Polypharmacy at Admission Prolongs Length of Hospitalization in Gastrointestinal Surgery Patients
Polypharmacy at Admission Prolongs Length of Hospitalization in Gastrointestinal Surgery Patients
Polypharmacy at Admission Prolongs Length of Hospitalization in Gastrointestinal Surgery Patients
Department of Hygiene and Aim: Polypharmacy in elderly people is a social issue and has been reported to cause not
Preventive Medicine, Fukushima only drug adverse events, but also falls, dysfunction and cognitive decline. Those events may
trigger prolonged length of hospitalization. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate
Medical University School of
whether polypharmacy has a prolonging effect on hospitalization.
Medicine: 1 Hikarigaoka,
Fukushima, Japan Methods: The study subjects were 584 patients in a university hospital in Japan who had
been admitted for hepatectomy, pancreaticoduodenectomy, gastrectomy or colectomy, and to
whom clinical pathways had been applied. In this study, polypharmacy was defined as taking
five or more regular oral medications, and prolonged hospitalization was defined as hospitali-
Natsuki Abe MMSc
zation longer than that determined by the clinical pathway. Multiple logistic regression analy-
Department of Hygiene and sis was performed to investigate whether polypharmacy affects the length of hospitalization.
Preventive Medicine, Fukushima
Results: The subjects were 348 males and 236 females, mean ± SD age of 65.8 ± 12.9 years.
Medical University School of
Among all subjects, 228 (39.0%) were receiving polypharmacy at admission, and the num-
Medicine, Hikarigaoka
ber of patients with prolonged hospitalization was 262 (44.9%). Multiple logistic regression
1, Fukushima City 960-1295, analysis revealed that the following variables were significantly associated with prolonged
Japan. hospitalization; polypharmacy (odds ratio = 1.532; 95% confidence interval = 1.010–2.327),
Email: b1950737@fmu.ac.jp age 50–59; 2.971 (1.216–7.7758), age 60–69; 2.405 (1.059–5.909), organ pancreas; 0.298
(0.122–0.708), operation time ≥386 min; 2.050 (1.233–3.432), intraoperative bleeding vol-
Received: 5 May 2020 ume ≥401 mL; 2.440 (1.489–4.038), postoperative delirium; 2.395 (1.240–4.734), postopera-
tive infection; 10.715 (4.270–33.059).
Revised: 19 August 2020
Accepted: 2 September 2020 Conclusion: The current study revealed that polypharmacy at admission was an indepen-
dent factor for prolonged hospitalization. In future, measures against polypharmacy are
required, collaborating with outpatient clinics, family doctors and dispensing pharmacies.
Geriatr Gerontol Int ••; ••: ••–•• Geriatr Gerontol Int 2020; ••: ••–••.
Introduction the risk of adverse drug events increases when individuals take six
or more drugs concurrently.4 However, the problems caused by
Recently, polypharmacy in elderly people has become a serious polypharmacy include not only drug adverse events,5 but also inci-
issue. The Japan Geriatrics Society formulated Guidelines for Medi- dents such as falls,6,7 dysfunction and cognitive decline.8 Therefore,
cal Treatment and Its Safety in the Elderly in 2005 for the purpose it may be reasonable to assume that polypharmacy at admission
of improving pharmacotherapy safety in the elderly, because elderly may be associated with prolonged hospitalization.
people in general tend to have multiple diseases, thus requiring In regard to the effect of polypharmacy/medication on hospi-
polypharmacy.1 The latest version of these guidelines includes pre- talization, a previous study conducted in Europe revealed that use
scription optimization screening to avoid adverse drug events by of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for more than 6 days
polypharmacy, such as drug allergy and organ failure by metabolic before admission is associated with the length of hospitalization.9
and/or excretion abnormalities associated with age-related changes. Moreover, a previous study on patients undergoing total hip
According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan, arthroplasty10 reported that the prehospital dose is related to the
the number of prescribed medicines increases with age.2 In addi- length of hospitalization, and suggested that the number of drugs
tion, it has been reported that an average of six drugs is prescribed may affect the duration of hospitalization.
in elderly people when they have a complication of a chronic dis- However, there are few such studies in Japan, and therefore, in
ease and dementia, or have two or more chronic diseases.3 Further- the present study, we aimed to clarify whether polypharmacy at
more, past research on hospitalized elderly patients revealed that admission has a prolonging effect on hospitalization in Japan.
Figure 1 Flow chart of criteria regarding enrollment and exclusion of study participants.
classified into two groups at the 75th percentile: for operation were used for explanation, and only those who agreed to the
time, the ≤385-min and ≥386-min groups; for intraoperative participation were included.
bleeding volume, the ≤400-mL and ≥401-mL groups; and for
multimorbidity, the ≤2 and ≥3.
Confounding factors were age, gender, target organs, cancer, Results
operation time, intraoperative bleeding volume, multimorbidity,
postoperative infection, postoperative delirium and malnutrition at The study population comprised 584 patients, 348 males and
admission. 236 females, with a mean ± SD age of 65.8 ± 12.9 years. Of all
To investigate whether polypharmacy affects the length of hos- patients, 228 (39.0%) were categorized into the polypharmacy
pitalization, multiple logistic regression analysis was performed. In group. Regarding the length of hospitalization, 322 (55.1%) were
this analysis, the age group 40–49 and the stomach were set as ref- categorized into the regular group and 262 (44.9%) into the
erences, because the numbers of subjects who were in the regular prolonged group.
group were highest in such categories. The objective variable was As shown in Table 2, the results of a comparison of patient
length of hospitalization, and the explanatory variables were poly- characteristics between the polypharmacy and non-polypharmacy
pharmacy and 10 other factors that may affect the length of hospi- groups showed age, prevalence of cancer, malnutrition at admis-
talization: age, gender, target organs, operation time, intraoperative sion, prolonged hospitalization, multimorbidity, hypertension,
bleeding volume, cancer, multimorbidity, postoperative infection, diabetes, respiratory disease, heart disease, cerebrovascular dis-
postoperative delirium and malnutrition at admission. Odds ratio ease, motor disorder, neuropsychiatric disorders, postoperative
(OR) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were calculated. It is delirium and physical paralysis were significantly higher in the
notable that the explanatory variables consisted of factors that were polypharmacy group (P < 0.001, P = 0.022, P < 0.001, P = 0.003,
considered related to outcome, based on the findings of previous P < 0.001, P < 0.001, P < 0.001, P = 0.009, P < 0.001, P < 0.001,
studies and clinical judgment. P = 0.023, P < 0.001, P < 0.001, P = 0.005, respectively).
For statistical analysis, we used R 3.5.2. As shown in Table 3, the results of logistic regression analysis
analyzing factors that affected the length of hospitalization indi-
cated that polypharmacy significantly prolonged hospitalization
(OR = 1.532; 95% CI = 1.010–2.327). As for the rest, the following
Ethics committee approval
factors significantly increased the length of hospitalization
This research was approved by the Fukushima Medical University (OR [95% CI]): operation time ≥386 min, 2.050 (1.233–3.432),
Ethics Committee (approval number: 2456). Informed consent and intraoperative bleeding volume ≥401 mL, 2.440
was obtained in the following two ways, according to the date of (1.489–4.038). In addition, the length of hospitalization was signif-
admission to hospital, i.e., (i) for subjects who were admitted to icantly longer in the following categories compared with the refer-
hospital by June 30, 2016, the scheme of our research was dis- ences (OR [95% CI]): 50–59 age group, 2.971 (1.216–7.758);
closed on our website, instead of obtaining written informed con- 60–69 age group, 2.405 (1.059–5.909); with postoperative delir-
sent, and (ii) for those who were admitted from July 1, 2016 ium, 2.395 (1.240–4.734); with postoperative infection, 10.715
onwards, the updated criteria and procedure of the committee (4.270–33.059).
n = 584
Polypharmacy P-value
Polypharmacy(n = 228) Non-polypharmacy (n = 356)
Age 72.0 (66.0–79.0) 63.0 (55.8–72.0) P < 0.001*†
Gender (male) 136 (59.6) 212 (59.6) 0.98‡
Stomach 42 (18.4) 103 (28.9)
Colon 62 (27.2) 78 (21.9)
Rectum 27 (11.8) 33 (9.3)
Liver 42 (18.4) 77 (21.6)
Pancreas 22 (9.6) 22 (6.2)
Bile duct 19 (8.3) 27 (7.6)
Duodenum 12 (5.3) 11 (3.1)
Other 2 (0.9) 5 (1.4) 0.057‡
Cancer 196 (86.0) 279 (78.4) 0.022*‡
Malnutrition at admission 72 (31.6) 56 (15.7) P < 0.001*‡
Prolonged hospitalization 120 (52.6) 142 (39.9) 0.003*‡
Operation time (min) 286.5 (203.8–410.8) 298.0 (202.0–380.2) 0.93†
Intraoperative bleeding volume (mL) 110.0 (20.0–382.5) 100.0 (20.0–402.5) 0.93†
Multimorbidity 2.00 (1.00–3.00) 1.00 (0.00–2.00) P < 0.001*‡
Past medical history
Hypertension 115 (50.4) 85 (23.9) P < 0.001*‡
Diabetes 85 (37.3) 31 (8.7) P < 0.001*‡
Respiratory disease 21 (9.2) 14 (3.9) 0.009*‡
Heart disease 61 (26.8) 30 (8.4) P < 0.001*‡
Cerebrovascular disease 24 (10.5) 7 (2.0) P < 0.001*‡
Motor disorder 27 (11.8) 23 (6.5) 0.023*‡
Neuropsychiatric disorder 17 (7.5) 2 (0.6) P < 0.001*‡
Postoperative complication
Postoperative infection 16 (7.0) 29 (8.1) 0.62‡
Obstruction 14 (6.1) 15 (4.2) 0.3‡
Postoperative delirium 38 (16.7) 19 (5.3) P < 0.001*‡
Postoperative IVH§ 34 (14.9) 41 (11.5) 0.23‡
Early ambulation 200 (87.7) 319 (89.6) 0.48‡
Alone 33 (14.5) 46 (12.9) 0.6‡
Residence 192 (84.2) 285 (80.1) 0.21‡
Physical paralysis 26 (11.4) 18 (5.1) 0.005*‡
Median (range), n (%).
*P < 0.05.
Mann–Whitney U-test.
Chi-squared test.
Intravenous Hyperalimentation.
Discussion hospitalization for a reason other than their chronic diseases, the
medical care being administered should be considered as part of,
In the present study, we revealed that polypharmacy was an inde- not independent from their daily life.
pendent factor that prolonged hospitalization. In recent years, Generally, Japanese people tend to perceive security and satisfac-
polypharmacy has attracted attention in terms of adverse drug tion when their drugs are prescribed. In addition, elderly people
events and medical costs, leading to many studies being con- tend to receive polypharmacy unconsciously, because they often
ducted on polypharmacy. These studies have revealed various have a high prevalence of complications of multiple diseases.1 Physi-
complications due to polypharmacy, such as adverse drug cians, nurses and pharmacists provide patient compliance instruc-
events,4,5 falls7,11 and increased mortality.12,13 However, to our tions to patients who receive medical treatment. These instructions
knowledge, few studies have predicted the length of hospitaliza- are implemented for both inpatients and outpatients to explain the
tion using patient characteristics and medical history. In the cur- safety and efficacy of each drug, and to make sure the patient under-
rent study, polypharmacy at admission was identified as a stands the need to take them correctly. However, polypharmacy can
predictor of prolonged hospitalization. Importantly, polypharmacy lead to a decrease in medication adherence.14,15 In particular, elderly
is not only influenced by various factors during hospital stay, but people may require increased time to acquire medication manage-
also depends on the prehospital treatment situation. Our results ment skills due to age-related decline in cognitive function and
suggested that for patients undergoing surgery or during adaptive ability.16 If patients with polypharmacy are admitted to
hospital, their medications are scheduled and administered by their In Japan, shortening the length of hospitalization is promoted
attending nurses. At discharge, the patients are required to attain by the standardization of medical care and reform of the medical
self-management of medication. Otherwise, hospitalization may be service system. In 2003, a comprehensive evaluation system for
prolonged. It may be difficult for elderly people to acquire medica- diagnosis and treatment fees, the Diagnosis Procedure Combina-
tion management skills within a limited hospitalization period with tion/Per-Diem Payment System, was introduced, after which the
the reasons mentioned above. Furthermore, medication manage- use of clinical pathways increased dramatically. The clinical path-
ment becomes more difficult in cases of elderly individuals who are way is a standardized care plan, including goals, evaluation, and
taking polypharmacy, who use complicated dosing methods, and recording of both patient conditions and treatment.17 Because of
who have a lack of support. It is assumed that the length of hospital- the broad use of the clinical pathway, the average length of hospi-
ization may be extended in such cases due to the inability to manage talization in acute care hospitals in Japan decreased from 20.3 days
the medication, even if the treatment is completed. in 2004, to 16.3 days in 2016. However, this length of stay is still
the longest among major developed countries, where the average 3 Ministry of Health LaW. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare 2017.
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The authors are deeply grateful to the patients and medical staff at the Canadian emergency department and its consequences on hospital
length of stay: a prospective observational multicentre cohort study.
Fukushima Medical University Hospital for their help in this BMJ Open 2018; 8: e018190.
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Disclosure statement 257–265.