Iso+11228 1 2021
Iso+11228 1 2021
Iso+11228 1 2021
STANDARD 11228-1
Second edition
Reference number
ISO 11228-1:2021(E)
© ISO 2021
Copyright by ISO. Reproduced by ANSI with permission of and under license from ISO. Licensed to Marco Cori. Downloaded 04/26/2022. Not for additional sale or distribution.
ISO 11228-1:2021(E)
Contents Page
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Risk reduction for manual lifting or carrying tasks...................................................................................................... 3
4.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.2 Risk assessment (step model).................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.2.1 Using the step model........................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.2.2 Recommended limit for manual lifting, lowering and carrying............................................... 6
4.2.3 Cumulative mass of carrying.................................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Risk reduction....................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.4 Additional considerations.......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Annex A (informative) Ergonomics approach to the design of lifting and carrying tasks...................... 11
Annex B (informative) Reference mass determination................................................................................................................. 17
Annex C (informative) Assessment method for recommended limits for mass, frequency
and object position.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Annex D (informative) Lifting index.................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Annex E (informative) Simplified model for RML and LI calculation............................................................................. 29
Annex F (informative) Multi-task manual lifting................................................................................................................................. 31
Annex G (informative) Examples of manual handling of objects........................................................................................ 42
Annex H (informative) Carrying............................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Annex I (informative) Exposure and risk: the basis for Table D.1..................................................................................... 55
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 61
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 159, Ergonomics, Subcommittee SC 3,
Anthropometry and biomechanics.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 11228-1:2003), which has been
technically revised.
The main changes to the previous edition are as follows:
— revision of the scope to include lowering;
— expansion of the risk estimation;
— expansion of Annexes A, B and C;
— addition of Annexes D to I to include updated information; expansions of the RNLE (revised NIOSH
lifting equation); more examples for lifting and carrying; detailed information on the scientific
background and recommended interpretation of the RNLE.
A list of all parts in the ISO 11228 series can be found on the ISO website.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at
0.1 General
The ISO 11228 series establishes ergonomic recommendations for different dynamic manual handling
tasks. It provides information for designers, employers, employees and others involved in work, job and
product design. The ISO 11228 series provides information on the evaluation of static postures.
Disorders of the musculoskeletal system are common worldwide and one of the most frequent
disorders in occupational health. The risk-assessment model in this document allows the estimation
of the risk associated with a manual material handling task. It takes into consideration the hazards
(unfavourable conditions) related to manual handling tasks and the time spent performing them.
Unfavourable conditions can include factors such as the size and mass of the object being handled,
working posture (e.g. twisting, bending, overreaching), quality of grip on items, and the frequency and
duration of manual handling. Any of these can, alone or in combination, lead to a hazardous handling
activity and increase the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. Accordingly, these factors are considered
when determining a recommended safe limit of the mass of objects being handled.
The method of determination of safe recommended limits in this document is based on the integration
of data derived from four major research approaches, namely the epidemiological, the biomechanical,
the physiological and the psychophysical approach.
0.2 The ergonomic approach
0.2.1 General
Ergonomics pursues the specific goals of optimizing human well-being and overall system performance.
This is achieved through contributions to the design and evaluation of tasks, jobs, production,
environment and systems in order to make them compatible with the needs, abilities and limitations
of people. It strives to design or to modify a work system to accommodate, as far as possible, a broad
range of people in order to meet the needs of workers with various characteristics, including people
with special requirements. Thus, the development of special solutions for individuals can be minimized.
Achieving these goals also contributes to organizational sustainability and social responsibility.
Manual handling tasks in the workplace occur within the context of work systems. Interactions of
humans with items, information, environment and other people must be taken into consideration when
designing or modifying tasks and work areas. The ergonomics approach can be used to prevent manual-
handling-related injuries from occurring by being used proactively in the design of processes, systems
or work organization, in addition to when modifications to existing systems are being considered.
The ergonomic approach considers tasks in their entirety, taking into account a range of relevant
factors including the nature of the task, the characteristics of objects handled, the working environment
and the individuals performing the task. It considers environmental conditions (e.g. lighting, noise,
temperature), as well as an individual’s characteristics and experiences. An individual’s characteristics
include physical and mental capabilities, skills, work techniques, behaviour and their perception of the
work environment and its social characteristics.
0.2.2 Organizational considerations
Work organization (e.g. task duration, job duration, recovery time, shift patterns) is a contributing
factor in the prevention or development of musculoskeletal disorders. For example, recovery periods
help to mitigate possible muscular fatigue and help to avoid the overuse of similar muscle groups over
the duration of the work shift. Job rotation, job diversification and job enlargement are all methods of
structuring the work to facilitate variation and recovery within the work period.
Work organization includes appropriate training of workers, including how to safely perform tasks,
how to recognize and respond to hazardous conditions in workplaces, and which procedures and
communication channels to use to report and correct hazards. Regularly and properly maintained
equipment and facilities contribute to safer work, including manual handling tasks. The selection of
equipment and supplies which are appropriate for the workplace and task conditions helps to make
work demands safer.
0.2.3 Psychological health and safety and the ergonomics approach
The ergonomics approach considers the cognitive or psychological demands on humans, as well
as the psychosocial environment in which work takes place. Psychological response to work and
workplace conditions (psychosocial factors) has an important influence on mental, physiological and
musculoskeletal health. Psychosocial factors in the workplace include the design, organization and
management of work, work content, job complexity, job demands (cognitive and physical), job content
and the overall social environment (i.e. the context of work).
Undesirable psychosocial aspects of a job can include:
— little or no control over work methods or organization;
— high levels of attention and concentration required;
— poor use of skills;
— little or no involvement in decision-making;
— repetitive, monotonous tasks only;
— machine- or system-paced work;
— work demands perceived as excessive;
— payment systems which encourage working too quickly or without breaks;
— work systems that limit opportunities for social interaction;
— high levels of effort not balanced by sufficient reward (e.g. resources, remuneration, self-esteem,
— no training and skill enhancement encouraged or supported;
— poor co-worker or supervisory support.
Many of the effects of these factors on workers occur via stress-related processes, which can in turn
have a direct effect on biochemical and physiological responses, which can increase the likelihood of
experiencing musculoskeletal injury. Thus, for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs),
these psychosocial stressors should be controlled in addition to the biomechanical risk factors. For
more information on the effects of the psychosocial stressors on MSDs, see References [63] to [66]. For
further information on psychological health and safety in the workplace, see References [1] to [42]
1 Scope
This document specifies recommended limits for manual lifting, lowering and carrying while taking into
account the intensity, the frequency and the duration of the task. It is designed to provide requirements
and recommendations on the assessment of several task variables, allowing the health risks for the
working population to be evaluated.
This document applies to manual handling of objects with a mass of 3 kg or more and to moderate
walking speed, i.e. 0,5 m/s to 1,0 m/s on a horizontal level surface.
This document is based on an 8 h working day, but also covers more prolonged working times, up to
12 h. It also addresses the analysis of combined lifting, lowering and carrying tasks in a shift during a
This document does not cover the holding of objects (without walking), the pushing or pulling of objects
or manual handling while seated. The pushing and pulling of objects are covered in the other parts of
the ISO 11228 series.
This document does not cover handling people or animals. (For further information on handling people,
refer to ISO/TR 12296.)
This document does not address the manual lifting of objects while using lift-assistive devices such as
exoskeletons and does not address the needs of pregnant women or persons with disabilities.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
manually (i.e. without using mechanical assistance) moving an object from its initial position
Note 1 to entry: Included in lifting.
manually (i.e. without using mechanical assistance) moving an object which is held with either one or
two hands, or positioned on one or two shoulders or on the neck, by walking one metre or more
Note 1 to entry: Does not include the use of backpacks.
risk assessment
overall process comprising a risk analysis and risk evaluation
reference conditions
set of conditions (environmental, physical, biomechanical and task-design-related) which are
considered to be the ideal conditions for safe manual handling to take place
Note 1 to entry: See 4.2.1,, A.4 and H.1 for detailed definitions of lifting and carrying conditions.
repetitive lifting
lifting an object more than once every 10 min
Note 1 to entry: Infrequent lifting at one lift every 10 min is defined in Reference [57], where a multiplier of 1,0 is
applied for all duration scenarios at a frequency of 1 lift per 10 min.
mid-sagittal plane
vertical plane in the anterior-posterior direction that divides a person assuming a neutral body posture
into equal left and right halves
Note 1 to entry: See Figure C.1
Note 2 to entry: A neutral body posture is an upright standing posture with the arms hanging freely by the side
of the body.
plane of asymmetry
vertical plane passing through the midpoint of the line between the inner ankle bones and the centre
of gravity of the load when the load is at its most extreme displacement from the neutral, mid-sagittal
angle of asymmetry
angle formed between the lines that result from the intersections of the mid-sagittal plane and the
plane of asymmetry
Note 1 to entry: If the feet are repositioned during the lift or lower sequence, the referent planes shall be
determined at the point in the action sequence where the largest degree of asymmetrical twist is encountered
(see Figure C.1).
reference mass
mass considered appropriate for use with an identified user population during the application of the
risk-assessment method described herein
cumulative carried mass
product of the carried mass and the carrying frequency
Note 1 to entry: The cumulative mass for carrying is defined in kilograms per minute to represent the risk for
short-term carrying, in kilograms per hour to represent the risk for medium-term carrying and in kilograms per
8 h to represent the risk for long-term carrying.
recovery time
time used for determining the work/recovery pattern, which is the period of light work activity Note 1
to entry: Light work activity can include monitoring activities, light assembly work using the upper
limbs, work not involving lifting or lowering or carrying > 3 kg, and work not involving pushing or
4.1 General
Risk assessment is the overall process of risk identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation, the results
of which are ultimately used in the effort to reduce risk. The goal in manual materials handling risk
reduction is to take measures to improve the design of the task, the object and the working environment
relative to the characteristics of the individuals performing the work.
In those cases where manual handling cannot be avoided, a risk assessment shall be completed to
determine if, and to what extent, modifications are recommended. The risk assessment takes into
account the mass of the object, the grip on the object, the position of the object relative to the position of
the body, and the frequency and duration of a specific task.
The risk assessment is accomplished using the step-by-step approach illustrated in Figure 1 (step
model). With each successive step, the evaluator analyses the interrelated aspects of the tasks.
If recommended limits are exceeded, the task shall be adapted in such a way that all questions in the
step-by-step approach are satisfied.
Employees engaged in manual handling should be provided with adequate information and training on
how to perform these tasks safely. The provision of this information and training does not, in isolation,
ensure safe manual handling in all cases. However, it is an integral part of the ergonomics approach,
and the risk of injury can be reduced by adopting safe ways of manual handling (see A.6).
The step model illustrated in Figure 1 describes the steps involved in beginning, and working through,
a risk assessment of manual handling tasks, including lifting and carrying. Initially, the mass of the
object being handled is determined; if it is more than 3 kg, the risk assessment is continued. The task is
further analysed to determine if the mass exceeds recommended limits for handling (step 1).
The user shall make modifications where limits are exceeded. In those tasks where lifting and carrying
is repetitive, the assessment is continued using the quick assessment procedure (step 2). Based on the
outcome of step 2, the task will possibly:
— require immediate modifications for safety (see Annex A for further information);
— be determined to be acceptable; or
— need further, more detailed, risk evaluation (step 3).
Step 3 is also used for evaluating tasks which take place using non-ideal postures.
The reference condition of manual lifting and lowering posture for manual handling is:
— an upright symmetrical trunk posture (no twisting or lateral bending);
— sagittal trunk inclination of no more than 15° (the minimum inclination observable with the human
eye) from the vertical to accommodate the natural posture of the back;
— the horizontal distance between the object being handled and the centre of mass of the worker as
close as possible;
— the grip height lying within knuckle and elbow height for lifting or between knuckle and shoulder
height for carrying (for anthropometric measurements see ISO 7250-3).
Steps 4 and 5 assist with the further evaluation of the task for cumulative mass for lifting and carrying.
m mass of object to be lifted
Mref reference mass for identified user population group
Mcum cumulative mass (carried)
dc duration (of carrying)
LI lifting index
Whenever an object of 3 kg or more is lifted or carried, a risk assessment shall be performed, beginning
with the initial screening, step 1. Note that throughout the text whenever the term “lifting” is used the
act of “lowering” is implied.
An initial screening of non-repetitive lifting and carrying (performed with reference conditions in
place) requires the determination of the object's mass (step 1). The recommended limit for the mass of
the object, referred to as the reference mass, mref, and based on population characteristics, is presented
in Annex B. For general guidance for designers and additional information related to step 1, see Annex A.
Screening of repetitive lifting and carrying tasks of objects of 3 kg or more is performed using the quick
assessment procedure.
The quick assessment procedure aims to identify, without the need for calculation, the presence of two
opposite exposure conditions:
— acceptable condition, where unacceptable risk has not been identified;
— critical condition, where unacceptable risk has been identified.
When either of these conditions is met, it is not necessary to perform a more detailed evaluation of
the exposure level. Instead, either no further modifications need to be considered (acceptable risk, see
Table 1 and Table 2) or modifications should be made immediately (see Annex A for guidance) due to the
presence of a critical condition (see Table 3). In either case, Table 4 shall also be referenced to identify
the presence of any unfavourable working environment or object circumstances which can further
increase the risk of the task (additional factors).
When neither of the two extreme conditions is met, it is necessary to conduct further risk evaluation by
methods presented in step 3 (see
Table 1 and Table 2 are used for establishing the acceptable risk condition. If all of the listed conditions
are present (yes for each condition), the examined task is acceptable and it is not necessary to continue
with a risk evaluation. If any answers are no, then Table 3 shall be used to confirm if there are critical
conditions. If any of these conditions is met (a yes response), the task shall not be performed before
modifications are made.
In either case, Table 4 shall also be systematically used to identify the presence of any unfavourable
working environment or object characteristics which will potentially further increase the risk of the
task. These factors can be related to the work environment or to the object characteristics, and they
shall be addressed to help reduce risk.
Table 1 (continued)
Asymmetry (e.g. body rotation, trunk twisting) is absent No Yes
Load is maintained close to the body (e.g. where space between the body and No Yes
> 5 kg to 10 kg the item is minimized)
Load vertical displacement is between hips and shoulder No Yes
Maximum frequency: less than one lift per minute No Yes
More than 10 kg Loads of more than 10 kg are absent No Yes
If all of the questions are answered yes, then the examined lifting task is acceptable and it is not necessary to
continue the risk evaluation, except to review Table 4 for other factors to be considered.
If at least one of the questions is answered no, the evaluation shall continue (see Table 3 and Table 4).
Table 3 (continued)
Frequency of lifts[56] More than 15 lifts per min of short duration (manual han-
dling lasting no more than 60 min consecutively in the shift, No Yes
followed by at least 60 min of recovery time)
More than 12 lifts per minute of medium duration (manual
handling lasting no more than 120 min consecutively in the No Yes
shift, followed by at least 30 min of recovery time
More than 10 lifts per minute of long duration (manual han-
No Yes
dling lasting more than 120 min consecutively in the shift)
Critical condition for lifting or carrying: presence of loads exceeding the following limits (see Table B.2
for further information)
Females (20 to 45 years) 20 kg No Yes
Females (<20 or > 45 years) 15 kg No Yes
Males (20 to 45 years) 25 kg No Yes
Males (<20 or > 45 years) 20 kg No Yes
Critical condition for carrying: presence of cumulative carried mass greater than those indicated also
with acceptable conditions for carrying
Carrying distance (per
action) 1 m to 5 m over a 6 000 kg in 6 h to 8 h No Yes
6 h to 8 h period?
Carrying distance (per
action) 5 m to 10 m over a 3 600 kg in 6 h to 8 h No Yes
6 h to 8 h period?
Carrying distance (per
action) 10 m to 20 m over 1 200 kg in 6 h to 8 h No Yes
a 6 h to 8 h period?
Carrying distance (per
Carrying distance is usually more than 20 m No Yes
action) more than 20 m
If at least one of the conditions has a yes response, then consider risk as high and a critical condition is present.
Proceed with task redesign and continue to Table 4 to identify additional factors to be considered, and then con-
tinue to Annex A for identifying urgent corrective actions. (Step 3) Recommended limits for mass, frequency and object position
When none of the two conditions identified in step 2 is met, it is necessary to conduct a risk evaluation
(step 3) to determine the recommended limits for the task.
To determine the recommended mass limit (RML; Annex C) while taking into account working posture,
object position and lifting frequency and duration, use Formulae (C.1) to (C.5). These formulae take
into account task variables (characteristics of the task). A lifting index (LI; Annex D) is also calculated
for further risk exposure information. The analyst first checks if the RML for lifting is exceeded and,
if so, checks if the LI exceeds appropriate limits (Table D.1). If both are exceeded then the task shall
be adapted by changing the mass, the lifting frequency, the lifting duration or the object position.
Table D.1 provides interpretation of the results and consequent measures. Annex E reports a simplified
model for RML and LI calculation. Annex F reports procedures for analysing multiple manual lifting
tasks (composite, variable and sequential lifting tasks), Annex G reports examples of analysis of simple
and variable lifting tasks. Annex I reports a brief review of the relevant literature regarding the
interpretation of the lifting index and is the basis for Table D.1. General
For an object to be carried once for a modest distance (one or two steps or less than 1 m), only the limits
for lifting shall be applied as per steps 1, 2 and 3.
For screening the cumulative mass per day for carrying (step 4), the recommended limits in
and shall initially be used. Once this has been completed, limits recommended in for a
reference carrying condition shall be applied.
For determining the cumulative mass of carrying related to distance, time patterns and other
influencing factors, refer to (step 5).
The cumulative mass in a certain period is calculated as a product of mass and frequency of carrying.
These two values are limited in steps 1, 2 and 3. In this way, the reference mass cannot exceed a
maximum of 25 kg (i.e. mass shall decrease from 25 kg as the frequency increases) and the frequency of
carrying should never exceed a maximum of 15 times per minute (i.e. frequency shall decrease from 15
times per minute when the mass being carried is increased).
Reference conditions are described as carrying an object with two hands over a distance of 2 m, picking
up and setting down the object at height, where the pick-up and set-down height ranges between 0,75 m
and 1,10 m, with the full cycle including returning back to the start point empty-handed over the same
distance. The carrying exercise is performed in a comfortable indoor environment, on a hard, flat,
non-slip floor, without any obstacles in the way, and in a workspace allowing free body movement and
posture. No constraints are placed on the subject.
Reference conditions regarding distance, way back and environmental and workspace conditions shall
be adopted for carrying on shoulder(s) or neck. The height of picking up and object release is about
shoulder height (125 cm to 155 cm). Alternatively, these actions are performed by a co-worker, for
example a co-worker placing a load on the shoulder of another worker who then carries it.
With reference conditions in place, the recommended limit for cumulative mass of carrying is 6 000 kg
per 8 h. (Step 5) Recommended limit for cumulative mass of carrying related to time patterns,
distance and other influencing factors
For carrying with reference conditions in place, the recommended limits for cumulative mass
considering the different duration scenarios for carrying are presented in Table 5[11],[28],[36],[38].
Table 5 — Recommended limits in the carrying reference conditions for cumulative mass
related to carrying duration during the shift (for general working population)
Carrying dis- kg per min kg per 1 h kg per 2 h kg per 3 h kg per 4 h kg per 5 h kg per 6 h
tance > 1 m and ≤ 2 m to 8 h
Recommended limits
for cumulative mass 75 2 500 3 400 4 200 5 000 5 600 6 000
for manual carrying
To evaluate the cumulative mass carried, the duration of the carrying tasks in a period of time shall
be considered. Table 5 provides recommended limit values of cumulative mass based on time devoted
to manual handling (including loads that are both lifted and then carried) in the shift and represents
the product of handling different possible masses at different frequencies. For example, the limit of a
cumulative mass of 75 kg for a single minute can be achieved by a mass of 12,5 kg × 6 times/min.
When carrying conditions differ from the reference condition, recommended limits in Table 5 shall
be adjusted by applying correction ratios (multipliers) into the calculation. The multipliers represent
true conditions of the task as observed (e.g. carrying distance, height of pick up or set down and other
relevant conditions). Multipliers are provided in Annex H.
Annex A
A.1 General
Scientific knowledge stresses the importance of an ergonomic approach in removing or reducing the risk
of manual-handling-related injury. Ergonomics focuses on the design of work and its accommodation of
human needs and physical and mental capabilities.
In seeking to avoid injury from manual handling, it is pertinent to ask whether manual handling which
is hazardous or presents a risk of injury can be eliminated altogether. Those designing new systems of
work, or installing new plants, should consider introducing an integrated handling system that, where
appropriate, fully utilizes powered or mechanical handling rather than a manual system. It should,
however, be remembered that the introduction of automation or mechanization can create different
risks. Mechanization, for example, by the introduction of a lift truck, hoist, trolley, sack truck, chute
or pallet inverter, needs to be well maintained and a defect-reporting and -correction system should
be implemented. All handling aids should be compatible with the rest of the work system, effective,
appropriately designed and easily operated. Training concerning handling aids should cover their
appropriate usage, and knowledge of safe storage and procedures to be used in the event of breakdown.
Training should also include techniques on appropriate body positioning when using the equipment.
Operating instructions and safety concerns should be clearly placed on the equipment.
If manual handling cannot be avoided, technical aids should be available. Handling devices such as
hand-held straps, slide mats, hooks or suction pads can simplify the problem of handling an object.
A.2.2 Workplace
The work area should be designed to minimize the amount of manual effort, thus reducing the need
for twisting, bending, reaching and carrying. The distance that both typical and infrequently handled
objects have to be moved should be taken into account, together with the heights between which objects
can be transferred.
Gangways and other working areas should be large enough to allow adequate room to manoeuvre.
Sufficient space is a prerequisite for efficiently carrying out work in appropriate working postures.
Also, the use of suitable mechanical devices often requires more room than manual lifting.
A person carrying an object should have a clear view ahead, unobstructed by the object. Lifting and
carrying on stairways and on ladders should be avoided.
It is important to provide adequate space around the object and in the gangways, as well as sufficient
headroom to avoid stooping postures while handling an object.
Floor or ground surfaces should be level, well maintained, not slippery and clear of obstacles to avoid
potential slipping or tripping accidents. The presence of steps, steep slopes and ladders can increase
the risk of injury by adding to the complexity of movement when handling objects. Debris and materials
(e.g. used wrapping materials) can also pose tripping and slipping hazards and should be cleared.
is not visibly apparent. In these circumstances, the risk of injury is increased since the handler can
unwittingly hold the object with its centre of gravity further from the body than is necessary.
Consideration should be given to using pack filling for objects liable to shift when being handled. Equally,
greater care is needed when handling objects which are inherently difficult to grasp. In addition, there
can be physical or chemical hazards which should also be indicated, for example the object can have
sharp edges, be too hot or too cold to touch, or contain materials or substances which can be hazardous
if spilled.
with heavier objects than some men. In those cases where neither manual lifting nor carrying can be
eliminated in the short term, special demands on the physical capability of the worker, regardless of
gender, can be necessary.
Young and old workers can have particular needs. For example, younger people are likely to be less
skilled. Older people are more susceptible to sudden strains due to a decreasing elasticity of parts of
the musculoskeletal system. With age, there is a reduction in physical capability, which becomes more
significant after the age of 45.
There is good evidence that an individual with a medical history of a back disorder is more susceptible
to recurrent episodes of back pain. Workers with a history of back disorders should be assessed and
monitored. Eventually, it can become necessary to make modifications to prevent further recurrence of
back problems.
Workers who suffer from spinal pathologies (Table A.1), both malformative and degenerative in nature,
both work-related and not work-related, that are influenced by biomechanical overload, should be
exposed to a lower level of manual handling than the general healthy population[18],[24],[25],[26],[62].
To accommodate these workers in workplaces, the reference masses given in Table B.1 which are
protective for almost 99 % of the population (10 kg or 15 kg) can be used for calculating the appropriate
RML and LI. This results in lifting conditions where the RML is not exceeded or the LI is less than or
equal to 1.
In particular, also considering the type and severity of spinal pathologies reported in Table A.1:
— for males with pathologies of medium severity, the RML and the LI are calculated using 15 kg as the
reference mass;
— for females with medium to severe pathologies and males with severe pathologies, the RML and the
LI are calculated using a reference mass of 10 kg;
Loads shall only be lifted vertically between the height of the knees and the shoulders, and the frequency
and duration of time assigned to lifting in the shift shall be limited.
It is important to recognize that these provisions for defining “acceptable” weights for lifting, by
subjects with spinal pathologies, be used with caution and using a practical approach, possibly involving
physician monitoring where appropriate. They are based on research-derived conclusions. However,
the effectiveness of individual measures to restrict exposure to risk on a case-by-case basis is required
in the field (through close follow-up of individual health and working conditions).
A good technique is one where the person is balanced, in complete control throughout the task, and
uses the minimum amount of effort to achieve, where possible, a smooth, uninterrupted movement.
When lifting or carrying the object, it should be kept as close to the body as possible and both hands
should be used. When applying effort, jerky or twisting movements and stooped postures should be
Annex B
Table B.2 — Suggested reference masses, mref, considering gender and age, in the general
healthy working population[18],[31],[38],[39],[42],[43]
Working population by gender and age Reference mass
Females (aged 20 to 45) 20 kg
Females (aged < 20 or > 45) 15 kg
Males (aged 20 to 45) 25 kg
Males (aged < 20 or > 45) 20 kg
NOTE Table B.2 is included in step 1.
Annex C
C.1 Assessment method for recommended limits for mass, frequency and object
C.1.1 Recommended mass limit
The RML is the mass of a load that nearly all people in a specific population of people can handle over
a substantial period of time without an increased risk of developing lifting-related lower back pain.
The formula used to derive the RML [Formula (C.1)] is a product of multipliers assigned to various
conditions (variables) present in the handling task. Formula (C.1) and the multipliers are described in
detail in this annex.
C.1.3.1 Assumptions
The primary task variables include the following information (see also Table C.1):
— RML;
— object mass, m, in kilograms;
— horizontal distance, h, in metres, measured from the mid-point of the line joining the ankles to the
centre of gravity of the object grasped.
NOTE The location of the centre of mass of the object is approximately the vertical projection of the
midpoint of the line between the hands at the grasping location in a two-handed operation or by the vertical
projection of the hand grasping the object in a one-handed operation. The location of the centre of the mass
of the worker is approximately the midpoint of the line between the inner points of the ankles.
— vertical location, v, in metres, determined by measuring the distance from the floor to the point at
which the hands grasp the object;
— vertical travel displacement, d, in metres, from origin to destination of lift;
— frequency of lifting, f, expressed as average number of lifts per minute;
— duration of lifting, in hours or, alternatively, in minutes;
— angle of asymmetry, α, in degrees;
— quality of gripping, c;
— one-handed operation, o;
— two-persons operation, p;
— extended (more than 8 h) manual handling time, e, in hours.
The first step towards the assessment of the acceptability (safety) of a lifting task is to compare the
mass of the object being handled, m, with the RML.
If m ≤ RML, it is a recommended condition.
If m > RML, it is not a recommended condition. In these cases, calculate an LI (Annex D), assess the level
of exposure and establish priorities according to Table D.1.
The RML is derived using Formula (C.1) which considers the impact of each task variable. These are
represented in the formula by “multipliers” (M) as follows:
RML = mref × hM × vM × dM × αM × f M × cM × [oM × pM × εM] (C.1)
mref is the reference mass for the identified user population group (Tables B.1 and B.2);
αM is the asymmetry multiplier, derived from Formula (C.5) (see also Figure C.1);
cM is the coupling multiplier for the quality of gripping (see Table C.3);
oM is the one-handed operation additional multiplier, to be used for lifts performed with only
one hand; if true, oM = 0,6; otherwise, oM = 1,0 (see also C.1.4);
pM is the two or more person additional multiplier to be used when two or more persons perform
the same lift; if true, pM = 0,85; otherwise, pM = 1,0 (see also C.1.5);
eM is the extended time additional multiplier to be used when manual handling is performed for
more than 8 h per shift; if true, see C.1.6 and Table C.5; otherwise, eM = 1,0.
See Table C.1 for an illustration of the factors and multipliers.
The multipliers for Formula (C.1) are obtained from Formulae (C.2) to (C.5) and Tables C.2 to C.5. If a
multiplier in Formulae (C.2) to (C.5) exceeds a value of 1, its value should be taken as 1.
0, 25
hM = (C.2)
If h < 0,25, then hM = 1.
If h > 0,63, then hM = 0.
vM = 1 − 0 , 3 × 0 , 75 − v (C.3)
1 vertical
2 mid-sagittal plane
3 asymmetry angle (α)
4 asymmetry line along the plane of asymmetry
5 projection from centre of gravity of load
6 mid-point between inner ankle bones
7 horizontal distance (from 6 to 5)
The RML formula needs to be calculated for the start-point of each task. If there is a definite precision
placement involved at the end then end-point calculations will possibly be necessary. In these cases,
the lower RML value (between the start and end points) should be used in the analysis and for the
computation of the LI (Annex D). If the item is thrown or dropped into place without undue stress on
the body in the extended position, then calculating the end-point value is not strictly necessary.
To decide if an asymmetry multiplier < 1 should be assigned, observe the “primary” working position
of the worker both at the origin and the destination of the lift. If the mid-sagittal plane coincides with
the plane of asymmetry both at the origin and at the destination (the object is always in front of the
body in the primary position and the worker uses their feet to change the primary position from origin
to destination), then there is no asymmetry (αM = 1). If the worker cannot use their feet to change
the primary position (for lack of adequate space or for high frequencies), then consider the angle of
asymmetry both at origin and destination.
The appropriate frequency multiplier, f M, is determined first by considering the continuous duration
of the repetitive lifting task and then considering the duration of the recovery period that immediately
follows the repetitive lifting task. The recovery period is defined as the duration of light physical work
following a period of continuous lifting. Examples of light work include activities such as sitting at a
desk, monitoring operations and light assembly work. Manual handling activities other than lifting (i.e.
whole body pushing and pulling) should not be considered as recovery periods.
The categories of continuous, repetitive lifting tasks, their durations and the required duration of the
recovery period that is to immediately follow the lifting task are provided in Table C.2.
It is critical to note that the combination of the work period and the recovery period shall be jointly
considered to be a work-recovery cycle, wherein the recovery period provides sufficient opportunity
for the worker to recover following a continuous period of lifting-related work. Accordingly, if two
successive work periods are separated by a recovery period of inadequate duration, then the worker
cannot adequately recover and the entire period (the two work periods plus the recovery period) shall
be treated as if it were a single, continuous work period. The impact of such circumstances is to make
the resultant work period substantially longer, resulting in the value for the frequency multiplier, f M,
being lowered.
The value of f M is then determined from Table C.3 The use of Table C.3 requires three components of
— the frequency of lifting (number of lifts per minute);
— the duration, t L , of the continuous, repetitive lifting task (note that the determination of the
frequency multiplier is based on the three duration categories: <1 h, 1 h to 2 h and > 2 h);
— the vertical location, v, of the hands on the object to be lifted at the beginning of the lift.
— Poor: if the criteria of good or fair quality of gripping are not fulfilled or the object is bulky, hard to
handle or has sharp edges.
Table C.2 — Continuous lifting tasks and their required recovery periods
Categories Duration, t Required recovery period
Short duration t≤1h 100 % of duration of the continuous, repetitive lifting task[51]
Medium duration 1h<t≤2h 30 % of duration of the continuous, repetitive lifting task
Long duration 2h<t≤8h No amount is specified; normal morning, afternoon and lunch
breaks are presumed
NOTE For respective frequency multipliers see Table C.3.
Table C.5 — Extended time multiplier, eM, for manual handling tasks lasting more than 8 h per
Hours (with MMH) in the shift ≤8 8 to 9 9 to 10 10 to 11 11 to 12
eM (extended time multiplier) 1 0,97 0,93 0,89 0,85
NOTE Only apply to RML calculation when the frequency is ≥ 0,2 lifts per minute and a long duration scenario is present
(from Table C.2).
Annex D
Lifting index
If LI ≤ 1, it is an acceptable condition.
If LI > 1, assess the level of exposure and establish priorities (see Table D.1).
The above equation for the LI is derived to include three additional metrics: the composite lifting index
(CLI), the sequential lifting index (SLI) and the variable lifting index (VLI) (see Annex F for detailed
calculation methods).
Annex E
E.1 Simplified model for calculating recommended mass limit and lifting index
The RML and LI can be calculated using a simplified approach (pen and paper) without manually
calculating the main multipliers with Formulae (C.1) to (C.5), but by deriving them from tables instead.
For this simplified risk evaluation, the procedure shown in Figure E.1 provides the quantitative
values for each influencing factor, next to the relative multiplier. When the numerical value does not
correspond to the one indicated in Figure E.1, use the closest number and corresponding multiplier.
Alternatively, find the closest interpolation. By applying the procedure in Figure E.1 to all the factors
(and multipliers) considered, it is possible to determine the RML for each job.
The next step is to enter the weight actually lifted (numerator) versus the RML (denominator) to obtain
the LI.
The LI is obtained by calculating the RML first [i.e. entering the appropriate reference mass (25 kg,
23 kg, 20 kg or 15 kg) and the various multipliers]. The actual weight of the object being lifted is then
divided by the RML, thereby showing the LI.
NOTE See Table C.5 for discount factors for working durations of over 8,0 h.
Figure E.1 — Simple model for the RML and LI evaluation in single lifting tasks
Annex F
Figure F.1 — Different types of lifting tasks and consequent computation approaches
a) Single task
b) Composite task
x origin
y destination
x origin
y destination
c) Variable task
x origin
y destination
Figure F.4 — Sequential task as a combination of a single, composite and variable task
Table F.1 — Sequential task: example of duration and distribution of tasks of Figure F.4 in a
480-min shift
Single Compos- Compos- Variable Variable Compos- Single
Break Lunch Break
task ite task ite task task task ite task task
45 min 75 min 10 min 45 min 65 min 65 min 125 min 10 min 60 min 45 min
1 1
∑ ∆LIn = ( FILI2 X ( FM1,2 - FM1 ))
1 1
+ ( FILI 3 X ( - ))
FM1 ,2 ,3 FM1 ,2
1 1
+ ( FILI 4 X ( - ))
FM1 ,2 ,3 ,4 FM1 ,2 ,3
1 1
+ ( FILIn X ( - ))
FM1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,…,n FM1 ,2 ,3 ,,(n-1)
NOTE 1 The numbers in subscript refer to the new LI task in order of relevance.
NOTE 2 The FM values are determined from the frequency Table C.3.
F.3.3 Calculating CLI (for a composite task with more than 10 subtasks) and VLI for
variable tasks
The procedure is based on a systematic assessment of the job using existing job and task data (for
durations, weights, workstation design and overall and partial frequencies) or probability distribution
data (for geometries and sub partial frequencies). The assessment requires knowledge of the total
duration of the lifting tasks during the work shift, number and weight of the different objects lifted,
number of workers who do the lifting, total and partial frequency of lifts and the work/recovery pattern
for the job.
a) Identify the mass (from 3 kg up to maximum, by increments of 1 kg) and the number of objects
lifted in a shift. The recorded weight of the masses is aggregated into a maximum of five weight
categories by dividing the span of weight values (i.e. maximum value – minimum value) by five to
determine the minimum and maximum for each category. A representative average (by frequency)
mass is selected for each category.
From the data collected (e.g. number of workers involved in the task(s), net duration of lifting in the
shift, total number of objects lifted during a shift, number of objects within each mass category lifted
during a shift), one can determine the net manual handling duration, the overall lifting frequency (per
worker) and the lifting frequency per each mass category.
b) Simplify the geometry variables according to these criteria:
— Vertical location (height of hands at lifting origin or destination). This variable is reduced to 2 areas:
— ideal area (good): hands are between 51 cm and 125 cm vertical height. The vertical multiplier,
vM, is equal to 1;
— non-ideal areas (low or high): hands are at or below 50 cm or above 125 cm (up to 175 cm)
vertical height. The vertical multiplier, vM, is equal to 0,78.
In cases where the vertical height exceeds the maximum recommended vertical height (>175 cm),
the lift is considered unsafe.
— Horizontal location (maximum hand grasp point away from the body during lifting). The horizontal
distances are simplified into 3 areas:
— near: horizontal distance is within 25 cm to 40 cm. The representative horizontal multiplier, hM,
is equal to 0,71 (for a representative value of 35 cm);
— mid: horizontal distance is within 41 cm to 50 cm. The representative horizontal multiplier, hM,
is equal to 0,56 (for a representative value of 45 cm);
— far: horizontal distance is within 51 cm to 63 cm. The representative horizontal multiplier, hM,
is equal to 0,40 (for a representative value of 63 cm).
In cases where the horizontal distances exceed the maximum recommended value (>63 cm), the
lifts are considered unsafe (no calculation is possible).
— Asymmetry (angular displacement of loads off to the side of the body): asymmetry is considered
collectively for each weight category. An asymmetry multiplier, αM, of 0,81 is assigned to all the
subtasks in a weight category if asymmetry of 45° or more is observed for over 50 % of lifting
actions in that category. Otherwise, the asymmetry multiplier is set to 1.
— Vertical travel distance (vertical distance between the height of hands at origin and at destination):
the contribution of this factor has been considered as non-influent. The corresponding multiplier,
dM, has thus been taken as a constant, equal to 1. Even if the vertical distance multiplier, dM, is set
as a constant, the height of the hands at both the origin and destination of the lift should always be
measured and considered.
— Coupling (quality or type of grip): the contribution of this factor has also been defined as constant.
Experience has taught that ideal couplings are very rare, so the corresponding multiplier, cM, is
defined as a constant equal to 0,90.
By adopting these simplifications and procedures, it is possible to analyse a variable lifting task scenario
and produce up to (and no more than) 30 sets of FILI and STLI values, one for each of 30 different
subtasks (five weight categories × two vertical location × three horizontal areas × one asymmetry
condition) (Figure F.5).
For each of these subtasks, an individual frequency of lifting is calculated or estimated by a statistical
approach and the subsequent frequency multiplier, f M, is derived from Table C.3.
Figure F.5 — The result of the adopted simplifications: a maximum of 30 potential subtasks
c) Aggregate the resulting LI and calculate the final VLI (or CLI with more than 10 subtasks).
30 subtasks with corresponding FILI and STLI is still too many. For correctly applying the variable
task analysis, it is necessary to further reduce and group the number of subtasks to six LI categories
(each with a representative FILI and STLI value) and then to apply the traditional CLI formula.
To this end:
— the entire set of FILI values are assigned into six LI categories;
— the LI categories are defined by assigning the FILI values according to “sextiles” of the corresponding
FILI distribution (16,66th, 33,33th, 50th, 66,66th and 83,33th percentiles values);
— consequently, the cumulative frequency of lifting for each of those six LI categories is also determined;
— once the LI categories have been aggregated, a representative FILI and STLI value is chosen within
each category and the categories are reordered (mean value for categories 2 to 6; highest value for
the first category).
The final VLI can then be calculated using Formula (F.2), similar to the traditional CLI formula applied
to the six LI categories.
VLI = STLI1 + ∑∆LIn (F.2)
1 1
∑ ∆LI = ( FILI2 X ( FM1,2 - FM1 ))
1 1
+ ( FILI 3 X ( - ))
FM1 ,2 ,3 FM1 ,2
1 1
+ ( FILI 4 X ( - ))
FM1 ,2 ,3 ,4 FM1 ,2 ,3
1 1
+ ( FILI 5 X ( - ))
FM1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 FM1 ,2 ,3 ,4
1 1
+ ( FILI6 X ( - ))
FM1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5,6 FM1 ,2 ,3 ,4,5
The VLI calculation is very difficult to complete manually and is best completed using dedicated
software. Free downloadable software is available at various websites[59].
LI1intr is the STLI of the most stressful task considering its continuous duration;
LI1max is the STLI of the most stressful task considering overall duration of all lifting tasks;
K = Σ ((LI1max × FT1)+(LI2max × FT2)+….+ (LInmax × FTn))/ LI1max;
FTj is the time (in min) in task j during the shift/480 min (i.e. 60 min × 8 h)
The SLI approach can be used for analysing lifting tasks that vary along periods longer than a day (a
week, a month or also a year). In such cases, the approach should be properly adjusted considering the
effective and proportional duration of each rotating task within the whole considered period as well as
the duration of tasks not involving manual handling activities.
Annex G
G.2 Example 1: A simple lifting task performed by one worker lifting with two
A worker has to lift boxes weighing 10,5 kg each from a conveyor belt to a shelf. He or she lifts 1 200
boxes in a shift but continuous periods of lifting last no more than 60 min systematically followed by
almost 60 min of light work. Practically, he or she devotes 240 min in the shift to lifting.
Figure G.1 sets out the data concerning the organization and layout of the task required to calculate the
risk associated with the given task
Lifting is performed using both arms. There is no trunk twisting during the lifts (no asymmetry). The
boxes have no handles, so the coupling is poor and there is significant control when placing the boxes at
the destination.
Figure G.1 shows two different distances from the body (horizontal locations): one at the origin (35 cm)
and the other at the destination (40 cm) of the lift. There are also two different heights of the hands
from the floor (vertical locations): one at the origin (100 cm) and the other at the destination (140 cm)
of the lift.
In general, but especially when there is significant control at the destination, the original RNLE (revised
NIOSH lifting equation) method proposes calculating an LI both at the origin and at the destination, with
the risk being represented by the worst of the two. In this example the worst condition is at destination.
Short duration
x origin
y destination
Figure G.1 — Example 1: Data concerning the organization and layout required to calculate the
LI in a simple task
According to data in Figure G.1, one can derive the multipliers from tables or calculate them using
Formulae (C.1) to (C.5).
In this example, the reference mass was set to 25 kg.
By applying the simplified procedure in Annex E, the model in Figure G.2 can be used for the worst
condition at destination. The resulting LI is 1,23.
Otherwise, always considering destination, the RML can be calculated with Formula (C.1) with:
mref = 25
hM = 0,25/0,40 = 0,625
αM = 1 − 0,003 2 × 0 = 1
Table G.2 — Sequence and duration of lifting tasks, light work and breaks for the case study in
an 8 h shift
Other Other Other Other
Lifting light Lifting light Lifting light Lifting light
task task or task task or task task or task task or
break break break break
Minutes 120 10 120 60 120 10 60 40
Start: End:
Shift starts/ends at
08:00 17:00
Notes Break Lunch Break
0 8 : 0 0 – 10:00 – 10 :10 – 12:10 – 13:10 – 15:10 – 1 5 : 2 0 – 16:20 –
Time in the shift
10:00 10:10 12:10 13:10 15:10 15:20 16:20 17:00
The containers have three different weights (6 kg, 8 kg and 13 kg.); the respective number of pieces
lifted during the shift is shown in Table G.3.
Table G.3 — Type of weights and number of cartons lifted by the worker during an 8 h shift and
consequent lifting frequency per type of weight
No. of containers Weight Frequency of lifts per minute
494 6 kg 1,18
1 235 8 kg 2,94
123 13 kg 0,29
1 852 All containers 4,41
Since 1 852 containers are lifted during a 420-min period, the overall lifting frequency is 4,41 lifts per
minute. The partial lifting frequencies for each type (weight) of container are as follows: 1,18 lifts per
minute for 6 kg containers, 2,94 lifts per minute for 8 kg containers and 0,29 lifts per minute for 13 kg
The duration for the job is categorized as long duration (continuous period of manual handling of
120 min + a break of only 10 minutes + 120 min of manual handling).
The lifting activities are performed at different heights (of the hands) at the origin and destination and
different horizontal distances. There is minimal lift asymmetry for all lifts (i.e. all objects are lifted in
front of the body resulting in an asymmetry multiplier of 1,0), and the hand-to-object coupling is poor
for all lifts (the coupling multiplier is 0,9). A significant control is present for almost all lifting actions.
Data regarding the geometry characteristics at the origin and destination of the lifts, by weight
category, is shown in Table G.4.
In this scenario, it is not possible to use the traditional multitask CLI approach since there would be up
to 50 different individual FILI values (or about 122 if one considers both origin and destination). Also,
the mean frequency of each type of lift would be very low (about 0,030 to 0,036 lifts per minute).
Since the traditional CLI approach cannot work, the proposed VLI approach (see F.3), using weight and
geometries simplifications, should be used to assess the task.
The reference mass for this example was set to 23 kg.
In the presented example we have only three weight categories (6 kg, 8 kg and 13 kg). Each of them can
have two simplified variants for height of hands (good; bad) at the origin or destination. In turn, each
of them can have one, two or three simplified variants for horizontal distance (near; mid; far). Since
different horizontal distances per weight category are clearly identified at origin and at destination,
this results in a total of 14 individual subtasks, as shown in Table G.5. Table G.5 also displays the
corresponding weights, geometries, partial frequency and frequency multipliers, FILI and STLI values
for each of the 14 identified subtasks.
For determining partial frequencies of individual subtasks, a special procedure has been adopted
that takes into account, for each weight category, how many times the height of hands starts or ends
respectively in a good or bad area, considering small height intervals of 10 cm and then considering
how many times each height of hands (good; bad) at the origin or destination corresponds to different
variants for horizontal distance (near; mid; far) at both origin and destination.
The resulting frequencies of lifts for the various combinations of vertical height and horizontal reaches
(14 in this example) are reported in Table G.5.
Since 14 subtasks is still too many to use in the CLI formula, it is advisable to use the VLI concept and
To apply the VLI approach, subtasks and corresponding data (FILI, frequencies and STLI) are distributed
into six LI categories. These six categories are determined according to the distribution of the
individual FILI values (in this case 14 values) using preferentially the sextile distributions as key points
for grouping (in other terms, the values corresponding to the 16,6th, 33,3rd, 50th, 66,6th, and 83,3rd
percentile of the resulting FILI distribution). As a simpler alternative, six key points can be obtained
by dividing the range of FILI values (i.e. maximum FILI − minimum FILI) divided by six. However, this
simpler option has some disadvantages (i.e. some LI categories can be empty, the distribution of FILI
values can be not well represented).
In any case, the original frequencies of individual subtasks (14 in this case) are grouped into the six LI
categories. Single (category) LI values can consequently be calculated and used for reordering (from
highest to lowest) within the six LI categories.
Within each resulting LI category, a representative FILI value is chosen. In category 1 (the highest LI
category), the representative value chosen shall be the highest FILI in that category. The representative
values in each of the other five LI categories are the average FILI values. This ensures that the worst-
case (least-safe) scenario is included in the analysis.
Tables G.6 and G.7 display details of this procedure according to the previous example.
estimation procedures
Type of
Vertical height classifi- Vertical dislocation Horizontal distance clas- grasp Duration scenario
Asimmetry FIRML FILI cy STLI
and FM
Subtask Weight (kg)
cation and vM (dM = 1, constant) sification and hM (cM = 0,9,
1 6 L/H 0,78 G 1,00 N 0,71 A 1,00 P 0,90 11,5 0,523 0,17 LD 0,850 0,62
ISO 11228-1:2021(E)
2 6 L/H 0,78 G 1,00 M 0,56 A 1,00 P 0,90 9,0 0,664 0,17 LD 0,850 0,78
3 6 L/H 0,78 G 1,00 F 0,40 A 1,00 P 0,90 6,5 0,929 0,17 LD 0,850 1,09
4 6 G 1,00 G 1,00 N 0,71 A 1,00 P 0,90 14,7 0,408 0,33 LD 0,833 0,49
5 6 G 1,00 G 1,00 M 0,56 A 1,00 P 0,90 11,6 0,518 0,16 LD 0,850 0,61
6 6 G 1,00 G 1,00 F 0,40 A 1,00 P 0,90 9,3 0,725 0,16 LD 0,850 0,85
7 8 L/H 0,78 G 1,00 N 0,71 A 1,00 P 0,90 11,5 0,698 0,33 LD 0,833 0,84
8 8 L/H 0,78 G 1,00 M 0,56 A 1,00 P 0,90 9,0 0,885 0,33 LD 0,833 1,06
8 8 L/H 0,78 G 1,00 F 0,40 A 1,00 P 0,90 6,5 1,239 0,33 LD 0,833 1,49
10 8 G 1,00 G 1,00 N 0,71 A 1,00 P 0,90 14,7 0,544 0,98 LD 0,752 0,72
11 8 G 1,00 G 1,00 M 0,56 A 1,00 P 0,90 11,6 0,690 0,49 LD 0,811 0,85
A absent
CM coupling multiplier
DM distance multiplier
F far
FILI frequency independent lift index
FIRML frequency independent recommended mass limit
FM frequency multiplier
G good
HM horizontal multiplier
LD long duration
L/H low or high
M medium
N near
P poor
STLI single task lifting index
Copyright by ISO. Reproduced by ANSI with permission of and under license from ISO. Licensed to Marco Cori. Downloaded 04/26/2022. Not for additional sale or distribution.
Table G.5 (continued)
Type of
Vertical height classifi- Vertical dislocation Horizontal distance clas- grasp Duration scenario
Asimmetry FIRML FILI cy STLI
and FM
Subtask Weight (kg)
cation and vM (dM = 1, constant) sification and hM (cM = 0,9,
12 8 G 1,00 G 1,00 F 0,40 A 1,00 P 0,90 8,3 0,966 0,49 LD 0,811 1,19
13 13 L/H 0,78 G 1,00 N 0,71 A 1,00 P 0,90 11,5 1,134 0,20 LD 0,850 1,33
A absent
CM coupling multiplier
DM distance multiplier
F far
FILI frequency independent lift index
FIRML frequency independent recommended mass limit
FM frequency multiplier
G good
HM horizontal multiplier
LD long duration
L/H low or high
M medium
N near
P poor
STLI single task lifting index
VM vertical multiplier
ISO 11228-1:2021(E)
Copyright by ISO. Reproduced by ANSI with permission of and under license from ISO. Licensed to Marco Cori. Downloaded 04/26/2022. Not for additional sale or distribution.
ISO 11228-1:2021(E)
Table G.6 — Identification of key points by the sextile approach using the FILI data distribution
from Table G.5
First key Second key Third key Fourth key Fifth key Sixth key
point point point point point point
16,66th per- 33,33th per- 50th percen- 66,66th per- 83,33th per- Maximum
centile centile tile or median centile centile value
Key value 0,527 0,672 0,711 0,885 0,960
LI category
0,408 to 0,526 0,527 to 0,671 0,672 to 0,710 0,711 to 0,884 0,855 to 0,959 0,960 to 1,239
FILI frequency independent lift index
LI lifting index
Table G.7 — Relevant values for each FILI category using the key points from Table G.6 and the
consequent cumulated frequencies derived from Table G.5
FILI cate- FILI cate-
FILI category FILI category
FILI category gory gory FILI category
Category data (16,66th– (33,33th-
(<16,66th) (50th– (66,66th- (>83,33th)
33,33th) 50th)
66,66th) 83,33th)
Range of FILI 0,711 to 0,855 to
0,408 to 0,526 0,527 to 0,671 0,672 to 0,710 0,960 to 1,239
values 0,884 0,959
category FILI 0,483 0,604 0,694 0,805 0,907 1,239
Number of
subtask in each 3 2 2 2 2 3
Cumulative fre-
quency (lifts per
0,66 1,15 0,82 0,26 0,50 1,02
minute) within
the category
FM values
0,791 0,735 0,772 0,842 0,810 0,748
(long duration)
STLI (category)
0,611 0,822 0,899 0,956 1,12 1,656
Order by STLI
6 5 4 3 2 1
FILI frequency independent lift index
FM frequency multiplier
STLI single task lifting index
Using these data, organized in six FILI categories, it is possible to calculate the VLI by means of the
traditional CLI formula.
Based on the data presented for this example, the relevant data for calculating the VLI [with
Formula (F.2)] are reported in Table G.8.
Table G.8 — Relevant data for calculating final VLI derived from Table G.7
Connotation of Cumulative
Partial value
cumulative fre- frequencies of Corresponding FM
[(1/FMJ) – (1/ FILI STLI1 and ∆FILIJ
quencies by STLI categories (lifts (long duration)
order per minute)
FM1 1,02 0,748 1,239 1,656
FM1,2 1,52 0,698 0,096 0,907 0,087
FM1,2,3 1,78 0,672 0,055 0,805 0,045
FM1,2,3,4 2,60 0,590 0,207 0,694 0,144
FM1,2,3,4,5 3,75 0,475 0,410 0,604 0,248
FM1,2,3,4,6 4,41 0,409 0,340 0,483 0,164
FILI frequency independent lift index
FM frequency multiplier
STLI single task lifting index
VLI variable lifting index
Using data reported in Table G.8, the VLI for this job can be calculated with Formula (G.1):
VLI = STLI1 + ∑ ∆ LI (G.1)
STLI1 = 1,656
The final VLI value for the present example is 2,34 (considering a reference mass of 23 kg.).
The exposure level is considered as high.
NOTE The VLI calculation is very difficult to complete manually and is best completed using dedicated
software. Free downloadable software is available at various websites[59].
Annex H
H.2 Correction ratios and multipliers for carrying conditions other than
reference conditions
When carrying tasks are performed in conditions other than reference conditions, the threshold values
supplied in Table 5 shall be reduced. Correction ratios and multipliers have been established for the
influencing factors below that are beyond the reference conditions. These make it possible to adjust the
threshold values supplied in Table 5 to non-reference conditions. These correction ratios are presented
as multipliers.
— Where there is more than one influencing factor, only the two most unfavourable multipliers (lowest
values) shall be used.
— Where carrying is performed with only one hand, the recommended limits for cumulative mass in
Table 5 shall first be multiplied by 0,6, and then two of the most unfavourable multipliers (lowest
numbers) shall be applied.
Regarding the carrying durations and the load limits in Table 5, the kg per time interval represents
the total amount of mass carried within that duration regardless of the number of trips. The amount of
mass carried per trip and the number of trips can vary. Given that, in most cases, a carry also involves a
lift, the lifted mass is subject to lifting or lowering assessment.
Consider the average or modal carrying distance and apply the multipliers in Table H.1 accordingly.
Table H.2 — Correction ratios or multipliers for the height at which the carrying (not lifting or
lowering) effort is applied (handhold height)
Vertical hand position during carrying CR or multiplier
Conditions with hand position: > 75 cm to 110 cm 1
Conditions with hand position: 0,8a
40 cm to 75 cm or > 110 cm to 140 cm
Exceptional conditions > 140 cm to < 40 cm 0,4a
a Does not apply to shoulder carries where the weight of the load is borne by the shoulder and not by the hands.
Table H.3 — Correction ratios or multipliers for conditions in which the tasks are performed
Conditions in which the tasks are performed CR or multiplier
No risk-generating factor 1
One risk-generating factor 0,8
Two or more risk-generating factors 0,7
The following additional risk factors should also be considered in the general assessment of the task:
— ambient noise, noisy conditions;
— poor atmospheric conditions such as dust, fumes or smoke in the air;
— poor or damaged walking surfaces;
— physical obstacles in the carry path;
— limited head room;
— limited or constrained manoeuvre room;
— strict task pacing;
— multiple tasks being performed;
— quality requirements.
The information presented in this annex has been drawn from studies presented in the French standard
NF X35-109 and from German studies on carrying[11],[28],[36],[38].
Annex I
I.2 Summary of research on the relationship between LI and low back pain
(LBP) risk
I.2.1 Studies on generic LBP
A number of epidemiological studies (Table I.1) have been conducted to investigate the level and
strength of the association between LI values and adverse health effects, primarily low-back-pain-
related health outcomes in various working populations. In this subclause, some brief remarks on the
main results of these studies are synthesized to suggest to what extent the LI can be considered for
prevention of various LBP health outcomes.
Table I.1 — Epidemiological studies investigating the relationship between various types of LI
and LBP outcomes (in reverse chronological order)
Study Sample Age Study design Industry LI/CLI/ % reporting Main finding
size sector VLI values LBP/symptoms
Battevi, 3 402 Mean = 43,5 Cross-section- Manufacturing, VLI N/A VLI shows an
Pandolfi, al pharmaceuti- exposure-re-
Cortinovis cal and food sponse rela-
(2016) tionship when
VLI is greater
than 1,0
Pandalai, 138 18 to 64 Prospective Manufacturing Bayes 15 % reported A risk of LBP
Wheeler, factors for LBP during one- associated
Lu (2016) max and year follow-up with CLI
min CLIs values > 1,5
exists in the
study sample.
Garg et al. 258 19 to 65 Prospective Manufacturing Mean 48 % had Peak LI and
(2014) and WRTa peak task self-reported CLI are useful
CLI = 2,8 LBP during 4,5- metrics for
year follow-up estimating
risk of self-re-
ported LBP
Garg et al. 258 19 to 65 Prospective Manufacturing Mean 9 % reported Peak LI and
(2014) and WRTa peak task seeking care for CLI are useful
CLI = 2,8 LBP during 4,5- metrics for
year follow-up estimating
risk of sick-
ness absence
due to LBP
Kapel- 258 19 to 65 Prospective Manufacturing Mean 14 % reported Peak LI and
lusch et al. and WRTa peak task use of medi- CLI are useful
(2014) CLI = 2,8 cation for LBP metrics for
during 4,5-year estimating
follow-up medication
use for LBP
Lu, Waters, 78 Mean = 40 Prospective Manufacturing Mean 32 % reported The CLI > 2,0
Krieg and CLI = 1,5 LBP during one- can be useful
Werren year follow-up for predicting
(2014) LBP
Waters, Lu, 677 Mean = 36 Cross-section- Manufacturing 0 to 9,37 20 % Within a
Piacitelli, (19 to 68) al range of LI
Wer- from 1,0 to
ren and 3,0, there is
Deddens an expo-
(2011) sure-response
between the
LI values and
— Categorical LI data were used
N/A Not available
a The number is for jobs not persons.
In the early published studies on the validity of the NIOSH 1991 equation, Waters et al.[52],[56] found
that the increase in risk of reported low back injury was statistically significant with LIs greater than
2,0. The study[56] was conducted at an automotive manufacturing plant. Subsequent and expanded
published research utilizing larger worker samples across various industries have used LI and CLI as the
only exposure metric and have largely supported the earlier findings of an increase in low back injury
for LIs or CLIs over 2,0[40],[54]. The study[54] showed that on the basis of prevalence proportion ratios (a
way to take account of the various confounding factors in a cross-sectional study) for the categories of
LI ranges, the risk of low back injury in the LI or CLI ranges of 0 to 1 and 1 to 2 were virtually identical.
This can be indicative that there is very little difference in the risk associated with an LI or CLI between
0,0 and 2,0 for a variety of lifting tasks.
While the risks associated with the range of LI and CLI have not been unequivocal, a number of studies
have identified usable risk “thresholds” for the interpretation of the LI and CLI. In a study looking
at the incidence of work-related LBP as related to the LI and CLI of jobs for 750 material handling
workers[15], Boda et al. concluded that the LI/CLI design ideal of 1,0 would need to be increased by at
least 20 % to reflect the design intent of the original NIOSH publication[57]. In the most comprehensive
comparison to date[44], Potvin compared the NIOSH recommended weight limit (RWL, also RML) in
216 lift conditions to the specific biomechanical, physiological and psychophysical criteria used in the
development of the NIOSH equation. Potvin found that the RWL (RML) was found to be much more
conservative than expected with the average RWL (RML) actually being acceptable to more than 95 %
of the female population across a range of moderate lift frequency. This finding was consistent with
earlier research. Potvin concluded that, on average, the RWL (RML) would have to be multiplied by
1,68 (a 68 % increase) in order to produce a value that reflects the biomechanical, physiological and
psychophysical design criteria overall defined by the original NIOSH publication[57]. Taken together,
this suggests that a usable risk threshold between low and intermediate or high risk of LBP would fall
somewhere intermediate between CLI of 1,0 and 2,0. Pandalai et al., in a study[43] using prospective
data from 138 manufacturing workers and analysing CLI using a Bayesian random threshold approach
to estimate the probability of an increase in LBP as a threshold step function, found that a CLI of > 1,5
was associated with the risk of LBP.
I.2.2 2016 Italian study on CLI/VLI and acute low back pain (LBP) outcomes
In a large study performed in Italy by Battevi et al.[14], the health effect variable considered was acute
LBP episodes occurred in the previous 12 months. The variable was defined as presence of lumbar
pain with or without irradiation, obliging the patient to remain immobile for at least 2 days, or 1 day if
medication was taken. These types of episodes involved sick leave from work and served to differentiate
chronic LBP from acute LBP. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the LI (mainly VLI) in
predicting the risk of one or more acute LBP episodes in the past 12 months.
A sample of 3 402 study participants from 16 companies in different industrial sectors was analysed.
Of the participants, 2 374 were in the risk exposure group involving manual materials handling (MMH)
and 1 028 were in the reference group without MMH. The LI was calculated for each participant in the
exposure group. Occupational physicians at the study sites collected LBP information. In particular, a
subject was assessed as positive if she or he reported at least one episode of acute LBP in the last year
(12 months).
The risk of acute LBP was estimated by calculating the odds ratio (OR) between levels of the risk
exposure and the reference group using a logistic regression analysis. Both crude and adjusted ORs for
body mass index, gender and age were analysed.
Both crude and adjusted ORs showed a dose-response relationship. As the levels of LI increased, the
risk of acute LBP increased. This risk relationship existed when LI was greater than 1. In particular,
when considering adjusted ORs and using LI computed starting from a reference mass of 23 kg, the
results obtained are summarized in Table I.2 and Figure I.1.
Table I.2 — Association between LI (using a reference mass of 23 kg) and occurrence of acute
low-back pain in the previous year; mean odds ratio, upper and lower 95 % confidence limits,
adjusted for body mass index, gender and age
LI class Mean OR OR lower 95 % CL OR upper 95 % CL
LI = 0 1 = =
0 < LI ≤ 1 1,58 0,85 2,93
1 < LI ≤ 2 1,76 1,03 3,01
2 < LI ≤ 3 2,99 1,85 4,84
LI > 3 2,23 1,19 4,17
lower CL
upper CL
odds ratio trend
X LI range
Y odds ratio
These results and data show that, for a LI greater than 1 and up to 2, a mean OR of 1,76 exists and that
the corresponding lower CL (at 95 %) is slightly greater than 1, which stays for a significant difference
in the occurrence of acute LBP with respect to non-exposed. The OR is higher in the exposed to LI
between 2 and 3. When LI values exceed 3, the OR has a little decline with respect to the 2 > LI ≥ 3 class
(probably for a healthy worker effect) but is still high and significant considering the reference group.
These results confirm that, considering the health effect acute LBP, a LI of 1 is a good discriminatory
point between a still acceptable and a risky condition across all frequencies of lifting. However, when
just looking at frequencies of lift that are > 0,1 (greater than one lift per 10 min, the definition in this
document of repetitive lifting), the ORs for the LI is between 0 and 1 and between 1 and 2 show very
little difference and support a discriminating point between LI = 1 and LI = 2, such as 1,5.
I.2.3 Summary of German studies on spinal loading and lumbar disc-related injury
In a large two-step investigation performed in Germany, the so-called German Spine Study EPILIFT
and EPILIFT2[16],[46], the health effects considered were lumbar-disc herniation (prolapse) and lumbar-
disc space narrowing (chondrosis), accompanied by functional deficits, i.e. sensitive and/or motor radix
syndrome or local syndrome. The dose-response relation between occupational lifetime lumbar-spine
exposure to manual materials handling, intensive-load postures or both, on the one hand[31], and disc-
related degenerative diseases of the lumbar spine, on the other, was analysed in a population-based
multi-centre case-control study on 915 case subjects with lumbar diseases and 901 control subjects.
Adjusted, gender-stratified odds ratios and 95 % confidence intervals were determined applying
unconditional logistic regression analysis.
To address the problem of assessing an occupational-life risk induced by a wide variety of postures
and manual handling tasks (i.e. object mass, exerted force, action frequency and duration), each
potential overloading action was considered (≥5 kg object mass, ≥20 ° trunk inclination) via the induced
lumbosacral disc-compressive force. Besides this situational lumbar load, the cumulative lumbar load
was characterized by shift dose and lifetime dose as integrative measures. External exposure data (e.g.
object mass, postures, frequencies, durations) were gathered in comprehensive individual interviews.
In relation to lifetime doses which were categorized in tertiles, adjusted odds ratios were found up to
3,9 (CI 2,6-6,0) and 3,2 (CI 1,9-5,5) among the male prolapse or chondrosis case groups, whereas the
odds ratios amounts up to 2,5 (CI 1,6-3,8) and 3,0 (CI 1,3-6,8) were found among the female cases. In
total, positive dose-response relations were found for all four case groups, i.e. for males and females as
well as for disc herniation and disc-space narrowing. Specific lag-time analyses showed that even past
or early-in-life exposures contribute to the risk of developing lumbar disc-related diseases[45].
As cumulative lumbar-load dose models which are best-fitting the dose-response relations, the
following properties or thresholds were identified as best estimates to answer the questions:
— What is a too heavy object?
— What is a too disadvantageous posture?
— What work per day is too intensive?
— What actions are as hard as lifting and carrying?
A threshold value of 3,2 kN among men and 2,5 kN among women with respect to the disc compressive
force, 45° of trunk forward inclination for both genders, shift-dose thresholds of 2,0 kNh among men
and 0,5 kNh among women and, referring to lifetime doses doubling the risk, about 7 MNh among men
and 3 MNh among women. Push and pull activities were included[34],[46],[47].
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