Huawei FM1000A40 V200R003C00 IT Maintenance Guide
Huawei FM1000A40 V200R003C00 IT Maintenance Guide
Huawei FM1000A40 V200R003C00 IT Maintenance Guide
Maintenance Guide
Issue 01
Date 2019-03-05
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This document describes the operation methods and precautions for the FusionModule1000A
prefabricated all-in-one data center (FusionModule1000 for short) in terms of the routine
maintenance and parts replacement. It provides you a quick grasp of the operation and
maintenance (O&M) methods of the FusionModule1000.
Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
Maintenance engineers
Technical support engineers
System engineers
Hardware installation engineers
Commissioning engineers
Data configuration engineers
Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Symbol Remarks
Symbol Remarks
Change History
Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue contains all
updates made in previous issues.
Issue 01 (2019-03-05)
This issue is the first official release.
Replace batteries only with the ones of the same or equivalent type. Improper battery
replacement may cause an explosion.
Cooling System
Assign only professional engineers to perform O&M for the cooling system.
Do not operate valves of the cooling system arbitrarily.
Do not block the air exhaust and return vents of smart cooling products.
Promptly put serviced units into use after the cooling system is maintained; otherwise,
equipment cannot work at optimal status.
If the number of running smart cooling products in an area is less than the rated
minimum number, some loads must be powered off; otherwise, temperature inside the
container may go out of control.
For detailed configurations of the cooling system, see the initial configuration parameter
manual for the solution in use.
2.1 Tools
Prepare tools listed in Table 2-1 before performing O&M operations.
The listed tools are for routine maintenance only. Prepare other tools as required.
Item Requirement
Item Requirement
Working in the Only professional personnel are allowed to work in the data center
data center and only in the presence of designated personnel.
Obtain permission from designated personnel and take necessary
precautions and preventive measures before entering the
FusionModule1000 and performing any operation which may affect
the normal running of the FusionModule1000.
Do not perform any unauthorized operations.
Power Familiar with the power supply and distribution system configurations and
supply and the operations for each core component in the FusionModule1000
distribution With power distribution system engineer qualifications
Cooling Familiar with the cooling system configurations and the operations for each
system core component in the FusionModule1000
With cooling engineer qualifications
Management With knowledge in the hardware and software of the container data center,
system familiar with basic communications protocols, familiar with equipment
interfaces in extra low voltage (ELV) systems, and proficient in operating
the NetEco management system
With ELV engineer qualifications
Fire Familiar with the fire extinguishing system configurations and the
extinguishin operations for each core component in the FusionModule1000
g system With fire engineer qualifications
Lighting and Familiar with the overall configurations and layout of the
structural FusionModule1000
system Experienced in maintaining the FusionModule1000
3 Routine Maintenance
The FusionModule1000 container exterior should be intact. If the container surface is bumped,
scratched, or rusted, the paint should be repaired.
Check the damage to the container paint and prepare appropriate tools and materials. The number of
materials depends on site requirements.
Slight scratch (steel Spray paint or paint, Steps 1, 2, and 4 1. For the color of
base material not brush (required for the finish coat
exposed) repainting a small (acrylic acid
area), fine paint), see the
Smudges and rust sandpaper, delivered color
that cannot be wiped anhydrous alcohol, palette and
off cotton cloth, pantone No.
painting gun specified on it.
(required for 2. For a few
repainting a large smudges,
area) scratches or
Dent 1. If a dent is less than 100 mm2 in area and less than 3 mm in
depth, fill the dent with Poly-Putty base and then perform the
same operations as those for processing deep scratches.
2. If a dent is greater than 100 mm2 in area or greater than 3 mm in
depth, ask the local supplier for an appropriate repainting
Step 1 Gently polish damaged areas using fine sandpaper to remove smudges or rust, as shown in
Figure 3-1.
Step 2 Dip a piece of cotton cloth into anhydrous alcohol and wipe the polished or damaged area to
remove the dirt and dust. Then wipe off the alcohol with a clean and dry cotton cloth, as
shown in Figure 3-2.
Step 3 Paint one layer of zinc-rich primer on the damaged coat using a brush or painting gun, as
shown in Figure 3-3.
Step 4 Apply two layers of paint on the damaged finish coat based on the damage degree of the paint
described in Table 3-1 using a spray bottle, brush, or painting gun, respectively shown in
Figure 3-4, Figure 3-5, and Figure 3-6.
In the case that a container pattern has different colors, to prevent undamaged areas and those with
different colors as the damaged area from being polluted during repainting, cover such areas using white
paper and adhesive tape before repairing paint.
Follow-up Procedure
Check whether the surface meets the requirement after repainting.
The repainted area should have the same color as surrounding areas. The color difference δE is not
greater than 3 (Use a colorimeter to measure the color difference. If a colorimeter is not available, check
that no obvious edge exists between the repainted area and its surrounding.) The paint should also be
free from bulges, scratches, flake-off, or cracks.
Step 2 Slide the cabinet from the middle towards either side until the cabinet reaches the extremity.
Step 2 After you push the cabinet to the middle, the axis of the indexing plunger springs out and
locks the cabinet in position.
A shutter is installed in the container entrance to form a fire extinguishing compartment.
Before maintaining the fire cylinder, you need to operate the shutter.
Step 1 Pull the beaded rope at the side of the shutter in the fire extinguishing compartment until all
blades of the shutter are perpendicular to the guide rail at the top.
Step 2 Pull the rope at the side of the shutter in the fire extinguishing compartment to fold the shutter
blades to one side. Then maintenance personnel can enter the fire extinguishing compartment
to maintain the fire cylinder.
Follow-up Procedure
After maintaining the fire cylinder, restore the shutter by referring to the operations in Step 2
to Step 1.
Fire VESDA Check the The VESDA If the VESDA or its power
extingu and its working status of and its power supply is abnormal,
ishing power the VESDA and supply are troubleshoot by following
system supply its power supply. normal. instructions in documents
delivered with the VESDA.
If a cooling component needs to be powered off for maintenance, take measures to prevent
device overheating before powering off the component.
Combined INPUT1 The green indicator Check the mains and the input power
module indicator is steady on. cables.
INPUT2 The green indicator NOTICE
Before replacing the combined module,
indicator is steady on.
verify that it is powered off and all three
indicators are off.
OUTPUT The green indicator
indicator is steady on.
Access Power input Input voltage: Check the input power cables if the
actuator 36–60 V DC input voltage is abnormal.
AC Power input Input voltage: Check the input power cables if the
actuator 90–240 V AC input voltage is abnormal.
Batteries of Check whether the The wiring Clean the contaminated and
the fire battery wiring terminals are corroded terminals. Replace
alarm terminals are in good batteries with severely corroded
control corroded. condition terminals by referring to
panel and without Replacing Batteries for the Fire
VESDA corrosion. Alarm Control Panel (Standard) or
4.4.3 Replacing Batteries for the
VESDA Power Box.
Batteries of Check the battery The wiring Clean the contaminated and
the fire terminals. terminals are in corroded terminals. Replace
alarm good condition batteries with severely
control without corrosion. corroded terminals by referring
panel and to Replacing Batteries
VESDA for the Extinguishant Control
Panel (CE) or 4.4.3 Replacing
Batteries for the VESDA
Power Box.
Fire Check the All devices of the Replace the fire cylinder by
extinguishe appearance of the fire extinguisher are referring to Replacing a
r fire cylinder, intact, free from Fire Cylinder (CE). For details
electrical actuator, deformation and about how to replace other
pneumatic switch, mechanical damage. devices, contact Huawei
fire extinguishing technical support.
Access Power input Input voltage: Check the input power cables if the
actuator 36–60 V DC input voltage is abnormal.
AC Power input Input voltage: Check the input power cables if the
actuator 90–240 V AC input voltage is abnormal.
WiFi Power input Input voltage: Check the input power cables if the
converter 36–60 V DC input voltage is abnormal.
Door status Open a door An access alarm is If no alarm is generated when a door
switch with a status generated on the with a status sensor is opened,
sensor, and ECC800 WebUI. replace the door status sensor by
check the following instructions in
alarm Replacing a Door Status Sensor.
displayed on
Fire alarm 1. Switch off the 1. The fire 1. Check whether the mains input
control power input alarm power and the voltage are
panel circuit breaker control normal. If the mains input power
batteries of the fire alarm panel is normal, check whether the
control panel so reports a fuse is intact. If the fuse is
that the mains blown, replace the fuse.
batteries power power 2. Perform replacement by
the panel. supply following instructions in
2. Measure the fault. Replacing Batteries for the Fire
battery voltage 2. The battery Alarm Control Panel (Standard).
using a voltage is
multimeter. 24±1 V
Hand-held Check the fire The fire Replace the fire extinguisher.
fire extinguisher. extinguisher is
extinguishe intact.
The pressure Replace the fire extinguisher.
pointer of the
extinguisher is
in the green
The fire Replace the fire extinguisher.
extinguisher is
within the
validity period.
Fire control Check cables Cables are Connect the cables securely.
cable connected to the securely
electromagnetic connected to
valve and pressure the
announciator. electromagneti
c valve and
Emergency Check the The exterior If the exterior is damaged, replace
start/abort emergency and key panel by following instructions in
switch start/abort switch. are intact. The Replacing the Emergency
run indicator is Start/Abort Switch (Standard).
steady green.
ATS Check the ATS The panel indicator 1. If the panel indicator is off, verify that
controller is on. the power cable is properly connected,
display panel. and reconnect the cable if it is not
properly connected.
2. Replace the ATS by following
instructions in documents delivered
with the ATS.
The display panel 1. If the information is not properly
of the controller displayed (fuzzy or blank), verify that
displays the power cable is properly connected.
information 2. Replace the ATS by following
properly. instructions in documents delivered
with the ATS.
Electric The electric The electric heater is Secure the electric heater and
heater heater is securely installed. switch.
Check that the The electric heater surface is Replace the electric heater if
electric heater not corroded. its surface is eroded.
surfaces are
not eroded.
Compon Check that all Switches and fuses are Replace faulty circuit
ents circuit breakers working properly. breakers and fuses.
inside and fuses work
the properly.
control Check that the Cables are securely Secure loose cables.
box cable connected.
(Remove connection is
the secure and
electric correct.
Check that the All components are normal Replace the abnormal board.
control board, and free from signs of aging.
display panel,
T/H sensor,
and surge
protection and
detection board
are not aging
on the surface.
Cable Check that no Cables are not aged. Replace aged cables.
cable has aged.
Tempera Check and The T/H sensors are working If the temperature error is
ture and calibrate the properly, and the greater than 1°C or humidity
humidity T/H sensor. temperature and humidity error is greater than 5%, the
(T/H) deviations are within the T/H sensor must be
sensor allowed range. calibrated or replaced. For
the calibration method, see
the ACC Precision Air
Conditioner Controller User
Water Check whether The water sensor cable is Connect the cable properly.
detector the water securely connected.
detector cable
is securely
Smart ETH Power input Input voltage: Check the input power cables if the
gateway 45–55 V DC input voltage is abnormal.
Power output Output voltage: For details, contact Huawei technical
45–55 V DC support.
Table 3-17 Semi-annual maintenance checklist for the fire extinguishing system
Fire Commission the Devices work If the expected result does not
extinguishi fire extinguishing properly, and occur, replace by following
ng system system by the instructions in 4.4.1 Replacing Fire
commission following the management Extinguishing System Devices
ing instructions in the system (Standard).
Fire displays
Extinguishing related alarms.
(Standard) section
in the
guide for the
solution in use.
Fire alarm Unlock the fire The alarm is 1. Check and reconnect cables to
sounder alarm control panel loud and clear. the fire alarm sounder.
and press ALARM 2. If the fault persists, replace by
BELL. following instructions in
Replacing a Fire Alarm Sounder
Gas release Disconnect the red The gas release Replace by following instructions in
indicator and black cables indicator is on. Replacing the Gas Release
from the pressure Indicator (Standard).
announciator, and
short-circuit the
cables from the fire
alarm control panel
to the pressure
Fire alarm Unlock the fire The fire alarm 1. Check cables connected to the
horn/strobe alarm control panel horn/strobe fire alarm control panel. If a
and press generates short circuit or open circuit is
HORN/STROBE. glaring flashes identified, reconnect the cables.
and shrill 2. If the fire alarm horn/strobe does
alarms. not react, replace by following
instructions in Replacing
an External Horn Strobe
(Standard) or Replacing
an Indoor Fire Alarm
Horn/Strobe (Standard).
VESDA Check the VESDA The supports Replace damaged sampling pipes,
sampling pipes. and connectors and apply glue where pipes are not
of the well sealed.
sampling pipes
are securely
Remove or block a An alarm is See documents delivered with the
sampling pipe. generated. VESDA.
Check whether the The backup See documents delivered with the
backup power is power is VESDA.
working properly, working
and whether the properly, and
VESDA restarts the VESDA
normally after the restarts
mains powered is normally after
disconnected. the mains
power is
VESDA Check the power The power 1. Check the power cables.
power indicator. indicator turns 2. Replace by following
supply on. instructions in 4.4.3 Replacing
Batteries for the VESDA Power
Table 3-18 Semi-annual maintenance checklist for the fire extinguishing system
Fire alarm Flip the key to The alarm bell rings 1. Check and reconnect
bell Enable Control on normally. The alarm cables to the fire alarm
the extinguishant bell rings loud and bell.
control panel clear when it is 2. If the fault persists,
rightward. Press started. replace by following
Silence/Sound instructions in
Alarm to start or Replacing a Fire Alarm
abort the fire alarm Bell (CE).
bell. Reset the key
to Enable Control
by flipping it
Horn strobe Press the manual The horn strobe For details, see
gas release button generates glaring Replacing an Internal Horn
on the flashes and shrill Strobe (CE) or
extinguishant alarms. Replacing an External Horn
control panel. Strobe (CE).
VESDA Check the VESDA The supports and Replace damaged sampling
sampling pipes. connectors of the pipes, and apply glue where
sampling pipes are pipes are not well sealed.
securely connected.
Check the VESDA All indicators are See documents delivered with
operation panel. normal. the VESDA.
Check whether the The backup power is See documents delivered with
backup power is working properly, the VESDA.
working properly, and the VESDA
and whether the restarts normally
VESDA restarts after the mains power
normally after the is disconnected.
mains powered is
VESDA Check the power The power indicator 1. Check the power cables.
power indicator. turns on. 2. Replace by following
supply instructions in 4.4.3
Replacing Batteries for the
VESDA Power Box.
Lights Check whether the The lights turn 1. If a light cannot be switched on,
lights can be on normally. check whether the light is
switched on securely installed and in good
normally. contact with the light base.
2. If a light is securely installed and
in good contact with the light
base but fails to turn on, replace
the light.
Ventilation Check whether the The air filter is If an air filter is slightly blocked,
vent air filter is blocked. not blocked. clean the air filter and reinstall it. If
filter more than 50% of the meshes are
blocked, replace the air filter.
Cable trays Check whether the Cable trays are Secure cable trays that have become
inside cable trays are properly loose.
containers securely connected installed, and
without damage or fasteners are
misshapen. secure.
4 Parts Replacement
For details about how to replace components for the power supply and distribution system,
see the user manuals for the components.
During air conditioner parts replacement, the system may need to be powered off. Take
measures to prevent device overheating.
Table 4-1 lists the components that can be replaced for the power supply and distribution
Table 4-1 Components that can be replaced for the power supply and distribution system
Circuit breaker
Locate the faulty rPDU based on the alarm information on the monitoring software terminal.
Check that the standby power supply to the rPDU is available.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, protective gloves, step ladder
Material: spare rPDU
Documents: none
Skill requirement: electrician's work permit
Step 1 Switch off the circuit breaker of the faulty rPDU in the PDC.
Step 2 Remove all power connectors from the rPDU.
Step 3 Remove the baffle plate from the top of the cabinet using a Phillips screwdriver.
Step 4 Remove the rPDU power cable on the top of the cabinet.
Step 5 Loosen the screws from the support of the rPDU at the upper and lower sides of the front
panel using a Phillips screwdriver until the rPDU can be taken out, as shown in Figure 4-1.
Figure 4-1 Removing screws at the upper and lower sides of the rPDU
Figure 4-2 Installing screws at the upper and lower sides of the rPDU
Step 9 Connect the rPDU power cable on the top of the cabinet.
Step 10 Switch on the circuit breaker for the rPDU in the PDC and check that the new rPDU is
working properly.
Step 11 Insert device power plugs in the rPDU.
Step 12 Reinstall the cabinet top baffle plate.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed rPDU that is confirmed faulty.
Tool: Phillips screwdriver
Materials: spare STS
Documents: power supply and distribution system diagram
Skill requirement: electrician's work permit
For the diagram, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Power off the STS based on the power supply and distribution system diagram.
Step 2 Remove cables connected to the STS, and remove screws securing the STS.
Step 3 Install a new STS, connect the cables, and secure the STS using screws.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed STS that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: pallet truck, wrench, protective gloves
For the diagrams, see the quick installation guide and initial configuration parameter manual for the
solution in use.
Step 1 Move the new battery to the place where a faulty battery needs to be replaced.
Step 2 Switch off the circuit breaker of the battery in the switch box based on the power supply and
distribution system diagram.
Step 3 Remove cables from the faulty battery using a wrench, and insulate the cables.
Step 4 Move the faulty battery out of the battery rack.
Step 5 Install the new battery and connect cables correctly based on battery wiring diagram.
Step 6 Verify the battery connections. Ensure that the battery quantity and cable connections comply
with the design and the cables or copper bars are reliably installed.
Step 7 Switch on the circuit breaker of the battery in the switch box based on the power supply and
distribution system diagram.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed integrated UPS battery that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: pallet truck, wrench, protective gloves
Materials: insulation tape, spare battery, copper bar or cable
Documents: documents delivered with the DC power system battery, power supply and
distribution system diagram, power supply and distribution device layout
Skill requirement: electrician's work permit
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Move the new battery to the place where a faulty battery needs to be replaced.
Step 2 Switch off the circuit breaker of the battery in the switch box based on the power supply and
distribution system diagram.
Step 3 Remove cables from the faulty battery using a wrench, and insulate the cables.
Step 4 Move the faulty battery out of the battery rack.
Step 5 Install the new battery and connect cables correctly based on the DC power system battery
wiring diagram.
Step 6 Verify the battery connections. Ensure that the battery quantity and cable connections comply
with the design and the cables or copper bars are reliably installed.
Step 7 Switch on the circuit breaker of the battery in the switch box based on the power supply and
distribution system diagram.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed DC power system battery that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: insulation gloves, Phillips screwdriver, wire stripper, multimeter, pallet truck
Materials: spare battery pack, insulation gloves
For the diagram, see the quick installation guide for the solution in use.
Step 1 Switch off the circuit breaker of the battery in the battery switch box based on the power
supply and distribution system diagram, and remove cables from the rear of the battery pack.
Step 2 Remove screws from the cabinet, and remove the battery pack.
Step 3 Loosen the battery pack, and remove screws from the battery pack mounting ears.
Step 4 Install the mounting ears on the new battery pack using eight M4 screws.
Step 5 Push the battery pack onto the guide rails, and secure the battery pack to the cabinet rack rails
using mounting ears and screws.
Step 6 Connect cables to the rear of the battery pack, and switch on the circuit breaker.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed batter pack that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: multimeter
Material: spare light
Documents: none
Skill requirement: electrician's work permit
Step 1 Locate a failed light.
If a light does not work but the cables to the light are intact, the light has failed and needs
to be replaced.
If all lights after a light do not work, the light adjacent to the working light has failed.
Step 2 Disconnect the power supply to the lights.
Step 3 Remove the faulty light.
During replacement, do not touch any end of the light with bare hands. You will get an
electric shock if you touch bare electrodes.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed light that is confirmed faulty.
A spare ATS controller of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, flat-head screwdriver, key to the PDC door, step ladder
Materials: spare ATS controller
Documents: documents delivered with the PDC, power supply and distribution device layout
Skill requirement: power distribution engineer
For the table, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Open the front door of the PDC, turn off the input and output switches in the PDC, and turn
off the upstream and downstream switches.
Step 2 Remove the protective panel of the PDC.
Step 3 Remove the cables at the ATS top and label them, as shown by (1) in Figure 4-5.
Step 4 Loosen the knob at the left of the ATS controller to remove the controller, as shown by (2)
and (3) in Figure 4-5.
A spare MCB of the same model is available and functional.
The PDC switch must be turned off. Ensure that the power input is disconnected during replacement.
Tools: electroprobe, insulation gloves, flat-head screwdriver, Phillips screwdriver, multimeter
Materials: spare MCB
Documents: none
Skill requirement: electrician's work permit
Step 1 Determine the position of the faulty MCB, and open the corresponding cabinet door.
Step 2 Remove the front panel of the PDC circuit breaker using a Phillips screwdriver.
Step 3 Switch a multimeter to the DC voltage mode to measure the voltage between positive and
negative copper bars at the upper part of the switch. If the voltage is lower than 36 V DC for 1
minute, replace the MCB.
Step 4 Remove the three cables from the top and bottom of the MCB.
When removing cables, remove the cable from the bottom of the MCB first.
After removing cables, insulate the cable terminals.
When removing cables, label the cables with corresponding terminal ports for later
Step 5 Push the buckle at the MCB outwards using a flat-head screwdriver, and remove the faulty
Step 6 Install the new MCB by referring to the preceding method, connect cables, and tighten
Step 7 Reinstall the removed components, and close the corresponding cabinet door.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed MCB that is confirmed faulty.
A spare PD510 electricity meter of the same model is available and functional.
If the condition allows, switch off the upstream circuit breaker of the PD510 electricity meter
to be replaced.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, protective gloves
Material: spare PD510 electricity meter
Documents: documents delivered with the PD510 electricity meter, management system
initial configuration table
Skill requirement: power distribution system engineer
For the table, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 (Optional) Remove the screws on the left of the PD510 electricity meter panel by using a
Phillips screwdriver and open the panel.
Step 2 Switch off the upstream circuit breaker of the electricity meter.
Step 3 Remove the terminal block from the PD510 electricity meter, and gently press the latch
outwards to remove the terminal block.
Step 4 Remove the faulty PD510 electricity meter, and install a new PD510 electricity meter, and
insert the latch.
Step 5 Install the removed terminal block, and ensure that the terminal block is connected properly.
Step 6 (Optional) Install the panel of the PD510 electricity meter.
Step 7 Configure the address and baud rate of the PD510 by referring to the management system
initial configuration table.
Step 8 Configure the PD510 electricity meter by following instructions in documents delivered with
the PD510 electricity meter.
Step 9 Check that the new PD510 electricity meter is working properly.
After power-on, press buttons on the PD510 panel, and check whether the LCD of the electricity meter
displays information properly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed PD510 electricity meter that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, flat-head screwdriver, electroprobe
Material: spare SPD
Documents: PDC user manual
Skill requirement: electrician's work permit
Step 1 Remove the protective panel of the SPD.
Step 4 Hold down the faulty SPD module and pull it out.
If there is a faulty SPD module, it is recommended that all SPD modules be replaced.
If the SPD module cannot be pulled out, use a tool such as a flat-head screwdriver to lever it out.
Step 5 Install the spare SPD module, and switch on the SPD circuit breaker.
Step 6 Reinstall the protective panel.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed SPD module that is confirmed faulty.
An indicator is dim or faulty.
Spare indicators of the same model are available and functional.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, multimeter
Materials: spare indicator
Documents: none
Skill requirement: electrician's work permit
Step 1 Switch off the protective miniature circuit breaker (MCB) or fuse.
Step 2 Replace the indicator if no voltage is detected by using a multimeter.
Step 3 Loosen the screw at the rear of the indicator and remove the conducting wire.
When removing cables, label the cables with corresponding terminal ports for later connection.
Step 4 Remove the retaining ring from the indicator and remove the indicator from the mounting
Step 5 Install a new indicator on the mounting hole, secure the retaining ring, reconnect the
conducting wire, and switch on the MCB.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed indicator that is confirmed faulty.
A spare fuse of the same model is available and functional.
When replacing a fuse, you must wear insulated gloves, and must not touch the input copper
Tools: insulation gloves
Materials: spare fuse
Documents: none
Skill requirement: electrician's work permit
Step 1 Shake the fuse terminal block gently, pull it out, and push it outwards.
The fuse position in the figure is for reference only. The actual position prevails.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed fuse that is confirmed faulty.
A spare ambient T/H sensor of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: key to the cabinet door, diagonal pliers
Materials: spare ambient T/H sensor, cable tie
Documents: none
Skill requirement: power distribution engineer
Step 1 Cut off the cable tie and remove the faulty T/H sensor and its cables.
Step 2 Install the spare T/H sensor in the same way.
For details about how to install an ambient T/H sensor, see TP482000B-N20B1 &
TP482000B-N20B2 & TP481200B-N20B1 & TP481200B-N20B2 V300R002 Installation
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed ambient T/H sensor that is confirmed faulty.
A spare BIM of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: none
Materials: spare BIM
Documents: none
Skill requirement: extra low voltage (ELV) engineer
Step 1 Press the CIM networking switch for 2 seconds. The RF_Z indicator on the CIM changes
from blinking green at long intervals to blinking green at super short intervals, which
indicates that the CIM is being networked.
Before removing the BIM, ensure that network parameters have been cleared from the BIM
and the RUN/ALM indicator on the BIM is steady red.
Step 2 Remove cables from the BIM panel, and remove the BIM from the corresponding battery.
Step 3 Secure the new BIM on the fastener, and connect the BIM cables.
Step 4 Press the networking switch on the BIM for 2 seconds based on the battery number
corresponding to the new BIM. When the RUN/ALM indicator turns from steady red to
blinking green at super short intervals, and finally to blinking green at long intervals, the BIM
connects to the CIM network.
Step 5 Verify that the BIM is networked. On the home screen of the CIM WebUI, choose
Monitoring > CIM System > Running Control, click BIM start blinking, select the
corresponding battery number from the range of 1–300, and click Submit. If the BIM blinks
successfully, the installation succeeds. If the BIM fails in blinking, check the cable
connections and reinstall the BIM.
If the BIM blinks successfully, click BIM stop blinking, select the battery number from the range of
1–300, and click Submit to stop the BIM blinking.
Step 6 Replace and network other faulty BIMs in the same way.
Step 7 Press the CIM networking switch for 2 seconds. When the RF_Z indicator on the CIM turns
from blinking green at super short intervals to blinking green at long intervals, the
replacement is complete.
The internal resistance can be measured only when the batteries are fully charged, and no alarm is
generated in the intelligent monitoring system. A measurement can be performed at least 45 minutes
after the previous measurement ends. The battery internal resistance will change to an invalid value
after power-off and then power-on again. By default, the BIM checks the battery internal resistance
once every 24 hours as instructed by the CIM. The red BIM indicator is steady on during the check.
You can also measure the battery internal resistance manually.
On the home screen of the CIM WebUI, choose Monitoring > CIM System > Running Control,
click Internal resistance, select a battery number, and click Submit to measure the internal
resistance of the battery.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed BIM that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, socket wrench
Materials: spare power PDB
Documents: power supply and distribution system diagram
Skill requirement: electrician's work permit
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Power off the power PDB based on the power supply and distribution system diagram.
Step 2 Remove cables using a socket wrench and Phillips screwdriver.
Step 3 Remove screws securing the power PDB and remove the power PDB.
Step 4 Secure the new power PDB and connect cables correctly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed power PDB that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, socket wrench
Materials: spare BBB
Documents: power supply and distribution system diagram
Skill requirement: electrician's work permit
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Power off the BBB based on the power supply and distribution system diagram.
Step 2 Remove cables using a socket wrench and Phillips screwdriver.
Step 3 Remove screws securing the BBB, and remove the BBB.
Step 4 Secure the new BBB and connect cables correctly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed BBB that is confirmed faulty.
For details about how to replace components for the cooling system, see the user manuals
for the components.
During air conditioner parts replacement, the system may need to be powered off. Take
measures to prevent device overheating.
Table 4-2 lists the components that can be replaced for the cooling system.
Compressor driver
Humidifier cylinder
Electric control box
Temperature and humidity
(T/H) sensor
Water pump
Humidifier cylinder
Liquid level detector
Water pump
Before replacing the air conditioner, take measures to protect the floors in the cold aisle and
long aisle in the pre-fab. module.
Do not replace an air conditioner on damp or rainy days. Keep the indoor environment clean
during the replacement.
When replacing the indoor unit of an air cooled in-row precision air conditioner, you only
need to perform operations in a cold aisle inside the pre-fab. module. For example, to replace
air conditioner A1 or B1 in Figure 4-12, you need to push cabinets A1, A2, B1, and B2 on
both sides of cold aisle A to the extremities towards the hot aisle, and replace the air
conditioner in cold aisle A. Similarly, air conditioner C1 or D1 can be replaced in cold aisle B.
Air conditioners are replaced in similar ways. This section uses replacing air conditioner D1
as an example to describe the replacing method.
When replacing an air conditioner, put aside the removed components, bolts, and other
materials, as they are needed in later replacement operations.
Tools: flat-head screwdriver, Phillips screwdriver, adjustable wrench, socket wrench,
protective gloves, ESD floor suction plate, step ladder
Materials: spare air cooled in-row precision air conditioner
Documents: NetCol5000-A 21 kW Air Cooled In-row Precision Air Conditioner Quick Guide
(208 V), NetCol5000-A 25 kW Air Cooled In-row Precision Air Conditioner Quick Guide (300
mm Width), indoor/outdoor unit and T/H sensor wiring diagram, power supply and
distribution system diagram, cooling device initial configuration table
Skill requirement: cooling engineer
For the table, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Locate the cold aisle containment where maintenance is to be performed based on the position
of the faulty air conditioner.
Step 2 Remove the suspended ceilings in the cold and hot aisles adjacent to the air conditioner.
Assign two persons to remove a suspended ceiling together. One person holds up the
suspended ceiling, while the other person removes the fasteners.
1. Remove the sealing ring in the suspended ceiling above the front of the air conditioner.
2. Remove the bolts securing the suspended ceiling using a Phillips screwdriver.
3. Two persons work together to push up the suspended ceiling at the cabinet side to
unhook the suspended ceiling, and remove the suspended ceiling from the lower right
4. Remove the suspended ceiling behind the air conditioner in the same way.
Step 3 Remove the decorative beam at the entrance to the cold aisle.
Assign two persons to remove a decorative beam together. One person holds up the decorative
beam, while the other person removes the fasteners.
The sealing plate at the rear top needs to be removed when air conditioner A1, B1, or C1 is
replaced. Air conditioner D1 does not have the sealing plate.
Figure 4-15 Removing the top sealing plate from the air conditioner
Step 5 Remove the floors under the front and rear of the air conditioner.
(1) ESD floor in the cold aisle (2) Ventilation floor in the hot aisle
1. Remove one ESD floor panel from the front of the air conditioner in the cold aisle using
an ESD floor suction plate.
2. Remove one ventilation floor panel from behind the air conditioner in the hot aisle using
a Phillips screwdriver.
Step 6 Remove the front and rear sealing plates from the air conditioner base.
Figure 4-17 Removing sealing plates from the air conditioner base
1. Remove the floor tray and baffle plate from the supportive legs at the rear of the air
2. (Optional) Remove the bolts securing the base sealing plate at the rear of the air
conditioner using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the sealing plate.
3. Remove the base sealing plate at the front of the air conditioner in the same way.
Step 7 Reinstall the floor panels removed in Step 5.
The ventilation floor panel of the hot aisle can be reinstalled after the water refill and
drainage pipes of the air conditioner are removed.
Adjust the height of the floor tray to ensure that the reinstalled floor panels are flush with
other floor panels.
Step 8 Remove fasteners from the top and bottom of the air conditioner.
1. Remove the four M10 bolts at the top of the air conditioner using an adjustable wrench.
2. Remove the four M12 bolts at the bottom of the air conditioner using a socket wrench.
Step 9 Remove the front and rear doors of the air conditioner.
Before removing the air conditioner front door, you need to remove the ground cable
terminals at the bottom of the front door.
Place the removed front door with the LCD side facing upwards in an open area, and
protect it with sponge if necessary to prevent scratches.
Figure 4-19 Removing the front and rear doors of the air conditioner
1. Switch off the integrated UPS circuit breaker that supplies power to the air conditioner to
power off the air conditioner indoor unit. For details, see the power supply and
distribution system diagram for the solution in use.
2. Verify that the LCD on the air conditioner front door is powered off.
3. Open the locks on the front and rear doors of the air conditioner using keys, and open the
air conditioner rear door.
4. Remove cables from the LCD on the front door, and cut off cable ties using diagonal
Verify that the thermal insulation foam is not damaged during the operation.
5. Remove the front door, rear door, and hinge bases from air conditioner D1.
6. Unfasten the eight rotating baffle plates in the upper, middle, and lower positions of the
air filters, and remove the upper and lower air filters.
7. Remove the front door and hinge bases from air conditioner C1.
8. (Optional) Remove the front doors and hinge bases from cabinets D1 and D2 on both
sides of air conditioner D1.
This step is required only for pre-fab. modules in which cabinets have a sliding distance of 150 mm.
1. Switch off the integrated UPS circuit breaker that supplies power to the air conditioner
indoor unit, and verify that the air conditioner indoor unit is powered off using a
multimeter before proceeding with the following operations.
2. Before replacing cables, record the cable routes to ensure that the cable routes are the same
before and after the replacement.
3. Pull removed cables completely out of the air conditioner indoor unit to facilitate air
conditioner replacement.
1. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the active and standby input power cables for the
air conditioner indoor unit from ports AC1 and AC2 on the air conditioner PDB, and
remove the corresponding cables from the integrated UPS circuit breaker.
Figure 4-21 Removing the active and standby power cables from the air conditioner
2. Remove the power cable for the air conditioner outdoor unit from port AC3 on the air
conditioner indoor unit PDB.
Figure 4-22 Removing the power cable from the air conditioner outdoor unit
3. Remove the communications cables between the indoor and outdoor units of the air
4. Remove the water sensor cable.
Figure 4-23 Removing the air conditioner communications cable and water sensor
X302-1/2/3: RS485 communications control port for the X301-7/8: water sensor
outdoor unit port
5. Remove the teamwork control cable from the FE_1 port on the air conditioner main
control module.
6. Remove the remote T/H sensor cable at the air return side of the air conditioner from the
RS485_OUT port.
1. Prepare a pressure gauge with two hoses, connect one hose to the outdoor unit needle
valve 10 minutes after the air conditioner has been shut down, and connect the other hose
to nearby sheet metal, such as an air conditioner supportive leg or support.
(1) Hose bound to sheet metal near the outdoor unit needle valve (supportive leg or
The hose should be bound at a position close to the hose outlet to a tension not squeezing the hose.
2. Slowly open the valve on the pressure gauge to start discharging refrigerant.
When discharging the refrigerant, verify that refrigerant oil does not flow out of the hose. If a small
amount of refrigerant oil continually flows out of the hose, place a vessel or rag under the hose to catch
the refrigerant oil.
3. Keep the pressure gauge valve open after the refrigerant draining slows down after a
period of time until no refrigerant is obviously flowing out.
4. Wear anti-freezing gloves and press the needle valves on the air conditioner indoor unit
to check whether refrigerant flows out.
− If refrigerant flows out, perform Step 11.1–Step 11.3 on the corresponding needle
− If no refrigerant flows out, go to Step 11.5.
5. Check whether water exists in the water pan, humidifier cylinder, humidifier pipes, and
drainpipe. If residual water exists, clean the water using a rag and bucket to prevent
water leakage.
Step 12 Remove the water refill and drainage pipes from the air conditioner indoor unit, and cut off
the refrigerant pipe.
Before cutting the pipe, place a rag or vessel under the pipe to prevent leaked refrigerant
oil from contaminating the floor.
Verify that the pipe cutting point does not influence the air conditioner movement.
Tightly wrap and seal the ports on the air conditioner and pipe with tinfoil after cutting the
pipe to prevent exposure to air.
Drag the air conditioner drainpipe completely out of the air conditioner after removing the
Coil the water refill hose inside the air conditioner after removing it to avoid influence on
the air conditioner movement.
Drag the copper pipe that goes inside the air conditioner completely out of the air
conditioner after cutting the copper pipe to avoid influence on the air conditioner
Ignore the small amount of refrigerant oil that flows out during refrigerant discharge, or
contact Huawei technical support for help.
1. Remove the drainpipe hose clamp using a flat-head screwdriver, and remove the
Cut a pipe inside the air conditioner about 20 mm away from a turning point in the vertical
Cut a pipe outside the air conditioner about 40 mm away from the air conditioner base on
the vertical direction.
Steel plates and pipes must be placed a certain distance away from the pre-fab. module side
wall to prevent scratching the side wall.
1. Take the fittings for moving the air conditioner from the pre-fab. module fitting bag.
Fittings for moving an air conditioner include a 3 mm thick steel plate, two 1.5 m long DN32 steel pipes,
and three 0.5 m long DN32 steel pipes.
2. Place the 3 mm thick steel plate on the raised floor in the cold aisle.
3. Place one 1.5 m long DN32 steel pipe above the 3 mm thick steel plate about 100 mm
away from the base of air conditioner D1.
(1) 3 mm thick steel plate (2) 1.5 m long DN32 steel pipe
4. Push the air conditioner at the back towards the cold aisle at the front. Verify that the air
conditioner front bottom will be on the steel pipe placed in Step 13.3 after the air
conditioner is pushed about 100 mm away from the base.
This step requires two persons working together, one pushing the air conditioner from behind
and the other pulling the air conditioner at the front.
5. Continue pushing forward the air conditioner until the front of air conditioner D1 is 100
mm away from the front of air conditioner C1.
6. Place the other 1.5 m long DN32 steel pipe above the 3 mm thick steel plate about 100
mm away from the base of air conditioner D1.
To make it easier to place the air conditioner onto the steel pipes in front of it, you can pull the
air conditioner backwards at the top to increase the space at the bottom.
7. Continue pushing forward the air conditioner until it is separated from the base and
placed onto the two steel pipes.
Adjust the positions of the two steel pipes and the distance in between to ensure that the air
conditioner is evenly carried on the two steel pipes.
Step 14 Refer to 3.2 Sliding Cabinets to push cabinets C1, C2, D1, and D2 towards the hot aisle to the
extremities, and lock the sliding bases under the cabinets.
After the cabinets are slid to the extremities, air conditioner D1 must be completely inside the
cold aisle, and must not touch any cabinet.
Figure 4-34 Removing the sealing plate from the air conditioner bottom
2. Two persons work together. One person supports the air conditioner at the top to prevent
it from toppling, while the other person pulls the beam at the air conditioner bottom
towards the long aisle until the air conditioner reaches the cold aisle entrance.
After moving the air conditioner by about 300 mm, the other person can go to the other side of the air
conditioner to push the air conditioner.
3. Place the three 0.5 m long DN32 steel pipes evenly in the long aisle near the entrance of
cold aisle B.
4. Push air conditioner D1 completely onto the three 0.5 m long DN32 steel pipes, and
move the air conditioner along the long aisle to the pre-fab. module side door.
5. Move the air conditioner out of the pre-fab. module using a forklift.
Step 16 Install a new air conditioner.
1. Remove the support from the top of air conditioner D1, and install it on the top of the
new air conditioner.
2. Bind the fasteners at the air conditioner top removed in Step 8 using cable ties, and
verify that there is no gap between the fasteners at the top.
3. Perform Step 15 to Step 2 to install the new air conditioner, and connect structural kits,
pipes, and cables.
4. Perform power-on commissioning for the air conditioner to verify that the new air
conditioner is working properly. For details, see documents delivered with the air
5. Perform Step 15 to Step 2 to reinstall the removed components.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed air cooled in-row precision air conditioner that is confirmed faulty.
Tool: flat-head screwdriver, step ladder (2 m)
Material: spare remote T/H sensor
Documents: remote T/H sensor DIP switch initial configuration table
Skill requirement: cooling engineer
For the table, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Remove the network cable from the remote T/H sensor, as shown in Figure 4-39.
Figure 4-39 Removing the network cable from the remote T/H sensor
Step 2 Remove the faulty remote T/H sensor, install a new remote T/H sensor, and reconnect the
network cable to the sensor.
Step 3 Set the DIP switch for the remote T/H sensor by referring to the remote T/H sensor DIP
switch initial configuration table.
Step 4 Check that the new remote T/H sensor is working properly.
If the indicator of the remote T/H sensor is on and the air conditioner LCD does not display any
communication failure alarm, the remote T/H sensor is working properly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed remote T/H sensor that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: flat-head screwdriver
Materials: spare low-temperature component
Documents: cooling device installation position diagram
Skill requirement: cooling engineer, common technician
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Remove the faulty low-temperature component.
Step 2 Attach the new low-temperature component to the original position.
Step 3 Connect the power cable of the low-temperature component to the nearest power socket on
the pre-fab. module side panel.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed low-temperature component that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: ESD wrist strap, ESD gloves, Phillips screwdriver, label, marker
Material: spare ECC800 main control module
Documents: ECC800 user manual
Skill requirement: extra low voltage (ELV) engineer
Step 1 Use the Back Up Current Settings function to record the ECC800 configuration information
or manually record the information.
Step 2 Label each cable and antenna based on the corresponding ports on the ECC800 main control
Step 3 Remove the cables and antenna from the ECC800 main control module.
Step 4 Remove the old ECC800 main control module which is hot-swappable.
Step 5 (Optional) Remove the SIM card from the corresponding slot on the side of the old ECC800
main control module.
Step 6 (Optional) Install the removed SIM card in the corresponding slot of the new ECC800 main
control module.
Step 7 Install the new ECC800 main control module in the ECC800 subrack.
Step 8 Connect the communications cables and antenna to the ECC800 main control module.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed ECC800 main control module that is confirmed faulty.
A PSU is hot-swappable.
Do not touch the terminals in the rear of a removed PSU to avoid electric shocks.
Tools: insulation gloves
Materials: spare ECC800 PSU
Documents: ECC800 user manual
Skill requirement: extra low voltage (ELV) engineer
Step 1 Push the locking latch in the upper right corner of the ECC800 PSU panel leftwards to open
the lock.
Step 2 Pull out ECC800 PSU from the subrack by the handle.
Step 3 Place a spare ECC800 PSU in the subrack, push the locking latch leftwards to open the lock,
and pull the handle outwards.
Step 4 Gently push the ECC800 PSU into the subrack along guide rails, and push the locking latch
rightwards to secure the handle.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed ECC800 PSU that is confirmed faulty.
A PSU is hot-swappable.
Do not touch the terminals in the rear of a removed PSU to avoid electric shocks.
Tools: insulation gloves
Materials: spare ECC800 PSU
Documents: ECC800 user manual
Skill requirement: extra low voltage (ELV) engineer
Step 1 Remove the ECC800 power cable.
Step 2 Push the locking latch in the upper right corner of the ECC800 PSU panel leftwards to open
the lock.
Step 3 Pull out ECC800 PSU from the subrack by the handle.
Step 4 Place a spare ECC800 PSU in the subrack, push the locking latch leftwards to open the lock,
and pull the handle outwards.
Step 5 Gently push the ECC800 PSU into the subrack along guide rails, and push the locking latch
rightwards to secure the handle.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed ECC800 PSU that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, flat-head screwdriver
Materials: spare AI/DI module, insulation tape
Documents: management system initial configuration table
Skill requirement: extra low voltage (ELV) engineer
For the table, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Remove cables connected to the AI/DI module.
When removing cables, label the cables with corresponding terminal ports for later
After removing cables, wrap exposed terminals with insulation tape.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed AI/DI module that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: ESD wrist strap, ESD gloves, Phillips screwdriver, step ladder, label, marker
Materials: spare ETH gateway
Documents: none
Skill requirement: extra low voltage (ELV) engineer
Step 1 Label each cable based on the corresponding ports on the smart ETH gateway.
Step 2 Disconnect cables from the smart ETH gateway.
Step 3 Remove the faulty smart ETH gateway from the guide rails of the cable trough.
Step 4 Install the spare smart ETH gateway in the original position and connect the cables.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed ETH gateway that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, step ladder, protective gloves
Material: spare camera
Documents: documents delivered with the camera, management system initial configuration
Skill requirement: weak-current engineer
For the table, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Remove screws securing the transparent cover of the camera body using a Phillips
Step 2 Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the screws that fasten the camera to its base.
Figure 4-44 Removing screws that secure the camera to its base
Step 3 Remove the network cable and take out the camera.
Step 4 Install the new camera by following instructions in documents delivered with the camera,
tighten the screws to secure the camera to the base, and reconnect the network cable in the
original way.
Step 5 Adjust the angle of the camera to cover the monitored area by following instructions in
documents delivered with the camera, and reinstall the transparent cover.
Step 6 Configure the camera by referring to the management system initial configuration table in the
initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed camera that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver (1# and 2#)
Material: spare external camera
Documents: documents delivered with the external camera, external camera installation
position diagram, external camera wiring diagram, management system initial configuration
Skill requirement: extra low voltage (ELV) engineer
For the diagrams and tables, see the quick installation guide and initial configuration parameter manual
for the solution in use.
Step 1 Remove the network cable connected to the external camera.
Step 2 Remove the faulty camera using a Phillips screwdriver.
Step 3 Install the new camera by following instructions in documents delivered with the external
Follow-up Procedure
Verify that the camera is reliably installed, the protective film on the lens is removed, and that
the camera is working properly after cable connection and power-on.
Tool: Phillips screwdriver
Materials: signal SPD
Documents: signal SPD installation position diagram
Skill requirement: electrician's work permit
For the diagram, see the quick installation guide for the solution in use.
Step 1 Determine the position for installing the signal SPD based on the signal SPD installation
position diagram.
Step 2 Open the SPD box door of the external camera mounting kit, and remove the signal SPD
clamping plate.
Step 3 Remove cables connected to the faulty signal SPD, and remove the faulty signal SPD.
Step 4 Install the spare signal SPD, and reconnect the cables in the same way.
Step 5 Reinstall the signal SPD clamping plate.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed signal SPD that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: camera screwdriver
Materials: spare SD card
Documents: monitoring device layout diagram
Skill requirement: extra low voltage (ELV) engineer
Step 1 Use the screwdriver delivered with the camera to loosen the screws on the front cover of the
camera, remove the front cover, and take out the inner cover over the lens.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed SD card that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, protective gloves
Material: spare water temperature sensor
Documents: monitoring device layout, management system initial configuration table
Skill requirement: weak-current engineer
For the diagrams and tables, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Locate the water sensor to be replaced based on the alarm information on the monitoring
software terminal. Figure 4-49 shows a point-type water sensor.
Step 2 Remove the locking bolts of the water sensor using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the
water sensor, as shown in Figure 4-50.
The gap between the water sensor and the floor is 2 mm.
Drip a small amount of water onto the water sensor. If the monitoring software terminal generates an
alarm, the water sensor is working properly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed water sensor that is confirmed faulty.
An IC card reader needs to be replaced.
A spare IC card reader of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, protective gloves
Step 1 Open the door of the IC cared reader box.
Step 2 Remove the two screws from the bottom of the IC card reader, and remove the front cover.
Step 3 Remove the two screws that secure the IC card reader body.
Step 4 Remove interconnection terminals from the IC card reader, and remove the IC card reader
Step 5 Remove the two screws from the bottom of the new IC card reader, and remove the front
Step 6 Reconnect the interconnection terminals, and close the door of the IC card reader box.
Step 7 Check that the new IC card reader is working properly.
The IC card reader is working properly if the container door can be opened from outside the container
using an access card and door opening operations are logged in the monitoring system.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed IC card reader that is confirmed faulty.
An exit button needs to be replaced.
A spare exit button of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: insulation tape, Phillips screwdriver, small-sized flat-head screwdriver, protective
Material: spare exit button
Documents: none
Skill requirement: weak-current engineer
Step 1 Disassemble the faulty exit button, remove cables, and remove the faulty exit button, as
shown in Figure 4-53.
If the container door can be opened using the exit button, and the door opening event is logged, the new
exit button is working properly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed exit button that is confirmed faulty.
The magnetic lock needs to be replaced.
A spare magnetic lock of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, 3 mm hex key, step ladder (2 m)
Materials: spare magnetic lock
Documents: none
Skill requirement: weak-current engineer
Step 1 Use a Phillips screwdriver to loosen screws from the baffle plate of the magnetic lock, as
shown by (1) in Figure 4-54.
If the magnetic lock indicator is green when the container door is closed and red when the door is open,
the magnetic lock is working properly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed magnetic lock that is confirmed faulty.
The emergency door release button needs to be replaced.
A spare emergency door release button of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: insulation tape, step ladder (2 m), Phillips screwdriver, protective gloves
Material: spare emergency door release button
Documents: none
Skill requirement: weak-current engineer
Step 1 Remove the emergency door release button.
1. Remove screws securing the emergency door release button, as shown by (1) in Figure
2. Remove the glass panel of the emergency door release button, as shown by (2) and (3) in
Figure 4-56.
3. Remove screws securing the base, as shown by (4) in Figure 4-56.
4. Disconnect cables and remove the emergency door release button.
Step 3 Check that the new emergency door release button is working properly.
Remove the cover of the emergency door release button using a screwdriver, press the button, and rotate
the door handle clockwise to open the container door. If the door can be opened, the emergency door
release button is working properly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed emergency door release button that is confirmed faulty.
An access actuator needs to be replaced.
A spare access actuator of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: ESD wrist strap, ESD gloves, step ladder, label, marker
Materials: spare access actuator
Documents: none
Skill requirement: extra low voltage (ELV) engineer
Step 1 Label each cable based on the corresponding ports on the access actuator.
Step 2 Disconnect cables from the access actuator.
Step 3 Remove the faulty access actuator from guide rails.
Step 4 Install the spare access actuator in the original position and connect the cables.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed access actuator that is confirmed faulty.
The door status sensor needs to be replaced.
A spare differential door status sensor of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: insulation tape, step ladder (2 m), Phillips screwdriver, flat-head screwdriver,
protective gloves
Materials: spare door status sensor
Documents: monitoring device layout diagram, management system initial configuration table
Skill requirement: extra low voltage (ELV) engineer
For the diagrams and tables, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Open the container door where the door status sensor to be replaced is installed.
Obtain permission from the related administration department before opening a container door.
Step 2 Open the door status sensor box and disconnect the cable to remove the door status sensor to
be replaced.
Step 3 Install a new door status sensor, and reconnect the cables.
Step 4 Check that the new door status sensor is working properly.
Open the door and check whether the management system reports an alarm indicating that the door was
opened. If yes, the door status sensor is working properly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed door status sensor that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: insulation gloves, Phillips screwdriver, step ladder, label, marker
Materials: spare AC actuator
Documents: none
Skill requirement: extra low voltage (ELV) engineer
Step 1 Switch off the upstream AC input circuit breaker for the AC actuator.
Step 2 Label each cable based on the corresponding ports on the AC actuator.
Step 3 Open the cover on the front panel of the AC actuator, and disconnect the cables.
Step 4 Remove the faulty AC actuator.
Step 5 Install the spare AC actuator in the original position and connect the cables.
Step 6 Switch on the upstream AC input circuit breaker for the AC actuator and press the wireless
communications button on the AC actuator to network the AC actuator with the ECC800.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed AC actuator that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: ESD wrist strap, ESD gloves, step ladder, label, marker
Step 1 Label each cable based on the corresponding ports on the WiFi converter.
Step 2 Remove the cables and antenna from the WiFi converter.
Step 3 Remove the old WiFi converter from the guide rails.
Step 4 Install the spare WiFi converter in the original position and connect the cables and antenna.
Step 5 Log in to the ECC800 WebUI, choose System Settings > WiFi Management, enable the
WiFi function, and set the WiFi SSID and password according to the customer plan.
Step 6 Check that the app can be connected properly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed WiFi converter that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: ESD wrist strap, ESD gloves, label, marker
Materials: new pad of the same model
Documents: none
Skill requirement: extra low voltage (ELV) engineer
Step 1 Install the app on the spare pad and connect the pad to the network over the WiFi hotspot of
the data center.
Step 2 Specify the user name and password for the APP on the spare pad and log in to check that the
app works properly.
Step 3 Remove the old pad from the support and install the spare pad on the support.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed pad that is confirmed faulty.
Tool: Phillips screwdriver
Materials: spare CIM
Documents: iBAT 2.0-CIM01C2 User Manual
Skill requirement: extra low voltage (ELV) engineer
Step 1 Clear the network parameters for all the BIMs managed by the CIM to be replaced.
If the CIM is damaged, manually clear the network parameters for all the BIMs managed
by the CIM by holding down the networking switch for the BIM.
If the CIM is not damaged, hold down the networking switch for the CIM to clear the
current network (including the network parameters for all the BIMs managed by the CIM).
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed CIM that is confirmed faulty.
An SPD module consists of an SLPU and a UFLP. The SLPU is a 19-inch wide and 1 U high
box-type device. Figure 4-60 shows the SLPU, and Figure 4-61 shows the UFLP panel.
FE/GE0 and FE/GE1 at the INSIDE side; FE/GE0 and FE/GE1 at the OUTSIDE side;
connecting to monitoring devices outside the connecting to the LAN switch inside the
pre-fab. module pre-fab. module
Tool: Phillips screwdriver
Material: spare camera SPD module
Documents: peripheral monitoring device installation position diagram
Skill requirement: skilled technicians, common technicians, and pipeline technicians
For the diagram, see the quick installation guide for the solution in use.
Step 1 Move the SLPU and UFLP to the specified installation position based on the peripheral
monitoring device installation position diagram.
Step 2 Remove screws securing the UFLP, and remove it from the SLPU slot.
Step 3 Remove screws securing the SLPU, and take the SLPU out of the cabinet.
Step 4 Install the secure a new SLPU in the original position.
Step 5 Insert the UFLP into the SLPU slot and secure it.
Step 6 Connect the network cable inside the pre-fab. module and the network cable of the peer
device outside the pre-fab. module to the corresponding ports on the UFLP.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed camera SPD module that is confirmed faulty.
A spare smoke detector of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: protective gloves, step ladder, Phillips screwdriver
Materials: spare smoke detector
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Before replacing the smoke detector, inform the related administration department of the
temporary downtime of the fire control system. After the replacement, inform the
administration department that the system has become operational.
Step 1 Switch off the active and standby power supplies to the fire alarm control panel.
Step 2 Hold the smoke detector, and rotate it counterclockwise to remove it from the base.
As a terminal resistor is connected to the last smoke detector in the loop in parallel, remove the terminal
resistor from the faulty smoke detector, and connect the resistor to the new smoke detector when you
replace the smoke detector.
Step 4 Remove the screws on the base using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the base.
Step 5 Install the new base to the same position, and reconnect the cables.
Step 6 Hold the new smoke detector body, align the smoke detector indicator with the position
shown by (1) in Figure 4-63, and turn the detector body clockwise to the position shown by (2)
in Figure 4-63 to install the smoke detector.
Step 7 Power on the fire alarm control panel after verifying that the new smoke detector is properly
Step 8 Check whether the new smoke detector is working properly.
If the red indicator blinks once every 6s, the smoke detector is working properly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed smoke detector that is confirmed faulty.
A spare heat detector of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: protective gloves, step ladder, Phillips screwdriver
Materials: spare heat detector
Documents: fire extinguishing device layout diagram (standard)
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Before replacing the heat detector, inform the related administration department of the
temporary downtime of the fire control system. After the replacement, inform the
administration department that the system has become operational.
Step 1 Switch off the active and standby power supplies to the fire alarm control panel.
Step 2 Hold the heat detector, and rotate it counterclockwise to remove it from the base.
As a terminal resistor is connected to the last heat detector in the loop in parallel, remove the terminal
resistor from the faulty heat detector, and connect the resistor to the new heat detector when you replace
the heat detector.
Step 4 Remove the screws on the base using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the base.
Step 5 Install the new base to the same position, and reconnect the cables.
Step 6 Hold the new heat detector body, align the heat detector indicator with the position shown by
(1) in Figure 4-65, and turn the detector body clockwise to the position shown by (2) in Figure
4-65 to install the heat detector.
Step 7 Power on the fire alarm control panel after verifying that the new heat detector is properly
Step 8 Check whether the new heat detector is working properly.
If the red indicator blinks once every 6s, the heat detector is working properly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed heat detector that is confirmed faulty.
A spare gas release indicator of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, protective gloves, step ladder, flat-head screwdriver
Materials: spare gas release indicator
Documents: fire extinguishing device layout diagram (standard)
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Before replacing the gas release indicator, inform the related administrative departments of
the temporary downtime of the fire extinguishing system. After the replacement, inform
the administration department that the system has become operational.
Step 1 Switch off the active and standby power supplies to the fire alarm control panel.
Step 2 Remove the screws shown in Figure 4-66 using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the panel.
Step 3 Remove the cables using a flat-head screwdriver and label the cables.
Step 4 Remove the screws on the base using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the base.
Step 5 Install the new base in the same position.
Step 6 Reconnect cables in the same way.
Step 7 Secure the panel to the base.
Step 8 Switch on the active and standby power supplies to the fire alarm control panel.
Step 9 Check whether the new gas release indicator is working properly.
1. Disconnect the red and black cables from the pressure announciator, as shown by (1) in
Figure 4-67.
2. Short-circuit the cables from the fire alarm control panel to the pressure announciator, as
shown by (2) in Figure 4-67.
If the gas release indicator turns on, the gas release indicator is working properly.
(1) Red and black cables to the pressure (2) Cables to the fire alarm control
announciator panel
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed gas release indicator that is confirmed faulty.
A spare fire alarm horn/strobe of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, flat-head screwdriver, step ladder
Materials: spare fire alarm horn/strobe
Documents: fire extinguishing device layout diagram (standard)
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Before replacing the fire alarm horn/strobe, inform the related administrative departments
of the temporary downtime of the fire control system. After the replacement, inform the
administration department that the system has become operational.
Step 1 Switch off the active and standby power supplies to the fire alarm control panel.
Step 2 Pry open a seam at the top clip using a flat-head screwdriver to separate the top cover from
the base.
When removing cables, clearly label the cables with its corresponding terminal ports.
Step 4 Remove the screws on the base using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the base.
Step 5 Install the new fire alarm horn/strobe in the same position.
Step 6 Connect cables in the same way to the correct poles.
Connect the red wire to the 24+ terminal, and connect the black wire to the GND terminal.
Unlock the fire alarm control panel and press HORN/STROBE. The fire alarm horn/strobe should be
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed fire alarm horn/strobe that is confirmed faulty.
A spare horn strobe of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, step ladder
Materials: spare horn strobe
Documents: fire extinguishing device layout diagram (standard)
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Before replacing the horn strobe, inform the related administrative departments of the
temporary downtime of the fire control system. After the replacement, inform the
administration department that the system has become operational.
Step 1 Switch off the active and standby power supplies to the fire alarm control panel.
Step 2 Remove screws from the horn strobe using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the cover.
While removing cables, label the cables with its corresponding terminal ports for later connection.
Step 4 Remove screws from the horn strobe using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the base.
Step 5 Reconnect cables in the same way.
Connect the black wire to the leftmost binding post, and connect the red wire to the middle binding post.
Step 6 Install the new horn strobe base in the same way and tighten the screws.
Step 7 Reinstall the cover in the same way and tighten the screws.
Step 8 Switch on the active and standby power supplies to the fire alarm control panel, and check
whether the new horn strobe is working properly.
Unlock the fire alarm control panel and press HORN/STROBE. The horn strobe should be activated.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed horn strobe that is confirmed faulty.
A spare fire alarm sounder of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: needle-nose pliers, insulation tape, protective gloves, step ladder
Materials: spare fire alarm sounder, cord end terminals
Documents: fire extinguishing device layout diagram (standard)
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Before replacing the fire alarm sounder, inform the related administrative departments of
the temporary downtime of the fire extinguishing system. After the replacement, inform
the administration department that the system has become operational.
Step 1 Switch off the active and standby power supplies to the fire alarm control panel.
Step 2 Push the fire alarm sounder out of the base.
Step 3 Cut off the power cables of the fire alarm sounder, as shown in Figure 4-73.
Step 4 Connect the input wires with the two wires (polarity insensitive) of the fire alarm sounder and
wrap the connection points using insulation tape.
Unlock the fire alarm control panel and press ALARM BELL. The fire alarm sounder should be
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed fire alarm sounder that is confirmed faulty.
A spare emergency start/abort switch of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, flat-head screwdriver, protective gloves
Materials: spare emergency start/abort switch
Documents: fire extinguishing device layout diagram (standard)
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Before replacing the emergency start/abort switch, inform the related administrative
departments of the temporary downtime of the fire extinguishing system. After the
replacement, inform the administration department that the system has become
Step 1 Switch off the active and standby power supplies to the fire alarm control panel.
Step 2 Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the screws from the emergency start/abort switch, as
shown in Figure 4-74.
Step 3 Pry the cover of the emergency start/abort switch from the base using a flat-head screwdriver
to separate them.
Step 4 Remove the cables using a flat-head screwdriver and label the cables.
Step 5 Remove the two screws on the base using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the base.
Step 6 Install the base of the new emergency start/abort switch in the same position.
Step 7 Connect the cables to the new emergency start/abort switch using a flat-head screwdriver.
Ensure that the polarities of the cables are correct.
Switch on the power supply only after verifying that the cables are correctly connected.
Step 8 Use a Phillips screwdriver to tighten the screws at the upper and lower parts of the new
emergency start/abort switch.
Step 9 Switch on the active and standby power supplies to the fire alarm control panel.
Step 10 Check that the new emergency start/abort switch is working properly.
If the run indicator of the new emergency start/abort switch is on after power-on, the emergency
start/abort switch is working properly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed emergency start/abort switch that is confirmed faulty. Replacing Batteries for the Fire Alarm Control Panel (Standard)
Spare fire alarm control panel batteries of the same model are available and functional.
Tools: protective gloves, step ladder, Phillips screwdriver
Materials: spare fire alarm control panel batteries
Documents: fire extinguishing device layout diagram (standard)
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Switch off the standby power supply to the fire alarm control panel.
Do not short-circuit the positive and negative terminals during the operation.
Step 3 Remove cables from the fire alarm control panel batteries, and remove the batteries.
Step 4 Install the new batteries to the proper positions of the fire alarm control panel.
Step 5 Connect battery cables to the fire alarm control panel in the same way.
Distinguish the positive and negative battery terminals when connecting battery cables.
Step 7 Switch on the standby power supply to the fire alarm control panel.
Step 8 Check that the new batteries are working properly.
If the BATTERY FAULT indicator on the fire alarm control panel is off, the new batteries are working
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed fire alarm control panel batteries that are confirmed faulty.
A spare fire cylinder of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: pallet truck, Phillips screwdriver, protective gloves, adjustable wrench
Materials: spare fire cylinder, sealing tape
Documents: fire extinguishing device layout diagram (standard)
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Before replacing the fire cylinder, inform the related administrative departments of the
temporary downtime of the fire extinguishing system. After the replacement, inform the
administration department that the system has become operational.
Step 1 Switch off the active and standby power supplies to the fire alarm control panel.
Figure 4-79 Switching off the active and standby power supplies
Step 2 Disconnect the interconnection cables between the electromagnetic valve and the fire alarm
control panel, as shown in Figure 4-80. Disconnect cables from the electromagnetic valve, as
shown in Figure 4-81.
Step 3 Disconnect the cables from the pressure announciator, as shown in Figure 4-82.
Step 4 Remove the high-pressure hose and adapter of the fire cylinder using an adjustable wrench, as
shown by (1) and (2) in Figure 4-83.
Verify that the safety pin is removed after the system starts working properly; otherwise, the
electromagnetic valve may fail to start, and extinguishant may fail to be released in the case of
a fire.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed fire cylinder that is confirmed faulty.
A spare fire alarm control panel of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: diagonal pliers, insulation tape, gloves, Phillips screwdriver
Materials: spare fire alarm control panel
Documents: delivered with the fire alarm control panel
Skill requirement: fire engineer
Before replacing the fire alarm control panel, inform the related administrative departments of
the temporary downtime of the fire extinguishing system. After the replacement, inform the
administration department that the system has become operational.
Step 1 Switch off the active and standby power supplies to the fire alarm control panel.
Figure 4-89 Switching off the active and standby power supplies
Step 2 Switch off the circuit breaker for the fire extinguishing PDB.
Step 3 Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the battery fixing plate.
Step 4 Remove the cables from the battery, and take out the battery.
Step 5 Remove all cables connected to the fire alarm control panel terminals, and move the
corrugated pipes and cables outside of the box.
Keep labels on the cables intact so that cables can be connected to the correct terminals later.
Step 6 Remove the screws using a Phillips screwdriver, and take out the faulty fire alarm control
Step 7 Install the new fire alarm control panel in the same position.
Step 8 Put the corrugated pipes and cables back to the box, and reconnect the cables according to
Step 9 Install the battery in the same position, and connect cables in the same way.
Step 11 Switch on the circuit breaker for the fire extinguishing PDB.
Step 12 Switch on the active and standby power supplies to the fire alarm control panel.
Step 13 Check whether the new fire alarm control panel is working properly.
If the power indicator is on and the alarm indicator is off, the fire alarm control panel is working
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed fire alarm control panel that is confirmed faulty.
A spare emergency light of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: step ladder, protective gloves, Phillips screwdriver
Materials: spare emergency light
Documents: power supply and distribution system diagram
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Disconnect the power plug of the emergency light.
Step 2 Remove screws from the emergency light box, and remove the faulty emergency light, as
shown in Figure 4-93.
Step 3 Install a new emergency light, tighten the screws on the box, and plug the power cable.
Step 4 Press the TEST button on the emergency light panel to check whether the new emergency
light is working properly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed emergency light that is confirmed faulty.
A spare smoke detector of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: protective gloves, step ladder, Phillips screwdriver
Materials: spare smoke detector
Document: fire extinguishing device layout diagram (CE)
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Before replacing the smoke detector, inform the related administration department of the
temporary downtime of the fire control system. After the replacement, inform the
administration department that the system has become operational.
Step 1 Disconnect the battery cables, and switch off the input circuit breaker of the extinguishant
control panel.
Step 2 Hold the smoke detector, and rotate it counterclockwise to remove it from the base.
As a terminal resistor is connected to the last smoke detector in the loop in parallel, remove the terminal
resistor from the faulty smoke detector, and connect the resistor to the new smoke detector when you
replace the smoke detector.
Step 4 Remove the screws on the base using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the base.
Step 5 Install the new base to the same position, and reconnect the cables.
Step 6 Insert the new smoke detector into the base, and rotate it clockwise until it locks in.
Step 7 Switch on the input circuit breaker of the extinguishant control panel, and connect the cables
to the battery.
Step 8 Check whether the new smoke detector is working properly.
If the red indicator blinks once every 6s, the smoke detector is working properly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed smoke detector that is confirmed faulty.
A spare heat detector of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: protective gloves, step ladder, Phillips screwdriver
Materials: spare heat detector
Document: fire extinguishing device layout diagram (CE)
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Before replacing the heat detector, inform the related administration department of the
temporary downtime of the fire control system. After the replacement, inform the
administration department that the system has become operational.
Step 1 Disconnect the battery cables, and switch off the input circuit breaker of the extinguishant
control panel.
Step 2 Hold the heat detector, and rotate it counterclockwise to remove it from the base.
As a terminal resistor is connected to the last heat detector in the loop in parallel, remove the terminal
resistor from the faulty heat detector, and connect the resistor to the new heat detector when you replace
the heat detector.
Step 4 Remove the screws on the base using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the base.
Step 5 Install the new base to the same position, and reconnect the cables.
Step 6 Insert the new heat detector into the base, and rotate it clockwise until it locks in.
Step 7 Switch on the input circuit breaker of the extinguishant control panel, and connect the cables
to the battery.
Step 8 Check whether the new heat detector is working properly.
If the red indicator blinks once every 6s, the heat detector is working properly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed heat detector that is confirmed faulty.
A spare warning sign indicator of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, protective gloves, step ladder
Materials: spare warning sign indicator
Documents: fire extinguishing device layout diagram (CE)
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Before replacing the warning signs, inform the related administrative departments of the
temporary downtime of the fire extinguishing system. After the replacement, inform the
administration department that the system has become operational.
Step 1 Disconnect the battery cables, and switch off the input circuit breaker of the extinguishant
control panel.
Step 2 Loosen the screws securing the warning sign and its base using a Phillips screwdriver, and
remove the cover of the warning sign.
Step 3 Remove the cables from the warning signs, and label the cables.
Step 4 Remove the screws on the base using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the base.
Step 5 Install the new warning sign base in the same way, and connect the cables.
Step 6 Install the warning sign cover.
Step 7 Switch on the input circuit breaker of the extinguishant control panel, and connect the battery
Step 8 Check whether the new warning sign indicator is working properly.
1. Pull up the reset button on the pneumatic switch to short-circuit the cables within to
simulate a warning sign.
If the warning sign turns on, the warning sign is working properly.
2. Press the reset button on the pneumatic switch.
3. Flip the key to Enable Control counterclockwise (rightward). Reset the extinguishant
control panel by pressing Reset on it. Then, reset key to Enable Control clockwise
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed warning sign indicator that is confirmed faulty.
A spare horn strobe of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, step ladder
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Before replacing the horn strobe, inform the related administrative departments of the
temporary downtime of the fire control system. After the replacement, inform the
administration department that the system has become operational.
Step 1 Disconnect the battery cables, and switch off the input circuit breaker of the extinguishant
control panel.
Step 2 Remove screws from the horn strobe cover using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the
While removing cables, label the cables with its corresponding terminal ports for later
As a terminal resistor is connected to the last horn strobe in the loop in parallel, remove
the terminal resistor from the faulty horn strobe, and connect the resistor to the new horn
strobe when you replace the horn strobe.
Step 4 Remove screws from the horn strobe base using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the base.
Step 5 Install the new horn strobe in the same way, connect the cables, and install the cover.
Step 6 Switch on the input circuit breaker of the extinguishant control panel, and connect the battery
Step 7 Check that the new horn strobe is working properly.
1. Disconnect the wiring terminals from the electrical actuator on the fire cylinder.
After the wiring terminals are disconnected from the electrical actuator, the extinguishant control panel
generates an alarm, which is normal.
2. Press the manual gas release button on the extinguishant control panel.
That the horn strobe is triggered indicates that the horn strobe works properly.
3. Reset the manual gas release button.
4. Flip the key to Enable Control counterclockwise (rightward). Reset the extinguishant
control panel by pressing Reset on it. Then, reset key to Enable Control clockwise
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed horn strobe that is confirmed faulty.
A spare horn strobe is available and functional.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, step ladder
Materials: spare horn strobe, key to the control box
Documents: fire extinguishing device layout diagram (CE)
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Before replacing the horn strobe, inform the related administrative departments of the
temporary downtime of the fire control system. After the replacement, inform the
administration department that the system has become operational.
Step 1 Disconnect the battery cables, and switch off the input circuit breaker of the extinguishant
control panel.
Step 2 Remove screws from the horn strobe using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the cover.
While removing cables, label the cables with its corresponding terminal ports for later
As a terminal resistor is connected to the last horn strobe in the loop in parallel, remove
the terminal resistor from the faulty horn strobe, and connect the resistor to the new horn
strobe when you replace the horn strobe.
Step 4 Remove screws from the horn strobe using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the base.
Step 5 Reconnect the cables. Install the new base and cover.
Step 6 Switch on the input circuit breaker of the extinguishant control panel, and connect the battery
Step 7 Check that the new horn strobe is working properly.
1. Disconnect the wiring terminals from the electrical actuator on the fire cylinder.
After the wiring terminals are disconnected from the electrical actuator, the extinguishant control panel
generates an alarm, which is normal.
2. Press the manual gas release button on the extinguishant control panel.
That the horn strobe is triggered indicates that the horn strobe works properly.
3. Reset the manual gas release button.
4. Flip the key to Enable Control counterclockwise (rightward). Reset the extinguishant
control panel by pressing Reset on it. Then, reset key to Enable Control clockwise
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed horn strobe that is confirmed faulty.
A spare fire alarm bell of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: hex key, Phillips screwdriver, protective gloves, step ladder
Materials: spare horn strobe
Documents: fire extinguishing device layout diagram (CE)
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Before replacing the fire alarm bell, inform the related administrative departments of the
temporary downtime of the fire extinguishing system. After the replacement, inform the
administration department that the system has become operational.
Step 1 Disconnect the battery cables, and switch off the input circuit breaker of the extinguishant
control panel.
Step 2 Remove screws securing the fire alarm bell using a hex key, and remove the cover.
As a terminal resistor is connected to the last fire alarm bell in the loop in parallel, remove the terminal
resistor from the faulty fire alarm bell, and connect the resistor to the new fire alarm bell when you
replace the fire alarm bell.
Step 4 Remove screws from the fire alarm bell base using a Phillips screwdriver, and remove the
Step 5 Install the new base in the same way, connect the cables, and install the cover.
Step 6 Switch on the input circuit breaker of the extinguishant control panel, and connect the battery
Step 7 Check whether the new fire alarm bell is working properly.
1. Flip the key to Enable Control rightward, and set the access level of the extinguishant
control panel to 2.
2. Press Silence/Sound Alarm to start or abort the fire alarm bell.
If the alarm bell starts and aborts normally, and rings loud and clear when it is started, the alarm bell is
working properly.
3. Reset the key to Enable Control by flipping it leftward.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed fire alarm bell that is confirmed faulty.
A spare extinguishant abort button of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, protective gloves
Materials: spare extinguishant abort button
Documents: fire extinguishing device layout diagram (CE)
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Before replacing the extinguishant abort button, inform the related administrative
departments of the temporary downtime of the fire extinguishing system. After the
replacement, inform the administration department that the system has become
Step 1 Disconnect the battery cables, and switch off the input circuit breaker of the extinguishant
control panel.
Step 2 Remove the screws on the panel of the extinguishant abort button using a Phillips
Step 3 Disconnect the cables from the extinguishant abort button, and remove the panel of the
extinguishant abort button.
As a resistor is installed on the loop of the extinguishant abort button, remove the resistor, and connect
the resistor to the corresponding terminals of the new extinguishant abort button when you replace the
extinguishant abort button.
Step 4 Remove the screws on the extinguishant abort button base using a Phillips screwdriver, and
remove the base.
Step 5 Install the new extinguishant abort button panel in the same way.
Step 6 Connect the cables to the panel of the new extinguishant abort button. Connect cables to the
correct terminals.
Step 7 Install the new extinguishant abort button panel in the same way.
Step 8 Switch on the input circuit breaker of the extinguishant control panel, and connect the battery
Step 9 Check whether the new extinguishant abort button is working properly.
1. Disconnect the wiring terminals from the electrical actuator on the fire cylinder.
After the wiring terminals are disconnected from the electrical actuator, the extinguishant control panel
generates an alarm, which is normal.
2. Press the manual gas release button on the extinguishant control panel.
3. Press the extinguishant abort button, and rotate it counterclockwise.
If you press the extinguishant abort button, the countdown stops. After you reset the extinguishant abort
button, the countdown starts from zero again. This indicates that the extinguishant abort button is
working properly.
4. Reset the manual gas release button.
5. Flip the key to Enable Control counterclockwise (rightward). Reset the extinguishant
control panel by pressing Reset on it. Then, reset key to Enable Control clockwise
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed the extinguishant abort button that is confirmed faulty.
Spare extinguishant control panel batteries of the same model are available and functional.
Tools: protective gloves, step ladder
Materials: spare extinguishant control panel batteries
Documents: fire extinguishing device layout diagram (CE)
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Remove the battery cables from the extinguishant control panel.
Step 2 Remove the extinguishant control panel batteries.
Step 3 Install the spare batteries to the proper position of the extinguishant control panel.
Step 4 Connect battery cables to the extinguishant control panel in the same way.
Distinguish the positive and negative battery terminals when connecting battery cables.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed extinguishant control panel batteries that are confirmed faulty.
A spare fire cylinder of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: pipe wrench, pallet truck, Phillips screwdriver, adjustable wrench, protective gloves
Materials: spare fire cylinder, sealing tape
Documents: fire extinguishing device layout diagram (CE)
Skill requirement: fire engineer
Before replacing the fire cylinder, inform the related administrative departments of the
temporary downtime of the fire extinguishing system. After the replacement, inform the
administration department that the system has become operational.
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Disconnect the battery cables, and switch off the input circuit breaker of the extinguishant
control panel.
Step 2 Move the new fire cylinder using a pallet truck to a position adjacent to the container door.
Step 3 Disconnect the interconnection terminals on the electrical actuator from the extinguishant
control panel. Remove the electrical actuator by rotating it counterclockwise.
Step 4 Disconnect the fire cylinder and fire extinguishing pipeline.
1. Remove the high-pressure hose.
2. Remove the I-shaped connection pipe.
3. Remove the threaded adapter from the container valve of the fire cylinder.
Step 5 Remove the pneumatic switch hose from the container valve of the fire cylinder.
Keep the pressure gauge panel outwards so that people can view the reading.
1. Verify that the electrical actuator ejector is reset. If the ejector is not reset, press the
2. Align the electrical actuator and the container valve, and tighten the actuator clockwise.
Step 12 Connect the interconnection terminals on the electrical actuator to the extinguishant control
Step 13 Switch on the input circuit breaker of the extinguishant control panel and connect the battery
cables to power on the panel.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed fire cylinder that is confirmed faulty.
A spare extinguishant control panel of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, protective gloves
Materials: spare extinguishant control panel
Documents: delivered with the extinguishant control panel
Skill requirement: fire engineer
Before replacing the extinguishant control panel, inform the related administrative
departments of the temporary downtime of the fire extinguishing system. After the
replacement, inform the administration department that the system has become operational.
Step 1 Switch off the input circuit breaker on the extinguishant control panel.
Step 2 Remove the cables from the battery, and take out the battery.
Step 3 Remove all cables connected to the terminals on the extinguishant control panel.
While removing the cables, label the cables with their corresponding port numbers for later connection.
Step 4 Remove the corrugated pipes and cables from the extinguishant box.
Step 5 Remove the screws using a Phillips screwdriver, and take out the faulty extinguishant control
Step 6 Install the new extinguishant control panel in the same position.
Step 7 Put the corrugated pipes and cables back to the box, and reconnect the cables according to
Step 8 Put the batteries to the same position.
Step 9 Switch on the input circuit breaker of the extinguishant control panel, and connect the battery
Step 10 Check whether the new extinguishant control panel is working properly.
If the power indicator is on and the alarm indicator is off, the fire control panel is working properly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed extinguishant control panel that is confirmed faulty.
A spare emergency light of the same model is available and functional.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, flat-head screwdriver, step ladder, protective gloves
Materials: spare emergency light
Documents: none
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Disconnect the power plug of the emergency light.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed emergency light that is confirmed faulty.
Tools: Phillips screwdriver, protective gloves
Materials: spare VESDA power box batteries
Documents: fire extinguishing device layout diagram (standard)
Skill requirement: fire engineer
For the diagrams, see the initial configuration parameter manual for the solution in use.
Step 1 Move the VESDA power box batteries to the installation position indicated on the fire
extinguishing device layout diagram.
Step 2 Switch off the standby power supply for the VESDA.
Distinguish the positive and negative battery terminals when connecting battery cables.
Step 7 Check whether the new VESDA batteries are working properly.
Turn on the standby power switch. If the power fault indicator is off, the batteries are working properly.
Follow-up Procedure
Dispose of the removed VESDA power box batteries that are confirmed faulty.
If an emergency occurs, push open the nearest pre-fab. module door shown in the emergency
exit diagram with force, as shown in Figure 5-1. Then exit from the pre-fab. module
AC Alternating Current
ATS automatic transfer switch
CAN control area network
CE Conformite Europende
DDF digital distribution frame
ECC energy control center
LCD liquid crystal display
MDU monitor display module
PoE power over Ethernet
PDC power distribution cabinet
PDU power distribution unit
rPDU rack power distribution unit
SIM subscriber identity module
UPS uninterruptible power system
VCN video cloud node
VESDA very early smoke detection apparatus