Orifice Discharge
Orifice Discharge
Orifice Discharge
Figure 1 Orifice Discharge Apparatus
Figure 2 Different schemes of discharge (Shapes)
Technical Data:
As the tank size is much larger than the orifice diameter the velocity of the water
in the tank in the direction of the orifice flow is very low and can be neglected.
The velocity of water slowly increases as it approaches the orifice. The
streamline of the flow is shown in Fig. 3, from point 1 on the water surface of the
tank to point 2 which is at the smallest area of the jet. The water jet will reduce
its diameter after passing through the orifice. This is known as Vena Contracta.
Pitot head level can be adjusted to measure the velocity of the jet at the Vena
Contracta. Apply Bernoulli’s equation.
p = Pressure [N/m2]
V = Velocity [m/s]
Z = Elevation [m]
γ = Specific weight of water [N/m3]
g = Acceleration due to gravity= 9.81 [m/s2]
Since p1 and p2 are equal to the atmospheric pressure the theoretical velocity
of jet at Vena Contracta from equation (1) give us:
The actual velocity V2, act of the jet at Vena Contracta can be measured directly
by a Pitot tube. The velocity head from the Pitot tube is equal to the height H of
water in the Pitot tube, therefore,
The ratio of V2, act to V2, th is called Velocity Coefficient Cv of the orifice, then
The ratio of the cross section area Ac of the jet at Vena Contracta to the cross-
sectional area Ao of the orifice is called the Coefficient of Contraction Cc, then
The ratio of actual discharge of orifice to theoretical discharge is called the
Coefficient of Discharge Cd then:
1. Place the apparatus on the Hydraulics Bench and connect the water supply
from the Hydraulics Bench to the apparatus.
2. Adjust the apparatus so that the tank is vertical.
3. Adjust the over flow tube to the required level by first loosening the screws
underneath the tank bottom in order to move the tube up or down to the
required level and tighten the screw.
4. Start the pump and slowly open the discharge valve to admit water to the tank
until a small and steady over flow is observed.
5. Record HO and the flow rate by using the Hydraulics Bench measuring tank
and stop watch.
6. Swing the micrometer so that the Pitot tube is in line with the jet and at a
distance below the orifice approximately equal to the diameter of the orifice.
7. Slowly turn the micrometer knob until the wire starts touching the jet and
record the micrometer reading.
8. Turn the micrometer knob further and record the Pitot tube reading Hc.
9. Turn the micrometer knob until the wire start leaving the jet and again record
the micrometer reading. Diameter of the Vena Contracta is the difference
between step 7 and step 9 readings.
10. Repeat steps 3 to 9 at other overflow tube positions (different values of H).
Experiment 1;
1. Fill up the tank with water up to required head by adjusting valve of hydraulic
2. To measure the diameter of vena contracta lose the micrometer assembly
screw and bring micrometer disc near to jet.
3. Move the micrometer disc in such a way that it touches the first edge of water
jet and measure the reading on micrometer main scale. (Position 1).
4. Move the micrometer disc in such a way that it touches the other edge of
water jet along the diameter and measure the reading on micrometer main
scale. (Position 2).
5. Difference of reading will provide the diameter of vena contracta.
6. Now move the Pitot tube beneath the water discharging from orifice as shown
in the figure and calculate Hc. Head H can be measured directly on the tube.
7. To measure the flow rate calculate the water in liters in hydraulic bench and
the time taken with a stopwatch.
Note: Move the degaussing value to its outer extent
Experiment 2;
To find coefficient of velocity, coefficient of contraction and coefficient of
discharge of the given discharge shape.
1. Fill up the tank with water up to required head by adjusting valve of hydraulic
2. To measure the diameter of vena contracta lose the micrometer assembly
screw and bring micrometer disc near to jet.
3. Move the micrometer disc in such a way that it touches the first edge of water
jet and measure the reading on micrometer main scale. (Position 1).
4. Move the micrometer disc in such a way that it touches the other edge of
water jet along the diameter and measure the reading on micrometer main
scale. (Position 2).
5. Difference of reading will provide the diameter of vena contracta.
6. Now move the Pitot tube beneath the water discharging from orifice as shown
in the figure and calculate Hc. Head H can be measured directly on the tube.
7. To measure the flow rate calculate the water in liters in hydraulic bench and
the time taken with a stopwatch.
Note: Move the degaussing value to its outer extent
Experiment 3;
To find coefficient of velocity, coefficient of contraction and coefficient of
discharge of the given discharge shape.
1. Fill up the tank with water up to required head by adjusting valve of hydraulic
2. To measure the diameter of vena contracta lose the micrometer assembly
screw and bring micrometer disc near to jet.
3. Move the micrometer disc in such a way that it touches the first edge of water
jet and measure the reading on micrometer main scale. (Position 1).
4. Move the micrometer disc in such a way that it touches the other edge of
water jet along the diameter and measure the reading on micrometer main
scale. (Position 2).
5. Difference of reading will provide the diameter of vena contracta.
6. Now move the Pitot tube beneath the water discharging from orifice as shown
in the figure and calculate Hc. Head H can be measured directly on the tube.
7. To measure the flow rate calculate the water in liters in hydraulic bench and
the time taken with a stopwatch.
Note: Move the degaussing value to its outer extent
Experiment 4;
To find coefficient of velocity, coefficient of contraction and coefficient of
discharge of the given discharge shape.
1. Fill up the tank with water up to required head by adjusting valve of hydraulic
2. To measure the diameter of vena contracta lose the micrometer assembly
screw and bring micrometer disc near to jet.
3. Move the micrometer disc in such a way that it touches the first edge of water
jet and measure the reading on micrometer main scale. (Position 1).
4. Move the micrometer disc in such a way that it touches the other edge of
water jet along the diameter and measure the reading on micrometer main
scale. (Position 2).
5. Difference of reading will provide the diameter of vena contracta.
6. Now move the Pitot tube beneath the water discharging from orifice as shown
in the figure and calculate Hc. Head H can be measured directly on the tube.
7. To measure the flow rate calculate the water in liters in hydraulic bench and
the time taken with a stopwatch.
Note: Move the degaussing value to its outer extent