Back in September of 2011 (Heathkit of the Fig. 1 SB-220 2KW Amplifier. The SB-221
Month #33) the SB-200 (1,200 watt linear am- looks identical except for the 10 meter
plifier) was discussed. This month we will take band switch markings.
a look at its bigger brother the SB-220. Like the
SB-200, the SB-220 required updating when conservatively rated. The power supply is built
the FCC outlawed commercial linear RF ampli- into the amplifier which fits easily on a desk-
fiers from covering the 10-meter band due to top. Figure 3 shows an inside view of the ampli-
their widespread illegal use on the nearby 11- fier tube section.
meter CB band. These later amplifiers were
given new model numbers: SB-201 and SB-221 The SB-220 covers 80 through 10 meters. Us-
replaced the SB-200 and SB-220, respectively. ing the SB-220 on the newer 12 and 17 meter
WARC bands is spotty without modifications. A
The SB-220 RF Amplifier: lot can be found on the subject by Googling
The SB-220 (Figure 1) was released in late Heath SB-220 WARC.
1969, about six years after the SB-200. Both
remained on the market until 1978 when 10- The SB-220 front panel meters and controls are
meter capability was eliminated. They both uncluttered and laid-out in three rows. The front
continued in production in their modified state panel layout and nomenclature are listed in Ta-
until 1983. The SB-220 originally sold for a fac- ble II. The mode switch sets the nominal plate
tory catalog price of $349.95. (Figure 2 is an ad voltage. In the CW/TUNE position it is 2.5 KV
from the inside rear cover of the December DC and in the SSB position it is 3.0 KV DC. The
1969 QST). The retail store price was slightly CW/TUNE position can be used for lower power
higher at $369.95. By the 1982 spring/summer SSB operation.
catalog the SB-221 price had increased to $649.95.
Like the front panel, the rear panel is simple
On January 23, 1970 I visited the Heathkit re- and uncluttered with just eight items. They are
tail store on Ball Road in Anaheim; adding the listed in Table III. Instead of fuses, the ampli-
then 5% sales tax, I happily lumbered out fier uses two circuit breakers in the AC line, re-
$388.45 poorer, but carrying two heavy boxes. settable by pressing the button on the tripped
breaker. They are accessible on the rear panel.
Table I shows the specifications of the SB-220. Also on the rear panel is the inlet to the fan
It is a heavy duty amplifier, especially if you which forces air over the 3-500Z final tubes
run it off of 240 VAC. The final tubes are a pair and out the cabinet. The tubes are not in air-
of Eimac 3-500Z glass triodes specifically de- flow directing chimneys. The large fan is lo-
signed for improved grounded-grid linear op- cated so it also forces air over the tube sockets,
eration. With 500 watts of plate dissipation per cooling the critical filament pins that dissipate
tube and a large cooling fan, the amplifier is a significant amount of heat by themselves.