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Amit Mukherjee

B.E., Calcutta University, India, 1983


submitted in partial fullfilment of the

requirements for the degree


Department of Civil Engineering


Manhattan, Kansas


Approved by:

jor Professor































4.2.6 THE TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TEST 46 Principle of the Triaxial

Compression Test . 52 Methods of Triaxial Testing 56 Stress condition in specimen

during Triaxial Compression
Test 58 Application of the Triaxial

Test to the principle soil
types 59 Undrained tests on saturated

cohesive soils . . . 60 Undrained tests on partly

saturated cohesive
soils 61 Consolidated-undrained tests

on saturated soils . 62 Drained tests 63




PROBLEMS 69 Analysis in which pore pressure is

an independent variable . 69 Analysis in which pore pressure

is a function of the stress
change 71







Table No. Page

4.1 Relation of Consistency of Clay,

Number of Blows N on sampling
Spoon, and Unconfined Compression
Strength 77

4.2 Sizes of Penetrometer needles 77


Fig.No. Page

3.1 (a,b,c) Friction on Horizontal Surface 78

3.2 Modes of Failure in Soils

1-brittle failure, 2-deformation, 3-no
proper deformation, 4-maximum failure load
and ultimate values are different . 78

3.3 Shear Pattern

a. Single Slip Line
b. Family of Slip Lines 78

3.4 Graph of Coulomb Formula for shearing

strength of soils 79

3.5 a. Relationship between major and minor

principal stresses in the case of
failure 79
b. Envelope of Mohr's circles: 1-5 =
Mohr's circles 79

3.6 Mohr Diagram for Normal and Shearing

Stresses 80

3.7 Graph of q...(5 vs. axial strain for undrained

test on a compacted fill material . 80

3.8 Graph of volumetric strain vs. axial

strain for undrained test on compacted
fill material 80

3.9 Stresses on a compressible, isotropic

soil element 81

3.10 Stress change stages in the Triaxial

test. 81

4.1 Standard Split Barrel Sampler Assembly 82

4.2 Relation between relative density, and ,

N obtained from the Standard Penetration

Test 82

4.3 Chart for correction of N values in sand for

influence of overburden pressure 83
Fig.No. Page

4.4 Design chart for proportioning shallow

footings on sand 84

4.5 Relationship among Standard Penetration

Resistance, relative density, and effective
overburden pressure for coarse sand 85

4.6 a. Vane Shear Test Apparatus 86

b. Geometry of Field Vane 86

4.7 Assumed distribution of shear stress on

side surface and ends of soil cylinder
in the Vane Shear Test 86

4.8 Soil Penetrometer 87

4.9 The Portotype Fugro Full Displacement

Pressuremeter (FDPM) 87

4.10 Set-up for prototype FDPM testing 88

4.11 Direct Shear Stress Test Apparatus . 89

4.12 Schematic Diagram of the Direct Shear

Test 89

4.13 Failure envelope for clay obtained from

the Direct Shear Test 90

4.14 Direct Shear Test Methods:

a. Stress-control method 90
b. Strain-control method 90

4.15 Schematic illustration of Triaxial

Compression Cell 91

4.16 Shear stress vs. normal compressive stress

relationships for the three types of
soils 91

4.17 Graph of Coulomb Equation for shearing

strength of soil 92

4.18 Principle of the Triaxial Compression

Test 92

Fig.No. Page
4.19 a. Physical representation of stressed
sample 93
b. Mohr's circle representation of the same
stressed sample 93

4.20 Stress representation by p and q 94

4.21 Stress condition and failure envelope

generated from the Triaxial Compression
Test 95

4.22 Total stress Mohr's circles and failure

envelope ( 0 = 0) obtained from
unconsolidated-undrained triaxial
tests 95

4.23 Total stress failure envelope for

undrained test on partly saturated cohesive
soils 96

4.24 Total and effective stress failure

envelope for consolidated-undrained triaxial
tests 96

4.25 Effective stress failure envelope from

drained tests in sand 97

4.26 Failure envelope from Unconfined

Compression Test 97



Shear strength, compressibility, shrink-swell beha-

vior, and permeability are among the most important as-

pects of soil behavior in determining the suitability of

soils for engineering purposes. Significant changes occur

in the above-mentioned soil properties over time. This
makes soils all the more difficult and interesting to work

with. The engineer soon learns that soil is not inert but

alive and sensitive to its environment.

In a laboratory test the specimen is intended and

generally assumed to represent an undisturbed portion of

soil at a single point in a soil medium. The validity of

this assumption depends on the uniformity of the soil and

of the stress and strain distributions within the soil

samples. Separate measurements are often made for the soil

phase, the water phase, and sometimes the air phase of the

specimen in order to relate their individual contributions

to the strength of the mass.

Two basic problems exist in present-day soil analysis.

These are:

1. The effects of unloading the samples taken from
depths below the surface as the sample is brought to the
surface and removed from the sampler.

2. Changes in the moisture content that may occur in the

soil strata after construction is complete and the effects
these changes will have upon the strength and compressibi-
lity of the soil mass.

Simplistic soil tests such as the Standard Penetration

Test, and the Vane Shear Test can only predict a shear

value for the conditions at which the test is conducted.


It is the purpose of this report to discuss the

various methods used for the determination of the shear

strength of soil and the limitations and/or advantages of

the various tests.

The scope of the paper is limited to a study of

the existing literature with the author's interpretation

based on experience and classwork at Kansas State Univer-

sity. The interested reader can refer to "The Measurement

of Soil Properties in the Triaxial Test" by A.W. Bishop and

D.J. Henkel for more details on the principles and develop-

ment of the triaxial test over the years.


Although in-situ conditions are usually anisotropic,

isotropic conditions were generally assumed in routine

triaxial compression testing of naturally sedimented and

compacted soils. The reason generally given for this

testing inconsistency is that anisotropic conditions re-

quires complicated procedures and extra periods of time.

Tests measuring the stress-strain characteristics of ani-

sotropically consolidated soils are very different from

those determined on the same soil using isotropic consoli-


Early investigations by Rendulic(16) indicated that

the change in water content during consolidation and

stress paths during shear are the same in consolidated

undrained tests (CU) performed on both isotropically con-

solidated (ICU) specimens and anisotropically consolidated

undrained (ACU) specimens, provided that the vertical

consolidation stress 01 is the same in both cases. This

theory was emphasised by Taylor(1) and later confirmed by


Based on this, Skempton and Bishop(1) assumed that the

pore pressure parameter A at failure, A , and the effec-

tive angle of internal friction, q) , are constant and are

not influenced by the effective consolidation ratio, Kc. ,

where Kc= and 5 is the lateral consolidation stress.


Rutledge(1) stated that the water content after conso-

lidation and the undrained strength Su are independent of K.

Broms and Ratnam(1) verified the Rutledge hypothesis, but

they based their conclusions on tests of compacted soils

having liquid limit, LL = 55% (prepared for testing by

passing premoistened soil through a sample extruder).

These tests showed that, apart from its dependence on gc,,

the Subi- ratio for ACU specimens was also a function of

the rate of strain during shear and also that If and the

axial strain values at failure were lower for ACU than for

ICU specimens. Whitman et al(1), testing a reconsolidated

clay of LL = 63% (prepared by consolidating a slurry in a

large consolidometer), reported that the ratio 5u/L.. may be


independent of Kc, when the specimen has been brought close

to failure during consolidation. They also noted that for

a given value ofai , water contents were higher in ACU than

in ICU tests.

Donaghe and Townsend(1) conducted CU triaxial tests on

clay specimens to test the Rutledge hypothesis. In order

to simulate the response of naturally sedimented and con-

solidated materials, they trimmed the specimens from sam-

pies prepared by consolidating slurries of the material in

large diameter consolidometers.

These experiments yielded the following results:

1. The ACU specimens had higher water contents (lower

volume changes) than did ICU specimens for the same o-f .

2. For any given Q value, (ri-s),, generally decreased

with decreasing values of Kc. Conversely, for any
given water content, (p7-0]Ome04. is greater for ACU
than for ICU specimens.

3. Stress-strain characteristics were significantly

affected by IQ The axial strain values at (17-Ti),,,

generally decreased with decreasing values of Kc .

4. Induced pore pressures at Cc/7-490,4x decreased substan-

tially with decreasing values of Kc. ratios for a givenoi
value. Likewise, Af values were considerably lower
for ACU specimens.

5. Values of 0' taken at (5-) exhibit no effect of Kc .

3 )Tax.

6. However, values of O' taken at (c7-(5),,,,,Gdecrease when Kc

is decreased from 1.0 to 0.67 and increase when Kc is
decreased from 0.67 to 0.50.

Much work has been done on the development of true

triaxial testing facilities of geologic type materials.

This work has recently been given significant emphasis,

not only because processes in nature are inherently three

dimensional and should modelled as such, but also because

the wide use of powerful numerical methods has enabled

engineers and scientists to analyse structural and soil

structure systems with complex three-dimensional

geometries. The solutions obtained through these methods

are only as good as the description of the material

properties, usually given in the form of strength, stress-

strain relationships, time, and temperature-dependent


It has been recognised for a long time that the inter-

mediate principal stress q(7 0iO3) has a pronounced

influence on the strength and deformability of soils.

However, the classical methods of analysis employing con-

stitutive relations have been restricted to the two-dimen-

sions containing the major and minor principal stresses

only. The solutions have traditionally been conservative.




Shear in soils is similar in many respects to the

widely observed phenomenon of friction between solid

bodies, although there are important differences between

the two subjects. Imagine a brick resting on a horizontal

table top, as shown in Fig. 3.1(a). The brick is in equi-

librium under its own weight W and the equal and opposite

reaction N provided by the table. Now, suppose that, as

indicated in Fig. 3.1(b), a horizontal Force Sa is applied

to the brick near the plane of contact between the brick

and the table. If this force is relatively small, the

brick will remain at rest and the applied horizontal force

will be balanced by an equal and opposite force Sr in the

plane of contact. This resisting force is developed as a

result of roughness characteristics of the bottom of the

brick and the table surface.

If the applied horizontal force is gradually increas-

ed, the resisting force will likewise increase, always

being equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the

applied force. There is a limit, however, to the amount

of resistance which can be developed at the plane of

contact; and, when the applied force equals or exceeds the

maximum possible resistance, equilibrium will be destroyed

and the brick will move along the table top. This move-

ment or slippage is a shear failure. The applied horizon-

tal force is a shearing force and the developed force is

the friction or shearing resistance. The maximum shearing

resistance which the materials are capable of developing

is called the shearing strength.

When the shearing force is applied to the brick as in

Fig. 3.1, the resultant R of the shearing force and the

weight acts at an angle with the line of action of the

force representing the weight, which in this case is

normal to the shear plane. This angle, designated as ciC

in Fig. 3.1(b) is called the obliquity of the resultant or

simply the obliquity angle. When the shearing force is

increased to a value just equal to the shearing strength,

that is, when sliding or failure is impeding, the obliqui-

ty angle reaches its maximum value and is designated as4m

as in Fig. 3.1(c). The forces that are applied normal and

tangential to the shear plane are related to each other in

accordance with the following equations:

-tcic:C = NNI (3.1)

5a. = W tanoC (3.2)

In a similar manner, the reaction N to the weight of

the brick, which also acts nornal to the shear plane, may

be combined with the shearing resistance to obtain a

resultant Fe which makes an angle Od with the normal.

This angle is called the developed friction angle;

and it is equal to the obliquity angle 4 , since the

reaction is equal to the weight and the shearing resistan-

ce is equal to the applied shearing force. The angle 4,4

depends on the magnitude of the applied shearing force, as

long as this force is not sufficient to cause shear fai-

lure. However, when the applied shearing force is large

enough to cause failure, the shearing resistance has

reached its maximum possible value for the particular

materials involved. The angle 0,4 reaches its maximum value

at failure and this maximum value is designated as 0 , as

shown in Fig. 3.1(c). This limiting angle is called the

friction angle and constitutes a physical property of the

materials, which in this case are the brick and the table


Likewise, if shear on an interior plane in a mass of

soil is considered, the angle 0 is a property of the soil

and the value of tom 4 is called the coefficient of

friction of the soil. This coefficient is here denoted by)U.

The value of ianci) is equal to the shearing strength of

the soil divided by the reaction normal to the shear plane.

Also it is equal to the shearing stress at failure divided

by the applied weight force per unit area normal to the

shear plane.

40.'14 =AL = -5)141 = = tan QC," (3.3)

For example, if the friction angle # of a cohesion-

less soil is given as 200, it means that the soil is

capable of providing sufficient shearing resistance to

maintain equilibrium as long as the applied shearing force

produces an angle Oa less than 20°. When the applied

shearing force causes Oa to become equal to or greater

than 20°, shear failure will result.

The preceding discussion indicates that shearing

stress and strength attributable to friction can exist

only under the following conditions. First, there must be

a force normal to the plane on which shear is being consi-

dered; second, the material must exhibit friction charac-

teristics, that is, it must have a finite coefficient or

angle of friction. For example, if a quantity of clean,

dry, cohesionless sand is poured out on a level surface,

it will come to rest in a cone-shaped heap. The reason

sand can be piled up in this manner is because it has the

property of internal friction. It has a definite value of

the angle cp and is in equilibrium at a definite angle of

repose. In contrast to the sand, water has no shearing

strength, and its angle CP is zero. It flows freely

downhill under the influence of gravity because of this

fact. Furthermore, if a quantity of water is poured out

on a level surface, it will spread out in a very thin

layer and cannot be heaped up. Its angle of repose is



Some soils have a finite shearing strength even when

they are not subjected to external forces normal to a

shear plane. Furthermore, when soils of this kind are

subjected to normal forces, the shearing strength is not

increased. These are called cohesive soils; and their

shearing strength, which is independent of the normal

pressure, is called cohesion or no-load shearing strength.

Cohesion may be illustrated by considering two sheets of

fly-paper with their sticky sides in contact. Consider-

able force is required to slide one sheet over the

other, even though no normal pressure is applied. The

shearing resistance in this case is due to the cohesion

between the sticky surfaces. In contrast to this, shearing

resistance due to friction may be illustrated by conside-

ring two sheets of sand paper with their sanded surfaces in

contact. These may be very easily caused to slide over

each other when no normal force is applied. When a normal

force is applied, the resistance to sliding or the shearing

strength increases in direct proportion to the normal



One of the most important tasks in the application of

soil mechanics to engineering problems is the study of

soil behavior under load. In the design of structures the

engineer relies upon the laws of applied mechanics and he

determines the stresses and strains in the structural

elements on the basis of a few physical characteristics of

the construction materials used. Steel is unique in this

respect in that it exhibits, within a well defined stress

regime, such simple mechanical properties that permit a

straightforward application of the theoritical analysis to

practical problems. The same applies to soils. As far as

soils are concerned, the theory of elasticity has a rather

limited scope. Therefore, problems of stability and

strength such as bearing capacity, earth pressure on re-

taining walls, safe angle of slope, etc., are usually

solved by limit-state stability analysis. This means that

in the study of load-bearing capacity, we determine,

regardless of the soil deformation, the ultimate pressure

that causes a slip failure beneath the foundation, and the

allowable soil pressure is then obtained by safety consi-

derations. There is hardly a problem in the field of soil

engineering which does not involve the shear properties of

soil in the same manner.

The term shearing strength means the maximum resis-

tance of soil to shearing stress. If external forces

surpass this internal resistance, a failure occurs.

The strength of a material is rather difficult to

define exactly, especially for soils. This difficulty

arises from the many ways in which soils may fail.

Failure may take the form of an abrupt brittle rupture or

of a plastic flow with large and continuous deformations.

Such differences in soil behavior are illustrated by

typical stress-strain curves as in Fig. 3.2. Curve 1

represents a brittle failure with a definite ultimate

strength value. In contrast to this, curve 2 exhibits no

marked rupture value but it approaches a rather vaguely

defined vertical asymptote. Curve 3 does not even have a

vertical asymptote, and failure cannot be defined at all.

Curve 4 shows the case where the peak and ultimate strength

values are different.

Failure itself may take place in two different ways.

In the first instance failure conditions are satisfied

only on a single surface known as surface of sliding or

surface of rupture whereas the rest of the soil mass

remains in the elastic state. In the second case an

entire mass of soil, or a part of it bounded by a surface

of sliding is in a state of rupture. Failure conditions

prevail at every point within the mass, and at least two

intersecting surfaces of sliding pass through every point.

Refer Fig. 3.3.

The deformations of large soil masses are mainly due

to the relative displacements between the particles. By

strength of earth masses is, therefore, primarily meant

the shearing strength. If only a single surface of sli-

ding exists(a, Fig. 3.3), shear deformations are confined

to that surface. In the second case(b, Fig.3.3) deforma-

tions develop within the entire mass in the state of

rupture. Shearing strength was previously defined as the

ultimate shearing stress on the surface of sliding. For

the second case of failure, however, this surface is

difficult to exactly define, and failure criteria must

therefore be given in terms of the principal stresses that

can yet be mobilized.


Most natural soils exhibit shearing resistance due to

both cohesion and friction. These components of strength

are found to exist in widely varying relationships,

ranging from zero cohesion in the case of clean, dry sand

to practically zero friction in the case of fine grained,

highly plastic clay. The cohesion and friction components

are added together to give the total shearing strength

properties of the soil. The shearing strength is expres-

sed by an emperical formula proposed by Coulomb. This

formula is:

S = c + Ntan (3.4)

in which,

S shearing strength
c cohesion
N pressure normal to shear plane
0 friction angle of soil
tanck =1/ = coefficient of friction

The Coulomb formula is an equation for a straight line

having an intercept on one coordinate axis. A typical

graph of the equation is shown in Fig. 3.4. in which unit

pressures normal to a shear plane are plotted as abcissas

and unit shearing stresses are plotted as ordinates. The

intercept at zero pressure represents the cohesion of the

soil, and the angle which the graph makes with the horizo-

ntal is the friction angle 4, . A graph of this kind is

called a shear diagram. If the graph is extended to the

left of the origin and the graph is prolonged to intersect

the horizontal axis, the distance from this point of

intersection to the origin may be thought of as an

internal initial stress which is inherent in the material

and is associated with the cohesion property. It is

analogous to molecular attraction in solid particles.

The correct definition of shearing strength of soil is

one of the most difficult problems in soil mechanics.

A part of this difficulty arises from the fact that

shearing strength is not an intrinsic property of a given

soil, but varies over a considerable range with varying

conditions, such as density, moisture content, and degree

of consolidation. This fact dictates the necessity of

testing the soil in the worst probable condition in which

it will exist in the prptotype soil mass that the test

sample represents. It is sometimes difficult to predict

this worst probable condition, and it is also difficult to

duplicate the condition in the test. Further difficulties

arise from the usual non-homogeneity of the soil masses

and the consequent uncertainty of obtaining representative

samples for testing. Moreover, the available methods of

shear testing require rigorous techniques. Nevertheless,

it is incumbent upon a soil engineer to make every

possible effort to obtain adequate and precise information

concerning the shearing strength of the soil, commensurate

with the nature and importance of the problem with which

he is associated.


Triaxial tests can be run with or without the

measurement of pore water pressures. If pore water pres-

sures are not measured, the evaluation of shear strength

properties is on a total stress basis. With the measure-

ment of pore water pressures, the data can be evaluated on

an effective stress basis. It is always preferable to

evaluate shear strength characteristics on an effective

stress basis since this provides a better understanding of

the processes taking place within the soil specimen. If

for some reason it is not possible to measure pore water

pressures, a total stress analysis can be used; but the

laboratory testing should be such as to simulate the

loading conditions in the field. Volume change measure-

ments are very helpful with regard to the evaluation of

the triaxial test data. Such measurements can easily be

made on fully saturated samples of soil but are difficult

on partially saturated and dry samples. However, for the

optimum solution, triaxial tests should be conducted in

such a manner that measurements of pore pressure and

volume change are made in addition to the normal additions

of loads and deformations to which the samples are subjec-


The strength and deformation characteristics of soil

are best understood by visualising it as a compressible

skeleton of solid particles including voids which, in

saturated soil, are filled with water, or, in partly

saturated soil, with both air and water. Shear stresses

can of course be carried only by the skeleton of solid

particles. On the other hand, the normal stress on any

plane is, in general, the sum of two components - the

stress carried by the solid particles and the pressure in

the fluid in the void space.

This, from the practical point of view, has two impor-

tant consequences:

1. In the relationship between normal stress and volume

change, the controlling factor is not the total normal
stress, but the difference between the total normal
stress and the pressure of the fluid in the void
space, termed the pore pressure Gt. For an equal all-

round change in stress, this is expressed quantita-

tively by the relationship:

Ayv = change in volume per unit volume of soil,

dr = change in total normal stress,

4U.= change in pore pressure, and
Cc = compressibility of the soil skeleton

The difference Ot-U is termed the effective stress

and denoted by the symbol arl This relationship may

be illustrated as follows: a volume change will occur,

without any change in the applied or total stress, if
the pore pressure undergoes a change. This is the
primary cause of the long-term settlements of buil-
dings founded on clay, in which the excess pore pres-
sure set up during construction dissipates only at a

slow rate. It also explains the additional settlement
caused by ground water lowering, either for construc-
tion work or for water supply.

2. The shear strength of soil is largely determined by

the frictional forces arising during slip at the con-
tacts between the soil particles. These are clearly a
function of the component of normal stress carried by
the soil skeleton rather than of the total normal

For practical purposes, therefore, the Coulomb equa-

tion may be modified into:

S = c + (r- u) tan (3.6)


el = apparent cohesion,
= angle of shearing resistance,

(the above two parameters are in terms of effective stress.)

= total pressure normal to the plane considered, and

u = pore pressure

In most engineering problems relating to stability,

the magnitude of the total normal stress on a potential

slip surface may be reasonably estimated from statics

considerations. On the other hand, the magnitude of the

pore pressure is influenced by several factors. These

include the following:

1. In the case of stationary ground water, the magnitude

of the pore pressure is determined by the position of
the element of soil under consideration, relative to
the ground water level. Where approximately steady
seepage exists( for example, in natural slopes; and
in cuts and earth dams after the influence of the
pore-pressure changes has died out the pore pressure

is obtained from the flow net corresponding to the
known boundary conditions.

The pore pressure is thus an independant variable

and its magnitude is not related to that of the total
normal stress. The function of the triaxial test is
simply to obtain the relationship between shear
strength and effective normal stress.

2. A change either in the normal stress or in the shear

stress carried by the solid skeleton of the soil
results in a tendency for volume change to occur
within the soil mass. Unless the conditions for drai-
nage are such that the fluid in the pore space can be
freely expelled, an excess pore pressure will tempora-
rily result from the stress change. The rate at which
this excess pore pressure will dissipate depends prin-
cipally on the permeability of the soil. During this
period the pore pressure is a function of:

i. the initial stress change,

ii. the coefficient of consolidation, and

iii. the distance of the soil element from a surface

at which drainage can occur.

In such cases the laboratory test may be called on to

provide data not only on the relationship between shear

strength and effective stress, but also on the initial pore

pressure set up by a change in stress.

The use of the principle of effective stress in stabi-

ty analysis thus involves two steps; first, the determina-

tion of shear strength parameters CI and #' and, second,

the prediction of pore pressure at the most critical stage

either of construction, operation, or long-term stability.


External loads in a solid body induce induce internal

stresses. When these stresses are increased to a

sufficient extent, they overcome the internal resistance

of the material thereby inducing failure, i.e., the body

actually ruptures or else it undergoes very large perma-

nent deformations. The stress at which failure occurs is

referred to as limiting stress. It is, of course, the

combined effect of all stress components acting at a given

point that produces failure conditions. However, one is

often faced with almost insurmountable difficulties to

exactly simulate actual and often very complex stress

conditions experimentally. It has therefore become neces-

sary to determine strength conditions by relatively simple

tests and, using the results obtained, predict the beha-

vior of materials subject to composite states of stress by

theoritical means.

Various theories have been developed relative to the

stress condition in engineering materials at the time of

failure. Each explains satisfactorily the actions of

certain kinds of material at the time they fail but no one

of them is applicable to all materials. The failure of a

soil mass is more nearly in accordance with the tenets of

the Mohr Theory of failure than with those of any other

theory, and the interpretation of the data of the triaxial

compression test depends to a large extent on this fact.

Failure conditions may be expressed, in a general way,

as a functional relationship between the three principal

./(a-1,Cr2 ' Cri) ° (3.7)

Mohr's condition (5) defines the limiting condition as

follows. If the Mohr circles are plotted to represent

states of stress at failure, a common envelope can be

drawn to these circles. Its shape depends upon the mate-

rial. Supposing a Mohr circle intersects the Mohr enve-

lope, it would mean that the corresponding state of stress

is beyond the limiting state, but this is impossible. A

Mohr circle, in turn, that lies entirely below the enve-

lope indicates that failure condition has not yet been

reached. An essential assumption in the Mohr failure

theory is that the failure condition is independent of the

intermediate principal stress. Hence Eqn. 3.7 reduces to:

J('0-) =0 (3.8)

If we adopt the Mohr representation of state of

stress, then Eqn. 3.8 gives the equation of the Mohr


It may be written in the form:

r f (r)
= (3.9)

The two expressions for failure condition (Eqns. 3.8 &

3.8) are shown diagrammatically in Fig. 3.5. In soil mec-

hanics a simplified form of the Mohr failure theory is

used, which assumes, after Coulomb, that the failure rela-

tionship r=f6dis linear.

According to the Mohr Theory, as in Fig. 3.6, a mate-

rial fails along the plane and at the time at which a

certain optimum combination of normal stress and shearing

stress occurs within a stressed body. This optimum combi-

nation of stresses is that which produces the maximum

obliquity0Cm of the resultant of the normal and shearing

stresses. In the Mohr diagram, the normal stresses are

drawn as abcissas and the shearing stresses as ordinates.

According to the Mohr Theory, the maximum obliquityo4nis
equal to the friction angled . The value of the obliqui-

ty angle oC can never exceed cergr.# without the occurance of


Normal and shearing stresses which yield plotted

points below the envelope represent stress situations

which do not produce failure. Points above the envelope

do not exist, since the material will fail before such

combinations of stresses can develop. In the case of

cohesionless soils, the envelope passes through the origin

representing applied stresses. For cohesive soils, the

envelope passes through the origin of total stress( ini-

tial plus applied ), and the ordinate for an applied

stress equal to zero represents the value of shearing

strength which is the cohesion of the soil. The principal

objective, therefore, of a triaxial compression test is to

establish the Mohr Envelope for the soil being tested.

It is interesting to note that the chord of a Mohr

circle representing the stress situation at failure, which

extends from the abcissa 05 on the horizontal diameter to

the point of tangency of the Mohr Envelope, is oriented so

as to be parallel to the failure plane in the material

The angle between this chord and the horizontal axis

represents the angle between the failure plane and the

maximum principal plane, which is a horizontal plane in

the triaxial test specimen. Therefore, when a specimen

fails in such a manner that the shear-failure plane can be

identified, the angle which it makes with the horizontal

should be measured and compared with the angle between the

chord and the horizontal on the Mohr diagram as a check on

the results.

The Mohr failure theory represents only one of the

general methods of defining the state of failure. It is

based on the assumption that failure occurs solely due to

slip. Failure is assumed to be independent of the defor-

mation charactersitics and the Poisson number of the
material. These are the essential features that make the

Mohr theory particularly suited to the study of soil


In the light of recent research, Mohr's concept does

certainly not mean the last word in strength theory, and

in many problems, it has proved inadequate in describing

the true behavior of materials. Yet, for engineering

purposes, it has become a very useful and dependable tool

in judging, by strength computations, the danger of fai-

lure in solid bodies under general stress conditions.


The stress-strain plots obtained from the triaxial

compression tests reveal the influence of relative density

and strain conditions on the stress-strain characteristics

of the soil tested. An increase in the initial relative

density increased the initial slope of the stress

difference 5.-ai versus the axial strain El , and also

increased the strength of the material, as in Fig. 3.7.

However, the axial strain at failure was found to decrease

with increasing relative density.

The effect of the initial relative density on the

volumetric behavior of the soil indicates that the

triaxial compression specimens exhibited compressional
volumetric strain at the early stages of shear, as in

Fig. 3.8.

However, specimens with low relative densities

continued to compress, while those with high relative

densities expanded with increasing axial strain.

Specimens with intermediate relative density indicated

intermediate volumetric strain during shear.


The Mohr-Coulomb Theory is used in evaluating the

strength parameter 0' on the assumption that the failure

envelope is a straight line passing through the origin and

that the theory is applicable to soil under plane strain

shear deformation. Thus, the effective angle of internal

friction may be defined as:

01= Sol

A correlation between 0 and the initial relative

density showed that the angle 0' increased almost linearly

with increasing relative density. Taylor, while conduc-

ting direct shear tests, suggested that an amount of

energy may be absorbed or generated during volume change

which should be taken into account. Skempton and

Bishop(1) adopted this concept and derived an expression

for correcting observed triaxial compression test data.

The energy correction may be stated quantitatively as

/ Vc id. el

4(C/; -0'3? = amount of deviation in the observed stress


= initial volume

AV= change in volume, and

6i= axial strain.


The change in the pore pressure due to a change in the

applied stress, during an undrained shear, may be

explained in terms of emperical coefficients called the

pore pressure parameters. A pore pressure parameter may

be defined as a dimensionless number that indicates the

fraction of the total stress increment that shows up an

excess pore pressure for the condition of no drainage.

Consider the case in which the compressible skeleton

of soil particle, as shown in Fig. 3.9, behaves as an

elastic isotropic material and the fluid in the pore space

shows a linear relationship between volume change and

stress. An increase in the three principal stresses will

result in a decrease in volume of -AV (where V is the

initial volume) and a consequent increase in pore pressure

of AU.. The increase in effective stress will thus be:

ACT'=.1q7-du, aoi -11u, 451.40i_ au, (3.12)

If 6, , 62 , and 63 denote the strains in the three

directions, we have:
E6f ace-iti.(acril÷bo-39
E62 = 4ri- "7)
E63 = deri' vu,(arii+ 4vii) and,
E(6/1-62 1-63) = E61, = E (1-2,u)(4071-1-ao-21+acr3)

Decrease in volume of the soil skeleton is then:

-4y - v. 1-211,10711-4021+60-3) (3.13)

E = Young's Modulus

11= Poisson's ratio with respect to change in

effective stress.

Decrease in volume of the soil skeleton is almost

entirely due to a decrease in the volume of voids. If n

is the initial porosity, Cu the compressibility of the

fluid in the pore space, the volume change is as a result

related to the pore pressure change, if no drainage

occurs. Hence:

-41/ = n V. Cu, (3.14)

-4y (3.15)

In the common type of triaxial test, the stress

changes are made in two stages:

1. an increase in cell pressure resulting in an equal

allround change in stress, and

2. an increase in axial load resulting in a change in the

deviator stress.

If 4U1is the change in the pore pressure during the

first stage of the test when the cell pressure is applied,

and AU3is the change in the pore pressure when the

deviator stress is applied, then AU. = Lai -1-ALL3

Under these conditions, changes in minor and

intermediate principal stresses (6(3 and diTi respectively)

are both equal to the cell pressure, the increase in

deviator stress being equal to AT,--4r3. Putting AGS = 602

in the above equations leads to the expression for AU.

which may be arranged into terms representing change in

cell pressure 45 and a subsequent change in the deviator

stress 467-40i. Hence:


AU, = Lao-3 1- +(Lai -40-3)] 3.16)

nCCiak) (

q:- , the compressibility of the soil skeleton.
This equation for soil under undrained conditions can

be simplified into:

ii U. = 8[Mri -t A (411-45)] (3.17)

where 8- /

I t n (Cwic,)
This is the general equation for a single fluid for

the change in pore pressure when a change in allround

pressure is accompanied by a change in the deviator


For a partially saturated soil with two fluids, we


ALL,, = 5,4643 tAw(Acrinci00.1 (3.18)

duo, = 801,803 + A, (a07 -4(5)1 (3.19)

For fully saturated soils, the value of C(.0 - that of

water alone - is so small that B=.1. The value of A

depends very largely on whether the soil is normally or

overconsolidated, and on the proportion of the failure

stress applied.

In the case of partly saturated soils, the value of

is much higher due to the presence of air in the pore

space. The value of B is less than 1 but varies with the

stress change. As a result, the value of B, which applies

during the application of the deviator stress da7-40-3 is

different from the value applied during increase in

allround stress doy .

Therefore it is convenient to express the Skempton

equation as:
u. = 8.46 + (AG -4(r3) (3.20)

A = A.S - 4U- (3.21)
4C, -A5
For a fully saturated soil, B = 1, hence:

4U. = 403 + A(Acri-acti) ( 3.22 )

A -
( 3.23 )
407 - dai
For the usual undrained triaxial test where 46 =o
A = 4tVd0. (3.24)



When soil is loaded, shearing stresses are induced in

it. When the shearing stresses reach a limiting value,

shear deformation takes place, leading to the failure of

the soil mass. The failure may be in the form of sinking

of a footing, or movement of a wedge of soil behind a

retaining wall forcing it to move out, etc. The stability

of structures built on soil depend upon the shearing

resistance offered by the soil along the probable surfaces

of slippage. All stability analysis in soil mechanics

involve a basic knowledge of the shearing properties and

shearing resistance of the soil.

The shearing resistance of a soil is constituted basi-

cally of the following components:

1. the structural resistance or displacement of the soil

because of the interlocking of the particles,

2. the frictional resistance to translocation between the

individual soil particles at their contact points, and

3. cohesion or adhesion between the surface of the soil



The measurement of shear strength of soil involves

certain test observations at failure with the help of

which the failure envelope can be plotted corresponding to

a given set of conditions. Shearing resistance can be

determined by the following methods:

1. Direct Shear Test

2. The Triaxial Compression Test

3. Unconfined Compression Test

It is almost impossible to obtain satisfactory undis-

turbed samples of soft sensitive clays or of coarse gran-

ular soils, since even the most sophisticated sampling

techniques cause excessive disturbance of these soils.

Methods have therefore been devised for estimating the

soil properties from the results of these tests carried

out in-situ. A considerable number of such tests have

been developed, of which the most important are:

1. The Standard Penetration Test

2. The Vane Shear Test

3. The 'Dutch' Static Cone Penetrometer

4. The Pressuremeter

Again, depending upon the drainage conditions, three

types of shear tests have been developed:

1. undrained or quick test

2. consolidated-undrained test
3. drained test

The parameters c and # are not fundamental proper-

ties of the soil; they may simply be considered coeffi-

cients derived from the geometry of the graph obtained by

plotting shear stress at failure against normal stress.

They vary with drainage conditions of the test.


(ASTM Standard D 1586-67(1974))

The usage of this test method for soil analysis was

formalized and given credibility to by Terzaghi and Peck

(24) in 1947. In this method the blow count or N value

was related to the bearing capacity of soils in several

ways. This test has been used extensively in the US

and in Britain for estimating the relative density

and angle of shearing resistance of coarse grannular

soils. A standard split spoon sampler, about 50 mm. in

diameter (Fig. 4.1), is driven into the ground by blows

from a drop hammer weighing 64 kg.(140 lb.) and falling

0.76 m.(30 in.). The sampler is driven 0.15 m.(6 in.)

into the soil at the bottom of the borehole and the number

of blows (N) required to drive it a further 0.3 m.(12 in.)

is then recorded.

Although this test is entirely emperical, considerable

experience with its use has enabled a reasonably reliable

correlation to be established between the N value and

certain soil properties. Fig. 4.2 shows Peck, Hanson and

Thornburn's relationship between N and the relative densi-

ty and the angle of shearing resistance 0 .

Table 4.1 shows what Terzaghi and Peck perceived the

approximate relationship between blow count N and the

unconfined compressive strength of the clay stratum to be.

The usage of the N value for evaluating soil bearing

capacity was changed by Peck, Hansen and Thornburn in 1953

with the introduction of a correcting factor for the N

value with regard to the amount of the overburden effec-

tive stress. See Fig. 4.3.

The basic correction formula is

CN = 047 1.0g 2° (4.1)


CN= corrected N value to use for design but never grea-

ter than 2.0

qi= effective overburden pressure at depth of sampling

(in tons per sq.ft.)

Peck, Hansen and Thornburn (10) presented the general

chart for blow count N and bearing capacity in a different

form as shown in Fig. 4.4.

Hough (24) related the blow count N to the relative

density of grannular soils as shown in Fig. 4.5. Gibbs

and Holz and Bazaraa (24) showed this same relationship

with regard to overburden pressure as shown in Fig. 4.5.

Teng (24) gave a formula for the allowable bearing

pressure based upon the Terzaghi and Peck work of 1948.

This formula is:

8+1.)(14, = 120(t1/41-;)(--2-&-. ko., Os (4.2)


$0,= net allowable bearing pressure (in psf) for a maxi-

mum settlement of 1 inch.

ga= correction for water table

= 1.0 for water table below bottom of footing

= 0.5 for water table above bottom of footing

N = penetration blows (in pcf-ft.)

8 = width of footing (in ft.)

Ds= depth factor = I +

4.2.2 VANE SHEAR TEST (10, 13)

(ASTM Standard D 2573-72(1978))

The Vane Shear Test is a quick test, used either in

the laboratory or in the field, to determine the undrained

shear strength of cohesive soil Cu( 55 = zero concept).

From experience it has been found that the Vane Test can

be used for a reliable in-situ test for the shear strength

of soft-sensitive clays occuring at depths beyond 10

meters. The Vane Test should be regarded as a method to

be used under the following conditions:

1. where the clay is deep, normally consolidated and


2. where only the undrained shear strength is required,

It is necessary that the soil mass should be in a

saturated condition if the Vane Test is to be applied.

The Vane Test cannot be applied for partially saturated

soils for which the angle of shearing resistance is not


Fig. 4.6 shows the Vane Shear tester (13). It con-

sists of four thin equal sized steel plates, called vanes,

welded orthogonally to a steel torque rod. The vanes are

inserted into an undisturbed soil in-situ and gradually

rotated at a uniform speed of 6.0 degrees per minute about

the axis of the shaft called the vane axis thus creating a

torque. The surface resisting the turning is the cylin-

drical surface of the soil and the two end faces of the

cylinder. At failure the resisting moment of the cylinder

of soil of height h and diameter d is equal to the turning

moment applied at the torsion head.

The undrained cohesion of the soil can be calculated

as follows:

The maximum torque T applied at the head of the torque

rod to cause failure should be the sum of the resisting

moment of the shear force along the side surface of the

soil cylinder, Ms, and the resisting moment of the shear

force at the ends, Me, or

T = Ms + Me (4.3)

The assumed distribution of shear stress on the side

surface of the soil cylinder and on the two ends (zero at

the center and at the periphery) is shown in Fig. 4.7.


Nis . (A dh)( 644) Cu. (4.4)

Me =
/ oi.)/2


where d = diameter and h = height of the shear vane.

Substituting Eqs. (4.4) and (4.5) into Eq. 4.3, we get

7c -+

; Cu. -


However, if only one end of the vane, i.e., the bot-

tom, is involved in shearing the clay,

r d3
Me = and
Gu -

Vane shear tests can be conducted in the laboratory

and in the field during soil explorations. The laboratory

shear vane has dimensions of about 0.5 in. in diameter and

1.0 in. in height. Field shear vanes with the following

dimensions are used by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation:

d = 2.0 in. (50.8 mm.), h = 4 in. (101.6 mm.),

h/d = 2.

The vane may be pushed down from the surface,

measurements being made at regular intervals. The shaft

on which the vane is mounted is enclosed within a sleeve,

to prevent adhesion to the soil. In suitable soils, tests

have been made in this way at depths exceeding 60 m.


(ASTM Standard D 1558-71(1977))

The estimation of the static shear strength of the

soil by means of a dynamic test is inherently unsatisfac-

tory, largely because the pore stresses differ in the two

conditions, and the standard penetration test results

cannot provide more than a rough guide to the soil proper-

ties. More reliable results are obtained from static

penetration tests, of which the most commonly ised is the

'Dutch' cone penetrometer (14). This device has been used

extensively in Holland and Belgium, mainly in fine sands

and silts.

The penetrometer (14) is cone shaped, with a maximum

area of 1000 sq. mm. The cone is attached to a rod, which

is protected by an outer sleeve. The thrust needed to

drive the cone and the sleeve into the ground may be

measured independently, so that the end bearing resistance

and the side friction may be separately determined.

The penetrometer, as shown in Fig. 4.8, eas developed

for the design of piles, but it has also been used

successfully to estimate the bearing capacity and settle-

ment of foundations on non-cohesive soils.

The soil specimen is penetrated at the rate of 0.5 in.

per second for a distance of not less than 3 in. The

penetrometer has interchangeable needles whose sizes are

shown in Table 4.2 (14).

The penetration resistance of the soil is the product

of the penetrometer reading and the reciprocal of the end

area of the needle and is expressed in pounds-force per

sq. in..


The Fugro Full Displacement Pressuremeter (FDPM) (15)

has been developed to make it easier to obtain off-shore

in-situ measurements of stress-strain properties. The

prototype FDPM (Fig. 4.9) can cover a reasonably wide

range of strain and the equipment is in principle easier

to deploy and operate by remote control in conventional

off-shore drilling operations.

The FDPM test is performed as part of the cone penet-

ration test. When the center of the pressuremeter

membrane reaches the test depth, the cone penetration is

halted and then resumed when the pressuremeter membrane is

deflated. Fig. 4.10 (15) shows the ste up for prototype

FDPM testing.

Advantages of the FDPM are:

1. the ease of operation

2. measurement of stress-strain properties at a depth

known precisely in relation to the cone resistance
profile. It reduces scatter and improves correlation
of soil strength and stiffness with cone resistance.

The overall length of the membrane is 450 mm. The

outer diameter is 43.7 mm. (the same as that of the 15 sq.

cm. cone). Length to diameter ratio is 10.3. Above the

pressuremeter is a module which amplifies the pressureme-

ter signals. It measures inflation pressure and, at three

locations 120 degrees apart, the circumferential strain.

Inflation is achieved with nitrogen gas.

There are three other types of pressuremeters.

The first was developed by L. Menard. The pressureme-

ter lowered into a predrilled hole, measurements of pres-

sure and volumetric strain are made. Results are highly

sensitive to soil disturbance from drilling and stress

relief at the bore hole wall, neither of which can be


The second type, the Self Boring Pressuremeter was

developed to minimise soil disturbance. Measurements are

made of total pressure, pore pressure, and circumferential

strain at three positions at the midheight of the expan-

ding length.

The third type, the Push In Penetrometer (PIP) was

developed for off-shore use. Inflation of the membrane is

by oil and the pressure and volumetric strain are mea-


4.2.5 DIRECT SHEAR TEST (1, 13, 14)

(ASTM Standard D 3080-72(1979))

The Direct Shear Test is the oldest and simplest shear

test arrangement (Fig. 4.11). A schematic diagram of the

apparatus is shown in Fig. 4.12. The relatively thin

thickness of sample permits quick drainage and quick dis-

sipation of pore pressure developed during the test.

The shear box containing the soil sample is generally

kept inside a container that can be filled with water to

saturate the sample. A shearing force is applied to the

sample such that the sample shears at a constant rate of

strain. The shearing resistance is measured on a proving

ring and the maximum value is the shear strength of the

soil. This shear strength may be found with the sample

subjected to varying compressive loads and a graph of

shear stress against compressive stress is plotted as in

Fig. 4.13.

Controlled-stress and Controlled-strain Tests (6, 14)

Fig. 4.14 (6) illustrates the difference between these

two types of tests, as applied to direct box shear tests.

In the first type(a, Fig. 4.14) the load Pt which induces

shear is gradually increased until complete failure oc-

curs. The shearing displacements are measured by means of

the dial gage a as a function of the increasing load Pt.

In the second type(b, Fig. 4.14), the shearing displace-

ments are induced and controlled in such a manner that

they occur at a constant fixed rate. The dial gage a

registers the desired constant rate of displacement. The

shearing resistance offered to this displacement by the

soil specimen is measured by the proving ring f.

However, the test has the following inherent


1. the stress conditions across the soil sample are very

complex. The distribution of normal stresses over the
potential surface of sliding is not uniform. The
stress is more at the center than at the edges. Due to
this there is progressive failure of the specimen, i.e.
the entire strength of the soil is not mobilized simu-

2. as the test progresses, the area under shear gradually

decreases. The corrected area at failure should be
used in determining the value of G and et..

3. unlike the triaxial test, there is no control on the

drainage of the soil.

4. the plane of shear failure is predetermined, which may

not be the weakest one.

5. there is effect of lateral restraint by the side walls

of the shear box.

(ASTM Standard D 2850-82)

A soil sample may be tested in the general stress

state (01 >ai75) , while at the same time, the

deformations and volume changes are also measured.

In order to evaluate a subgrade soil by means of

this strength test, it is necessary to simulate, in a

laboratory specimen, stress conditions existing in the

loaded soil mass. This test is the most common test for

the evaluation of the stress-strain characteristics of the


A schematic illustration of the Triaxial Compression

Cell is shown in Fig. 4.15 (6).

In this stress test, a cylindrical specimen about 1.5

in. in diameter and 3 in. in length is first encased in a

thin rubber membrane and subjected to fluid pressure

around the cylindrical surface which equally stresses all

surfaces of the specimen, usually by water, sometimes by

air. Then an axial load is applied and its magnitude is

increased. Although only compressive stresses are ap-

plied, the specimen generally fails by shearing, hence the

test is generally referred to as the Triaxial Shear Test.

In some cases, failure occurs by bulging. In the typical

triaxial test, usually the cylindrical soil samples are

examined in an axially symmetrically stressed state(iTai.05)

The soil is failed by increasing the axial stress while

holding the confining stress constant. Axial force is

applied to the loaded piston either by means of dead

weights(controlled stress test) or by a geared or hydrau-

lic loading press(controlled strain test). Selection of

the rate of loading of the specimen depends upon design

conditions, i.e. whether the field loading conditions will

be static, dynamic, or some combination.

The applied axial load produces normal vertical stres-

ses on each horizontal face of the specimen, while the

lateral pressure produces normal horizontal stress on any

two vertical planes at right angles to each other. These

vertical and horizontal stresses fulfill the requirements

of principal stresses, since there are no components of

applied loads to produce shearing stresses in the horizon-

tal plane or either of the vertical planes. The vertical

stress is the maximum principal stress. The horizontal

stress on the vertical plane is the minimum principal

stress, and that on the vertical plane normal to the

minimum principal plane is the intermediate principal

stress. The minimum and intermediate principal stresses

are equal in this case. However, since the intermediate

principal stress does not influence the failure of the

material, according to the Mohr Theory, it need not be

considered further.

The inherent stability of a soil is represented by the

general Coulomb equation (2):

S = c + o-tc.n 0 (4.8)

The use of the Coulomb equation to represent internal

stability is predicted on the assumption that the internal

resistance of materials is a function of the shearing

resistance due to internal friction. The subject of shea-

ring resistance of soils is extremely complex, particular-

ly from the standpoint of design of pavements. If full

drainage of the sample is permitted during the test, the

water can move into and out of the pores. Soft and satu-

rated clays can behave as if they possess no internal

friction (0 =0) .

Therefore, the Coulomb equation becomes:

5 =c (4.9)

The shearing resistance of cohesionless materials can

be written as:

5 = a- tom 0 (4.10)

Fig. 4.16 shows the shear stress vs. normal compres-

sive stress relationships for the three types of soils;

c = 0 soils, 4) = 0 soils, and c-4 soils.

There are a number of ways in which the triaxial test

can be performed. For example, triaxial extension tests

can be run by maintainingn constant and increasing the

confining pressure W, . Also, triaxial tests can be run

under at rest earth pressure conditions by increasing (or),

and simultaneously such that no lateral deformation of

the sample takes place.

When one cylindrical sample has been loaded to fai-

lure, a Mohr Circle may be drawn having a diameter equal

ton-W, , or the difference between the vertical and

horizontal failure stresses. There is one point on this

circle which represents the combination of normal and

shearing stress at which the soil failed. This point lies

on the Mohr Envelope. However, unless it is definitely

known that the soil is completely cohesionless, in which

case the Mohr Envelope passes through the origin of the

applied stresses, there is no clue as to the location of

the failure point. Therefore it is necessary to conduct

another test on a duplicate(or the same) sample, a diffe-

rent lateral pressure being applied in this test. The

applied stresses at failure in this second test may be

designated(qand , and a second Mohr Circle may be

drawn with the diameter (07)247-4. Since (03)2

is different

from WI, then 670, and (0;)2 will also be different and

the second circle will not coincide with the first. Again

there is one point on the second circle which represents

the failure stresses and lies on the Mohr Envelope. Like-

wise, a third test can be conducted with another confining

pressure to arrive at another Mohr circle with stresses(C')3

and (cs-43 , with a point on it that represents the stresses

at which the soil failed. These failure points can be

located by drawing a common tangent to the circles. This

tangent is the Mohr Envelope of the soil. It is also the

graph of the Coulomb equation for shearing strength of the

soil as shown in Fig. 4.17.

The intercept of the tangent line on the vertical axis

through the origin of applied stresses is the cohesion

of the soil, and the angle that the tangent makes with the

horizontal is the friction angle of the soil. Also,

the intercept of the tangent line on the horizontal axis

is the origin of total stresses, and the distance between

the two origins represents the initial stress in the


The purpose of the Triaxial Compression Test of soils

is to provide basic data on the following (1):

1. The ultimate laterally confined compressive strength of

the soil,

2. The angle of internal friction,

3. The cohesion,

4. The shear strength of the soil,

5. The Modulus of Elasticity, and

6. The pore water pressure.

The data obtained from the Triaxial Test are used for:

1. making estimates of the probable bearing capacity of

the soil,

2. performing stability calculations of earthworks, earth

retaining structures, and foundations,

3. analysing stress-strain relationships of loaded soils.

The advantage of the triaxial compression test is that

this test makes it possible to investigate the change in

the shear strength of a soil for different ratios of major

(axial) and minor (lateral) principal stresses, similar to

conditions as they exist in the field. However, the

outstanding advantages of the triaxial test are the

control of drainage conditions and the possibility of the

measurement of pore pressure. No other strength test

combining these two features have been developed to a

stage of practical utility. As a result, the triaxial

apparatus has been used in most basic research work on

shear strength and pore pressure characteristics i.e. the

basic understanding of the soil properties.

It has been experimentally observed that the values of

c and 4 remain almost constant over a considerable

range of strain. This fact is used to advantage when a

limited amount of soil is available for testing or where

the samples are variable. The MULTISTAGE TRIAXIAL (MST)

tests have been developed to reduce the number of samples,

and hence the time and effort required in conventional

triaxial methods. Principle Of The Triaxial Compression Test (2)

An analysis of the triaxial stresses is best made by

the use of Mohr's circle of stresses.

The principle of the triaxial test is illustrated in

Fig. 4.18 (25). A cylindrical specimen of soil which is

enclosed in a thin rubber membrane is placed in the cell.

The specimen is first subjected to a constant all-round

hydrostatic pressure pc(::cr4i) . Water is allowed to escape

through a porous disk inserted into the base of the cell,

thus permitting the dissipation of the neutral stresses.

In this initial state of stress, called isotropic compres-

sion, the Mohr circle reduces to a point. The axial

stress is then increased by some value K=0:0 . In the

conventional test, it is necessary to add the confining

pressure pc to the deviator pressure p to determine the

total unit load at failure.


- A (4.11)

= Croi, = deviator stress = applied stress

P = applied deviator load

A = original cross-sectional area

= unit strain

The altered state of stress is defined as:

= + = 0d + cj i ";:t

The deviator stress, h. , is then gradually increased,

while the confining lateral stress, p, , is held constant,

until the specimen fails in shear. At the ultimate stage

the corresponding Mohr circle just touches the Coulomb

line. By performing several tests at different initial

confining pressures, a series of Mohr circles is obtained.

Fig. 4.19a is the physical representation of the

stressed sample, and Fig. 4.19b is the corresponding

Mohr's circle representation. The normal stresses at

a point is a function of the orientation of the plane

chosen to define the stress. Also, when using Mohr's

circles to analyse stresses in soils, normal stress is

considered positive when compressive.

Any point A on the circle of Fig. 4.19b represents the

stress on a plane whose normal is oriented at an angle 6

with the direction of the major principal stresses. Thus

the normal stress on the plane is:

= c45219 +035inze = (a7.112 -qc-r--(5)40$219

The shear stress on the plane located by the angle

is: r9 . (cr, -0-3) sine cos& . (07 -4s)/2 . sin29

When many Mohr's circles are plotted to represent many

states of stress for a given soil specimen on a single

diagram, it becomes difficult to follow the diagram. An

alternative method for plotting the state of stress is to

plot p and q. p is the stress represented by the distance

to the center of the Mohr's circle from the origin and q

is the stress represented by the radius of the Mohr

circle. Thus, p and q are computed as follows:

q is +ve if 07 is inclined at an angle -1-45° to the vertical ..

q is -ve if o is inclined at an angle < ±45° to the horz.

For the stress point representation, the principal

stresses act on vertical and horizontal planes. The

equations simplify to:

in= (5 tai)/2
I, = (";-(6.)/z
A series of values of p and q is plotted representing

the successive states of stress that exist in a specimen

as the specimen is loaded. Then, a series of stress

points are plotted. A line is drawn connecting these

points using p and q. Refer Fig. 4.20. K1 line drawn on

Fig. 4.20 is defined as ag/a. at failure and is called the


coefficient of lateral stress at failure.

The failure of a soil specimen used in the triaxial

compression test may occur in a number of different ways.

The stresses in the specimen are distributed quite unifor-

mly around the cylindrical axis. If the specimen is

uniform in strength throughout, failure will occur on a

very large number of closely spaced planes making an angle e'

with the horizontal. A failure of this kind is evidenced

by a uniform bulging of the sample. Another type of

failure is when the failure occurs along a single plane.

Many specimens fail by a combination of the above two

failure modes. Methods Of Triaxial Testing (1)

Triaxial tests can be made on either remolded or

undisturbed samples. If remolded samples are to be

tested, a series of compaction tests should first be

made to determine the optimum moisture content and

maximum density of the soil. Samples can then be

molded to the required density and moisture conditions

and saturated either by soaking or by vacumn saturation


Care should be exercised during the compaction proce-

dure to make certain that the sample is uniform throughout

its height, with little or no variation in its density.

This is best accomplished by a combination of impact and

static compaction procedure.

Triaxial tests can be performed in any number of ways,

depending upon the data desired. Quick tests are ones in

which the vertical load is applied rapidly with no drai-

nage of the sample permitted during the test. For this

test, the load is applied at the rate of about 0.05 inch

per minute. Quick drained tests are ones in which the

samples are permitted to drain during the application of

the confining pressure, but no drainage is permitted du-

ring the axial loading which is applied in a rapid manner.

Slow drained tests are ones in which the sample is permit-

ted to drain during the testing period, but, in addition,

the load is applied in a slow manner permitting the sam-

ples to consolidate under each increment of load.

For the design of pavements, the quick undrained test

is recommended. This is because loads applied to a pave-

ment in service are transient, and it is doubtful whether

any drainage takes place during the loading cycle. In

some instances, it may be desirable to consolidate the

sample before application of the load to simulate consoli-

dation of the subgrade under the pavement. To accomplish

this, the specimen is encased in a rubber membrane, and

care is taken to make certain that the membrane is in

intimate contact around the testing heads. All drainage

valves should be closed. Stress Condition in Specimen During Triaxial Test

Fig. 4.21 (25) shows the effective stresses acting on

the soil specimen during the triaxial testing. The minor

principal stress and the intermediate principal stress are

equal. The effective minor principal stress is equal to

the cell pressure minus the pore pressure.

The stress components on the failure plane MN are ri

and 7 and the failure plane is inclined at an

angle 9' to the major principal plane. JF is the failure

envelope to the Mohr circle corresponding to any failure

point F. Since LTR:=9eand the failure envelope cuts the

abcissa at an angle 0' , the angle 9' of the failure plane

is given by: 0' = -i-LFCA = -2 -(90°-/- cfr) -.2 45 °#


The principal stress relationship at failure can be

deduced as follows:
FC = f (c1;-651) ; oc .f (cr,-4- (5) ; OK= Cs cote

FC FC 112071-03') Ki--659
Sin _
KC 1401-0C ecot#'-i- 1/2(07+03) 2c1cots6'+ (071-1-0')
% (cr; ' -r3 ) :: 2c1 cos.:Pr + (7'1-0-3'95incp'
:. 07'0- Sin#9 = 5'(!+ Sing') -I- 2csco50i
a..i.1 r3i cos#' )
+ 2c
I- sP70. 1 -5610'

or e=Tilfan2(4564)*2c'iain(dle+4-) (4.12)
or 07' 03ici219'1.2c'tanel 05'1,0'1- 2Cirl#1 (4.13)
where N+' = tan2(45°+-t-)
Eqs. 4.12 and 4.13 give the principal stress

relationship. When the soil is in the state defined

by the eqs. 4.12 or 4.13, it is said to be in plastic

equilibrium. In terms of total stress, eqn. 4.13 is

written as:
07 = rilet2ciane
N# 2cFN;
= 45°+ 4_

= ignae = t472.(45°-1-

In eqn. 4.12, O' and 5 are known, and the two un-

knowns are 0' and c . Hence two sets of observations are

required to determine these two unknown parameters. In

practice, a number of sets of( a7I ,5) at failure are obser-

ved, and the Mohr circles are plotted for each set of

values. A curve drawn tangential to these circles gives

the failure envelope. Application of the Triaxial test to the principal

soil types (1)

The application of the triaxial test to the principal

soil types may be considered under the following


1. undrained test on saturated cohesive soils,
2. undrained test on partly saturated cohesive soils,

3. consolidated-undrained test on saturated soils,

4. drained test. Undrained Test on Saturated Cohesive Soils

This test is carried out on undisturbed samples of

clay, silt or peat to determine the strength of natural

ground. It is also carried out on remolded samples of

clay to measure its sensitivity (1).

The results of this test are illustrated in

Fig. 4.22. (13).

For a fully saturated soil, the pore pressure parame-

ter B equals unity. In an undrained test (Aq equals

zero), on saturated clays, both the major principal effec-

tive stress 47°(=C7-10 and the minor principal effective

stressoq.45-(9are independant of the magnitude of the

cell pressure applied. Thus, only one effective stress

circle can be obtained from these tests and the shape of

the failure envelope in terms of effective stress cannot

be determined. Pore pressure measurements are not usually

made during undrained tests on saturated samples.

The shear strength of the soil is used in stability

analysis in terms of total stress, which, for this type of

soil, is known as the #=c) analysis. The failure stress is

taken to be the maximum deviator stress which the sample

can withstand. Undrained Test on partly saturated cohesive

soils (1, 13)

The most common application of this test is to samples

of earth-fill material which are compacted in the labora-

tory under specified conditions of water content and den-

sity. It is also applied to undisturbed samples of strata

which are not fully saturated (residual soils), and sam-

ples cut from existing rolled fills.

As the cell pressure is increased, the deviator stress

at failure also increases, though this increase in devia-

tor stress becomes progressively smaller as the air in the

soil voids is compressed and dissolved. The increase in

the deviator stress later ceases when the large stresses

cause full saturation. Due to this reason, the failure

envelope in terms of total stresses is non-linear, as

shown in Fig. 4.23. The values of c and # can, there-

fore, be quoted only for a certain pressure range. Howe-

ver, if the pore pressure is measured during the test, the

failure envelope can be expressed in terms of effective

stress, and is found to approximate very closely to a

straight line over a wide range of stress. Apparent

departures from linearity are usually found to be due to

small differences in water contents between the different

samples used to define the envelope. Consolidated-Undrained test on saturated soils

The consolidated-undrained test is carried out on

undisturbed samples of clay, silt and peat, on remolded

samples of clay and silt, and on redeposited samples of

cohesionless soil such as sand and gravel (1, 13).

In the standard test, the results of which are depic-

ted in Fig. 4.24 (13), the sample is allowed to consoli-

date under a pressure of known magnitude, the three

principal stresses thus being equal. Then the sample is

sheared under undrained conditions with different cell

pressure by increasing the axial load, the deviator stress

being independent of the cell pressure. It is observed

that the apparent cohesion increases linearly with the

increasing effective consolidation pressure; for normally

consolidated soil, the graph of undrained strength (Gw)

and consolidation pressure (1b ) passes through the origin.

If the clay is preconsolidated (over consolidated), the

curve is non-linear upto the preconsolidation pressure;

however, at higher consolidation pressure, the soil be-

haves as a normally consolidated soil and a linear rela-

tionship is obtained.

However, if the pore pressure is measured during the

undrained stage of the test, the results can be expressed

in terms of effective parameters c' and # . For normally

consolidated samples, the effective stress envelope is a

straight line with c' equal to zero.

Reconsolidation in the laboratory after the disturban-

ce which is associated even with the most careful sampling

leads to a slightly higher void ratio than would occur in

nature. The most marked effect of over-consolidation is,

however, on the value of pore pressure parameter A, which,

with increasing over-consolidation ratio, drops from a

value typically about 1 at failure to values in the nega-

tive range. These low A-values are, in turn, largely

responsible for the high undrained strength values resul-

ting from over-consolidation.

For these reasons, the results of consolidated-un-

drained tests, expressed in terms of total stress, can be

applied in practice only to a very limited extent. Drained Test (1, 13)

Drained tests are carried out on soil samples of all

types either undisturbed, remolded, compacted, or redepo-

sited. The samples may be either fully or partly satu-

rated. These tests are carried out to obtain directly the

shear strength parameters relevant to the conditions of

long-term stability, when the pore pressure have decreased

(or increased) to their equilibrium values. Cohesionless

materials such as sand, gravel, and rock-fill are often

tested dry as it simplifies laboratory procedure. This

may, however, lead to a slight over-estimate of the value

of # in some cases.

Fig. 4.25 (13) documents the effective stress failure

envelope obtained from drained tests in sand.

In the standard test (1), the specimen is first conso-

lidated under an equal all-round cell pressure, and the

sample is then sheared by increasing the axial load at a

sufficiently slow rate to prevent any buildup of excess

pore presure. The minor principal stress at failure 5' is

thus equal to the consolidation pressure; the major prin-

cipal stress e is the axial stress. Since the pore

pressure is zero, the effective stresses are equal to the

applied stresses, and the strength envelope in terms of

effective stresses is obtained directly from the stress

circle at failure. The values of the effective parameters

ci and 4' obtained from drained tests are often denoted Cd,

and t respectively.

The drained test also provides information on the

volume changes which accompany the application of the all-

round pressure and the deviator stress, and on the stress-

strain characteristics of the soil.

(ASTM Standard D 2166-66(1977))

A special form of the triaxial test often used in soil

engineering is the unconfined compression test- a triaxial

compression test in which the lateral stresses are zero.

Such a test can be easily and rapidly performed and can

provide valuable information in the comparison of one soil

with another. The unconfined compression test is only

possible where the soil possesses significant amounts of

cohesion so that a sample can stand unsupported.

Coulomb's equation of shear strength (25) is:

S = c+0-tan (4.14)

5= shear stress
C= cohesion
e= normal stress

0 = angle of shearing resistance

For undrained tests of saturated clayey soils ( 0 = 0

condition), = cu, (4.15)

where C. = undrained cohesion

In this test, the parameter of principal concern is

the maximum stress to which the sample can be subjected

without failure or, in other words, the stress at which

failure in the soil specimen occurs is referred to as the

unconfined compression strength.

For saturated clay specimens, the unconfined compres-

sion strength decreases with the increase of moisture

content of the soil. For unsaturated soils, with the dry

unit weight remaining constant, the unconfined compression

strength decreases with the increase of the degree of


Some fine grained clay soils are highly plastic, and

practically all their shearing strength are attributable

to cohesion. In other words, the Mohr Envelope is appro-

ximately a horizontal line, the angle # = 0. All Mohr

circles of a series representing failure of such a mate-

rial will have the same diameter. In other words, the

value of q-03 is a constant regardless of the magnitude

of the minimum principal stress. Also, the Mohr Envelope

is tangent to the circles at their highest points; and the

cohesion is equal to the radius of the circle, or 077-41

as in Fig. 4.26 (25).

When a cylindrical sample of clayey soil is tested in

unconfined compression, Oi=0 and O equals the vertical

stress at which the sample fails. Therefore, the shearing

strength of a cohesive soil without friction is equal to

one-half of the unconfined compression strength of the soil.

Essentially, the test consists of gradually loading a

cylindrical soil sample at its two ends until it is des-
troyed by brittle or plastic failure. The vertical com-

pression of the sample is measured throughout the loading

process while the sample may deform laterally without

confinement. The test is suitable for obtaining an idea

of the "in-situ" strength of the individual soil strata.

In addition, it is regarded as characteristic of the soil

consistency. Table 4.1 shows the general relation of the

consistency and the unconfined compression strength of


If a clay specimen is first subjected to unconfined

compression in its undisturbed, natural state, then remol-

ded and tested again with its water content held constant,
it usually exhibits much lower strength in the remolded

state. This loss in strength is associated with changes

in the clay structure. Remolding has a two-fold effect:

it temporarily disturbes the oriented arrangement of the

molecules in the adsorbed layers and destroys the stable

flocculated structure of the clay formed during sedimenta-

tion. The soil will later regain a portion of the

strength lost through the reorientation of the molecules

(thixotropy), but the remaining loss in strength due to

structural destruction is irreversible (13).

The compressive strength obtained by the unconfined

compression test is not truely representative of the in-
situ strength of the soil. First of all, the unconfined

compressive strength as measured in this test is greatly

affected by the size of the specimen and by the test

conditions, especially the rate of loading. In addition,

there are always inevitable disturbances during the sam-

pling operation. Hence, the unconfined compressive

strength should primarily be regarded as an index property

suitable to characterize soil consistency only.



The problems may be divided into two main classes in


1. the pore pressure is independent of the magnitude of

the total stresses acting in the soil, and

2. the pore pressure depends on the magnitude of the

stresses acting in the soil and on the time which has
elapsed since their application. Analysis in which pore pressure is an independent

variable (1)

a). Long-term stability of slopes, earth fills and earth

retaining structures.

The analysis is carried out in terms of effective

stress using the values of c' and et' obtained from the

drained tests. The values of c' and c/' may alternatively

be taken from consolidated-undrained tests in which pore-

pressure measurements are made. The values of the pore

pressure w is obtained from a flow-net or from field

measurement. The highest wet season values represent the

most critical condition.

Total stress methods are sometimes applied to the

analysis of existing slopes in which the pore pressure has

reached its long-term equilibrium value. The undrained

strength of undisturbed samples from the slope is used

in the analysis.

b). Stability of slopes of sand or gravel subject to the

drawdown of impounded water.

In relatively pervious soils of low compressibility

the distribution of pore pressure on drawdown is control-

led by the rate of drainage of pore water from the soil.

This case is of practical importance where the operation

of hydro-electric schemes subjects fill, normally consi-

dered as free draining, to very high rates of drawdown.


The values of c and #' used in the analysis are taken

from drained tests or consolidated-undrained tests with

the measurement of pore pressure.

70 Analysis in which pore pressure is a function of
the stress change (1).

a). Initial stability of the foundation of a structure or

embankment on saturared clay; the initial stability of
an open cut or sheet piled excavation made in clay;
the initial stability against bottom-heave of a
deep excavation in clay.

The analysis is carried out in terms of total stress

using the value of T obtained from the undrained tests on

undrained samples because the stress change likely to lead

to failure occurs under undrained conditions.

Care should be taken during sampling particularly in

the case of sensitive soils because sampling disturbance

is more marked in its effect on the undrained strength

than on the values of c' and 0'

b). Stability of the clay foundation on an embankement or

dam where rate of construction permits partial conso-

The analysis is carried out in terms of effective

stress using the values of c' and 4' obtained from drained

tests or consolidated-undrained tests with the measurement

of pore pressure. Field measurements of pore pressure

during construction is desirable to corraborate laboratory

measurements. The magnitude of the initial pore pressure

is controlled not only by the vertical stress due to the

weight of the embankment but also by the shear stress set
up beneath it. The value of A necessary for this calcula-

tion is obtained from the consolidated-undrained test.

c). Stability of impervious rolled fill.

The analysis is carried out in terms of effective

stress using the values of c' and 4,1 obtained from un-

drained tests with measurement of pore pressure in which

the major and minor principal stresses are increased simu-

ltaneously to approximate the actual stress conditions in

the embankment. The rate of dissipation of pore pressure

is obtained from tests in the triaxial apparatus in which

the rate of decrease of pore pressure is measured at

one end of the sample while drainage is permitted from the

other end. Difficulties arise in reproducing field condi-

tions in the laboratory with regard to:

i. varying moisture content:

The excess pore pressure, in certain soils, get

doubled by a 1% increase in the water content.

Although 0 remains almost unchanged by variations,

the value of c' drops rapidly with an increase in water


ii. rolled fill materials containing stones:

The coarser fraction of the natural material (which

is omitted from tests on clay) has a significant effect

on the relationship between water content and density.

This difficulty applies mainly to the magnitude of the

pore pressure.

d. The stability of impervious rolled fill, and of natural

slopes and cuts in clay, subject to rapid drawdown.

The analysis is performed in terms of effective stress

using the values of c' and 9 measured in consolidated-

undrained tests in which full opportunity has been given

for saturation to occur. In this test the sample is

allowed to saturate and consolidate under the principal

stress ratio obtained before drawdown, and is then subjec-

ted to the appropriate stress change under undrained con-

ditions. The overall effect of consolidation and satura-

tion is a drop in the value of c' , the value of 0' remai-

ning almost unchanged; the value of c' found to be contro-

lled almost entirely by the water content at which the

test is run.


The limiting factors may be briefly summarized as:

1. influence of the value of the intermediate principal


2. change in principal stress directions

3. influence of end restraint

4. duration of test

1. Influence of the value of the intermediate principal


In the cylindrical compression test the intermediate

principal stress q is equal to the minor principal

stress. In many practical problems, the value of ai will

be higher than 5 . This will influence both c' and 0'

and the pore pressure parameters A and B.

2. Change in principal stress directions

In the cylindrical compression test the principal

planes are fixed in relation to the axis of the specimen.

This restriction is unimportant in problems involving

active or passive pressures in zones with a horizontal

boundary, but in problems where the direction of the major

principal stress changes steadily under the applied stres-

ses this restriction limits the accuracy with which pore

pressure can be predicted.

In soils which are laminated as a result of over-

consolidation or method of compaction, the values of CI

and # will be influenced by the inclination of the plane

on which the maximum shear stress occurs.

3.Influence of end restraint

Friction between the ends of the specimen and the

rigid end caps necessary to transfer the axial load res-

tricts lateral deformation adjacent to these surfaces.

This leads to a departure from the condition of uniform

stress and strain. This affects:

i. strength characteristics:

No significant error occurs in the strength

measurements, provided that the length to diameter
ratio is about 2.

ii. volume change characteristics:

In the standard test, the cell pressure is general-

ly applied first, and the decrease in diameter which
accompanies the reduction in volume is resisted locally
by end-restraint. As the deviator stress is applied
the diameter tends to increase, and this again is
opposed by end-restraint.

iii. Pore pressure characteristics:

In the undrained test non-uniformity of pore pres-

sure is likely to result from end-restraint. Where
this nonuniformity is of appreciable magnitude, it
leads to a migration of pore pressure. The extent
to which this readjustment occurs depends on the

permeability of the sample, its dimensions and the
rate of testing.

4. Duration of test

The duration of test commonly used in the triaxial

apparatus and the parameters by which the results are

expressed do not take into account the phenomena of creep

in soils. However, in the case of over-consolidated

clays, in which shear may result in a drop in pore pres-

sure under undrained conditions, delayed failure may be

the consequence of the increase in pore pressure which

occurs with passage of time as equilibrium ground water

conditions are reestablished.

For long-term stability problems in which the solution

is based on effective stress parameters and on calculated

or observed pore pressures, the drained test normally used

is performed in a time varying from one-half to three days

depending on soil type.

The routine undrained test on undisturbed samples is

often performed in about 10 minutes.

q., in tons/ ft'

Con- Very Very

sistency Soft Soft Medium Stiff Stiff Hard

N <2 2-4 4-8 8-15 15-30 > 30

q. <0.25 0.25-0.50 0.50-1.00 1.00-2.00 2.00-4.00 >4.00

Table 4.1 Relation of consistency of clay, number of blows N on

sampling spoon, and unconfined compression strength.

Size (area) 1 3/4 1/2 1/3 1/5 1/10 1/20

(in. )

End 1.124 0.976 0.796 0.651 0.505 0.357 0.252


Table 4.2 Sizes of Penetrometer needles. (24)


Figure 3.1 Friction on horizontal surface. (3)

Figure 3.2 Modes of failure in soils.(5)

a. Single Slip Line
b. Family of Slip Lines
Figure 3.3 Shear Pattern.
(5) 78
= Normal Unit Pressure (Applied Stress)


Figure 3.4 Graph of Coulomb Formula for shearing strength of soils.


a. Relationship between major and minor principle stresses in the

case of failure.

b. Envelope of Mohr's circles: 1-5 = Mohr's circles.

Figure 3.5 (5)
Figure 3.6 Mohr Diagram for Normal and Shearing Stresses. (24)

........ (ai.


/6 pee
4 50
sq /n
3 40

0 5 10 /5 2
Axial Strain %

Figure 3.7 Graph of d, -o3 vs. axial strain for undrained test on
compacted fill material. (1)

Axial Strain %
1 0
v 0


Figure 3.8 Graph of volumetric strain vs. axial strain for

undrained test on a compacted fill material. (1)
Figure 3.9 3-D loading followed by 1-D loading of soil. (1)


AO; mg A5

AU- 4. 4113

Figure 3.10 Stress change stages in Triaxial test. (24)



01A lmial


11" 11641

27- (...w I t0 PEN1

Figure 4.1 Standard Split Barrel Sampler Assembly. (25)

Very loos*
Meolum Dense Very dense






1-1 20

i4 ID

28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46
Angle of shearing resistance, 0

Figure 4.2 Relation between relative density, 0. and N obtained ,

from the Standard Penetration Test. (After Peck, Hanson,

and Thornburn). (24)
04 0.6 1.0 1.2 1. 1.5 /8 2.0


gt 2.0

- -y,3.0
cv, 2.5
u m

W 0
W 15
U w.

> U 4.0

U M 4.5

4-1 w 5.0

Correction Factor, CN
CN = 0.77t0 d Jj1

Figure 4.3 Chart for correction of N value in sand for

influence of overburden pressure. (24)


/ 2 3 4 0 / 2 3 4
(a). D /B = 1.0 (b). D /B = 0.5
f f
Width of footing, B, ft.


/ 2 3 6

(c). Df/B = 0.25

Width of footing, B, ft.

Figure 4.4 Design chart for proportioning shallow footings

on sand. (24)


I// ,/

psi (0.28 MN/m2)

J2 80 4 f.. /
et?/ 4' /
a- / Z / "NI
60 11'
aq .1.,../

i r....,

20 psi (0.14 MN /m =)
// , &/.s/
/ /,
/ / // /
10 psi (69 kN/m2)

/,///// /
.'. ODs' 0

0 40 60 80 100
Relative density -
Very I very
Loose I Medium I Dense dense
0 15 35 65 85 100

Pressure values indicbte overburden pressure

Gibbs and Holtz curves

aazaraa =ryes

Figure 4.5 Relationship among Standard Penetration Resistance,

relative density, and effective overburden pressure
for coarse sand. (24)


4 bladed


. I


a. Vane Shear Test Apparatus b. Geometry of Field Vane

Figure 4.6 (13)

Figure 4.7 Assumed distribution of shear stress on side surface

and ends of soil cylinder in the Vane Shear Test. (13)

Sliding Ring
AV' Ns--1

Needle Stem
(a) Penetrometer

(0) Penetration Needle

Figure 4.8 Soil Penetrometer (9)












43.7 mn,

Figure 4.9 The Prototype Fugro Full Displacement Pressuremeter. (15)





CONE 0.00






Figure 4.10 Set-up for prototype FDPM testing. (15)

Compressive load

Proving ring Porous plates

(shear force)
Shear box

Shear force
applied at
Move able_ constant rate
of strain

Figure 4.11 Direct Shear Stress Test Apparatus. (25)

Normal Force
Loading Plate


Shear Box


Figure 4.12 Schematic diagram of the Direct Shear Stress Test.


o Tests on normally
consolidated clay
Tests on over-
consolidated clay
Note: c = 0 for normally
consolidated clay; c>0
for over-consolidated

Normal Stress

Figure 4.13 Failure envelope for clay obtained from the Direct
Shear Test. (1)



(a). Stress-Control Method



;If CO

(b). Strain-Control Method

Figure 4.14 Direct Shear Test Methods. (6)

Acr u Gr,--Cri



Bottom Saturation
base plate and

Figure 4.15 Schematic Illustration of the Triaxial Cell. (6)

shear shear
stress $$


Figure 4.16 Shear Stress vs. Normal Compressive Stress

relationships for the three types of soils. (24)


Figure 4.17 Graph of Coulomb Equation for shearing strength

of soil. (24)


C. ct+fi
r pc +0

Figure 4.18 Principle of the Triaxial Compression Test. (25)

Direction of r

(a). Sketch showing the physical representation of a stressed sample.

-°3 sin 29
re (07-cri)sin 8 cos9

(b). Sketch showing the Mohr Circle representation of the same

stressed sample.
Figure 4.19 (25)

Figure 4.20 Sketch showing stress representation by p and q. (25)

Figure 4.21 Stress condition and failure envelope generated from
the Triaxial Compression Test. (25)



Total stress Mohr's

circles at failure
Failure envelope
........ ,I.::::::-..- :::"="17...;;::::".'"" : - ""..".1.'": 4" °

U . .. :

-1... ,

er3 1 3
a'1 cr
3 Normal Stress

Figure 4.22 Total Stress Mohr's circles and failure envelope

( = 0) obtained from unconsolidated-undrained
triaxial tests. (13)

Tf = C Crta 95

1 Normal stress

Figure 4.23 Total stress failure envelope for undrained tests

on partly saturated cohesive soils. (1)

Total stress
Effective stress failure envelope
failure envel4
"ri g eiian

Normal stress

t=lo h;i74J,Ti

Figure 4.24 Total and effective stress failure envelope for

consolidated-undrained triaxial tests. (13)

8, 45°1- 41

Total and effective

stress failure
Tf =eicanyb

9j=-61 0i:di Normal stress


Figure 4.25 Effective stress failure envelope from drained

tests in sand. (13)


Total stress 117
'1.---Mohr's circle at failure

Normal stress

Figure 4.26 Failure envelope from Unconfined Compression Test. (25)


Two basic problems exist in present-day soil analysis:

1. effect of unloading of the sample taken from

depths as it is brought to the surface and removed

from the sampler.

2. changes in the moisture content that may occur in

the soil strata after construction is complete and

the effects these changes will have on the strength

of the soil.

Simplistic tests such as the Standard Penetration

Test, the Vane Shear Test predict only a shear value at

the conditions under which the tests are conducted.

The Direct Shear Test has its inherent disadvan-

tages like no drainage control; the failure plane is

predetermined which may not be the weakest plane; pore

pressure is not measured; there is effect of lateral

restraint from the side walls of the shear box.

On the other hand, the Triaxial Compression Test is

the only test which incorporates control of drainage

conditions and the measurement of pore pressure and is

thus the most common and most reliable test for the

evaluation of the stress-strain characteristics of the



1. Bishop, A.W. and Henkel, D.J. The measurement of soil

properties in the Triaxial Test., Howard Arnold
Publishers Ltd., 1957.

2. Yoder, E.J. Principles of Pavement Design., John Wiley

& Sons, Inc., 1959.

3. Spangler, M.G. Soil Engineering., International

Textbook Company, 1951.

4. Selig, E.T. and Ladd, R.S. (Editors) Evaluation of

Relative Density and its role in Geotechnical
Projects involving Cohesionless Soils., American
Society for Testing and Materials, 1973.

5. Kedzie, A. Handbook of Soil Mechanics: Soil Physics

(Volume 1)., Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company,

6. Kedzie, A. Handbook of Soil Mechanics:Soil Testing

(Volume 2)., Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company,

7. Bowles, J.E. Foundation Analysis and Design.,

McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1982.
8. Cernica, J.H. Geotechnical Engineering., Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, CBS College Publishing, 1982.

9. Smith, G.N. Elements of Soil Mechanics for Civil and

Mining Engineers., Crosby Lockwood & Sons, Ltd., 1968.

10. Scott, C.R. An Introduction to Soil Mechanics and

Foundations., Maclaren and Sons, Ltd., 1969.

11. Whitlow, R. Basic Soil Mechanics., Construction Press,


12. Smith, M.J. Soil Mechanics., Macdonald and Evans,

Ltd., 1970.

13. Das, B.M. Introduction to Soil Mechanics., The Iowa

State University Press, Ames, 1979.

14. Tschebotarioff, G.P. Soil Mechanics, Foundation, and
Earth Structures: An Introduction to Theory and
Practice of Design and Construction., McGraw-Hill Book
Company Inc., 1951.

15. Baguelin, F.; Jezequel, J.F.; and Shields, D.H. The

Pressuremeter and Foundation Engineering, Trans Tech
Publications, 1978.

16. Peck, R.B.; Hanson, W.E.; and Thornburn, T.H.

Foundation Enginering, John Wiley & Sons, 1953.

17. Parker, J.C.; Amos, D.F.; Sture, S. Measurement of

Swelling, Hydraulic Conductivity, and Shear Strength
in a Multistage Triaxial Test; J-44:1133-1138, 1980,
American Society of Soil Sciences.

18. D 1558-71(1977) Test Method for Moisture-Penetration

Resistance Relations of fine-grained soils, 1984
Annual Book of ASTM Standards vol. 04.08.

19. D 1586-67(1974) Method for Penetration Test and

Split Barrel Sampling of Soils, 1984 Annual Book
of ASTM Standards vol. 04.08.

20. D 2166-66(1979) Test Methods for Unconfined Compres-

sion Strength of Cohesive Soils, 1984 Annual Book
of ASTM Standards vol. 04.08.

21. D 2573-72(1978) Method for Vane Shear Test in

Cohesive Soils, 1984 Annual Book for ASTM
Standards vol. 04.08.

22. D 2850-82 Method for Unconsolidated, Undrained

Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soils in Triaxial
Compression, 1984 Annual Book of ASTM Standards
vol. 04.08.

23. D 3080-72(1979) Method for Direct Shear Test on

soils under Consolidated Drained conditions,
1984 Annual Book of ASTM Standards vol. 04.08.

24. Class Notes: Kansas State University.

25. Murthy, V.N.S. Soil Mechanics and Foundation

Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, India, 1977.


The author would like to express his deep appreciation

and gratitude to Professor W. W. Williams for exposing him

to the basic ideas and concepts of this report. His

sincere interest and enthusiasm in this project, as well

as his continuing encouragement, helped make this a

tremendous learning experience.

The author also wishes to extend his gratitude and

appreciation to the members of his graduate advisory

committee: Dr. J. B. Sisson and Dr. B. M. McEnroe for

their assistance and review of this report.

Finally, the author wishes to express his sincere

appreciation and thanks to all the faculty and staff in

the Civil Engineering Department at Kansas State

University, for creating a very healthy environment for

pursuing graduate studies.



Amit Mukherjee

B.E., Calcutta University, India, 1983


submitted in partial fullfilment of the

requirements for the degree


Department of Civil Engineering


Manhattan, Kansas


The friction angle and the unit cohesion (the shear

strength characteristics) of a soil are fundamental as-

pects in determining the suitability of soils for enginee-

ring purposes and in the analysis and design of soil-based


This report consisted of studying the methods for

determining the shear strength characteristics of soils

and the limitations and/or the advantages of the various


Amongst all the tests described, the triaxial compres-

sion test is the only one which makes it possible to

investigate the change in shear strength of a soil for

different ratios of major(axial) and minor(lateral) prin-
cipal stresses, to control the drainage conditions during

the test, and to measure the pore pressure. This test can

simulate the conditions imposed on a soil mass as it

exists in the field. Thus, the friction angle and the

unit cohesion obtained by the use of this test approximate

the true values of these properties.

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