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Advances in Civil Engineering

Volume 2020, Article ID 8701368, 13 pages

Research Article
Estimating Solar Insolation and Power Generation of Photovoltaic
Systems Using Previous Day Weather Data

Min Hee Chung

School of Architecture and Building Science, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 06974, Republic of Korea

Correspondence should be addressed to Min Hee Chung; mhloveu@cau.ac.kr

Received 22 October 2019; Revised 2 January 2020; Accepted 16 January 2020; Published 18 February 2020

Academic Editor: Emanuele Brunesi

Copyright © 2020 Min Hee Chung. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Day-ahead predictions of solar insolation are useful for forecasting the energy production of photovoltaic (PV) systems attached
to buildings, and accurate forecasts are essential for operational efficiency and trading markets. In this study, a multilayer feed-
forward neural network-based model that predicts the next day’s solar insolation by taking into consideration the weather
conditions of the present day was proposed. The proposed insolation model was employed to estimate the energy production of a
real PV system located in South Korea. Validation research was performed by comparing the model’s estimated energy production
with the measured energy production data collected during the PV system operation. The accuracy indices for the optimal model,
which included the root mean squared error, mean bias error, and mean absolute error, were 1.43 kWh/m2/day, − 0.09 kWh/m2/
day, and 1.15 kWh/m2/day, respectively. These values indicate that the proposed model is capable of producing reasonable
insolation predictions; however, additional work is needed to achieve accurate estimates for energy trading.

1. Introduction PV systems in the city rather than in the rural or forested areas
because of land conservation concerns. Indeed, PV systems
Electricity consumption has been rapidly increasing around are more likely than other types of renewable energy systems,
the world despite efforts to improve energy conservation. In to be constructed in urban built environments.
2013, in Korea, the electricity consumption in the commercial The Korean government intends to introduce a smart
and public sectors increased by 10% to 65.8% compared to grid to promote the embracement of renewable energy [3].
values in 2001. Moreover, the electrification of energy con- As part of these efforts, the government announced a second
sumption has further intensified [1]. Since natural gas and basic plan for an intelligent power grid in 2018. Accordingly,
electricity have emerged as primary energy sources in the the government has set up policies on smart grid complex
household sector, this share of electricity consumption has construction, infrastructure, and facility expansion. It was
been steadily increasing. This is because households prefer reported that, in 2019, a distributed energy resource market
clean energy sources to maintain comfort and the convenience would be allowed in Korea. As a result, significant changes
of living. The Korean government is promoting buildings in are expected in the electric trading market, which has been
which renewable energy systems are used, to save on primary focused on centralized power generation companies. The
energy consumption and to realize energy independence. expansion of distributed generation will accelerate direct
Solar energy is known to be a good substitute for fossil energy trading among individuals and groups that can
fuels, which currently account for more than 80% of the produce and consume energy simultaneously [3, 4]. Such
primary energy supply [2]. Photovoltaic (PV) systems are the peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading has been demonstrated in
most suitable replacements for fossil fuels because they do not various forms in the United States, United Kingdom,
produce CO2 emissions and do not pose the same risks as Netherlands, and Germany [5–7]. P2P energy trading is
those associated with other alternative energy supplies such as beneficial because it reduces the need for expensive and
nuclear power generation. It may be more desirable to install inefficient energy transportation with substantial losses [8],
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

thus improving the reliability of energy supply [9] and al- solar irradiance prediction method for hourly day-ahead
leviating transmission and distribution congestion problems forecasts by using hourly weather forecast data. The pro-
[10]. Forecasting solar insolation in advance is essential in posed model contained structured long- and short-term
the management of the PV system’s generated output in a memory networks, and it was compared with other algo-
distributed grid. It is necessary to provide information on rithms. By using weather forecasting data as input variables,
the energy production through the system to the prosumer, it is possible to reflect the change in solar radiation in ac-
who conducts the small-scale electricity trading as a weather cordance with the weather changes. However, the accuracy
forecast in advance. Time-based predictions may need to be of the solar radiation prediction changes based on the
provided according to the individual’s characteristics. prediction accuracy of the weather forecast data. Amrouche
However, it is necessary to provide daily production forecast and Le Pivert [19] proposed a solar radiation forecasting
information to a large number of prosumers. In small-scale model using artificial neural networks (ANNs) and special
energy trading, the provision of daily energy production modelling. In cases where there were no meteorological data
forecast information is more effective than providing de- from the predicted area, the solar radiation was estimated
tailed hourly energy generation forecast information. Daily using meteorological data from the nearby areas. This model
energy production by PV systems can be predicted simply predicted daily values, which were used to estimate power
based on daily irradiation. generation by PV systems. Long et al. [20] proposed a
Many researchers are presently directing their efforts on prediction model for the daily PV energy production by
solar insolation forecasting techniques. Soares et al. [11] meteorological parameters. The efficiency of the prediction
examined the intrahour solar insolation predictions based algorithm was improved by classifying the weather data
on hourly weather data for a period of 4 years. They esti- based on importance and with reduced input variables used
mated the hourly values of the diffuse solar radiation by as input data.
using multilayer perceptron neural networks. However, The prediction accuracy varied in accordance with the
their model could not reflect the present-day weather accuracy of the weather forecasts. In addition, there have
change. Mathiesen and Kleissl [12] compared five fore- been many studies on various solar insolation prediction
casting models for the intraday solar insolation by using models with different prediction horizons and different
ground-based weather measurement data, and these efforts prediction methods. The previous solar forecasting models
resulted in the production of an accurate database to validate made predictions based on the time or day. However, a large
numerical weather predictions. The accuracy of each model amount of input data was needed for accuracy within the
in predicting insolation varied in accordance with the predicted time scale. The limitation of the prediction model
weather conditions. However, it was difficult to consider is that the training and prediction time increases as the
multiple models simultaneously. Sun et al. [13] proposed a number of input variables increases. This study aims to
random forest algorithm for estimating the daily solar ra- develop a simple solar insolation prediction model by using
diation based on meteorological data, solar radiation, and fewer weather data variables, which make it easy to acquire
three air pollution indexes for SO2, NO2, and PM10. They information. Typically, weather forecast data may be used to
optimized the proposed estimation model depending on the predict the next day’s solar insolation. However, predicting
input variables. In a city with a high degree of air pollution, the next day’s solar insolation using weather forecast data is
this model can be used to estimate the exact amount of solar characterized by a lot of uncertainty due to the uncertainty
radiation; however, the number of input variables increases. in the weather forecast data.
Sharma and Kakkar [14] also proposed an hourly global solar The objective of this paper is to propose a simple pre-
irradiance model for different forecasting horizons ranging diction model for day-ahead solar insolation using weather
from a few hours ahead to 48 hours ahead by using machine observation data. The predicted solar insolation would be
learning. The model with 1 hour ahead predictions was the used for estimating energy production in advance. The es-
most accurate; however, there was not enough time to timated energy production would give information for the
provide information to users. Gutierrez-Corea et al. [15] determination of optimal operating conditions, such as self-
modeled the spatial-temporal short-term global solar in- consumption or feed-in into the grid mode for PV systems
solation by using artificial neural networks. This model gave located in a distributed grid. The day-ahead solar insolation
accurate data predictions over time but increased the prediction model forecasts the solar radiation of the next day
complexity of the prediction model with more than 900 based on the weather data of the current day. It is assumed
input parameters. Huang and Davy [16] proposed a linear that the predicted model cannot be applied to systems in-
regression model for the intrahour solar irradiance that uses stalled in a specific condition; however, it can predict in-
the hourly clear sky index and geopotential thickness. The formation applicable to a wide range of conditions.
model predicted hourly solar irradiance only for summer. Therefore, the weather difference due to the differences in
Therefore, there were limitations in applying this model to the meteorological observation site and the installation lo-
other seasons. Vakili et al. [17] designed a prediction model cation of the PV system was ignored. The input variables use
for the total daily solar insolation for Iran by using a meteorological data that can be easily obtained from the
multilayer perceptron artificial neural network. The limi- meteorological administration. The prediction model could
tation of this model was that the solar insolation was esti- provide building users with useful information to plan their
mated based on the weather observation information, rather energy use in advance. This paper is organized as follows. In
than the future value. Qing and Niu [18] presented a novel Section 2, the data used for training and checking the
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

prediction model are described. Section 3 explains the Table 1: Station specifications.
prediction model and the verification method. The measured Item Specification
energy production for a PV system located in South Korea
Location Seoul, South Korea
was compared to the energy production prediction obtained Latitude 37.5714°N
through the solar insolation prediction model. Section 4 Longitude 126.9658°E
presents the results, and Section 5 presents the conclusions. Elevation 85.67 m
Climate type Humid continental
2. Meteorological Data Observed period 2014–2017

The meteorological data used in this study were provided by

the Korea Meteorological Administration. Ground obser- initial input variables that could affect the solar radiation, as
vations were carried out by manual and automatic obser- depicted in Table 2. Visibility can especially be influenced by
vations for the automated synoptic observing system. The aerosols in the air. According to Chung [22], there is a low
temperature, humidity, wind direction, wind velocity, air correlation between the ratio of the horizontal global ra-
pressure, precipitation, sunshine, solar radiation, surface diation to the extraterrestrial radiation and particulate
temperature, grass temperature, and ground temperature matter in Korea. In this study, the effects of wind direction,
were automatically obtained by the use of synoptic weather cloud shapes, heights of clouds, visibility, ground temper-
observation equipment, which report atmospheric condi- atures, and surface ground temperature were excluded.
tions near the ground in real-time. Snowfall, clouds, and In the next step, all the data were normalized to a scale
other daily phenomena were observed manually every hour between zero and one based on equation (1); normalization
or every three hours. of the input reduces estimation errors and makes learning
The air temperature, which varied with the measured fast and efficient [23]:
height, was measured at a height of about 1.2 to 1.5 m above xi − MIN(x)
the ground. The wind direction was represented by a vector yi � , (1)
MAX(x) − MIN(x)
quantity with a direction and magnitude. However, since the
horizontal component was much larger than the vertical where xi is the observed data at time i, yi is the normalized
component, generally only the horizontal component was data at time i, and MIN(x) and MAX(x) are the minimum
observed. Air flow at a height of 10 m from the ground was and maximum values during the observation period,
also observed. Precipitation refers to rain, snow, and hail, respectively.
i.e., liquid and solid precipitation. In the case of solid
precipitation, the depth of the precipitation was measured. 3. Model Methods and Evaluation Indices
Solar insolation was automatically observed by a pyran-
ometer every hour. Data on sunshine hours and sunshine A forecast model based on the weather data is presented in
duration were collected. These data were then used to this section, along with the model verification procedures.
compute the continued sunshine duration, which is a The solar insolation presented through the predictive model
measure of the duration of continuous reflection of sunshine is the value of the horizontal plane insolation; therefore, the
on the ground surface without blockage by clouds or fog. insolation on the inclined PV module is calculated. This
Clouds were manually observed in terms of their shape, solar insolation of the inclined plane will be used to calculate
height, and cover. Other meteorological phenomena such as the energy output of the PV system and compare it with the
the visibility, ground surface, minimum grass surface, and energy output of the PV system being monitored. Finally, the
ground temperatures were observed. The solar insolation error verification method used in this paper is presented.
was determined by the Sun’s altitude and azimuth with
respect to the season and time. However, the solar insolation
reaching the Earth’s surface varied depending on the at- 3.1. Forecast Method. This study used a type of artificial
mospheric weather conditions. neural network (ANN) architecture known as a multilayer
The weather data for the prediction model were recorded feed-forward neural network (MLF) for the modelling. The
in Seoul, South Korea, and the station specifications are multilayer feed-forward neural network is also referred to as
given in Table 1. The dataset collection period lasted for 4 a multilayer perceptron (MLP). This model is similar to the
years (2014–2017). Data that had some elements missing persistence model in that the previous day’s data are used as
were excluded from the dataset. The dataset was divided into the input variables. The persistence model assumes that the
training and testing datasets. For the training dataset, data conditions are unchanged between the current time and the
ranging from 2014 to 2016 were used. For testing, the 2017 future time [24]. However, because the sun’s position and
data were used. The total training and testing datasets weather conditions change from day to day, it cannot be
consisted of 1084 and 357 days, respectively. The variables assumed that data on weather conditions are the same as
were selected based on the results of a previous study [21], those of the previous day. In particular, it is difficult to apply
which analyzed the correlation between solar insolation and a persistence model in the case of a 1-day forecast horizon.
weather data. Temperature, humidity, precipitation, pre- For ANN models, the magnitudes of weights and biases are
cipitation duration, wind speed, sunshine duration, con- changed in a time series, which makes them more appro-
tinued sunshine duration, and cloud cover were selected as priate [25]. Diagne et al. suggested an appropriate model by
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 2: The weather variables at initial time.

Variables Min Max
Lowest temperature (Tlow, °C) − 18.0 28.7 2
Highest temperature (Thigh, °C) − 10.5 36.6
Precipitation (PR, mm) 0 144.5 3
Precipitation duration (PD, hr) 0 24 SI
Minimum humidity (RH, %) 7 94
Daily wind speed (DWS, m/s) 0.9 6.4
Sunshine duration (SD, hr) 9.6 14.8
Continued sunshine duration (CSD, hr) 0 13.7
Cloud cover (CC, − ) 0 10

Input layer One or more hidden layer Output layer

forecasting the horizon [26]. The persistence model is ap-
propriate when the forecasting horizon is within an hour, Figure 1: MLF architecture.
but the ANN model is suitable when the forecasting horizon
is longer than an hour. Trained with a backpropagation Table 3: Training parameters.
learning algorithm, MLF is one of the most popular types of
ANN architectures used to forecast solar insolation Parameters Value
[15, 27–30]. The MLF was implemented in MATLAB. The Maximum number of epochs to train 1000
MLF consists of activation functions, bias, and neurons [31]. Performance goal 0.01
The neurons were ordered into input and hidden and output Minimum performance gradient 1e − 7
Initial mu 0.001
layers, as shown in Figure 1. The number of hidden layers
Maximum mu 1e + 10
(NHLs) was set to be between 1 and 5. This was done because Maximum validation failures 6
the forecast model was supposed to forecast the output of Epochs between displays 50
nonlinear relationships between input data. Moreover, the
model was complicated. The range of the number of hidden
neurons was determined by the initial number of hidden where Isc is the solar constant (1367 W/m2), n is the day
neurons, which was calculated based on equation (2) by number of year, ϕ is the latitude, δ is the solar declination, and
using the number of input neurons [32]. Each layer consists ωs is the sunset hour angle. The values of δ and ωs can be
of the same number of neurons: approximately expressed by equations (4) and (5), respectively:
NHN � 2NIN + 1, (2) 360(n + 284)
δ � 23.45 sin􏼢 􏼣, (4)
where NHN is the number of hidden neurons and NIN is the
number of input neurons. ωs � arccos(− tan δ tan ϕ). (5)
The Levenberg–Marquardt method for training was used
in this study. The Levenberg–Marquardt method is the most The daily solar insolation on an inclined plane, Ht , can
representative method for solving nonlinear least squares be expressed as
problems [33, 34]. The sliding-window method that provides
Ht � R · H, (6)
a higher accuracy was used for controlling the training
dataset [32, 35, 36]. where R is defined to be the ratio of the daily mean insolation
The initial input variables were obtained by predicting the on an inclined plane to the mean insolation in a horizontal
solar radiation using the nine input variables presented in the plane.
previous study and then refining the predicted values by
adjusting the number of input variables. This prediction pre- Hd 1 + cos(s) 1 − cos(s)
R � 􏼒1 − 􏼓R + Hd 􏼠 􏼡 + ρ􏼠 􏼡,
vented a fitting problem by using normalized data and drop- H b 2H d
out method. The training parameters are as shown in Table 3. (7)
where Rb is the ratio of the average beam insolation on the
3.2. Insolation on an Inclined Plane. The inclined insolation inclined plane to that on a horizontal surface, s is the tilted
was calculated by Lid and Jordan’s equation [37]: angle, and ρ is the ground reflectance. Rb is a function of the
H atmosphere’s transmittance and is calculated by
KT � cos(ϕ − s)cos(δ)sin ωs′􏼁 + ωs′(π/180)sin(ϕ − s)sin(δ)
Ho Rb � ,
cos(ϕ)cos(δ)sin ωs 􏼁 + ωs (π/180)sin(ϕ)sin(δ)
24 360n (3)
Ho � · I 􏼒1 + 0.033 cos 􏼓 (8)
π sc 365
where ωs′ is the sunset hour angle for the inclined plane and
πωs is estimated by equation (9). Hd is the daily diffuse solar
· 􏼒cos ϕ cos δ sin ωs + sin ϕ sin δ􏼓,
180 insolation given by Page [38], as equation (10):
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

ωs′ � min􏼈ωs , arccons[− tan(ϕ − s)tan(δ)]􏼉, (9) Utility grid

Grid connected ~
PV module
type inverter
Hd � H 1.00 − 1.13KT 􏼁. (10)
~ load

3.3. Estimation Model and Monitoring the Photovoltaic I V Power

System Energy Production. For the evaluation of the ap- Solar
plicability of the proposed solar radiation prediction insolation
model, the PV production obtained by using the estimated Module
solar insolation was compared to the actual energy pro- temperature

duction. The PV system was assumed to be of the grid- Air

connected type for the distributed generation. The gen- temperature Sensor box PC monitoring
erated energy was not stored in batteries. Energy pro- Figure 2: Schematic of the PV and monitoring systems.
duction by the photovoltaic system was obtained by
applying equations (11) and (12) [39–42]:
Table 4: PV system specifications.
EPV � Aa · Ht · ηcon , (11)
Parameters Specification
ηcon � ηSTC 1 − β Tc − TSTC 􏼁􏼁 · ηinv , (12) Site location Seoul, South Korea
Site longitude 37°30′12.8″N
Site latitude 126°57′25.3″E
Tc � Ta + T − Ta.NOCT 􏼁, (13) Type of installation Rooftop installation (elevated)
SINOCT NOCT Orientation and tilt South, 35°
Module type Multicrystalline silicon
where EPV is the energy delivered by photovoltaics (kWh), Module size 1640 × 992 mm
Aa is the area of the array (m2), Ht is the insolation on the Number of modules 7
plane for the photovoltaics array (kWh/m2), ηcon represents Maximum power 250 W
the conversion efficiency (%), ηSTC is the module efficiency at Type of PV system Grid connected
STC (%), β is the temperature coefficient at the maximal Efficiency of module at STC 15.43%
power of the module (%/°C), Tc is the PV cell temperature Efficiency of inverter (EU) 96%
(°C), TSTC is the standard test condition temperature (25°C),
ηinv is the inverter efficiency (%), Ta is the ambient tem-
perature (°C), SI is the incident solar irradiance on the PV MBE was used to measure the typical average model de-
plane PV (W/m2), SINOCT is the incident solar irradiance of viation. The MBE can provide useful information including
800 W/m2, TNOCT is the nominal operating cell temperature whether the predictive model overestimated or under-
(°C), and Ta.NOCT is the ambient temperature for the nominal estimated the real values. However, the MBE should be
operating cell temperature (20°C). interpreted carefully because positive and negative errors
The PV system was installed in Seoul, South Korea. The will cancel out. Therefore, the MAE and MBE must be
PV system was connected to the electrical system of a evaluated together. Willmott and Matsuura [43] pointed out
building with a grid connected type inverter. Values such that the MAE is a more natural and unambiguous measure
as the current, voltage, and produced power measured by of the average error magnitude. The RMSE is often used to
the inverter were sent to the monitoring system by the determine the success of a prediction model, and it is
sensor box. And the produced energy was monitored on a suitable for determining model precision [44]. If the per-
personal computer (PC), as displayed in Figure 2. The formance of the prediction model is improved based on the
capacity of the PV system was 1750 W, and the efficiencies RMSE when evaluating the accuracy of the prediction
of the modules and the inverter at standard test conditions model, where the RMSE is based on the standard deviation,
were 15.34% and 96%, respectively. The generated PV learning can be used to reduce large errors. The MAE, on the
outputs were monitored from August 2018 to July 2019. contrary, is sensitive to small errors. Hence, in this study, the
The actual generated PV system specifications are listed in RMSE was used during the evaluation of the prediction
Table 4. model to reduce the maximum error of the predicted solar
insolation. NSE, on the contrary, is a normalized measure
that compares the mean square error estimated by a par-
3.4. Error Metrics. In this study, the mean bias error (MBE), ticular model simulation to the variance of the observed
mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error value during the period under investigation [45]. The range
(RMSE), and NASH-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) were of NSE is between 1 and − ∞. An NSE value of 1 represents a
employed to evaluate the performance of the model. The complete match between the observations and the forecasts,
MBE, MAE, RMSE, and NSE were calculated using equa- while a smaller NSE value implies that there is less con-
tions (14)–(17), respectively. The verification values of each sistency between the measured value and the model value.
MBE, MAE, and RMSE were close to zero, which means that Additionally, the MAE, MBE, and NSE were evaluated
the observed values were similar to the predicted values. The together:
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

1 n 􏽢 continued sunshine duration. The calculated RMSE values

MBE � 􏽘 (H − H), (14) ranged from a minimum of 1.421 kWh/m2/day to a maxi-
n i�1
mum of 1.720 kWh/m2/day depending on the number of
hidden neurons and hidden layers. The optimal model from
1 n 􏽢 the RMSE consisted of 3 hidden layers and 11 hidden
MAE � 􏽘 |H − H|, (15)
n i�1 neurons. The RMSE, MBE, and MAE of the optimal pre-
􏽶������������ diction model were 1.421 kWh/m2/day, − 0.227 kWh/m2/
􏽴 day, and 1.133 kWh/m2/day, respectively. For this model, the
1 n 􏽢 average of the errors and the predicted values with large
RMSE � 􏽘 (H − H)2 , (16)
n i�1 errors were smaller than those of the other models
[11, 20, 46]. The RMSE limit presented in this model was
lower than the RMSE mentioned in Section 3.4, which is
􏽢 2
Σ(H − H) better than the existing model. According to the MBE, the
NSE � 1 − , (17)
􏽐(H − H)2 predicted values tended to be underestimated. In Table 6, the
optimal prediction model of 3 hidden layers and 11 hidden
where H,􏽢 H, and H are the predicted, actual, and average
neurons was compared to the regression model derived in
actual solar insolation values, respectively. the previous study [21]. Similar results were obtained from
The error ranges of the daily prediction models pre- the RMSE, MBE, and MAE of the predicted values derived
sented in the previous studies were RMSE 2.304–3.624 kWh/ by these two models; however, the NSE values showed better
m2/day, MBE 0.120–2.400 kWh/m2/day, and MAE predictive models by the optimal MLF model. This means
1.488–2.592 kWh/m2/day [12, 46, 47]. that the MLF with fewer input variables reflects the daily
fluctuation better than the regression model.
4. Results and Discussion Figure 3 presents the daily solar insolation over a year,
which was predicted and observed by the meteorological
4.1. Prediction Performance of the Solar Insolation Model. administration. The number of days when the predicted
The solar insolation on any day can be predicted by the value was lesser than the observed value was 198 in total, and
weather data of the previous day. The prediction model used the number of days when the predicted value was higher
in this research was an MLF. The initial number of hidden than the observed value was 159 in total. Generally, the
neurons for the initial 9 inputs in the hidden layer was predicted value is lesser than the observed value in spring
determined to be 19, based on equation (2). In order to when the solar insolation increases. This is because the
increase the accuracy of the prediction model, the number of weather data do not reflect the solar insolation increase due
hidden neurons was extended from 10 to 20 with reference to the movement of the Sun and the Earth. The sunshine
to the initial number of neurons, considering the reduction duration was used to reflect the change in the orbits of the
of inputs. The initial model was predicted using the fol- Sun and the Earth. The average solar insolation change
lowing initial input valuables: highest and lowest temper- pattern was reflected. According to Sun et al [48], a non-
ature, minimum humidity, precipitation, precipitation linear approach to a prediction model should be considered
duration, wind speed, sunshine duration, continued sun- due to the nonlinear variation in meteorological variables.
shine duration, and cloud cover. In the second model, However, the daily fluctuation was not reflected fully be-
precipitation and precipitation duration, which were poor cause a nonlinear approach was not utilized in this model.
predictors, were removed. Then, the less correlated cloud With regard to the monthly accuracy of the optimal
cover was excluded from the input variables. Cloud cover is prediction model (see Table 7), the error from April to
the weather factor that has the most significant influence on September was larger than that of the other months. These
the solar insolation in the present or near future; however, it months’ RMSE and MAE values were greater than the yearly
has a low effect on the next day’s solar insolation. RMSE and MAE. As shown in Table 7, the standard devi-
The accuracy of the predicted model with various NHN ation of the measured solar insolation was greater than that
and NHL is shown in Table 5. The range of predicted results of the other months. In particular, from April to September,
varied according to the range of input variables. A higher the solar insolation was abundant, but it varied greatly in
number of input variables does not increase the accuracy of response to sudden changes in the weather, such as heavy
predictions. In particular, when the input variables were rainfall. Table 8 and Figure 4 show the range of measured
reduced from 8 to 7, the prediction accuracy decreased. solar insolation in each month. The difference in the
However, the prediction accuracy was at its highest when the maximum and minimum measured insolation for a month
input variables were further reduced to six highly correlated was at least 5.7 kWh/m2/day during the spring and summer
input variables. This can be attributed to the correlation seasons. There were 29 days out of 357 days when the
between the predicted value and the input value and the difference between the predicted and measured values was
relationship between the input variables. over 2.5 kWh/m2/day. These days occurred between March
The optimal prediction model was that with the smallest and October but mostly between May and September. As a
RMSE among the 55 prediction result values with 6 input result of analyzing the changes in meteorological factors on
variables, namely, highest and lowest temperature, mini- the day before and days with a large error, the change in
mum humidity, wind speed, sunshine duration, and continued sunshine duration and average cloud cover was
Advances in Civil Engineering 7

Table 5: Accuracies of predicted value ranges according to the input variables, NHN, and NHL.
Input variables Number of hidden layers∗ NSE
(kWh/m2/day) (kWh/m2/day) (kWh/m2/day)
1 1.764–2.000 − 0.891 to − 0.787 1.368–1.529 − 0.503 to − 0.169
2 1.763–2.023 − 0.811 to − 0.649 1.355–1.552 − 0.920 to − 0.210
Thigh, Tlow, RH, DWS, PR,
3 1.760–2.015 − 0.840 to − 0.568 1.373–1.506 − 1.092 to − 0.164
4 1.799–2.015 − 0.903 to − 0.711 1.382–1.559 − 0.937 to − 0.216
5 1.793–2.102 − 0.853 to − 0.589 1.366–1.631 − 1.068 to − 0.207
1 1.975–2.227 − 1.301 to − 0.969 1.515–1.692 − 0.292 to − 0.016
2 1.975–2.138 − 1.076 to − 0.714 1.550–1.635 − 0.162 to − 0.016
Thigh, Tlow, RH, DWS,
3 1.792–2.318 − 1.221 to − 0.567 1.432–1.773 − 0.391 to 0.164
4 1.889–2.187 − 1.005 to − 0.547 1.436–1.632 − 0.245 to 0.071
5 1.807–2.338 − 1.227 to − 0.419 1.444–1.773 − 0.423 to 0.150
1 1.425–1.506 − 0.272 to − 0.129 1.157–1.204 0.411–0.473
2 1.423–1.597 − 0.400 to − 0.090 1.131–1.297 0.337–0.474
Thigh, Tlow, RH, DWS, SD, CSD 3 1.421–1.660 − 0.376 to − 0.114 1.131–1.342 0.284–0.482
4 1.444–1.692 − 0.464 to − 0.121 1.148–1.372 0.256–0.458
5 1.450–1.720 − 0.291 to − 0.118 1.153–1.405 − 0.338 to 0.454

The NHN for each layer was conducted by changing both to 10–20.a

found to be largely as a result of rainfall, humidity variations, production by using equation (11). To check the validity of
and changes in suspended matter concentrations. In 24 out the approach, the energy production was calculated from the
of the 29 days, the previous day’s rain came to a halt or it measured insolation and compared with the actual energy
rained on the estimation day. produced by the PV system. Table 10 presents the accuracy
The RMSE and MAE patterns exhibited similar ten- results for the energy production estimations. The predicted
dencies to the patterns of the monthly solar insolation power generation calculated from the measured insolation
according to the Sun’s trajectory. The RMSE and MAE was similar to the actual power generation, as shown in
values were smallest in December during the winter solstice. Figure 5. There was a difference between the power gen-
The RMSE and MAE values then increased with the increase eration calculated by the measured insolation and the actual
in solar radiation until June. The solar insolation, RMSE, and production values. Detailed meteorological observations
MAE values decreased after June. The predicted values for cannot be performed at all PV installation sites. As a result, it
the period between October and December, where the MBE is determined that an error occurred due to the positional
values showed positive values, were overestimated. On the difference. It is also possible that a difference occurred due to
contrary, the predicted values for January to March were the limitation of the numerical calculations. However, the
underestimated compared to the measured values. The RMSE, MAE, and MBE of the energy generation calculated
predicted values between October and December were from the measured insolation and the actual production
overestimated because of the learning effect of the summer were 0.85 kWh/day, 0.38 kWh/day, and 0.66 kWh/day, re-
data. Conversely, the predicted values between January and spectively, indicating that the calculation procedure could be
March did not reflect the increase in solar insolation because used for estimating the energy production of a PV system.
of the influence of the winter data. The energy production was calculated using the estimated
solar insolation using the proposed procedure. The power
generation obtained by the predicted insolation fluctuated
4.2. Application of the Optimal Prediction Model to less than the actual energy production. Some errors were due
PV Output Estimations. In order to compare the PV to the insufficient predictions of the daily weather condition
production forecast, the energy production of the 1.75 kW changes. Although the forecast model reflected the daily
PV system was monitored for 364 days from August 2018 to variation, it did not predict the actual magnitude of the
July 2019. The weather conditions during the monitoring change. In the spring and summer observation, there was a
period are listed in Table 9. Conditions were generally clear; wide variation in the day to day solar radiation. This was
however, there were some rainy days due to the effects of because, unlike previous studies in which the prediction was
typhoons. There was a precipitation period of 97 days in total by hours, the forecast horizon was long and did not reflect all
during the entire monitoring period. During this period, the of the variability during that forecast periods. The prediction
average daily cloud cover fluctuated greatly. As a result, the model proposed in this study predicts the next day’s solar
variation in solar insolation was larger than that for the other insolation by using the weather conditions of the previous
periods. The power generation range for the PV system was day. However, the weather conditions of the monitoring
0.1–10.8 kWh/day depending on the weather conditions. period changed extensively each day, which made it difficult
The predicted solar insolation was estimated by using the to predict the insolation. The energy production error was
optimal solar insolation prediction model. The predicted especially significant on days when the solar radiation
solar insolation was then used to calculate the PV suddenly changed due to rain or snow. In order to provide
8 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 6: Comparison of the regression and optimal models of MLF.

Model RMSE (kWh/m2/day) MBE (kWh/m2/day) MAE (kWh/m2/day) NSE
Regression model 1.428 − 0.074 1.179 − 0.771
Optimal model of MLF 1.421 − 0.227 1.133 0.482

9 9

Solar insolation (kWh/m2/day)

Solar insolation (kWh/m2/day)

8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0











Date Date
Observed value
Observed value
Predicted value
Predicted value
(a) (b)
9 7
Solar insolation (kWh/m2/day)
Solar insolation (kWh/m2/day)

8 6
5 4
4 3
1 1
0 0



Date Date
Observed value Observed value
Predicted value Predicted value
(c) (d)
Solar insolation (kWh/m2/day)




Observed value
Predicted value

Figure 3: Comparison between the predicted and observed values of daily solar insolation: (a) over one year; (b) spring; (c) summer; (d) fall;
(e) winter.
Advances in Civil Engineering 9

Table 7: Accuracies of the optimal predicted values as compared to the measured values.
Month Number of valid days RMSE (kWh/m2/day) MBE (kWh/m2/day) MAE (kWh/m2/day)
January 31 0.717 − 0.376 0.580
February 28 1.133 − 0.246 1.003
March 31 1.112 − 0.356 0.917
April 28 1.742 − 0.595 1.581
May 31 1.753 − 0.797 1.536
June 30 2.034 − 0.901 1.744
July 31 1.760 0.029 1.485
August 31 1.753 − 0.439 1.491
September 29 1.650 − 0.432 1.455
October 30 0.925 0.559 0.643
November 26 0.668 0.609 0.481
December 31 0.767 0.521 0.595

Table 8: Range of measured solar insolation (unit: kWh/m2/day).

Month Maximum value Minimum value Mean value Difference between maximum and minimum values Standard deviation
January 3.34 0.54 2.37 2.80 0.70
February 4.42 0.61 3.04 3.80 1.20
March 5.05 1.35 4.07 3.70 0.97
April 7.10 0.91 4.94 6.19 1.87
May 7.70 1.55 5.77 6.15 1.65
June 7.93 0.96 5.72 6.97 1.81
July 6.29 0.56 3.42 5.73 1.76
August 6.79 0.83 3.73 5.96 1.74
September 6.00 0.01 3.95 6.00 1.72
October 3.11 0.62 2.14 2.49 0.70
November 2.31 0.34 1.59 1.96 0.60
December 1.95 0.19 1.36 1.75 0.58

9 Table 9: Weather conditions during the monitoring period.

Solar insolation (kWh/m2/day)

7 Weather elements Value
6 2 August 2018 to 31 July 2019 (364
Monitoring period
5 days)
4 The day’s highest
3 − 6.6–39.6°C
2 Minimum humidity 10–91%
Daily wind speed 0.8–3.8 m/s
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Number of rainy days 97 days
Month Sunshine duration 9.6–14.8 hours

Figure 4: Range of monthly solar insolation by measured data from according to weather conditions and operating schedules. In
the meteorological administration. general, the summer and winter energy consumption in
buildings is related to the external weather conditions. On
accurate forecasts of the energy production according to days where energy consumption is expected to be high in
weather condition changes as basic information for energy buildings, the energy produced by PV systems will be
trading, it will be necessary to compensate for dramatic consumed preferentially in buildings, even if less or more
fluctuations in weather conditions. The error magnitude was energy is produced through PV systems. On the contrary, if
smaller in the fall and winter periods with less precipitation, the prosumer is planning to sell the produced energy to the
but these seasons were predicted to be less than the actual grid because the projected energy consumption is low in the
energy production. In regions with distinct characteristics of building, the energy trade profits may be less than expected if
seasons, it is necessary to present the solar insolation pre- the system actually produces less power than expected. In
diction model by season. order to propose the optimal operations for P2P energy
P2P energy trading should also take into account the trading, it is necessary to predict the energy consumption of
energy price and the energy consumption of buildings the building, the price of energy, and the amount of energy
10 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 10: Accuracies of the energy production estimations.

RMSE (kWh/day) MBE (kWh/day) MAE (kWh/day)
Energy production by measured insolation 0.85 0.38 0.66
Energy production by predicted insolation
Year 2.70 − 0.36 2.28
Spring (Mar, Apr, and May) 3.25 0.05 2.60
Summer (Jun, Jul, and Aug) 2.57 0.42 2.17
Fall (Sep, Oct, and Nov) 2.43 − 0.08 2.14
Winter (Dec, Jan, and Feb) 2.45 − 1.13 2.20

The produced energy (kWh/day)

The produced energy (kWh/day)

12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0




















Month Month
Monitored power generation by the PV system Monitored power generation by the PV system
Estimated power generation by predicted irradiance Estimated power generation by predicted irradiance
Estimated power generation by measured irradiance Estimated power generation by measured irradiance

(a) (b)
The produced energy (kWh/day)

The produced energy (kWh/day)

12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0



















Monitored power generation by the PV system
Monitored power generation by the PV system
Estimated power generation by predicted irradiance
Estimated power generation by predicted irradiance
Estimated power generation by measured irradiance
Estimated power generation by measured irradiance

(c) (d)
Figure 5: Continued.
Advances in Civil Engineering 11

The produced energy (kWh/day)











Monitored power generation by the PV system

Estimated power generation by predicted irradiance
Estimated power generation by measured irradiance

Figure 5: Comparison of the predicted and measured energy production insolations: (a) over one year; (b) spring; (c) summer; (d) fall; (e)

to be produced by PV systems together to suggest the op- to the actual PV system’s output. The accuracy in-
timal use method. dexes for the PV system’s energy output using the
optimal model, which included the root mean
5. Conclusions squared error, mean bias error, and mean absolute
error, were 2.70 kWh/m2/day, − 0.36 kWh/m2/day,
The recent energy-saving building policies enacted in South and 2.28 kWh/m2/day, respectively.
Korea are expected to lead to the realization of distributed
The error of the predicted values for solar insolation
energy generation in a smart grid. P2P trading of the energy
varied from season to season. For instance, in the summer
produced in buildings will soon take place. Predicting energy
when the difference between the maximum and minimum
production is essential for P2P energy trading planning, and
insolation was large, results did not fully reflect insolation
the energy produced through PV systems will be mainly
changes in response to weather changes. The predicted values
traded. In this study, the potential applicability of the energy
tended to represent the median value. Although this provides
production prediction of PV systems was investigated by
stable values, data were less predictable in the summer when
using the predicted solar insolation derived from a simple
energy production was high. On the contrary, in winter, the
model to provide information to prosumers engaging in
accuracy of the forecasted insolation was high for high solar
small-scale electricity trading. The predictive model pro-
insolation days. However, the predictions were higher than
posed by the existing researchers attempted to accurately
the actual solar insolation for the low solar insolation days.
predict the hourly or daily radiation by using a large amount
The proposed model did not reflect sudden weather changes
of information. However, in this study, the amount of solar
on any day because it used the daily weather conditions of the
radiation the next day was predicted by using a small
day before the forecast. To further improve the prediction
amount of weather information. The results are summarized
model, it is necessary to execute the prediction model in the
as follows:
morning or on an hourly basis rather than the day before the
(1) The prediction model for solar insolation was built forecast and to further optimize the prediction model in
by using an MLF, and the proposed model uses the accordance with the variations in seasonal characteristics.
daily weather conditions. The predicted solar inso- The prediction of the PV system energy production
lation was based on the estimated weather conditions through solar insolation predictions showed a pattern similar
on the day before the prediction. To find the optimal to the solar insolation prediction results. The energy pro-
architecture, the number of input variables, the duction estimation by the predicted insolation tended to yield
number of hidden neurons, and the number of underestimates compared to the real produced energy. The
hidden layers were changed. monitoring period was characterized by severe weather
fluctuations. To accommodate such weather fluctuations in
(2) The input variables of the optimal model included
the future, it may be necessary to compensate for climate
the highest and lowest temperature, minimum hu-
change. The accuracy of the prediction model presented in
midity, wind speed, sunshine duration, and con-
this study is much lower on sunny days or cloudy days with
tinued sunshine duration. The optimal model
precipitation. There was a limit to predicting the exact amount
consisted of 3 hidden layers and 11 hidden neurons.
of solar radiation, including various weather variables, in the
(3) The energy output of the PV system was calculated relationship between the weather conditions of the previous
from the solar insolation estimated by the optimal day and the weather conditions of the next day. There was no
model. The calculated energy output was compared uncertainty about this change in weather. In this research, the
12 Advances in Civil Engineering

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