Bio Medical Old Question Collection
Bio Medical Old Question Collection
Bio Medical Old Question Collection
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own'uvords as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
Assume suitable data if necessat)). t@*ffiffiB
1. a) What is Cardiac fibrillation? How is it caused? What is the solution to restore the
more normal cardiac rhyhm during cardiac fibrillation? Describe your solution with
necessary diagram and explain its function.
b) Draw a Basic Pulse Echo Apparatus. How it operates? Describe its Amplitude
modulated and Brightness modulated dispiay modes.
2. a) What is Electromyograply? Explain its recording technique with proper types of
electrodes. Describe the design of electrodes you have chosen. Is EMG recording
technique is useful for sports medicine?
b) Expiain the basic principle of CT-SCAN Machine. Ho-w images are scanneC in
CT-Scanner? Define its profiie. What are the differences between CT and digital
x-ray machine?
3. a) What types of transducer is used in Ultrasonic blood flow meter? Describe it
equivalent circuit and output performances. By using ultrasonic transducer how blood
flow in certain blood vessel are measured? Expiain it briefly.
b) What is Dialyzer? How it works as a mass exchanger during application in medicine?
Draw a lay-out diagram for ESWL machine. What are the major components of this
4. a) What is leakage current? How a cardiac patient is protected from this current during
treatment? Draw a protective circuit diagram assuming 500f) patient resistance and
100 pA leakage current with low value of ground wire. How much value of leakage
current will flow through a patient? Show it is the circuit diagram.
b) What is wireless Telemetry system? Design a Telemedicine using mobile
communication devices to transmit an ECG signal of a patient to the hospital during
medical evacuation.
5. Write short notes on:
[2x 8]
a) Man Instrument system and design consideration factors
b) ECG Recording configurations with 12 leads
Biomedical Instrumentation
(EIective IIXEX76505)
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Examination Control Division
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2075 Bhadra
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'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt Alt questions.
{ &tt questions carry equal marlcs.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.
1. a) What is wireless Telemetr,y system? What arg the most indispensable components
required to transrnit ECG and B.P signals of a patient who is under *iai"utty
evacuated to the well equipped hospital? Draw an overall diagram showing the
information flow between telemedicine unit and base unit.'Explain urieny.
b) What is cardiac febrillation? Explain normal ECG waveform and its characteristics.
What tlpes of device and electrical machine are used to restore a normal ECG
rhythm? Explain it.
2. a) What is electrocardiography system? oShow the connection diagram of three
Augmented unipolar limb leads. Explain with suitable diagram of computer aided
Elechocardio graph and briefl y explain.
How an SCR circuit discharges a capacitor through the crystal to generate large
@ amplifude pulses? How theses pulses are used 1s sxamirrs various structures of the
3. a) Explain the MR'phenomenon. Draw a schematic diagram of system composition of
MR[ machine. Explain the fi.r.nction of detection system.
b) What is artificial kidney? How it serves as a mass exchanger during clinical use?
Explain. How shock-wave is generated for lithotripsy in electro-hydraulic method?
4- a) What are the differences between micro and macro shocks? What is leakage currents?
Draw a circuit diagram showing to flow leakage current safely to ground. How
ground fault intemrpter detect leakage current?
b) What is the physicat principte used for designing video angiography? How this
technique is used to assess the extent of darnage after heart and brain stroke? What are
the biological effects of X-rays?
5. Write short notes on: (any two)
i) Resting and Action potentials
ii) Scanning system of CT-Scan
iii) Electromyography recording
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z5c TRIaI{UV.+I'i-LD{IYEBS-I}: -
: - Biomedical trnstrumentation (Eleaiue ID @X76505)
Candidates are required tb give their answ-ers in their own wordq as far as'practicable.
./ Atrempt All guestions.
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1. i) g"ptaiilee,' of
ineeri$.contrilution in medical field.,Dqsign a cornplete set
,, up to ,G*,,pCG and B.P sign-als of the patient,to the,centr4l;monilcring unit
2. a) Draw an equivalent circuit of the transducer used in ultrasonic blood flow meter. How
the. response of thil;gnsducer, effbcted? Explain ultrasomc blood flow meter.
b)' What is the basls of generalion, of ultrasound? ,Describe the function of basic pulse
echo ,ppr-rt l"
. exiqination in'B-mode display. Write its application.
J. a)
' What is. computer tonnography? 'How system in CT -scurn is used to acquire
informatiol torreconstuct a picture of internal structures of a human body? What are
U1 Wfrat are"tk.di@rences Uet'ween li'rhotripter and haemedialyzer? What are the major
componens ofthbse.nraehiue? Eiplain dialysis proc€ss. ':
4. a) What is leak4ge'current? How.. 100pA leakage cr4rrent will flow through the
'ground / ffie in a correctly grounded instrument if the safety limit is 5pA for the
heart patient with catheter?
b) tr\&at are thi differEnces betvreen'EEG and Evoked potentials? Which circuit should
be added to measure these polentials in an instrument? Explain a practical EEG
1. a) What is Wireless Telemetry? What would be the most indispensible compouents &at
you need to flow information between telemedicine unit and base unit? Complete this
deiign with neatdiagram. t8l
b) What is Electrocardiography? Describe the typical characteristics of the normal ECG.
How one can record ECG by using bipolar leads (t, II and III) and also the chest leads
' (Vr, Yz,Y3, V+,'Vs and V6)? t8I
) a) How the capacitive properties of the piezo-electric transducer affect the response of
the transducer? o'Most transducers used for mechanical variables utilize a tesistive
element called the strain gauge". How? tSI
b) How Conventional lmage Intensifier X-Ray Machine differs from CT-Scan Machine?
Explain the scanning and processing system of CT-Scan rnachine with complete
diagram. How "free-radicals" are formed in human body? t8]
3. a) What are the major components of Lithotripter machine? Explain the function of
ESWL based on Electro-hydraulic system with neat diagram. t8l
b) What is leakage current? What are the differences between Micro Shock and Macro
Shock? Discuss some physiological effects of electricity. t8]
4. a) "The bio-electric potentials associated with muscle activities constitute the EMG'.
What type! of electrodes are used to measure these potentials? Desigu its equivalent
circuit and explainthe function ofEMG. t8l
b) What is ultasound? Explain basic pulse echo apparatus of ultrasonography. Write
applications of B-mode t8l
5. Write short notes on: (any two) [8+8]
a) EEG Recording Technique
b) Objectives of man-instrument system
c) PC-based ECG Machine
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'/ Caadidates are required to gir)e their ansr,vers in their own words as far as practicable.
./ Anernpt Alt questions.
./ Thefigures in tlte rnargin indicate Full Marks.
./ Assume suitable data if necessary.
1. a)
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4. a)
appa"ratus for
e\ ?vR[ Machiae
i'b)Telemetry and Telemedicine
',: . i., C) Resting and Action Potentials
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2$70 Eiradr"a
,/ C:*didates are requiied to give their answers in their orim words as far as practicable.
,/ Ailcn,'--' AJI quesiiuzs.
./ T!'ie figu-res in the mo.rgin indicate Fwt! Msriis
,/ Assume stitable data if necessqry.
What are the differences between Micro shock and Macro
shocks? What is leakage
current io the medical equipment?
5. a) what are the major
T1"99* of kidneys? what is dialyzer?*Iow waste products are
re:'aoved frorn arteriat brood ia haemcdiarlrcis ."u"uo"r Exprain .,^,t,|:];ffi;
b) Write short notes on: (any cne )
i] EF.G Recording Techniqre *nd its insln:meats
ii) X-B-ay naachine and its effects *n human
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*/ Calcicates are requiled io give their answers in lherr o',rm words as far as piacticable.
{ .:riernPt 1l! Etesnon's.
leaCs fV1,'V2,.Y3,
b) ere the differences befween X-ray machine and
nuclear medicine r:aachine?
E*r*iergetorgenfuaction?Explaur. -