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Metrics for Evaluating the

Accuracy of Solar Power

J. Zhang, B.-M. Hodge, and A. Florita
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

S. Lu and H. F. Hamann
IBM TJ Watson Research Center

V. Banunarayanan
U.S. Department of Energy
To be presented at 3rd International Workshop on Integration of
Solar Power into Power Systems
London, England
October 21 – 22, 2013

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Conference Paper
October 2013

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Metrics for Evaluating the Accuracy of Solar
Power Forecasting
Jie Zhang, Bri-Mathias Hodge, Anthony Florita Siyuan Lu, Hendrik F. Hamann Venkat Banunarayanan
National Renewable Energy Laboratory IBM TJ Watson Research Center U.S. Department of Energy
Golden, CO, USA Yorktown Heights, NY, USA Washington, D.C., USA

Abstract—Forecasting solar energy generation is a challenging an advanced statistical method for solar power forecasting
task due to the variety of solar power systems and weather based on artificial intelligence techniques. Crispim et al. [7]
regimes encountered. Forecast inaccuracies can result in used total sky imagers (TSI) to extract cloud features using a
substantial economic losses and power system reliability issues. radial basis function neural network model for time horizons
This paper presents a suite of generally applicable and
from 1 to 60 minutes. Chow et al. [8] also used TSI to
value-based metrics for solar forecasting for a comprehensive
set of scenarios (i.e., different time horizons, geographic forecast short-term global horizontal irradiance. The results
locations, applications, etc.). In addition, a comprehensive suggested that TSI was useful for forecasting time horizons
framework is developed to analyze the sensitivity of the up to 15 to 25 minutes. Marquez and Coimbra [9] presented a
proposed metrics to three types of solar forecasting method using TSI images to forecast 1-minute averaged
improvements using a design of experiments methodology, in direct normal irradiance at the ground level for time horizons
conjunction with response surface and sensitivity analysis between 3 and 15 minutes. As discussed above, different
methods. The results show that the developed metrics can solar irradiance forecast methods have been developed for
efficiently evaluate the quality of solar forecasts, and assess the various timescales. Loren et al. [10] showed that cloud
economic and reliability impact of improved solar forecasting.
movement–based forecasts likely provide better results than
Keywords-grid integration; ramps; response surface; solar NWP forecasts for forecast timescales of 3 to 4 hours or less.
forecasting; sensitivity analysis; uncertainty; variability Beyond that, NWP models tend to perform better.
B. Research Motivation and Objectives
Significant work has been done to develop solar
The utility solar assessment study reported that solar
forecasting models. However, evaluation of the performance
power could provide 10% of U.S. power needs by 2025 [1].
of different forecasting methodologies is still not
At these high levels of solar energy penetration, solar power
straightforward, because different researchers use different
forecasting will become very important for electricity system
metrics as their own criteria. In addition, solar forecasting
operations. Solar forecasting is a challenging task, and solar
accuracy is dependent on geographic location and timescale
power generation presents different challenges for the
of the data. Conventional measures of solar forecasting
transmission and distribution networks of the grid,
accuracy include root mean square error (RMSE), mean bias
respectively. On the transmission side, solar power takes the
error (MBE), and mean absolute error (MAE) [3, 4].
form of centralized solar plants, a non-dispatchable
Marquez and Coimbra [11] proposed a metric for using the
component of the generation pool. On the distribution side,
ratio of solar uncertainty to solar variability to compare
solar power is generated by a large number of distributed
different solar forecasting models. Espinar et al. [12]
panels installed on building rooftops, which has the effect of
proposed several metrics based on the Kolmogorov–Smirnov
modulating the load. Forecast inaccuracies of solar power
test to quantify differences between the cumulative
generation can result in substantial economic losses and
distribution functions of actual and forecast solar irradiation
power system reliability issues because electric grid
data. However, many of the forecast metrics developed do not
operators must continuously balance supply and demand to
take into account the types of errors that have the most impact
maintain the reliability of the grid [2].
on power system operations. Extreme forecasting errors can
A. Overview of Solar Forecasting have disproportionate economic and reliability impacts on
operations, and therefore must be emphasized to some degree
Solar irradiance variations are caused primarily by cloud by any metric that wishes to capture the true impact of the
movement, cloud formation, and cloud dissipation. In the forecasts. Establishing a standard set of metrics for assessing
literature, researchers have developed a variety of methods solar forecasting accuracy is (i) critical to evaluating the
for solar power forecasting, such as the use of numerical success of a solar forecasting effort, and (ii) useful for
weather prediction (NWP) models [3-5], tracking cloud decision making of power system operators under the
movements from satellite images [6], and tracking cloud scenario of a high penetration of solar power.
movements from direct ground observations with sky The objective of this study is to develop a suite of
cameras [7-9]. NWP models are the most popular method for generally applicable, value-based metrics for solar
forecasting solar irradiance several hours or days in advance. forecasting for a comprehensive set of scenarios (different
Mathiesen and Kleissl [4] analyzed the global horizontal time horizons, geographic locations, applications, etc.),
irradiance in the continental United States forecasted by which can assess the economic and reliability impact of
three popular NWP models: the North American Model, the improved solar forecasting. The sensitivity of proposed
Global Forecast System, and the European Centre for metrics to improved solar forecasts is also analyzed. The next
Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. Chen et al. [5] developed section presents the developed metrics for different types of
Corresponding author, email: jie.zhang@nrel.gov forecasts and applications. Section III summarizes the solar

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power data used in the paper. The methodologies for 3) Maximum absolute error (MaxAE), Mean absolute error
analyzing the sensitivities of different metrics are developed (MAE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), and mean
in Section IV. The results and discussion of the case study bias error (MBE)
are presented in Section V. Concluding remarks and ideas on
The MaxAE is an indicative of local deviations of
areas for future exploration are given in the final section.
forecast errors, which is given by
II. METRICS DEVELOPMENT MaxAE = max pˆ i − pi (3)
i =1, 2 ,, N
The proposed solar forecasting metrics in the paper can
be broadly divided into five categories: (i) statistical metrics, The MaxAE metric is useful to evaluate the forecasting of
including Pearson’s correlation coefficient, (normalized) short-term extreme events in the power system.
root mean squared error (RMSE), maximum absolute error The MAE has been widely used in regression problems
(MaxAE), mean absolute error (MAE), mean absolute and by the renewable energy industry to evaluate forecast
percentage error (MAPE), mean bias error (MBE), performance, which is given by
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test Integral (KSI), skewness, and 1 N
kurtosis; (ii) variability estimation metrics, including
different time and geographic scales, and distributions of
MAE = ∑ pˆ i − pi
N i =1

forecast errors; (iii) uncertainty quantification and The MAE metric is also a global error measure metric, which,
propagation metrics, including standard deviation and unlike the RMSE metric, does not excessively account for
information entropy of forecast errors; (iv) ramping extreme forecast events.
characterization metrics, including swinging door algorithm The MAPE and MBE are expressed as
signal compression and heat maps; and (v) economic and 𝑁
reliability metrics, including non-spinning reserves service 1 𝑝𝑝𝑖 − 𝑝𝑖
represented by 95th percentiles of forecast errors. A detailed 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀 = �� � (5)
𝑁 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐
formulation and physical explanation of each metric is 𝑖=1
described in the following sections.
1 N
A. Statistical Metrics MBE = ∑ ( pˆ i − pi )
N i =1

1) Pearson’s correlation coefficient The MBE metric intends to indicate average forecast bias.
Pearson’s correlation coefficient is a measure of the Understanding the overall forecast bias (over- or under-
correlation between two variables (or sets of data). In this forecasting) would allow power system operators to better
paper, the Pearson’s correlation coefficient, ρ, is defined as allocate resources for compensating forecast errors in the
the covariance of actual and forecast solar power variables dispatch process.
divided by the product of their standard deviations, which is 4) Kolmogorov–Smirnov test integral (KSI) and OVER
mathematically expressed as: metrics
cov( p, pˆ )
ρ= (1) The KSI and OVER metrics were proposed by Espinar et
σ pσ pˆ al. [12]. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test is a
nonparametric test to determine if two data sets are
where p and p̂ represent the actual and forecast solar significantly different. The KS statistic D is defined as the
power output, respectively. Pearson’s correlation coefficient maximum value of the absolute difference between two
is a global error measure metric; a larger value of Pearson’s cumulative distribution functions (CDFs), expressed as [12]
correlation coefficient indicates an improved solar
forecasting skill. D = max F ( pi ) − Fˆ ( pi ) (7)
2) Root mean squared error (RMSE) and normalized root
mean squared error (NRMSE) where F and F̂ represent the CDFs of actual and forecast
solar power generation data sets, respectively. The associated
The RMSE also provides a global error measure during null hypothesis is elaborated as follows: if the D statistic
the entire forecasting period, which is given by characterizing the difference between one distribution and the
reference distribution is lower than the threshold value Vc ,
1 N
∑ ( pˆ − p )
i i
(2) the two data sets have a very similar distribution and could
i =1
statistically be the same. The critical value Vc depends on the
where pi represents the actual solar power generation at the number of points in the forecast time series, which is
th calculated for a 99% level of confidence [12].
i time step, p̂i is the corresponding solar power
generation estimated by a forecasting model, and N is the Vc = , N ≥ 35 (8)
number of points estimated in the forecasting period. To N
compare the results from different spatial and temporal The difference between the CDFs of actual and forecast
scales of forecast errors, we normalized the RMSE using the power is defined for each interval as [12]
capacity value of the analyzed solar plants.

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to correct for under-forecasting and over-forecasting events
D j = max F ( pi ) − Fˆ ( pi ) , j = 1,2..., m are not equal. An over-forecasting tendency could lead to a
where pi ∈ [ pmin + ( j − 1)d , pmin + jd ] less than optimal number of large thermal units being
committed, which need to be corrected through the starting
Here the value of m is chosen as 100, and the interval of more expensive, but faster starting, units in the dispatch
distance d is defined as [12] process [13].
Kurtosis is a measure of the magnitude of the peak of the
pmax − pmin distribution, or, conversely, how fat-tailed the distribution is,
d= (10)
m and is the fourth standardized moment, expressed as
where pmax and pmin are the maximum and minimum κ = µ4 σ e 4 − 3 (17)
values of the solar power generation, respectively. The KSI
where κ is the kurtosis, µ 4 is the fourth moment about the
parameter is defined as the integrated difference between the
two CDFs, expressed as [12] mean, and σ is the standard deviation of forecast errors.
p max The difference between the kurtosis of a sample distribution
KSI = ∫ Dn dp (11) and that of the normal distribution is known as the excess
p min
kurtosis. In the subsequent analysis, the term kurtosis will be
A smaller value of KSI indicates a better performance of solar treated synonymously with excess kurtosis. A distribution
power forecasting. A zero KSI index means that the CDFs of with a positive kurtosis value is known as leptokurtic, which
two sets are equal. A relative value of KSI is calculated by indicates a peaked distribution; whereas a negative kurtosis
normalizing the KSI value by ac = Vc × ( pmax − pmin ) indicates a flat data distribution, known as platykurtic. The
pronounced peaks of the leptokurtic distribution represent a
[12]. large number of very small forecast errors [14].
KSIPer (%) = ×100 (12) B. Variability Estimation Metrics
Solar forecasting accuracy is dependent on geographic
The OVER metric also characterizes the integrated locations and forecast timescales. In this paper, solar plants
difference between the CDFs of actual and forecast solar at multiple geographic regions were analyzed to quantify the
power. The OVER metric considers only the points at which effects of geographic location on the forecasting accuracy.
the critical value Vc is exceeded. The OVER metric and its Distributions of forecast errors at multiple temporal and
relative value are given by [12] spatial scales were analyzed to investigate the variability in
solar forecasting.
OVER = ∫ tdp (13)

OVERPer (%) = ×100 (14)
The parameter t is defined by [12]
 D j − Vc if D j > Vc
t= (15)
 0 if D j ≤ Vc
(a) Single plant (b) Denver region
As with the KSIPer metric, a smaller value of OVERPer
indicates a better performance of the solar power forecasting.
5) Skewness and kurtosis
Skewness is a measure of the asymmetry of the
probability distribution, and is the third standardized moment,
given by
 e − µ  3 
γ = E  e
  (16)
 σ e  
(c) State of Colorado region (d) Western Interconnection
where γ is the skewness; e is the solar power forecast Figure 1. Solar plants at different geographic locations.
error, which is equal to the forecast minus the actual solar
1) Different geographic locations
power value; and µ e and σ e are the mean and standard
deviation of forecast errors, respectively. Assuming that The data used in this work is obtained from the Western
forecast errors are equal to forecast power minus actual Wind and Solar Integration Study Phase 2 (WWSIS-2), one
power, a positive skewness of the forecast errors leads to an of the world’s largest regional integration studies to date
over-forecasting tail, and a negative skewness leads to an [15]. Details of the actual and forecast solar power data are
under-forecasting tail. The tendency to over-forecast (or summarized in Section III. Four scenarios are analyzed based
under-forecast) is important in that the system actions taken on latitude and longitude locations of solar power plants. The

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first scenario analyzes the forecast of a single solar power D. Metrics for Ramps Characterization
plant with a 100-MW capacity. The second scenario analyzes
One of the biggest concerns associated with integrating a
the forecast of solar plants in the area of Denver, Colorado,
large amount of solar power into the grid is the ability to
including 46 solar plants with an aggregated 3,463-MW
handle large ramps in solar power output, often caused by
capacity. The third scenario investigates solar plants in the
cloud events and extreme weather events [22]. Different time
region of the state of Colorado, including 90 solar plants with
and geographic scales influence solar ramps, and they can be
an aggregated 6,088-MW capacity. The fourth scenario
either up-ramps or down-ramps, with varying levels of
analyzes solar plants in the entire Western Interconnection in
severity. The forecasting of solar power can help reduce the
the United States, including 1,007 solar plants with an
uncertainty involved with the power supply. In this paper,
aggregated 64,495-MW capacity. Figure 1 shows the
due to its flexibility and simplicity, the swinging door
locations of solar plants for different scenarios.
algorithm is applied to ramp identification over varying
2) Distributions of forecast errors timeframes [23].
Reserve requirements in a power system to compensate 1) Swinging door algorithm signal compression
for forecast errors of load, wind and solar power generation
The swinging door algorithm extracts ramp periods in a
is determined based on interval forecasts, which is an
series of power signals, by identifying the start and end
important consideration in the commitment and dispatching
points of each ramp. The algorithm allows for consideration
of generating units. The estimation of forecast confidence
of a threshold parameter influencing its sensitivity to ramp
intervals is generally calculated using an assumed error
variations. The only tunable parameter in the algorithm is the
distribution on the point forecast. In this paper, the
width of a “door”, represented by ε in Fig. 2. The parameter
distribution of solar power forecast errors is estimated using
the kernel density estimation (KDE) method. KDE is a ε directly characterizes the threshold sensitivity to noise
nonparametric approach to estimate the probability density and/or insignificant fluctuations to be specified. A detailed
function of a random variable. KDE has been widely used in description of the swinging door algorithm can be found in
the renewable energy community for wind speed distribution [23].
characterization [16, 17] and wind and solar power
forecasting [13, 18]. For an independent and identically
distributed sample, x1 , x2 ,, xn , drawn from some
distribution with an unknown density f , KDE is defined as
1 n 1 n  x − xi 
fˆ ( x; h) = ∑ K h ( x − xi ) = ∑ K  (18)
n i =1 nh i =1  h 
In the equation, K (⋅) = (1 / h) K (⋅ / h) has a kernel function K
(often taken to be a symmetric probability density) and a
bandwidth h (a smoothing parameter).
Figure 2. The swinging door algorithm for the extraction of ramps in power
C. Metrics for Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation from the time series [23].
Two metrics are proposed to quantify the uncertainty in solar 2) Heat maps
forecasting, which are: (i) standard deviation of solar power
forecast errors; and (ii) Rényi entropy of solar power forecast In addition to the ramp periods identified by the swinging
errors. door algorithm, heat maps are adopted to illustrate variations
of solar power forecast errors. Heat maps allow for power
1) Information entropy of forecast errors system operators to observe the timing, duration, and
An information entropy approach was proposed in the magnitude of ramps together.
literature [20, 21] for assessing wind forecasting methods. E. Economic and Reliability Metrics
This information entropy approach based on Rényi entropy is
adopted here to quantify the uncertainty in solar forecasting. Flexibility reserves have been proposed as a way to
The Rényi entropy is defined as compensate for the variability and short-term uncertainty of
solar output. The amount of flexibility reserves necessary is
1 n
used here to evaluate the economic performance of solar
Hα ( X ) = log 2 ∑ piα (19)
forecasting. Flexibility reserves are the amount of power (in
1−α i =1
MW) needed to compensate for most hourly or intra-hourly
where α is a parameter that allows the creation of a spectrum deviations between solar forecasts and actual solar generation
of Rényi entropies, and pi is the probability density of the values. Improving solar forecasting accuracy is expected to
decrease the amount of flexibility reserves that need to be
i th discrete section of the distribution. Large values of α procured with a high penetration of solar power in the system.
favor higher probability events; whereas smaller values of α Flexibility reserves are primarily determined by net load
weight all of the instances more evenly [20]. A larger value of forecast error characteristics [24].
Rényi entropy indicates a high uncertainty in the forecasting. In this paper, instead of using net load forecast errors, the
flexibility reserves necessary to compensate solar power

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forecast errors are represented by using hourly time steps and The methodologies used for response surface development
95th confidence intervals of solar power forecast errors. and sensitivity analysis are discussed in Section IV.


The data used in this work is obtained from the Western
Wind and Solar Integration Study Phase 2 (WWSIS-2),
which is one of the world’s largest regional integration
studies to date [15]. Day-ahead and 1-hour-ahead solar
forecast errors are investigated in this study.
F. Day-ahead and 1-hour-ahead Solar Forecasts
The solar data is synthesized based on a 1-minute interval
using satellite-derived, 10-km x 10-km gridded, hourly
irradiance data. In this paper, the 60-minute solar power
plant output for 2006 is used as the actual data. The solar
power output data includes distributed generation rooftop
photovoltaic, utility-scale photovoltaic, and concentrating Figure 3. Overall structure of evaluating the sensitivity of metrics on solar
solar power with thermal storage. forecasting improvements.
Day-ahead solar forecasts are taken from the WWSIS-2
solar forecasts conducted by 3TIER based on NWP IV. RESPONSE SURFACE AND SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS
simulations. The 1-hour-ahead forecasts are synthesized The response surface methodology is concerned with the
using a 1-hour-ahead persistence of cloudiness approach. In construction of approximation models to estimate the system
this method, the solar power index is first calculated, which performance, and to develop relationships between specific
represents the ratio between actual power and clear sky system inputs and outputs [26]. In this paper, multiple
power. Next, the solar forecast power is estimated by response surfaces are constructed to represent the metric
modifying the current power output by the expected change values as functions of the parameters of the three types of
in clear sky output. solar forecasting improvements. The support vector
G. Improved Solar Forecasts regression method is adopted for this purpose. The extended
Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test (eFAST) is adopted for
To adequately study the value of improved solar power sensitivity analysis.
forecasts, we devised a number of scenarios that allow for the
examination of different types of forecast improvements. A. Support Vector Regression (SVR)
Three types of forecasting improvements are implemented: Support Vector Regression (SVR) has gained popularity
(i) uniform improvements at all points in time, (ii) ramp within the statistical learning community, engineering
forecasting magnitude improvements, and (iii) ramp optimization community, and renewable energy community
forecasting threshold changes. The improvements are [27] because it provides a unique way to construct smooth
performed based on the day-ahead solar power forecast data nonlinear regression approximations by formulating the
sets from WWSIS-2. The uniform, ramp forecasting response surface construction problem as a quadratic
improvements, and threshold changes are generated through programming problem. SVR can be expressed as [27]
the following procedures. ~
• The uniform forecasting improvement is accomplished f ( x) = w, Φ ( x) + b (20)
by examining the forecast error, then essentially
decreasing this error by different percentages. where ⋅,⋅ denotes the dot product; w is a set of coefficients
• The ramp extraction algorithm (swinging door algorithm) to be determined; and Φ (x) is a map from the input space to
performs a piecewise linear approximation to the original the feature space. To solve the coefficients, we can allow a
signals (day-ahead forecasts). Only ramps that are
predefined maximum tolerated error ξ (with respect to the
identified to change greater than or equal to a threshold
(e.g., 10%) of the maximum plant capacity are modified actual function value) at each data point, given by [27]
in the improved forecasts. ~
• The ramp forecasting threshold is changed between 10%
f ( xi ) − f ( xi ) ≤ ξ (21)
and 30% of the solar power capacity.
where f (x) is the actual function to be approximated. The
To analyze the sensitivity of the proposed metrics on the
three types of solar forecasting improvements, a design of flatness of the approximated function can be characterized by
experiments (DoE) methodology is proposed, in conjunction w . By including slack variables xi to the constraint and a
with a response surface development and sensitivity analysis. cost function, the coefficient w can be obtained by solving a
The Sobol’s quasi-random sequence generator is adopted to quadratic programming problem.
generate training points for the development of response
surfaces. Sobol’s sequences [25] use a base of two to form B. Extended Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test (eFAST)
successively finer uniform partitions of the unit interval and The eFAST algorithm is a variance-based sensitivity
reorder the coordinates in each dimension. Figure 3 shows the analysis method [28]. The sensitivity value is defined based
overall structure of evaluating the sensitivity of the proposed on conditional variances that indicate the individual or joint
metrics on different types of solar forecasting improvements. effects of the uncertain inputs on the output. Two indexes are
calculated: (i) the main effect index, which measures the
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contribution of one type of solar forecasting improvement B. Metrics Evaluation for Day-ahead and 1-hour-ahead
alone (e.g., uniform improvements) to the uncertainty Solar Forecasting
(variance) in a metric value (e.g., Rényi entropy); and (ii) the The values of different metrics to evaluate solar power
total effect index, which gives the total variance in the metric forecasts at multiple spatial and temporal scales are shown in
value caused by the type of solar forecasting improvements Table 1. As expected and inferable from the metrics of
(e.g., uniform improvements) and its interactions with any of correlation coefficient, NRMSE, MaxAE, MAE, MAPE,
the other types of forecasting improvements. KSIPer, OVERPer, and 95th percentile, 1-hour-ahead
V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION forecasting performs better than day-ahead forecasting. This
matches the observation from the forecast error distributions
A. Distributions of Solar Power Forecast Errors in Fig. 4. The positive MBE metrics indicate an over-forecast
Distributions of day-ahead and 1-hour-ahead solar power characteristic for both day-ahead and 1-hour-ahead
forecast errors at the four analyzed regions are shown in Fig. forecasting. Overall, all the metrics can successfully evaluate
4. It is observed that the 1-hour-ahead forecasting performs the expected performance of solar forecasting.
better than the day-ahead forecasting. In addition, the Table 2 shows the uncertainty metric of Renyi entropy for
distribution of errors at a larger geographic area has a more both day-ahead and 1-hour-ahead forecasting at the four
pronounced peak, slimmer shoulders, and longer tails. geographic regions. Five cases are analyzed for each
scenario based on forecasting time periods: (i) forecasting
throughout a whole year, (ii) forecasting in January, (iii)
forecasting in July, (iv) forecasting at the time of 14:00 each
day, and (v) forecasting at the peak time, 10:00 to 16:00 each
day. We observe that the length of forecasting period affects
the uncertainty in the forecasting. The uncertainty in the
forecasting of the whole year data is less than that in any of
the other cases (January, July, 14:00, and 10:00 to 16:00).
C. Ramp Forecasting Results
Figure 5 shows heat maps of the mean hourly day-ahead
(a) One solar plant (b) Denver region
and 1-hour-ahead solar forecast errors per month at the four
different geographic regions. The observations from heat
maps of the regions of Denver and Colorado are similar,
because the solar power capacity in the region of Denver
accounts for approximately 57% of that in the region of
Colorado. For the 1-hour-ahead solar forecasting, more
over-forecasting events are observed than under-forecasting
events for all four regions. Because reliability of a power
system is more impacted by short-term forecasting, this
1-hour-ahead over-forecasting trend could be corrected
through a statistical model to ensure the reliability of the
power system. For day-ahead forecasting, we observe more
(c) Colorado region (d) Western Interconnection under-forecasting events during the summer season (July and
Figure 4. Distributions of forecast errors at different geographic locations. August), which significantly influences economic operations
of the power system.
One Plant Denver Colorado Western Interconnection
Day-ahead 1-hour-ahead Day-ahead 1-hour-ahead Day-ahead 1-hour-ahead Day-ahead 1-hour-ahead
Correlation coefficient 0.65 0.76 0.87 0.94 0.91 0.96 0.990 0.995
RMSE (MW) 22.07 17.12 438.25 284.36 624.19 378.65 2711.31 1488.28
NRMSE 0.22 0.17 0.13 0.08 0.10 0.06 0.04 0.02
MaxAE (MW) 84.10 74.33 2260.94 1304.73 3380.28 1735.24 17977.53 16127.32
MAE (MW) 14.81 11.34 286.65 191.17 413.11 256.69 1973.90 1064.52
MAPE 0.15 0.11 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.04 0.03 0.02
MBE (MW) 4.27 2.19 131.82 31.64 172.54 43.32 1497.29 132.13
KSIPer (%) 216.73 104.42 184.30 52.84 143.38 48.28 132.92 47.76
OVERPer (%) 136.36 28.16 94.43 0.77 54.65 0.37 41.43 0.00
Standard dev. (MW) 21.65 39.57 418.00 282.62 599.94 376.20 2260.09 1482.44
Skewness -0.19 0.08 0.20 -0.20 0.18 -0.21 0.62 -0.23
Kurtosis 2.04 2.40 3.79 2.52 3.35 2.47 3.76 4.82
95th percentile (MW) 50.59 39.57 990.66 637.45 1394.85 838.27 5652.60 3079.32
Capacity (MW) 100.00 100.00 3463.00 3463.00 6088.00 6088.00 64495.00 64495.00
One solar plant Denver region Colorado region Western Interconnection
Day-ahead 1-hour-ahead Day-ahead 1-hour-ahead Day-ahead 1-hour-ahead Day-ahead 1-hour-ahead
Year 4.83 4.64 4.24 4.63 4.33 4.73 4.47 4.01
January 4.71 5.06 5.18 5.06 5.46 4.79 5.24 5.11
July 4.64 4.74 4.25 4.87 5.02 5.09 4.75 4.86
14:00 5.07 5.00 4.83 4.99 5.13 5.27 4.97 5.72
10:00 -16:00 4.95 4.73 4.60 4.79 4.82 4.94 4.90 4.45

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(a) Day-ahead one plant (b) Day-ahead Denver (c) Day-ahead Colorado (d) Day-ahead Western Interconnection

(h) One-hour-ahead Western

(e) One-hour-ahead one plant (f) One-hour-ahead Denver (g) One-hour-ahead Colorado
Figure 5. Heat maps of the mean solar forecast errors for each hour of the day per month of the year.

D. Response Surfaces of Metrics

A response surface is constructed to represent the metric
value as a function of the parameters of the three types of
solar forecasting improvements. The assumed forecasting
improvement capability is defined as: (i) 0% to 100% for
uniform improvements, (ii) 0% to 100% for ramp forecasting
improvements, and (iii) 10% to 30% of solar power capacity
for ramp forecasting threshold. Response surfaces of six
typical metrics are shown in Fig. 6; the response surfaces are
constructed based on the solar power data in the region of the
Western Interconnection. A constant value of the ramp (e) MaxAE (f) Rényi entropy
forecasting threshold is used in the plots, which is 10% of the Figure 6. Response surfaces of metrics constructed by SVR.
solar power capacity. The triangle points in the figures
represent the 30 training points for the development of Figure 6(a) shows that the NRMSE value decreases with
response surfaces. both uniform forecasting improvements and ramp
forecasting improvements; a similar trend is also observed
from the KSIPer metric in Fig. 6(b). Figures 6(c) through 6(f)
show that the response surfaces of skewness, kurtosis,
MaxAE, and Rényi entropy are highly nonlinear. For the
skewness metric shown in Fig. 6(c), it is observed that: (i) a
consistent positive skewness is obtained through uniform
and ramp improvements, leading to an over-forecasting tail;
and (ii) the minimum skewness is observed with
approximately 50% uniform forecasting improvements and
60% ramp forecasting improvements. In Fig. 6(f), high
uncertainty is observed in two regions; whereas low
(a) NRMSE (b) KSIPer uncertainty is obtained at the top-left and bottom-right
corners, resulting mainly from one type of improvement
(ramp or uniform forecasting improvements).
E. Sensitivity Analysis
The main effects and total effects of the proposed metrics
to the three types of forecasting improvements are listed in
Table 3. Most metrics are highly sensitive to the uniform
improvement (compared to ramp forecasting improvements
and ramp threshold changes), indicating that these metrics
could efficiently recognize a better solar forecasting with
uniform improvements. In addition, the metrics of skewness,
(c) Skewness (d) Kurtosis kurtosis, and Rényi entropy are observed to be sensitive to all

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National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
at www.nrel.gov/publications.
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National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
at www.nrel.gov/publications.

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