WhAT iS CAffeine?
A geneRAl inTRoduCTion
It is most commonly consumed by humans in infusions
extracted from the bean of the coffee plant and the leaves of the tea
bush, as well as from various foods and drinks containing products
derived from the kola nut. Caffeine can be found most commonly in
coffee, tea, energy drinks, soft drinks, chocolate and some of the
The coffee
The world’s primary source of caffeine is the coffee “bean”.
Caffeine content in various widely depending on the type of coffee
bean and the method of preparation used; even beans within a given
bush can show variations in concentration.
Tea contains more caffeine than
caffeine than coffee by dry weight.
A typical serving, however, contains
much less, since less of the product is
used as compared to an equivalent
serving of coffee. An average cup of
tea contains around 50 mgs of caffeine.
oTheR BeveRAgeS
Popular South America drink “Mate”, Brazilian drink
“Guarana Antarctica” etc. Some so-called ‘energy drink’
contain very high doses of caffeine – equivalent to 4 or more
cups of strong coffee in one dose!
Chocolate derived from cocoa beans contains a small amount of
caffeine. A typical 28 g serving milk chocolate bar has about as much
as a cup of decaffeinated coffee. By weight, dark chocolate has one
to two times the amount of caffeine as coffee: 80 – 160 mg per 100g.
Higher percentages of cocoa such as 90 % amount to 200 mg per
100 g approximately and thus, a 100 g 85 % cocoa chocolate bar
contains about 195 mg caffeine.
One ounce or 25 g of chocolate contains about 10-15 mgs.
iS CAffeine A dRug?
Caffeine belongs to a group of drugs known as central nervous
systems stimulant, along with cocaine and
nicotine. It is not strong as one likes cocaine
but has the same addictive properties. People
can symptoms such as headache, fatigue,
anxiety, irritability, depressed mood and
difficulty in concentration.
Caffeine takes 5 to 7 hours to eliminate
half of it from your body. Someone who drinks
something caffeinated 6 hours before the bed
can experience insomnia.
CAffeine dRugS
Caffeine is sold in the form of tablets which offer several
advantages over coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages,
including convenience, known dosage, and avoidance of
concomitant intake of sugar, acids
and fluids. These tablets are
commonly used by student for
studying for their exams and by
people .
There are several products being
marketed that offer inhalers that
deliver proprietary blends of
supplements, with caffeine being ah
key ingredient. There is no safety
information about inhaled caffeine.
Caffeine consumption and its effects
How caffeine works
Caffeine is a powerful influence in our lives. Caffeine
wakes you up by fooling adenosine receptors. Adenosine*
To the nerve cell, caffeine looks like adenosine: caffeine
binds to the adenosine receptor. However, caffeine doesn’t
slow down the cell’s activity like adenosine would. As a result,
Some Commonly oBSeRved effeCTS of CAffeine
• It stimulates the cortex of your brain heightening the intensity of
mental activity. This can result in the temporary feelings of
alertness and, in the short term, banishes drowsiness and
feelings of fatigue. In those who already have high levels of
anxiety heightened intensity of mental activity can produce
unpleasant effects.
• Affects the length and quality of sleep. Heavy caffeine users
suffer from sleep-deprivation because their nervous system is
too stimulated to allow them deep, restful or prolonged sleep.
• Stimulates your heart, respiratory system, and central nervous
• Makes your blood more, ‘sludgy’ by raising the level of fatty acid
in blood.
• Blood flow to the stomach slows. Causes your stomach to
produce more acid.
• Irritates the stomach lining.
• Makes digestion less effective by relaxing the muscles of your
intestinal system.
• The liver releases sugar into the bloodstream for extra energy.
• Blood vessels on the surface constrict to slow blood flow from
cuts and increase blood flow to muscles.
• Raise blood pressure
• Causes messages to be passed along your nervous system
more quickly.
• Its diuretic effect caused increased urination – although you
would have to drink 8 cups of coffee in one sitting for this to
• The American Medical Journal has reported a correlation
between caffeine and decreased bine density or osteoporosis
in women.
The caffeine can cause a vicious cycle of problems in the long
term. For example, once caffeine- induced adrenaline wears off you
face fatigue depression. Another cup of coffee or energy drink can get
the adrenaline flowing again, but your body in a state of emergency,
jumpy and irritable all day long, isn’t very healthy.
The most important long- term problem with caffeine in its effect
on your sleep. That means that drinking a big cup of coffee containing
200 mg of caffeine at 3:00 p.m. will leave about 100 mg of that caffeine
in your system at 9:00 p.m. Adenosine reception, which is affected by
caffeine, is important to sleep, and especially to deep sleep. You may
be able to fall asleep hours after that big cup of coffee, but your body
will probably miss out on the benefits of deep sleep.
That sleep deficit adds up fast. The next day you feel worse, so
you need caffeine as soon as you get out of bed. The cycle, you have
to keep consuming the drug to put off n inevitable come down. Trying
to quit can leave you tired and depressed, fighting splitting headaches
as blood vessels in the brain dilate. These negative effects can be
enough to force caffeine addicts back onto the drug.
oveRuSe of CAffeine
In large amounts, and especially over extended periods of time,
caffeine can lead to a condition known as caffeinism. Caffeinism
usually combines caffeine dependency with a wide range of
unpleasant physical and mental conditions as discussed earlier.
CAffeine inToxiCATion
An acute overdose of caffeine usually in excess of about 300 mg,
depending on body weight and level of caffeine tolerance, can result
in a state of central or colloquially the “caffeine jitters”. The symptoms
of caffeine in toxication are not unlike overdoses of other stimulants.
It may include restlessness, flushing of the face, increased urination,
gastrointestinal disturbance, muscle twitching, a rambling flow of
thought and speech, irritability, irregular or rapid heartbeat, and
psychosis agitation. In cases of depression, hallucinations, and
psychosis may occur, and rhabdomyolysis (breakdown of skeletal
muscle tissue) can be provoked.
Extreme overdose can result in death. Death typically occurs
due to fibrillation brought about by effects of caffeine on the cardio
vascular system. The median lethal dose (LD50) given orally, is 192
mg per kg in rats. The LD50 of caffeine in humans is dependent on
wight and individual sensitivity and estimated to be about 150-200 mg
per kg of the body mass, roughly 80 to 100 cups of coffee for an
average adult taken within a limited time frame that is dependent on
half-life .
SignS of CAffeine AddiCTed
Very heavy caffeine use can produce the following:
1. ‘Caffeine nerves’ a jittery feeling with shaking hand,
palpitations, and wobbliness in the legs.
2. Caffeine addiction which involves nervousness, irritability,
agitation, headaches or ringing in the ears.
3. Causes your adrenal glands to release their hormones into your
4. Causes blood sugar, or blood glucose, to be released from
storage through the effects of the adrenal hormones. A later
effect can be excessive and chronic tiredness, even on waking
in the morning. Some people find that many of the psychological
complaints common to hypoglycaemia (the emotional yo-yo
effect, shakiness, palpitations, weakness, tiredness, etc.)
disappear within a few days of stopping caffeine.
CAffeine WiThdRAWAl SyndRome
The following symptoms were observed in common on the 3
members of society, I conducted the study on them. I choose them as
they drink coffee twice a day morning and in the evening.
ReCoveRy- WhAT The expeRTS SuggeST?
To avoid uncomfortable withdrawal effects, it is wise to ease off
caffeine over a period of 7-14 days to reduce the discomfort. Reduce
and then stop the richest sources (especially coffee) first. It is unwise,
particularly if you are a heavy use, to suddenly stop caffeine
When you stop caffeine, you allow your body to catch up on its
lost rest. This takes some time. Using caffeine to force yourself into
activity is like flogging an exhausted horse.
For the first few weeks after stopping caffeine you may find that
you are sleeping deeper for a longer. For this reason, it is a good idea
to allow yourself an extra hour per night for a few weeks, increasing
you feel drowsy during the day use breathing exercise lethargy in the
If you feel drowsy during the day use breathing exercise preferably
out of the doors, to alert yourself.