NetEngine AR V300R021C00 Upgrade Guide
NetEngine AR V300R021C00 Upgrade Guide
NetEngine AR V300R021C00 Upgrade Guide
Upgrade Guide
Issue 01
Date 2021-12-13
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All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective
The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and
the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be
within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements,
information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees
or representations of any kind, either express or implied.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the
preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and
recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied.
This document describes how to upgrade to V300R021C00SPC200 and roll back to the
source version and provides the common-fault rectification methods, operations, and tool use
Intended Audience
This document is intended for upgrade personnel. Upgrade personnel must:
Be familiar with the product networking and related NEs' versions.
Have device maintenance experience and be familiar with device operation and
Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Symbol Conventions
Symbol Description
Symbol Description
Change History
Issue Date Description
Issue ()
Issue ()
7.2 Procedure......................................................................................................................................................................60
7.3 Verifying the Upgrade..................................................................................................................................................60
9 Smart Upgrade............................................................................ 67
9.1 Preparing for the Upgrade............................................................................................................................................67
9.2 Procedure......................................................................................................................................................................67
9.3 Verifying the Upgrade..................................................................................................................................................68
Issue ()
NetEngine AR
Upgrade Guide 1 Before You Start
1.1 Precautions
1.2 Upgrade Overview
1.3 Version Requirements
1.4 Impact of the Upgrade
2.1 Precautions
During the upgrade, do not power off the device. Otherwise, the upgrade may fail.
No. Description
No. Description
No. Description
No. Description
No. Description
Upgrade 4 5 6 7
Path Upgrading Upgrading Upgrading Upgrading
the System the System the System the System
Version Software Software Software
Using the Using a Using the Using the
CLI USB Flash BootROM Web
Drive Menu System
V300R019C00 ● ● ● ●
Upgrade 4 5 6 7
Path Upgrading Upgrading Upgrading Upgrading
the System the System the System the System
Version Software Software Software
Using the Using a Using the Using the
CLI USB Flash BootROM Web
Drive Menu System
Upgrade the
system software
V300R019C10SPC200 AR657W
V300R019C10SPC300 AR617VW-LTE4
V300R019C11 AR6121C-S
V300R019C11SPC100 AR6121-S
V300R019C11SPC200 AR6140H-S
V300R019C13 AR6280-S
V300R019C13 AR651W-8P
V300R019C13SPC200 AR6121E
V300R021C00 AR6140E-9G-2AC
A router without a configuration file will finish restarting within 4 minutes (services are
interrupted for about 7 minutes when the system software is upgraded by using the
BootROM menu).
The restart time required by a configured router depends on the size of the configuration
Prepare for the upgrade About 5 minutes Prepare tools and software.
Perform the upgrade About 15 minutes 1. Back up files.
2. Load the system
3. Restart the device.
Verify the upgrade About 1 minute 1. Verify that
configurations are
2. Verify that the device is
running properly.
(Optional) Roll back to an About 10 minutes 1. Specify the system
earlier version software of an earlier
version for next startup.
2. Restart the device.
The device can transfer files through FTP, TFTP, and SFTP. Using FTP and TFTP has potential security
risks. SFTP is recommended.
AR651W 174,523,520 AR650A-
AR651W-8P 174,523,520 AR650A-
AR651U-A4 174,523,520 AR650A-
AR651F-Lite 141,632,640 AR650AL-
AR651C 141,632,640 AR650AL-
AR657W 174,523,520 AR650A-
AR617VW-LTE4EA 157,101,696 AR610-
AR617VW 157,101,696 AR610-
AR611W-LTE4CN 157,101,696 AR610-
AR611W 157,101,696 AR610-
AR611 157,101,696 AR610-
AR6120 198,262,528 AR6120-
AR6121 198,262,528 AR6120-
AR6121E 198,262,528 AR6120-
AR6120-VW 231,491,072 AR6120-VW-
AR6140-9G-2AC 215,918,848 AR6140-
AR6140E-9G-2AC 215,918,848 AR6140-
AR6140-16G4XG 203,193,344 AR6140H-
AR6280 233,264,896 AR6280-
(SRU-100H/SRU- V300R021C00SPC200.c
200H/SRU-400H/SRU- c
AR6300 233,264,896 AR6300-
(SRU-100H/SRU- V300R021C00SPC200.c
200H/SRU-400H/SRU- c
AR617VW-LTE4 157,101,696 AR610-
AR-10 198,262,528 AR-10-
Visit, choose Software Download > By Product > Router >
Access Router, and download the required product and software version.
To prevent a software package from being maliciously tampered with during transmission or storage,
download the corresponding digital signature file for integrity verification when downloading the
software package.
After the software package is downloaded, verify its PGP digital signature according to the OpenPGP
Signature Verification Guide. If the software package fails the verification, do not use the software
package, and contact Huawei technical support engineers.
Before a software package is used in installation or upgrade, its digital signature also needs to be
verified according to the OpenPGP Signature Verification Guide to ensure that the software package is
not tampered with.
Visit either of the following websites to obtain the OpenPGP Signature Verification Guide:
Enterprise customers:
In the preceding output, the information in bold indicates the system software version running
on the device. If this is the target version, no upgrade is necessary.
Startup system software: flash:/AR650A-
Next startup system software: flash:/AR650A-
Backup system software for next startup: null
If the SRU is working properly, the value in the Online field is Present, the value in the
Register field is Registered, and the value in the Alarm field is Normal.
If the value of the Register field is Unregistered, the board failed to register. If the value of
the Alarm field is Abnormal, the board is not operating properly.
For AR600 and AR6000 series, if some boards cannot be registered or do not work properly,
ask Huawei technical personnel to determine whether the boards can be upgraded or must be
replaced. If upgrading board is an option, recheck the status of the boards after the upgrade is
A PC can also function as the server to store the system software and license file (optional). You only
need to connect the PC to GigabitEthernet0/0/0 of the AR using a network cable and ensure that devices
can ping each other.
The NetEngine AR configuration files are stored in the flash or sd1 memory; therefore, the
FTP root directory is set to flash:/.
The procedure may vary depending on the FileZilla Server version. The following uses FileZilla Server as an example.
1. Double-click FileZilla_Server-0_9_60_2.exe.
2. Click I Agree.
4. Click Next.
5. Click Next.
6. Click Install.
7. Click Close. In the dialog box that is displayed, set related parameters.
Step 3 Create a user name and set the password on FileZilla Server.
1. Optional: Choose Edit > Users.
2. Click Add. Select a local directory to be accessed, that is, the folder where files to be
transferred are stored. Click Set as home dir.
3. Click OK.
The device can function as the TFTP client or TFTP server. Here, the device functions as the TFTP
The AR does not come with TFTP server software installed. The customer must purchase and install
TFTP server software. The TFTPD32 program is recommended.
Run the TFTP server program on the PC and configure the PC:
Click Browse to set the current directory to the TFTP working directory.
Set the TFTP server address in Server interface, for example,
The device can function as the SFTP client or SFTP server. Here, the device functions as the SFTP
client. For details about the device used as the SFTP server, see "Basic Configurations - File
Management" in Configuration Guide.
Huawei does not provide the SFTP server and client software; therefore, the customer needs to buy the
SFTP server and client software and install it.
Run an SFTP server program on the PC, for example, Core FTP mini-sftp-server.
Click New User and set the user name and password. Here, the user name is 123 and the
password is 123. Enter the SFTP working directory in the Root path text box. Here, the
working directory is D:\ftp. Do not stop the SFTP server program during data transfer.
The backup method of license and patch files is the same as that of system software, and is not described
The preceding output indicates the configuration file has been transferred and you can
find it in D:\ftp.
ftp> get
200 Port command okay.
150 Opening binary mode data connection for
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 1197 bytes received in 0.00Seconds 1197000.00Kbytes/sec.
The preceding output indicates the configuration file has been transferred and you can
find it in D:\ftp.
Do not stop the FTP program when you are backing up data.
230 Logged on
200 Type set to I
Back up the configuration file to the FTP server and specify the name of the backup
file as If the name of the backup file is not specified, the original name is used.
[Huawei-ftp] put
200 Port command successful.
Do not stop the TFTP server program when you are backing up data.
Run the following commands on the AR to back up the data. In the following description, the
AR651U-A4 is used as an example. The backup system software is AR650A-, and the backup configuration file is
<Huawei> tftp put AR650A-
Info: Transfer file in binary mode.
Uploading the file to the remote TFTP server. Please wait...
69129984 bytes send in 341 seconds.
TFTP: Uploading the file successfully.
<Huawei> tftp put
Info: Transfer file in binary mode.
Uploading the file to the remote TFTP server. Please wait...
1197 bytes send in 1 second.
TFTP: Uploading the file successfully.
Do not stop the SFTP server program when you are backing up data.
Step 4 Back up the system software to the SFTP server and
specify the name of the backup file as If the name
of the backup file is not specified, the original name is used.
Back up the configuration file to the SFTP server and specify the name of the
backup file as If the name of the backup file is not specified, the original
name is used.
sftp-client> put
local file:> Remote file:/
Info: Uploading file successfully ended.
If the free space is larger than the size of system software package of the target version, the
space is sufficient. Otherwise, perform step 2 to delete unnecessary files.
Step 2 Delete unnecessary files.
If the flash/SD memory does not have sufficient space for the new system software, delete
unnecessary files to free up space.
Before deleting the system software (with the file name extension .cc or .zip), configuration file (with
the file name extension .cfg or .zip), and license file (with the file name extension .dat), ensure that they
are not in use.
Run the following commands in the user view to delete unnecessary files from the flash/SD
Files deleted using the delete command are stored in the recycle bin. Files in the recycle bin
still occupy flash/SD memory space. To restore these files, run the undelete command. The
reset recycle-bin command permanently deletes all files currently in the recycle bin.
You can also run the delete/unreserved command to permanently delete all files without
placing them in the recycle bin. This command is equivalent to running the delete and reset
recycle-bin commands in sequence.
# Run the following command to restore the files in the recycle bin.
<Huawei> undelete flash:/
Info: Undelete flash:/[Y/N]:y
# Run the following command to permanently delete files from the recycle bin.
<Huawei> reset recycle-bin flash:/
# Run the following command to permanently delete a specified file from the recycle bin.
<Huawei> delete /unreserved flash:/
Back up the old configuration file before the upgrade, which will be used in rollback.
Otherwise, the rollback may fail.
For more upgrade precautions, see 1.1 Precautions.
Upgrade process
shows the upgrade process.
The license file must be saved in the root directory of the file system.
In the following description, the AR651U-A4 is used as an example. The target system
software is, license file is license.dat, and the
configuration file is
You can use any of the following methods to load the system software:
Use the AR as the FTP server.
Use the AR as the FTP client.
Use the AR as the TFTP client.
Use the AR as the SFTP client.
You can load the system software to the AR using either of the following methods:
Copy the system software to flash:/ on the AR using any FTP client program.
Similar to file backup, you only need to upload the system software to the FTP server
Load the system software by running the following commands on your computer.
D:\ftp> ftp
Connected to
220 FTP service ready.
User( # Enter the user name.
Give me your password, please AR.
Enter Password: # Enter the password huawei@123 and press Enter. The password is
not displayed on the screen.
230 Logged in successfully
ftp> binary
200 Type is Image (Binary)
ftp> put
200 PORT command okay.
150 "D:\FTP\""file ready to receive in IMAGE / Binary
mode. 226 Transfer finished successfully.
FTP: 184655744 byte(s) in 277.024 second(s) 984.63Kbyte(s)/sec.
You can use put command specify a file name for the loaded system software. If a file name
is not specified, the original file name is used.
Step 3 (Optional) Upload the license file to the AR.
ftp> put license.dat
230 Logged on
200 Type set to I
You can specify a file name for the system software. If a file name is not specified, the
original file name is used.
Step 4 (Optional) Obtain the license file.
[Huawei-ftp] get license.dat
If the message "Downloading the file successfully" is displayed, the system software has been
Step 4 (Optional) Obtain the license file from the server.
<Huawei> tftp get license.dat
Info: Transfer file in binary mode.
Downloading the file from the remote TFTP server. Please wait...
1686 bytes received in 1 second.
TFTP: Downloading the file successfully.
Step 5 (Optional) Obtain the new configuration file from the server.
Remote file:/ ---> Local file: AR650A-
End of file
SuccessInfo: Downloading file successfully ended.
You can specify the file name of the loaded system software. If the file name is not specified,
the original name is used.
Step 4 (Optional) Obtain the license file.
sftp-client> get license.dat
Directory of flash:/
Idx Attr Size(Byte) Date Time(LMT) FileName
0 -rw- 151,648,000 Jan 12 2017 08:34:23
Run the display startup command to verify that the specified startup software is the newly
loaded system software.
<Huawei> display startup
Startup system software: flash:/AR650A-
Next startup system software: flash:/AR650A-
Backup system software for next startup: null
Run the display startup command to verify that the specified configuration file is the new
configuration file.
<Huawei> display startup
Startup system software: flash:/AR650A-
Next startup system software: flash:/AR650A-
Backup system software for next startup: null
When configuring dual SRUs for the AR6300 that has one SRU installed, pay attention to the
following points:
The two SRUs must be the same type, for example, they are both SRU-200Hs or SRU-
Two power modules must be configured; otherwise, the interface card may fail to be
powered on due to insufficient power.
Run the display startup command to verify that the specified startup software of the master
and slave SRUs is the newly loaded system software.
<Huawei> display startup
Startup system software: flash:/AR6300-
Next startup system software: flash:/AR6300-
Backup system software for next startup: null
Run the display startup command to verify that the specified configuration file is the new
configuration file.
<Huawei> display startup
Startup system software: flash:/AR6300-
Next startup system software: flash:/AR6300-
Backup system software for next startup: null
Do not power off the device or remove the interface card when the device is restarting;
otherwise, the interface card may fail to start.
Run the reboot command to restart the device. The system uses the specified system software
and configuration file for next startup. When the system asks you whether to save the
configuration, enter y or n. After the setting is complete, the system asks you whether to
restart the device. Enter y to restart the device.
<Huawei> reboot
Info: The system is comparing the configuration, please wait.
Warning: All the configuration will be saved to the next startup configuration.
Continue ? [y/n]:y
It will take several minutes to save configuration file, please wait...
Configuration file had been saved successfully
Note: The configuration file will take effect after being activated
The ESN in the imported license file must be the same as the actual ESN of the device. When
a license is activated, the system reads the ESN of the device and compares the ESN with the
ESN field in the license file to check whether the license file is valid.If an invalid ESN is used
to apply for a license file, the license file is invalid and the system turns to the Protected state.
After a license file is loaded to the device, the file must be activated for it to take effect.
<Huawei> license active flash:/license.dat
Info: The License is being activated. Please wait for a moment.
Info: Succeeded in activating the License file on the master board.
Run the display license state command to view the license status. The commercial license
status should be Normal and the non-commercial license status should be Demo or Trial.
<Huawei> display license state
Info: Master board license state: Trial. The remain days is 59.
You can use the display license resource usage command to check the usage of the resource
items defined in the license file.
To compare the new configuration file with the configuration file saved in the flash memory, run the
compare configuration command in the user view.
You can also use the Beyond Compare tool to find out the differences between the configuration files.
Do not run the save command before you ensure that all services are working properly.
Check whether any table entries are missing, for example, the entries from the routing
table, FIB table, or MAC address table. Check whether the service traffic volume
remains the same after the upgrade.
Confirm with the network management administrator that all services are working
properly and that servers such as the network management device and NetStream servers
function properly.
Rollback Methods
If the device functions properly after the upgrade, perform rollback using the command
If the device does not function properly after the upgrade, perform rollback using the
BootROM. See chapter 6 Upgrading the System Software Using the BootROM Menu.
Assume that the old configuration file is Run the following command to specify
the old configuration file for startup:
Check whether the system software and configuration file of the earlier version have been
specified for next startup.
<Huawei> display startup
Startup system software: flash:/AR651U-A4-
Next startup system software: flash:/AR651U-A4-
Backup system software for next startup: null
Back up the old configuration file before the upgrade, which will be used in rollback.
Otherwise, the rollback may fail.
For more upgrade precautions, see 1.1 Precautions.
Field Description
USB_AR.ini file.
Field Description
Field Description
6.1.4 Examples
Example 1
You need to create an index file for upgrading one device, and the requirements are as
Data is changed at 08:09:10 on Jan 12, 2017.
The NMS is offline.
Upgrade is required.
The device ESN is 00080123456789 and the MAC address is 0018-0303-1234.
The system software is stored in the root directory of the USB
flash drive. The version number is V300R021C00SPC200. The HMAC string is
The index file that meets the preceding requirements is as follows:
Example 2
You need to create an index file for upgrading multiple devices to the same software version,
and the requirements are as follows:
Data is changed at 08:09:10 on Jan 12, 2017.
The NMS is offline.
Upgrade is required.
The system software is stored in the root directory of the USB
flash drive. The version number is V300R021C00SPC200. HMAC check is not required
for any file.
The index file that meets the preceding requirements is as follows:
Example 3
You need to create an index file for two devices with different description information, and
the requirements are as follows:
Data is changed at 08:09:10 on Jan 12, 2017.
The NMS is offline.
The ESN of the first device is 00080123456789. The MAC address is 0018-0303-1234.
The name of the system software is The version number is
V300R021C00SPC200. The configuration file must be loaded.
HMAC check is not required for any file.
The ESN of the second device is 66680123456789. The MAC address is 0018-0303-
5678. The name of the system software is The version
number is V300R021C00SPC200. The configuration file must be
loaded. HMAC check is not required for any file.
The index file that meets the preceding requirements is as follows:
Do not power off the AR while files are being copied. If the AR is powered off, the
upgrade will fail or the AR will be unable to restart.
Do not remove the USB flash drive before the upgrade is completed. If the USB flash
drive is removed, it may be damaged.
6.2 Procedure
Insert the USB flash drive.
Step 1 If the ACT indicator blinks green every 2 seconds, the system is copying the files specified in
the index file from the USB flash drive.
Step 2 After copying the files and specifying the startup file, the system restarts.
Step 3 If the ACT indicator is steady green after the restart, the upgrade is successful.
If the ACT indicator is steady red, an error occurs. Power recycle the device, and then insert
the USB flash drive again. If the upgrade fails three times, check whether the index files and
the directory on the USB flash drive are correct, or contact Huawei technical support
This section describes how to upgrade the system software using the BootROM menu. This
method is used when the system software fails to start.
Back up the old configuration file before the upgrade, which will be used in rollback.
Otherwise, the rollback may fail.
For more upgrade precautions, see 1.1 Precautions.
This upgrade procedure is complicated and not recommended for use under normal
circumstances. Use this method when the system software will not start.
You can use the FTP or TFTP client mode through the BootROM software. The PC can use a
terminal emulation program such as the HyperTerminal of Windows 10 to communicate with
an AR through a serial port only. The PC must function as the FTP or TFTP server. Ensure
that the PC is directly connected to the management port of the AR to be upgraded and can
communicate on the same network segment.
This section describes the AR6000 upgrade process. You can upgrade other NetEngine AR of
the AR600 devices in the same way.
7.2 Procedure
Step 1 Run the FTP program on the operation terminal or PC and specify the path of the system
software. Create the FTP user AR and set the password of the FTP user to huawei@123.
The IP address of the configuration terminal or PC (IP address of the FTP server) and the IP address of
the management interface of the AR must be on the same network segment.
Step 3 Press Ctrl+B within 3 seconds. If you do not press Ctrl+B within 3 seconds, you need to
restart the device.
Enter Password:
Step 4 Enter the extended BootROM password to display the main BootROM menu. (The default
password is Admin@huawei.)
In versions later than V300R019C11SPC100, there is no default password. When you log in to the
device for the first time, the system prompts you to configure a password.
When the correct password is entered, the following BootROM menu is displayed:
1. Default Startup: Uses the startup software specified in option 4 to start the system. You
do not need to configure the basic BootROM or extended BootROM.
2. Serial SubMenu: Updates the BootROM and CPLD.
3. Ethernet SubMenu: Downloads files through the management interface.
4. Modify Startup Parameters: Specifies the startup software.
5. File System: Manages the file system.
6. Password Manager: Changes the BootROM login password and clears the serial port
login password.
7. DFX submenu Manager: Access the DFX submenu to view the electronic label of a
8. Reboot: Uses the system software specified in option 4 to restart the system.
Main Menu
1. Default Startup
2. Serial SubMenu
3. Ethernet SubMenu
4. Startup parameters submenu
5. File system submenu
6. Password manager submenu
7. DFX submenu
8. Reboot
Enter your choice(1-8):3
1. Update Software
2. Display Parameters
3. Modify Parameters
4. Save Parameters
0. Return
Enter your choice(0-4):3
ENTER = no change;
Ftp type : 0
FTP username : AR
In the command output, FTP is used, the IP address of the AR is, the IP address of
the ftp server is, the FTP user name is AR, and the password of the FTP user is
huawei@123. You can modify these parameters based on site requirements.
The parameter values can contain letters, Arabic numerals, underscores, and periods. Spaces are not
allowed. To change configured network parameters, enter new parameters following the configured
parameters. Spaces are not allowed.
Downloading ....
file downloading is completed,writing file writing file:[ flash:/AR6300- ]to file
system ...........................................................................
Update Software
1. Update Software
2. Display Parameters
3. Modify Parameters
4. Save Parameters
0. Return
Enter your choice(0-4):0
Main Menu
1. Default Startup
2. Serial SubMenu
3. Ethernet SubMenu
4. Modify Startup Parameters
5. File System
6. Password Manager
7. DFX submenu
8. Reboot
Enter your choice(1-8):8
Step 10 The downloaded system file has been configured as the default startup file. In the main menu,
select 8 to restart the AR.
Back up the old configuration file before the upgrade, which will be used in rollback.
Otherwise, the rollback may fail.
For more upgrade precautions, see 1.1 Precautions.
The web service has been enabled by default. If the web service is not configured, you can use
the following methods:
Step 1 When new system software is uploaded on the AR, the system software contains the web
page file. After HTTP or HTTPS is enabled on the AR using the http server enable or http
secure-server enable command, the AR extracts from the system software to the
memory. You need to configure login through the console port and management interface's IP
The AR uploads the web page file using FTP. You need to log in through the console port, set the
management interface's IP address, upload the web page file, and load the web page file.
Step 2 If HTTPS is enabled, when a user enters the HTTP request address in the address bar, the
HTTPS login page is displayed. After the user logs in successfully, the HTTPS access page is
You must enable both HTTP and HTTPS. Otherwise, the system displays the message "The login page
cannot be accessed."
Step 3 HTTPS does not provide defense against DoS attacks. You can configure the firewall to
defend against DoS attacks. For details on how to configure the firewall, see Firewall
Step 4 After the http server enable command is used to enable the HTTP service, HTTP and
HTTPS are enabled. Therefore, you can use HTTPS to access the web system.
If the web system user is not configured, perform the following steps.
1. Run the system-view command to enter the system view.
2. Run the aaa command to enter the AAA view.
3. Run the local-user user-name password irreversible-cipher password command to set
the web user name and password.
4. Run the local-user user-name privilege level level command to set the user level.
5. Run the local-user user-name service-type http command to set the service type to
6. Run the quit command to return to the system view.
7. (Optional) Run the http timeout timeout command to set the timeout interval of HTTP
The default user name is admin, the default password is, and the default user
level is 15. You can directly log in to the web system. After login, you are advised to change the
password and periodically update the password to ensure the security. Users at level 0 or users whose
user levels are not configured are not allowed to log in to the web system. User level 1 corresponds to a
common administrator; user level 2 corresponds to an enterprise administrator; user levels 3 to 15
correspond to a super administrator.
8.2 Procedure
Step 1 Log in to the web system.
Enter https://management interface's IP address in the browser, and enter the user name and
The default user name is admin, and the default password is Admin@huawei or
Before performing an upgrade, back up the configuration file of the source version for version
rollback. Otherwise, version rollback may fail.
For more precautions about the upgrade, refer to Precautions.
Version Requirements
Step 1 Verify that iMaster NCE-WAN runs a software version of V100R020C10SPC100.
Step 2 Verify that the AR routers can be upgraded through iMaster NCE-WAN.
iMaster NCE-WAN has a limited egress bandwidth in the southbound direction. If you
upgrade a large number of devices on iMaster NCE-WAN at the same time, the message "The
download fails." may be displayed for some devices that need to wait for a long period. If this
occurs, try again later.
Step 1 Log in to the management plane.
Step 2 Choose Product > Deploy Product Software from the main menu, choose More > Modify
Configurations, set RSA_ENABLE to true, and click OK.
Step 3 Wait for 3 to 5 minutes, choose Product > System Monitoring from the main menu, click
the Service tab, search for FIProxyService, and check whether FIProxyService is restarted
successfully. If FIProxyService is in the normal state, the device can be upgraded.
Step 4 Log in to iMaster NCE-WAN as an administrator and choose Maintenance > Maintenance >
File Management from the main menu.
Step 5 Click Upload File and upload the AR V300R021C00SPC200 software package to iMaster
Step 6 Check the model and software version of the device to be upgraded.
1. Choose Maintenance > Device Maintenance > Device Upgrade.
2. Click on the left of the device list, and check Device Model, Current Software,
and Current Patch.
Step 7 Select a software installation package or patch package and configure an upgrade policy.
1. Choose Maintenance > Device Maintenance > Device Upgrade from the main menu.
2. Select a site, click Upgrade Plan, and configure a device upgrade policy as prompted.
3. Configure the time mode. If Time mode is set to Device System Time, Time to
Download Upgrade Files and Software Update Restart Time are subject to the device
time. If Time mode is set to Client Time, Time to Download Upgrade Files and
Software Update Restart Time are subject to the time when the tenant administrator
performs operations on the terminal.
4. Under Time to Download Upgrade Files, set the upgrade file download time. Three
options are available: Specific Date and Time, Specific Time Every Week, and
5. Set Software Update Restart Time to specify a restart policy. The options are Specific
Time Every Week and Immediately.
If a device has started the upgrade process and the process is ongoing, modifying parameters under
Software Update Restart Time will not take effect.
For AR routers, you must select and upload both the software package and patch package when
upgrading the patch. The software package version must be the same as the version of the software
package on the current device.
During hot patch upgrade, the devices will not restart. In a hot patch upgrade plan, Software Update
Restart Time indicates the time when the hot patch takes effect.
When loading a patch, you need to select both the upgrade package and patch package. Otherwise,
the patch fails to be loaded.
6. Configure the upgrade mode and upgrade path.
Set Upgrade mode to Device Name, click Add in the Upgrade Path area, select the
device to be upgraded, select the upgrade software package and patch, and click OK.
Then, the selected device will be upgraded. Alternatively, click Upgrade All to Latest to
upgrade all devices at the site to the latest version. You can select the patch to be
The device restarts during the upgrade and goes online after the upgrade is successful.
Step 8 Click the Upgrade Detail tab to view device upgrade details, including the upgrade progress
and upgrade failure causes. If the upgrade fails, check the cause of the upgrade failure. After
the fault is rectified, select the device and click Update Again to reupgrade the device
After successful device upgrade, you need to check whether the device configuration is successfully
Choose Maintenance > Provisioning Result > Generate Configuration from the main menu. If Status
is displayed as Succeeded, the configuration is successfully delivered.
Step 2 Click on the leftof the device list, and check Device Model, Current Software, and
Current Patch. Verify that the devicesoftware version is V300R021C00SPC200.
Step 3 After successful device upgrade, check whether the device configuration is successfully
Choose Maintenance > Provisioning Result > Generate Configuration from the main
menu. If Status is displayed as Succeeded, the configuration is successfully delivered.
2. Click on the leftof the device list, and check Device Model, Current Software, and
Current Patch.
4. Under Time to Download Upgrade Files, set the upgrade file download time. Three
options are available: Specific Date and Time, Specific Time Every Week, and
5. Set Software Update Restart Time to specify a restart policy. The options are Specific
Time Every Week and Immediately.
The device restarts during the rollback and goes online after the rollback is successful.
10 Smart Upgrade
Smart upgrade requires that a device be able to access the Huawei Online Upgrade Platform
10.2 Procedure
Step 1 Log in to the web platform.
Enter https://IP address of the management network port and press Enter. Then enter the user
name and password on the login page.
Step 2 Access the Intelligent Upgrade page.
After Automatic version upgrade check is enabled, the recommended target software
versions are displayed. Click Immediate Upgrade or Scheduled Upgrade to perform an
The uUpgrade is a standalone tool for remotely upgrading the version and installing patches
for AR routers.
This tool checks the status and service functions of devices before and after the upgrade and
automatically generates a check report.
Additionally, it can back up configuration files, patches, and version software of devices.
The uUpgrade also supports FTP and SFTP connectivity tests and batch AR upgrade.
10.1 Version Mapping
10.2 Obtaining the Installation Package and Guide
10.3 Upgrading the Software Version
10.4 Installing Patches
10.5 Verifying the Upgrade
2. Click the installation package link and download the installation package and guide.
Step 1 Log in to uUpgrade and choose Configuration Management > Template Management. The
Template Management page is displayed.
Step 3 Click Create. In the Create Template dialog box that is displayed, enter information in
Step 4 (Optional) Select a template from the Select the default template drop-down list box. The
detailed information about Configure the template step is displayed.
Step 5 (Optional) In the Configure the template step area, select or deselect Selected and Pause
before execution as required.
You must select at least one step.
Step Name: indicates NE upgrade steps.
Pause before execution: determines whether to pause a step before it is executed.
Step 6 (Optional) Click Next, configure a rollback template, and click OK. The template is
successfully created.
Step 1 In the navigation pane on the left, choose xFTP Configuration and click Create on the page
that is displayed.
Step 2 In the Create xFTP Info dialog box that is displayed, enter FTP and SFTP information.
The entered FTP and SFTP information must be the same as the configured FTP and SFTP information.
Currently, only local FTP or SFTP and third-party FTP/SFTP are supported.
Step 1 Click NE Upgrade.
Step 2 Click Create. In the Create dialog box that is displayed, set Project Name.
The software package has been copied to the FTP root directory.
Step 1 On the NE Upgrade page, select Create from the Add NE drop-down list box.
Step 6 (Optional) Set Software, Patch, Configuration, and GTL-License based on the upgrade
Step 7 Click Test Connectivity. After the test is complete, click OK.
The software package has been copied to the FTP root directory.
Step 1 In the NE Upgrade page, choose Add NE > Importing NEs In Batchs.
Step 2 In the Importing NEs In Batchs dialog box, select a project and click Download Template.
Step 3 Fill in the template with information about the devices to be upgraded and xFTP information
and save the template.
Only the Telnet or SSH mode can be used to connect to NEs at a time.
Step 4 Click Select Template, select the device template, and click OK. The NE is successfully
imported to the new task automatically generated by the project. Select the imported NE and
click Test Connectivity. After the test is successful, the NE upgrade task is created
Step 2 Perform the upgrade process and steps based on the selected upgrade template.