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Pet 3D

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Sustainable fabrication of 3D printing filament from recycled PET plastic

Article in Materials Today Proceedings · October 2023

DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2023.08.205


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6 authors, including:

Manoj Nikam Sandhya Jadhav

Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering Navi Mumbai Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai


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Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Materials Today: Proceedings

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Sustainable fabrication of 3D printing filament from recycled PET plastic

Manoj Nikam a, *, Prasad Pawar a, Ajinkya Patil a, Anuj Patil a, Kalpesh Mokal a, Sandhya Jadhav b
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400614, India
Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400614, India


Keywords: The widespread use of plastic is leading to increased plastic waste and environmental concerns globally. This
Sustainable research paper aims to address this issue by investigating the potential of creating a sustainable 3D printing
Plastic filament using recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles. Our experimental setup involved a 1.6 mm
diameter nozzle with a heater block to ensure precise temperature control during filament extrusion, resulting in
3D Printing
a reliable and repeatable filament diameter of 1. 65 mm.The study focuses on creating a consistent filament with
a 1.65 mm diameter using recycled PET bottles. Additionally, finite element analysis (FEA) is conducted using
SolidWorks software to compare the mechanical properties of the PET filament to conventional polylactic acid
(PLA) material widely used in 3D printing. The FEA simulations analyze stress, strain, and displacement for both
PET and PLA materials, and the results are compared to draw conclusions based on the numerical observations.
The findings from this research will offer valuable insights into the potential of recycled PET bottles as an
environmentally friendly alternative for 3D printing filaments. This work contributes to reducing plastic waste
and promotes sustainable practices in additive manufacturing.

1. Introduction checks monitor the filament’s diameter, strength, and appearance,

thereby ensuring that the recycled PET filament meets the required
The 3D printing industry is undoubtedly experiencing rapid growth, standards [2]. Despite the emerging potential of this technology, there
with an expected market value of $83.9 billion in 2029, a significant are challenges to overcome, such as contamination in the plastic waste
jump from $18.33 million in 2022 [1]. However, this growth is stream, difficulties in obtaining a consistent filament diameter, and the
accompanied by several challenges. Limited material choices and lack of standardization in filament properties [3]. Nonetheless, the
compatibility issues with different printers pose hurdles for the industry. process of creating 3D printing filament from waste plastics has the
Furthermore, difficulties in post-processing and recycling, such as nozzle potential to significantly impact both the 3D printing industry and the
clogging when using recycled plastic for filament, need to be addressed environment [3]. Researchers and innovators in the field are actively
[1]. One promising solution to address these challenges is the fabrica­ working to develop filaments that are compatible with existing 3D
tion of 3D printing filament from recycled PET plastic. This process in­ printers and offer solutions to post-processing and recycling issues. By
volves a series of critical steps that require careful temperature control doing so, they aim to harness the full potential of 3D printing while
at various stages to ensure proper melting and extrusion. The Filament contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly
Bot Machine, equipped with a heated barrel and a screw-like mecha­ approach to manufacturing [1]. In conclusion, the fabrication of 3D
nism, is a valuable tool for melting and pushing the plastic to create the printing filament from recycled PET plastic holds promises for
filament [2]. To achieve consistent filament diameter and quality, a addressing the challenges faced by the 3D printing industry. With
diameter control system is employed during the extrusion process. The continued research, development, and standardization efforts, this
extruded filament is rapidly cooled to solidify it, and precise spooling emerging technology could play a crucial role in shaping the future of
ensures the filament is neatly wound without tangles. Prior to extrusion, 3D printing and its environmental impact.
the recycled plastic is thoroughly cleaned and prepared, enhancing the
quality of the end product [2]. To ensure a high-quality end product,
regular quality checks are conducted throughout the process. These

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: manoj.nikam133@gmail.com (M. Nikam).

Received 22 June 2023; Received in revised form 15 August 2023; Accepted 19 August 2023
2214-7853/Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International
Conference on Advances in Materials, Mechanics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing.

Please cite this article as: Manoj Nikam et al., Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.08.205
M. Nikam et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. Design of methodology.

Fig. 3. Waste plastic bottles of PET plastic.

types, such as thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics, based on their

characteristics [4,5]. For this study, we chose waste plastic bottles made
Fig. 2. Waste plastic bottles of PET plastic.
from PET plastic because most of the available waste is made up of PET
plastic, as shown in Fig. 2.
Table 1 Table 1 shows the mechanical properties of the materials selected for
Mechanical properties of PET plastic [6,7]. this study, which are PET plastic and PLA plastic.
Sr. No. Mechanical Properties PET Values PLA Values

1 Young’s Modulus (E) 2800–3100 Mpa 1280 Mpa 2.2. Recycling of plastic
2 Tensile Strength 55–75 Mpa 45–65 Mpa
3 Elastic Limit 2–5% 3–6% Once the first step of material selection is completed, the next step is
4 Melting Temperature 255 ◦ C 180 ◦ C to recycle the plastic bottles. As depicted in Fig. 3, the first stage of
recycling is to wash the bottles thoroughly and dry them to remove any
2. Methodology residual impurities. After the bottles are cleaned, they are heated to
make them more pliable and remove any irregularities, making it easier
To create a sustainable fabrication of 3D printing filament from to cut them into strips. This step is important because it enables the
recycled PET plastic, a step-by-step methodology is followed, which is bottles to be transformed into the desired shape and size for the next
illustrated in Fig. 1. This methodology is an essential step towards stage of the process. By cutting the bottles into strips, this enables the
achieving sustainable 3D printing practices by reducing plastic waste plastic to be easily fed into the extruder of FLAbot. This step is crucial for
and promoting the use of eco-friendly materials. Step by Step method­ the overall success of the process, as it ensures that the recycled plastic
ology that is followed for production of the recycled PET filament is can be efficiently used to create 3D printing filament.
elaborated in detail starting from material selection to extruding the
filament. 2.3. Cutting PET bottles

2.1. Material selection Once the plastic bottles are cleaned and heated, they are sorted and
cut into continuous strips using the plastic strip cutter shown in Fig. 5.
As demonstrated in Fig. 1 that the initial stage of the methodology is The width of the strip is of different sizes, 12 mm and 10 mm, as illus­
material selection. This includes identifying plastic waste available for trated in Fig. 4. These strips of plastic are commonly referred to as “Pre-
3D printing filament, which necessitates selecting certain types of plastic filament.” The purpose of cutting the plastic bottles into strips is to
to serve as a source material for 3D printing. Subsequently, the prop­ facilitate the subsequent steps in the process, which are extrusion and
erties of the plastic waste, such as melting temperature, tensile strength, winding the filament on a spool.
and elastic limit, were observed. Plastic waste is classified into various The plastic strips, as illustrated in Fig. 4, are cut using a specially

M. Nikam et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4. (a) 12 mm plastic strip; (b) 10 mm Plastic strip.

Fig. 5. (a) PET Strip cutter; (b) 3D design of PET strip cutter.

designed plastic strip cutter that has three different sizes, namely 14 cool it down to ensure that it retains its desired shape and size. The
mm, 12 mm, and 10 mm, which ensures that the plastic strips are of a cooling is achieved naturally at the ambient room temperature. This
consistent width. This consistency is essential to ensure that the strips cooling process helps to solidify the molten plastic, ensuring that it re­
can be easily fed into the extruder machine. tains the shape and size created during the extrusion process. Overall,
this process of extruding and cooling the filament is critical to ensuring
the quality and consistency of the 3D printing filament produced.
2.4. Extrusion

The next steps in the process of recycling plastic bottles into 3D 3.1. Components list and design specification of FLAbot
printing filament. Once the plastic strips have been cut to the desired
width, they are fed into an extruder machine, as shown in Fig. 5. The Below are the explanations of the main components and their
extruder of FLAbot heats the plastic strips and melts them into a respective functions.
consistent, molten state. It is equipped with a heating element, whose
temperature ranges from 0 to 400 ◦ C [8]. The molten plastic is then 3.1.1. Plastic strip cutter
pushed through a die or nozzle opening to form a long, continuous In Fig. 7, component number 1, the plastic strip cutter, is being uti­
filament. The nozzle is 1.6 mm in diameter. lized to transform plastic bottles into strips. The plastic strip cutter
After extrusion, the filament undergoes a cooling process to ensure consists of a frame and a cutting mechanism. The frame provides a stable
that it solidifies and maintains its shape. The filament is passed over a base for the cutter, while the cutting mechanism consists of a blade that
cooling fan, which cools it down quickly and efficiently. It is crucial slices the plastic into strips of equal width and length. To ensure uni­
because it prevents the filament from losing its shape or warping during formity, the cutter has a slit mechanism of a particular width. Once the
the winding process. plastic has been cut into equal-width strips, it can be further processed to
Finally, the filament is wound onto a spool. The spool is rotated at a create a 3D filament.
consistent speed, and the filament is carefully wound onto it, layer by
layer. This process ensures that the filament is wound evenly and tightly, 3.1.2. Heating block
preventing tangles or knots that could affect its quality. Once the spool is In Fig. 7, component number 2 is a heating block which is made of
filled with filament, it is ready to be used for 3D printing. The resulting aluminum block to accommodate the recycled PET plastic strips, specific
filament is of high quality, has a consistent diameter, and is suitable for a modifications are made to the heating block. The inlet threads on the
wide range of 3D printing applications. heater block have been removed, and the hole has been widened to
facilitate the smooth passage of the plastic strips through the extruder.
3. Experimental setup and FEA analysis In addition to removing the threads and widening the hole, a taper has
been added to the heater block. The tapered design helps in guiding the
Fig. 7 illustrates the experimental setup of the FLAbot machine used plastic strips effectively through the extruder, ensuring a smooth and
to fabricate 3D filament. The machine is fabricated using wood as the continuous extrusion process.
base material. The extruder machine plays a crucial role in the fabri­
cation process by melting and shaping plastic strips into the desired 3D 3.1.3. Nozzle
filament. The nozzle diameter used in the FLAbot extruder is 1.6 mm. This
The plastic strips are fed into the extruder, where they undergo a nozzle size is suitable for the extrusion process of PET plastic and en­
heating process to achieve a temperature range of 225–245 ◦ C, which is sures consistent extrusion of the material.
regulated using a PID temperature controller. This controlled heating
process allows the plastic to melt and become a molten liquid, which can 3.1.4. PID temperature controller
then be pushed through a nozzle opening to create the 3D filament’s A PID temperature controller is an instrument that allows for precise
desired diameter. Once the filament has been extruded, it is essential to temperature control within a desired range. The controller typically

M. Nikam et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 6. Extrusion of PET filament.

Fig. 7. Experimental model of FLAbot Machine.

Table 2
Specification of FLAbot.
Sr. No. Specification Values

1 Power 80 W
2 Air Flow 52 CFM
3 Extrusion rate 41.66gm/hr
4 Max Temperature 400 ◦ C

to ensure efficient and high-quality filament production.

3.2. FEA analysis

To simulate and analyze the stress, strain, and displacement of PLA

Fig. 8. 3D model of T shape for FEA analysis.
and PET plastic, finite element analysis is performed in this study. The
simulation is performed using SolidWorks software, which is commonly
consists of two main components: a heating element and a thermo­ used in the field of computer-aided engineering. The results of the
couple. The heating element can produce temperatures ranging from simulation provided insights into the behavior of the materials under
0 to 400 ◦ C [9,10], as shown in Fig. 6, component 4, while the ther­ various conditions, and the observations were as follows.
mocouple is a temperature sensor [11,12] that measures the actual
temperature of the heating block. The PID controller employs a feedback 3.2.1. Model information
loop to maintain the desired temperature range. It continuously mea­ For simulation purposes, a T-shaped section is created using Solid­
sures the temperature of the heating block via the thermocouple and Works, as shown in Fig. 8. This model is designed to test various pa­
adjusts the heating element accordingly to achieve and maintain the rameters such as stress, strain, and displacement. By subjecting this
desired temperature. This process is repeated over and over to maintain model to simulations, we can evaluate the performance of the material
a stable temperature over time. used for 3D printing. The simulations help to identify potential issues,
such as weak points or areas that may experience high levels of stress.
3.1.5. Spool mechanism This testing and simulation process is an essential step in the 3D printing
After the extrusion process, the filament is wound onto a spool. A process as it helps to ensure that the product meets the required speci­
factor that needs to be considered in spool mechanism is the speed at fications and is fit for purpose.
which the filament is wound onto the spool. If the winding speed is too PLA and PET are two commonly used thermoplastics in various in­
fast, the filament may become tangled or unevenly wound. Conversely, dustries, including 3D printing. Table 2 shows the mechanical properties
if the speed is too slow, the process may take too long and delay printing. of PLA and PET, such as tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and
Therefore, it is essential to optimize both the tension and winding speed poisson’s ratio. These mechanical properties are important for

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Fig. 9. Meshing of 3D T shape model in Solidworks.

Fig. 10. 3D model of T shape for FEA analysis.

understanding how the materials will perform under various conditions, required for the analysis were directly obtained from the material
such as when exposed to stress or strain for the FEA simulations, we database within the SolidWorks software.
utilized SolidWorks software, which provides material properties For PLA, the material properties were sourced from the SolidWorks
directly for commonly used materials like PLA (Polylactic Acid) and PET material database, which includes commonly used engineering mate­
(PoAlyethylene Terephthalate). Therefore, the mechanical properties rials with well-established properties.

Fig. 11. 3D model of T shape for FEA analysis.

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Table 3 3.2.3. Stress analysis

Material Properties of PLA and PET used in Solidworks. Solidworks software is utilized, along with material properties, to
Name PLA PET simulate a given fixture and applied load condition of 100 N. This
simulation allowed for the determination of different stress values for
Model type Linear Elastic Isotropic Linear Elastic Isotropic
Default failure criterion Max von Mises Stress Unknown two materials, polylactic acid (PLA) and Polyethylene terephthalate
Yield strength 5.2e + 07 N/m2 5.73e + 07 N/m2 (PET), as presented in Figs. 10 and 11, and Tables 4 and 5. The Von
Tensile strength 5.5e + 07 N/m2 9.29e + 07 N/m2 Mises stress is employed as a measure to verify whether the design will
Elastic modulus 3.75e + 09 m2/N 2.96e + 09 m2/N endure the given load condition, which is a widely used metric by de­
Poisson’s ratio: 0.3897 0.37
signers. The maximum and minimum stress values are recorded for the
portion of the shape where it showed significant change. It was observed
that some portions of the shape displayed a maximum stress value.
Table 4 VON Mises Stress is the actual value of the stress at the specific
Von Mises Stress for Polylactic Acid (PLA). location being analyzed. In this case, the value is observed as 4.876e +
Type Min Max 03 N/m^2 as shown in Table 3. Node refers to a specific location on the
VON: von Mises Stress 4.876e + 03 N/m^2 2.412e + 07 N/m^2 part where the stress analysis is conducted. The nodes are the points
Node: 410 Node: 6 where the finite element mesh elements meet.
Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 is the representation of the stress distribution on
the part of both PET and PLA, with the highlighted portion indicating
Table 5 the region of the part where the slight high stress values are found.
Von Mises Stress for Polyethylene terephthalate (PET). After conducting simulations for both materials, it is observed that
the recycled Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) exhibited nearly identical
Type Min Max
stress values. This suggests that recycled PET can be a feasible and cost-
VON: von Mises Stress 4.767e + 03 N/m^2 2.417e + 07 N/m^2
effective alternative to other materials.
Node: 410 Node: 6

3.2.4. Strain analysis

For PET, we acknowledge that the material properties were not The solidworks software is used, along with material properties, to
available directly in the SolidWorks material database. Therefore, we simulate the design T shaped fixture and applied load condition of 100
referred to research papers and reliable sources to obtain the necessary N. This simulation is aimed at obtaining values for strain in polylactic
mechanical properties for PET. These properties were then used as input acid (PLA) and Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), as shown in Figs. 12
parameters in the FEA simulations to ensure accuracy in the analysis. and 13, and Tables 6 and 7.
To understand the behavior of the materials under strain, the
3.2.2. Mesh maximum and minimum strain values are noted for the portion of the
Fig. 9 illustrates the mesh generation process, which is a crucial step shape where they are obtained. We noted the values for the portions of
in performing accurate simulations using SolidWorks. Mesh generation the shape displayed maximum strain as mentioned in Table 5.
involves dividing the T-shaped section into small elements, each con­ After simulations for both materials are completed, it is observed that
taining nodes that represent the coordinates of the shape in space. The recycled Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) displays almost similar strain
type and shape of the element vary based on the geometry being values. This implies that recycled PET may be a feasible and cost-
modeled. This process helps to create a finite element model that effective alternative to other materials for specific applications where
accurately represents the physical properties of the material being used. strain is a critical factor. However, it is worth noting that Polyethylene
By creating a mesh of appropriate size and density, it is possible to terephthalate (PET) shows slightly higher maximum strain values
accurately capture the stress, strain, and displacement of the material compared to recycled PET. This suggests that PET may be better suited
during the simulation. This step is crucial in ensuring that the simulation for applications that require higher strain tolerances, while recycled PET
accurately reflects the behavior of the actual product in real-world may be suitable for applications where moderate strain values are
conditions. acceptable.

Fig. 12. Equivalent Strain for Polylactic Acid (PLA).

M. Nikam et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 13. Equivalent Strain for Polyethylene terephthalate (PET).

displacement values.
Table 6
In general, the outcomes imply that PET exhibits superior mechan­
Equivalent Strain for Polylactic Acid (PLA).
ical characteristics compared to PLA in the given load scenario. Further
Type Min Max research on this subject can broaden these observations and investigate
ESTRN: Equivalent Strain 2.475e-06 2.616e-03 the performance of these substances under diverse load conditions.
Element: 3015 Element: 3644
4. Results and discussion

Table 7 The produced 3D printed PLA and Recycled PET specimens both are
Equivalent Strain for Polyethylene terephthalate (PET). tested on Universal Testing Machine where both the products were
subjected to external force and there breaking points were observed for
Name Type Min Max
comparison and analysis purpose. Samples for the test are shown in
Strain1 ESTRN: Equivalent Strain 2.958e-06 3.280e-03
Fig. 16.
Element: 3015 Element: 3644
In Fig. 17 (a) we can see the 3D printed PLA specimen tested on UTM
machine and from Fig. 17(b) as well as Table 10 we can see that the
3.2.5. Displacement analysis specimen can withstand 00.735KN of load before it completely deforms
Based on the simulation results obtained in solidworks, it can be and breaks at it edge.
concluded that Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) exhibits slightly higher In Fig. 18(a) can be seen that the 3D printed recycled PET specimen
displacement values than polylactic acid (PLA) as shown in Figs. 14 and tested on UTM machine and from Fig. 18(b) as well as Table 10 that the
15 respectively. The maximum displacement observed for PET is 1.013e specimen can withstand 00.509 KN of load before it completely deforms
+ 00 mm at Node 6, while for PLA, it is 7.982e-01 mm at Node 6 as and breaks at it edge. Now with these values in mind, let’s elaborate on
shown in Tables 8 and 9 respectively. why recycled PET filament might be considered better in certain
This suggests that PET may be better suited for applications that situations.
require higher displacement tolerances, while PLA may be more suitable Environmental Impact: As mentioned before, recycled PET filament
for applications where moderate displacement values are acceptable. is made from recycled plastic materials, specifically from PET plastic
Additionally, the results indicate that recycled PET may be a viable bottles and containers. By using recycled materials, it helps reduce
alternative to other materials for applications that require moderate plastic waste and promotes a circular economy. Choosing recycled PET

Fig. 14. Equivalent Displacement for Polylactic Acid (PLA).

M. Nikam et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 15. Equivalent Displacement for Polyethylene terephthalate (PET).

Applications: Depending on the specific use case, the slightly lower

Table 8 tensile strength of recycled PET filament might not be a significant
Equivalent Displacement for Polylactic acid (PLA). concern. Many 3D printing applications do not require extremely high
Name Type Min Max tensile strength, such as decorative ornaments of pieces, entertainment
Displacement1 URES: Resultant Displacement 0 mm 7.982e-01 mm
purpose, DIY projects and recycled PET filament would be more than
Node: 252 Node: 6 sufficient for a wide range of projects, including prototypes, household
items, and artistic creations.
Cost: Recycled PET filament is more cost-effective compared to PLA,
as recycled materials are often cheaper than virgin materials. Lower cost
Table 9
is beneficial for budget-conscious makers and businesses and all the 3D
Equivalent Displacement for Polyethylene terephthalate (PET).
printer enthusiasts.
Name Type Min Max
Availability and Sourcing: Depending on the location and local
Displacement1 URES: Resultant 0.000e + 00 1.013e + 00 recycling infrastructure, recycled PET filament might be more readily
Displacement mm mm available than PLA, making it a more accessible option for some users.
Node: 252 Node: 6

4.1. Optimizing filament parameters

filament over PLA contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly 3D
printing process.
The study conducted focuses on creating filaments from recycled
Strength-to-Weight Ratio: While PLA does have a higher tensile
plastic bottles. The results as shown in Table 11 show the use of a 10 mm
strength compared to recycled PET filament, it’s essential to consider the
wide strip of plastic and a temperature of 235 ◦ C produced a more
strength-to-weight ratio. Recycled PET filament can offer comparable
consistent filament compared to a 12 mm wide strip of plastic and a
strength to PLA while being lighter. This factor can be advantageous in
temperature of 235 ◦ C. The first image (a) in Fig. 19 displays the fila­
applications where weight reduction is critical.
ment created from the 12 mm wide strip at 235 ◦ C, which is found to be

Fig. 16. Test specimens for UTM testing.

M. Nikam et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 17. (a) UTM testing of PLA; (b) Test values of PLA.

tolerance to accommodate slight variations in filament diameter, and

Table 10 the market filament available may also have variations from the stan­
UTM test results of 3D printed specimens.
dard 1.75 mm. These findings suggest that adjusting the width of the
Sr No. Specimen Tensile Strength (KN) strip and the temperature can significantly impact the consistency and
1 3D printed PLA specimen 00.735 KN quality of the filament produced from recycled plastic bottles. Selection
2 3D printed recycled PET specimen 00.509 KN of 12 mm width strip caused overfeeding of plastic strip while selection
of 10 mm strip resulted in even feeding of plastic strip.
The diameter of the filament was measured with vernier caliper as
inconsistent. The second image (b) displays the filament created from
shown in Fig. 20(a). The diameter of the filament measured is 1.65 mm
the 10 mm wide strip at 235 ◦ C, which is found to be more consistent.
in diameter.
The diameter of the filament obtained from this process is 1.65 mm as
shown in Fig. 20 compared to the standard 1.75 mm filament available
in the market. Adjusting the flow rate of the 3D printer to compensate
for the non-standard filament diameter is a viable solution. Since the Table 11
filament diameter produced is 1.65 mm instead of the standard 1.75 Observations of extruded filaments of different lengths.
mm, it is observed that increasing the flow rate by 20% helps in Width of strip Material Temperature Observation
achieving the desired results during printing.
14 mm PET Bottle 220–235 ◦ C Non consistent
It’s good to know that using a non-standard filament diameter does
12 mm PET Bottle 220–240 ◦ C Non consistent
not cause any compatibility issues, as long as the diameter remains 10 mm PET Bottle 230–235 ◦ C Consistent
below 1.75 mm. This is because printers are designed with some

Fig. 18. (a) UTM testing of recycled PET; (b) Test values of recycled PET.

M. Nikam et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 19. (a) 3D filament made with 12 mm strip; (b) 3D filament made with 10 mm strip.

Fig. 20. (a) Measuring Filament using vernier calliper; (b) 1.65 mm diameter filament.

5. Conclusion CRediT authorship contribution statement

Based on the experimental results, it is possible to create a sustain­ Manoj Nikam: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis,
able 3D printing filament of 1.65 mm diameter with consistent quality Investigation, Supervision. Prasad Pawar: Writing – original draft,
by recycling PET plastic bottles. This outcome highlights the potential Software. Ajinkya Patil: Writing – original draft, Formal analysis. Anuj
for reducing plastic waste and turning it into useful materials for 3D Patil: Writing – review & editing, Resources. Kalpesh Mokal: Writing –
printing. review & editing, Data curation. Sandhya Jadhav: Writing – review &
In addition, simulations conducted in the study allowed us to editing.
compare the mechanical properties of PET and PLA materials. The re­
sults showed that PET has similar mechanical properties to PLA, which is Declaration of Competing Interest
a commonly used material in 3D printing. This finding indicates that
PET can be a viable and cost-effective alternative material for 3D The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
printing filaments. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Overall, the study highlights the potential for recycling plastic waste the work reported in this paper.
and using it to create sustainable materials for 3D printing. Using
recycled PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) plastic in 3D printing offers Data availability
several environmental benefits compared to traditional PLA. It reduces
carbon emissions and energy consumption during manufacturing, No data was used for the research described in the article.
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