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An Unsupervised Feature Selection Algori

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Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 32 (2014) 112–123

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Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

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An unsupervised feature selection algorithm based

on ant colony optimization
Sina Tabakhi, Parham Moradi n, Fardin Akhlaghian
Department of Computer Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Feature selection is a combinatorial optimization problem that selects most relevant features from an
Received 29 August 2013 original feature set to increase the performance of classification or clustering algorithms. Most feature
Received in revised form selection methods are supervised methods and use the class labels as a guide. On the other hand,
2 March 2014
unsupervised feature selection is a more difficult problem due to the unavailability of class labels. In this
Accepted 11 March 2014
paper, we present an unsupervised feature selection method based on ant colony optimization, called
UFSACO. The method seeks to find the optimal feature subset through several iterations without using
Keywords: any learning algorithms. Moreover, the feature relevance will be computed based on the similarity
Feature selection between features, which leads to the minimization of the redundancy. Therefore, it can be classified as a
Dimensionality reduction
filter-based multivariate method. The proposed method has a low computational complexity, thus it can
Univariate technique
be applied for high dimensional datasets. We compare the performance of UFSACO to 11 well-known
Multivariate technique
Filter approach univariate and multivariate feature selection methods using different classifiers (support vector
Ant colony optimization machine, decision tree, and naïve Bayes). The experimental results on several frequently used datasets
show the efficiency and effectiveness of the UFSACO method as well as improvements over previous
related methods.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction important and frequently used techniques in data preprocessing for

data mining. It brings the immediate effects for applications such as
The amount of data has been growing rapidly in recent years, speeding up a data mining algorithm and improving mining
and data mining as a computational process involving methods at performance (Akadi et al., 2008; Ferreira and Figueiredo, 2012; Lai
the intersection of machine learning, statistics, and databases, deals et al., 2006; Yu and Liu, 2003). Feature selection has been applied to
with this huge volume of data, processes and analyzes it (Liu and many fields such as text categorization (Chen et al., 2006; Uğuz,
Yu, 2005). The purpose of data mining is to find knowledge from 2011; Yang et al., 2011), face recognition (Kanan and Faez, 2008; Yan
datasets, which is expressed in a comprehensible structure. and Yuan, 2004), cancer classification (Guyon et al., 2002; Yu et al.,
A major problem associated with data mining applications such as 2009; Zibakhsh and Abadeh, 2013), finance (Huang and Tsai, 2009;
pattern recognition is the “curse of dimensionality” in which the Marinakis et al., 2009), and customer relationship management
number of the features is larger than the number of patterns that (Kuri-Morales and Rodríguez-Erazo, 2009).
leads to the large number of classifier parameters (e.g., weights in a Feature selection is a process of selecting a subset of features
neural network). Therefore, the classifier performance may be from a larger set of features, which leads to the reduction of the
reduced, and the computational complexity for processing the data dimensionality of feature space for a successful classification task.
will be significantly increased (Theodoridis and Koutroumbas, The whole search space contains all possible subsets of features,
2008). Moreover, in the presence of many irrelevant and redundant meaning that its size is 2n, where n is the number of features.
features, data mining methods tend to fit to the data which Therefore, many problems related to feature selection are shown
decrease its generalization. Consequently, a common way to over- to be NP-hard. Consequently, finding the optimal feature subset is
come this problem is reducing dimensionality by removing irrele- usually intractable in a reasonable time (Liu and Motoda, 2007;
vant and redundant features and selecting a subset of useful Meiri and Zahavi, 2006; Narendra and Fukunaga, 1977; Peng et al.,
features from the input feature set. Feature selection is one of the 2005). To overcome the time complexity problem, there have been
proposed approximation algorithms to find a near-optimal feature
subset in polynomial time. These algorithms can be classified into
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 98 8716668513. four categories including filter, wrapper, embedded, and hybrid
E-mail addresses: sina.tabakhi@ieee.org (S. Tabakhi),
p.moradi@uok.ac.ir (P. Moradi), f.akhlaghian@uok.ac.ir (F. Akhlaghian).
approaches (Gheyas and Smith, 2010; Liu and Motoda, 2007; Liu

0952-1976/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Tabakhi et al. / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 32 (2014) 112–123 113

and Yu, 2005; Martínez Sotoca and Pla, 2010; Saeys et al., 2007). the feature selection process. Moreover, computational time and
The filter approach relies on statistical properties of the data to quality of the selected feature subset are two main issues of the
decide which features are relevant. This approach reduces the search methods. These issues are in conflict with each other and
dimensionality of datasets independent of the learning algorithm. generally improving one of them causes the others to worsen.
The wrapper approach utilizes a given learning algorithm to In other words, the filter-based feature selection methods have
evaluate the candidate feature subsets. Hence, the feature selec- paid much attention to the computational time, while the feature
tion process is wrapped around the learning algorithm. The selection methods dependent on the learning algorithm (i.e.,
embedded approach seeks to subsume feature selection as part wrapper, hybrid, and embedded approaches) usually consider
of the model building process. Therefore, this approach is asso- the quality of the selected features. Therefore, a trade-off between
ciated with a specific learning algorithm. On the other hand, the these two issues has become an important and necessary goal to
goal of the hybrid approach is to take advantage of both the filter providing a good search method.
and the wrapper approaches. In this paper, we will propose a new feature selection method
All of the feature selection approaches can be applied in the based on ant colony optimization, which aims to achieve a high-
two supervised and unsupervised modes (Guyon and Elisseeff, quality approximate solution within an acceptable computational
2003; He et al., 2005; Liu and Motoda, 2007). In the supervised time. This method seeks to find the optimal feature subset in an
mode, training patterns are described by a vector of feature values iterative improvement process. In other words, the proposed
with a class label. The class labels are used to guide the search method consists of a set of agents, called ants, which cooperate
process for relevant information. On the other hand, the unsuper- with each other through sharing pheromone. Each agent selects a
vised mode faces with patterns without class labels. Consequently, number of features iteratively using heuristic and previous stages
feature selection in unsupervised learning is a more difficult issue, information. Due to the iterative and parallel nature of the
due to the unavailability of class labels. method, it searches a greater space and selects a feature subset
Many approximation methods have been proposed for feature that will be close to the global optimal solution. The proposed
selection based on computational intelligence methods. Due to method does not need any learning algorithms and class labels to
their acceptable performances, they have attracted a lot of atten- select feature subsets; therefore it can be classified as a filter-
tion. Since most of these methods use the learning algorithm in based and unsupervised approach. Consequently, it is computa-
their processes, they are classified as varieties of the wrapper tionally efficient for high-dimensional datasets. Moreover, each
approach. Swarm intelligence is a computational intelligence- feature is associated with a selection probability, so, any feature
based approach which is made up of a population of artificial can be selected in different steps of the method. Furthermore, the
agents and inspired by the social behavior of animals in the real similarity between features will be considered in computation of
world. Each agent performs a simple task, while the colony's feature relevance, which leads to the minimization of the redun-
cooperative work will solve a hard problem. Swarm intelligence- dancy between features.
based methods can be used to find an approximate solution to a The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents
hard combinatorial optimization problem. One of the most popu- a brief overview of the previous feature selection algorithms.
lar algorithms in the research field of swarm intelligence is ant In Section 3, ant colony optimization is briefly reviewed. Section
colony optimization (ACO). ACO uses knowledge from previous 4 presents our method, called UFSACO, for feature selection.
iterations to achieve better solutions. Moreover, it can be easily In Section 5 we compare the experimental results of the proposed
implemented; thus, it is widely used in the feature selection area method to those of several multivariate and univariate feature
(Aghdam et al., 2009; Chen et al., 2013; Kanan and Faez, 2008; selection techniques. Finally, Section 6 presents the conclusion.
Li et al., 2013; Nemati and Basiri, 2011; Xiao and Li, 2011).
Since the wrapper approach uses learning algorithms to eval-
uate the selected feature subsets, it requires a high computational 2. Background and overview of feature selection methods
cost for high-dimensional datasets. On the other hand, the filter
approach is independent of the learning algorithm, and it is In this section, we briefly review filter, wrapper, embedded and
computationally more efficient than the wrapper approach. But, hybrid feature selection approaches.
the filter approach has several shortcomings: (1) there are features
which do not appear relevant singly, while they will be highly 2.1. Filter approach
relevant if combined with the other features. Accordingly, con-
sidering correlation between features can lead to the improve- The filter approach evaluates the relevance of features without
ment of the classification performance (Gheyas and Smith, 2010; using learning algorithms. In this approach, intrinsic characteris-
Gu et al., 2011; Lai et al., 2006; Leung and Hung, 2010); (2) there tics of the data are used to evaluate and rank features; then the
are features which may have high-rank values singly, while they features with highest rank values will be selected (Unler et al.,
are highly correlated with each other and removing one of them 2011).
can lead to an increase in the classification performance. Accord- The filter-based feature selection methods can be classified
ing to this fact, many studies have shown that removing redun- into univariate and multivariate methods (Lai et al., 2006;
dant features can improve the classifier performance (Biesiada and Saeys et al., 2007; Trevino and Falciani, 2006). In univariate
Duch, 2007; Gu et al., 2011; Martínez Sotoca and Pla, 2010; Peng methods, the relevance of a feature is measured individually
et al., 2005); (3) the filter approach result is based on only one using an evaluation criterion. There are numerous well-known
iteration process, and the optimal features set may be obtained in univariate filter methods, such as information gain (Raileanu and
an incremental way, so these methods often converge on a local Stoffel, 2004; Yu and Liu, 2003), gain ratio (Mitchell, 1997;
optimum solution. On the other hand, in some of the incrementally- Quinlan, 1986), symmetrical uncertainty (Biesiada and Duch,
based filter approaches (Ferreira and Figueiredo, 2012; Peng et al., 2007; Yu and Liu, 2003), Gini index (Raileanu and Stoffel, 2004;
2005), the first feature will be selected, based on a specific criterion, Shang et al., 2007), Fisher score (Gu et al., 2011; Theodoridis
and then the next features will be sequentially selected based on the and Koutroumbas, 2008), term variance (Theodoridis and
previous selected features. Koutroumbas, 2008), and Laplacian score (He et al., 2005). In
Providing a good search method for finding a near-optimal univariate methods, the possible dependency between features
feature subset in a huge search space is an important issue in will be ignored in the feature selection process, while in the
114 S. Tabakhi et al. / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 32 (2014) 112–123

multivariate methods, the dependencies between features will be where A is the mean of all the patterns corresponding to the
considered in the evaluation of the relevance of features. Thus, feature A, nv is the number of patterns which have class label v,
the multivariate methods can be computationally more expensive and sv(A) and Av are the variance and mean of feature A on class v,
than the univariate methods, while their performance is better respectively.
than the univariate methods. There are several multivariate Term variance is the simplest univariate evaluation of the
feature selection methods in the literature including minimal- features and indicates that the features with larger values of
redundancy–maximal-relevance (mRMR) (Peng et al., 2005), variance contain valuable information. It is defined as follows:
mutual correlation (Haindl et al., 2006), random subspace
1 jSj
method (RSM) (Lai et al., 2006), and relevance-redundancy TVðS; AÞ ¼ ∑ ðAðjÞ AÞ2 ð7Þ
feature selection (RRFS) (Ferreira and Figueiredo, 2012). The jSj j ¼ 1
details of some of the well-known univariate and multivariate
where A(j) indicates the value of feature A for the pattern j, and |S|
methods which are used in the paper's experiments have been
is the total number of the patterns.
described in the following.
Laplacian score of a feature evaluates locality preserving
Information gain of a feature is usually interpreted as the
power of the feature. It is assumed that if the distances between
amount of information provided by the feature to the classification
two patterns are as small as possible, they are related to the same
system. More precisely, the information gain of a feature A, relative
subject. Unlike the many feature selection methods, Laplacian
to a set of patterns S, is defined as
score uses the local structure of data space instead of the global
IGðSjAÞ  EðSÞ ∑ P v EðSv Þ ð1Þ structure.
v A ValuesðAÞ
Minimal-redundancy–maximal-relevance (mRMR) is a solid
where Values(A) is the set of all possible values which are taken by multivariate filter approach which seeks to select features with the
the feature A, Pv shows the probability of the patterns S belonging largest dependency on the target class using a specific relevance
to the value v with respect to the feature A, Sv is a subset of criterion. Furthermore, it uses a given redundancy criterion to
patterns S for which feature A has value v, and E(S) measures the reduce the redundancy between features.
entropy of the set of patterns S. Mutual correlation is a multivariate feature selection method
The entropy of a variable X is defined as follows: that computes the dependency between two features. In this
method, in each iteration, the feature with the highest average
EðXÞ ¼ ∑ P v log 2 ðP v Þ ð2Þ
v A ValuesðXÞ correlation value is removed, and the remaining features will be
considered as the final subset of features.
where Pv is the probability of the patterns S belonging to the value Random subspace method (RSM) has been proposed to reduce
v with respect to the variable X. the computational complexity in determining the relevance fea-
Information gain tends to favor features with very large numbers tures for multivariate methods. This method applies a specific
of possible values, but these features have a poor predictive power multivariate method to a randomly selected subspace of the
over unseen patterns. Thus, gain ratio and symmetrical uncertainty original feature space. In order to evaluate a large portion of the
have been introduced to address the problem. features, the selection process is repeated several times, and finally
Gain ratio of a feature indicates the broadly and uniformly the results are combined as the finally selected features.
dividing of the patterns by the feature and is given by Relevance-redundancy feature selection (RRFS) is an efficient
IGðSjAÞ feature selection technique based on relevance and redundancy
Gain ratioðS; AÞ  ð3Þ
EðAÞ analyses, which can work in both supervised and unsupervised
modes. In this method, the first feature will be selected based on a
where IG(S|A) shows the information gain of the feature A, and E(A)
given criterion, and then in each iteration a feature will be selected
measures the entropy of the feature A.
if its similarity to the last selected feature is smaller than a
Symmetrical uncertainty discourages the selection of features
predefined threshold.
with more values and limits its values in the range of [0,1]. It is
defined as follows:

 2.2. Wrapper approaches
SUðS; AÞ  2 ð4Þ
The wrapper approach uses a learning algorithm for evaluation
where E(S) is the entropy of the set of patterns S. SU ¼1 means that of a given subset of selected features (Unler et al., 2011). This
the collection of patterns S and a given feature A are completely approach must employ a search method to find an optimal subset
correlated, and SU¼ 0 indicates that S and A are independent. of features. Wrapper approaches broadly fall into two categories
Gini index is an impurity split method, and it is suitable for based on the search strategy: sequential search and random search
continuous numeric values. The Gini Index of the collection of (Gheyas and Smith, 2010; Liu and Yu, 2005; Saeys et al., 2007).
patterns S is defined as Sequential search methods add or remove features sequentially,
Gini indexðS; AÞ  GiniðSÞ ∑ P v GiniðSv Þ ð5Þ but they have a tendency to become trapped in a local optimum.
v A ValuesðAÞ Examples are sequential backward selection, sequential forward
where selection, and the floating search method (Theodoridis and
Koutroumbas, 2008). On the other hand, random search methods
GiniðSÞ ¼ 1 ∑ ðP v Þ2 : seek to embed randomness into their search procedures to escape
v A ValuesðSÞ
local optimum solutions. Examples of these methods include
Fisher score selects features such that the patterns from the random mutation hill-climbing (Farmer et al., 2004; Skalak, 1994),
same class are close to each other and the patterns from different simulated annealing (Meiri and Zahavi, 2006), genetic algorithm
classes are far from each other. The Fisher score of the feature A is (Sikora and Piramuthu, 2007; Yang and Honavar, 1998), and ant
calculated as colony optimization (Aghdam et al., 2009).
The wrapper approach often provides better performance for a
∑v A V aluesðSÞ nv ðAv AÞ2
FðS; AÞ ¼ ð6Þ specific classifier in terms of the classification accuracy, but it has
∑v A V aluesðSÞ nv ð v ðAÞÞ
s less generalization of the selected features on the other classifiers.
S. Tabakhi et al. / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 32 (2014) 112–123 115

2.3. Embedded approaches pheromone (higher probability); in other words, more ants pass
it on average. In addition, the ants that select the shorter paths to
In the embedded approach, the feature selection process can be get the food return to the nest faster than other ants. Therefore,
considered as part of the model construction process, which shorter paths get a higher amount of pheromone than longer
means that the search for a good subset of features has been paths. Over time, all ants will be using the shorter paths to find the
performed by a learning algorithm (Saeys et al., 2007). food. As a result, “evaporation of pheromone” and “probabilistic
Support vector machine (SVM), decision tree (DT), and naïve selection of paths”, allow ants to find the shortest path, and they
Bayes (NB) are well-known learning algorithms to construct a lead to flexibility for solving combinatorial optimization problems.
model in the embedded approach. DT is a classifier in the form of a The main strengths of the ACO can be expressed as follows
tree structure which consists of a number of nodes and a number (Dorigo and Di Caro, 1999; Dorigo and Gambardella, 1997a, 1997b;
of leaves. Each node represents a selected feature, and each leave Dorigo et al., 1996; Dorigo and Stützle, 2010; Gutjahr, 2007):
shows a class label. The position of a feature in the DT indicates
the importance of the feature. Consequently, in the DT-based  ACO is a population-based approach. Unlike traditional opti-
embedded methods, first of all, the tree will be constructed using mization methods that start to search from a given point, the
a collection of patterns, and then the features which are involved ACO starts the search process using a population of the ants,
in the classification are selected as a final feature subset and then a large part of the search space will be simultaneously
(Sugumaran et al., 2007; Tahir et al., 2006). In the SVM-based investigated by the ants. Consequently, the quality of the found
embedded approach, first of all, a SVM-based classifier is trained solution could be greatly improved, especially for high-
using the whole feature set, and then, features with the highest dimensional problems.
weights are selected as a feature subset (Guyon et al., 2002).  ACO can be classified as a multi-agent system. This is
On the other hand, NB is an effective classifier which learns from interesting because the ants cooperate with each other by
the dataset the conditional probability of each feature given the sharing their knowledge through pheromone trail to solve the
class label. All features in the NB are conditionally independent of problem efficiently.
the rest of the features given the class label. The NB-based  ACO can be implemented in a parallel way. This is due to the
embedded approach learns a probability distribution for each distributed problem solving nature of the ACO and could
feature using a given scoring function. Therefore, this concept is greatly decrease the computational time.
used to select features with high probability (Friedman et al.,  ACO can be interpreted as a reinforcement learning system.
1997). Moreover, the computational complexity of the embedded In fact, in the ACO, better solutions get a higher reinforcement.
approach tends to be between those of the filter and wrapper Therefore, the ants will find the better solutions with high
approaches. probability in the next iterations.
 ACO uses a distributed long-term memory. This memory is
2.4. Hybrid approaches used to store the knowledge obtained from the ants' previous
searches. This leads to a simultaneous exchange of information
Hybrid approaches seek to select features in two stages: in the between the ants. Therefore, each ant can use the information
first stage, they seek to reduce the original feature set using the of the other ants to choose the better solution.
filter approach. Then in the second stage, the wrapper approach is  ACO has good global and local search capabilities. The
applied to select the best subset of features on the reduced feature stochastic component of the ACO enables an efficient explora-
set. In other words, the aim of the hybrid approach is to use the tion of the search space and hence avoids being trapped in a
advantages of both filter and wrapper approaches (Unler et al., local minimum, while the greedy component of the ACO has
2011). Consequently, the risk of eliminating good features in the the strong local search ability.
hybrid approach is less than that in the filter approach.
Examples of hybrid approaches include ant colony optimization
with mutual information (Zhang and Hu, 2005), ant colony
optimization and Chi-square statistics with support vector 4. Proposed method
machine (Mesleh and Kanaan, 2008), mutual information and
genetic algorithm (Huang et al., 2006), and feature selection based In this section, we present a novel unsupervised feature
on mutual information and particle swarm optimization with selection method based on ant colony optimization (UFSACO).
support vector machine (Unler et al., 2011). Furthermore, the redundancy between selected features and the
computational complexity of the proposed method have been
analyzed in the subsequent sections.
3. Ant colony optimization

In this section, we briefly review the ant colony optimization 4.1. Unsupervised feature selection based on ant colony optimization
(ACO) algorithm. In the early 1990s, ACO was presented by Dorigo
et al. (Dorigo and Gambardella, 1997b) for solving hard combina- In the proposed method, before the feature selection process
torial optimization problems. It is inspired by social behavior of starts, the search space must be represented as a suitable form for
ants while seeking for food. Each ant performs a simple task, but ACO. Therefore, first of all, the search space is represented as a
finally a colony's cooperative work can provide models for solving fully connected undirected weighted graph G ¼/F, ES, where F¼
hard combinatorial optimization problems. To communicate with {F1, F2,…, Fn} denotes a set of original features in which each
the others, each ant deposits a chemical substance, called pher- feature represents a node in the graph, and E¼ {(Fi, Fj): Fi, Fj A F}
omone, on the ground where they walk. This substance evaporates denote the graph edges. The weight of the edge (Fi, Fj) A E will be
over time that decreases the intensity of the pheromone. This set to the similarity value between Fi and Fj. Fig. 1 shows the
process is used to avoid being trapped in a local minimum, to representation of the feature selection problem.
explore new regions of the search space, and to decrease the To compute the similarity between features, we use the
probability of selecting longer paths. When choosing between two absolute value of the cosine similarity between them (Huang,
paths, ants prefer in probability to choose a path with more 2008). The cosine similarity between features A and B is calculated
116 S. Tabakhi et al. / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 32 (2014) 112–123

according to the following equation: Furthermore, to use the ACO algorithm in the feature selection
problem, “heuristic information” and “desirability” must be defined
∑pi¼ 1 ðai bi Þ as the basic ingredients of any ACO algorithm. In the proposed
simðA; BÞ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffiqffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð8Þ method, the heuristic information is simply defined as the inverse
∑pi¼ 1 ai 2 ∑pi¼ 1 bi of the similarity between features. Furthermore, we define a
desirability measure τi, 8 i¼ 1… n, called “pheromone”, which is
where A and B show two features with p-dimensional (i.e., p associated with the features (i.e., the graph nodes) and will be
pattern) vectors (A¼ {a1, a2,…, ap} and B ¼{b1, b2,…, bp}). According updated by ants gradually.
to the equation, it can be seen that the similarity value is between The pseudo code of the proposed feature selection method is
0 and 1. Moreover, the similarity value of two features which are shown in Fig. 2. The proposed method is composed of several
completely similar will be equal to 1, and this value will be equal iterations. Before the iterations start, the amount of pheromone
to 0 for completely non-similar features. It should be noted that assigned to each node is initialized to a constant value c. Then, in
the measure probably works for numerical features. each iteration, NAnt ants are placed randomly on the different
nodes. Continuously, each ant traverses the graph nodes according
S =S to a probabilistic “state transition rule” in an iterative way until an
6,5 5,6
F6 F5 iteration stopping criterion is satisfied. Stopping criterion is
defined as the number of nodes that must be chosen by each
ant. The state transition rule seeks to select features with highest
pheromone values and lowest similarities to previous selected
features. The number of times that a given feature is selected by
F1 F4 any ant will be kept in the “feature counter” (FC) array. Then, at the
end of the iteration, the amount of pheromone for each node is
updated by applying a “global updating rule”. The amount of
pheromone for each node is computed based on its feature
counter value. In fact, the ants tend to give more pheromone to
F2 F3 nodes with greater feature counter values. Moreover, a fraction of
S =S
2,3 3,2 the pheromone evaporates on all nodes. The process is repeated
Fig. 1. The representation of the feature selection problem as a graph (The purpose
until a given number of iterations are reached. Then, the features
of Si,j is a similarity associated with the edge between features i and j; in other are sorted based on their pheromone values in decreasing order.
words, Si,j ¼ sim(Fi, Fj)). Finally, the top m features with highest pheromone values are

Algorithm 1. Unsupervised Feature Selection based on Ant Colony Optimization (UFSACO)

Input: X: p × n matrix, n dimensional training set with p patterns.
: the number of features to keep for final reduced feature set.
NCmax: the maximum number of cycles that algorithm repeated.
NAnt: define the number of agents (number of ants).
NF: the number of features selected by each agent in each cycle.
: define the decay rate of the pheromone on each feature.
@sim: function that computes the similarity between features.
Output: : p × m matrix, reduced dimensional training set.

1: begin algorithm
2: Apply @sim to compute the similarity Si,j between features, i, j= 1...n.
3: = c, i = 1...n. /* initial pheromone c is a constant parameter*/
4: for t = 1 to NCmax do
5: FC[i] = 0, i = 1...n. /* set the initial features counter to zero */
6: Place the agents randomly on the graph nodes.
7: for i = 1 to NF do
8: for k = 1 to NAnt do
9: Choose the next unvisited feature f according to (9) and (10). /* pseudo-random-proportional rule */
10: Move the k-th agent to the new selected feature f.
11: FC[f] = FC[f] + 1; /* update feature counter associated with feature f */
12: end for
13: end for
14: ; i = 1...n. /* global updating rule */

15: end for

16: Sort the features by decreasing order of their pheromones ( ).
17: Build from X by keeping the top m features with highest pheromone.
18: end algorithm
Fig. 2. Pseudo code of the proposed feature selection method.
S. Tabakhi et al. / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 32 (2014) 112–123 117

selected as the final feature subset. Note that both heuristic and 4.3. Computational complexity analysis
pheromone information are used by the ants during their traverses
to guide the search process. The proposed method consists of three parts: similarity com-
The “state transition rule” is designed based on a combination of putation part, probability computation part, and selection part. In
the heuristic information and the node pheromone values as the similarity computation part (line 2), the method computes the
follows: similarity values between each pair of features. Since the calcula-
when the ant k is located on the feature i, the next feature j can tion of the similarity values for a pair of features is dependent on
be selected in a greedy way or in a probabilistic way. In the greedy the number of patterns p in a dataset, the overall computational
way, the next feature is selected according to the following complexity of this part will be O(pn2). In the second part (lines
equation: 3–15), the method computes the probability for each feature in an
iterative way in which the number of iterations is defined by the
j ¼ arg max f½τu Š ½ηðF i ; F u ފβ g; if q r q0 maximum number of cycles parameter (NCmax). In each iteration,
u A J ki
the ants select the next feature according to the pseudo-random-
proportional rule (Eqs. (9) and (10)). Moreover, the computational
where J ki is the unvisited feature set, τu is the pheromone assigned
complexity of this part is O(NCmaxNFNAntn). In addition if the ants
to the feature u, η(Fi, Fu)¼ 1/sim(Fi, Fu) is the inverse of the
run in a parallel way, the computational complexity will be
similarity between features i and u, β is a parameter which is
reduced to O(NCmaxNFn). In the selection part of the method (lines
used to control the importance of pheromone versus similarity
16–17) the features will be sorted based on their probability
(β4 0), q0 A [0,1] is a constant parameter, and q is a random
values, and then the top m high value features will be selected.
number in the interval [0,1].
Therefore, the computational complexity of this part is O(nlog n).
In the probabilistic way, the next feature j will be selected
Consequently, the final complexity of the method will be O
based on the probability Pk(i, j), which is defined as follows:
(pn2 þNCmaxNFn þnlog n)¼O(pn2 þNCmaxNFn). When the number
of features which are selected by each ant is much smaller than
8 β
< ½τj Š ½ηðF i ;F j ފ β ; if jA J ki
> if q 4 q0
P k ði; jÞ ¼
∑u A Jk ½τu Š ½ηðF i ;F u ފ
ð10Þ the number of original features (NF 5n), the computational
: 0;
otherwise complexity can be reduced to O(pn2). To reduce the computational
complexity of the method for high-dimensional datasets, the similarity
State transition rule depends on the parameters q and q0, which between features can be computed when the ant selects the next
is a trade between Exploitation and Exploration. If q rq0, then ants feature, and the first part of the method can be removed. Thus, the
select the best feature in the greedy way (Exploitation); otherwise, computational complexity can be reduced to O(2NCmaxNFpnþ
each feature has a chance of being selected corresponding to its nlog n)¼O(NCmaxNFpn).
probability value which is computed using (10) (Exploration). The From the complexity analysis of the proposed method, it can be
aim of the probabilistic way is to avoid being trapped into a local concluded that it is suggested that the similarity values be
optimum. The combination of both the probabilistic and the computed before the feature selection process when the number
greedy ways is the so called “pseudo-random-proportional rule”. of features n is small (i.e., NCmaxNF 4 n); otherwise, these values
The “global updating rule” is applied to all nodes at the end of should be calculated during the feature selection process.
each ant's traverse using the following equation: The proposed method does not need any learning algorithms to
select feature subsets. Therefore, it is clear that the computational
FC½iŠ complexity of the proposed method is much lower than those of the
τi ðt þ 1Þ ¼ ð1 ρÞ τi ðtÞ þ ð11Þ
∑nj¼ 1 FC½jŠ wrapper-based methods. On the other hand, due to the iterative
nature of the proposed method, its computational complexity is a
where n is the number of original features, τi(t) and τi(t þ1) are the little bit more expensive than those of the filter-based methods.
amounts of pheromone values of feature i at times t and tþ1,
respectively, ρ is a pheromone evaporation parameter, and FC[i] is
the counter corresponding to feature i. 5. Experimental results

In this section, the performance of the proposed method has

4.2. Justification been compared to that of the well-known supervised filter
approaches including information gain (IG), gain ratio (GR), sym-
In feature selection problems, it is shown that the m best metrical uncertainty (SU), Gini index (GI), Fisher score (FS), and
individual features do not generally make the best m features, minimal-redundancy–maximal-relevance (mRMR) and unsuper-
which is mostly due to the redundancy between features vised filter approaches including term variance (TV), mutual corre-
(Martínez Sotoca and Pla, 2010; Peng et al., 2005; Sikora and lation (MC), and random subspace method (RSM). Laplacian score
Piramuthu, 2007). Therefore, researchers have concluded that the (LS) and relevance-redundancy feature selection (RRFS) methods
redundancy between features must be reduced. Consequently the can be applied in both supervised and unsupervised modes. These
main goal of the proposed method is to select a subset of features methods have been described in Section 2. The comparison experi-
with minimum redundancy between them. To this end, in the ments have been applied on the several frequently used datasets
proposed method each ant selects the next feature with the lowest which have been chosen from the UCI repository (Asuncion and
similarity to the previous selected feature. Therefore, if a feature is Newman, 2007) and NIPS2003 feature selection challenge (Guyon,
selected by most of the ants, this indicates that the feature has the 2003). Furthermore, the selected datasets, the parameter settings,
lowest similarity to the other features. Moreover, the feature the classifiers for evaluation, and the numerical results will be
receives the greatest amount of pheromone, and the chances of described in the following sections.
its selection by the other ants will be increased in the next
iterations. Finally, the top m selected features have high phero- 5.1. Datasets
mone values which are obtained using the similarity between
features. Thus, we expect that the proposed method selects the We have used several datasets with different properties to assess
best features with minimum redundancy. the proposed method. These datasets include Wine, Hepatitis,
118 S. Tabakhi et al. / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 32 (2014) 112–123

Table 1 classifiers. To this end, in the experiments three different classi-

Characteristics of the datasets used in the experiments. fiers including Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT),
and Naïve Bayes (NB) have been applied to evaluate the feature
Dataset Features Classes Patterns
selection methods.
Wine 13 3 178 SVM (Guyon et al., 2002) is a general learning machine for the
Hepatitis 19 2 155 classification problem, that was introduced by Vapnik. The goal of
WDBC 30 2 569 SVM is to search for the best hyperplanes that give the maximum
Ionosphere 34 2 351
Dermatology 34 6 366
possible margin between the datasets.
SpamBase 57 2 4601 DT (Quinlan, 1986) is a popular tool for classification. The tree is
Arrhythmia 279 16 452 constructed by training data, and each path from the root to a leaf
Madelon 500 2 4400 represents a rule, which provides a classification of the pattern.
Arcene 10,000 2 900
NB (Theodoridis and Koutroumbas, 2008) is a very practical
learning method. It is based on the simplifying assumption that
features are conditionally independent of each other given the
target class.
Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer (WDBC), Ionosphere, Dermatology, In this work, SMO, J48 (implementation of C4.5 algorithm), and
SpamBase and Arrhythmia from UCI repository and Madelon and naïve Bayes as WEKA software package (Hall et al.) implementa-
Arcene from NIPS2003 feature selection challenge, which have been tion of SVM, DT, and NB are used, respectively. The kernel used in
extensively used in the literature (Ferreira and Figueiredo, 2012; the SVM is a polykernel. In the multiclass classification, the one-
Gheyas and Smith, 2010; Martínez Sotoca and Pla, 2010; Unler et al., against-rest strategy is adopted. In the pruning phase of DT
2011). The characteristics of the datasets is shown in Table 1. classifier, the post-pruning method is used. The confidence factor,
The Wine dataset has the result of a chemical analysis of wines which is set to 0.25, is used for pruning the tree and the minimum
grown in the same region in Italy. The target class has three states number of instances per leaf is set to 2 in the experiments.
of different cultivars. The Hepatitis dataset has two different
classes: “Die” and “Live”. Moreover, the dataset has several missing 5.4. Results and discussion
values in the features. WDBC is a two-class dataset in the medical
domain. The dataset features have been computed from a digitized All the methods are implemented using Java on an Intel Core-i3
image of a fine needle aspirate of a breast mass. Moreover, the CPU with 4GB of RAM. In the experiments, the classification error
Ionosphere dataset contains radar data which have been collected rate is used as the performance measure. In all the plots, the x-axis
by a system in Goose Bay, Labrador. The Dermatology dataset denotes the subset of selected features, while the y-axis is the
includes the six types of Eryhemato-Squamous diseases. This average classification error rate over 5 independent runs. In each
dataset contains several missing values. The SpamBase dataset is run, first of all, the datasets were randomly split into a training set
a binary classification problem that distinguishes spam from non- (2/3 of the dataset) and a test set and then all methods will be
spam emails. The aim of the Arrhythmia dataset is to classify the performed on the same train/test partitions.
presence and absence of cardiac arrhythmia into the 16 different In the experiments, first of all the performance of the proposed
groups. This dataset contains 279 features, 206 of which are linear- method is evaluated over different classifiers. Tables 2–4 summar-
valued and the rest are nominal. This dataset also has several ize the average classification error rates (in %) together with the
missing values in the features. average execution times (in s) over 5 independent runs of the
Finally, the Madelon and Arcene datasets are binary classification UFSACO and unsupervised methods (i.e., RSM, MC, RRFS, TV, and
problems. The class labels for the test sets are not available, thus, we LS) using SVM, DT, and NB classifiers, respectively. It should be
use the results of the classifiers' accuracy on the validation sets. noted that the feature selection process in the filter approach is
In the experiments, to deal with the missing values in the independent of the classifier. Thus, we have reported only the
datasets, the missing values have been provided using the mean of execution time of the feature selection process.
the available data of the respective feature (Theodoridis and It can be seen from Table 2 results that in most cases the
Koutroumbas, 2008). UFSACO obtains the lowest error rate compared to the other
methods and it acquires the second lowest error rate only inferior
5.2. Parameter settings to that of the RRFS method for SpamBase and Arcene datasets. For
example, for Wine dataset, UFSACO obtained a 4.92% classification
The proposed method includes a different number of adjusta- error rate while for RSM, MC, RRFS, TV, and LS this value was
ble parameters. The maximum number of cycles has been set to 50 reported 18.03%, 10.38%, 6.01%, 10.93%, and 8.74%, correspondingly.
(NCmax ¼50), the initial amount of pheromone for each feature is Consequently, the average values over all the datasets which have
set to 0.2 (τi ¼ 0.2), pheromone evaporation coefficient is set to 0.2 been reported in the last row of Table 2 show that UFSACO with a
(ρ¼ 0.2), the exploration/exploitation control parameter is set to classification error rate of 19.84% outperforms the other methods
0.7 (q0 ¼0.7), parameter β is set to 1 (β¼ 1), and finally the number in terms of the quality of the found solution. But the execution
of ants for each dataset is set to the number of its original features time of the proposed method is worse than those of the other
(NAnt ¼#features). But, for the datasets with more than 100 unsupervised methods, except the LS method.
features this parameter is set to 100 (NAnt ¼100). Table 3 shows that the UFSACO attains the lowest error rate
For the RRFS method we apply several threshold values in the when Wine, Ionosphere, Dermatology, SpamBase, and Arrhythmia
range [0.5, 1), and the number of selections for RSM is set to datasets are used. On the other hand, the proposed method
50 times. acquired the second lowest error rate compared to the other
unsupervised methods when applied on WDBC, Madelon, and
5.3. Classifiers for evaluation Arcene datasets. However, the average values over all the datasets
show that the overall performance of UFSACO is significantly
The feature subset which is obtained using the proposed better than those of the other methods.
method is independent of the classifiers. Therefore, we expect Table 4 reported similar results over the NB classifier. For
the proposed method can improve the accuracy of different example, the results show that the UFSACO outperforms the other
S. Tabakhi et al. / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 32 (2014) 112–123 119

Table 2
Average classification error rate (in %) together with the average execution time (in s) over 5 runs of the unsupervised feature selection methods considered over different
datasets, using SVM classifier. The best result for each dataset is shown in bold face and underlined and the second best is in bold face.

Datasets # Selected features UFSACO RSM MC RRFS TV LS

Error Time Error Time Error Time Error Time Error Time Error Time

Wine 5 4.92 0.025 18.03 0.007 10.38 0.002 6.01 0.001 10.93 0.001 8.74 0.023
Hepatitis 5 16.85 0.043 19.06 0.013 17.27 0.005 20.56 0.001 20.94 0.001 22.26 0.021
WDBC 5 9.28 0.019 16.18 0.008 11.03 0.002 9.64 0.001 10.1 0.001 10.2 0.352
Ionosphere 30 11.39 0.078 12.16 0.005 14.67 0.001 18.89 0.001 13.61 0.001 17.50 0.144
Dermatology 25 4.72 0.057 5.12 0.008 5.44 0.002 6.56 0.001 8.64 0.001 8.80 0.143
SpamBase 40 12.21 0.298 14.53 0.091 13.17 0.057 11.20 0.019 12.26 0.011 12.42 95.05
Arrhythmia 20 40.78 0.973 43.89 0.137 45.46 0.098 42.47 0.007 41.43 0.005 46.49 1.413
Madelon 70 38.94 12.73 46.50 4.032 51.50 4.124 – – 40.67 0.073 39.17 272.8
Arcene 20 39.50 248.2 44.80 57.89 43.00 72.35 31.00 0.132 44.00 0.084 46.00 5.099

Average 19.84 29.16 24.47 6.910 23.55 8.516 – – 22.51 0.020 23.51 41.67

Table 3
Average classification error rate (in %) together with the average execution time (in s) over 5 runs of the unsupervised feature selection methods considered over different
datasets, using DT classifier. The best result for each dataset is shown in bold face and underlined and the second best is in bold face.

Datasets # Selected features UFSACO RSM MC RRFS TV LS

Error Time Error Time Error Time Error Time Error Time Error Time

Wine 5 4.92 0.025 13.66 0.007 7.65 0.002 6.01 0.001 13.66 0.001 9.84 0.023
Hepatitis 5 21.13 0.043 22.45 0.013 16.41 0.005 23.96 0.001 22.83 0.001 17.16 0.021
WDBC 5 8.09 0.019 13.66 0.008 8.92 0.002 9.02 0.001 7.94 0.001 8.14 0.352
Ionosphere 30 11.39 0.078 11.66 0.005 11.50 0.001 13.61 0.001 11.41 0.001 13.22 0.144
Dermatology 25 8.16 0.057 8.40 0.008 8.88 0.002 8.18 0.001 10.08 0.001 11.76 0.143
SpamBase 40 7.43 0.298 8.24 0.091 8.54 0.057 8.31 0.019 8.03 0.011 8.01 95.05
Arrhythmia 20 40.91 0.973 44.29 0.137 45.44 0.098 53.38 0.007 51.43 0.005 47.01 1.413
Madelon 70 23.56 12.73 47.83 4.032 50.00 4.124 – – 23.83 0.073 21.83 272.8
Arcene 20 32.60 248.2 46.60 57.89 44.00 72.35 38.00 0.132 29.00 0.084 44.00 5.099

Average 17.58 29.16 24.09 6.910 22.37 8.516 – – 19.80 0.020 20.11 41.67

feature selection methods on WDBC, Arrhythmia, Madelon, and Fig. 3(a) indicates that the UFSACO is superior to the other
Arcene datasets. Moreover, the UFSACO gets the second best methods applied on the SVM classifier when the number of
accuracy on the Dermatology and SpamBase datasets. Finally, it selected features is less than 8. For example, when 3 features are
acquires the average classification error rate 23.09% on all the selected, the classification error rate for UFSACO is around 11%,
datasets and lies on the first place among the methods. while this error rate for LS, MC, RSM, TV, and RRFS is around 16%,
Additionally, the performance of the proposed method has 13%, 28%, 39%, and 17%, respectively. In addition, Fig. 3(b) shows
been compared to those of the unsupervised feature selection that the overall performance of UFSACO is better than those of LS,
methods on the Arcene dataset. Table 5 reports the average MC, RSM and TV methods and comparable with RRFS method.
classification error rate over 5 independent runs for RSM, MC, Fig. 4(a) illustrates that when the number of selected features is
RRFS, TV, LS, and UFSACO methods using NB and DT classifiers. The less than 20, the performance of the proposed method is better than
reported results for the NB classifier show that in most cases, the the performances of all methods. Moreover, the performance of
UFSACO method has the best performance compared to the other UFSACO method is better than the performances of the unsupervised
methods. Note that the worst classification error rate of the multivariate methods (i.e., MC, RSM, and RRFS) when the number of
UFSACO was 41.20%, while for RSM, MC, RRFS, TV, and LS the features is less than 40. The results in Fig. 4(b) demonstrate that the
worst classification error rates were 48.40%, 46%, 44%, 43%, and UFSACO is significantly superior to all of the other methods when the
54%, respectively. Moreover, the average classification error rate of number of selected features is less than 40. Especially, when 20
the proposed method was 34.92%, which indicates that the features were selected, the classification error rates were around 47%,
UFSACO method is superior among the unsupervised feature 46%, 44%, 52%, 53%, and 41% for LS, MC, RSM, TV, RRFS, and UFSACO,
selection methods. It is clear from DT classifier results that the respectively.
UFSACO method performed better than the other methods when Furthermore, the proposed method has been compared to
the number of selected features was 40 or 60. Moreover, the supervised feature selection methods. Tables 6 and 7 compare
proposed method obtained the second best result when the the average classification error rate over 5 independent runs of
number of selected features was 20 or 100. Therefore, the average UFSACO to those of supervised feature selection methods includ-
classification error rate of the proposed method was 33.88% which ing IG, GR, GI, FS, SU, LS, mRMR, and RRFS on Madelon dataset
shows that the overall performance of the UFSACO method is using SVM and DT classifiers.
much better than those of the others, except for the TV, the The results of Table 6 demonstrate that the proposed method
performance of which is slightly higher (i.e., less than 0.1%). got the best result when the number of selected features is 10, 70,
Additionally, we have compared the proposed method to and 100, and for the other cases, the proposed method's classifica-
unsupervised feature selection methods. Figs. 3 and 4 plot the tion error rate is slightly greater than the best obtained results (i.e.,
classification error rate (average over 5 independent runs) curves less than 2%). Therefore, the average classification error rate of the
of SVM and DT classifiers on Wine and Arrhythmia datasets, UFSACO was reported 39.86%, and it attains the second best result
respectively. among the supervised methods. UFSACO method achieved the
120 S. Tabakhi et al. / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 32 (2014) 112–123

Table 4
Average classification error rate (in %) together with the average execution time (in s) over 5 runs of the unsupervised feature selection methods considered over different
datasets, using NB classifier. The best result for each dataset is shown in bold face and underlined and the second best is in bold face.

Datasets # Selected features UFSACO RSM MC RRFS TV LS

Error Time Error Time Error Time Error Time Error Time Error Time

Wine 5 9.83 0.025 19.67 0.007 7.11 0.002 4.26 0.001 6.56 0.001 6.23 0.023
Hepatitis 5 20.94 0.043 17.36 0.013 17.55 0.005 22.83 0.001 20.00 0.001 20.94 0.021
WDBC 5 7.58 0.019 13.35 0.008 9.07 0.002 9.95 0.001 9.69 0.001 9.48 0.352
Ionosphere 30 19.44 0.078 16.16 0.005 16.00 0.001 22.22 0.001 20.83 0.001 23.33 0.144
Dermatology 25 6.08 0.057 5.28 0.008 6.08 0.002 10.56 0.001 8.00 0.001 8.80 0.143
SpamBase 40 20.77 0.298 26.89 0.091 26.22 0.057 19.64 0.019 21.14 0.011 21.24 95.05
Arrhythmia 20 42.72 0.973 44.14 0.137 44.94 0.098 58.44 0.007 51.04 0.005 45.71 1.413
Madelon 70 39.28 12.73 44.83 4.032 52.33 4.124 – – 39.33 0.073 40.50 272.8
Arcene 20 41.20 248.2 44.40 57.89 44.00 72.35 44.00 0.132 43.00 0.084 54.00 5.099

Average 23.09 29.16 25.79 6.910 24.81 8.516 – – 24.40 0.020 25.58 41.67

Table 5
Classification error rate (average over 5 runs, in %) of unsupervised feature selection methods considered over Arcene dataset using NB and DT classifiers. Std. is the standard
deviation of the classification error rates. The best result for each number of features is shown in bold face.

#selected features NB classifier DT classifier


20 41.20 44.40 44.00 44.00 43.00 54.00 32.60 46.60 44.00 38.00 29.00 44.00
40 32.40 46.00 44.00 37.00 43.00 52.00 33.00 48.00 44.00 35.00 44.00 44.00
60 33.60 48.40 44.00 39.00 37.00 53.00 30.80 47.80 44.00 39.00 32.00 44.00
80 34.80 48.40 44.00 28.00 34.00 52.00 38.00 45.80 44.00 31.00 32.00 44.00
100 32.60 47.60 46.00 28.00 34.00 48.00 35.00 48.80 44.00 32.00 32.00 44.00

Average 34.92 46.96 44.40 35.20 38.20 51.80 33.88 47.40 44.00 35.00 33.80 44.00
Std. 3.64 1.73 0.89 7.05 4.55 2.28 2.74 1.19 0.00 3.54 5.85 0.00

Wine with SVM Wine with DT

40 35
LS(unsupervised) LS(unsupervised)
35 MC MC
Classification Error Rate (%)

Classification Error Rate %

30 TV TV
RRFS(unsupervised) 25


5 5

0 0
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
number of feature number of feature
Fig. 3. Classification error rate (average over 5 runs), with respect to the number of selected features with unsupervised methods on: (a) Wine dataset with support vector
machine and (b) Wine dataset with decision tree.

lowest classification error rate (i.e., 38.17%) when the number of Table 8, it is clear that UFSACO performs better than the other
selected features was 10. Note that due to the high similarity supervised methods when SVM classifier has been applied on
between features on the Madelon dataset, RRFS method could not Hepatitis (5 selected features), Ionosphere (30 selected features),
select more than 10 features. and Madelon (40 and 70 selected features) datasets. Moreover, the
From Table 7 results, it can be seen that UFSACO obtained the proposed method achieved a lower error rate compared to the
second best result when the number of selected features was 10, mRMR over Wine, Dermatology, and SpamBase datasets. In addi-
40, or 70. Therefore, the proposed method achieved the average tion, UFSACO acquires the lowest error rates on Wine (8 selected
classification error rate 23.05% and lay on the second place among features), Arrhythmia (10 and 20 selected features) and Madelon
the methods. Consequently, it is clear that the overall performance (40 and 70 selected features) datasets when NB classifier was used.
of the UFSACO method is comparable with those of the well- It can be seen from Table 8 that similar results have been reported
known supervised feature selection methods. when DT classifier is used. For example, the accuracy of the
Furthermore, the proposed method has been compared to proposed method was significantly superior to the other super-
supervised multivariate feature selection methods. Table 8 shows vised methods when applied on Wine (5 and 8 selected features),
the classification error rates of the UFSACO, mRMR, and RRFS Ionosphere (25 selected features), Dermatology (15 selected
methods using SVM, NB, and DT classifiers. From the results of features), Madelon (40 and 70 selected features), and Arcene
S. Tabakhi et al. / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 32 (2014) 112–123 121

Arrhythmia with SVM Arrhythmia with DT

59 LS(unsupervised) LS(unsupervised)
MC 58 MC
Classification Error Rate (%)

Classification Error Rate (%)

53 54
RRFS(unsupervised) RRFS(unsupervised)

47 50

38 42

35 40
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
number of feature number of feature

Fig. 4. Classification error rate (average over 5 runs), with respect to the number of selected features with unsupervised methods on: (a) Arrhythmia dataset with support
vector machine and (b) Arrhythmia dataset with decision tree.

Table 6
 From Tables 2–4, it can be concluded that the overall perfor-
Classification error rate (average over 5 runs, in %) of supervised feature selection
methods considered over Madelon dataset using SVM classifier. Std. is the standard mance of the proposed method is much better than those of
deviation of the classification error rates. The best result for each number of the mentioned unsupervised methods (i.e., RSM, MC, RRFS, TV,
features is shown in bold face and underlined and the second best is in bold face. and LS) over different classifiers and datasets. Moreover, the
UFSACO method outperforms unsupervised methods for differ-
ent numbers of selected features (Table 5, Figs. 3 and 4).
 The performance of the proposed method is always superior to
10 38.17 38.67 38.67 38.67 38.61 38.67 38.67 43.17 39.17 those of all the unsupervised univariate methods (i.e., TV and LS)
20 39.67 38.83 38.67 38.39 39.33 38.67 39.17 44.00 – when using NB classifiers (Tables 4 and 5). That is because in
40 39.55 39.17 38.94 39.17 40.67 38.94 39.33 54.00 –
these methods, the possible dependency between features will
70 38.94 39.50 39.78 41.67 43.33 41.61 40.33 50.83 –
100 39.67 42.28 41.22 42.33 42.33 41.78 41.17 48.17 – be ignored in the feature selection process. On the other hand,
150 43.16 42.22 41.50 42.72 42.22 42.11 43.17 43.00 – NB classifiers assume that features are conditionally indepen-
Average 39.86 40.11 39.80 40.49 41.08 40.30 40.31 47.19 –
dent from each other. Based on this assumption, univariate
Std. 1.72 1.68 1.28 1.96 1.86 1.69 1.66 4.57 – methods should obtain high accuracies, while in the real
datasets, there are redundancies between features and thus,
univariate methods will simply fail in the case of NB classifier.
Table 7
On the other hand, UFSACO method selects a subset of features
Classification error rate (average over 5 runs, in %) of supervised feature selection
methods considered over Madelon dataset using DT classifier. Std. is the standard with minimum redundancy between them (as mentioned in
deviation of the classification error rates. The best result for each number of Section 4.2), so it is greatly suitable for NB classifier.
features is shown in bold face and underlined and the second best is in bold face.  The proposed method is an unsupervised method and does not
need class labels in its search process. It has been shown
through experiments that the proposed method is superior to
the well-known supervised univariate feature selection meth-
10 21.89 24.17 24.17 24.17 24.67 24.17 23.50 46.67 19.33 ods (i.e., IG, GR, GI, FS, SU, and LS). Furthermore, the results of
20 20.89 19.50 21.00 21.67 24.33 21.00 16.17 45.50 – the proposed method are comparable to those of supervised
40 20.67 23.67 23.83 23.67 25.17 23.83 19.67 50.67 –
multivariate feature selection methods (i.e., mRMR and RRFS).
70 23.56 26.67 25.67 25.00 26.50 25.33 20.83 48.67 –
100 25.28 24.83 23.83 24.17 27.67 24.33 21.83 52.67 – This is demonstrated through extensive experiments on differ-
150 26.00 24.83 21.83 25.00 28.17 21.67 23.17 44.17 – ent datasets using different classifiers (Tables 6–8).
Average 23.05 23.94 23.39 23.95 26.08 23.39 20.86 48.06 –
Std. 2.26 2.40 1.69 1.23 1.61 1.68 2.71 3.23 –
6. Conclusion

(20 selected features) datasets. Consequently, we can conclude In this paper, a new method based on ant colony optimization,
that the overall performance of the proposed method is compar- called UFSACO, was proposed for finding an optimal solution to the
able to those of the supervised multivariate feature selection feature selection problem. Ant colony optimization is a distributed
methods over different classifiers, especially when Wine, Iono- method in which a set of agents cooperate to find a good solution. The
sphere, SpamBase, Arrhythmia, and Madelon datasets are used. proposed method is a multivariate approach in which possible
Among the results of the performed experiments, the following dependencies between features are considered to reduce the redun-
interesting points deserve attention: dancy among the selected features.
To evaluate the effect of UFSACO, we used three classifiers: support
 We have argued in this paper that the trade-offs between the vector machine (SVM), decision tree (DT), and naïve Bayes (NB) on
execution time and the quality of the found solution should be several standard datasets. Moreover, the proposed method has been
considered in development of feature selection methods. It can compared to 11 well-known univariate and multivariate feature
be concluded from Tables 2–4 results that the proposed selection algorithms including information gain (IG), gain ratio (GR),
method achieves better qualitative results by spending a little symmetrical uncertainty (SU), Gini index (GI), Fisher score (FS), term
more time compared to the other unsupervised methods. variance (TV), Laplacian score (LS), minimal-redundancy–maximal-
122 S. Tabakhi et al. / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 32 (2014) 112–123

Table 8
Classification error rate (average over 5 runs, in %), with respect to the number of selected features by proposed method and supervised multivariate methods for different
datasets, using SVM, NB, and DT classifiers. The best result for each classifier is shown in bold face.

Datasets # Selected SVM classifier NB classifier DT classifier


Wine 5 4.92 21.63 3.93 9.83 12.78 4.59 4.92 14.75 8.20
8 4.37 10.16 3.61 5.25 11.14 5.57 6.01 12.13 9.18

Hepatitis 5 16.85 19.81 20.38 20.94 19.62 18.11 21.13 17.73 21.32
8 20.56 21.13 19.24 20.37 20.75 17.92 23.01 21.69 20.19

WDBC 5 9.28 5.46 5.21 7.58 6.44 8.09 8.09 5.98 9.33
15 5.05 2.94 5.57 6.80 6.49 7.52 7.06 6.34 8.61

Ionosphere 25 13.05 11.00 12.16 16.39 16.16 18.16 9.17 11.50 10.00
30 11.39 11.50 13.16 19.44 20.16 18.16 11.39 11.17 14.00

Dermatology 15 12.32 13.60 9.76 12.56 9.44 9.60 11.44 17.92 15.20
25 4.72 4.80 3.92 6.08 4.16 4.88 8.16 11.44 5.84

SpamBase 30 15.60 16.06 11.33 24.67 27.52 18.08 8.55 9.58 7.43
40 12.21 14.05 10.41 20.77 24.13 20.27 7.43 8.33 7.31

Arrhythmia 10 43.90 42.86 47.79 45.97 50.78 52.59 43.77 41.69 46.88
20 40.78 40.52 44.67 42.72 51.43 51.55 40.91 43.64 40.77

Madelon 40 39.55 54.00 – 40.50 51.33 – 20.67 50.67 –

70 38.94 50.83 – 39.28 49.00 – 23.56 48.67 –

Arcene 20 39.50 – 26.00 41.20 – 31.00 32.60 – 35.00

60 36.00 – 22.00 33.60 – 29.00 30.80 – 26.00

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