V2I5 1189 With Cover Page v2
V2I5 1189 With Cover Page v2
V2I5 1189 With Cover Page v2
Dist ance Measurement of an Object by using Ult rasonic Sensors wit h Arduino and GSM Modu…
IJST E - Int ernat ional Journal of Science Technology and Engineering
Ardya Dipt a Nandaviri
Latha Anju N et al., International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology.
ISSN: 2454-132X
Impact factor: 4.295
(Volume2, Issue5)
Available online at: www.ijariit.com
Abstract: A sensor is a device that converts one type of energy to another. Arduino is a small microcontroller board with a USB
plug to connect to the computer. The Arduino board senses the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and
can affect its surroundings by controlling lcds, speakers, motors and GS module. Ultrasonic Sensor measure the distance of
target objects or materials through the air using “non-contact” technology. They measure distance without damage and are
easy to use. The output Signals received by the sensor are in the analog form, and output is digitally formatted and processed
by microcontroller. In present work, it is used to detecting an obstacle, along with its exact distance. The internal analog to
digital converter is used is calibrated to get almost accurate distance measurement. The measured distance is also displayed on
an LCD screen.
I. Introduction
Bats are wonderful creatures. Blind from the eyes but the vision is sharper than humans, Ultrasonic ranging is the technique used
by bats. Ultrasonic sensor provides an easy way in distance measurement. The sensor is perfect for distance measurements
between moving or stationary objects. Ultrasonic Sensor measure the distance of the objects in air through non-contact technique.
They measure distance without damage and are easy to use and reliable.
These distance measurement sensors connect with all common types of automation and telemetry equipment. Machinery
and processes in a wide range of industries use distance measurement sensors where size or position feedback is required.
Distance measurement sensors are used to control or indicate the position of objects and materials. Distance measurement sensors
can determine the dimensions of objects such as height, width and diameter, using one or more sensors.
The echo time response of ultrasonic sensor detector is based on time of travel after trigger pulse to the surrounding
objects is non-linear and depends on the reflectance characteristics of the object surface.
Ultra Sonic sensors are widely used for distance measurement purposes. They offer low cost and a precision of less than
1 cm in distance measurements of up to 6m [1, 4]. However, the most popular method used in these measurements is based on the
time of flight (ToF) measurement. This ToF is the time elapsed between the emission and subsequent arrival after reflection of an
Ultrasonic pulse train travelling at the speed of sound. This causes large response times for a single measurement.
temperature and that the measured time taken for the sound waves to travel the distance from the source to the subject and back to
the source is t seconds, the distance d is computed by the formula
d=1100 X 12 X t inches.
Since the sound waves travel twice the distance between the source and the subject, the actual distance between the source and the
subject will be d/2.
A single I/O pin is used to trigger an ultrasonic burst (well above human hearing) and then "listen" for the echo return
pulse. The sensor measures the time required for the echo return and returns this value to the microcontroller as a variable-width
pulse via the same I/O pin. Ultrasonic sensors have definitely diversified functions including "detection" of what you cannot see,
"measurement" of length, thickness and amount, and "destruction" of objects.
Ultrasonic sensors are generally used for anti-collision and rangefinder purposes by measuring the distance to an
obstacle [1] some application ideas where Ultra Sonic sensors can be used are: security systems, parking assistant systems,
interactive animated exhibits and robotic navigation.
III. Hardware
The Block diagram of Ultrasonic Distance Detection with Arduino is as shown in fig 1.
In this work, distance of the object is measured through ultrasonic distance sensor and the sensor output is connected to signal
conditioning unit and after that it is processed through Arduino microcontroller. The measured results are displayed in liquid
crystal display. The results are transferred to personal computer. The sensor is attached to servo motor to find the polar distance
around the sensor upto 1800 rotations. This application is also used to find the obstacles detection and the exact distance can also
be obtained. The measured distance is displayed on the LCD display. The hardware components the system as explain below
The ultrasonic distance sensor module with signal conditioning
Servo motor
Arduino-ATmega 328 Microcontroller
Personal computer
This device is used to measure the distance from an object. It can detect objects that are within a range of 2cm – 450cm
(.78” – 14’ 9”). The device uses two digital pins to communicate the distance found.
Ultrasonic Range Detection Sensor [2], works by sending an ultrasound pulse at around 40 KHz, It then waits and listens
for the pulse to echo back, calculating the time taken in microseconds. We can trigger a pulse as fast as 20 times a second and it
can determine objects up to 3 metres away and as near as 3cm. The snapshot of the sensor and working process of the sensor is
shown in fig 2. The sensor needs a 5V power supply to run.
The Timing diagram is shown in figure 3. 10uS pulse is required to the trigger input and start the ranging, and then the
module will send out an 8 cycle burst of ultrasound at 40 kHz and raise its echo. The Echo is a distance object that is pulse width
and the range in proportion. Then calculate the range through the time interval between sending trigger signal and receiving echo
signal. We suggest to use over 60ms measurement cycle, in order to prevent trigger signal to the echo signal. There are only four
connections, +5v, Gnd, trigger and Echo.
The Ultra Sonic sensor works as a burst signal is transmitted for short duration (is emitted) by the emitter. After that there will be
a silent period. This period is actually called “response time” and is the time waiting for reflected waves. The acoustic emitted
signal may find an obstacle or not. If an obstacle is found, the acoustic signal will be bounced back from the obstacle. This back-
bounced signal is called “echo”. The echo is received by the receiving transducer and is converted into electrical signal. Usually
this signal is amplified, filtered and can be converted into digital form [3]. Using the elapsed time between transmission and
reception, the distance between the Ultra Sonic system and obstacle/object can be calculated.
Servo Motor
A servomotor is a rotary actuator / linear actuator that allows for precise control of angular or linear position, velocity and
acceleration. It consists of a suitable motor coupled to a sensor for position feedback. It also requires a relatively sophisticated
controller, often a dedicated module designed specifically for use with servomotors. Servomotors are used in applications such
as robotics, CNC machinery or automated manufacturing. A servomotor is a closed-loop servomechanism that uses position
feedback to control its motion and final position. The motor is attached with the sensor to find the distance range around the
sensor for 1800 rotations. The motor is controlled and interfaced with Arduino microcontroller to rotate in clockwise and
anticlockwise direction.
The ultrasonic sensor is attached with the servo meter. The servo motor rotates rotate in clockwise and anticlockwise direction.
The sensor measure the distance around the sensor. The measured distance is calculated using Arduino controller within a pre-
defined time interval. The analog output read from the sensor module is transferred to personal computer through serial port via
Arduino. Photographs of the present project work are shown in fig 6.
The objective of the project was to design and implement an ultrasonic distance meter. The device described here can detect the
target and calculate the distance of the target. The ultrasonic distance meter is a low cost, low a simple device for distance
measurement. The device calculates the distance with suitable accuracy and resolution. It is a handy system for non-contact
measurement of distance. The device has its application in many fields. It can be used in car backing system, automation and
robotics, detecting the depth of the snow, water level of the tank, production line. This device will also have its application in civil
and mechanical field for precise and small measurements.
For calculating the distance using this device, the target whose distance is to be measured should always be perpendicular
to the plane of propagation of the ultrasonic waves. Hence the orientation of the target is a limitation of this system. The ultrasonic
detection range also depends on the size and position of the target. The bigger is the target, stronger will be the reflected signal
and more accurate will be the distance calculated. Hence the ultrasonic distance meter is an extremely useful device
1. M. Ishihara, M. Shiina, S. Suzuki, “Evaluation of Method of Measuring Distance Between Object and Walls Using
Ultrasonic Sensors”, Journal of Asian Electric Vehicles, Volume 7, Number 1, June 2009.
2. Y. B. Gandole, “Simulation and data processing in ultrasonic measurements”, Anadolu University Journal of Science
and Technology, Vol.:12, No: 2, pp. 119-127, 2011
3. G. Benet, J. Albaladejo, A. Rodas, P.J. Gil, An intelligent ultrasonic sensor for ranging in an industrial distributed control
system, in: Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Components and Instruments for Control Applications,
Malaga, Spain, May 1992, pp. 299–303.
4. G. Benet , F. Blanes, J.E. Simó, P. Pérez, Using infrared sensors for distance measurement in mobile robots, Else viewer
, Robotics and Autonomous Systems 1006 (2002) 1–12.