Superstition PG 45-63
Superstition PG 45-63
Superstition PG 45-63
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C.
Apparentl!f, a common Sa!fin9 among \
the elc.ler 9eneration, having the broom Many superstitions we grew up with
originated from old wives' tales. but a few
brush over !fOUr feet is supposed to be bad
if not all of them are generally just tokj t.o
luck. We believe it is because brooms are ensure our safety and weH-betng. Believe it or
used to sweep up dirt and mess, so !fOU don't not, there are still many superstitious peopfe
want to come into contact with 'unclean around today and the best way t.o get around
enir9!f'· If horror of horrors, !fOU should l them is just not t.o do anythmg that would
cause alarm - respect the superstitions. In
feel the brush of bristles a9alnst !fOUr to~j Malaysia, where we are known for our racial
.~.'.",Pf,°,~~.~":~.'.'.-t~- -•~
-'..~" ii-··. •.. diversity, we have certamly got no shortage
of urban legends and scare st.cries passed
down by our parents!
1 According to the extract, we should not let the 3 The writer is of the belief that most
ends of the broom superstitions were created as a way
A pat our head. A to keep children safe.
B touch our feet. B to discourage bad eating habits.
C come into contact with our skin. C to frighten children intentionally.
r- ,. , ·- ~
✓ Ask fa- fcrgiveness before relieving let's talk. about tetraphobla; ln simpler t
\P,II'8elf. It is said to be disrespectful to
terms. the fear of the number 4 Espectally t
common among the Chinese cammunlty, it r
the jungle spirits if you don't. If you think '
Is a U9Jal 9l~ht to see elevalor:S and houses
about it. \PU are basicaily soiling their
being labelled as 3A or 13A. rather than 4 or
home. so the least you can do is say
14. The pronundalioo o.f the number four
sorryl . sounds IJke the word for death In 1\6.andaflln
✓ Don't use \PUI' real names. Not usmg your and cantonese. Hence, 11 Ls not exaaly
real name is meant to prevenr spirits p1acucal to live In a mouse labelled as 'death'.
from impersonating your friends lo yeH Thts Is part!oularly lnteresttnQ to Westerners
. I
out your name and lure you .deeper Ullo l \-\f\O would go out of their \-\lay to avoid ~he
the jungle by making you think you
ansvering their call.
are L~~ ber :13 • •
II ~ ie• English Form 2 Unit 8
Read the article below and answer the questions that follow.
They call him the God of the Offside, thanks to his grace and he believed in pocketing his luck. He
always made sure his guru's photo was in his pocket whenever on the field. He also wore rings and
He has surely been an amazing captain and if luck has played Its part, then he surely has the number
7 to thank. He was born on 7th July and hence sports that number on his jersey.
~ 111<1 English Form 2 Unit 8
2 Why did Sachin Tendu lkar put on his left pad first before t he ri ght one in any cricke t match ?
3 What made Virat Kohli keep wearin g his favourite pa ir o f glove s when playin g cricke t?
4 What do Yuvraj Singh and MS Dhoni have in commo n where supers ff ·s concer ned?
ion 1 •
s What was the effect of R Ashwin carrying his lucky bag during cricke t match es?
141 )
PP Module Exam Booster @ Information Transfer
Sport s ~igures have ~allen into superstitions that they believe will put them
in a bette r
positio n to win every time. The Olympic Games have the most super
stition s and rituals.
According to some sports psychologists, superstitions and rituals attach
ed to them
give athlet es a sense o~ control over themselves and they ~eel less anxiou
s. In a sports
environment, anything can happen. They have spent day and night trainin
g to secure medals
and ~ame. 'Superstitions bring us luck and help us succeed! So, why not
do it'? Guys, it's not
going to hurt, right'?'
Tiger Woods is o~ten sighted wearing his lucky red shirt on the last day
o~ a maJor
tourna ment. 1've had a ~ew wins wearing red,' said Woods,'and it's not going
to change.' Judo ~
gold medalist, Kayla Harrison, wears the lucky socks that were a gi~ ~rom
her grand mothe r. :
Hockey player, Alex Danson, spins her stick 15 times be~ore each game. Tennis
player Ra~ael -
! ~~e/C lkes alternating sips ~rom two identical water bottles at every break b~ween _!
~ Even coaches are superstitions, too. 3ust imagine a basketball coach chews
a towel ~
I during games and a ~ootball coach eats tur~ That's interesting, right? All in theonquest
~ winning! 0~ ~
There are other less complex ~orms o~ superstitions practi sed
by sports ~gures. Such examples are having a lucky charm in the
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~ llil,i, English Form 2 Unit 8
3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
~ • English Form 2 Unit 8 i
1Q:j@@m@ Exam Boolter_@ Non-linear Text J I
We always give gifts to our parents, friends, siblings, relatives and teachers, We give
gifts on occasions like Christmas Day, Chinese New Year, birthdays, birth of newborns.
Mother's Day, Teachers' Day and many others. Gifts are symbols and carry energy
from the giver to the recipient, affecting both.
ft >
~ w, English Form 2 Unit 8
4 If you want your close friends to remain a couple forever, which gift mustn't you give them?
6 When you receive a gift from a friend, you must return one _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
8 In giving gifts, there are several guidelines to adhere to. This is because there are many
Questions 9 and 10
Complete the table below with a word from the guidelines.
Meaning Word
10 leaving