Rizwan 2014
Rizwan 2014
Rizwan 2014
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/energy
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Global solar energy data is considered as the most important parameter in smart grid applications,
Received 19 November 2013 particularly for sizing the photovoltaic system and demand driven supply. However the data of global
Received in revised form solar energy is rarely available on hourly basis, even for those stations where measurement has already
3 March 2014
been done. Due to lack of such measured data, the estimation of global solar energy at the earth’s surface
Accepted 19 April 2014
Available online xxx
is an important study in the present scenario to meet the energy requirement from green energy sources.
This paper is based on fuzzy logic approach for modeling and estimating the global solar energy using
mean duration sunshine per hour, temperature, latitude, longitude, altitude and months of the year as
Fuzzy logic
input parameters. Fortunately, these important for accurate parameters estimation of solar energy are
Meteorological parameter commonly available. Results obtained from fuzzy logic approach are used for the prediction of SPV
Smart grid system output for smart grid application.
Solar energy estimation Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0360-5442/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Rizwan M, et al., Fuzzy logic based modeling and estimation of global solar energy using meteorological
parameters, Energy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2014.04.057
2 M. Rizwan et al. / Energy xxx (2014) 1e7
of average daily actual sunshine duration at the location to the final customer. The main advantage of smart grid implementation
theoretical sunshine duration), and temperature as input parame- in terms of utility benefits include reduced perturbations and
ters. Obtained results are further simulated for smart grid appli- outages; minimal power losses and blackout prospects; lower
cations using fuzzy logic approach/toolbox. maintenance and operational cost; lower greenhouse gas emis-
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the basics sions; increased energy efficiency; increased large scale renew-
of smart grid operation. Section 3 describes the fuzzy logic based able energy and distributed generation integration; enabled
model for solar energy estimation. Fuzzy model for the prediction micro-grid applications and energy management systems envi-
of SPV system output for smart grid application is presented in ronmental benefits and economic growth through clean power
Section 4. Results and discussions are presented in Section 5. A markets [19].
Conclusion followed by the references is discussed in Section 6. In the present grid system generation is following the load, but
in the smart grid system the load will follow the generation. For
2. Smart grid such a system, where load follows the generation the solar energy
estimation at the site is the driving contributor to the power output
The global electricity sector and its customers are faced with a calculations for these systems. If a system is able to predict solar
number of challenges that are unparalleled since the advent of energy with a good accuracy at a particular location then load
widespread electrification. Challenges including climate change, scheduling, economic load dispatch, battery sizing, time of use and
escalating energy prices, energy security and energy efficiency are pricing can be done intelligently and optimally including the supply
converging to drive fundamental change in the way of energy of critical loads for those times when the sufficient amount of po-
produced, delivered and utilized. Keeping in view of aforesaid the wer is available. In addition to this when the power available from
future electricity system must produce and distribute electricity the solar energy based system is less then only critical loads can be
which should be reliable, affordable and clean. To achieve the same, supplied. With the correct data, solar collectors are fairly easy
both the electricity grid and the existing regulatory system must be components to size, install, and begin generating power.
smarter. Hence there arises a need of grid that should be smart i.e.
smart grid. Further, world is venturing into renewable energy re- 3. Fuzzy logic approach for global solar energy estimation
sources like wind and solar. With such unpredictable energy
sources, feeding the grid must be highly adaptive in terms of supply In the global solar energy estimation, geographical features like
and demand. A good electric supply is one of the key infrastructure latitude, longitude, altitude and meteorological parameters like
requirements to support overall development, hence the opportu- mean duration sunshine per hour and temperature play an
nities for building smart grid is immense [3,19e20].
Smart grid is used to predict and intelligently respond to the Table 2
behavior and actions of all users connected to it. Further, it is used Monthly average data of H/H0, S/S0 and T/T0.
to efficiently deliver the reliable, economic, and sustainable
Month New Delhi Jodhpur
electricity services to consumers. In addition, smart grid tech-
nologies are advanced electrical networks that support new H/H0 S/S0 T/T0 H/H0 S/S0 T/T0
generation interactive energy and communication services for the January 0.189 0.836 0.334 0.180 0.890 0.554
February 0.387 0.857 0.509 0.386 0.890 0.612
March 0.657 0.857 0.639 0.675 0.800 0.734
Table 1 April 0.877 0.868 0.809 0.807 0.890 0.858
Geographical features of Indian stations considered. May 0.900 0.879 0.896 0.900 0.890 0.900
June 0.779 0.847 0.900 0.822 0.830 0.883
Station Latitude Longitude Height above the Climate zone
July 0.557 0.697 0.841 0.492 0.720 0.805
( N) ( E) mean sea level (m)
August 0.475 0.697 0.813 0.370 0.726 0.778
New Delhi 28.58 77.20 216 Composite September 0.546 0.847 0.673 0.551 0.810 0.802
Jodhpur 26.30 73.02 224 Hot & dry October 0.412 0.900 0.727 0.505 0.870 0.781
Kolkata 22.65 88.45 6 Warm & humid November 0.241 0.857 0.596 0.254 0.900 0.709
Shillong 25.57 91.88 1600 Cold & cloudy December 0.100 0.804 0.464 0.100 0.900 0.632
Please cite this article in press as: Rizwan M, et al., Fuzzy logic based modeling and estimation of global solar energy using meteorological
parameters, Energy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2014.04.057
M. Rizwan et al. / Energy xxx (2014) 1e7 3
Table 3
Monthly average data of H/H0, S/S0 and T/T0. Low Low Normal Normal High Normal High
Degree of Membership
Month Kolkata Shillong
H/H0 S/S0 T/T0 H/H0 S/S0 T/T0
January 0.181 0.900 0.645 0.109 0.609 0.100
February 0.386 0.900 0.734 0.398 0.827 0.368 0.4
March 0.702 0.900 0.841 0.690 0.900 0.655
April 0.900 0.889 0.900 0.900 0.706 0.854 0.2
May 0.860 0.877 0.899 0.594 0.585 0.858
June 0.529 0.776 0.867 0.369 0.124 0.845 0
July 0.330 0.641 0.835 0.329 0.100 0.900 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
August 0.376 0.652 0.832 0.201 0.124 0.892 Sunshine
September 0.312 0.754 0.830 0.100 0.270 0.840
October 0.347 0.878 0.821 0.230 0.488 0.700 Fig. 1. Fuzzy subsets membership functions for sunshine duration.
November 0.212 0.900 0.764 0.280 0.512 0.481
December 0.100 0.889 0.680 0.145 0.609 0.280
important role. There are other meteorological parameters also 248 þ D
which may affects the global solar energy such as relative humidity d ¼ 23:45 sin 360 (3)
and wind speed. These parameters do not affect the global solar
energy significantly. Therefore these parameters are not considered
as input parameters in the proposed model. u ¼ cos1 ðtan f tan dÞ (4)
Keeping in mind different climatic conditions, four stations such
as New Delhi, Jodhpur, Kolkata and Shillong are chosen for the
where D is the day of the year, Isc ¼ 1367 Wm2 is the solar con-
present study that cover the different climatic zones and their
stant, f is the latitude of location, d is the declination angle and u is
features are presented in Table 1.
the sunset hour angle [23].
The monthly averaged (1986e2000) hourly meteorological data
To calculate extraterrestrial solar irradiance H0 and relative
such as mean duration sunshine per hour (S/S0), temperature ratio
sunshine duration (S0) at various Indian stations, MATLAB program
(T/T0) and clearness index (H/H0) for these stations is obtained from
has been written.
IMD (Indian Meteorological Department) and MNRE (Ministry of
Data of meteorological parameters like clearness index (H/H0),
New and Renewable Energy) [21].
mean duration sunshine per hour (S/S0) and temperature ratio (T/
The input parameters are latitude, altitude, longitude, months of
T0) for New Delhi and Jodhpur stations are presented in Table 2.
the year, temperature ratio (T/T0) and mean duration sunshine per
Similarly, the data of meteorological parameters mentioned
hour (S/S0). The output parameter is the clearness index (H/H0). The
above for Kolkata and Shillong stations are presented in Table 3.
estimated global solar energy is obtained by multiplying the esti-
The impact of mean duration sunshine per hour and tempera-
mated clearness index by H0. Where H is the monthly mean global
ture is more significant as reported in the literature [11e12,15].
irradiance on horizontal surface, and H0 is the extraterrestrial solar
Therefore, it is necessary to select them as input parameters to get
irradiance on the 15th day of month, S is the monthly mean of the
more accurate output. Hence, the sunshine duration and temper-
daily hours of bright sunshine; S0 is the maximum daily hours of
ature have been selected as input meteorological parameters for
sunshine or day length. The ratio of S/S0 is the fraction of maximum
the estimation of global solar energy. Further, we have also taken
possible numbers of bright sunshine hours and H/H0 is the atmo-
into consideration the effect of geographical parameters like lati-
spheric transmission coefficient, commonly known as clearness
tude, longitude and altitude as inputs, though these parameters
index. The value of S0 can be computed from Cooper’s formula
remain constant for a particular location. Hence these parameters
2 have not been included in defining the rules.
S0 ¼ us (1)
15 The fuzzy system contains a set of rules which are developed
from qualitative descriptions. In fuzzy systems, rules may be fired
The extraterrestrial solar irradiance on a horizontal surface H0 is with some degree using fuzzy inferencing; whereas, in conven-
obtained from the following expression tional expert systems, a rule is either fired or not fired. For the solar
!! energy estimation problem, rules are defined to determine the
24 3:6 103 ISC D accuracy in terms of absolute relative error. For the estimation of
H0 ¼ 1 þ 0:033 Cos 360
p 365 global solar energy at a particular location keeping geographical
Cos f Cos d Sin u þ u Sin f Sin d parameters as constant, a set of multiple-antecedent fuzzy rules
have been established. The input to the rules is mean sunshine
(2) duration per hour (S/S0) and temperature ratio (T/T0), and the
Table 4
Decision matrix for the estimation of global solar energy.
Please cite this article in press as: Rizwan M, et al., Fuzzy logic based modeling and estimation of global solar energy using meteorological
parameters, Energy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2014.04.057
4 M. Rizwan et al. / Energy xxx (2014) 1e7
PV Power
0.8 Mamdani
Cell Temperature
0.2 Fig. 5. Fuzzy logic approach for the prediction of SPV output.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Temperature Table 5
Decision matrix for the prediction of SPV output.
Fig. 2. Fuzzy subsets membership functions for temperature ratio.
And Solar insolation
Low Med High Very high
Cell temperature Low Low Med Very high Very high
Med Low Med High Very high
Degree of Membership
Temperature (T/To)
Fig. 4. Fuzzy logic based model for global solar energy estimation.
Please cite this article in press as: Rizwan M, et al., Fuzzy logic based modeling and estimation of global solar energy using meteorological
parameters, Energy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2014.04.057
M. Rizwan et al. / Energy xxx (2014) 1e7 5
Table 6 Table 9
Estimated monthly mean global solar energy in comparison with measured data for Estimated monthly mean global solar energy in comparison with measured data for
Delhi. Shillong.
Month Measured (MJ/m2) Estimated (MJ/m2) Month Measured (MJ/m2) Estimated (MJ/m2)
Table 7 30
Estimated monthly mean global solar energy in comparison with measured data for
Jodhpur. 25
Solar Irradiance
Month Measured (MJ/m2) Estimated (MJ/m2) 20
Fuzzy logic ANN
January 15.53 14.92 14.93
February 18.20 17.05 17.43 10
March 21.76 20.69 20.78
April 24.24 23.30 23.08 5
May 25.10 23.56 23.79
June 23.58 22.17 24.90 0
July 19.67 20.93 20.84 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
August 19.51 20.90 18.33 Months
September 21.06 19.80 19.99
October 19.11 18.27 18.34 Fig. 6. Measured global solar energy (B) with the estimated values () in MJ/m2 for
November 16.17 15.60 15.39 New Delhi.
December 14.84 14.32 14.13
Please cite this article in press as: Rizwan M, et al., Fuzzy logic based modeling and estimation of global solar energy using meteorological
parameters, Energy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2014.04.057
6 M. Rizwan et al. / Energy xxx (2014) 1e7
30 Table 10
Monthly predicted SPV system output in comparison with computed power for New
25 Delhi.
Solar Irradiance
included easily in estimating solar energy more accurate for any
15 location that are required to set up solar based power stations.
Further, the estimation of solar energy and prediction of SPV output
would be helpful in smart grid application.
0 Appendix
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
For the estimation of global solar energy at New Delhi, Jodhpur,
Fig. 9. Measured global solar energy (B) with the estimated values () in MJ/m2 for Kolkata and Shillong stations, an ANN based model has been
Shillong. developed and presented in Fig. 10.
Please cite this article in press as: Rizwan M, et al., Fuzzy logic based modeling and estimation of global solar energy using meteorological
parameters, Energy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2014.04.057
M. Rizwan et al. / Energy xxx (2014) 1e7 7
Fig. 10. ANN model for the estimation of global solar energy.
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Please cite this article in press as: Rizwan M, et al., Fuzzy logic based modeling and estimation of global solar energy using meteorological
parameters, Energy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2014.04.057