Functional Literacy
A type or type of literacy that prepares on
REVIEWER IN EDUC 203 individual to engage in all those activities
WEEK 1 available in his or her group and community and
also for enabling him or her to continue to use
DEFINITION OF VARIOUS FORMS OF reading, writing and calculation for his or her
LITERACIES own and the community’s development.
A type of literacy that deals with application of
Traditional Literacies
conventional form of literacy such as reading
are at the base of 21st century literacy skills. It and writing well enough to understand signs,
does not mean that they are considered less read newspaper heading, read labels on medicine
important; they are instead foundational or serve bottles, make shopping lists, read Bible, write
as the structure by which 21st century skills are letters, fill in forms, apply for Jobs, practice the
built. You cannot have 21st century skills unless language skills verbally and write in written
you are grounded on traditional literacies. form, reading for pleasure and purposive
Traditional Literacies Functional Literacy as noted by different
1.Traditional or Conventional Literacy scholars is used for different activities in the
society. Gray (1956:21) notes: Functional
2.Functional Literacy literacy is used for the training of adults to meet
3.Early/Emergent Literacy independently the reading and writing demands
placed on them. Currently, the phrase describes
4.Basic Literacy and Skills those approaches to literacy which stresses the
acquisition of appropriate verbal, cognitive, and
The word literacy is defined as the ability to read, write,
computational skills to accomplish practical
speak and listen in a way that lets us communicate
ends in culturally specific settings.
effectively and make sense of the world.
Early/Emergent Literacy
At least 90% of Filipino children aged 10 struggle to
read or understand simple text, according to the World A type of literacy that deals with the earliest
Bank’s 2022 data on Learning Poverty. But even before behaviors that relate to a kind of literacy in form
Covid-19 pandemic set back student’s learning, the pre- of the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that are
pandemic figure pegged learning poverty in the manifested before the actual conventional level
Philippines at 70%. of literacy is attained.
The term was first used in 1966 by New Zealand
Traditional or Conventional Literacy
researcher Marie Clay to describe the behaviors
It deals with reading and writing skills of letter seen in young children when they use books and
in a particular language. writing materials to imitate reading and writing
It involves such as knowing the alphabet, activities, even though the children cannot
phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, actually read and write in the conventional sense
semantics and pragmatics that govern the ( Romburg 1998)
reading and writing skills in a conventional Today the term has expanded in usage. Sulzby
manner. and Teale (1996:728) Emergent literacy is
McGee and Richgels (1996:30) describe the use concerned with the earliest phases of literacy
of conventional literacy in terms of the behavior development, the period between birth and the
manifested by reader. time when children read and write
Conventional readers and writers read and write conventionally.
in ways that most people in our literate society The term emergent literacy signals a belief that,
recognize as ‘really’ reading and writing. in a literate society, young children even one and
two year olds, are in the process of becoming
addressed must also be practiced. Teacher and
students need to develop on awareness of the
Basic Literacy and Skills
These refer to a type of knowledge that is
Exploring youth eco-literacy through lived
expected to be known by everyone in a
experiences. 'When you purchase a pair of jeans, you
particular field in the world today, people expect
bear the burden of child labor in South Asia'(2024)
everyone to know basics of conventional literacy
that is to know how to read and write. This study explores youth eco-literacy and its role in
addressing the climate crisis, consumption, and socio-
political challenges. Eco-literacy involves environmental
1.The Arts and Creativity understanding, skills, and critical perspectives, enabling
active engagement and informed decision-making.
This literacy can be manifested in creative ways Through geo- social lenses, I examine how Turkish
of problem-solving and expressed thorough the youth participate politically, both..... online and offline,
production of various artworks. in climate change and consumerism dialogues,
Teacher and students need to be more adept in considering local, global, and planetary perspectives.
the arts and manifest creativity in multiple The analysis focuses on young people's interpretive
activities. agency, creatively expressing environmental ideologies
Skills youth practice when participating in art and shaping values with a political stance characterized
activities include: by reflexivity, agency, and commitment to daily activism
and eco-friendly lifestyles.
Fine Motor skills, grasping pencil, crayon,
chalk and paintbrushes helps children develop 3. Cyberliteracy/Digital Literacy (Information and
their fine motor muscles. This development will ICT Knowledge)
help your child with writing, buttoning a coat This competency is based on the reality that
and other tasks that require controlled societies and workplace have now become more
movements. information-driven.
Cognitive development. Art can help children Workplace of 21st century rely heavily on
learn and practice skills like patterning and electronic (digital) forms of data storage and
cause and effect. They can also practice critical management as well as in the area of
thinking skills by making a mental plan or communications, Teachers and students need to
picture of what they intend to create and develop familiarity and skills in using
following through on their plan. computers, the internet, and other information
Math skills, Children can learn, create and technologies.
begin to understand concepts like size, shape, According to a study by the Philippines
making comparison, counting and spatial Statistics Authority, 61% of Filipino households
reasoning. have no access to the internet, hindering the
Language Skills, as well as their process, they development of digital literacy skills. Moreover,
develop language skills. You can encourage this on 30% of the Philippines population has basic
development by actively listening and asking digital skills, according to a report by Google
open-ended questions in return. It is also a great and Temasek.
opportunity to learn new vocabulary words
regarding their project. 4.Financial Literacy
The 21st century skills are more challenging to 2. Teach through the disciplines
teach and learn and they are also more difficult Learning through disciplines entails learning not
to assess. Designing tests that measure lower- only the knowledge of the discipline but also the
order thinking skills like memorization is skills associated with the production of
straightforward in comparison to measuring knowledge within the discipline. Through
skills like creativity, innovation, leadership, and disciplinary curriculum and instruction students
teamwork. should learn why the discipline is important,
Science of Learning how experts create new knowledge, and how
they communicate about it. Continued learning
The science of learning can be extracted into in any discipline requires that the student or
nine points, all of which are about how students expert become deeply familiar with a knowledge
learn 21st century skills and how pedagogy can base, know how to use that knowledge base,
address new learning needs. Many of the lessons articulate a problem, creatively address the
particularly transfer, metacognition, teamwork, problem, and communicate findings in
technology, and creativity are also 21st century sophisticated ways. Therefore, mastering a
skills in themselves. discipline means using many 21st century skills.
1. Make it relevant Teaching Strategy
Relevant learning means effective learning, and Project-based learning is a powerful
that alone should be enough to get us rethinking educational approach that promotes student-
our lesson plans. The old drill and kill method is centered, inquiry-based, and experiential
neurologically useless, as it turns out. Relevant, learning. Engaging students in extended,
meaningful activities that both engage students interdisciplinary projects that address real-world
emotionally and connect with what they already challenges, PBL cultivates critical thinking,
know are what help build neural connections and collaboration, and problem-solving skills while
long-term memory storage. fostering a lifelong love of learning. As
To be effective, any curriculum must be relevant educators continue to explore innovative
to students’ lives. Transmission and rote teaching methods, project-based learning stands
memorization of factual knowledge can make out as a transformative approach that prepares
any subject matter seem irrelevant. Irrelevance students for success in the 21st century and
leads to lack of motivation, which in turn leads beyond.
to decreased learning.
Both teachers and students benefit from the use 3. Simultaneously develop lower and higher order
of generative topics and reinforcement of thinking skills
relevance. Teachers like this method because it Lower-order exercises are fairly common in
allows for the freedom to teach creatively. existing curricula, while higherorder thinking
Students like it because it makes learning feel activities are much less common. Higher-level
more interesting and engaging, and they find thinking tends to be difficult for students
that understanding is something they can use, because it requires them not only to understand
rather than simply possess. the relationship between different variables
Teaching Strategy (lower-order thinking) but also how to apply or
transfer that understanding to a new, uncharted
context (higherorder thinking)
Transfer tends to be very difficult for most • Set expectations, by telling students that they
people. However, applying new understandings will need to structure their historical argument
to a new, uncharted context is also exactly what homework essay in the same way that they are
students need to do to successfully negotiate the practicing in class.
demands of the 21st century. Higher-level • Ask students to practice debating a topic
thinking skills take time to develop, and privately in pairs before holding a large-scale
teaching them generally requires a tradeoff of debate in front of the class.
breadth for depth. • Organize mock trials, mock congressional
deliberations, or other role- playing exercises as
a way for students to practice civic engagement.
• Talk through solving a particular mathematics
problem so that students understand the thinking
process they might apply to a similar problem.
• Practice finding and using historical evidence
from a primary source and then ask students to
do the same with a different primary source.
These are the basic skills needed for reading, The essential knowledge that everyone is
writing, speaking, and listening that form the expected to know, particularly the ability to read
foundation for more advanced 21st-century and write.
literacy skills.
1. Traditional/Conventional Literacy
Skills and knowledge beyond basic reading and
2. Functional Literacy writing that are essential for success in today’s
3. Early/Emergent Literacy
4. Basic Literacy and Skills
1. Arts and Creativity
According to the World Bank (2022), 90% of
Filipino children aged 10 struggle to read or 2. Ecoliteracy
understand simple text. Pre-pandemic, learning
3. Cyber/Digital Literacy
poverty in the Philippines was 70%.
4. Financial Literacy
1. Traditional/Conventional Literacy
5. Media Literacy
Involves reading and writing in a language using
correct grammar, phonetics, and syntax. 6. Social/Emotional Literacy
McGee and Richgels (1996) describe 7. Globalization and Multicultural
conventional literacy as reading and writing in Literacy
ways most people recognize as “really” reading
and writing. 1. Arts and Creativity
2. Functional Literacy
The ability to express oneself creatively and Teaching 21st-century skills requires going
solve problems through the arts. beyond memorization to teaching critical
Arts activities help with motor skills, cognitive thinking, creativity, collaboration, and
development, and critical thinking (Michigan leadership.
State University, 2015).
1.Make Learning Relevant:
2. Ecoliteracy
Students engage more when learning is
Definition: Understanding environmental issues connected to their lives.
such as climate change, pollution, and habitat Teaching Strategy: Use Project-Based
loss, and finding solutions to these problems. Learning (PBL) to make learning meaningful
by solving real-world problems.
Application: Encourages action to solve
environmental problems and awareness of 2.Teach Through Disciplines:
ecological issues.
Students should learn how knowledge is
3. Cyber/Digital Literacy produced and communicated in specific fields.
Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning like
Competence in using digital tools such as
internships and simulations help students apply
computers and the internet to communicate and
knowledge in real-world situations.
solve problems.
61% of Filipino households lack internet 3. Develop Higher-Order Thinking Skills:
access (Philippines Statistics Authority), and
Higher-level thinking includes applying
only 30% of Filipinos have basic digital skills
knowledge to new, unfamiliar situations.
(Google and Temasek).
Teaching Strategy: Teach Problem-Solving
Strategies and use Graphic Organizers to
connect concepts.
4. Financial Literacy
4.Encourage Transfer of Learning:
The ability to understand and manage financial
matters like budgeting, saving, and investing. Students need to apply skills learned in one area
Financial literacy classes reduce payday loan use to other areas of life.
and increase assets in young people (2023 Teaching Strategy: Use role-playing activities
Research). like mock trials or debates to help students
transfer their learning.
5. Media Literacy
5.Teach Students How to Learn:
The ability to critically evaluate media content
and spot misinformation. Learning how to learn helps students adapt and
51% of Filipinos struggle to identify fake grow throughout life.
news (SWS, February 26, 2022). Teaching Strategy: Encourage Creative
Thinking and use Mind Movies to help students
6. Social/Emotional Literacy
visualize concepts.
Skills related to managing emotions and social
6.Address Misunderstandings Directly:
interactions in a fast-paced society.
Students need hands-on experiences to
7. Globalization and Multicultural Literacy
overcome misconceptions.
Understanding cultural diversity and global Teaching Strategy: Use Explicit Instruction to
events and how they impact local communities. clarify misunderstandings.
Promotes respect for diverse cultures and
7.Promote Teamwork
Students learn better in groups by sharing and
debating ideas.
7. Features of 21st Century Teaching and Learning Teaching Strategy: Use Collaborative
Learning Spaces to encourage group work.
8.Use Technology to Support Learning:
Technology allows students to collaborate, solve
problems, and reflect on their learning.
Teaching Strategy: Use Gamification to
motivate students with game-like elements such
as points and badges.
9.Foster Creativity
Creativity can be learned and is essential for
innovation and solving problems.
Robinson emphasizes that creativity is not just
about generating ideas but also about refining
Teaching Strategy: Use Creative Instruction
to build critical thinking and problem-solving