. PMOS transistor will be in triode region for the following condition
𝐴)𝑣𝑆𝐷 ≥ |𝑣𝑜𝑣 | B) 𝒗𝑺𝑫 < |𝒗𝒐𝒗 |
𝐶)𝑣𝑆𝐷 ≤ |𝑣𝑜𝑣 | D) 𝑣𝑆𝐷 = |𝑣𝑜𝑣 |
9. Biasing in an Integrated circuit is based on the use of ____________
a) Constant Voltage Sources B) Constant power sources
c) Constant Current sources D) Varying current sources
10. In Differential MOS Amplifier circuit, the highest value of input common mode range is limited by the
range of Q1 and Q2 remain in _________
A) Triode region B) Saturation region
C) Cut-off region D) Active region
11. The n-MOS transistor is made up of
A) N-type source, n-type drain and p-type B) N-type source, p-type drain and p-type bulk
C) P-type source, n-type drain and n-type bulk D) P- type source, p-type drain and n-type bulk
12. For the MOSFET operating in saturation, if the channel width is doubled, drain current iD changes by a
A) 0.5 B) 4
C) 2 D) No change
13. The voltage that turns ON an enhancement mode MOS is
A) Gate Source Voltage B) Pinch off voltage
C) Overdrive voltage D) Threshold voltage
14. If a MOSFET is to be used in the making of an amplifier then it must work in

A) Cut-off region B) Triode region

C) Saturation region D) Both cut-off and triode region can be used
15. An N-channel MOSFET conducts when it has
A) VGS<0 B) an N type inversion layer
C) VDS>0 D) Depletion layer
16. The MOSFET in the following circuit is in which configuration?

A) Common Source (CS) B) Common Gate (CG)

C) Common Drain (CD) D) None of the mentioned
17. According to the principle of current mirror, if gate-source potentials of two identical MOS transistors
are equal, then the channel currents should be _______
A) Equal B) Different
C) zero D) None of the mentioned

18. Sub threshold conduction of MOSFET means

A) Conduction of MOSFET for gate voltages B)
Saturation of velocity of charge carries at high
below the threshold voltage electric field
C) Increase of charge carriers in depletion region D) The variation in drain current due to change in
when body voltage decreases channel length caused by movement of Pinch-off
19. Saturation region of N-MOSFET is defined by following voltage conditions
A) 𝐕𝐆𝐒 > 𝐕𝐓𝐇 , and 𝐕𝐃𝐒 > 𝐕𝐆𝐒 − 𝐕𝐓𝐇 B) VGS < VTH
C) VGS > VTH , and VDS < VGS − VTH D) VGS < VTH , and VDS < VGS − VTH
20. Which of the parameter is used to represent channel-length modulation in small signal model of
MOSFET shown

A) gm B) 𝒓𝒐
C) 𝒗𝑮𝑺 D) 𝝁𝒏
21. Consider the amplifier below for the case VDD = 5 V, RD = 24 kΩ, (W/L) = 1 mA/V2, and
Vt = 1 V. If the amplifier is biased to operate with an overdrive voltage V OV of 0.5 V, find
the incremental gain at the bias point.

(a) -3 V/V (b) -6 V/V (c) -9 V/V (d) -12 V/V

22. An NMOS technology has μnCox = 50 μA/V2 and Vt = 0.7 V. For a transistor with L =
1μm, find the value of W that results in gm 1mA/V at ID = 0.5 mA.
(a) 10 μm (b) 20 μm (c) 30 μm (d) 40 μm
23. An NMOS amplifier is to be designed to provide a 0.50-V peak output signal across a
50-kΩ load that can be used as a drain resistor. What W/L ratio is required if μnCox =
200 μA/V2?
(a) 1.23 (b) 2.23 (c) 1.43 (d)1.53
24. The MOSFET in the following circuit is in which configuration?(

(a) Common Source (CS) (b) Common Gate (CG) (c) Common Drain (CD)
(d) None of the mentioned
25. The circuit below is the characterization for the amplifier as a functional block. If
the value of Rin for the common source configuration is R1 and that for common source
with a source resistance configuration is R2 ideally. The ratio of R1/R2 will be

(a) R1/R2 = 1 (b) 0 < R1/R2 < 1 (c) R1/R2 > 1 (d) R1/R2 = 0
26. The drain current of M2 is 5mA. Neglecting channel length modulation, what should
be the ratio of the aspect ratio of M2 upon M1?

(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 36 (d) 2/9

27. If the overdrive voltage of M2 is 10 times of M1, what should be the ratio of the
aspect ratio if the drain current of both the transistors is constant?

(a) 0.1 (b) 23 (c) 0.01 (d)3

28. If the channel length modulation parameter of only M2 is .1V-1, what is the ratio of
the transconductances of M2/M1, when the drain current of M2 is 4 times that of M1?

(a) 1.7145 (b) 1.7541 (c) 1.7451 (d) 1.7514

29. Why do we intend to use a Cascode Current Mirrors as follows?
(a)To overcome the effect of channel length modulation
(b)To increase the speed
(c) To increase the aspect ratio
(d)To increase the effective oxide thickness
30. Which MOSFET is behaving as the Cascode device?

(a) M1 (b) M2 (c) Neither of the MOSFETs (d) Both the MOSFETs
31. What happens to the output impedance of a CS stage if it’s degenerated by a resistor at
the source?
a) It increases b) It decreases c) It remains the same d) It depends on the design
32. We want to increase the intrinsic gain of the MOSFET by only increasing W. What
happens to the output impedance for the device only?
a) It increases b) It decreases c) It remains same d) There is no intrinsic gain
33. What happens to the voltage gain of a CS stage if it’s degenerated by a resistor at the
a) It increases b) It decreases c) It remains the same d) It depends on the aspect ratio
34. What happens to the output resistance of the following circuit if only L is increased?

(a) It increases (b) It decreases (c) It remains unchanged

(d) It increases and then decreases
35. The variation of the threshold voltage with the applied bulk-to-source voltage is typically
observed by plotting the _________________ as a function of the source-to-drain voltage.
a) drain current b) square root of the drain current
c) square of the drain current d) natural logarithm of the drain current
36. An NMOS transistor has Vt0 = 0.8 V, 2 φf = 0.7 V, and γ = 0.4 V1/2. Find Vt when VSB =
3 V.
a) 0.12 V b) 1.23 V c) 2.34 V d) 3.45 V
37. The threshold voltage of MOSFET…….
a) Increases on increasing temperature
b) May increase or decrease on increasing temperature depending upon other factors
c) Temperature independent
d) Decreases on increasing temperature
38. In the following C.S. stage shown below, what is the transconductance?

a) 12µnCox*(W/L)(V1-Vth)
b) 3µnCox*(W/L)(V1-Vth)
c) µnCox*(W/L)(V1-Vth)
d) 2µnCox*(W/L)(V1-Vth)
39. The controlling parameter in MOSFET is
a) Vds b) Ig c) Vgs d) Is
40. In the transfer characteristics of a MOSFET, the threshold voltage is the measure of the
a) minimum voltage to induce a n-channel/p-channel for conduction
b) minimum voltage till which temperature is constant
c) minimum voltage to turn off the device
d) none of the above mentioned is true
Unit III
1. In Class A Power Amplifier, conversion efficiency in practice usually in the range of __________
A) 10%-20% B) 30%-40%
C) 40%-50% D) 50%-60%
2. The circuit shown in Fig.below represents ______________

A) Class A Amplifier B) Class AB Amplifier

C) Class B Amplifier D) Class C Amplifier

3. According to the principle of current mirror, if gate-source potentials of two identical MOS
transistors are equal, then the channel currents should be _______
a. Equal
b. Different
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

4. Class A amplifiers are preferred when

a. minimum distortion is required
b. maximum voltage gain is required
c. output signal is desired in phase with input signal
d. signal having A.C. superimposed on D.C. are to be amplified

5. A Differential Amplifier amplifies

a) Input signal with higher voltage
b) Input voltage with smaller voltage
c) Sum of the input voltage
d) None of the Mentioned
6. A differential amplifier is capable of amplifying
a) DC input signal only
b) AC input signal only
c) AC & DC input signal
d) None of the Mentioned

7. Where does the Q point lie for class B amplifier?

a) Active
b) Cut off
c) Saturation
d) Between saturation and active

8. What is the value of the maximum efficiency of the class B amplifier?

a) 25%
b) 35%
c) 35% to 50%
d) 50% to 70%
9. If DC power for a Class A amplifier is 500W and AC power is 150W, what is its efficiency?
a) 50%
b) 75%
c) 20%
d) 30%
10. When no signal is applied, the approximate collector efficiency of class A power amplifier is
(a) 25% (b) 10% (c) 0% (d) 50%
11. Calculate the efficiency of a class B amplifier for a supply voltage of VCC = 20 V with peak
output voltage of 18 V. Assume RL = 16.
(a) 78.54% (b) 75 % (c) 70.69% (d) 50%
12. Class B amplifier Produces output even if the input is zero.
a) True b) False
13. What happens when class B amplifier is in a quiescent state?
a) No current flows through the transistor
b) Maximum current flows through the transistor
c) Half of the maximum current flows through the transistor
d) Quarter of the maximum current flows
14. Which is the main disadvantage of class B amplifiers?
a) Expensive
b) Less efficient
c) More power dissipation
d) More heat dissipation
15. A differential amplifier, amplifies …..
A) and mathematically differentiates the B) and differentiates the input waveform on one line
average of the voltages on the two inputs when the other line is grounded
C) the difference of voltages between the two D) and differentiates the sum of the two input waveforms
input lines
16. The type of power amplifier which exhibits crossover distortion in its output is
A) Class A B) Class B
C) Class C D) Class AB
17. Where does the Q point lie for class A amplifier?
A) Active B) Cut off
C) Saturation D) Between saturation and active
18. What happens when class B amplifier is in a quiescent state?
A) No current flows through the transistor B) Maximum current flows through the transistor
C) Half of the maximum current flows through D) Quarter of the maximum current flows
the transistor
19. What is cross over distortion?
A) Distortion occurred due to resistors B) Distortion occurred due to Capacitors
C) Distortion occurred due to inductors D) Effect occurred during switching of transistor after
every half cycle
20. A Differential Amplifier amplifies
a) Input signal with higher voltage
b) Input voltage with smaller voltage
c) Sum of the input voltage
d) None of the Mentioned

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