The Radiology Assistant - Knee - Meniscus Basics
The Radiology Assistant - Knee - Meniscus Basics
The Radiology Assistant - Knee - Meniscus Basics
Lateral meniscus 1/7
3/13/2019 The Radiology Assistant : Knee - Meniscus basics
Meniscal tears
Criteria for tears
Displaced Tears
Bucket-handle tear = displaced longitudinal
Flap tear = displaced horizontal tear.
Parrot beak = displaced radial tear. 2/7
3/13/2019 The Radiology Assistant : Knee - Meniscus basics
Longitudinal tears
Longitudinal tears parallel the long axis of the
meniscus dividing the meniscus into an inner
and outer part.
Therefore, the distance between the tear and
the outer margin of the meniscus is always the
same (figure).
The tear never touches the inner margin. 3/7
3/13/2019 The Radiology Assistant : Knee - Meniscus basics
Horizontal tears
Horizontal tears divide the meniscus in a top
and bottom part (pita bread).
If horizontal tears go all the way from the apex
to the outer margin of the meniscus, they may
result in the formation of a meniscal cyst.
The synovial fluid runs peripherally through the
horizontal tear and accumulates within the
meniscus and finally result in a cyst.
The connection with the joint space is often
Horizontal tear with a meniscal cyst lost, so they will not fill with contrast on MR-
The synovial fluid is absorbed and is replaced
by a gelatinous substance.
1. Horizontal tear.
2. Fluid accumulation with bright signal on
3. Flat lining against the periphery of the
Radial tears
Radial tears are perpendicular to the long axis
of the meniscus.
They violate the collagen bundles that parallel
the long axis of the meniscus.
These are high energy tears. They start at the
inner margin and go either partial or all the way
through the meniscus dividing the meniscus
into a front and a back piece.
Radial tears are difficult to recognize. You have
to combine the findings on sagittal and coronal
images to make the diagnosis. 4/7
3/13/2019 The Radiology Assistant : Knee - Meniscus basics
Post-operative meniscus
Post-operative Meniscus 1
The case on the left shows a meniscus with an
abnormal shape aswell as abnormal signal
touching the surface on PD but not on T2W-
This patient had a prior partial meniscectomy
PD and T2W images. Prior partial meniscectomy and
and a suture repair.
suture repair. At arthroscopy, there was no tear. On the basis of these imaging findings, it is
impossible to tell if this is a tear or a normal
postoperative finding.
This patient had another operation for ACL
The surgeon looked at the meniscus and the
meniscus was found to be normal i.e. no tear.
Post-operative Meniscus 2
This patient had a suture repair for meniscal
There was a new injury.
On the new MR, it is impossible to determine if
the old tear had healed.
LEFT: Old MR exam with tear. Patient had a suture However a new tear is seen, so this case is
repair. RIGHT: On new exam, there is a new tear
(yellow arrow). It is not possible to tell if the old tear
has healed.
Post-operative Meniscus 3
This patient also had a suture repair for
meniscal tear.
After a new injury, the PD-images show high
signal unequivocally reaching the surface of the
PD and MR-arthrogram after suture repair for meniscus (seen on the original films, but not
meniscal tear: healed tear. clearly seen on the compressed image on the
left). 6/7
3/13/2019 The Radiology Assistant : Knee - Meniscus basics
1. Rubin DA: Magnetic resonance imaging of On this image, it is not possible to tell if the
chondral and osteochondral injuries. Top Magn tear has healed.
Reson Imaging 1998; 9:348-359 So an MR-arthrogram was performed which
2. Rubin DA, Kettering JM, Towers JD, Britton CA: showed that the tear has healed.
MR imaging of knees having isolated and
combined ligament injuries. AJR, 1998; 170:1207-1213 7/7