Tutorial 9
Tutorial 9
Tutorial 9
1. Waarom is dit moontlik om die nulhipoteses te verwerp wanneer dit eintlik waar is?
/ Why is it possible to reject the null hypothesis when in fact it is true?
2. Vir ’n gegewe steekproefgrootte, indien α verminder word van 0.05 na 0.01, wat sal
met β gebeur?
/ For a given sample size, if α is reduced from 0.05 to 0.01, what will happen to β ?
5. Wat is die boonste kritiekewaarde van die Z-toetsstatistiek by die 0.01 eenkantige
betekenispeil? Wat is jou besluit indien die berekende waarde van die Z-
toetsstatistiek 2.39 is?
/ What is the upper tail critical value of the one-sided Z-test statistic at the 0.01 level of
significance? What is your statistical decision if the computed value of the Z-test statistic
is 2.39?
Levine, D. M., Stephan, D. F. & Szabat K. A.. (2021). Statistics for Managers Using
Microsoft Excel. 9th edition, Pearson.
Kopiereg voorbehou / Copyright reserved
7. Veronderstel dat in ’n tweekantige hipotesetoets jy die waarde van die toetsstatistiek
Z bereken as 2.00. Wat is die p-waarde? Wat sou jou besluit indien jy die nulhipotese
by die 0.05 betekenispeil toets?
/ Suppose that in a two-tail hypothesis test you compute the value of the test statistic Z
as 2.00. What is the p-value? What is your decision if you test the null hypothesis at the
0.05 level of significance?
9. Gestel dat in ’n eenkantige hipotesetoets waar H0 slegs in die onderste stert verwerp
word, jy die waarde van die Z-toetsstatistiek as -1.38 bereken. Wat is die p-waarde?
Wat is jou besluit indien jy die nulhipotese by die 0.01 betekenispeil getoets het?
/ Suppose that in a one-tail hypothesis test where you reject H0 only in the lower tail,
you compute the value of the Z-test statistic as -1.38. What is the p-value? What is your
decision if you tested the null hypothesis at the 0.01 level of significance?
10. Die bestuurder van ’n verfvoorraadwinkel wil bepaal of die gemiddelde hoeveelheid
verf in 3.75 kg blikke werklik 3.75 kg is. Jy weet vanuit die vervaardiger se
spesifikasies dat die populasie standaardafwyking van die hoeveelheid verf 0.08 kg is.
Jy kies ’n ewekansige steekproef van 50 blikke, en die gemiddelde hoeveelheid verf
per 3.75 kg blik is 3.73 kg.
/ The manager of a paint supply store wants to determine whether the mean amount of
paint contained in 3.75 kg cans is actually 3.75 kg. You know from the manufacturer’s
specifications that the population standard deviation of the amount of paint is 0.08 kg.
You select a random sample of 50 cans, and the mean amount of paint per 3.75 kg can
is 3.73 kg.
(a) Is daar getuienis dat die gemiddelde hoeveelheid verskil van 3.75 kg? (Gebruik die
kritiekewaarde benadering en α = 0.01 )
/ Is there evidence that the mean amount is different from 3.75 kg? (Use the critical
value approach and α = 0.01 )
(b) Bereken die p-waarde en interpreteer die betekenis.
/ Compute the p-value and interpret its meaning.
(c) Stel ’n 99% vertrouensinterval van die populasie gemiddelde hoeveelheid verf op.
/ Construct a 99% confidence interval of the population mean amount of paint.
(d) Vergelyk die resultate van (a) en (c). Watter gevolgtrekkings kan u maak?
/ Compare the results of (a) and (c). What conclusions do you reach?
Levine, D. M., Stephan, D. F. & Szabat K. A.. (2021). Statistics for Managers Using
Microsoft Excel. 9th edition, Pearson.
Kopiereg voorbehou / Copyright reserved
11. OTM’s moet met genoeg kontant voorsien word. Indien te veel kontant egter onnodig
in OTM’s gehou word, gee die bank die geleentheid prys om die geld te belê en rente
te verdien. Gestel dat by ’n spesifieke tak die populasie gemiddelde bedrag wat getrek
word per transaksie R500 is, met ’n populasie standaardafwyking van R120.
/ ATMs must be stocked with enough cash. But if too much cash is unnecessarily kept in
the ATMs, the bank is forgoing the opportunity of investing the money and earning
interest. Suppose that at a particular branch the population mean amount of money
withdrawn from ATMs per customer transaction is R500 with a population standard
deviation of R120.
(a) Indien ’n ewekansige steekproef van 36 kliënte aandui dat die gemiddelde bedrag
wat onttrek word R550 is, is daar getuienis om te glo dat die populasie gemiddelde
onttrekkings nie R500 is nie, maar meer as R500? (Gebruik ’n 0.05 betekenispeil
en die kritiekewaarde benadering).
/ If a random sample of 36 customer transactions indicates that the sample mean
amount withdrawn is R550, is there evidence to believe that the population mean
withdrawal amount is no longer R500, but more than R500? (Use a 0.05 level of
significance and the critical value approach.)
(b) Bereken die p-waarde en interpreteer die betekenis.
/ Compute the p-value and interpret its meaning.
12. Die toelatingsregistrateur van ’n universiteit moet ouers van voornemende studente
van inligting voorsien rakende handboekkoste gedurende ’n tipiese semester. Hy
selekteer ’n ewekansige steekproef van 25 studente en teken hulle handboekkoste
aan vir die semester. Hy bereken die steekproefgemiddelde as R1577 en die
steekproef standaardafwyking as R216. Aanvaar dat die populasie koste van
handboeke per semester normaal verdeel is.
/ The registrar of admissions at a university must advise parents of prospective students
about the cost of textbooks during a typical semester. He selected a random sample of
25 students and recorded their textbook expenses for the semester. He then computed
the sample mean cost as R1577 and the sample standard deviation as R216. Assume
that the population cost of textbooks during a typical semester follows a normal
(a) Gebruik die 0.10 betekenispeil en bepaal of daar getuienis is dat die populasie
gemiddelde groter is as R1500. Gebruik die kritiekewaarde benadering.
/ Using the 0.10 level of significance, is there evidence that the population mean
is above R1500? Use the critical value approach.
(b) Bereken die p-waarde (a). / Compute the p-value for (a).
13. ’n Vervaardiger van flitsbatterye neem ’n steekproef van 13 batterye uit ’n dag se
produksie en gebruik hulle aaneenlopend totdat hulle pap is. Aanvaar dat die leeftye
normaal verdeel is. Die leeftye van die batterye (in ure) is:
/ A manufacturer of flashlight batteries takes a sample of 13 batteries from a day’s
production and uses them continuously until they are flat. Assume that the life times of
the batteries are normally distributed. The life times of the batteries (in hours) are:
342 426 317 545 264 451 1049 631 512 266 492 562 298
Levine, D. M., Stephan, D. F. & Szabat K. A.. (2021). Statistics for Managers Using
Microsoft Excel. 9th edition, Pearson.
Kopiereg voorbehou / Copyright reserved
By die 0.05 betekenispeil, is daar getuienis dat die gemiddelde leeftyd van die
batterye minder is as 500 uur is?
/ At the 0.05 level of significance, is there evidence that the mean life of the batteries is
less than 500 hours?
14. Die volgende data verteenwoordig die inhoud van gaskoeldrank in ’n steekproef van
50 agtereenvolgende 2-liter bottels. Die resultate, wat horisontaal gelys word in
dieselfde volgorde as waarin die bottels gevul is, is:
/ The following data represent the amount of soft drink filled in a sample of 50
consecutive 2-liter bottles. The results, listed horizontally in the order of being filled, are:
2.109 2.086 2.066 2.075 2.065 2.057 2.052 2.044 2.036 2.038
2.031 2.029 2.025 2.029 2.023 2.020 2.015 2.014 2.013 2.014
2.012 2.012 2.012 2.010 2.005 2.003 1.999 1.996 1.997 1.992
1.994 1.986 1.984 1.981 1.973 1.975 1.971 1.969 1.966 1.967
1.963 1.957 1.951 1.951 1.947 1.941 1.941 1.938 1.908 1.894.
15. Indien n = 200 en x = 50, stel ’n 95% vertrouensinterval vir die populasieproporsie
/ If n = 200 and x = 50, construct a 95% confidence interval estimate of the population
16. Om die probleem van die gebruik van selfone tydens bestuur te bestudeer (“Drivers
Using Cell Phones Have Problems”, USA Today, May 16, 2001, 1A), is ’n opname
gemaak van bestuurders wat selfone gebruik. In die opname het 46% van die
respondente rapporteer dat hul al moes uitdraai, en 10% het aangedui dat hul iemand
ken wat in ’n ongeluk betrokke was terwyl hul besig was met ’n gesprek op hul selfone.
Gestel die opname was gebaseer op 500 respondente.
/ To study the problem of using cell phones while driving (“Drivers Using Cell Phones
Have Problems”, USA Today, May 16, 2001, 1A), a survey of drivers who use cell phones
was conducted. In the survey, 46% of the respondents reported having to swerve and
10% knew someone who was involved in an accident while talking on a cell phone.
Suppose the survey was based on 500 respondents.
Levine, D. M., Stephan, D. F. & Szabat K. A.. (2021). Statistics for Managers Using
Microsoft Excel. 9th edition, Pearson.
Kopiereg voorbehou / Copyright reserved
(a) Stel ’n 95% vertrouensinterval op vir die proporsie van alle motorbestuurders
wat moes uitdraai.
/ Construct a 95% confidence interval for the proportion of all drivers who have had
to swerve.
(b) Stel ’n 99% vertrouensinterval op vir die proporsie van alle motorbestuurders wat
iemand ken wat in ’n ongeluk betrokke was terwyl hul besig was met ’n gesprek
op hul selfone.
/ Construct a 99% confidence interval for the proportion of all drivers who know
someone who had been involved in an accident while talking on a cell phone.
17. Indien daar in ’n ewekansige steekproef van 400 items 88 defektief is, wat is die
steekproefproporsie defektiewe items? Indien die nulhipotese is dat 20% van die
items in die populasie defektief is, wat is die waarde van die Z-toetsstatistiek?
/ If, in a random sample of 400 items, 88 are defective, what is the sample proportion of
defective items? If the null hypothesis is that 20% of the items in the population are
defective, what is the value of the Z-test statistic?
18. ’n Joernaal-artikel impliseer dat meer as die helfte van alle Suid-Afrikaners sal verkies
om eerder R100 te ontvang as ’n dag verlof by die werk. Hierdie stelling is gebaseer
op ’n steekproef waarin 593 uit 1040 respondente aangedui het dat hulle eerder die
R100 sal verkies.
/ A journal paper implies that more than half of all South Africans would prefer being
given R100 rather than a day off from work. This statement is based on a survey in which
593 of 1040 respondents indicated that they would rather have the R100.
(a) By die 0.05 betekenispeil, is daar getuienis, gebaseer op die steekproefdata, dat
meer as die helfte van alle Suid-Afrikaners eerder R100 sal wil hê as ’n dag verlof
by die werk? Gebruik die kritiekewaarde benadering om die hipotesetoets te doen.
/ At the 0.05 level of significance, is there evidence, based on the survey data, that
more than half of all South Africans would rather have R100 than a day off from
work? Use the critical value approach to perform this hypothesis test.
(b) Bereken die p-waarde en interpreteer die betekenis.
/ Compute the p-value and interpret its meaning.
Levine, D. M., Stephan, D. F. & Szabat K. A.. (2021). Statistics for Managers Using
Microsoft Excel. 9th edition, Pearson.
Kopiereg voorbehou / Copyright reserved
20. Meeste banke maak gebruik van kredietgradering om lenings toe te staan. ʼn Bank wil
vasstel of bestuurders wat die kredietgradering omseil tot verliese gelei het. Die
rekenmeester neem ʼn ewekansige steekproef van 85 van die 1864 lenings wat
toegeken is nadat die bestuurder die kredietgradering omseil het. Die aantal lenings
wat nie terugbetaal is nie, is vyf. Bereken die 90% vertrouensinterval van die totale
aantal lenings wat toegestaan is deur die kredietgradering te omseil wat nie
terugbetaal is nie.
/ Most banks use credit scoring to make decisions about loan requests. A bank wants to
determine whether managers that override the credit scorecard has led to losses. The
accountant took a random sample of 85 of the 1864 loans that were granted after the
manager overrode the credit scorecard. The number of loans that resulted in a default
was five. Calculate the 90% confidence interval of the total number of loans granted by
overriding the scorecard that resulted in default.
Indien jy bereid is om ’n α = 0.01 risiko vir ’n Tipe I fout te aanvaar, bereken die
onderskeidingsvermoë van die toets en die waarskynlikheid van ’n Tipe II fout ( β )
indien die populasiegemiddelde hoeveelheid wat vrygestel word in werklikheid:
/ If you are willing to have an α = 0.01 risk of committing a Type I error, compute the
power of the test and the probability of a Type II error ( β ) if the population mean
amount dispensed is actually:
(c) 197 ml per koppie is. / 197 ml per cup.
(d) 194 ml per koppie is. / 194 ml per cup.
(e) Vergelyk die resultate in (a) en (b) met die resultate in (c) and (d). Watter
gevolgtrekkings kan jy maak?
/ Compare the results in (a) and (b) with (c) and (d). What conclusions can you
Levine, D. M., Stephan, D. F. & Szabat K. A.. (2021). Statistics for Managers Using
Microsoft Excel. 9th edition, Pearson.
Kopiereg voorbehou / Copyright reserved
22. ’n Motorbandvervaardiger produseer hoë-werkverrigting bande met ’n gemiddelde
leeftyd van ten minste 25 000 km wanneer die vervaardigingsproses in-kontrole is.
Uit vorige ervaring is die standaardafwyking van die bande se leeftyd 3 500 km. Die
bestuurder stop die vervaardigingsproses indien daar bewyse is dat die gemiddelde
leeftyd minder as 25 000 km is. Indien jy ’n ewekansige steekproef van 100
motorbande (wat aan destruktiewe toetsing onderwerp sal word) selekteer en bereid
is om ’n α = 0.05 risiko vir ’n Tipe I fout te neem, bereken die onderskeidingsvermoë
van die toets en die waarskynlikheid om ’n Tipe II fout ( β ) te begaan indien die
populasiegemiddelde leeftyd van die bande in werklikheid:
/ A tyre manufacturer produces high performance tyres that have a mean life of at least
25 000 km when the production process is in-control. Based on past experience, the
standard deviation of the tyres is 3 500 km. The operations manager stops the
production process if there is evidence that the mean life is below 25 000 km. If you select
a random sample of 100 tyres (to be subjected to destructive testing) and you are willing
to have an α = 0.05 risk of committing a Type I error, compute the power of the test and
the probability of a Type II error ( β ) if the population mean life time of the tyres is
(a) 24 000 km is. / 24 000 km.
(b) 24 900 km is. / 24 900 km.
Levine, D. M., Stephan, D. F. & Szabat K. A.. (2021). Statistics for Managers Using
Microsoft Excel. 9th edition, Pearson.
Kopiereg voorbehou / Copyright reserved