Entomologia Hellenica
Entomologia Hellenica
Entomologia Hellenica
Khaoula AROUA
AROUA, K. (2024). Influence of the region and the sap flow of orange trees on the population dynamics of Aonidiella
aurantii (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) in Mitidja (Algeria). ENTOMOLOGIA HELLENICA, 33(1), 1–14. Retrieved from
Influence of the region and the sap flow of orange trees on the
population dynamics of Aonidiella aurantii (Hemiptera:
Diaspididae) in Mitidja (Algeria)
The objective of this work is to study the influence of the region and the sap thrust on some
bioecological aspects of the red scale Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha:
Diaspididae). The monitoring of the life cycle of A. aurantii has been conducted by periodic
counting of populations on different parts of the tree such as branches and leaves during two
consecutive years (2017 and 2018) in the region of Rouiba [36°44′00′′N; 3°17′00′′E] and Oued
El Alleug [36°44′00′′N; 3°17′00′′E]. The study of population dynamics shows that the armored
scale develops three annual generations on the orange tree in the regions of Rouiba and Oued
Alleug, which also coincide with the three flushes of sap: spring, summer and autumn. The spring
period also remains the most favorable for its development. In addition, it has a very marked
affinity for the center orientation and the branches of the tree, which offer it the optimal
conditions for its development. As for the previous species, the shift observed in the temporal
distribution depends essentially on the region (distance from the sea) but also on the triggering
of sap surges. In fact, it was determined that the three periods of activity in Oued Alleug began
a little later compared to those in Rouïba. In autumn and winter, the crawlers of the red scale
insect are more abundant in the center of the tree while in spring and summer they shelter in the
east of the tree where the climatic conditions are more favorable. The average values of fecundity
One-way analysis of variance three sap flushes. The first one has larger
(ANOVA) was conducted to compare the numbers and lasts about four to more five
effect of cardinal direction on the months. The second one, with less numbers
distribution of A. aurantii at different and lasts about three to five months. The
seasons. When there were statistically third one, on the other hand, lasts only two
significant differences at p<0.05, Duncan's months with lower numbers. It is noted that
multiple range test (DMRT) was used to the red scale insect presents a different
separate the means. SPSS (version 23) was behavior according to the region.
used for the analysis.
Indeed, we noticed a shift in the
development of the populations of A.
Results aurantii. The three periods of activity in
Population dynamics Oued Alleug started a little later compared
to those of Rouïba. We noticed a delay of
The results of the dynamics of the global 18 days in 2016 and 17 days in 2017 for the
population of orange tree in Rouïba and first generation. For the second generation,
Oued Alleug were obtained during the there was also a delay of 18 days in 2016
period from January 4, 2016, to December and 24 days in 2017. Finally, for the third
21, 2017, that is, a period of 2 years. The generation, we noted a delay of 43 days in
results reported in Figure 2 allows us to 2016 and 18 days in 2017.
distinguish three periods of intense activity:
spring, summer and fall in the two study
sites. They practically coincide with the
FIG. 2.: Fluctuation in global population numbers of A. aurantii on orange trees in Rouïba and
Oued Alleug from January 2016 to December 2017.
In 2016, the first peak of the overall individuals in Rouïba and on April 22 with
populations was noted on April 2 with 1184 728 individuals in Oued Alleug for the first
generation. The second peak was noted on Population distribution by plant organ
August 3 with 928 individuals in Rouïba The red scale on orange trees prefers to
and on August 21 with 558 individuals in settle on the branches than on the leaves.
Oued Alleug. The last peak was recorded on Indeed, we noted in Rouiba a rate of
October 23 with 353 individuals in Rouïba 76.72% in 2016 and 54.80% in 2017 but in
and on December 3 with 225 individuals in Oued Alleug we recorded a rate of 68.67%
Oued Alleug. in 2016 compared to 73.60% in 2017.
As for the year 2017, we noticed a first Although the red scale insect was
total population peak on April 23 with 845 significantly less present on the leaves, in
individuals in Rouïba and on May 4 with Rouiba it was found on the upper surface
548 individuals in Oued Alleug for the first with a rate equal to 12.93% in 2016 while
generation. The second population peak 31.50% in 2017. In Oued Alleug we
was noted on August 21 with 448 recorded a rate of 17.63% in 2016 as
individuals in Rouïba and september 14 opposed to 13.54% in 2017. On the
with 595 individuals in Oued Alleug. The underside of the leaves, we noted a low rate
last peak was recorded on November 23 that did not exceed 13.70% in the 2 study
with 263 individuals in Rouïba and on sites and for the two years of study also
December 3 with 500 individuals in Oued (Fig. 3).
FIG. 3.: Distribution according to plant organ of A. aurantii populations on orange trees in
Rouïba and Oued Alleug from January 2016 to December 2017.
FIG. 4.: Cardinal distribution of A. aurantii populations on orange trees in Rouïba and Oued
Alleug from January 2016 to December 2017.
Seasonal distribution of crawlers (mobile continues its migration towards the center
larvae) according to cardinal of the tree to mark percentages higher than
orientations 54% in Rouiba and higher than 43.51% in
The seasonal distribution of crawlers of A. Oued Alleug and low percentages on the
aurantii according to orientations showed other orientations. In spring, when the
identical behavior on orange trees, in both climatic conditions become more favorable,
study sites and in both years (Fig. 5). the mobile larvae migrate from the center of
the tree to the east of the tree to mark
In autumn, the center of the tree percentages higher than 64.22% in Rouiba
represents the most desired place by the and higher than 28.16% in Oued Alleug
mobile larvae for the fixation with followed by the center. In summer, the
percentages higher than 54.93% in Rouiba summer population continues its migration
and higher than 34.51% in Oued Alleug for towards the east of the tree to mark a
both years. In winter, the population percentage that exceeds 28.80%.
FIG. 5.: Cardinal distribution of A. aurantii populations on orange trees in Rouïba and Oued
Alleug from January 2016 to December 2017.
FIG. 6.: Average fecundity in A. aurantii on orange trees in Rouïba and Oued Alleug from
January 2016 to December 2017.
Furthermore, we noted a time lag in the March where the first peak of fecundity was
average fecundity of A. aurantii. The three noted on March 2 with an average of 20
periods of activity in Oued Alleug started a larvae / female. The second oviposition
little late compared to those in Rouïba. We started during the first ten days of June and
noted a shift of 33 days (in 2016) and 21 ended around the beginning of September
days (in 2017) for the first generation, 18 where the peak was noted on June 24 with
days (in 2016) and 17 days (in 2017) for the an average equal to 16.67 larvae/female.
second and 41 days (in 2016) and 23 days The third oviposition began during the
(in 2017) for the third. second ten days of September and ended by
the end of December. The last peak of egg
In 2016, the first period of oviposition
laying was recorded on October 13 with a
in Rouïba started in the first ten days of
rate of 7.50 larvae/female.
February, which coincided with the first
flush of sap and ended towards the end of
On the other hand, in Oued Alleug the "Date" on the fecundity of A. aurantii has a
first period of oviposition, began during the very highly significant effect for (p <
second ten days of February and ended 0.0001) and a significant effect for the
towards the end of June with a peak noted factor region (p =0.0269).
on April 4 with a maximum average equal
to 19 crawler /female. The second Discussion
oviposition began in the second decade of
June and ends on October 21. The second The A. aurantii’s number of generations
peak was noted on August 12 with an that have been studied on orange trees, over
average equal to 12.38 crawler /female. two years; 2020, 2021, in Rouiba and Oued
Finally, the third peak began in late October Alleug regions, Algeria, were three annual
and ended in late December. The last peak generations, one in each of spring, summer
was on November 23 with an average of and fall. Our results confirm those reported
8.50 larvae/female. by Biche et al. (2012) and Belguendouz
(2014). El Kaoutari et al. (2004) and
In 2017, the first period of oviposition Belguendouz et al. (2013) stated that the
of the red scale insect in Rouïba began California Red Scale, has a very variable
around the last ten days of February and number of generations, largely influenced
ended by the end of March passing by the by the climatic conditions of the region,
first peak on March 13 with an average particularly the temperature and
equal to 18 crawler/female. The second precipitation levels.
oviposition started during the first ten days
of June and ended by the end of September. The California Red Scale insect has a
The second peak was recorded on June 24 great capacity for adaptation to climatic
with an average of 10 crawler/female. variations (Belguendouz et al., 2013). In
Finally, the third period of egg laying began certain regions of the world, the number of
during the second ten days of September A. aurantii generations can reach up to
and ended towards the end of December seven per year. In the Tadla region,
with a peak on 23 October with an average Morocco, El Kaoutari et al. (2004) noted
of 8 crawler/female. But in Oued Alleug the that this insect has developed four
first period of spawning, began towards the generations. In South Africa, this armored
end of February and ended towards the end scale insect is present throughout the year,
of July and the peak of fecundity was noted developing four annual generations and up
on April 3 with an average equal to 18.25 to seven in sunny environments (Bedford,
crawler/female. While the second spawning 1998). Grout and Richards (1989), by using
began during the first ten days of August sex pheromone traps, recorded four to six
and ended on October 15, the second peak generations / year on orange trees and five
was on August 11 with an average equal to to seven generations / year on lemon trees.
13.86 crawler/female. The third spawning According to Miller and Davidson (1990),
started towards the end of October and the California Red Scale has scored two to
ended by the end of December and the last three generations per year in California, six
peak was reached on November 15 with an in Argentina and four in Cyprus. Asplanato
average equal to 10.50 crawler/female. The et al, (2002), noted three A. aurantii
average values of fecundity varied from 1 generations in Uruguay. In Italy,
to 20 crawlers/female in Rouïba. While in Tumminelli et al, (1996) observed between
Oued Alleug it varied from 0 to 19 three and five generations as well as in
crawler/female. Spain (Pekas, 2010).
1980; Biche and Sellami, 1999; and Maher, good development, this explains the results
2002). These authors have also indicated we have found. In fall and winter, the larvae
that the host plant is responsible for were more abundant in the center of the
numerous bioecological variations in the tree, while in spring and summer they
insect, such as the difference found in the migrated towards the east direction of the
spatiotemporal distribution of A. aurantii trees, seeking more favorable microclimatic
on the feeding organ, the geographic region, conditions, notably temperature and
the period of year, and particularly the host luminosity.
The branches were the preferred
location for the red scale insect to attach,
Conclusion rather than the leaves. Fertility has been
The California Red Scale developed three influenced by ecological factors. Larvae are
generations per year; one in spring, one in emitted throughout the year, resulting in
summer and one in fall. The adult female overlapping generations. According to our
stage was the most dominant, with a rarity results, shaded areas promoted higher
of adult males. The distribution of neonate fertility. Fertility was higher in the center of
larvae was a good indicator for the tree, on the lower side of the leaves, and
understanding the red scale insect behavior, on the branches. It is also noted to be higher
since it is the only mobile stage. As in spring and summer compared to other
mentioned above, the red scale insect was seasons.
always looking for areas that ensure its
Στόχος αυτής της εργασίας ήταν να μελετήσει την επίδραση της γεωγραφικής περιοχής και της
ροής του χυμού σε ορισμένες βιοοικολογικά χαρακτηριστικά του Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell)
(Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Diaspididae). Η παρακολούθηση του βιολογικού κύκλου του A.
aurantii διεξήχθη με τακτική καταγραφή των σταδίων ανάπτυξής του σε διαφορετικά φυτικά
μέρη των δένδρων, όπως κλάδους και φύλλα κατά τη διάρκεια δύο διαδοχικών ετών (2017 και
2018) στις περιοχές Rouiba [36°44′00′ 'Ν; 3°17′00′′E] και Oued El Alleug [36°44′00′′N;
3°17′00′′ Α]. Η μελέτη της δυναμικής του πληθυσμού έδειξε ότι στην πορτοκαλιά, στις περιοχές
Rouiba και Oued Alleug, το είδος αναπτύσσει τρεις γενεές / έτος, οι οποίες χρονικά συμπίπτουν
με τις αντίστοιχες τρεις αυξήσεις την κινητικότητας του φυτικού χυμού των δένδρων: άνοιξη,
καλοκαίρι και φθινόπωρο. Η περίοδος της άνοιξης είναι η πιο ευνοϊκή για την ανάπτυξη του
εντόμου. Επιπλέον, έχει πολύ έντονη τάση συγκέντρωσης προς το εσωτερικό και τους κλάδους
του δέντρου, που του εξασφαλίζουν καταλληλότερες συνθήκες για την ανάπτυξή του. Όπως και
σε άλλα είδη, η χρονική εμφάνιση της κάθε γενεάς εξαρτάται από τη γεωγραφική θέση των
φυτών ξενιστών (απόσταση από τη θάλασσα) αλλά και από την κινητικότητά των φυτικών
χυμών. Διαπιστώθηκε ότι οι τρεις περίοδοι εντονότερης δραστηριότητας του εντόμου στην
περιοχή Oued Alleug ξεκίνησαν λίγο αργότερα από ότι στην περιοχή Rouïba. Το φθινόπωρο και
τον χειμώνα, οι έρπουσες του κοκκοειδούς καταγράφονται κυρίως στο κέντρο της κόμης του
δέντρου, ενώ την άνοιξη και το καλοκαίρι εγκαθίστανται κυρίως στην ανατολική πλευρά της,
όπου οι συνθήκες για την ανάπτυξή τους είναι πιο ευνοϊκές. Οι μέσες τιμές γονιμότητας
κυμάνθηκαν από 1 έως 20 έρπουσες/θήλυ στην περιοχή Rouïba, ενώ στην περιοχή Oued Alleug,
από 0 έως 19 έρπουσες/θήλυ. Η ανάλυση διακύμανσης δείχνει ότι οι παράγοντες έτος, μήνας και
περιοχή προκάλεσαν σημαντικές διαφορές (p<0,0001) στη βιολογία του εντόμου κατά την
περίοδο της μελέτης στις περιοχές Rouïba και Oued Alleug, με πιθανότητα (p<0,0001). Η
κατανομή των ερπουσών απετέλεσε έναν καλό δείκτη για την κατανόηση της συμπεριφοράς του
κοκκοειδούς. Τα ευρήματα αυτής της μελέτης έχουν πολύ μεγάλη σημασία για τον έλεγχο του
κοκκοειδούς εντόμου A. aurantii.